m a h o n e y ’ s h o l i d ay
i n s p i r at i o n s One-stop shopping
holiday decor, plants, lights trees & g reens! plus: d r e s s i ng the h ol i day ta bl e w i th pl a nts using our favorite varieties
decorating the front entry design tips & ideas
ma ho ney’s lif elike
christmas tree collection B E AU T I F U L LY R E A L I ST I C F RO M 2 - 1 2 ’ TA L L
Who says “artificial trees” have to look artificial? We believe if you’re going to invest in a tree you’ll look at year after year, you shouldn’t settle for one that looks less than real. With astonishing realism, our lifelike trees are crafted of intricately-molded polyethylene branches modeled after real tree specimensbetter than the PVC bottle-brush look you find in big box stores. We source trees made of quality materials that are easy-to-assemble, and will look great for many, many years. Available in a variety of sizes, shapes and designs; pre-lit or unlit. Come see the difference a Mahoney’s lifelike tree can make. Also check out our selection of lifelike garlands, wreaths, and outdoor “pot-toppers.” le ar n m o re a t ma ho neysga rd en.com/l i fel i ke
h a p py h o l i d ay s t o you
from our family to yours The time of the year is upon us when we want to hunker down, and enjoy family and friends in warm, beautifully designed spaces. Around here, preparing for Christmas is a year-round affair! We’ve traveled to the Netherlands to find the most beautiful Christmas ornaments, we’ve been to Nova Scotia to shear, cut and ship our very own Mahoney’s-grown Christmas trees, and we’ve sourced plants from around the globe to make your shopping experience better than ever this season! As we reflect on the blessings of this past year, we are eternally grateful for your loyal patronage. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday, and wonderful New Year!
the Mahoney family + staff
ladies night h o l i d ay
o pe n
ho use
A great way to kick off the holiday season! Come experience our beautifully decorated Christmas Shoppe with inspiring decorating ideas, unique ornaments and lifelike artificial trees. Throughout the evening, enjoy wine and food sampling and plenty of pre-season Christmas shopping from local merchants, shops, restaurants and artisans! WINCHESTER
th urs d ay n o vember 1 2 T E WK S B U R Y
wed nesd ay n o vember 1 8 FA L M O U T H
th urs d ay n o vember 1 9 m a h o n e y sg a rde n . co m/ln o
d o n a te a re a l c hris t ma s t re e
to a military fami ly bri g h to n
oster v ille
449 Western Ave (617) 787-8885
2929 Fal m o ut h Ro a d (508) 420- 4428
c h elmsfor d
te w k sbury
155 Princeton Street (978) 251-4001
1609 Main Street (978) 851- 2712
co n cor d
w ayla n d
1625 Sudbury Road (978) 371-1214
115 Bost o n Po st Ro a d (508) 358- 7333
east falmout h
w i n c h ester
958 East Falmouth Hwy (508) 548-4842
242 Cambrid ge Street (781) 729- 5900 This year, please help the Trees for Troops program. For
| ma h o n eys g ar d e n . com |
only $30 a real, fresh-cut Mahoney’s-Grown 7-foot Balsam Fir will be delivered via FedEx to one of over 60 military bases in the U.S. and overseas. A card with your Christmas wish or
A word about our 8 stores and in ven tory Each Mahoney’s location is unique with their own personality, character and product offering. Because of this, not all stores have identical breadth and depth of selection. If you see something specific in this magazine you wish to purchase, please call the store you wish to visit before making the trip.
message of gratitude will accompany your tree. It’s a wonderful gift, and donations are tax deductible. Many people donate multiple trees. For every tree donated, Mahoney’s will make an additional $5 donation to the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation – the people who started the Trees for Troops campaign. Thank you. d o n ate o n li n e or i n - store
mah o neysgar d en . c o m /trees -tro o ps © 2015 by Mahoney’s Garden Center. All rights reserved. Content in this magazine may not be reproduced, duplicated or distributed without written permission from Mahoney’s Garden Center.
make yo ur e nt rance merry and bright
As winter approaches, do you mourn the loss of your
garden? Here’s a fun, creative solution: start the
Whether you are using existing planters or you want to purchase
holidays at your doorstep, and treat your front entry like it’s your own winter garden! Regardless of the
new ones, it’s important to choose planters that are frosttolerant and can withstand the winter cold. With the largest year-round selection of pottery in New England we have plenty
weather, you still use your entryways and front doors
of decorative shapes, styles, materials and colors to enhance
– so keep these areas green and beautiful. You’ll find
your winterscape. From traditional cast-iron urns, to rustic
the following ideas not only welcoming for guests,
Vietnamese ceramic pottery and light-weight fiberclay, you are
but will provide you a personal sense of well-being and joy throughout the long and cold winter months.
sure to find something that perfectly complements your home and taste. And don’t shy away from bright blues, purples or reds, as they can add beautiful color all year long.
We believe you can never underestimate the power of lighting.
Cut greens are perfect for bringing life to your entrance.
Whether you have battery-operated Invisilites on your wreath,
Got planters, urns and window boxes? As long as they’re
decorative lit figurines such as reindeer and stars, or solar-
weather resistant, you can leave them right where they are,
powered candles in your windows, shorter winter days cry out
soil and all. Then take some cut greens and simply stick them
for beautifully lit entryways to make your spirits bright.
in the soil. Choose various types and lengths of greenery, and you can arrange them in all sorts of creative ways. One
tip: do this early in the season so when the temperature
Want to push the designer envelope? Natural curiosities such
drops, the soil will freeze the greens into place. Do it before
as pinecones, real and lifelike berries, and decorative branches
Thanksgiving, and you’ll decorate two holidays at once! If you’d prefer a professional do the arranging, try Mahoney’s holiday Drop-Ins. Our designers have made a variety of different sized arrangements that you can simply “drop in” to any planter for easy, instant gratification. Balsam fir, harvested from Mahoney’s own tree farm in Nova Scotia (where the BEST balsam in the world is grown – see page 12), is just one of five types of fir greens available. White and shore pine, port orford, yellow-tipped incense cedar, blue-berried juniper, and Cape Cod-grown American holly, are just some of the other samplings of goodies available for your decorating pleasure. We also have fresh green designer wreaths, kissing balls, roping, swags, and more. LIFELIKE & PRE-LIT GREENS For an even easier setup, try our lifelike wreaths, swags,
are in full supply at Mahoney’s. Have fun experimenting with
garlands and cut-green “pot-toppers.” Many are modeled
glass baubles, ornamental “picks” and sprays, garlands and
to resemble real branches and needles, so you’ll enjoy a
ribbon. We have everything you need to enhance your outdoor
surprising realistic look year after year. Trust us, these are a
entry: greened roping, kissing balls, cut green arrangements
big upgrade from the fake bottle-brush look you’ve seen all
and more! And most are sold by the piece, so you can mix and
too often before. All are available pre-lit.
match as the spirit moves you.
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 5
D E S I GN T I P S For sumptuous holiday decorations, layer your greens. Layering is the art of creating depth. Greens can be layered by the front door, by repeating the greens you have used in your wreath, in roping around the doorframe or handrail, and in planters on the front steps. You can then carry the theme inside the door, with a vase of fragrant greens in the foyer, setting the stage for the ultimate showpiece, your Christmas tree. Arranging your containers can be as symmetrical or asymmetrical as you desire, just be sure to balance the composition. While “bookend” placement is traditional, groupings of odd numbers and various sizes is also extremely attractive. Then color-block with bursts of red, green and natural elements. At this time of year, the grander the better!
LIFELIKE POT TOPPERS Decorate with ease year after year with our life-like “pot toppers”. Pre-lit and enhanced wth lifelike greens, our decorative dropins are ready for your front porch containers. Simply place on top of any pot, and you’re ready to go! Accent with pine cones, berries and other decorative picks and sprays!
ACCESSORIES Enhance your holiday greens with natural elements like pine cones, holly, winterberry and lifelike picks and sprays. This season, we’re decorating the front stoop earlier than ever— just in time for Thanksgiving. A bouquet of pine cones and splash of red berries and glass balls is a welcome site for dinner guests.
F i n d i n w re a t h e s , s w a gs , ropi ng , m i ni tr e e s, b o ug hs
Glass can be incorporated outdoors for a unique look! Place mini Invisilites, festive pine cones and moss in a planter for an outdoor ‘terrarium’! Try it on a bed of cut greens!
a n d b u n ch e s . Sh op e a rl y f o r be st se l e c ti o n! I nc e nse C e da r
Ba lsam
D o ug l as F ir
Nob l e Fir
W hite Pine
W e s t e r n R e d Ce d a r
H ol ly
Boxw oo d
S h o re P ine
Si lver Fir
Fraser Fir
D o gw o o d branch es
Ce d ar
Curly W i l l o w branch es
Port Orf or d C e dar
J uniper M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 6
p o i ns et t i as A holiday staple, nothing says Christmas like the poinsettia. Available in a spectrum of color and sizes, we have a poinsettia to fit any style and space. From miniature-sized to 10�pots, you’ll find what you need to decorate your space or give the perfect holiday gift. With many new introductions this year in a variety of colors, poinsettias aren’t just for Christmas anymore. Available in oranges, yellows and unique reds, try decorating with poinsettias for Thanksgiving!
m o r e i n s p i r at i o n , p h o t o s , a n d d e s i g n t i p s
ma h o n eys g ar d e n . com / poi n settia
mahoneysg arde n.com /poinsettia
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 7
th rou g h t h e
lo o k i ng g las s Glass containers are one of our favorite decorative accents
choose plants that are different from one another in color,
around the home. Clean, stylish, available in all shapes and
leaf shape and growing habit. The goal is for each plant to
sizes, and easily affordable – glass is the perfect decorative
have it’s own unique personality, but also complement the
accent anytime, but especially through the winter doldrums.
other plants in the terrarium. Don’t be discouraged if a plant
Since there’s so much we could talk about in regards to glass, let’s keep it simple and talk about glass in two categories: a home for living plants, or a vessel to hold decorative pieces. When choosing plants to grow in glass you can try a single simple plant approach or a lush terrarium. On a tabletop, a small cactus or succulent is very easy to grow, and because they can live in sand or crushed stone, even the visible soil is attractive. An even easier plant is a Tillandsia, also known as an air-plant. Since they do not require actual planting, they can rest gently atop a bed of Christmas greens or moss, simply requiring a mist of water once per week. doesn’t make it. Terrariums are a learning experience, and in time you’ll know how much or little water is needed. As always, please feel free to ask us for plant suggestions to minimize this issue. For purely decorative purposes, glass vessels can hold any variety of items: keepsakes, rocks, found natural elements, etc. The holidays are an especially fun time to experiment with glass. Try small cuttings of your outdoor evergreen plants such as pine, cedar, firs, or juniper, and pair with pinecones, red berries, and ornaments. Some people add Invisilite battery operated mini LED lights for the holidays,
For those who desire a lush terrarium, it’s important to choose
and end up using them all year long!
a mix of plants that will thrive together in one container. Also make sure to plant them using the proper soil or potting mix to
Whether for growing or just display, our design philosophy
sustain the ecosystem. Throughout the year, we search high and
for glass is simple. Start with any glass vessel you love, and
low for the best succulent and mini plants sure to inspire even
have fun mixing contents of different textures, shapes and
the most experienced terrarium hobbyist. For visual interest,
sizes. Whatever you choose, it’s easy to make a statement!
Use decorative white rocks to mimic snow, glass baubles for a festive display, or light a simple tea light candle for a little illumination. for more i n spiratio n , p h otos , a n d d esi g n tips :
ma h o n eys g ar d e n . com / h oli d ay - g lass
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 0
th e florist at mahoney’s WINCHESTER (781) 729-5900 T E WK S B U R Y ( 9 7 8 ) 8 5 1 - 2 7 1 2 CHELMSFORD (978) 251-4001 We know how hectic the holidays are. It seems like the time to prepare gets shorter each year. That’s why we want to remind you of the services provided at our florists. Perfect for that last minute table centerpiece, or gift for the hostess, we want to make your life a little bit easier this holiday season. Find beautiful custom arrangements and planters, festive boxwood trees and cut flowers for all your holiday decorating needs. No time to stop by? We deliver.
kiln-d ried firewood C L E A N E R , B E T T E R B U R N I NG Frustrated with smoky, poor-burning firewood? While we admit that our kiln-dried firewood is more expensive than ordinary seasoned wood, once you try it you’ll never settle for less. Harvested in Vermont it’s dried in a specialized kiln for 3 full days. This removes 75% of its moisture content. Our firewood is a combination of dense hardwoods so it contains more stored energy. Drier and denser, our wood burns hotter and much cleaner, and produces less smoke and creosote. And because our wood arrives without dust, insects or mildew, you can safely store it indoors. Plus it lights really easily, too. To make it even easier, we have kindling and firestarter bundles too!
a fres h c u t ab o ve a n i n si d e loo k at ma h o n ey ’ s e v er g ree n s by Peter “Mr. Christmas” Mahoney
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 2
For years, we have proudly grown your premium Christmas trees
If you’re wondering why we grow all the way in Canada, the answer is pretty
ourselves. Mahoney’s Evergreens is led by Peter Mahoney, a second-
simple: In 1996 Lunenberg County, Nova Scotia was officially named the
generation owner at Mahoney’s Garden Centers who runs the
Balsam Fir Christmas Tree Capital of the World. You’ll find Mahoney’s
company alongside his sisters and brothers. Peter is a recipient of the
Evergreens situated 30 miles from the nearest hotel, restaurant or grocery
Christmas SPIRIT Award, an honor given by the SPIRIT foundation
store. The climate of warm, wet summers encourage thick green foliage
of the National Christmas Tree Association for his efforts to advance
growth. Cold harsh winters kill insect and disease and therefore do not
the true spirit of Christmas with his trees. Here Peter shares the
require frequent spraying of herbicides and pesticides.
story behind the Mahoney’s Evergreens Plantation in Canada’s Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia.
the g rowing process While we do carry other tree varieties in our stores such as Fraser and
our h istory
Noble Fir, we only grow Balsams on the plantation. Balsam Fir trees are
At Mahoney’s, the holidays have become one the most exciting times for
the most popular variety in New England and known for their fragrance,
us as a company and a family. We love to see generations of families come
dark green color and superior needle retention. Did you know that not
through our doors each season who have adopted the Mahoney’s shopping
all balsams are created equal? Those grown in Nova Scotia have heavier
experience as their own family tradition. It has motivated us for decades to
branching with a more rounded brush. Not only do they look better,
work hard all year long to bring our customers
the branches support ornaments and your
top-quality holiday products, with a one-stop-
tree trimmings better, too! You’ll see this
shop experience for Christmas trees, wreaths,
difference in our cut greens and wreaths
decorations, and holiday plants.
which are also grown on the farm.
That’s why in 1975, my father, Paul Mahoney
Many are also surprised to learn that their
Sr., ventured to Nova Scotia in search of a
7-8’ balsam took over 14 years to grow. It’s
better way to source Christmas trees for our
a funny way of thinking of things, but we are
customers. With growing our own plants
always operating 14 years into the future at
being a core philosphy for three generations
Mahoney’s Evergreens. With frequent trips
now, it only made sense for him to extend this
with a team of specialists, we make the trek
to our Christmas Tree offering. By growing
to Canada to manage the land and tend to
our own trees, we’re able to control the
the trees until they are ready for harvest. On
quality, quantity and delivery process to bring
an uneven terrain full of brush, it is quite a
the best and freshest product to our retail
labor intensive feat!
stores. 40 Christmas seasons later, we will cut and ship approximately 12,000 Balsam Fir Christmas trees this year to our retail stores in addition to sourcing another 10,000 from quality growers who provide Fraser, Noble,
shearing & GRADING Paul Mahoney with sons Peter (L) and Paul Jr. (R) circa 1968. Affectionately known as “Mr. Christmas” around here, Peter’s preparation for the holidays is a year-round endeavor.
Grand and Nordmann Fir Trees.
In the summer, we shear and shape all trees big and small. During the shearing process, we trim 1/2 of the new growth off each tree –
this helps the tree grow dense, not spindly. By the time fall rolls around,
sustai n ability
we grade and flag trees with colored ribbons identifying different sizes
At Mahoney’s Evergreens, growing responsibly and sustainably is our
and density. We’re very selective! If it doesn’t meet our standards, it
passion. Many would be surprised to find that the layout of the plantation
won’t get cut and shipped that year. We like to think grading Christmas
is actually not orderly rows of easily-farmed trees. Instead, we grow in an
trees is like rating a diamond. We have specific criteria and standards in
undeveloped and wild forest ecosystem, where all trees are naturally re-
order to ensure the best looking tree for your home. We look for density,
seeded. The terrain is full of swamps, hills, and thick forests with pockets
fullness, height, and shape. The better the tree looks from all angles, the
of prime tree growing space. Throughout the plantation there are 12 to
more likely it is to be harvested that season. Our most premium trees can
30 foot tall “mother” or “seed trees” that are strategically left standing to
be found on Ruby Ridge, an area of the plantation that has the perfect
produce seed cones. The seed cones are pollinated by the wind randomly
climate for growing large premium trees. With the most fertile soil on
over the plantation. So, even though 12,000 trees a year are harvested, we
the edge of a swamp, Ruby Ridge trees receive 360 degrees of sunlight.
only cut what we need, and we don’t deplete the land as far more seedlings
Look out for our 8’ - 14’ premium trees in stores marked with a ruby red
sprout up on their own each year. At any given time we have over 1 million
tag! Chances are your tree was graded by me or my daughter, Shannon,
trees and seedlings actively growing.
back in September!
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 3
a later h arvesti n g
large growers that supply the box stores can’t
hear a lot of customers feel finding a Christmas
In mid-November we start our harvest season.
wait that long. By cutting our trees a full 2 to
tree at Mahoney’s is the start of their holiday
We have a combination of specialists who do
3 weeks later than many growers, our Balsams
tradition. Many have come here since they
the cutting, baling, hauling and loading. This
keep their fragrance and hold their needles
were children, and now bring their children
2-3 week period is intense with long hard days
longer. Late-cut freshness is one of the best
and grandchildren!
to bring a tree from the forest to our Garden
reasons to choose a Mahoney’s Christmas tree.
stay fresher , lon ger
Centers, in a very short window of time. We patiently wait for 15 hard frosts before cutting
our tradition
To ensure a fresh and safe Christmas tree,
the trees. This number is required to set the
The most rewarding part of the whole process
there are a number of tips to keep it hydrated.
needles; otherwise they will dry and spoil
is watching families come into our stores and
First off, make sure your tree stand is big
too soon at home. With the warmer weather
shop for a Christmas tree. We set up our
enough to safely hold the tree and a lot of
patterns in recent years, this means we often
trees forest-style – just like they are grown
water. A four inch trunk can take up to one
wait until mid November to harvest. Most
– so families can walk around and see each
gallon of water per day. Give the tree water
tree from all sides. When they decide on the
as soon as possible after a fresh cut as trunk
“perfect” tree, we put it on our tree shakers
pores can close up in just 6 to 9 hours. Hot
to remove any older, loose needles. Then we
water helps these pores stay open as does a
saw about a half-inch off the trunk. This “fresh
tree preservative. Most importantly, don’t ever
cut” opens up the cells and ensures the tree
let your tree stand dry out. Over time it will
can take in the water when it’s brought home.
take in less water, but still always keep the tree
Then we bundle the tree in netting, and
stand full! Also, do not add aspirin, bleach, or
conveniently mount and tie the tree on top of
fertilizers to the water. They have been proven
your car. All this is a free part of the service. We
to reduce needle retention.
“By cutting our trees a full 2 to 3 weeks later than most growers, our Balsams keep their fragrance, and hold their needles much longer.”
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 4
2015 Tree Varieties trees for troops We are especially proud to take part in the Trees for
Balsam firs are not the only Christmas tree varieties we will carry this season. Here are the Christmas Tree varieties you will find at Mahoney’s this year!
Troops Program. Anybody can make a $30 donation at our stores, by phone or on our website, and FedEx will deliver a 7-8 foot Balsam Fir Tree directly to military
Ba l sam F ir
trees directly from Mahoney’s Evergreens in Nova Scotia,
Grown by us at our own Christmas Tree plantation, Balsams are the most popular Christmas tree in New England! Nice dark green color with silvery cast and long lasting needles; Balsams retains their pleasing fragrance throughout the Christmas season
the trees arrive at the bases really fresh. The families truly
F raser F ir
appreciate the trees, and write personal notes and stories
we’ve been a part of it for over 7 years. I’m very proud
Dark blue green on the top and silvery white underneath; with excellent needle retention and a pleasant scent; strong branches hold heavy ornaments. Usually a slender profile that fits well in small rooms
to be awarded the “Spirit Award” from the National
N ob l e F ir
Christmas Tree Association for helping to spread the
Grown in Washington state and known for its beauty and soft needles. It too has stiff
families in time for the holidays. Most of the trees are distributed to US bases, but some trees actually get delivered to troops overseas. Because we ship these
thanking the donating families and us for their trees. The Christmas SPIRIT Foundation started the program, and
Spirit of Christmas to kids, families and the environment.
branches making it a good tree for heavy ornaments. Excellent needle retention.
G ran d F ir limit ed qua ni ti te s
Emerald green needles with a silvery underside; when crushed the needles give off a citrusy smell. Also grown in Washington state, and has excellent needle retention.
N or d mann F ir limit ed qua nti ti e s
Popular in Europe, Nordmann trees have long lasting, glossy dark-green needles – similar to a Grand Fir, but soft to the touch with stiffer branches. Also has excellent needle retention.
I’m honored by the award, but it’s the thank you letters from military families that is most humbling.
see more be h i n d t h e sce n es p h otos :
ma h o n eys g ar d e n . com / e v er g ree n s
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 5
t h e season’s b est our fa v orite c h ristmas or n ame n t t h emes for 2 0 1 5 Our Christmas buyers travel the globe to bring you the most unique collections of ornaments and holiday decor. We source pieces that work seamlessly into your existing Christmas collections. From table-top accents to garlands, tree-toppers and everything in between, we buy with your style in mind. This year, look for our Cardinal Red, Luxury Lodge, Scotch Plaid and Winter Light themes among many others! Each collection is showcased on a tree to give you design ideas, and as always— our design experts are always on hand to help you with decorating for the holidays. Please note, product selection and supplies will vary at each Mahoney’s location.
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 6
cardinal red Inspired by the natural winter world around us, our Cardinal Red Collection is filled with warm reds, glass, berries, and pine cones.
luxury lodge Warm, rich textures and tones light up this collection. Find patterns and prints inspired by wildlife accompanied by ethereal metallics.
winter light Picking up the palette of winter, Winter Light’s cool tones makes your home feel clean and fresh. Accented with silver and white.
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 8
scotch plaid Capturing the fun and nostalgia of the holidays in felts, plaids and cozy textures. Find cute animals, and playful snowmen accented with warm textiles. Enhance with buffalo plaid ribbons.
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 1 9
A dozen to go
Gift I d eas for H o li d ays & Hosts 1. orchid planter Elegant and sophisticated, a gift that brings enjoyment throughout the winter months.
2. wind chimes Give the gift of sound. Our chimes are tuned to the melodies of famous scores, Not available in all stores.
1. orchid planter
2. wind chime
3. Gift Card The gift they really want, in any denomination. Pair it with an ornament, hand tools or garden gloves to personalize the gift.
4. glass orb Fill with mini succulents, tropical plants or decorative accessories for a living ornament.
5. paperwhite bulbs Available finished or just the bulbs, plant in any medium for beautiful fragrance.
6. aunt sadie’s tree in a can The most festively scented candle around, Tree in a Can is made right here in New England!
7. amaryllis bulbs Give finished or as a bulb, the most beautiful big blooms in pinks, reds and white.
3. mahoney’s gift card
8. indoor hydrangea A beautiful plant to brighten up the indoors. Available in an array of colors too!
9. corona pruners Top-quality pruners with ergonomic handling for gardeners of all types!
10. world’s softest socks That’s right, we’re not kidding. World’s softest. Not available in Chelmsford & Brighton.
11. Gardening gloves For all outdoor uses (year-round!) in many styles, sizes and functions.
1 2 . B i r d FE e d e r Keeps our feathery friends fed all winter long. Not available in Osterville & Chelmsford.
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 2 0
4. glass orb
5. paperwhite bulbs
6. tree in a can candle
8. indoor hydrangea
11. garden gloves
7. amaryllis bulbs
9. corona pruners
10. world’s softest socks
1 2 . b i r d f e Me Ad HO e rN E Y S G A R D E N . C O M
| 21
bouti q ue
li g h t s h o p at ma h o n ey ’ s We believe you can never underestimate the power of lighting. Whether it’s battery-operated invisilites on your wreath, decorative lit figurines like reindeer and stars, or window candles— the short winter days cry out for beautiful illumination to make your spirits bright.
L E D L I GH T I NG Back by popular demand are our S4 LED lights. Using some of the most advanced lighting technology, S4 lights are long lasting, amazingly energy efficient, and constructed to last for years to come— both indoors and out! Available in multiple colors and styles including a lovely warm white, red, amber, blue and multi. Also consider the Caribbean, Candy Cane and Traditional theme sets. Spectacular!
OUTDOOR LED FIGURINES Made of heavy-duty acrylic molded for beautiful realism, our outdoor figurines are a great addition to any holiday landscape. Find stars, reindeer, snowmen and more! Check out our lit spheres too!
T R A D I T I O N A L I N C A ND E S C E N T For those who prefer incandescent string lights, we carry premium lighting that is visibly superior to what you’ll find in the big box stores. In clean whites, and colorful themed sets, there’s something for everyone! Our Super-Bright Ultimate white lights are spaced at 3” to 5” intervals that make the 30” string longer than most, and easier to use when lighting wreaths, garlands and trees. Fitted with light locks, the bulbs do not fall out, and (you’ll love this) unlike old technology, the string stays lit should one or more bulbs fail. Up to 5 sets can safely be connected together.
W I ND O W C A ND L E S We’ve searched high and low for the perfect window candle, and we found it! Introducing our LED cordless candles with a unique bulb that glows brighter on the “street side” of the candle, softer on the inside for a subtle illumination. A set-and-forget timer turns candle on for 6 hours, off for 18 hours, all powered by 4 AA batteries! Hurry, we suspect these will sell out early and quantities are limited!
I NV I S I L I T E S Perhaps our favorite holiday accessory. Tiny LED lights are fused onto a flexible almost invisibly thin wire, that creates a soft glow just about anywhere you desire! Use on your tabletop amongst greens, in a garland, on a wreath, in lanterns, and even on a tiny tree. They are battery operated, so you can place them anywhere, and because the lights are waterproof, you can use them indoors or out. You can even submerge them in water. Watch; you’ll buy them for the holiday but use them all year long!
dressing the
h oli d ay tab le Hosting a holiday get-together? There are so many ways to dress up your tabletop surfaces. This season, we are inspired by cool winter whites and warm metallics all paired with lush green foliage.
What are we loving for the
free to mix and match your pottery
holiday table this year? Instead
for a more rustic look, or keep things
of the customary centerpiece,
simple with one design for a clean and
stylish presentation.
that combine cool winter whites, Pictu re d ab ove f rom L-R: O rc h i ds - a v a i l a bl e i n min i s iz e s too! Gard e n ia , Pin k J a s m i n e , Cy c l a m e n , C a mp an u la , He lle b ore s , W h i t e Ca l a n di v a , a n d ‘S h ootin g S ta r’ In d o o r H y dr a n ge a .
warm metallics and lush green
foliage. Your presentation can be
The possibilities for tabletop plants
as simple as a few potted plants,
are just about endless. This year’s
or a full ensemble of fresh cut
trend is to mix clean winter whites
evergreens, lights, candles, and
and lush greens. Again the goal is to
a variety of living plants. Either
keep your plant material simple and
For a culinary twist, consider herbs such as basil, rosemary or
way, the display will certainly
monochromatic. Our favorites include:
sage for a beautiful and functional display! During the holidays, we stock plants that tolerate lower indoor light, and are sized-
inspire conversation! THE POTTERY Put the petal to the medal with copper,
gold pottery. These warm metals add a festive tone to your tabletops without overpowering the beauty of the plants, and you’ll find they fit with just about any home decor style. Want your dinner guests to be able to see one another across
W hi te C yclame n Lem o n C yp re s s I ndo o r Hyd ran g e a W hi te Orch id s Succu le n ts
right for tabletop, mantles and windowsill displays. Also make sure to check out our extensive selection of mini-tropical plants and succulents!
Cal o ce p h a lu s G ard e n ia
For mess-free watering, keep your plant in its original plastic
Hele b ore s W hi te Cala n d iva W hi te He a th e r W hi te C a mp an u la Fer n s + Ivy
lift the grow-pot out of the ceramic pot, and bring the plant to
grow-pot, and simply drop it into the pottery. This way you can your kitchen sink for watering. Water, drain in sink, and replace in pottery. This is especially useful if your pottery does not have a drainage hole. Is your holiday table in a dark area? A simple
the table? Select smaller pots and
solution is to carry the plants to a windowsill or sunnier area
smaller 2” to 6” plant material. Feel
in-between meals. Happy plants, happy holidays.
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 2 6
d e c o r at i n g t i p s Enhance the tabletop displays with cut evergreens and flowers, metallic-colored ornaments, figurines, candles, and even battery-operated invisilites! Need a party favor for your guests? Try a simple 2� sized mini tropical fern or suculent in a rose gold votive holder. Set at each place setting for the perfect gift!
M A HO N E Y S G A R D E N . C O M | 2 7
yo ur o ne-s to p
CHRISTMAS SHOP - family - o w n e d si n ce 1 9 5 9 -
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