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Festival Celebrations
In Jamaica, we speak a distinct dialect called Patois. It is mainly English however, it contains elements of Spanish, American (slang) and even Irish The word geansaí would have been used there also, but instead of it being a jumper, due to climate differences a geansaí would have been a long sleeve shirt or just a tshirt. Patois is considered broken English as we used similar words but in a different order It is only spoken in informal settings but at the bank or in a restaurant you would most likely hear English Birth and death are very important in Jamaican culture, for example, we have a local custom of burying infants' umbilical cords under a tree. It is done so that the person will always have a connection to their homeland in some way shape or form
Funerals are really big in Jamaica. We have a tradition called 9-Nights, where friends and family would visit the family for the deceased every day for 9 nights. During this time they would celebrate the life that was lived with goodbye songs, remembrance, storytelling etc
By Rocayra Vanga, TYC.
Jāņi / Līgo
Each year on the 23rd of June until the 24th of June, Latvians all around the world join together to celebrate Jāņi to celebrate rebirth and new life as the longest day and shortest night on the year commences. Based on ancient Baltic traditions, fertility, renewal and hopes of good luck are celebrated accompanied with many traditions that everyone partakes in with great joy. Broadly speaking, other European countries also partake in this celebration in their own unique ways.
Typically, Līgo is Celebrated on the longest day (the 23rd) with Jāņi following it up into the next day (the 24th). These two pagan celebrations go hand in hand to the point that many just call it Jāņi rather than separating the two. Overall, this celebration commends the Sun, praising it for bringing nutrients and for blessing the soil and the ground Thus, many traditions involve applauding the energy of the sun and fire.
By Millie Saukuma, TYC