Mahdi unit 3 & 30 research log

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Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research


Advanced Studies in media. (Book)

I did not find any defini=on in this book.

This book did not help me as I did not find any relevant informa=on rela=ng to my subject.


I found a defini=on for primary research.

I was looking for the defini=on of primary research and I found it and put it in my own words.


A dic=onary of communica=on and media studies-­‐James-­‐1984 (Book)

I found a defini=on of secondary research.

I was looking for the defini=on of secondary research and I found it and put it in my own words.


I was looking for the advantages of primary research

I did not find anything useful informa=on on this website so I did not use it.

27/02/13 rserach

I was looking for disadvantages of primary research

I found useful informa=on on this page and I also found advantages of primary research which I used.

27/02/13 secondryresrach

I was searching for advantages of secondary research

I found good points for advantages and used them for my work.



I was searching for what quan=i=ve data was

I found a brief descrip=on of what quan=ta=ve data was and I used this for my work.



I was searching for what quali=ve data was

I found a brief descrip=on of what quali=ve data was and I used this for my work.



I was searching for examples of primary research

I did not find any useful informa=on on this website.

Mahdi Mustafa


Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research

01/03/13 quen==ve

I searched for examples of Quan==ve data but this website did not give me any informa=on.

This website did not give me any informa=on as it was not useful to me or the subject.


www.readyra=on/refrence/ quan==veanlaysis

I searched for advantages of quan=tve data and did not find anything

This website gave me defini=ons of what the words meant and did not give me any advantages

01/03/13­‐ disadvantagesreserach.html

I was looking for advantages of quan=tve and quali=ve data.

Ehow gave me really good and detailed answers, and I used this informa=on to help me.


I searched for “ethnographic media” and this was the first link which appeared

This website was displaying film trailers and had nothing to do with the topic I was searching for.



I searched for “ethnographic media Wikipedia” and found a details response/

The informa=on on the Wikipedia page was very detailed and helpful so I used it to help me with explaining it.


I searched for “What is barb” on Google.

The official barb website gave me a brief history and what barb does so I found this website helpful.

04/03/13 ge\ngstarted

I searched for “Geodemographic” and this was the first link which did not help me because it was off topic

The informa=on on this page was very off topic. It was more aimed at those who do business studies

04/03/13 socialmediaconsumer

I searched for “Consumer rights” and I was presented this page which gave me examples not defini=ons

The informa=on did help me by giving me some examples but did not give me the defini=on.


This page game me some useful defini=ons of Audience research

This page gave me a very clear defini=on and I used it for my work

Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research


I was looking for “Audience date” and the informa=on I came across did not give me any informa=on

The page was providing me a service for business and did not give me any informa=on.

04/03/13 audeinceprodiling

I came across a slide show which gave me vague answers to what audience profiling was

This PowerPoint helped me define what audience profiling was. It was also detailed with techniques

04/03/13 audeinceprodiling

I used the same PowerPoint as before to help me define demographics as it was on the next page

This PowerPoint helped me define what demographics is and the different stages which I used.


I came across a page which defined for me what audience awareness was and it was detailed

The informa=on on this page was simple but detailed and I used the informa=on here for my work



I looked up on Wikipedia what the defini=on of compe=tor was and got a helpful insight into it

The primary aim for the defini=on here was business related but I got the idea and interpreted it into media terms


I came across Wikipedia's page on what market research is but this was more related to business

This informa=on on this page was more related to business terms but I interpreted it to my own.



I searched for ‘Product Market’ but this page was linked to business, so it did not help me.

The informa=on on this page used a lot of business terminology which did not help me


I was looking for a defini=on of what computer analysis was.

The bog post gave me 5 techniques on how to analyse compe==on which I used for my work.



I came across this page for product marke=ng and this page was business related

This page gave me various defini=ons and examples but it was in business terms witch I interpreted to media terms.

Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research


I was looking for what adver=sing meant and did not find this page useful

The informa=on on this page did not relate to what I was looking for



I was looking for consumer behavior and gained informa=on from this page

This wiki page helped me define what consumer behavior was and also gave me some methods



I was looking for what adver=ng effects where and came across this page and gained the defini=on

This page gave me a defini=on of what adver=ng effects where and also some methods.


Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research


hdp:// Audience_measurement

An explana=on of what Audience measurement is .

I found out what audience defini=on is.


hdp:// services/quan=ta=ve-­‐research/face-­‐ to-­‐face-­‐interviewing

An explana=on of what face to face interviewing is.

I found out the defini=on of an interview and also the advantages if a interviewing.


hdp:// research-­‐methods/face-­‐to-­‐face/

Some disadvantages of what face to face interviews may be.

I found some good examples of why face to face interviews maybe a disadvantages and used them.


hdp:// Rate_card

An explana=on on what TV rate cars are.

I looked at what the TV rates are and how they are determined.


hdp:// adver=se/rates

This is ITV’s TV rates and I will be gaining a basic understand of rates

I looked at the various types of rates that ITV has for its adverts and also the factors which makes the price differ.


hdp:// ques=on/index? qid=20111009065608AAvK2JD

A basic understand of a advert package was obtained

A comment made by someone on Yahoo gave me a basic understanding of what an ad package is


hdp:// defini=on/psychographics.html

A defini=on of what psychographic is.

I gained a basic understanding of what Psychographic was and used it for my work.


hdp:// internet-­‐marke=ng/psychographic-­‐ marke=ng/

I obtained advantages of psychographic.

I gained some advantages and also learned more about psychographic


hdp:// Geodemography

I obtained an understanding of Geodemographics

I gained a basic understanding of what Geodemographics is and used this in my work.

Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research


hdp:// Focus_group

An explana=on of what a focus group is and what it does

I found an explana=on of what focus group was and used the defini=on in my work


hdp:// Rate_card

A explana=on of what rate cards are and how they are used

I found out what rate cards where and how they are used


hdp:// credit-­‐cards/low-­‐rate/

I was looking for advantages of rate cards but did not find any informa=on

This website did not give me any informa=on on rate cards or its advantages'


hdp:// cookbook/info_ques=onnaires/

I was looking for some disadvantages of ques=onnaires

This website gave me both Advantages and disadvantage which I used for m work.


hdp://­‐ method/classifica=ons/current-­‐ standard-­‐classifica=ons/soc2010/ index.html

I was looking for what Standard Occupa=on classifica=on was and came across a brief descrip=on

This was a brief descrip=on and I did not gain anything detailed so I did not understand it


hdp:// Standard_Occupa=onal_Classifica=on _System

I was looking for what Standard Occupa=on classifica=on and came across a Wikipedia page

The Wikipedia gave me a more detailed response which I used for my work



I was looking for what research agency website was and this website did not give me anything

This website was a service and did not help me gain any informa=on



I was looking for what research agency website was and this website did not give me anything

This website did not provide me with anything and it provided me with nothing useful to use for my work.


hdp://­‐ we-­‐do/our-­‐industry/media-­‐agencies/ what-­‐benefits-­‐does-­‐a-­‐media-­‐agency-­‐ deliver.aspx

I was looking for some advantages of TV agencies and came across this which game me some points

This website helped me gain some points about the advantages and disadvantage of TV agencies.

Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research


hdp://­‐ =meout-­‐chocolate-­‐bar-­‐32g-­‐1-­‐1oz-­‐ for-­‐1-­‐3.html

I was looking for images of Time Out the chocolate bar

I found an image of =me out the chocolate and used it for my work.


hdp:// Time_Out_(chocolate_bar)

I was looking for more background on the Time Out chocolate bar and I gathered some informa=on here

I gained informa=on from Wikipedia such as the launch and the branding of the chocolate bar.


hdp:// v=umNV6aMCjRk

I was looking for previous Time Out adverts on YouTube.

This YouTube video was a previous Timeout advert and gave me an insight on how they use to adver=se.


hdp:// v=p1N00EDS8xc

I was looking for previous Time Out adverts on YouTube.

This YouTube video was a previous Timeout advert and gave me an insight on how they use to adver=se.


hdp:// v=rxGOKKZdxAI

I was looking for previous Time Out adverts on YouTube.

This YouTube video was not a previous Timeout advert so this did not help me.


hdp://­‐ Timeout-­‐Chocolate-­‐Bar/dp/ B003SEI6BU

I was looking for the general prices of a Time Out chocolate bar

I gathered some prices which the Timeout bar is sold at.


hdp:// Product/Details/?id=259552531

I was looking for the general prices of a Time Out chocolate bar but this was a mul= pack bar

Thus was a mul= pack bar so the Tesco website did not help me.


hdp:// Drirer_(chocolate)

I was looking for possible compe==on for the =meout chocolate bar and decided to research Drirer

I gained a bit of informa=on about drirer but did not find much since their Wikipedia page is short.


hdp:// chocolate_and_confec=onery/biscuit/ drirer

I was looking for possible compe==on for the =meout chocolate bar and decided to research Drirer

The nestle website did give me a bit more background informa=on on this chocolate bar.

Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research



I was looking for possible compe==on for the =meout chocolate bar and decided to research Twix

I found a lot of research and background informa=on from Twix Wikipedia page



I was looking for possible compe==on for the =meout chocolate bar and decided to research Kit Kat

The Wikipedia page for Kit Kat was informa=ve and I used the informa=on for my presenta=on


hdp:// Product/Details/?id=272707140

I was looking for some prices of Kit Kat bars and did not gain any informa=on from Tesco webiste

The Tesco website only gave me prices for the mul= packs which did not help me.


hdp:// adver=sing

I was looking for Channel 4’s rate cards and how much they cost

I found some prices of channel 4’s adver=sing cost and used them for my presenta=on


hdp:// TVAdver=singAgency/ TVAdver=singCHANNELS/ MTVtvadver=sing.aspx

I was looking for MTV’s rate cards and how much they cost

This website helped me with MTV’s rate cards.


hdp:// TVAdver=singAgency/ TVAdver=singCHANNELS/ Flavatvadver=sing.aspx

I was looking for Flava TV rate cards and how much they cost

This website helped me with Flava Tvs rate cards.


hdp:// TVAdver=singAgency/ TVAdver=singCHANNELS/ E4TVadver=sing.aspx

I was looking for E4’s rate cards and how much they cost

This website helped me with E4,s rate card which I used for my presenta=on.


hdp:// 1706375/scream-­‐mtv-­‐series.jhtml

I was looking for some informa=on on MTV’s new show

I found some informa=on on MTV’s new scream series which relates to our presenta=on.



I was looking for some informa=on on Cadburys ethos

On the official website I came across a online PDF which helped me recognize its Ethos.

Mahdi Mustafa Date

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Descrip;on of informa;on obtained

Evalua;on of research


hdp:// v=N2oL_gXECtg

I was looking for similar adverts which relate to my own idea of our advert.

I came across the Phones 4 u advert on YouTube and used it for my presenta=on


hdp:// v=wrIZnC8q7RQ

I was looking for similar adverts which relate to my own idea of our advert

I came across another Phones 4 u advert on YouTube and used it for my presenta=on



I found out how to get to our loca=on of filming.

Google maps helped me find the loca=ons and what routes to take to the loca=on of filming's which we have chosen.

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