Portfolio part 2

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In the fi5h se7lement site it was required to design a residenCal building that the land is oriented towards arabella complex and has views on many green islands The repeCCon of buildings design in the site created a boring theme that made the site lacks vital so diversity the plans zoning according to the funcConal need and that was reflected on the building form so the apartments owners wont feel bored that the building has different views look from any perspecCve and funcConally that allows for selling the apartments according to the users need form follows funcCon

DIVERSITY The fi5h se7lement is a new site which is Ctled under the gated c o m m u n i C e s s o t h e l a c k o f interacCon between people doesn t exist the building the diversity in spacing made the spaces of each apartment met in a staggered way through staggered terraces which refers to the egypCan culture idenCty and the elements used at these terraces are to achieve the maximum transparency with respect to the users privacy INTERACTION Thee climaCc condiCons of the site need to have an environmental soluCon that saves money for the users and save the environment from the polluCon. CHARACTER Choosing the green architecture as an environmental soluCon for the venClaCon and lighCng to the building because the lack of the use of green architecture as in Egypt that makes the building unique and environmentally friendly Using the green elements techniques in modern way makes the building a post modern environmental building that achieves the users comfort

Main elevation showing diversity in terraces

Ground floor plan

Section A-A

Side elevation

First floor plan

Second floor plan

Third floor plan


Landscape and site design


Model showing exisCng campus entrance with a very large parking area with two separated entrances for the staff and the students and the narrower direct path on the right is for students which is not efficient because of the overload numbers of students using that entrance all the day

Main vision: “SOCIAL LIFE ENCOURAGES EDUCATIONAL PASSION” Students in schools see the university as A NEW EXPERIENCE , LEARNING and DISCOVERING new things. EDUCATION A SOCIAL LIFE where they can gather and spend their Cme with friends SOCIAL LIFE From the site analysis INTEGRATION (social life &pracCcal life) achieves INTERNATIONALIZATION Which should be reflected in the image of every internaConal university

the new design assign to create social integration between all the users ( students – staff – visitors) coming from the sub-plazas under ground coming from parking to the mcentered plaza ( melting pot) going through the university main building in one wide luxuries path that reflects the vission of the university

Design Proposal for APG (Architectural and Planning Group) AdministraCve building at NEW CAIRO – 90th street 3D MAX

The main idea of design is to create an efficient funcConal building that contribute the space, circulaCon and environmental aspects for a working space based on architectural elements from culture like the use of courtyards that lit the work spaces without having a direct sunlight

Design Proposal for APG (Architectural and Planning Group) CENTRAL AREA OF A RESIDENTIAL COMPOUND SKETCHUP

The main idea of design is to create an a7racCve mulC funcConal environmental amusement area for the residence of a luxurious compound which contains: (shops – food court – mosque – kids area – different types of seaCng areas)

SIWA OASIS WORKSHOP CollaboraCon between Misr InternaConal University and polytechnic university of Bari

It was assigned to draw and model a typical siwian housing unit and this was consider as a criCcal visual analysis of the contextual and architectural condiCon of the environment, and the city

Ground floor plan

First floor plan

Second floor plan

Sectional shots

Ground floor structural plan

First floor structural plan


Restaurant interior design Style : TURKISH LocaCon: CAIRO, EGYPT ``


Compu me store Style : FUTURISTIC, MODERN LocaCon: CAIRO, EGYPT ``

SOCIO BEHAIOURAL STUDIES AnalyCcal observaCon of IMBABA district

In my research on Imbaba district I used both direct and indirect techniques of observing the physical seing, user groups and their behavior. On site visit was done by all the group members with one of the original ciCzens of Imbaba district, “Hossam” who is born, raised and lives in Imbaba. AcCng as a guide for us Hossam took us in a tour through most of the district parts and started to provide us with the names of the streets, districts and describe different user’s acCviCes within the site

Graphic design:



Cubism was a truly revoluConary style of modern art developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. It was the first style of abstract art which evolved at the beginning of the 20th century in response to a world that was changing with unprecedented speed WHEN ART MEETS GREATNESS IN AN EDGY STYLE


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