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The Master Thesis Theoratical Framework

The Hypothesis was to form an external layer out of the intersections of the Components ,and using it as a common ground to subvert the disputes on the islands to be Connections therefore solving the stagnation ,


The hypothesis (In the theoratical frame work of the thesis) is that in a historic district, Forming a Common Ground between the intrinsic values of Its component’s dynamics, will by default form an extra layer ,which will be the Equilibrium Catalyst that each component can integrate within. and result in gaining Urban Reliance

In the thesis context and dealing with the occidential effect

The aim was declared to be forming urban reslience for the island ,by the unified Urban vision the strategy is subverting the disputes into common grounds.

The approach was acheive this through the indiginous sources of the nubian peoples living in the island and the reigon and at last The objectives lead to unify the urban vision of the island’s components in dealing with the shadow layers (the islands limitations of Area and potentials)

Initiating the Approach through The Nubian and orientalists approaches on documenting the Nubian Resettlment and its documentations, in relation with the Egyption and Nubian Lenses,through 4 mediums in which the Nubian documented their heritage

*Language *Story telling Nubian Awakening movment

*Musics and Lyrics

*Maltierialty Charchter in Space forming followed by adding the resulted discourse as the urban identity layer in the components of the island in steps

Adding the Discourse resultred in the possibility to counter the margenalization of the villages and Addeing them as a new Agency in the Island Components and equalizing the stagnation on the island and initiating the strategy of subverting the Disputes into negotiation common grounds through the Discourse of the urban identity the catalyst are the typology concluded from the nubian research iwhich is called the madyafa

The Application of the Discourse on the site is concluded in adding the two catalysts controling the Southern village (Kotti) With the archeological site , and the nothern village (Seju) with the Hotel of movenpick.

The tekia of madyafat kotti (the community restaurant by the people

Master Plan 1:10,000

The public spaces de ntion and utilization (Adding in the Vortecies,Phase 1)

Southern madyafa of Kotti (urban identity and civic empowerment Catalyst)


-the heritage discourse

-the Pending projects of the roman staircase

-the Decision making in regards of the villages

Master Plan 1:10,000

The public spaces de ntion and utilization (Adding the Madayif in the Vortecies,Phase 1)

The tekia of madyafat kotti

The communal Restaurant (Utilizingthe shouna resources and facing the hotel kus-

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