Mahatma Gandhi University MEGHALAYA
PROGRAMME CODE‐‐‐ 706 Master of Arts in Hotel Management (MAHM) CODE MAHM11 MAHM12 MAHM13 MAHM14 MAHM15P MAHM16P
SEMESTER I SUBJECT Food & Beverage production Food & Beverage Management House Keeping Management Front Office Management Front Office Management Practical Project‐Viva TOTAL CREDITS
CREDITS 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
SUBJECT Advanced Food & Beverage production Economics & Statistics for Hotel Marketing & Sales Management Fundamental of Tourism Tourism (Tours & Travels) Viva Tourism (Tours & Travels)Practical TOTAL CREDITS
CREDITS 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
SUBJECT Human Resource Management Hospitality Law Management Information System Facility Management Management Information System MAHM35P Practical MAHM36P Project‐Viva TOTAL CREDITS
CREDITS 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
SUBJECT Nutrition & Food Hygiene Travel Agencies & Tour Operator Operations Bar Management Methods of Research & Analysis Project Report TOTAL CREDITS
CREDITS 3 3 3 3 6 18
Detailed Syllabus SEMESTER‐I MAHM11 ‐‐‐ Food & Beverage production UNIT I: Menu Planning Introduction: Types of menus, terms and factors which affect Menu Planning, Development of the Menu, Compiling Menus, Nutritional Aspect of Menu Planning. UNIT II: Horsd'oeuvres Meaning & Types: Single & Horsd'oeuvres Varies, examples for each type, Salads ‐Types of salads ‐ simple & composite ‐salad dressings. Names & recipes for salad dressings only. UNIT III: Sandwiches Types of bread used. Filling and seasoning used. Points observed while making sandwiches, storage of S/w different types of S/w. UNIT IV: Garnishes and Accompaniments. UNIT V: Basic Bakery and Confectionery UNIT VI: Confectionary Types of flour and their uses. Ingredients used in bakery and their role, Yeast goods‐ points observed while making yeast goods. Reason for faults in yeast dough, Recipes for bread rolls, bun, baba au rum, savarin and doughnuts. Sugar boiling degrees of cooking sugar and their uses. UNIT VII: Pastes Types of pastes recipes for short pastry, Puff pastry, sweet pastry, suet paste & choux paste, Reasons for faults in above, preparation, Products made from the pastries (only names, no recipes), Cakes – basics mixture for small cakes, reasons for faults. UNIT VIII: Sponges Genoise sponge & chocolate sponge recipes, Reasons for faults.
UNIT IX: Indian Regional Cuisine. Specialty cuisines such as Mughlai, Awadhi, Hyderabadi and Tandoor, Indian Fast Foods. UNIT X: Rechauffe’ Cookery. Introduction, Definition, Concept and Importance. UNIT‐XI: Basic Culinary Terms: Indian, Western & International UNIT‐XII: Preparation of Basic Bakery and Confectionery, Biscuit Dough, Bread Dough, Cake batters, Puff Pastry Dough, Doughnuts.
Reference Books: 1. Food & Beverage Service‐ Lillicrap & Cousins 2. Modern Restaurant Service‐ John Fuller MAHM12 ‐‐‐ Food and Beverage Management UNIT I: Introduction of food and beverage management Introduction, sectors of food & beverage outlets, food & beverage function. UNIT II: Responbilities & Objectives Responsibilities of the food & beverage management, objectives of food & beverage control, elements of cost, cost group, fundamentals of control. UNIT III: Merchandising Purchasing‐ introduction, duties of purchasing manager, purchasing procedure, the selection of a supplier, the purchasing of foods & beverage, purchase specifications for foods & beverage. UNIT IV: Storage Receiving, storing and issuing‐ receiving of food materials, storing and issuing of food, stock taking of food. Receiving, storing and issuing beverage, stock taking of beverages. UNIT V: Food & beverage production Introduction, food production methods, beverage production methods. UNIT VI: Food & beverage service methods Introduction, classification of food service methods, beverage service methods classification. UNIT VII: Food & beverage production control Introduction, food production control, beverage production control. UNIT VIII: Food controlling The essentials of a control system, calculation of food cost, methods of food control, food control checklist. UNIT IX: Beverage controlling Calculation of beverage cost, methods of beverage control, control checklist. UNIT X: Operating yardsticks Total food & beverage sales, department profit, ratio of food and beverage sales to total sales, ASP, sale mix, payroll costs, index of productivity, stock turnover, sales/ waiter and sales/ sq. foot. UNIT XI: Sales promotion Introduction, Food & beverage facilities‐ advertising, merchandising, public relations.
UNIT XII: Food menus & beverage lists basic menu criteria, types of food menus, contents of food menu, beverage lists, menu merchandising. Food & beverage introduction, mgmt. in hotels and basic politics‐ financial, mastering. Quality restaurants and catering control and performance measurement. Reference books: 1. Principles of food, beverage and labor cost control‐Paul R. Dittma, Jerald G.Giffin 2. Profitable food and beverage management‐Hodder and Stoughton MAHM13 ‐‐‐ House Keeping Management UNIT I: House keeping department Importance & functions of house keeping department, layout of the house keeping department. UNIT II: Organization Organization of a house keeping department (small, medium & large establishments). Duties of housekeeping staff, relationship with other departments, control desk. UNIT III: Housekeeping equipment Equipments used in housekeeping, department, selection and care of equipments. UNIT IV: Cleaning agents Selection & uses of cleaning agents. Housekeeping stores‐ functions and record maintenance. Public area cleaning‐ procedure of cleaning. UNIT V: Fabric Basic types and types of weaves‐ characteristics and uses of usual fabrics. UNIT VI: Laundry services Dry cleaning and stain removal, records maintained in laundry, valet services. UNIT VII: Bed & bedding Size, care & cleaning of beds‐ bed linen, blankets, bed spreads & mattress covers & pillow mattresses. UNIT VIII: Floor finishes Points to be considered in floor finishes and types of floor finishes. UNIT IX: Carpeting Purpose and points considered while selecting a carpet, cleaning of carpet. UNIT X: Soft furnishing Curtains, blinds, loose covers and cushions. Flower arrangements principles and types of flower arrangements. UNIT XI: Amenities provided in standard, superior & deluxe rooms. UNIT XII: Planning a weekly cleaning schedule. Reference Books: 1. Strategic questions in food and beverage management‐Roy and wood 2. The management of food and beverage management‐Jones and erricks. 3. The food and beverage manager‐Paul Culler
MAHM14 ‐‐‐ Front Office Management UNIT I: Introduction to Hotel and Catering Industry Evolution of Hotel Industry in India & Abroad, Growth and development of Hotels in India,Inter relationship between Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, Role of Travel Agents and Airlines, Types of Hotels, Lodging – Ownership, affiliation & management contracts, Classifying hotels and levels of service UNIT II: Organizational chart of Hotels Hotel Organizational chart of small, medium and large hotels, Hierarchy chart of front office department of small, medium and large hotel, Role & functions of front office, Guest Cycle UNIT III: Classification of Hotels Star classification, Classification based on size, Clientele and Location UNIT IV: Accommodation as a product Types of rooms & guests, Product selling tools – Brochures, tariff cards, Basis of charging – Fixed Time basis, 24hrs basis, night basis, food plans, Room Tariff, Rates, Discounts UNIT V: Layout and equipment Layout of the front office, F.O. Equipments UNIT VI: Feedback. UNIT VII: Cancellation & Amendments. UNIT VIII: Identification of Vouchers. UNIT IX: Manual Tabulation; Ledger and Billing. UNIT X: Mechanical Ledger, Billing. UNIT XI: Computerized Ledger, Billing. UNIT XII: International Hotel Regulations. Reference Books: 1. Principles of Front Office Operations – Sue Baker 2. Front Office Management – S.K. Bhatnagar 3. Front Office Procedures – Michael. L. Kasavana 4. Hotel Front Office Management – James. A. Bardi MAHM15P ‐‐‐ Front Office Management Practical UNIT I: Types of Hotels UNIT II: Functions of front office UNIT III: Classification of Hotels UNIT IV: Product selling tools – Brochures, tariff cards UNIT V: Front office customer dealing UNIT VI: Feedback. UNIT VII: Cancellation & Amendments UNIT VIII: Identification of Vouchers UNIT IX: Manual Tabulation; Ledger and Billing. UNIT X: Mechanical Ledger, Billing. UNIT XI: Computerized Ledger, Billing. UNIT XII: International Hotel Regulations.
MAHM16P ‐‐‐ Project‐Viva SEMESTER II MAHM21 ‐‐‐ Advanced Food & Beverage production UNIT I: International Cuisine Introduction to influences of cultures on regions; Special features with respect to ingredients, methods, presentation styles in the following countries ‐ Asian , European (continental), North & South American & Mexican. UNIT II: Nouvelle Cuisine Evolution & history, Salient features, Difference between Haute Cuisine & Nouvelle Cuisine, Service Style – points to be considered, preparing plated service. UNIT III: Larder / Garde Manger Functions of larder department and Duties & responsibilities of larder chef; Common terms used in larder department; Specific essential tools & equipment in the larder; Pates, Mousses, Galantines, Ballotines. UNIT IV: Salads Classification; Composition; Principles of making a salad; Classical salads. UNIT V: Sandwiches‐I Parts / composition of sandwiches; Types of bread used in sandwich making; Types of sandwiches; Fillings – basic principles of sandwich spread making & fillings, Precautions to take while preparing sandwiches, Storing of sandwiches for health & safety. UNIT VI: Cold Cuts and Sauces Forcemeat ‐meaning, uses, types and recipes, Panada ‐meaning uses, types and recipes, Compound butters ‐meaning, uses types recipes and examples, Marinades ‐different types and uses, Brine ‐types & uses, Aspic Jelly ‐used and preparation, Chaud froid ‐ uses and preparation, Cold preparation ‐galantine, ballotine, tenine, pate, quenelles mousses, mousselines,souffles ‐ recipes of above. UNIT VII: Kitchen Stewarding Importance of kitchen stewarding, Hierarchy & staffing in kitchen stewarding department, Equipment found in kitchen stewarding department UNIT VIII: Garbage Disposal Introduction, Ways of accumulation, Segregation, Disposal methods, Importance and maintenance of garbage bins. UNIT IX: Garde Manger Definition, Functions, Importance of Garde manger and Butchery, lay‐out, Staff organization, Storage points, SPS of meat products, Yields test calculations and portioning. UNIT X: Buffet preparations Principles of Buffet, Presentation, Types, Themes, Buffet Setups, typical dishes, smorgasbord
UNIT XI: Cold Cuts Farcis, terrines, pates, galantines, ballotines, mousses, quenelles, ‐types, preparation, menu examples. Cold sauces, dips, chondroid, aspics, methods of preparations, examples, chacutiere, sausages, types, preparation, popular sausages, SPS , cooking methods. UNIT XII: Advanced Bakery Preparation Sugar craft, chocolate confectionary, cold puddings and sweets. Reference books: 1. The Larder Chef – M.J. Leto & W.H. K.Bode 2. Garnishes‐ Lyn Rutherfold 3. Larousse Gastronomique – Cookery Encyclopedia‐ Paul Hamlyn MAHM22 ‐‐‐ Economics & Statistics for Hotel UNIT I: Demand Meaning of Demand, Law of Demand, Extension and contraction of Demand, Increase and decrease in Demand, Survey of Buyers intention. UNIT II: Elasticity of Demand Meaning of income elasticity of Demand, Cross elasticity of Demand, Price elasticity of Demand. UNIT III: Production Function Managerial use of production functions, Law of variable proportions. UNIT IV: Cost of Production Cost concepts‐ TFC‐TVC, TC‐AC and MC factors influencing cost of production, opportunity cost, cost and output relation. UNIT V: Supply Meaning – Law of supply, Determinants of Law of Supply, Elasticity of Law of Supply, Influence on cost of production. UNIT VI: Revenue Analysis Average revenue, Marginal revenue, Total revenue. UNIT VII: Pricing Policy General considerations involved in formulating pricing policy, Objectives of Price policy. UNIT VIII: Pricing Methods Cost plus or full cost pricing, going rate policy, Pricing for a rate of return. UNIT IX: Budget estimates of revised budgets. UNIT X: Marketing & hotel sales statistics. UNIT XI: MIS and related graphs / Segmentation. UNIT XII: SWOT Analysis and action plan. Reference books: 1. Economics of hotel and hospitality management by D. K. Singh. 2. Economics for Hotel and Catering Students by H. Hughes. 3. Economics by Roger A. Arnold. 4. Business Statistics by Levine.
MAHM23 ‐‐‐ Marketing & Sales Management UNIT I: Concept of marketing, introduction of hospital marketing. UNIT II: sales and marketing cycle, hospital industry, structure of industry, marketing definition. UNIT III: Identifying customer needs, selling and promotion, hospitality products. UNIT IV: Marketing and sales function Stages involved in planning sales and marketing activity, market segmentation( concept, relevance to hospitality industry), market segment groups. UNIT V: Market research and methods‐ advertising‐ meaning, methods. UNIT VI: Types of media, public relations, sales promotions, telephone selling, direct sales concept. UNIT VII: Customer care, role of merchandising. UNIT VIII: Sales‐ methods, concepts, modes, Sales techniques, strategies. UNIT IX: Marketing information system (definition, component and use). UNIT X: Marketing plan. UNIT XI: Planning for effective marketing. UNIT XII: Advantages and disadvantages of strategies marketing planning. Reference books: 1. Marketing And Sales Management by Sundara Rajan S. 2. Sales And Marketing Management by Prakash Mathur. 3. Marketing And Sales Management by Sundara Rajan S
MAHM24 ‐‐‐ Fundamental of Tourism UNIT I: Introduction to tourism‐Definition and meaning or concept of tourism and tourist. UNIT II: Importance or significance of tourism ‐ Growth of tourism, role of various agencies in growth of tourism like central and state government and private players. UNIT III: Positive and negative impact of tourism with reference to economical, social and environmental, and geographic etc. UNIT IV: Domestic and international tourism. UNIT V: Types or forms of tourism‐ heritage and historical, adventure, sports, conference, Convention, etc. UNIT VI: Tourist product‐ meaning or concept, how they are different from other consumer products. UNIT VII: Components of tourist product Attractions‐tourist destinations or places & tourist spots having tourist value from heritage or historical point of view or sports and recreational point of view, dance, fair festivals, trade fair, conferences and exhibitions etc. UNIT VIII: Religion based‐ Hindu, Muslim , Sikh, Buddhist, Jain and Christian. UNIT IX: Wild life sanctuaries‐ national parks, adventure, eco tourism destinations. UNIT X: Facilities‐ hotels, transport‐ air, rail, road, water. UNIT XI: Travel lingo‐ technical terminology of tourism. UNIT XII: Tour operators‐ inbound and outbound and immigration companies.
Reference books: 1. Fundamental Of Tourism And Travel by L.K. Singh. 2. Tourism impacts, planning and management by Peter Mason. 3. Tourism and welfare by Derek R. Hall, Frances Brown. MAHM25P ‐‐‐ Tourism (Tours & Travels) Viva MAHM26P ‐‐‐ Tourism (Tours & Travels) Practical UNIT I: Introduction to tourism‐Definition and meaning or concept of tourism and tourist. UNIT II: Importance or significance of tourism ‐ Growth of tourism, role of various agencies in growth of tourism like central and state government and private players. UNIT III: Positive and negative impact of tourism with reference to economical, social and environmental, and geographic etc. UNIT IV: Domestic and international tourism. UNIT V: Types or forms of tourism‐ heritage and historical, adventure, sports, conference, Convention, etc. UNIT VI: Tourist product‐ meaning or concept, how they are different from other consumer products. UNIT VII: Components of tourist product Attractions‐tourist destinations or places & tourist spots having tourist value from heritage or historical point of view or sports and recreational point of view, dance, fair festivals, trade fair, conferences and exhibitions etc. UNIT VIII: Religion based‐ Hindu, Muslim , Sikh, Buddhist, Jain and Christian. UNIT IX: Wild life sanctuaries‐ national parks, adventure, eco tourism destinations. UNIT X: Facilities‐ hotels, transport‐ air, rail, road, water. UNIT XI: Travel lingo‐ technical terminology of tourism. UNIT XII: Tour operators‐ inbound and outbound and immigration companies. SEMESTER III MAHM31 ‐‐‐ Human Resource Management UNIT I: Introduction— ‐Definition of personnel Management UNIT II: Role of the Personnel Manager ‐Challenges of Modem Personnel Management Organizational and Job Design— Organizational objectives. UNIT III: Organization Structure Controlling the personnel unit‐ Strategic control prints Personnel unit‐ The Personnel audit. UNIT IV: Job analysis & Human‐ Job analysis process Job Description Role analysis Job Specification. UNIT V: Uses of job analysis information Human Resource planning Work‐force Analysis‐ Absenteeism Turnover.
UNIT VI: Recruitment Internal & External Recruitment, Recruitment evaluation The Hiring Procedure‐ Types of interviews Principles of interviewing Approval of Supervisor Physical Examination Introduction. UNIT VII: Operative Training On‐ the ‐job training, Vestituce, Schools, Apprenticeship programmes, Special Courses. UNIT VIII: Executive Training Executive Development Executive needs & Developmental programme Decision making skills, interpersonal skills, Job Knowledge, Organizational Knowledge, General Knowledge Organizational Development. UNIT IX: Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal Systems The appraisal programme Nature of Carriers Carrier anchors Carrier Development Programme Compensation. UNIT X: Factors affecting Compensation policy Equity & compensation Job evaluation and job evaluation systems Fringe Benefits. UNIT XI: Principles of Employee Benefits Programs, payment for time not worked ‐guaranteed annual wage ‐life insurance –medical services ‐recreational programs ‐cafeterias & housing ‐legal & financial. UNIT XII: Nature of human resources Importance of human relations ‐nature of human needs ‐motivation theories if Abraham Maslar , MC Gregor & Hezberg The start of labour unions – ‐Nature of Labour unions, types of unions, start of unions Seperation process, seperation process ‐retirement, mandatory vs. voluntary, etirement, retirement programmmes. lay‐ off out‐ placement discharges. Reference books: 1. Human Resource Management by Robert L. Mathis, John H. Jackson. 2. Human Resource Management by Ivancevich. 3. Human resource management: theory and practice by John Bratton, Jeffrey Gold.
MAHM32 ‐‐‐ Hospitality Law UNIT I: Indian Contract Act 1872;Definition of a contract ‐kinds of contract‐ The arrangements, offer, acceptance, consideration accord and satisfaction ‐Flaws in contract. UNIT II: UNIT III: Sale of Goods Act1930: Contract of sale of goods Act‐ sales and agreements to sell‐ formation of a contract of sale‐subject matter of sales goods ‐ Price and Warranties. UNIT IV: The Companies Act 1956: Types of Companies‐ formation of a company‐Memorandum articles of association and it's contents‐ Incorporation. UNIT V: Raising capital through issue of shares ‐Debentures and accepting public deposits‐ General body and it's meetings ‐ Directors, Board of Directors and Director's Meetings. UNIT VI: The Indian Partnership Act 1932: Definition and nature of Partnership‐ formation of partnership‐ Rights, Duties, power and liabilities of partners. UNIT VII: Minor and a partner‐ Duration, Termination ,Dissolution and winding up of partnership‐ Registration ‐ Contents of partnership deed. UNIT VIII: Hotel/Restaurant ‐License ‐Registration ‐Controls‐ License under the bye ‐laws of relevant corporation.
UNIT IX: Municipality or local authority ‐Insurance law: Fire and General Insurance. ‐The standards of weight and measures Act 1956 ‐Prevention of food adulteration Act 1954. UNIT X: Labour laws overview: Basic knowledge of relevant labour laws‐ Registration maintenance of records and documents submission of returns and statements. UNIT XI: The payment of Wages Act 1948 The minimum Wages Act 1948 Payment of Bonus Act 1965 Employees Provident Fund and miscellaneous Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 Workmen Compensation Act 1948. UNIT XII: Direct and Indirect Taxes Registration ‐Payment of Taxes ‐maintenance of books of accounts and documents ‐Submission of returns and statement ‐assessments under the provisions of the following: Indirect Taxes: Commercial/Sales Tax Act ( State) Tax on Luxuries ( Hotels & Lodging Houses) Hotel Receipts Tax Act 1980 (Central) Profession Tax Act ( State) Direct Taxes: The Indian Income ‐tax Act,1961 (Special reference to deductions in newly set up hotel). Reference Book: 1. Hospitality law: managing legal issues in the hospitality by Stephen C. Barth, David K. Hayes. 2. Principles of Hospitality Law by Michael Boella, Alan Pannett. 3. Hospitality Law by Jack P. Jefferies MAHM33 ‐‐‐ Management Information System UNIT I: Introduction to M.I.S. –Meaning and Role MIS ‐Objectives of MIF ‐ Elements of MIF ‐ characteristics of MIS ‐ Application of MIS ( Briefly). UNIT II: Accounting and Finance Management –Marketing Management ‐Materials Management. UNIT III: Production Management –Personnel Management ‐Role of Computers in MIS ‐Data base concepts ‐Decision support system. UNIT IV: Introduction to Power Point ‐Power point Terminology ‐Getting into Power Point ‐ Creating Opening and Saving Presentations ‐ Types of Views ‐Outline View slide Sorter View Notes Pale View, Master Views ‐ Quitting Power Point ‐Creating Presentation the easy way ‐Using Auto Content Wizard ‐working with Blank Presentation. UNIT V: ‐Using the Templates ‐Using the Slide Master ‐Working with Colour Schemes ‐working with slides ‐Making a new slide ‐ Move, Copy or duplicate slides ‐ Delete a Slide ‐Copy a slide from one presentation to another ‐Go to a specific slide. UNIT VI: Change the layout of a slide Zoom in or out of slide ‐Working with Text in Power Point ‐ Working with Text ‐Cutting. Copying and Pasting ‐Formatting Text ‐changing Font & size Shadowing, Embossing ‐Aligning the Text ‐Left, Center, Right and Justify ‐ Power of Graphics in Power Point –Working with Clip ‐Art Picture. UNIT VII: Database Management System‐ Learning Microsoft ACCESS 97‐ kinds of DBMS packages –Data base definition ‐problems with Manual Data base ‐Advantages of using computers for Database getting started with Microsoft Access. UNIT VIII: Loading & Quitting Ms‐ Access‐ Exploiting the Database Tables, Forms, queries, Reports‐ Create a Database‐ Display or change the structure of a database Rename, Delete copy of Move a database‐ Working in the Database Window.
UNIT IX: Creating Tables Opening, Copying, Saving, Renaming and Deleting‐ working with data‐ Adding or Editing data ‐Display or change the structure of a Table selecting. Copying, Moving and Deleting Data‐ Finding and Replacing Data‐ Managing Duplicate Records‐ Working with Primary keys and lndexes‐ Working with Queries . UNIT X: Role of personal Computer in Office Automation‐ Introduction Information system activities ‐Word Processing. UNIT XI: Desk top Publishing ‐Image Processing ‐ Electronic Spread sheets ‐Interactive Video ‐Electronic Communications System ‐ Electronic Meeting systems ‐Telecommuting ‐ Internet ‐ Office Support System ‐ Management Implications of Office Automation. UNIT XII: A Case Study Through a Hotel Management System Package ‐Daily Operation Report, Occupancy Room Revenue analysis ‐Hotel Statement of Income, Room Division Income Statement, Room Division Budget, Reports, Operations Ratio and Ratio Standards ‐ Analysis the package and Give a report on Features of the Package Drawback of the Package Measures to be taken to overcome the demerit Merits & Demerits of Computerizing a Hotel. Reference Book: 1. Management information systems by Terence Lucey. 2. Management Information Systems by Effy Oz. 3. Management Information System by Versha Mehta. MAHM34 ‐‐‐ Facility Management UNIT I: Introduction Space planning and cost control Operational services Life cycle costing. UNIT II: Health and safety Current good practice User needs evaluation Outsourcing Managing people. UNIT III: Building Management Space planning Space planning and cost control Operational Services. UNIT IV: Building Management Life cycle costing Health and safety Maintenance. UNIT V: Catering Management Principles of risk & security management. UNIT VI: Risk profiles External and Internal audits. UNIT VII: The range of customers and their needs. UNIT VIII: Organization of risk & security function Security products. UNIT IX: The internal relationships within accommodation providers. UNIT XI: The role of the Facilities Manager, core business, range of services, strategic functions, in‐ house and out‐sourced methods of service delivery, benchmarking, compliance with legislation. UNIT XII: Methods of procurement, principles, systems and processes. Reference Book: 1. The facility management by David G. Cotts, Kathy O. Roper. 2. Facility management: risks and opportunities by Bev Nutt, Peter McLennan. 3. Facility management by Edmond P. Rondeau.
MAHM35P ‐‐‐ Management Information System Practical UNIT I: Introduction to Power Point ‐Power point Terminology ‐Getting into Power Point ‐Creating Opening and Saving Presentations ‐ Types of Views ‐Outline View slide Sorter View Notes Pale View, Master Views ‐ Quitting Power Point. UNIT II: Creating Presentation the easy way ‐Using Auto Content Wizard ‐working with Blank Presentation. UNIT III: Using the Templates ‐Using the Slide Master ‐Working with Colour Schemes ‐working with slides ‐Making a new slide. UNIT IV: Move, Copy or duplicate slides ‐ Delete a Slide ‐Copy a slide from one presentation to another ‐Go to a specific slide. UNIT V: Change the layout of a slide Zoom in or out of slide ‐Working with Text in Power Point ‐ Working with Text –Cutting. UNIT VI: Copying and Pasting ‐Formatting Text ‐changing Font & size Shadowing, Embossing ‐ Aligning the Text ‐Left, Center, Right and Justify ‐ Power of Graphics in Power Point –Working with Clip ‐Art Picture. UNIT VII: Loading & Quitting Ms‐ Access‐ Exploiting the Database Tables, Forms, queries. UNIT VIII: Create a Database‐ Display or change the structure of a database Rename, Delete copy of Move a database‐ Working in the Database Window. UNIT IX: Creating Tables Opening, Copying, Saving, Renaming and Deleting‐ working with data‐ Adding or Editing data ‐Display or change the structure of a Table selecting. UNIT X: Copying, Moving and Deleting Data. UNIT XI: Finding and Replacing Data‐ Managing Duplicate Records. UNIT XII: Working with Primary keys and lndexes‐ Working with Queries. MAHM36P ‐‐‐ Project‐Viva SEMESTER IV MAHM41 ‐‐‐ Nutrition & Food Hygiene UNIT I: Introduction to nutrition‐ food as a source of nutrient‐ functions of foods‐ definition of nutrition and nutrients. UNIT II: Food groups‐ basic five groups. UNIT III: Carbohydrate‐ sources, functions. UNIT IV: Lipid‐ sources, functions. UNIT V: Proteins‐ sources, functions. UNIT VI: Minerals‐ calcium, phosphorous, sodium, iodine, fluorine‐ sources and functions. UNIT VII: Vitamins‐ classification, sources, functions. UNIT VIII: Concept and principles of diet therapy‐ factors to consider in planning the therapeutic diets. UNIT IX: Classification of therapeutic diets‐ routine hospital diets‐ special feeding methods‐ pre and post operative diet‐ role and responsibilities of a dietician. UNIT X: Diet counseling. UNIT XI: Diet in obesity and underweight, diarrhea, constipation, peptic ulcer, fevers.
UNIT XII: Diet in diabetes mellitus, liver disease, disease of kidney‐ cardiovascular disease. Reference Book: 1. Nutrition and food hygiene by Philippa Hudson, Catherine Symonds. 2. Food and nutrition by Sari Edelstein. 3. The new public health by Theodore H. Tulchinsky.
MAHM42 ‐‐‐ Travel Agencies & Tour Operator Operations UNIT I: Meaning of travel agency and tour operator. Distinction or difference between the two. Classification or type of travel agency‐ GSA, PSA, Stock holder. UNIT II: Tour operators‐ inbound and outbound and immigration companies. UNIT III: Operational modalities of travel agency and tour operator restricted to air tickets, airlines and routings and itinerary making. UNIT IV: Immigration Companies, Operation Modalities of Travel Agency and Tour Operator restricted to air tickets. Routing and Itinerary. UNIT V: Travel trade organizations/ associations: IATO, IATA, ASTA, PATA, TAAI, Ministry of Tourism. UNIT VI: ravel Formalities: Passport, Visa, Health requirements, taxes, customs, currency, travel insurance, baggage and airport information. UNIT VII: Travel Agency and Tour Operation Business: History, Growth, and present status of Travel Agency. Definition of Travel Agency and differentiation between Travel Agency and Tour Operation business. UNIT VIII: Travel Agency and Tour Operators: Linkages and arrangements with hotels, airlines and transport agencies and other segments of tourism sector. Public and Private sector in Travel Agency Business and Tour Operation Business: Organisational Structure and various Departments of a Travel Agency. UNIT IX: Approval of Travel Agents and Tour Operators: Approval by Department of Tourism, Government of India. UNIT X: Functions of a Travel Agent Understanding the functions of a travel agency ‐ travel information and counselling to the tourists, Itinerary preparation, reservation, ticketing, preparation and marketing of Tour packages, handling business/corporate clients including conference and conventions. Sources of income: Commission, Service Charges. UNIT XI: Travel Terminology Current and popular travel trade abbreviations and other terms used in preparing itineraries. UNIT XII: Functions of a Tour Operator Market research and tour package formulation, assembling, processing and disseminating information on destinations, Liasioning with principles, preparation of Itineraries, tour operation and post tour Management. Sources of income for tour operation. Reference Book: 1. Management Of Travel Agency by L.K. Singh 2. Travel Agency Management by Mohinder Chand
MAHM43 ‐‐‐ Bar Management UNIT I: A brief history of the Bar & Beverage business in India ‐in U.S.A. UNIT II: Types of Bar Upscals bars, down scale bars 'Repairs' Bar. 'Walk in' Bars.' Airport' Bars. Sports. Bar, 'Pramo' Bars(Karoake).'Service' Bars, 'Mobile' Bars(airplanes & parties)mini‐ bars(room) Recreational Bars( gulf course). Specially Bar. UNIT III: Difference between Bar & Lounge‐Definition of Lounge‐ Purpose of Large Social Concerns a few definitions like abstainer. UNIT IV: Tight drinker, moderate drinker ,heavy drinker ,alcohol dependence, alcohol abusers, alcoholism. UNIT V: The three primary legal concerns with regard to alcohol service Off‐hour service The service of alcoholic beverages to minor. The service of alcoholic beverages leading to intoxication. UNIT VI: The physical effects of alcohol on our bodydefining Blood alcohol concentration ( BAC) Blood Alcohol effects on our body systems‐ Effect of alcohol on other drugs –serving alcohol with care. UNIT VII: Architecture & Interior Design. The four view points of planning‐pemits‐licenses‐ Regulatory compliance's Interior design‐ Establishing & theme. UNIT VIII: Planning for space allocation‐planning for traffic flow‐floorswindowswalls & wall coverages‐ceilings‐furniture and equipment‐planning for colour‐Air control & conditioning ‐sound control‐lighting control‐Exterior design. UNIT IX: Basic Bar Managements. The Front Bar Definition‐the back bar, under bar, under ( equipment's like speed rack, ice bin ,glass etc. UNIT X: Service and Selling Techniques: A guest‐oriented approach to service‐How it works ‐ establishing service standards for Successful service & selling ( the techniques & strategies). UNIT XI: The Bartender‐his role as a psychologist, his role as a sales person, his role in alcohol awareness. Building drink method shako blend drink method‐desk station setup for effective service. Selection and Training of Human Resources‐Job analysis‐job description job specification‐ Recruitment & selection ‐Training. UNIT XII: Bar Control System What is beverage control ‐Consists of 3 elements Product Control – What is it? Cash Control ‐What is it? Product Control ‐Establishing standards of operations Standards recipes Portion control Glassware used Prices Preventing pilferage & fraud ‐ highlight some methods bartenders of services staff use to steal Sales & profitability control. Reference Book: 1. The professional bar & beverage manager's by Amanda Miron, Douglas Robert Brown 2. Practical bar management by Eddie Clarke 3. Bar Management And Control by B.K. Chakravarti
MAHM44 ‐‐‐ Methods of Research & Analysis UNIT I: Different types of Research UNIT II: Export factor, field experiments UNIT III: Survey, Historical Descriptive, Experimental ‐Case studies‐ Action Research other from explorative studies. UNIT IV: Formation of research Designs ‐Types of variables. UNIT V: Formulation of Hypothesis –Types of characteristics ‐uses. UNIT VI: Sampling techniques, Establishing Random. UNIT VII: Matching groups; Methods of data collection ‐Different types. UNIT VIII: Data processing and analysis. UNIT IX: Interpretations, conclusion, Association, correlation. UNIT X: Regression; testing of hypothesis‐chi‐square, t‐tests and other tests. UNIT XI: Experimental Designs ‐Analysis of variance. UNIT XII: Analysis of covariance, multiple correlation; regression; cluster analysis, factor analysis, canonical correction, content analysis ‐role of computer in Educational Research. Reference Book: 1. Research methods in service industry management by Nick Johns, Darren Lee‐Ross 2. Cultural Tourism Research Methods by Greg Richards, Wil Munsters. MAHM45P ‐‐‐ Project Report ****************