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Block Plantations
from Haritha Haram_2020
Block plantations are saplings rooted in compact blocks in sizes spanning over 0.1Ha lying outside recorded forests. About 130 Ha of block plantations at various locations have been raised during the 2016 season by the HMDA for the Telangana Ku Haritha Haram initiative. With a survival percentage of around 90%, 2.2 lakh plants beautify the blocks and are well established between the 2016-2020 plantation period. Implemented across panchayats, wastelands and community spaces, these blocks meet fodder needs for settlements in nearby areas. The plantation includes fast-growing sub-tropical and tropical tree species like Raavi(Ficus Religiosa), Marri (Ficus Benghalensis), Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Albizia, Acacia, Sissoo, Neredu, Sundra, Chinduga, Subabool (River Tamarind), and Gliricidia. Planting will be performed by the concerned departments. After planting the plantations will be handed over to the Gram Panchayat for maintenance.
