Industrial Training & Practices” 1st June’09 to 12th July’09. Introduction Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. is one of the 100% export oriented industry in Bangladesh. By means of the practical knowledge it’s possible to apply the theoretical knowledge in the practical field. For any technical education practical experience is almost equally important in association with the theoretical knowledge. The industrial attachment is the process which builds understanding skills and attitude of the performer, which improves his knowledge in boosting productivity and services. University education provides us vast theoretical knowledge as well as more practical attachment, despite all these industrial attachment help us to be familiar with the technical support of modern machinery, skill ness about various operation stages. It also provides us sufficient practical knowledge about production management, productivity evaluation, work study, efficiency, industrial management, production planning and control, production cost analysis, inventory management, purchasing, utility and maintenance of machinery and their operation techniques etc. the above mentioned can not e achieved successful by means of theoretical knowledge only. This is why it should be accomplished with practical knowledge in which it is based on industrial attachment makes us reliable to accustomed with the industrial atmosphere & improve courage & inspiration to take self responsibility.
Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd.
(Shahid Taj Uddin Ahmed Sarani)
B.G. Press
Govt. Printing Press
I have prepared this report as required in completion of my attachment course in regarding guideline given by the university authority which will lead to a strong guideline and milestone for our future carrier. In Padma Poly cotton fabrics Ltd. I have completer 8 (eight) Weeks long industrial training in the sections, namely-Kilting, Dyeing, Finishing & Garments. Location of the Mill.
SAAT RASTA Moghbazar
Project Description General Information about the mill: Objects Name of the company Status Type Year of establishment Location
Owner of the mill Investors Annual production Capacity Actual production Authorized capital Total turn over
Description Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Private Limited Company. 100% Export Oriented Knit Composite Knit Dyeing Factory. 1995. Factory: North Begun-bari, 131, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka – 1208. H. Office: 5, Rajuk Avenue Dhaka – 1000. Tel: 9460917-20. Fax: 880956204 E-mail: Mr. Khan Mohammod Amir (Director). Mrs. Parveen Sultana Khan. 7200-8000 tones. Knit dyeing 25 tones / day. Knit dyeing 20 tones / day (Approx.). 100 cores taka. 20 Lac. US dollar / year (Approx.)
Vision: To be one of the leading composite textile mill in Bangladesh. To build a true marketing led enterprise with motivated workforce, innovative vision and more vale added produce portfolio, customer sails factiom and under standing global market. Mission: Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Firmly believes that in final analysis, they are accountable to each of the constituents with whom they interact namely their employs, customers and business associates. History of the Project: First of all it was a printing press in 1993, then the owner planned to produce fabric specially knit fabrics in 1995, after that they started to dye the fabric in the middle of 1995. When they had got the approval of buyer. They started to produce the garments by subcontract. Then they decided to set up garments section. In the year 1996 they started to produce garments by their own factory. In the year 1997 they started to print the fabric according to the buyer requirements. After that embroidery was started in the middle of 1997. Now they are self established. At present they plan to set – up spinning factory to produce yarn.
History of the project Development: Year 1995 1999 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008-9
Details Establishment of the mill. 1st installment of the machinery. Installment of the 800 kg and 200 kg H.T.H.P m/c. Start of the construction of 3rd and 4th Floor. Installment of the 1800 kg H.T.H.P machine. Start of the construction of 4th and 5th floor. Installment of the 6 winch m/c and De-watering m/c. Starting a new project of dyeing and finishing and washing. Start of the construction of 6th floor and Mogbazar site.
Physical Infrastructure: The total area of this industry is 3.34,00 square feet. It is actually a sixth floor production unit. The ground floor is designed with dyeing and finishing section. The section is placed on the 1st floor. The maintenance section is placed on the sixth floor. The batch section is also placed on the sixth floor. The other floors are designed with cutting, sewing, Printing, Embroidery and Garment finishing etc. Production Capacity: Knitting Dyeing Garment
: : :
12 tones per day 20 tones per day 40,000 pieces per day.
Remarks: The objects of the project are to produce knit wear and knit garments. The industry has the ability to maintain the finest quality products. To fulfill the buyer requirements the factory has strong management and modern machineries.
Manpower Management Management System: Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. has a central controller i.e. Chairman / Managing Director who controls the factory, besides these all the departments are controlled by respective departmental chief. General Manager (Production) AGM Knitting Manager Knitting Sr. Prod. Officer
AGM Dyeing Manager Dyeing Sr. Prod. Officer X2
Prod. OfficerX3 Sr. supervisorX3 SupervisorX6 Feeder X12 Operator X40 Helper X40
Prod. OfficerX6 Sr. supervisorX6 SupervisorX8 Operator X24 Helper X24
Manager Lab In-Charge Lab-2 Asst. Technical Officer X3 Lab Asst. X6 Lab Helper X6
Manager Finishing In-Charge Finishing Sr. Supervisor X3 Supervisor X6 Operator X20 Helper X30
Responsibilities: General Manager (GM): To plan, apply and administrative functions. To set up price for the product. To deal with the buyer and merchandiser. To arrange necessary facilities for the buyers demand. To follow up the instruction of managing director and chairman. Manager: To plan for the sequence of production. To arrange necessary raw materials for the production. To follow the production and give solution to the production problems. To supervise the personal working under him. To find out the possible reasons which are responsible for less production? To follow fup the instruction of managing director and executive director as well. Production Officer: To follow up the instruction of production manager. To follow up the production process. To set instruction for the supervisors. To guide the supervisors. To find out the probable causes for less production. Should discuss with the production manager about today’s production and tomorrows plan.
Shift in Charge: To follow the worker’s movement. Should discuss with the production officer about what is happening in the floor. To maintain the production sequence. To cheek the sample at certain time interval. To set programs for the supervisions. Supervisor: To guide the operators and helpers working at the production unit. To motivate the workers when necessary. To check the sample. To check the materials list whether they are at right quantity or not. Total manpower with different departments: Section / Department Administration Knitting Dyeing Dyeing & Finishing Printing Embroidery Maintenance Washing Sewing Cutting Quality Finishing Stuff Security Others Total
Number of People 320 176 202 167 154 49 58 26 1441 214 250 296 164 75 8 3600
Remarks: The management system plays a important role for an organization. The Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. has a very good organized management system. Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. gradually increasing the moreover of the factors Machine Description Dyeing Machine Description: Dyeing m/c type Winch Dyeing Machine (H.T.T.P) Winch Dyeing Machine (Sample) Winch Dyeing Machine (Atmospheric)
Machine Quantity 06 06 14
Machine No. Name of the m/c Brand Name Origin Capacity Year of Manufacturing No. of Nozzle Nozzle Pressure No. of Motor Temp. range
01 02 Winch Dyeing Winch Dyeing m/c m/c THIES KYUNG HUN Germany Korea 400 kg 50 kg 1995 1998
03 Winch Dyeing m/c THIES Germany 400 kg 1995
04 Winch Dyeing m/c THIES Germany 20 kg 1995
4 0.5 Bar 4 Up to 980C
1 0.5 Bar 4 Up to 980C
4 0.5 bar 4 Up to 980C
3 0.5 bar 4 Up to 980C
Machine No. Name of the m/c Brand Name Origin Capacity Year of Manufacturing No. of Nozzle Nozzle Pressure No. of Motor Temp. range
05 H.T Winch Dyeing m/c THESIS Germany 400 kg 1998
06 H.T Winch Dyeing m/c DILMENLER Turkey 1800 kg 2003
07 Winch Dyeing m/c THIES Germany 600 kg 1995
08 Winch Dyeing m/c THIES Germany 400 kg 1995
4 4 Up to 1350C
12 13 Up to 1350C
6 0.5 Bar 8 Up to 980C
4 0.5 Bar 4 Up to 980C
Machine No. 09 10 11 Name of the H.T Winch H.T Winch High Soft m/c Dyeing m/c Dyeing m/c Winch Dyeing m/c Brand Name DILMENLER DILMENLER WOO YANG Origin Turkey Turkey Korea Capacity 200 kg 800 kg 200 kg Year of 1999 1999 1995 Manufacturing No. of Nozzle 2 8 2 Nozzle Pressure No. of Motor 3 6 5
12 High Soft Winch Dyeing m/c WOO YANG Korea 400 kg 1993 4 5
Temp. range
Up to 1350C
Up to 1350C
Up to 980C
Up to 980C
Machine No. Name of the m/c Brand Name
13 Winch Dyeing m/c KYUNG HUN
New 1 Winch Dyeing m/c DILMENLER
New 2 Winch Dyeing m/c DILMENLER
New 3 Winch Dyeing m/c DILMENLER
Origin Capacity Year of Manufacturing No. of Nozzle Nozzle Pressure No. of Motor Temp. range
Korea 100 kg 1998
Turkey 100 kg 2004
Turkey 450 kg 2004
Turkey 300 kg 2004
1 0.5 Bar
1 0.5 Bar
3 0.5 Bar
3 0.5 Bar
3 Up to 980C
3 Up to 980C
3 Up to 980C
3 Up to 980C
Machine No.
New 4
New 5
New 6
New 7
Name of the m/c Brand Name Origin Capacity Year of Manufacturing No. of Nozzle Nozzle Pressure No. of Motor Temp. range
Winch Dyeing m/c DILMENLER Turkey 150 kg 2004
Winch Dyeing m/c DILMENLER Turkey 100 kg 2004
Winch Dyeing m/c DILMENLER Turkey 200 kg 2004
Winch Dyeing m/c KYUNG HUN Korea 450 kg 2001
1 0.5 Bar
1 0.5 Bar
2 0.5 Bar
3 0.5 Bar
5 Up to 980C
3 Up to 980C
3 Up to 980C
3 Up to 980C
Machine No. Name of the m/c
SI S2, S3, S4, S5 H.T. Sample Winch Sample Winch Dyeing m/c Dyeing m/c THIES BANGLA 50 kg 25 kg of 1995 2003
Brand Name Capacity Year Manufacturing No. of Nozzle Nozzle Pressure Origin No. of Motor Temp. range
1 Germany 3 Up to 1300C
4 0.5 Bar China 2 Up to 980C
S6 H.T. Sample Winch Dyeing m/c HAB DONG 20 kg 1995 1 Korea 3 Up to 1300C
FINISHING MACHINE Finishing machine description: Machine Name
M/C No.
Dewatering m/c 02
Sutter Slitter
Dryer (tube)
Dryer (Open)
Model No. Serial No.
DMS 07 R 02 KC 1250 2003 of 2003 2005
Year Mfg. Brand Name DILMENLER BIANCO Origin Turkey Italy Capacity 125 kg RPM 60 m/min No of Chamber Application
DMS 053 K2G 2400 20009 2003 RUCKH Germany 8 tones/day 4-30 m/min 2
DILMENLER Tyrkey 8 tones/day 4-30 m/min 3
Open width Open width & & Tube Tube fabric fabric 110-2200C 110-2200C
STENTER MACHINE: Machine Name Machine No. Model No. Serial No. Year of Mfg. Brand Name Mfg. Country Temperature Capacity RPM Used Utilities No of Chamber Application Max. Width Min. Width Steam pressure Air pressure Extra Attachment
BRUCKNER STENTER M/C 1 72276-0463 1995 BRUCKNER Germany 500C - 2500C 8 tones / day 15 – 30 m/min (knit) 15 – 80 min (Woven) Electricity, Water, Gas, Compact air. 3–7 Open width fabric 102'' 30'' 2 Bar 10 Bar Mahlo attachment for Bowing control.
Open Compactor
M/C No. Model No. Brand Name Manufacturer Temperature Capacity
1 Compact_ck/240-a Sparta Italy 1100-1400 4 tons / day
Open Compactor (New) 1 Comptex /FV 200 Ferraro Italy 1100-1400 4 tons /day
Tube Compactor 1 Comptex/FV Ferraro Italy 1100-1450 8 tons / day
R.P.M Used utilities Application Max. Width Min. Width
13-22m /min Electricity, Steam, Gas, Compact Air Open width fabric 86” 36”
13-22m /min Electricity, Steam, Gas, Compact Air Open width fabric 86” 36”
16-35m /min Electricity, Steam, Gas, Compact Air Tube fabric 52” 16”
RAISING MACHINE: Machine Name Brand Name Manufacture Country Temperature Capacity R.P.M Used Utilities No. of pin roller Cylinder R.P.M Tension Pin type
Raising machine Comet Italy 600-1000 C 4 tons / day 20-30m/min Electricity 24(pile-18,c-pile-6) 100 3 kg Both pile and country pile fabric
Dyeing Lab Machine The description of machineries of the dyeing lab of Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. are given below: Laboratory Equipments: Light box Electronic Balance Iron Sample dyeing machine Lab dip machine GSM tester Washing machine PH tester Dryer Crock meter Spectrophotometer Light Box: Issual assessment of color by reflectance and transmission. Marilee used for shade matching. 4 types of light source are used. Metamarism of the fabric is checked. Sometime it may be more such as TL-84, CWD etc. Brand Name : VITIVIDE
Model Origin
: CVC-60 : U.K.
Full Meaning Ultra Violet
Fluorescent light
Tube light
Artificial day light
Functions Used for white color matching. Metamerism of the fabric is cheeked. Metamerism of the fabric is cheeked. Used for color matching
Electronic Balance: Fabrics, dyes, chemical and other auxiliaries can be measures accurately. Wight range : 0.001 – 121 gm. Accuracy : 0.001 gm. Brand Name Model Company Origin
: : : :
SARTORIUS. BL-310 Jams H. Helal and Co. Ltd. U. K.
Iron: Mainly used drying the sample. Wet sample is placed between the two white fabrics and pressure is given. A dial is used to indicate the fabric type (Cotton, wool, silk etc.) Sample Dyeing M/C: Brand Name Company Origin No. of Machine Solvent Model No. Machine Type
: : : : : : :
Lab. Dip Machine: Type of fabric processed Brand Name Company Origin
: : : :
Cotton and Polyester. Mathis Labomate Werner Mathis AG Switzerland.
Features: Sample can be dyed at 1000 c, 1300 c and more Glycerin bath is used 18-24 holders are provided. Main parts: Program set panel Glycerin bath Holder Holder carrier Controlling points: Time Temperature R.P.M Gram Per Square Meter (G.S.M.) Tester: Used to measure GSM of grey, dyed and finished fabrics. 100 cm fabric is cut and weighted in grams. Took the final GSM. Washing machine: Washing condition and parameter can be controlled. Model : RS 12 MS Temperature : 1200 c Solvent : Water + Glycerin Brand Name : INDESIT Company : INDESIT Origin : Italy. PH Tester
Digital PH Meter.
Crock meter: Mainly used for rubbing fastness. Rub may be wet / dry Machine Specification: Brand Name : Model : Origin :
GUVEN CELIK S 9011 Turkey
Dryer machine: Mainly used for sample dry Temperature may be up to 2000 c 27 pieces of sample can be easily dry Machine Name: LAB TECH
Spectrophotometer: Type Brand name Model Software used Origin
: : : : :
Spectrophotometer Data color SF 600 plus CT Color tools QC, DCI match USA
Function: Shade matching & Recipe formulation. Raw Materials In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. raw materials used for production are – Grey fabric Dyes and Chemicals. Grey fabric: The following of grey fabrics are dyed. Single jersey. Heavy jersey Needle top Interlock Lycra Single jersey Single / Double Lacost Collar & Cuff RIB Lycra rib Fleece fabric Polo pique CVC (Chief Value of Colon. 60% Cotton + 40% Polyester = Blended fabric) PC / TC (The more % of Polyester in the cotton part) (Such as 65%) Mélange Fabric: Mélange is a blended knitted fabric generally the blending of Cotton and Viscose. The one pare dyeing of CVC / PC, and then we get Mélange effect. ECRO Mélange / Silver Mélange Grey Mélange
: :
98% Cotton + 2% Viscose. 85% Cotton + 15% Viscose.
Sources of yarn: Arif Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Utah Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Square Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Shameen Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Prime Composite Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Motin Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. New kids Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. NRG Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Karim Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Malek Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Zarina Spinning Mills Ltd. Bangladesh. Filament Yarn: Polyester Polyamide Viscose Spandex (Lycra) Sources: Sudhan, India. Primayudha, Indonesia. Sri Shanmugavel Mills, India. Sources of Lycra Yarn: Japan. America. Korea. Dyeing Section: 100% Cotton Dyeing. 100% Polyester Dyeing. 100% Viscose Dyeing. PC & CVC Dyeing. Lycra mixed Dyeing. Garments Sections: Gent’s tops & bottoms. Lady’s tops & bottoms. Baby’s items.
• Dyes & Chemicals are imported from Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, India, China etc. Annual Requirements: To determine Annual requirement is very tuff. It mainly depends on the buyer order and sub contract order. The higher the buyer orders the higher the production and vice versa. Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. uses the best Quality of raw materials. It produces fabrics from best quality yarn. They also use the best quality dyes.
H2 O2
Bleaching Agent
Foming Agent
Sodium Sulphate
Industrial Salt
Albatex FFC
Contrioon S
NK-J-218(Soda Ash) H2SO4
Acetic Acid
Fomic Acid
Ruco Acid ABS
SL . N0 . Alcosper AD 11 0 Lipotol PS-60 11 1 Sadopur RSK 11 2 Serisoap CA 11 3 Rucogeu-NZA 11 4 Invatex CS 11 5 Neocrystal BGS 11 6 Sirrix 2UD 11 7 Seriquest DEM 11 8 Decoster-SQ 11 9 Cibacel DBS 12 0 Neocrystal 200B 12 1 Drimagin E2R 12 2 Lyoprint RG 12 3 Invadine-DIF 12 4 Setavin CO 12 5 Sun Salt RM- 12 400N 6
Dyes Dyes Name
Sequesteri-ng Agent
Soda ash
Levelling Agent
Chemical/Dyes Name Soaping Agent
SL. N0.
Basic chemical
Dyes and Chemical Name: SL. Chemical Name N0.
Sumifix Sup.Scarlet 2GH Sumifix Sup.T/Blue G Sumifix Sup.Blue EXF Sumifix SupNavy Blue EXF Sumifix Sup.Red EFX Sumifix Sup.Yellow EFX Sumifix Br. Blue R Sumifix Br.Yellow 4GL Sumifix HF Yellow 4GL Sumifix HF Red G Sumifix HF Red 28 Sumifix HF Navy 2G Sumifix HF Blue 2R Sumifix RL Sumifix EXF Sumifix Blue BF Sumifix 3RF
HF Brown Sup. Marine Sup. Navy Sup. Yellow
Invatex AC
DyapolNeu(acid) Crosoft
Nepton SRE
Croaks N Rucorit WEZ Bio.ACE Razzor
Ultratex UM 78 New Silicon AMZ 79
Ultraphil HMS
Enzyme B-50
Saleamine CWS
Bio.Polish SA500 Stabilizer Sifa
Sun Softer A300
Supamine FPS
Softener ABN
Siba White
Softener White
Uvitex BHV
Texport Gl-500
Uvitex BBT
Texport D-600
Uvitex BAM
Texport D-900
Uvitex ERH
Ciba Fluid c
Scoumer BF-70
Sakatuble STL-C 95
32 33 34 35 36 37
Ciba Dyes
Rucostab EP
Nonionic (white)
Neorate PH-100
Sunsofton NK- 82 07 Softener JS-100 83
Bio.Polish EC Bio.Polish AL
Cationic Softener
76 Enzyme
Invatex PC
Syno White BNH Syno White BYB
Cibacron yellow FN2R Cibacron yellow G2H
12 7 12 8 12 9 13 0 13 1 13 2 13 3 13 4 13 5 13 6 13 7 13 8 13 9 14 0 14 1 14 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 6 14 7 14 8 14 9 15 0
Sumifix Sup. Bri Red 3RF Sumifix Orange 3R
Bactasol AP
Sumifix Dark Brown BRS Sumifix Br. Violet B. SPI Taifix Red SF 3BT Taifix Yellow SF 3RT Taifix Black SF BSDT Taifix Black SF BT Taifix Br. Blue RTSPC Taifix Br. Blue Rspecial Taifix Navy Blue BRNT Evarzal Black-B Evarzal Black GB Evarzal Red 3BS Evarzal Yellow 3RS
Peroxide Killer
Oxalic Acid
Terasil G/ Yellow W3r Terasil Red W4BS Terasil Red WWBFS Terasil Blue WRBS Terasil Blue BG-02 Terasil Black SRL Terasil Blue BGE-01 Terasil Yellow 4G Terasil Yellow W4G
Seritube 200
Lubrifil-TFV ( C 98 ) Invadine DA 99
45 46 47
Wetting Agent
50 51
53 54
Sun Mori CK-2
10 0 Pitchrunl 250k 10 1 Sandoelean 10 PCLE 2 Nearpon BWLF- 10 CK-1 3 Neofix R- 10 250(FDR) 4 Cibafix ECO 10 5 10 6 Amcrium 10 Sulphide 7 Cibatex AB-45 10 8 10 9
Cibacron Red FN-3G Cibacron Red FNR Cibacron T/HGN Cibacron Blue FNR Cibacron yellow F4G Cibacron Navy WBT Cibacron Navy H2G Ciba Scarlet F3G Cibacron Br.Blue FNG Ciba Black WHF Cibacron Orange Cibacron Red HB/WR Ciba Dark Blue WR
15 1 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 6 15 7 15 8 15 9 16 0 16 1 16 2 16 3
Terasil Red R Terasil Blue WBLS Terasil Navy WRS Terasil Blacks WNS Terasil Red WRS Terasil Red WFS Terasil Violet BL-01 Terasil Navy GRL-C Terasil Orange 5RL Terasil Yellow W5SI Protofix Red BBS Protofix Yellow 3RS Protofix Black B/GR
Dyes Dyes Name
SL. N0. 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
Taicron Yellow HW-T Taicron Red XF-T Taicron Black HW-T Taicron Deep Red XF-T Taicron Navy Blue HW-T Taicron Blue SE-2BT Taicron Bri. Blue SE GLT Nakajol Black B Nakajol Br.Blue RSPL Nakajol T. Blue G Nakalon T. Blue G Nakalon Red FB 200 Nakalon Blue 2RLS Nakalon Navy Blue SFS Nakalon Black SFRD Nakalon Yellow 4GN Nakalon golden yellowGG Naka Bri. Blue BGF
SL. N0. 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 244 245 246
Dyes Name
Dyes and Chemical Name:
Remazol Deep Black GWF Remazol Br. Yellow 3GL Reactabond Yellow 3RN Solazol Black GRN Remazol Green GB Rifozal Black GR Rifofix Yellow 3RN Remazol Deep Red RGB Sinofix Red ME6BL Corazol G. Yellow MERP Corfix Red ME4BP Corfix Black BP Corfix Black GDR Corfix Black GDG Driming Blue CLBR Driming T/CLB Driming Yellow HF 3GL Polafix Red 3BS
199 200 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
Diaonix Varities
182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198
Drimeriua Red K4BL Drimeriua Scarlet HF3G Dionix Navy XF Dionix Flovine XF Dionix Blue XF Dionix Red CBN SF Dionix Black CCR Bezaktive Yellow S-3R Bezaktive Red S-3B Bezaktive Black S-Max Bezaktive Blue VRN Indocron Yellow MERL Indocron Yellow ME4GL Indocron Orange ME 2RL Indocron Red ME6BL Impafix Orange ME2RL Impafix Golden yellow MERL Impazol Terquise Blue G Livafix Yellow CA Livafix Red CA Livafix Blue CA Livafix Fast Red CA Livafix Amber CA Livafix Rubine CA Livafix Br. Yellow RR Livafix Scarlet CA Remazol Yellow RR Remazol G. Yellow RGB Remazol Red RGB Remazol Blue RR Remazol Br. Blue RSPL Remazol Ultra Carmine RGB Remazol Red RR Remazol T/Blue G Remazol Br. Blue BB Remazol Navy RGB
247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259
Polafix Yellow 3RS Polafix Red 3BS Polafix Black GR Polafix Black GRN Novacon Yellow S3R Novacon Deep Red SB Novacon Red FN 2BL Novacon Black G Novacon Red S-2B Remazol Red F3B Amron Yellow HR2D Amron Red HR2D Amron Black HR2D
Production Planning, Sequence & Operation Production Parameters: PH: During H2O2 Bleaching PH During Reactive Dyeing PH During Disperse Dyeing PH After Scouring add + Peroxide killer PH
: : : :
9 – 11. 10.5 – 12. 4.5 – 5.5. 4.5.
Temperature: For Cotton Scouring For Cotton Cold Wash For Cotton Hot Wash For Cotton Acid Wash For Cotton Dyeing : 400C – 600C (Cold Brand) For Polyester Dyeing Time: For Scouring For Reactive Dyeing For Disperse Dyeing
: : : : :
900C – 950C / 1100C 300C – 400C 700C – 800C 600c – 700C 800C – 900C (Hot Brand)
1000C – 1300C
: : :
60 – 90 min 60 – 90 min 30 – 60 min.
M: L Ratio: For Reactive Dyeing M: L ratio maintained 1:10 (1:8) Lab – Dip Procedure: Lab – dip: Lab – dip is a process by which buyers supplied swatch is matched with the varying dyes percentage in the laboratory with or without help of DATA COLOR. Lab – dip plays an important role in shade matching & detaching the characteristics of the dyes and chemicals are to be used in the laree scale of production so this is an important task before bulk production. In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. also a well established laboratory with modern machineries and equipments. First of all the dye % of the Standard sample is measured by the data color and computer color matching system. Then by taking that recipe lab In – Charge produces lab trail and match with the standard according to buyer requirements after approving the sample, this sample is sent to bulk production with recipe Washing for Colored fabrics: Colored fabrics to be washed ate loaded in the m/c. Required amount of water is taken. PCLF (Detergents) added and washing continued at 800C for 20 min. Cold washing. Scouring & Bleaching: Fabric to be scoured is loaded in the machine. Required amount of water is loaded. Detergence / washing agent is added (From recipe). Steam pipes are on and scouting agent (Caustic soda / soda ash) added when the temperature reaches at 500C.
When the temperature reaches at 600C then stabilizer added. Then H202 is added. Temperature is then raised to 950C and the process then carried out for 60 – 90 min depending on the requirement. Then the liquors are the drained. Then Cold wash at 300C – 400C, Hot wash at 80 0C – 950C and Acid wash at 400C – 500C, (600C) is done. After Scouring: Added acid + Peroxide Killer PH 4.5 Temperature 55 600C Run Time 10 – 20 min Then added Enzyme. N. B. ENZYME (Depending on the buyer requirements.) S. Oliver Fabric Tom Tailor Fabric S. Olive Fleece Fabric Tom Tailor Fleece Fabric
: 1.5 g/l. : 1.0 g/l. : 0.8 g/l. : 0.5 g/l.
Uses % of different fabrics: Fabrics: Single jersey Rib Interlock Fleece S/J Lycra Lycra Rib Lycra Interlock Lycra Terry Fleece
Sun mori – CK – 1, II (Detergent): 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Ciba fluid - C (Anti – creasing agent): 1 – 1.5 1 – 1.5 0.4 1 – 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
Dyeing : After acid wash all liquors are drained out. Required amount of water is taken. Then leveling agent, anti-creasing, de-foaming agents is added according to the requirement. Then the temp is raised up to mark and after 10 – 15 min dyes are added. Salts + Soda are added after another 30 min. Then the temperature is raised slowly up to the mark.
The process is carried of and samples are taken after every 10 – 20 min to match with the target shade. It will be continue until shade matching. If the sample is matched then the liquors drained out Cold wash at 400C – 500C, Hot wash at 700C – 800C, Acid wash at 400C – 500C is done. Then softner is added at 450C for 20 – 30 min. Fixer is applied for deep shade only before adding softner. Re – dyeing: When shade is not matched then fabric is treated again in dyeing m/c for shade matching is known as Re – dyeing. Generally re – dyeing is done if the shade is deeper or lighter then target shade, If may occur when the fabrics absorb one or two color more or less. Re – dyeing process is described below: Drain the left off solution, Hot wash at 700C – 800C. Acid wash at 400C – 500C (400C = Light shade, 500C= Deep shade) Soda washes at 900C – 1000C. For 60 min to reduce the depth of shade. Acid wash at 600C. Added to required dyestuffs. Salt added. Other operations are same as pervious described dyeing operations. Sequence of operation for knit Dyeing: Grey fabric from knitting Grey fabric inspection Batching Fabric turning Loading to the machine Pretreatment (Scouring & Bleaching) Dyeing De – watering
-Tube form - Tensionless - Compacting and Calendaring - Final Inspection - Packing - Delivery - Delivery.
- Open form - Slitting - Stentering - Compacting - Final Inspection - Packing
Depth of shade: Padma Poly Cotton Fabrics Ltd. Produces 0.5%-5% Shade of goods in their dyeing section. For Production ( Salt & S0da mistaken on the basis of shade % )
Shade %
Salt %
Soda %
0.00001- 0.01
0.01- 0.08 0.08 – 0.15 0.15 – 0.8 0.8 – 1.5 1.5 – 2.0 2.0 – 2.5 2.5 – 3.0 3.0-3.5 3.5 – 4.0 4.0 – 4.5 4.5 & Above
10 12 15 18 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
6 7 8 9 10 13 15 16 18 20 20
(1:8) (1:7) (1:7) (1:7) (1:7) (1:7) (1:7) (1:7) (1:7) (1:6) (1:6)
Production parameters in knitting section: The main Parameter controlled in knitting section are stitch are length, GSM, Fabric diameter etc. Different parameters in knitting machine: Machine pitch (t): Is defined as the distance between the centers of two adjacent needle of the same needle row indicated in mm. Pitch= 25.4 mm/ gauge (E). Machine gauge (E):Machine gauge denotes the number of needles per inch,Arranged on the needle carrier and based on the nominal machine diameter. Gauge (E) = 25.4 mm/Pitch Loops: It is a basic unit consisting of a loop of yarn meshed at its base with previously basic unit. Stitch: The smallest dimensionally stable unit of all knitted fabrics is the stitch, It consist of a yarn loop which is held together by being intermeshed with another stitch or other loops. Stitch is composed by:Head Side limbs or shanks Feet Interlocking
Stitch length: Stitch length is a length of cam which includes the needle loop & half the sinker loop on either side of it. Generally the larger the stitch length, the more extensible & the poorer the cover, capacity & bursting strength. Basic knitting element: Needle Sinker Cam Needle: Function of needles: Needle is raised to clear the old loop from the hook & receive the new loop above it on the needle steam. Types of needles: In general there are three types of needles. Bearded needle Latch needle Compound needle CAM: Function of CAM: The functions of CAM are as follows: To produce motion to needles To drive the needles. Formation of loops. Sinker: Function of sinker: It may one or more of the following functions dependent upon the machines knitting action and consequent sinker shape and movement. The functions of cam are: Loop formation Holding down Knocking over Different Parts of knitting machine: Creel : Creel is used to place cone. Feeder : Feeder is used to feed the yarn. Tensioning Device : Tensioning device is used to give proper tension to the yarn. BDQ Pulley : BDQ pulley is used to control the GSM by controlling the stitch length. Guide : Guide is used to guide the yarn. Sensor : Sensor is used to sense & the machine stops when any problem occurs. Spreader : Spreader is used the spread the knitted fabric before take up roller. Take up roller : take up roller is used to take up the fabric. Cam & needle arrangement of some knit structure: Single Jersey :( 4 track)
Cam arrangement KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK
Needle set out 1 2 3 4
Single Lacoste: Cam arrangement KKTK TKKK KKTK TKKK
Needle set out 1 2 3 2
Double Lacoste: Cam arrangement KKKTTK TTKKKK KKKTKK TTKKKK
Needle set out 1 2 3 2
Polo pique: Cam arrangement KKTT TTKK KKTT TTKK
Needle set out 1 2 3 2
Sequence of operation in knitting section: Sample fabric receive Design analysis Setting the machine for the specific design Production QC Send batching section Considerable Points to produce knitted fabrics: When a buyer orders for fabric then they mention some points related to production and quality. Before production of knitted fabric, these factors are needed to consider. Those are as followsType of fabric or design of fabric. Finished GSM Yarn count Types of yarn (Combed & Carded) Diameter of the fabric Stitch length Color depth Some points are needed to maintain for high quality fabric: Brought good quality yarn
Machines are oiled and greased accordingly GSM, Stitch, Tensions are controlled accordingly Machines are cleaned every shift and servicing is done after a month Grey Fabrics are checked by 4 point grading system Production Calculation: Production/shift in kg at 100% efficiency: =RPM× No. of Feeder × No. of needle × SL (mm)/3527.80× Yarn count Production/shit in meter: = =
Course / Min Course / cm RPM × No. of Feeder ×60 ×12 × Efficiency Course / cm ×100
C . Fabric width in meter: Total No. of wales Wales / cm ×100 Total No. of Needles used in Knitting = Wales / cm ×100
End production of Circular Knitting Machine: Single Jersey M/C: S/J Plain Single Lacoste Double Lacoste Single Pique Double Pique Mini Jacquard Terry Interlock M/C: Interlock Pique Eyelet Fabric Mash fabric Honeycomb fabric Face / Back rib. Rib M/C: 1 × 1 Rib fabric 2 × 2 Rib fabric Separation fabric Honeycomb End products of Flat Bed Knitting Machine:
Hole Mark Needle Mark Sinker Mark Star Mark Drop Stitches Oil Stain Rust stain Pin hole Grease stain Cloth fall – out Barre Fly Yarn contamination Yarn Faults: Neps. Slubs. Yarn count. Thick / Thin place in yarn. Hairiness. Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Recipe card (Dyeing Lab)
Lab dip Sample
Original Sample
Date: 10.11.2008 Customer: S. Oliver Dyes
Fabrics: Single Jersey Color: 5227 Lab
1st 2nd 3rd Correction Correction Correction
Sumifix SP Yellow – EXP Sumifix SP Red – EXP Sumifix SP Blue – EXP Salt Soda Temp. Time Liquor ratio
....….……………….. Production Officer
0.24% 0.28% 1.10% 20 g/l 10 g/l 600C 60 min 1:7
……………... Lab Inspector
Floor Recipe (Dyeing) Customer: S-Oliver (Boys) Order No: 13-812-32-4774 Batch / Lot No: 5035 A. PRE-TREATMENT CK – 1 C PH - 100 FFC Caustic H2O2 N/PC Acetic Acid B. DYEING: Acetic Acid BIO – EC 200B C Acetic Acid / Levafix Amber –CA Levafix FAST RED – CA Levafix Blue – CA
Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Machine No: 06 Fabric Type: S / J (100% Cotton) Fabric Wt: 893 Kg. DOSING QUANTITY 0.5 g/l 3.600 1.0 g/l 7.200 0.8 g/l 5.700 0.05 g/l 0.400 3.0 g/l 21.400 4.0 g/l 28.600 0.8 g/l 5.700 1.0 g/l 7.200
Shift: ‘A’ – Day Color: 9635 Date: 16.09.08 REMARKS/SIGNATURE 1:8 (7144 Liter Water)
DOSING 0.2 g/l 2.0 g/l 1.5 g/l 1.5 g/l 0.2 g/l
QUANTITY 1.500 …………………… 14.400 Shift – In – Charge 10.700 10.700 1.400
0.52% 0.56% 0.90%
3.715 4.500 6.430
C.AFTER TREATMENT: Gluber Salt SODA Acetic Acid PS – 60 FRD L.W.S. Acetic Acid
DOSING 20% 10 % 0.8 % 0.8 % 0.5 % 1.3 g/l 0.3 g/l
QUANTITY 178.00 90.00 5.700 5.700 3.600 10.700 2.200 …………………… Production Manager
Produced by:
Checked by:
Approved by:
Production Flow Chart for 100 % Cotton Fabric load Water level (as required)
L: R = 1: 8 Speed = 180 RPM
Normal Temperature, Add, Sunmori CK – I : 1.5 % Ciba fluid – C :1% Neorate PH – 100 :1% Albatex FFC : 0.05 g/l Add, NaOH :3% H2O2 :4% 0 (Temp. rise to 95 C and Run time 60 – 90 test.) Then, Hot wash 950C Drain
(Wetting agent) (Anti-creasing agent) (Stabilizer) (Anti-foaming agent) (at 500C) (at 600C × 5 min) min up to coming absorbency. Then absorbency
× 20 min
Water level Hot wash with Lipotol PS – 60: 1 % (Washing chemical / soaping agent) (Temp. 950C X 10 min) Drain Rinse Add, Invatex PC / Croacks N : 0.8 % (Peroxide Killer) Acetic Acid :1% (PH = 4.5) 0 (Temp. rise 80 C X 10 min run) (Test the sample by peroxide paper)
Water level Add, Acetic Acid : 0.2 % Bio-polish EC / PLX : 1.5 % (Temp. 550C X 40 min. PH = 4.5) Drain Water level Add, Neo-crystal BGS / Sirrix 200: 1 % (Temperature 500C X 20 min) Cold wash Drain
(at 550C) (Enzyme)
(Sequestering agent) (300C X 10 min)
Water level [L : R = 1: 8] (Speed = 200 rpm) Add, Neo-crystal 200B : 1.5 % (Leveling agent) Ciba fluid C : 1.5 % (Anti-creasing agent) Acetic Acid : 0.2 % (Temp. 600C X 20 min Run. PH = 4.5) Add, Dyes Dosing (600C X 20 min, Run time 15 min) Dose salt (600C X 20 min, Run time 15 min) Dose soda (600C X 30 min, Run time 60 min) (Sample check after 20 min) Drain (If matched) Cold wash / BD (300C X 25 min) Water level Rinse Drain Water level Add, Acetic Acid Drain Water level Hot wash
(Run time 10 min)
: 0.8 %
(800C X 10min)
Add, Hot wash with PS – 60 (Lisapotol): 0.8 % (Temp. 950C X 10 min) Drain Water level Add, Acetic Acid
(Temp. 550C X 1min)
: 0.3 %
(Soaping agent)
Sapamine CWS / Sun soflon NK – 07 : 1.5% (Cationic softner) (Temp. 450C X 15 min) Drain Water level Unload. Production Flow Chart for White Color: Fabric Load Water level Rise temperature at 600C Add, Sunmori CK – I Neorate PH – 100
(as required)
(Wetting agent) (Stabilizer)
Add, NaOH (Dosing 10 min at 700C) 0 H2O2 at <80 C Uvitex BHV / BBT / BAM / Naka white (OBA) (Rise temp. at 950C, Run time 30 min, PH = 10.5 - 11) Water level Hot wash Drain
(as required) (Temp at 750C X 10min)
Water level Add, Acetic Acid (Temp. at 550C) Bio-polish EC / PLX (Enzyme) 0 H (Temp. at 55 C X 30 min, P = 4 - 5) Drain Water level Add, Acetic Acid + Crosoft NBC (Softner) (Temp. at 450C X 30 min, PH = 4.5) Drain Unload.
Fill m/c with water ↓ Fabric load ↓ Run for 10min at room temp ↓ Drain ↓ Fill m/c with water ↓ Chemical (CK-1, 2UD, C, PH100,) dosing for 10min ↓ Caustic dosing for10min ↓ Run for 5min ↓ Raise temp at 80C ↓ H2O2 Dosing for 5min at 80C ↓ Run for 5min at 80C ↓ Raise temp at 105C ↓ Run for 50min at 105C ↓ Cooling for 15min at 70C ↓ Check sample ↓ Dye dosing (syno white 4BK) 30min ↓ Run for 5min at 70C ↓ Raise temp at 100C ↓ Run for 15min at 100C ↓ Check sample ↓ Drain (if ok) ↓ Cold wash for 20min ↓ Drain ↓ Fill m/c with water ↓ Hot wash for20min at 80C (vary with shade)
↓ Drain ↓ Cold wash for 20min ↓ Drain ↓ Fill m/c with water ↓ Acetic acid dosing for 5min ↓ Check PH ↓ Enzyme dosing for 5min at 60C ↓ Run for 60min at 60C ↓ Check sample ↓ Hot wash for 10min at 90C ↓ Drain ↓ Cold wash for 20min ↓ Drain ↓ Fill m/c with water ↓ Acetic acid dosing for 5min ↓ Check PH (5) ↓ Softener (N.W.S) dosing for 15min ↓ Run for 20min at 50C ↓ Drain ↓ Unload DYEING PROCEDURE OF 100% COTTON FABRIC(DARK SHADE): Water in m/c ↓ Acetic acid dosing for 5min at room temperature. ↓ Leveling agent dosing for 5min (temp vary with dyes) ↓ Run for 10min at (60C°) ↓
Dye dosing for 30min at 60°C ↓ Run for 20min at 60°C ↓ Salt dosing for 10min at 60°C ↓ Run for 30min at 60°C ↓ Soda dosing for 30min at 60°C ↓ Run time depends on dyes ↓ Check sample ↓ Cold wash for 10min ↓ Inject acetic acid ↓ Cold wash for 10min ↓ Hot wash for 10min at 95°C ↓ Cold wash for 10min ↓ Hot wash for 10min at 75°C ↓ Cold wash for 10min ↓ Check sample ↓ Inject acetic acid ↓ Softener (C.W.S) dosing for 10min at 45°C ↓ Run for 20min at 45°C ↓ Drain ↓ Unload
Production Flow Chart for 100 % Polyester Fabric Load Water level Rise temp. at 600C Add, Sunmori CK – I Oxalic Acid
(as required) :0.5 % : 1.0 %
(Wetting agent) (at 600C)
Rise temp. at 950C X 20min Drain Water level Rise temp. at 450C
(as required)
Add, Formic acid :0.5% A / Sulphide / Cibatex AB – 45:1.0 %
(To control PH) (Buffer)
Add, Dyes Dosing (Temp. at 450C X 10 min, Run time 30 min) 0 (Rise temp. at 130 C, Run time 30 min) Cooling at 800C. (If shade ok.) Then BD (Bath Drop) Drain Water level (as required) Add, Hydrose + Caustic (Reduction Cleaning) (Temp. at 800C X 10 min) Hot wash (Temp. at 800C X 10 min) Cold wash (Temp. at 300C X 10 min) Unload. CVC (Chief Value of Cotton) (Light Color) Scouring + Bleaching. Neutralization. Polyester part dyeing. Polyester part finishing. Cotton part finishing. Production Flow Chart for CVC Polyester Part: Sunmori CK – 1 : 0.3 % Neocrystal BGS : 0.3 % Oxalic Acid :1%
(Wetting agent) (Sequestering agent)
Setamol BL / Neocrystal 200B: 0.5% Formic acid : 0.5% Amonium Sulphide / Cibatex AB-45: 1% Dyes (1300C X 30 min) Sunmori CK – 1 Hydrose Caustic Cotton Part:
(Leveling agent) (PH control) (Buffer)
: 0.5% : 1% : 1%
(Temp. at 950C X 30 min)
Sunmori CK – 1 Neocrystal BGS Sakatuble STL Neorate PH 100 Albatex FFC Caustic (99%) H2O2 (35%) Liptol ps – 60 Invatex PC / Croaks N Acetic Acid Neocrystal 200B Abatable STL Dyes Salt Soda Lipotol Ps 6 Fixing Crosoft NBC
: 0.3% :1% :1% : 0.8 % : 0.1% : 1% : 3% :1% :1% : 1.2 % : 1.2 % : 0.5%
(Wetting agent) (Sequestering agent) (Anti-creasing agent) (Stabilizer) (Antifoaming agent)
: 1.2%
(Soaping agent)
: 1.5%
(Cationic softener)
(Soaping agent) (Peroxide Killer) (Leveling agent) (Anti-creasing agent)
Drain Unload Production Process for Viscose – Lycra fabric: Load the fabric Required amount of water is taken (CK – I + 2UD + Cibafluid C + Oxalic acid) dosing at room temperature for 20 minute Raise temp. up to 900C & run for 20 min Cold wash for 10 min Hot wash at 800C for 15 min (Acetic Acid + CK - 1) & run for 10 min Leveling and anti – creasing agent dosing at 450C for 10 min Raise temp. up to 600C and Color dosing for 10 to 25 min Salt dosing 10 % for 5 – 5 min Salt dosing 20 % for 5 – 5 min Salt dosing 70 % for 10 – 10 min Soda dosing 10 % for 10 – 10 min Soda dosing 20 % for 10 – 10 min Soda dosing 70 % for 10 – 10 min Check the shade with approval shade If shade is ok then batch drop and hot wash with PS – 60 Acetic Acid added and washes for 10 min Fixing agent added and run for 20 Acetic Acid and softener are added and run for few min.
Drain Unload. Efficiency: Production capacity in dyeing is 20,000 kg / day. Average actual production in dyeing is 16,000 kg / day (Month September, 2008) Actual Production / day.
Efficiency % of Dyeing = Production capacity / day. 16,000
= 20,000
Ă&#x2014; 100
Ă&#x2014; 100 = 80 %
FABRIC SOFTENERS: A softener is a chemical that alters the fabric hand making it more pleasing to the touch. The more pleasing feel is a combination of a smooth sensation, characteristics of skill and of the material being less stiff. The softened fabric is fluffier and has better drape. Functions of softeners: Increase aesthetics (drape & silkiness). Improve abrasion resistance. Increasing tearing strength. Reduce sewing thread breakage. Reduce needle cutting when the garment is sewn. Because of these functional reasons softener chemicals are included in nearly every finish formulation applied to fabrics. Softeners act as fiber lubrications and reduce the co-efficient of friction between fibers. Desirable properties of softener: Good compatibility with chemicals. Stable to high temp. Non volatile by water & water vapor. No effect on yellowing. Low foaming, stable to shearing no deposit on rollers stable to shearing no deposit on rollers stable to heat & height. Regular and complete bath exhaust. Dermatological harmless.
Easily handling (Liquid & stable) and exhaust from acidic solution. Amino functional silicon’s improve DP performance of cotton goods. Epoxies functional are more durable. Cationic softeners: Cationic softners are ionic molecules that have a positive charge on the large part of the molecule. The important ones ate based on nitrogen, either in the form of an amine or in the form of a quaternary ammonium salt. The amine becomes positively charged at acidic PH and there fore functions as a cationic material at PH below 7. = R R | | N N + + — — ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
R | N + — ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
R | N + — ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
R | N + — ⁄ ⁄
R R | | N N + + — — Fiber Surface
R | N + —
R R | | N N + + — — ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
R | N + — ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
R | N + — ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
Figure: Adsorption on fiber surface. Silicon Softeners: Four varieties of silicon polymers have found use as textile softeners. They are based onDimethyl Fluids: (Dimethylchloro silane) CH3 Si
CH3 Si
O O O O O ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ FIBER ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Figure: Orientation of Dimthyl Fluids on fibres surface. Methyl Hydrogen Fluids: Methyl hydrogen dichlorosilane offers a route for making a linear polysiloxane. These offer a way of improving durability. CH3SiHCl2 + (CH3)2SiCl2 H2O CH3 CH3SiHCl2 + (CH3)2 SiCl2 → -SiO CH3 H a
Amino functional silicones.
CH3 SiO-
Epoxy functional silicones. Textile Finishing: Finishing has been defined by textile Institute as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Descriptive of process, physical or chemical, applied to a substrate to produce a desire effectâ&#x20AC;?. Finishing treatments performed on fiber yarn or fabric to improve texture, appearance or performance. Mechanical Finish: Heat seating Brushing and napping Softening, calendaring or ironing Optical finishing Shearing Compacting Chemical finishing: Softener Durable press/Resin finish Stain resistance Soil Release Fire Retardancy Antimicrobial Finishes Slow release of fragrance and odor adsorption Remarks: Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Strictly follows up the production parameter like time, temperature, M: L ratio, PH etc. As they do some difficult shade, it takes more time for the production parameter of the batch and the dyeing process may vary from the dyeing different type at shade. Considering these limitations the AGM, the Production Manage, Asst. Production Manager and Senior Production officer try their best to reduce the production time and production cost.
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) is assigned to maintain consistently uniform quality of the material in process various stages of its manufacturing. Objects of Quality control: Research. Selection of raw materials. Process control. Process development. Product testing.Specification test.
Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. assurance quality of the products of dyeing and finishing section in the following three steps: In Laboratory. In dyeing section & In finishing section. Quality standard: Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. follows the Quality standard: ISO â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9002:2000 List of Equipments: Yarn grade tester KETN Electronic balance Spray rating tester Incubator Iron Button Tester Ahiba nuance lab dip dyeing m/c Rota wash Orbitor pilling Crock meter Spectrophoto meter Thermo hygrograph PH meter Tests: There are two types of tests are available Physical test & Chemical test. Physical tests: Yarn grade GSM test Shrinkage test Spirality test Tensile strength Abrasion resistance Drape, Stiffness & Handle Course per inch Wales per inch Picks per inch Ends per inch Pilling resistance Button strength test Lycra % determination Crease resistance. Chemical test:
Fastness to washing, Fastness to Light Fastness to Water & Fastness to perspiration. PH test. Finished Fabric Inspection: In general we known that 10 points & 4 points system for finished fabric inspection. In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. 4 (four) points system is followed for finished fabric Inspection. Defects found in the final inspection. Uneven shade Oil spot Naps Crease mark Machine stoppage spots Listing Pick missing Bowing Roll to roll shade Softener spot Rough mark Fly yarn contamination Color fastness to wash fastness test: Required materials: Sample size: (40 mm x 100 mm) Multifibre: (40 mm x 100 mm) ECE detergent: 4 g/l Sodium Perborate: 1 g/l Distilled water: (as required) Steel balls: (6-8) balls Required Instrument: Rota wash, Scissor, Stitches m/c. Procedure: Cut sample & multi fiber then stitches. 50 ml ECE & 50 ml sodium Perborate are taken with the sample. The sample is kept in 600C for 30 min in Rota wash. Rinse the sample with cold water. Dry at 600C by hanging. Results: Dry the sample & the change of shade & degree of staining is measured by grey scale & staining scale. Color Fastness to Perspiration Test Required materials: Sample size : (50 X 50 mm) Multi fiber : (50 mm X 50 mm)
Cut the multi fiber into two pieces. Sandwich the test specimen between two pieces of multi fiber. Test Solution Alkaline Solution: Histidine Monohydro Chloride Monohydrate (C2H10ClN3O2.H2O) NaCl Di-soidium Hydrogen Orthophosphate PH (adjust by 0.1 N NaOH )
: :
5g/l : 2.5 g/l : 8
Acidic Solution: Histidine Monohydro Chloride Monohydrate : 5 g/l (C2H10ClN3O2.H2O) NaCl : 5g/l Soidium Di-Hydrogen Orthophosphate : 2.5 g/l PH (adjust by 0.1 N NaOH ) : 5.5 Procedure: Cut sample is taken and put in a peri dish. Solution (Alkaline & Acedic) is taken into 2 dish. M:L=1:2 Bubble is made out from the specimen by tapping. A glass is placed in the composite specimen for 15 min at room temp. Excess solution is poured out. Peri dish with composite specimen & plate is placed into the incubator at (37 0C) for 4 (four) hours. The specimen is dried out at < 600C. Result: The change of shade and degree of staining is measured by gray scale and staining scale. Color fastness to Rubbing (Dry and wet) Sample: Dyed sample (15 cm X 5 cm) White sample (5 cm X 5 cm) Procedure: White test fabric is put on to the grating & stag by steel wire. The sample is run 20 times manually for 10s and rubbing fastness of the sample cloth & degree of staining is accessed. For rubbing fastness (wet), the rubbing cloth is placed in the water & socked & squeeze. Wet rubbing test fabric is put on to the grating and stag by steel wire. The sample is run 20 times manually for 10s and rubbing Fastness of the sample cloth and degree of staining is accessed. Result: The change of shade and degree of staining is measured by gray scale and staining scale.
Dimensional Stability (Shrinkage / Spirality) test Sample: Two pieces of (50 cm X 50 cm) sample. Procedure: Conditioning: The sample is put in a table for 4 (four) hours. Cut the sample and benchmark should be 35 X 35 cm stitch the sample in 3 (three) sides by over lock sewing machine. Put the sample in washing m/c and run according to buyer requirement. Drying: All buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s requirements (Tumble dry). Shrinkage Calculation: Shrinkage % =
Before wash - After Wash Before wash
Spirality calculation:
S1 +S2 2 (S1 +S2) Ă&#x2014; L Spirality = 100
Here, S1 = The right side distance of the specimen from the stitch line after wash. S2 = The left side distance of the specimen from the stitch line after wash. L = Length before wash. PH Test of the dyed fabrics Test specimen: 2 gm of dyed fabric is taken. Cut the fabric info 2 pieces of (5 mm X 5 mm) Procedure: The sample is taken into conical flax. 100 ml distill water (slightly warm) is taken info conical flax. The conical flax is put on to magnetic stirrer for 30 min. Result: The PH of the conical flax is measured by digital PH meter. GSM Test: It is a simple test. GSM cutter is used for this purpose. Cut sample is weighted in as electric balance and the result is multiplied by 100 and the GSM (Gram per Square Meter) is carried out. Remarks:
Quality control is the most important department in every textile industry. It is strongly recommended that the quality should be maintained as exactly the buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s requirements. For ensuring good recommended quality, Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. has sufficient laboratory equipments which are modern and branded providing precision result. Maintenance Maintenance The act which is done to keep the factory plants, equipment machine tools etc. in an optimum working condition, minimize the break down of machines to improve productivity of existing m/c tools and avoid sinking of additional capacity and to prolong the useful life to the factory plant & machinery is called maintenance. In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. there is a good maintenance schedule which increases the productivity of the factory. Objects: To keep the factory plants, equipments, m/c, tools in an optimum condition. To ensure specified accuracy to product and time schedule at delivery to customer. To keep the downtime of machines minimum thus to have control over the production program. To keep the production cycle smooth and modify by the m/c tools to meet the need for production. Types of maintenance: Break down or Overhaul Maintenance Schedule Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Planed Maintenance In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Maintenance Schedule is as fallows: Daily: Cheek Bad sound of pump & machine parts, excessive heat Generation of motor. Weekly: Check oil & all beaching, values. Monthly: Check oil level of the circuit Air filter. Month 2: Check electrical contract, power transmission, All electrical components in general. Month 6: Open and check motor and varnish its coil, clean & maintenance the machine properly. Check list of different parts:
Maintenance : Mechanical Machine : Dyeing m/c SI. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Items need to the checked & serviced. Grease the machine bearing. Complete cleaning to machine. Cleaning the drain valves, replace seals if read. Check air supply filters, regulations. Clean filters element and blow out. Greasing of unloading roller bearing. Checking oil level and bolls of unloading roller gear box. Checking of unloading roller coupling in packing. Checking and cleaning of main vessel level indicator. Check oil level of pump bearing and refill if read. Check the function of heat and coil modulation valves. Check all door seals.
Maintenance : Electrical Machine : Dyeing m/c Items need to be checked & serviced Check motor terminals. Check and clean fluff and dirt at all motor fan covers. Check main panels (by using compressed air). Check panel cooling fan and clean its filters. Check main pump inverter and its culling fan. Check all circuit beaker, magnetic conductors & relays. Check current setting at all power & motor over load. Visual checking of all power and control cables. Check all pressure switches. Check calibration of main vessel and all additional tanks. Check calibration of heating & cooling modulating valve. Check setting and operation of lid safely switches. Check all emergency switches. Check all indicating lamps. Check all on and off switches. Check all signal isolators. Maintenance Tools: Hand Tools
: Hammer, Hacksaw blade, Slide Wrench etc.
Machine Tools : Grinding stone, Grinding past, Drilling m/c, Drill bit etc. Electrical & Electronics Tool : Cable cutting, Cable, Punch, Multimeter, Threat, Dies etc. Screw Driver, Oscilloscope, Tachometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer etc. Maintenance tools, Equipments & their function:
Functions: The functions of all Maintenance tools are given bellows: Combination tools / Spanner Function: Tightening & loosening of nuts & bolts. Socket ratchet set Function: Tightening & loosening of nuts & bolts. Slide Wrench Function: Tightening & loosening of nuts & bolts. Monkey pliers Function: Tightening & loosening of nuts & bolts. Pipe threat cutting tools Function: To cut the threat in pipe. Pipe Wrench Function: Tightening & loosening of nuts & bolts. Pipe cutting tools Function: For pipe cutting. Hole punch Function: Punching the hole. Divider Function: For circle marking on metal & wood. External threat die Function: For external threat cutting. Heavy Scissors Function: Cutting gasket & steel. Oil can Function: Oiling of moving parts. Drill m/c & Drill bit Function: For drilling. Grease gun Function: For greasing of moving parts of machine. Grinding m/c Function: For welding & cutting. Spirit leveler Function: For perfect leveling. File Function: For smoothing the surface. Hammer Function: For beating the surface. Hacksaw blade Function: For metal cutting. Hacksaw (wood) Function: For wood cutting. Grinding stone Function: For smooth finishing of the metal surface. Grinding paste Function: For easy cutting of metal. Tachometer Function: For measuring the rotation of moving parts. Oscilloscope Function: For detecting the voltage fluctuation.
Hygrometer Function: For measuring the humidity present in the atmosphere. I/R Thermometer Function: For measuring the room temperature. Remarks: To ensure serviceability of machines, buildings & others necessary equipments maintenance is essential. It minimizes cost through controlling repair and rejection. The maintenance cost should be as minimum as possible as thereby leading to a reduction in factory overheads and prolongs the useful life of the machines and factory plant. During my training period I found that maintenance staffs and overheads of maintenance department were skill enough and efficient. Utility Services. Utility Facilities available: Electricity / power Government Supply (PDB) Factory own generator Air compressor Natural Gas Steam Supply Air Dryer WTP (Water Treatment Plant) ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) Others Utility Service: Electricity and Generator Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Electricity gets from Power Development Board. But the factory has a generator of its own which is automatic in action. Electricity: Sub-center Supply No of step down transformer Capacity Fluctuation Total power required per day
: : : : : :
Begun-bari 440 volts 1 1000 KW 10 to 15 % (Depends of Voltage) 1200 K W
: : : :
4 (Four) 3 (Ret bow) 1 ENGINATOR
Generator: Total No. of Generator Diesel Fuel Generator Gas Fuel Generator Name
Model RMP Volt Prime power Generator:
: : :
VHP-7011-GSID 1000 415 / 240
Brand name Origin Model Stand by voltage Prime Voltage Phase Weight
: : : : : : :
GUASCOR Spain FGLD 480 38D K W 636 K W 03 1800 kg.
Natural Gas Supply In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Natural Gas is used getting from TITAS Gas Company. Consumption: The total amount of gas required per month is 125000 cubic meter (approx). BOILER STEAM SUPPLY: Steam generates of boiler is usually a closed vassal made of steel. There are two boilers in Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. FUNCTIONS: Boiler’s function is to transfer the heat produced by the combustion of fuel (Gas) to water and ultimately to generator steam. The steam Produced may be supplied in Wet processing department for – Heating cylinder dryer Steaming during dyeing OBJECT For supplying steam. TYPES of STEAM There are generally three types of steam, namely – Wet steam Dry saturated steam and Superheated steam. SPECIFICATION OF BOILER: Boiler – 01: Name Manufacturer GROUP
: :
Year of Mfg. Country Capacity Pressure Temperature Type Fuel Max. Operating
: : : : : : : :
1999 Scotland 4.5 ton per hour 8 bar 1880C Fire Tube Natural Gas 10.34 bar
Boiler â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 02: Name Manufacturer Year of Mfg. Country Capacity Pressure Temperature Type Fuel Max. Operating
: : : : : : : : : :
REVOTHERM THERMAX LIMITED 2000 India 6 ton per hour 5 bar 1880C Fire Tube Natural Gas 6.86 bar
WATER PUMP Description of Water pump No. of m/c Centrifugal pump for water supply to dyeing and other section 20 HP Pedrollo pump 4 unit 10 PH Pedrollo pump 1 unit 5.5 PH Pedrollo pump 1 unit Spare pump motor pedrollo 20 HP 1 unit
4000 L/min 60 L/min 350 L/min 1000 L/min
PRESSURE Air Compressor: There are five compressors in this factory to supply compressed air where necessary. Name Model Line Pressure System pressure
Air Dyer:
: BPGE. Compressor with Refrigeration. : SF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10010 : 6.8 bar : 7.2 bar
Kaeser Refrigeration Air dryer Model: TE: 121.5 K w Ingersell rand refrigerator air Dryer Model: TMS 80.3 Kw Ingersell rand refrigerator air Dryer Model: TMS 30.2 Kw
13 m3/min 6 m3/min 3 m3/min
Power consumption of Different Utilities: Boiler : 30 Kw.5 Kw (For Boiler 1 & 2 respectively) Generator : 630 Kw, 450 Kw (For generator 1 & 2 respectively) Compressor : 37 Kw, 22 Kw, 22 Kw, 57 Kw, 37 Kw Air Dryer : 5 Kw, 5 Kw, 5 Kw. Cost of different Utilities (approx.): Boiler Generator Compressor Air Dryer
: 1,20,000,00 BDT : 1,00,000,00 BDT : 50,00,000 BDT : 6,00,000 BDT
Chapter - 09 Store and Inventory control STORE: Store is the place where every type of paw materials, finished goods are kept in proper system Inventory control means the accurate calculation and data of every type of rare materials spares & finished goods in time to store for inventory control are nevessary becauseTo know about the required amount of raw material To know about the job no which would be processed. To be continued the production process. To find out the profit and loss of a company. Stock and stock value for consumption measuring. Inventory update: (Monthly inventory control) (Annual inventory control) Scope of Inventory control: Dyes store Raw material Other materials Grey fabrics Finished fabric Spare parts General Store Capital equipments
Accessories Stationary Maintenance parts. Inventory systems for raw materials: The type of inventory carried in this mill is as follows: Grey fabric : Supplied from the factories own knitting department. Dyes and Chemical : Locally purchased and / or imported. Spare parts and Consumables: Local or imported. Packing materials : Local of Imported. Finished goods : Better or rejected. Procurement system: Directly cash purchase. Credit basis parched. In other way: Local purchase, Imported. Inventory control parameters: Periodically control Perpetual control (Department wise) The prime responsibility for the inventory management function in the company including the estimation of consumption quantities of raw materials over the forecast period and initiation of purchase requisition keeping in view quantities in transit and an order and the adequacy as otherwise of material coverage during lead is as follows: Type of inventory Department responsible Imported Grey Fabric Marketing Grey Fabric-local Production Dyes & Chemical Marketing Dyes & Chemical Local Production Spar parts & Consumables Maintenance Finished Fabric Marketing The production Department is responsible primarily for the sourcing of raw material. Grey fabric store: All the gray fabrics are stored in the fabrics store near the batch different types of fabric are listed in the sheet according to fabric type, quality and consumers requirements. Dyes and chemicals: Various types of dyes and chemicals are store according to dyes and chemical compares. Different types of dyes and chemicals are listed in a sheet quantity of dyes and chemicals are also included. Everyday the sheet is update and a copy of this sheet is supplies to the dyeing manager, dye house, lab section. Spears: All the spears are listed in a sheet which is controlled by the mechanical and maintenance section. Spears are arranged in the store room according to re-size, quantity and requirements. There are self in the store room to keep the small speak parts. Finished goods:
Finished dyed fabrics are stored for short time in the finishing section. All the delivered fabrics are noted on the tally chat according to the lot no. quantity, fabrics diameter, buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, color and considering other technical parameters. In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. The store for inventory control is satisfactory. Sometimes they fluctuate from ideal process other wise they are ok. Remarks: It is very necessary to maintain the stock report. i.e. the supervisor working at inventory department should have vast knowledge in purchase procurement. During Storage the material should not be damaged and should be handled as minimum as possible. Cost Analysis The following points are considered for costing in the Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Total dyes and chemical cost. Total Utility cost. Salary. Payment. Transport Cost. Lunch / Ifter. Entertainment cost. Miscellaneous cost. Government cash incentive. Costing of the dyeing product: Types of fabric Shade 100 % Cotton Light 100 % Cotton Medium 100 % Cotton Deep 100 % Cotton Black & Royal Blue Polyester Light Polyester Medium Polyester Deep PC Fabric Light PC Fabric Medium PC Fabric Deep
Cost / Kg.
Price of the Product: Actually the price of the product determined by the communication between merchandiser and buyer. (The local merchandiser factory) Firstly Quoted the price of the product and send to the foreign buyer merchandiser. The foreign buyer merchandiser approved the quoted by discussion with the buyer of the product. The price of the products is given below: Ladies T-Shirt : 3.90 US $ Per piece Gents T-Shirt : 3.75 US $ Per piece Hooded jacket : 4.80 US $ Per piece Kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Shirt : 3.50 US $ Per piece Pull over : 5.80 US $ Per piece
COSTING OF A BASIC T- SHIRT: Body length (BL): 75 + 5 Sleeve length (SL): 25 + 3 Chest: 54 + 4 BL + SL× CHT × 2 × GSM × 12 ÷ 1 Corer =80+ 28 ×58 ×2 ×150×12 ÷ 1 = 2.30 Kg Body fabric: For neck :
2.30 Kg / Dozen (12) + 10% = 2.78 Kg / dozen 200 gm
Body fabric 100% combed cotton: $5.5 Body fabric 100% combed cotton: (2.78 × $5.5) = $ 15.29 Neck fabric 100% combed cotton: (200gm× $ 6) = $ 1.20 Accessories =$4 Print = $ 3.00 Commercial cost = $ .50 Total
= $ 27.49 (/Dozen) = $ 2.29
FOR POLO SHIRT: Cuff + collar Rate Then costing
= 75g fabric / Dozen = $ 5/ 12 = $ 27.49 + $ 5 = $ 32.50/ Dozen
Costing of Product: In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Costing of the product is done by the following way: Firstly they get an order from buyer and they calculate the consumption of yarn, fabric, garments, accessories etc. Order item Fabric GSM Condition Size Body Length : Sleeve : 1/4 :
: :
: Hooded jacket (4500 pieces) 100 % Cotton (1X1) Rib 220 to 225 : Enzyme wash + Soft Finished.
65.00 cm 62.00 cm 46.00 cm
Consumption Procedure:
Yarn Consumption depends on the fabric consummator generally 15 % Allowances added. Fabric Consumption for the above mention order: Calculation (Body length + Sleeve length + 10 cm Allowance) * (1/2 chest + 5) Ne 2/10.000 GSM / 1000* 12* 110 % = (65 + 62 + 10) * * 46 + 5) * 2 / 10.000 * 225 / 1000* 12 * 1.10 = 4.150 Kgs / dozen Dia selection {(1/2 Chest + 5) + (1/2 Chest + 5)} / 2.54 = 40.125 + 2 cm extra fabric = 42 cm tube dia for knitting. Pricing of the Product: Yarn charge : 4.5 Kgs X $3.10 = $ 13.95 Knitting Charge : 4 Kgs X $ .15 = $ 0.675 Dyeing Charge : 4 Kgs X $ 0.40 = $ 1.8 Dyeing & Finishing charge : 4 Kgs X $ 0.30 = $ 1.35 Lycra yarn Charge : = $ 0.12 Trimmings (all accessories) : = $ 2.00 Cutting & making charge : = $ 4.00 Printing Charge : = $ 1.00 Embroidery C charge : = $ 0.50 Test Charge : = $ 0.45 Zipper Charge : = $ 0.60 ---------------------------------------------= $ 26.445 / dozen = 2.21 / piece. Production Cost = $ 2.21 + 5 % commission for buying house. = $ 2.32 Net Profit = Actual price – Product cost = 4.80 US $ - 2.32 US $ = 2.48 US $ Remarks: Cost analysis is an important factor and the fabric consumption should be calculated very carefully because a little bit mistakes can occur great hamper in the factory’s turnover. Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. is very aware about it and its management is very concern. Chapter – 11 MARKETING The Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. is a 100 % export oriented industry. All the goods produced in this industry are exported into various foreign countries. Name of main buyers of the products are given below: Tom Tailor
S. Oliver Edward IC Company MASHKKOS New Look ASMARA Q. Solution ALGODON UPZ DATE & UMBRA. Total Market: Europe: 90 % America: 10 % Importing Countries: Germany Netherlands Denmark United Kingdom Switzerland Mexico Canada United States Marketing strategy: Marketing strategy is a very importing factors to sale the products to the buyer. If the marketing strategy is not so developed, it will be very hard to reach the goal. In case of garments marketing the dealings with the buyer is a very important factor. Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. mainly Production Director, Senior marketing officers, Merchandiser and higher officers deal with the buyers. There are some fixed buyers in this industry. Marketing officers and Merchandisers communicate with the buying house to collect the orders. By both side under Standing the rate and order quantity are fixed. In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. marketing of the product can be controlled by the following way: Sampling stage: Color standard for working lap dip Design Sheet for making sample Fabric program Yarn arrange Knitting Dyeing Fabric delivery to cutting Section Sample making Dispatch
Waiting for getting final order sheet: Fabric program Accessories booking Color standard Checking. Yarn Collection. Knitting Dyeing Fabric Delivery Planning to make. Considering Control parameter: Knitting, Dyeing, Finishing and export control. (Taken special care through all the departments if required) Shipment Control. Realization. Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Compliance: All buyers of Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. Strictly follow the Labor & Labor Well Faire rules of Bangladesh Government. If the Factory does not maintain the rules and requirement of Bangladesh Government Labor Well Faire, then they do not accept the products. Remarks: The personnel working in the marketing department should be very innovative and should handle the buyer very carefully. In Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. there is a sound marketing strategy which is continuously increasing the reputation of the company. Chapter-12 Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Raw water consists of different types of foreign materials such as Iron, Magnesium, Calcium carbonate or bisulphate or chloride. In water there may oily or gummy substances be present. The tested hardness of raw water is 100 to 126 PPM. Therefore, the water is treated to remove those foreign materials and to make it softer. The tested hardness of soft water is less than 5 PPM. Water treatment is done in three stages by three filter tanks. The circulation of water as different stages is controlled by different valves. There are back washing valves, drain valves, and supply valves. The back wash valves are open when the tank needs washing. Drain valves help to drain out the water in the air. Supply valves are used to control the water supply among the filter tanks. During back washing, a minimum pressure (approx 4 kg / cm 2) is maintained; an indicator is attached with the tank which shows the amount of pressure applied.
There is a house in the treatment plant where soft water is stored. A pressure vessel is used for the supply of soft water to floor. A minimum pressure (Approx 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 kg / cm 2) is maintained in the pressure vessel for the circulation of water. Air is act in the vessel to sustain the pressure in required. The Circulation of soft water from soft house to the floor through the pressure vessel is occurred by the help of three parallel pumps and motors. A pressure indicator and water level indicator are attached with the vessel. There is a panel board too near the vessel to control the operation (Here motor rpm is 2940, and capacity is 30hp.)
Fig: Water treatment plant.
Where, A = Hard water storage tank B = Multi grade filter. C = Iron remover D = Soft water E = Treated water F = Soft water storage tank O = Pump P = PH Controller. Description of the Water Treatment Plant: Water being stored in deep house is collected by two parallel pumps with the help of motors and id flowed to the stone filter for first filtration (Here motor rpm is 2900 and capacity is 20 hp). Stone filter helps to remove iron from the water. There is a dozing pump attached with the stone filtration tank for dozing of sodium hypo chlorite. The pump helps to happed â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;stroke wiseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; dosing, during stone filtration, sodium hypo chlorite is added to resist the deposition of iron that might rigid and hamper the smooth operation.
After the completion of stone filtration. Water is led to the activated carbon filter for second filtration. In this process oily and gummy substances are removed from the water. At the end of carbon filtration water is flowed to the resin filter for final filtration. During Resin filtration. The salt (NaCl) solution or magnesium deposits in the filter and make water harder. Common salt solution (2.25 kg / 1200 liter) needs to be added to remove those salts. When the filter tank needs adding the solution, the drain valve is open. As result, a vacuum is created in the line and the dosing occurs. Applied pressure is sustained about 5 kg / cm 2 or more at the time of dozing. Final filtration makes the water finally soft and drains it to the soft house with the help of a drain valve. The tested hardness of the treated water just prior to entering the house is measured as 0.8 to 1.00 PPM. But after mixing with entering portion in soft house it becomes a bit harder ration maximum PPM normally. Standard Water Quality Dye House: Parameter Color Odor / Smell Water Hardness PH value Dissolved solid Inorganic salt Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn) Copper (Cu) Nitrate (NO3) Nitrate (NO3)
Permissible Concentration Colorless No bad smell Less than 5 PPM 1 to 8 (Neutral) Less than 1 Less than 500 PPM Less than 0.1 PPM Less than 0.01 PPM Less than 0.005 PPM Less than 50 PPM Less than 5 PPM
(Process cost per cubic meter water in WTP of Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. is) Boiler water parameter: Hardness PH Iron (Fe) Silicon :
: 100 to 126 PPM : 6.1 to 7.0 : 0.6 PPM 0.2 PPM
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP):
Waste water form wet processing industries e.g. Dyeing, Printing, Finishing and Washing causes great harmful effect on our environment. As a result agricultural land loses its fertility. Natural water becomes polluter, aquatic life is destructed and crops are damages. Effluent Treatment Plant is a plant by which waste water is treated in order to make the waste water environment friendly. Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. has Biological ETP, which is described is described as below: USEAPA (United States Environment Protection Agency) IWRA (International Water Resource Association) GOB (Government of Bangladesh) Table: Standard Values of Effluent: Tank
(Clarifier Treated Effluent)
Parameter Phosphate, PO4 PH Color COD COD Ammonia, (NH3) Nitrate, (O3) Nitrate, (O2) Sulphate, (SO4) Chloride, Cl2 Chlorine, Cl Total Suspended Dissolve Solid Total Dissolve Solid
Standard value 5 to 15 6 to 8 220 to 250 29 to 60 250 to 300 5 to 10 10 to 15 Less than 1 1000 1 500 to 600 60 to 80
Process Flow Chart of Biological Effluent Treatment Plant: Fabric Dyeing
Pumping and Screening
Acid Dosing Homogenizing Tank
Distribution Tank Antifoam Dosing Biological Oxidation Tank
Distribution Tank
Distribution Tank
Distribution Tank
Distribution Tank
Distribution Tank
Distribution Tank Required Chemicals of Biological ETP: 98 % H2SO4: Function: Neutralize the waste water by controlling the Po it is auto disperse in the neutralization tank. Poly electrolyte: Function: Used for sedimentation I sludge coagulation and also killing bacteria. Decolourent: Function: Used for removing color, it is used auto / manually in the sedimentation feeding tank. Anti-foaming agent: Function: Used for reducing / controlling foam, It is used auto / manually in the distribution tank.
Sodium hypo chlorite: Function: It is used to kill the harmful bacteria. It is used in biological oxidation tank. Functions of different unit of Biological Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP): Screening Unit: It works like a filter by filtering waste water it removes threads, pieces of fabrics, small metal pieces etc. In this unit a rotating brush is used for cleaning the pores of screen. The brush rotates periodically. Storage and 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10 modernization tanks: Different waste water from various processes is stored and makes a homogeneous mixture by mixing different concentration of waste water. Neutralization tank: Neutralization of water is performed by dosing 98 % H 2SO4 as required to control the P H of waste water, PO4 range 6.5 to 7.5. Distribution tank: It distributes the water to the biological oxidation tank. Continuous aeration is supplied here; Antifoam is dosed here to control the foaming in the oxidation tank. Biological oxidation tank: It is the heart of ETP. The Entire harmful chemicals are damaged here by breaking their bonds. This is done by bacteria. To ensure the proper function work and growth of bacteria, few conditions must be maintained. Temperature : 350 to 3700C PH (Maximum) : 7.5 Dissolved oxygen : 4 PPM Sedimentation / Biological feeding tank: Treated water is over Flowed here from oxidation tank. Decolourent is used here to destroy the color of waste water. Clarifier. Settling tank, Sedimentation basin: A tank or basin in which waste water is held for a period of time, during which the heavier solids settle to the bottom and the lighter material will float to the water surface. In this tank sludge is immersed and the harmless water is discharged to drain or ponds, land, river, Lake etc. Sludge thickener:
Sludge is taken here from clarifier; Poly electrolyte is dosed to coagulate the sludge. After one hour of poly electrolyte dosing aeration is stopped and fresh water discharge to drain when sludge is taken. The thickened sludge is transferred to the sludge thickener bed. Sludge thickener bed: Here sludge is dried which is used as good fertilizer as well as fuel of brick field. Sludge is dried under the sunlight. Table showing parameters for water: Parameter
Before Treatment
After Treatment
10 to 12 300 to 500 1050 to 1200 500 to 600 3500 to 4000
6 to 9 50 200 100 2100
NB: Value shown in the right column of the above table should obviously be maintained according to the rifles of WHO and World Bank; otherwise the respective factory will be regarded disqualified. To make serviceability of machines. Building and other service facilities maintenance is very essential. It reduces maintenance cost as far as possible thereby leading to a reduction in factory overheads and prolongs the useful life of the factory plant and machinery. When I was trained of Padma Poly Cotton Knit Fabrics Ltd. then was that the maintenance stuff and overheads of maintenance department is very skilled and efficient.