Solid Waste Qual 2010

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Sol i dWa s t eSe r v i c e s

Ar c hi t e c t ur e La ndDe v e l opme nt Tr a ns por t a t i on Wa t e rRe s our c e s

Maguire Group Inc. is one of the nation's leading Architectural, Engineering, and Planning firms. For 70 years, Maguire has earned a reputation for providing excellence in service worldwide to meet the needs of government and private industry. Maguire offers professional services in Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Systems Engineering, Architecture, Civil and Marine Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Transportation Systems Engineering and Environmental Systems Engineering. Moreover, these services are complemented by in‐house specialty services which include: Planning (Environmental, Site, Community and Regional); Permitting; Survey; Geotechnical Engineering; and Power Project Management. Maguire, with a technical and administrative staff of over 200 professionals, is equipped to undertake complex projects requiring the orchestration of multiple disciplines. The growth and development of Maguire has been closely identified with the growing awareness of environmental issues in the United States. As environmental problems increase in number and complexity, Maguire has developed the engineering and planning expertise needed to generate solutions. Maguire has been responsible for thousands of studies, designs and construction service projects addressing a wide range of environmental problems and responding to the needs of people throughout the eastern United States.

Overview of Solid Waste Planning & Design Experience For over twenty‐five years, Maguire has gained extensive experience in all phases of solid waste management. This experience includes the design of some of the world's premiere Sanitary Landfills as well as state‐of‐the‐ art Resource Recovery Facilities and Material Recycling Facilities. Maguire's experience in waste management includes:

Materials Recycling Facility Design Maguire has designed Materials Recycling Facilities which have served an entire state (Rhode Island) and cities and counties throughout the United States. Those facilities have received source separated and commingled recyclable streams and have incorporated citizen dropoff facilities as integral elements of many of those designs. Maguire has also been in the forefront of including multi‐media recycling education and demonstration facilities within those designs. Those facilities have included recyclables processing equipment including automated separation systems (magnetic, eddy current, vibrating screens, etc.), balers, crushers and transfer compactors to optimize capital and operating costs. The results have been national award‐winning experience in implementing innovative Materials Recycling designs.

Materials Recycling Facility and Transfer Station Tompkins County, New York



Introduction Introduction

Thomas Hevner, PE, LSP Vice President ‐ Land Development 33 Commercial Street, Suite 1 Foxboro, MA 02035 508‐851‐1387 508‐543‐5157

Maguire is a leading designee of materials recycling systems and facilities design in the United States. Our recent Phoenix 320 TPD single stream commingle recycling system is state‐of‐the‐art in materials sorting, handling and baling technologies. Maguire's Montgomery County MRF and Rockland County MRF are award winners for design excellence. Maguire has provided full service engineering and architectural services for ten (10) MRF's with a combined processing capacity of 3,500 TPD, all of which remain in successful operation.

Phoenix Solid Waste Transfer Station and Commercial Waste Recycling Facility Phoenix, Arizona Recycling Program Planning Maguire personnel have designed recycling programs for volunteer organizations, commercial businesses, municipalities, and large regional groups (populations over 400,000) utilizing a Central Materials Recovery Facility. We provide services in feasibility assessment, markets evaluation, program design, detailed operation and maintenance collection cost estimates, and the development of contract documents to procure collection services. Maguire is designing recycling drop‐off facilities for rural communities and has direct hands‐on experience in comprehensive four‐season waste stream sampling programs for residential and commercial sectors. Materials Recovery Facility Hillburn, New York


Recycling Facilities

Transfer stations designed by Maguire have ranged in capacity from 40 tons per day to 1,500 tons per day. Maguire has maintained current "state‐of‐the‐art" expertise in maximizing equipment requirements. We have designed these stations by using a rehabilitation program for existing buildings, and by designing totally new facilities. Equipment used has included open top containers, compaction and handling equipment and baling options. Facility designs are evaluated to suit each community's special requirements and adapted to make optimum use of available sites.

Solid Waste Management Planning Maguire has developed solid waste management plans for communities throughout the United States. The firm has over 25 years of experience in this area and has an understanding of all current elements of solid waste management planning and their application in diverse areas and situations. Maguire's experience includes a close understanding of all types of State and local solid waste management regulations.

Sanitary Landfills Maguire has extensive experience in all aspects of sanitary landfill design and environmental permitting services. In‐house engineering staff performs computer modeling for storm waste management, leachate generation, slope stabilization and landfill gas generation. Landfill design services include single and double composite liner systems, leachate collection and treatment systems, leachate leak detection system and synthetic and natural liner and capping systems. Landfill design size range from 10 acres to 250 acres in size. Landfill Feasibility Study, Operations Plan and Closure North Haven, CT

Environmental Assessments In planning for any solid waste facility or disposal site, a major consideration is the understanding of all environmental and socio‐political considerations, which could hinder implementation and operation. Maguire has developed environmental assessments for all components of a typical solid waste management system and has on‐staff environmental specialists who concentrate on providing clients complete environmental evaluations, review assessments, and impact statements.

Landfill Gas Control and Recovery Maguire's landfill gas recovery experience includes planning, market analysis, project financing and design. Maguire's full‐service capabilities allow complete in‐house design of collection, processing, transmission and energy generation systems. Project locations are across the nation and overseas. Maguire is especially proud


Transfer Stations

Landfill Gas Collection System Chicopee Sanitary Landfill South Hadley, Massachusetts Waste‐to‐Energy Detailed evaluations and design activities have been conducted on both refuse‐derived fuel preparation and utilization and mass‐burning systems. The application of these technologies, within specific community requirements and energy market considerations, has been extensively researched and evaluated. Maguire designed the country's largest Resource Recovery Facility, located in the City of Detroit, which is designed to handle 4,000 tons per day of the City's solid waste. It is presently providing steam to Detroit Edison for heating the downtown business district.

Greater Detroit Resource Recovery Detroit, Michigan


of the Prince George's County Landfill Gas project, which was selected and presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as one of eight projects nationally to serve as a model for municipalities considering the development of landfill gas projects. Maguire personnel have also presented technical papers as SWANA's Annual International Landfill Gas Symposium on two occasions.

Design – Cost Estimating RIWINDS Siting Study RI Coastal Locations

Planning and Design Services UNH "EcoLine" Pipeline Durham, New Hampshire


Renewable Energy Support Services Maguire provides services in the areas of industrial infrastructure, energy transportation, and traditional and alternative power generation. We provide clients with a combination of hands‐on experience and knowledge for a total solution to their industrial plant needs including access roads; environmental issues; site planning; water/wastewater management; and plant buildings for personnel, warehousing, or equipment maintenance. Maguire also offers services to independent power producers (IPPs), utilities, industry, financial institutions, contractors, and municipalities throughout the Northeast. Whether simple and combined cycle/co‐generation, coal fired, energy from waste, renewable green energy, distributed power, wind power, or transmission and distribution projects, Maguire has the experience to take on these assignments. By offering a wide array services throughout every phase of a project lifecycle, we can provide client solutions through detailed planning / engineering and construction, operation, maintenance support, and decommissioning. Depending on the requirements of special projects, we can also provide full facilities design, design‐build, project management, and construction administration or management services.

Sanitary Landfill Solid Waste Services

Client: Virgin Islands Waste Management Landfill Authority Maguire has held the Solid Waste Services contract with the U.S. Virgin Islands Government since 1999. The current contract began in 2006 and has focused on environmental compliance improvements at the Bovoni Landfill, a 35‐acre facility that adjoins the Mangrove Lagoon in St. Thomas. Due to a long history of non‐compliance, which includes subsurface fires, leachate discharges to Mangrove Lagoon, and improper lead acid battery/vehicle disposal practices, USEPA issued a consent order during 2000. Presently, the Bovoni Landfill does not have groundwater monitoring or GCCS systems. As such, Maguire has prepared plans/specs for installation of these systems and has been in correspondence with the USEPA to finalize design of the groundwater monitoring and GCCS pursuant to 40 CFR 258 and 60 Subpart WWW. The proposed groundwater monitoring system is comprised of 11 monitoring locations, and the proposed GCCS consists of ~10,000 lf of collection piping, 50 gas collection wells, a 1,500‐cfm blower, a flare station, and a condensate storage tank. As part of future design services scheduled, Maguire will prepare plans/specs that include final build‐ out and cover design, slope stabilization, stormwater management improvements, and leachate management. Due to bedrock strike and dip configuration that accentuates hydraulic flow toward the Mangrove Lagoon, landfill leachate has been discharging from the area below the unlined landfill into the wetlands that adjoin the lagoon for the last 10 years. Additionally, leachate breakout has been exacerbated by uncontrolled stormwater flow. Maguire is also preparing/coordinating the permitting efforts associated with these compliance improvements. Permitting portions of this project will be extensive and will include the filing of a Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Major Land Permit, an environmental assessment report, and a Territory Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit.


Solid Waste Services Bovoni Landfill St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands

Client: Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority The Anguilla Landfill is located approximately 2,000 feet east of the Alexander Hamilton Airport, on the south central portion of St. Croix. Available information indicates that the 35‐acre landfill has been in operation since ~1967 and contains waste deposited at depths up to 70 feet. The FAA owns the property and has long demanded the landfill be shut down because of the danger that birds attracted to the landfill posed to planes at nearby Rohlsen Airport. Due to a long history of violations and non‐compliance, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued its consent order during 2001. Violations included: the creation of a large used‐tire pile in a part of the landfill that is inaccessible to emergency vehicles; the lack of inspections of incoming waste to make sure hazardous wastes are not being disposed of; the lack of groundwater monitoring under/around the landfill; the inadequacy of the fencing around the facility; and the presence of surface fires and long‐burning underground fires. In response to this, Maguire implemented an Access Restriction Plan and a Fire Suppression Plan during December 2002. Maguire has completed a draft 40 CFR 258 Compliance Work Plan and Schedule for submittal to USEPA Region 2. Examples of the evaluations that will be included as part of the draft compliance plan include the following: floodplains, wetlands, hazardous waste receipt, cover material requirements, vector control, explosive gas control, air criteria, access requirements, run‐on/run‐off control systems, surface water requirements, liquid restrictions, record keeping, closure design criteria, and groundwater. Maguire is currently under contract to complete the Final Compliance Plan. The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority has requested that Maguire perform Landfill Volume and Non‐Methane Organic Compound (NMOC) Gas Emission calculations to comply with the USEPA New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Gas Emissions from a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (40 CFR 60 Subpart Cc).


Environmental Compliance Services Anguilla Landfill St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

Client: Government of the British Virgin Islands Maguire Group completed a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Balsam Ghut Landfill on Tortola. Under contract to the government of the British Virgin Islands, Maguire prepared the EIA for a proposed landfill that would supplement existing waste disposal capacity that includes a municipal solid waste incinerator plant on the Island of Tortola. Maguire also completed the Pre‐Design Report for the proposed Balsam Ghut Landfill that included conceptual layouts, costs and details of several wastestream scenarios for a long‐term (20 years) disposal facility. Maguire used an EIA process that was modeled after the framework of the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The EIA was conducted to complement the BVI’s National Integrated Development Plan (NIDP) by taking into account socio‐economic, environmental, physical and spatial parameters. Environmental sustainability was identified in the NIDP as a primary consideration. The steep slopes and heavy vegetation of the proposed site—typical of most Caribbean islands— posed several design, construction, and environmental protection challenges. Maguire’s EIA identified a number of environmental features, such as the Balsam Ghut watershed and the location of sensitive human receptors and marine resources. The Maguire Team documented the short‐ and long‐term potential consequences of developing the proposed landfill. Importantly, the EIA also documented mitigation measures that should be implemented to reduce or eliminate any negative impacts during construction, operation and ultimate closure of the proposed landfill.


Environmental Impact Assessment Balsam Ghut Landfill Tortola, British Virgin Islands (BVI)

Client: Town of Berlin, CT The 9.2‐acre Berlin Town Center site is owned by the Town of Berlin and was utilized by the Berlin Department of Public Works for the storage of road salt, sand and construction materials. The site is a former clay pit that was created by the Town’s historical brick‐making industries and was then utilized by the town as a disposal site for municipal solid waste (MSW). Previous investigations indicated that environmental contamination was present in the soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water. In addition, there was a 1‐to‐2‐foot‐thick layer of incinerated municipal solid waste present at the northern extent of the site at a depth of about 2 feet below the soil surface. Maguire conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with Connecticut Department. of Environmental Protection (CTDEP) guidelines and to ASTM standards. The Phase I ESA Report included a summary of the data and identified potential areas of environmental concern at the Site which were investigated as part of the Phase III Environmental Site Investigation (ESI). Maguire prepared a Phase III Work Plan utilizing the Conceptual Site Model (CSM) process. The Phase III ESI consisted of the collection of soil, sediment and groundwater samples. Maguire prepared a Phase III ESI Report summarizing the results of the investigation, including an evaluation of remedial alternatives to achieve compliance with the RSRs based on the proposed use of the Site as a park and walking trails. A Remedial Action Plan (RAP) was developed for the site to achieve closure of the Site and capping of the MSW in accordance with the Solid Waste Regulations. Prior to initiation of remedial activities, Maguire prepared and obtained the “Authorization for the Disruption/Closure and Post‐Closure Use of a Historic Solid Waste Disposal Area”, CTDEP Flood Management Certification, Town Inland Wetlands Permit and the CTDEP General Permit for Contaminated Soil/Sediment Management for the Project. Maguire prepared Contract Documents for the Solid Waste Closure and evaluation of contractor bids. Maguire also provided on‐site environmental oversight services and environmental management during the remediation and closure activities at the Town Center Site. The project was completed in September 2007 and Maguire will be preparing the Solid Waste Closure Documentation for the Town.


Investigation, Remediation & Closure Town Center Site Berlin, Connecticut

Client: City of Woburn, MA Maguire’s services for this project include engineering and design services related to the environmental monitoring and permitting, and preparation of the final closure design of the 50‐acre municipal solid waste landfill. Maguire Group has prepared and completed the Initial Site Assessment (ISA), Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA), associated groundwater sampling and analysis, the Final Closure Design Plan, and construction documents in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Solid Waste Management Regulations. Maguire prepared a comprehensive final closure design plan which: reclaimed adjacent wetland areas; consolidated the waste footprint to minimize the total cap area and reduce closure costs; and coordinates the final grades with the relocation of the existing utilities to promote drainage, improve access, and increase the potential for post‐closure use. In addition, Maguire was instrumental in assisting the City to develop a program which will potentially offset a portion of the closure costs by accepting and controlling the use of non‐hazardous fill materials from the surrounding market to reshape the existing facility in preparation for the final closure. There were two closure design challenges for this project. The first of two design challenges for this project included the removal of extensive amounts of buried waste and the construction of a capping system within the right‐of‐way of two power transmission lines which trisected the landfill. The second design challenge was to incorporate a solution to a legal action brought on by an abutter to alleviate flooding caused by the landfill.


Landfill Closure Services Woburn Sanitary Landfill Woburn, Massachusetts

Client: Waste Management, Inc. South Hadley, Massachusetts Maguire=s services for this project included engineering related to the environmental permitting and technical landfill design for the 35 acre municipal solid waste landfill expansion in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Solid Waste Management Regulations 310 CMR 16.000 and 19.000. While this project in its development stage, Maguire is currently working with the projects Hydrogeologist to define the subsurface characteristics of the site and determine its maximum feasible development potential. A conceptual plan has been developed to incorporate a the design of a soil/bentonite slurry wall to provide the required groundwater separation thus increasing the allowable depth of excavation and subsequent airspace. Upon completion of the conceptual plan, Maguire will prepare a comprehensive design plan to permit and construct the 4,000,000 ton, multi‐phased expansion at the existing facility. The plan will include: a multi‐phased composite base liner system of groundwater protection, leak detection, leachate collection; a storm water collection and conveyance system for the sequential phases and complete expansion; sequential operation and final closure grades; a landfill gas collection and control system; and the relocation and design of the site entrance, scale house facility and residential drop‐off center.


Chicopee Sanitary Landfill Expansion Phases 6 and 6A Chicopee, Massachusetts

Client: Rhode Island Waste Management Corp. Johnston, RI The Central Landfill in Johnston, Rhode Island is the largest active landfill in New England. Owned and operated by the Rhode Island Solid Waste Management Corporation on over 600 acres, it accepts 3,000 tons of municipal solid waste each day. The R.I. Solid Waste Management Corporation selected Maguire Group Inc. to provide on‐call engineering, design and environmental services for the operation and expansion of the landfill. Projects included design and construction of two 12 acre landfill phases, each with double composite liners, dual leachate collection systems, and an interface liner between the existing, unlined portion of the landfill and the new phases. Maguire also prepared an analysis for landfill expansion alternatives, which resulted in a proposed 40 acre expansion to the 154 acre licensed landfill. Extensive hydrogeologic studies were conducted to characterize the groundwater and the effects of leachate from the existing landfill. Preparation of licensing documents and design for this expansion is currently underway, and involves relocating and restoration of a brook presently bisecting the proposed expansion area. Other projects include evaluation of reservoir sediments caused by landfill erosion and design of a dredging program to remove those sediments in accordance with the state regulatory requirements.


Landfill Permitting Design and Construction Johnston, Rhode Island

Client: City of North Haven, Connecticut The North Haven Landfill operated for over 30 years, providing municipal solid waste disposal for the City. Maguire Group has been working with the City of North Haven for the past 10 years performing all phases of landfill permitting, design, operations planning, construction, and closure of this 15‐acre municipal landfill. The engineering and design of the expansion and closure of the landfill were successfully performed by overcoming challenges incurred as a result of its location. The landfill straddles the 36‐inch sewer outfall for the City’s Sewage Treatment Plant, and is in the Coastal Zone. As a result, two landforms were ultimately developed to minimize the load on the outfall pipe, and a Hydrogeologic Assessment was performed to assess the impact of leachate on the adjacent Quinnipiac River. Maguire’s innovative landfill closure design included the use of bottom and fly ash residue from the local utility as a soil amendment in the landfill capping system. Maguire also performed resident inspection and construction administration services for this project. Closure of the landforms was performed in sequence with the southern portion closed in 1992, and the northern portion closed in 1994. Maguire also developed a conceptual Recreational Plan for use of the site following closure to meet the requirements of the Office of Long Island Sound Programs (OLISP).


Landfill Feasibility Study, Operations Plan and Closure North Haven, CT

Client: Town of Rehoboth, MA Rehoboth entered into a Consent Order with MADEP for closure of its 13‐acre unlined sanitary landfill. Maguire performed all engineering and hydrogeological services necessary to meet the requirements of the Consent Order, including site assessments, closure alternatives analysis, closure plan design, construction drawings and specs, construction administration, and resident inspection. Maguire also performed the permitting efforts required for construction under NPDES for stormwater, and under the Wetlands Protection Act for wetlands. Because the transfer station adjacent to the landfill would be active following closure, the project included a quantitative risk assessment. The closure plan included an evaluation of landfill reclamation as an alternative to capping in place. The Town chose the capping alternative based on economics; however, several abutters became concerned with the possibility of contamination of their drinking‐well water if the landfill was not completely removed. This prompted an extensive monitoring effort of water supply wells for several homes within 1,000 feet of the landfill. The monitoring results indicated the landfill was not impacting the residential water supply wells, and limited monitoring of these homes continued. The landfill capping design incorporated a flexible membrane liner as the barrier layer, and a composite geosynthetic drainage net to direct drainage off this shallow sloped landfill. Maguire designed an alternative cover over approximately one acre of the cap to allow the adjacent transfer station to remain in service after closure. A paved surface was constructed to allow traffic to be routed over the closed landfill to access the transfer station.


Sanitary Landfill Site Assessment and Closure Rehoboth, MA

Landfill Gas Recovery Solid Waste Services

Client: Waste Management Inc. – Connecticut Valley Sanitary Waste Disposal Inc. (CVSWD) Maguire was retained to satisfy the conditions of a MADEP‐issued Administrative Consent Order to install a permanent flare station and collection system capable of controlling the gas generated by CVSWD. In compliance with the order, Maguire’s design and permit documents were developed to satisfy both the solid waste and air quality permitting requirements. The LFG collection system was designed to convey the landfill emissions through negatively pressured vertical extraction wells accompanied with condensate injection traps to remove and reinstate condensate into the landfill. To achieve the required destruction efficiency and comply with EPA standards, the LFG control system was designed with essentially two components: (1) single variable frequency drive blower assembly, knockout tank, valves, piping, and control panel mounted on a structural steel skid, and (2) a 1,500‐scfm enclosed ground flare. The LFG control system was designed and permitted in accordance with EPA’s Final Rule for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, and Guidelines for Control of Existing Sources. The scope of services provided included: onsite investigations, LFG emissions generation and recovery modeling, LFG collection system design (conceptual and final), LFG control system design (conceptual and final), LFG collection system operations and maintenance (O&M) plan, LFG design plan drawings and technical specifications, LFG control permit application documents, and construction contract administration services.


Landfill Gas Collection System Chicopee Sanitary Landfill South Hadley, MA

Client: Phillips Energy, Waitsfield, VT The Bondi’s Island Landfill is a 68 acre facility with an active gas collection systems. The gas is transported to the Springfield Resource Recovery (SRRI) facility where it is used as boiler fuel to produce approximately 20,000 lbs/hr of steam. In 1995 Phillips Energy, the owner of the landfill gas rights, contracted with Maguire Group Inc. to permit, design and provide construction inspection and administration services for a new LFG transmission line to also supply gas to the Springfield Wastewater Treatment Plant for use as fuel for their regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO). The SRRI facility will continue to be the primary user of the gas with the excess directed to the RTO. The RTO was constructed in 1994 to destroy odorous emissions from the sludge compost reactor vessels and exhaust from the various sludge processing systems. Natural gas is used as fuel to combust the gases. Once the temperature in the RTO reaches 1500 degrees, landfill gas is introduced into the RTO along with the source air. This will enrich the Btu content of the source air and can become t he sole source of fuel for the ongoing operation. This arrangement will conserve up to 40 million CF/YR of natural gas. Maguire designed safety controls into the system to limit the flow of LFG into the RTO bases on combustion chamber temperature, and cause shut off of the LFG gas when the temperature within the RTO exceeds the recommended operating temperature of 1900 degrees, or it the RTO shuts down. Maguire also designed a flow control station to limit LFG flow to the RTO in the event that line pressure to the SRRI facility drops below a 2 psig minimum pressure setpoint necessary for the operation of the boiler. The project also includes a new insertion type mass flow meter and provisions to install a glycol filter to remove hydrogen sulfide from the gas. The new 2,300 foot underground transmission line is constructed of 8” high‐density polyethylene and is designed to carry 500 SCFM of gas at 2 to 3 psig. Two sumps with level indication serve to collect the condensate in the transmission line for subsequent manual discharge into the nearby aeration tanks.


Landfill Gas Transmission Line Springfield, Massachusetts

Client: Prince George’s County Prince George’s County, Maryland Prince George’s County, Maryland, considered to one of the most progressive county governments in the nation, conceived plans to develop, own and operate a landfill methane gas recovery facility. The County selected Maguire Group Inc. to provide full engineering, and architectural services associated with the feasibility assessment, project design and construction administration for this facility. What resulted is the largest publicly‐owned landfill methane gas recovery and treatment project of its kind in the country. At the County’s Brown Station Road Landfill, 29 extraction wells consisting of perforated pipe collect 1.4 million SCF/D of methane gas. The gas is compressed, cooled, filtered, dried and transported via a two‐mile underground pipeline to the Prince George’s County Detention Center. There the gas is burned as primary fuel to provide heat, domestic hot water and electricity for the Center. Electricity is produced by combustion of the gas in the three Waukesha twelve cylinder, turbo‐charged spark ignition, reciprocating engines and three 850‐kilowatt generators. A total of 25.3 million KWHR/YR is generated and surplus electricity is sold to the local utility company. Revenues from the sale of this excess energy, along with the savings realized by not having to purchase fuel for heat and electricity has resulted in a revenue to the County for over $1 million annually. Future expansion plans include installing 23 additional wells and three additional engine generators. This has the potential to increase the gas production to 2.9 million SCF/D, bringing the total power generation capacity to 37 million KWHR/YR. The Prince George’s County Project provides an environmentally sounds and economically attractive solution to the utilization of landfill methane gas as an alternative energy resource.


Prince George’s County Landfill Methane Gas Recovery Project Prince George’s County, Maryland

Client: Waste Management Inc. – Connecticut Valley Sanitary Waste Disposal Inc. (CVSWD) Maguire was retained to satisfy the conditions of a MADEP‐issued Administrative Consent Order to install a permanent flare station and collection system capable of controlling the gas generated by CVSWD. In compliance with the order, Maguire’s design and permit documents were developed to satisfy both the solid waste and air quality permitting requirements. The LFG collection system was designed to convey the landfill emissions through negatively pressured vertical extraction wells accompanied with condensate injection traps to remove and reinstate condensate into the landfill. To achieve the required destruction efficiency and comply with EPA standards, the LFG control system was designed with essentially two components: (1) single variable frequency drive blower assembly, knockout tank, valves, piping, and control panel mounted on a structural steel skid, and (2) a 1,500‐scfm enclosed ground flare. The LFG control system was designed and permitted in accordance with EPA’s Final Rule for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, and Guidelines for Control of Existing Sources. The scope of services provided included: onsite investigations, LFG emissions generation and recovery modeling, LFG collection system design (conceptual and final), LFG control system design (conceptual and final), LFG collection system operations and maintenance (O&M) plan, LFG design plan drawings and technical specifications, LFG control permit application documents, and construction contract administration services.


Landfill Gas Collection System Chicopee Sanitary Landfill South Hadley, Massachusetts

Recycling & Transfer Facilities Solid Waste Services

Client: Town of Brookhaven/CRINC. The Town of Brookhaven, NY, Materials Recycling Facility separates 300 TPD of commingled recyclables and paper products into ferrous metals, aluminum, three glass colors and two plastic products (PET and HDPE) and sorts four grades of materials: newsprint, corrugated cardboard, high and low grade paper. CRINC of Chelmsford, MA selected Maguire Group, Inc. to provide design engineering services associated with the construction of this state‐of–the‐art Materials Recycling Facility which features highly advanced recycling equipment and separation technologies. Maguire’s highly qualified and experienced project team introduced into the facility design a pre‐ engineered structure which integrated the mechanical process with the building systems function utilizing architecturally pleasing forms and materials. These pre‐engineered building structures included hardened floor surfaces (anvil topping) designed to minimize slab wear, separate tipping and process areas to reduce noise and to control dust, state‐of‐the‐art HVAC emission control designs with pressurized dust suppression characteristics and fire protection wet and dry systems. The Maguire project team also designed climate controlled enclosures for the sorting stations, which maximize workers’ safety and comfort, and introduced the use of cost‐efficient pre‐engineered structures that clear spanned the tipping floor, thus providing an obstacle–free material handling area. Glass concrete storage bunkers and conveyor pits were also customized to accommodate the required process function. Maguire’s services included contract negotiation, environmental and construction permits (DEC Part 360 first of its kind ever obtained in the State of New York), site design, facility engineering and architectural design, systems coordination; Construction contract administration and supervision. This facility represents the state‐of‐the‐art in materials recycling technology. Maguire is proud to the Architect/Engineer of record and a member of the Design/Build/Operate team for the Town of Brookhaven Materials Recycling Facility.


Materials Recycling Facility Brookhaven, Maryland

Client: Combustion Engineering – ABB, Windsor, CT Maguire Group Inc., on behalf of Combustion Engineering Corporation, completed the design and construction administration of the 4,000 ton‐per‐day (TPD), 170,000 square foot solid waste resource recovery facility in Detroit, MI. The facility, the largest of its kind in the world with a volume in excess of 8 million cubic feet, entails a two‐stage shredding, screening and air classification process resulting in refuse‐derived fuel. The RDF is then fired as primary fuel in three 1,350 TPD spreader‐stoker type boilers. The generated steam is sold to Detroit Edison for use in a downtown steam‐grid with steam also being used to generate electricity. The residue and inert ash from the plant is disposed at sanitary landfills located 25 miles from the facility. Maguire performed engineering feasibility assessments, cost estimating, final detail design, environmental and building permitting and construction contract administration engineering services to Combustion Engineering. Scope of Maguire’s responsibilities included geotechnical engineering, architectural design, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering design and solid waste and ash handling systems design. This $300 million project was completed on a fast‐track basis with Barton‐Marlow of Pittsburgh, PA, as Construction Manager.


Greater Detroit Resource Recovery Detroit, Michigan

Client: Waste Management of New York Maguire designed a sludge/solid waste Co‐Composting Facility for the Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority. The Facility is designed to handle 150 TPD of dewatered sludge, brush and clean wood. The facility consists of a 8,500 s.f. amendment mixing area, a 9‐bay 22,000 s.f. processing area, and a 24,600 s.f. curing area. Adjacent to the main recessing area is a 6,000 s.f. negative pressure biofilter building for odor control. An amendment storage building and a 27,000 s.f. long‐term product storage building are located just outside of the main structure. The primary processing building includes systems for the monitoring and control of humidity and dust and for the automatic mechanical processing of the compost. Curing piles are aerated using low‐pressure air feed systems. An administration/ mechanical systems building is attached to the facility. The structures are pre‐engineered metal buildings with special coatings for corrosion protection. Maguire's responsibilities include preliminary and final design, permitting, bid assistance and construction administration.


Co‐Composting Facility Hillburn, New York

Client: Ogden Martin Systems, NJ Maguire Group Inc. provided design and cost estimating services to Ogden‐Martin Systems for the competitive bidding of a 710 TPD mass burning waterwall incineration project proposed for the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corp. in the Town of Johnston, Rhode Island. This facility was designed to process municipal, commercial and non‐hazardous industrial waste generated in the northern Rhode Island metropolitan area. The facility design included a totally enclosed tipping hall capable of accommodating 40 to 75 foot transfer vehicles. Ten receiving bays were provided for dumping MSW directly into the refuse storage bunker. The bunker which measured 150 feet by 40 feet deep was capable of storing 4,000 tons of MSW. Two overhead, high speed traveling bridge canes were specified for the mixing and feeding of refuse. Each crane was equipped with a 4.5cy orange peel type grapple. Heat released from waste incineration is recovered in a waterwall boiler in the form of medium pressure steam at 700 F, 655 psig. Steam will be used to drive a 17MW turbine for electricity generation. Electricity net of in‐plant requirements would be sold to New England Power Company. Environmental controls are state‐of‐the‐art consisting of dry scrubbers followed by fabric filters. Maguire, as prime engineering contractor to Ogden, was responsible for site, building, electric generating systems, and balance of plant architectural and engineering design. An integral part of our responsibility included the development of proposal documents which included over 100 technical drawings and related specifications, all developed in a six (6) week schedule, to obtain competitive General Contractor firm contract prices.


Johnston Resource Recovery Johnston, Rhode Island

Client: Riley Energy Systems of Lisbon, CT (Riley Stoker/Wheelabrator Technology) Maguire provided design and cost estimating services to Riley Energy Systems for the development and construction of a 500 TPD mass burning waterwall incineration project in the Town of Lisbon, Connecticut. The facility processes municipal, commercial and non‐hazardous industrial waste generated from the Eastern Connecticut Region. The process units consist of two 250 TPD Takoma Grate Stokers. Heat released from waste incineration is recovered in a waterwall boiler in the form of medium pressure steam at 850°F, 700 psig. Steam is used to drive a 14MW turbine for electricity generation. Electricity net of inplant requirements is sold to Northeast Utilities/Connecticut Light and Power Company. The Facility design included a totally enclosed tipping hall capable of accommodating 75 foot transfer vehicles. Ten receiving bays are provided for the direct dumping of refuse into the storage bunker. The 4,000 ton capacity storage bunker was designed for potential future expansion of the Facility. Two overhead, high speed traveling bridge cranes, with 4.0cy orange peel type grapples, are used to mix and feed the MSW into the system. Environmental controls are state‐of‐the‐art consisting of dry followed by fabric filters. Maguire, as prime engineering contractor to Riley, was responsible for site, building, electric generating systems and balance of plant architectural and engineering design. An integral part of our responsibility was the development of documents which included over 100 technical drawings and related specifications to obtain competitive General Contractor firm contract prices. In addition, Maguire prepared documentation for environmental permits, siting council approval, water supply and wastewater conveyance systems design.


Lisbon Resource Recovery Project Lisbon, Connecticut

Client: Combustion Engineering ABB, Windsor, CT Maguire’s services for this project included engineering and design services related to environmental permitting, site development and balance‐of‐plant for the municipal solid waste receiving and processing portion of the facility. Maguire Group Inc. completed the design and construction administration of two major projects on behalf of Combustion Engineering at the Mid‐Connecticut Resource Recovery Facility. The initial project was for the design of a 2,200 TPD facility utilizing refuse‐derived fuel (RDF) technology. The process systems include heavy duty metal pan feed conveyors, primary and secondary shredders, rotary electro‐magnetic separators, primary and secondary trummels, pneumatic conveyance and separation system and refuse derived fuel hydraulic conveyance system. The architectural design challenges of the project were two‐fold: to enclose the various processing operations and equipment within the building and to create human scale in an otherwise very large building. By carefully organizing the various elements of the building and utilizing different colors and textured metal panels, an interesting "human scale facade was achieved. Maguire provided full service architectural/engineering design and construction contract administration services on the project. In 1990, Maguire Group Inc. was retained by ASEA Brown Boveri, the parent of Combustion Engineering, to design an addition to the facility. The addition was constructed in phases to allow operations to continue in the existing facility. Maguire’s services included architectural, structural foundation, mechanical, HVAC, fire protection, plumbing and electrical design services, permitting and site design for the receiving and processing portions of the facility. Both projects were completed on a fast‐track basis.


Mid‐Connecticut Resource Recovery Project Hartford, Connecticut

Client: Montgomery County/CRINC Maguire Group Inc. provided Montgomery County the fast‐track design, permitting and construction administration services for this 160 TPD facility for processing and transfer of paper, commingled recyclable materials and yard waste. The design configuration allows for the future expansion of up 320 TPD. The facility was designed to serve as a demonstration facility to promote recycling throughout the region. Maguire worked directly with the County’s contracted agent‐ Maryland Environmental Services‐ who administered the construction and facility operations on the County’s behalf. The facility services an estimated 755,000 residents and had a total construction and equipment cost of $8 million. This fast‐track schedule was attained by performing a turnkey design and construction procurement. This facility features the most advanced recycling equipment and separation technologies. As a result of such advanced design features, this facility was awarded the “1994 MRF of the Year,” by Solid Waste Technologies Magazine and represents the most efficient tons per employee record in the awards program. The main processing facility is separated into three distinct areas: administration and education area; mixed recyclables receiving, storage and processing area; and lastly, the paper receiving, storage, and transfer area. The educational area consists of extensive viewing facilities for public presentations. The facility is subdivided into two recyclable processing areas. The first area handles commingled light ferrous materials, aluminum, glass (flint, amber and green) and mixed plastics (PET and HDPE) which are sorted by automatic materials separation equipment assisted by manual sorters. The second area involves the processing of newsprint for direct transfer to local markets. The materials are possessed utilizing a Bezner Commingled Containers System which includes mixed broken glass processing, Eddy Current and the Inclined Sorting Machine. In a separate structure, yard waste and Christmas trees are received, processed and loaded for long distance hauling. An integral part of the design was an extensive facility permitting effort. Maguire was successful in meeting all the permit requirements and maintaining the fast –track schedule.


Materials Recycling Facility Montgomery County, Maryland

Client: City of Phoenix Maguire performed a leading technology Engineering Feasibility Study for the City of Phoenix on the following: ♦ Transfer, Receiving and Processing of Single Stream Commingled Recycling Materials ♦ Storage, Processing and Recycling of Commercial Waste Materials ♦ Storage, Compaction and Transfer of MSW Materials State‐of‐the‐Art Recycling Processing Systems and MSW compaction systems were identified and analyzed. Conceptual equipment and facility arrangement for the preferred alternative was developed. Comprehensive estimates for facility capital and operating cost, transfer and hauling cost and revenue from the sale of recyclable materials were developed. Utilizing an economic model developed by Maguire, sensitivity analysis of the cost/benefits of tonnage throughput, operating cost and material sales revenues were measured. The feasibility assessment recommended that the City proceed with the installation of a solid waste compaction system and materials recycling system in their 27th Avenue Solid Waste Management Facility (SWMF). Maguire was retained by the City for complete facility design, permitting and construction administration services. Facility modifications to the 104,000 square foot facility and equipment installation included the addition of a solid waste compaction system. A 6' wide metal pan pit conveyor was added to feed a new Harris Amfab Model TP‐500 MSW Compactor. This state‐of‐the‐art compactor is capable of compacting 150 TPH of material. Compacted material is produced in the form of bales 7' H x 7' W x 30' L at 1000 pounds per cubic yard density. No wire ties are required. Compacted materials are ejected into open top transfer vehicles for transport to the sanitary landfill. An electronic weighing system with digital readout issues optimum weight for over the road hauling. An integral part of Amfab Compactor addition was the addition of 12' high reinforced concrete push walls, environmental separation wall to separate tipping and storage from processing, enhancements to the facility ventilation, fire protection and water spray dust suppression systems. Today the 27 Avenue SWMF is capable of receiving/processing/transfer of 2,500 TPD MSW, 300 TPD Commercial Waste and 320 TPD of commingled recyclable materials. Commercial waste is processed and sorted into six grades of fiber or other materials and the sorted materials are placed in live bottom storage bunkers below. Bunkers feed onto the baler feed conveyor to an incline conveyor to a Bollegroaf HBC‐110F baler. Reject materials are conveyed back to the Amfab solid waste compaction system.


Phoenix Solid Waste Transfer Station and Commercial Waste Recycling Facility, Phoenix, Arizona

Client: Waste Management, Inc., South Hadley, MA In January 2000, Maguire prepared a conceptual design report for the permitting, design and construction of a 1,000 ton per day (tpd) solid waste transfer station to be located in Raynham. The facility was designed to handle both construction and demolition (C&D) materials and municipal solid waste (MSW). C&D materials include a waste stream that is primarily received from construction sites including concrete, rebar, wood, paneling, linoleum, and carpet. MSW is "regular" garbage from non‐industrial sources, such as residential homes, restaurants, retail centers, and office buildings. Typical MSW includes paper, discarded food items, and other general discards. Green waste is considered MSW and includes yard clippings, leaves, trees, etc. A system for the processing of C&D and commercial waste for recycling was included in the facility design. All tipping, storage, processing and transfer operations can be performed in a 32,000‐ square‐foot pre‐engineered structure. Twelve‐foot‐high concrete push walls were provided around the perimeter for maximum storage volume. MSW and C & D residuals can be transferred into open‐ top trailers for long haul to a permitted disposal facility. The conceptual design study included site, general arrangement and architectural perspective drawings, an outline of technical specifications, and definitions of environmental and building permit requirements. Documents were prepared on a fast‐track design basis in three weeks’ time in response to a bid deadline.


Permitting, Design and Construction Services Solid Waste Transfer Station Raynham, Massachusetts

Client: Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority Maguire designed a sludge/solid waste co‐composting facility for the Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority. The Facility was designed to handle 150 tpd of dewatered sludge, brush and clean wood. The Facility consists of an 8,500‐square‐foot amendment mixing area, a 9‐bay 22,000‐square‐foot processing area, and a 24,600‐square‐foot curing area. Adjacent to the main processing area is a 6,000‐square‐foot negative‐pressure biofilter building for odor control. An amendment storage building and a 27,000‐square‐foot long‐term product storage building are located just outside of the main structure. The primary processing building includes systems for the monitoring and control of humidity and dust and for the automatic mechanical processing of the compost. Curing piles are aerated using low‐pressure air feed systems. An administration/mechanical systems building is attached to the facility. The structures are pre‐engineered metal buildings. Maguire's responsibilities include preliminary and final design, permitting, bid assistance and construction administration.


Co‐Composting Facility Design Rockland County, New York

Client: Tompkins County Public Works Maguire Group Inc. was retained to provide complete fast‐track design, permitting construction cost estimating and construction administration services for a new Materials Recycling Facility, Transfer Station. The transfer station incorporates pushwalls in the Tipping Area for MSW Storage and the use of bucket loaders for the loading of open top transfer trailers. The recycling systems design includes state‐of‐the‐art technology for the separation of paper and commingled recycling materials. The materials processed include: ONP, OCC, high grade paper, boxboard, mixed paper, yard waste, wood waste, UBC, tin, PET, HDPE, glass construction debris, white goods, lead acid batteries, scrap metals and tires. The facility serves approximately 95,000 residents of the Tompkins County and cost $5.9 million for the for the construction and system installation. The facility is divided into two primary processing areas. The tipping area has been subdivided into as well, a mixed recyclables sorting and a paper sorting area. The paper sorting area includes a sorting platform on conveyors for multiple grades of paper (cardboard, newspaper and high and low grades of office paper). The mixed recyclables sorting area includes magnetic separators and a sorting platform for glass (amber, flint, and green), ferrous metals, aluminum and plastics (HDPE and PET). Utilizing a single Bollegraaf HBC 80 baler, the separated materials are densified for ease of storing and transporting. An integral part of the Facility’s operation includes an enclosed separate citizen’s drop‐off area, which receives mixed paper, newspaper, bulky wastes, and municipal solid waste. The facility design also includes a education/conference room and elevated walkway to provide environmental educational services.


Materials Recycling Facility and Transfer Station Tompkins County, New York

Renewable Energy Solid Waste Services

Design Services Wind Turbine Project MWRA, Deer Island, MA Client: Lumus Construction Inc.

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority contracted Lumus Construction Inc. to design and build two wind turbine generators at the Deer Island Treatment Plant. As part of this project, Maguire Group Inc. was contracted by Lumus Construction to provide the civil site, electrical, and environmental components of the project. Civil engineering services including preparation of site demolition plans; turbine layout plans; and site restoration plans. Electrical engineering services included preparation of an electrical site plan; electrical details; and an electrical one‐line diagram. Maguire engineers provided affidavits to the State Building Official verifying that the work was designed in accordance with the State Building Code and that work was performed in accordance with the plans and code. Due to the presence of residual soil contamination, a Response Action Outcome and a series of Activity and Use Limitations had been previously filed for the area to impose specific requirements on the handling and management of surplus soil generated during construction and excavation activities. As such, Maguire prepared a Soil Management Plan, a Health and Safety Plan, and a Release Abatement Measure Plan and provided field oversight for the removal of all contaminated soil from the project site. These plans were required in accordance with the contract documents and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.0000) to detail soil management and screening procedures for on‐site contractors, health and safety requirements in regards to soil management, and the appropriate soil disposal options.


Design/Build Wind Turbine Newburyport, Cohasset, MA, Portsmouth, RI Client: Lumus Construction Inc.

Maguire Group is providing design services to Lumus Construction to support their Design/Build Wind Turbine projects. Maguire Group is providing civil, environmental and electrical engineering services to support the construction of up to 1.5 Mw wind turbines with towers up to 75 meters. Civil and environmental design services include preparation of layout plans and writing soil management and Health and Safety plans for sites that may impact contaminated soil. Electrical engineering services include preparation of electrical drawings and obtaining interconnection approval from the electrical utility companies. Maguire provided electrical engineering services for the recently completed 600 Kw wind turbine that was recently completed at Mark Richey Woodworking Company in Newburyport, MA. Maguire is also working with Lumus on the 600 Kw wind turbines at the MWRA Deer Island Treatment facility, installing two 1.5 Mw wind turbines at Cohasset Heights and installing two 600 Kw wind turbines at Raytheon in Portsmouth, RI.


Client: R. H. White Construction Group and University of New Hampshire The University of New Hampshire (UNH), in cooperation with Waste Management of New Hampshire, has launched “EcoLine,” a landfill gas project that will pipe enriched and purified gas from Waste Management’s Rochester landfill to the Durham campus. UNH is the first university in the nation to undertake a project of this magnitude, and it is doing it with the help of Maguire Group, which has been providing planning and design services to connect the school’s new combined heat‐and‐power plant (COGEN) with the landfill. Methane is a by‐product of decomposing garbage and can also be a powerful energy source. In an innovative plan, UNH will use the landfill’s excess methane gas as the primary fuel for its new COGEN plant, once the 12.7‐mile pipeline is completed. Maguire Group, as a subcontractor to R.H. White Construction for this design‐build project, has been assisting with the permitting and easement application process that is involved to run the pipeline under land along the Spaulding Turnpike, Pan Am/B&M Railroad right‐of‐way, and University property within several towns. To avoid wetland impacts and other environmental concerns, the pipeline is being installed by directional drilling beneath valuable wetland resources and the Cocheco River. Once online, it is projected that the COGEN plant will provide 80‐85 percent of total energy requirements for the campus for 25 years. UNH’s reduced dependence on fossil fuels would make the campus one of the greenest in the nation. Construction began in August 2007, and UNH is expected to fuel its COGEN plant with landfill gas by the fall of 2008. When combined with the COGEN plant, this innovative landfill gas project will lower energy costs, provide energy security, and reduce the UNH Durham campus's greenhouse gas emissions an estimated 67% below 2005 levels and 57% below 1990 levels.


Planning and Design Services UNH "EcoLine" Pipeline Durham, New Hampshire

Waste‐To‐Energy On‐Call Technical Services U.S. Virgin Islands Client: Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority

Maguire Group and their subconsultant Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc. (GBB) were selected by the United States Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) to assist the Authority in negotiating Solid Waste Management Service Contracts (Service Contracts) with a waste‐to‐energy developer. The United States Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA) issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in December of 2007. The RFP solicited proposals from developers to propose alternative energy projects to reduce the Territories dependence on fuel oil to generate electricity and to reduce costs to ratepayers. In October of 2008, WAPA selected a proposal from Alpine Energy Group to construct waste‐to‐energy facilities on St. Thomas and St. Croix. WAPA invited VIWMA to collaborate on the project, with WAPA negotiating a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Alpine and VIWMA negotiating municipal solid waste (MSW) Service Contracts with Alpine. The Alpine proposal included a facility on St. Thomas to handle waste from St. Thomas and the waste from St. John and Water Island that is currently disposed on St. Thomas, and a facility on St. Croix to handle that islands waste. Each island generates approximately 300 tons per day of municipal solid waste. The proposed facilities will use Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) technology to convert the MSW into fuel for the power generating plants which are projected to produce approximately 16 MWs of electricity on St. Croix and 33 MWs on St. Thomas. Maguire evaluated the projects and provided due diligence review of the waste‐to‐energy proposal and assisted in negotiations for the Service Contracts for St. Thomas and St. Croix. As part of this task, we attended meetings and conference calls with the developer, and provided technical review, due diligence, and comment of the Waste Management Services Contract, and the Power Purchase Agreement, assisted in preparing all relevant technical appendices, and reviewed all associated equipment, facility, site, and operations parameters. On August 10, 2009, WAPA signed a 20‐year Power Purchase Agreement and VIWMA signed 20‐year Solid Waste Management Contracts with Alpine Energy Group.


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