New Media Art Center Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Instructor: Ute Poerschke 2nd year | M.ARCH | Penn State University .Jan - April 2015
The studio project for this semester is to design a building for new media arts in the Strip District of Pittsburgh, PA. This includes spaces for audio-visual art presented on screens and monitors but also an experimental theater that is equipped with multimedia. For my concept, I studied what is the definition of media. Media is plural form of medium. And the Medium is something in
between something that transform data to each other. My building is a medium between the cliffs in the back of the building and the street. The parallel format of the strip district also inspired me to have a parallel format. Moreover, as a medium is showing you some specific views, my building is a device which directs people views.
01 An Art Center for the Information Age
Spring 2015
Academic Project
1 2
• ARCH 480 • SPRING 2015 • Mahsa Masoudi •
Fire Safety Systems
Winter Solstice: 9 deg
SUN: There are movable louvers on the roof which will direct winter sun to the building. For the summer sun, they will be located in a way for indirect illuminating the spaces. As we need more sun to get into the building in winter, the building would have openings through the south west. Also the coffee shop is in the south west of the building so that it can get more sun in. In the summer we need shading system. So the small walls would be perfect for shading one of the alternatives is to have flexible panels so that each panel can turn around and let the sun shines inside or close it.
Summer Solstice: 66 deg
The building can have photovoltaic on the panels facing the south. It can proPV vide electricity for the galleries.
Sustainability Strategies:
-The building is oriented to the South-West. -Cafe is getting direct light from South-West. Offices, Libraries, Upper side of galleries are getting light from South West. -Buffer Zone is located in East-North of the building. And they are closed towers. -The building has thermal walls and floors. Building Material: Aluminum pannel and metal steel structure Aluminum is recyclable and it is a light weight material
Aluminum recycling also reduces energy consumption. To produce aluminum from recycled material, for example, requires only 5% of the energy required to produce aluminum from bauxite. In addition, every ton of recycled aluminum saves four tons of bauxite. (
Summer Solstice: 66 deg
Winter Solstice: 9 deg Steel composed of 94% recycled steel products (Ohio) TRANSPORTATION: The building is location in a site which is only a few blocks of bus stops. So it will be more encouraging for the users to use public transportation rather than private cars. Also by providing bicycle racks, people will encourage more to use bicycles. 5 parking is also provided in the site.
4. External Utility Grid
3. PV
2. Heat Recovery
1. Geothermal system
GEOTHERMAL: In Pittsburgh, the ground is warmer than air and in winter it is cooler that air. So it is perfect to use geothermal system vertically to cool the water and air inside the building in summer and warm it up in the winter.
Raystown Lake Resort Complex Location: Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, USA Instructor: Rebecca Henn 2nd year | M.ARCH | Penn State University Aug-Dec 2015
Dramatic/ Comoflodge/ Panaromic
The site is located on the south side of Raystown Lake in Penn Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Raystown Lake, a man-made lake, was created in 1975 by the Army Corps of Engineers for flood control. The topography of the site is quite hilly, with steep slopes in places and with gentler topography near the ridge tops. Views of the lake would be available from numerous points on the resort site.
As the site of the project has a great slope, my main point in this site is the incredible view. People rather see panoramic view of site from my building as opposed to anywhere else. The approach to my building is you first see a rectangular elevated block, and as you go underneath each floor, it is opening up to landscape. So the shape recognize the view to the lake.
02 An Art Center for the Information Age
Fall 2015
Academic Project
7 8
Site Plan. scale:1/64”= 1.00’
2nd oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
4th oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
6th oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
8th oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
Ground oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
3rd oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
5th oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
7th oor. scale:1/16”= 1.00’
Experimental Art Space Location: Tehran, Iran Instructor: Kaveh Bazrafkan Thesis | B.ARCH | Tehran Islamic Azad University .Jan - April 2012 Experimental Experimental Experimental ExperimentalARt ARt ARt ARtSpace Space Space Space Mahsa Mahsa Mahsa Mahsa MasoudiMasoudiMasoudiMasoudiSpring Spring Spring Spring 2012201220122012Final Final Final Final Design Design Design Design
Experiment this art space with your new and fresh imagination It filters your previous view and resets your mind
Ground Ground Ground Ground Plan Plan Plan Plan
Section Section Section Section A-A A-A A-A A-A
Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation
Space: an element of art, space refer to distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece. Space can be positive (white or light) or negative (black or dark), open or closed, shallow or deep and two dimensional or three dimensional. Sometimes space isn›t actually within a piece, but the illusion of it is. Frank Lloyd Wright: Space is the breath of art.
A similar activity happens when the elements of art are combined. Instead of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc., in art you›ve got line, shape, form, space, texture, value and color. Artists manipulate these elements, mix them in with principles of design and compose a pie ce of art. Not every work has every last one of these elements contained within it, but th ere are always at least two present.
03 Spring 2012
11 12
Academic Project
An Art Center for the Information Age
Extention Design Of New Art Museum Location: Tehran, Iran Instructor: Kaveh Bazrafkan Third Year | B.ARCH | Tehran Islamic Azad University Aug - Dec 2010
Painting, sculpture and theater could not be copied and remain their values in classic ages. In digital age, there are thousands of copies of same image. For instance, in photography any image could be sold in mass-market sales. This mass production of art is a reward of virtual world which can distribute an art piece among the world and no one can recognize which piece is considered as the original piece. In the Contemporary art museum,there is a black oil pool. Which is representation of virtual world since it reflects the building inside it.
To Tehran Contemporary Art Museum
This oily black pool located in the central ramp at the end of the journey of the museum which reflects columns, ceiling and the whole space of the museum inside it. This pool is a representation of virtual world. The entrance of the extension building starts from this pool. The black oil will mass produces all over the new extension. More over, inside the galleries audience is always in doubt of recognizing the original art piece and the image of it through shadows, penumbra and images.
04 Tehran Contemporary Art Museum
Fall 2010
Academic Project
13 14
Mud Structure, Architecture for Humanity Location: Kermanshah, Iran Project by: Architectur for Humanity Tehran( Rai Studio), Tehran, Iran. Supervisor: Pouya Khazaeli Parsa Construction: Feb- March
The Mud Structure was built over the course of a -25day workshop, with a team of designers and university students. The Mud Structure prototype dwelling consists of a bamboo structure, tree branches and walls made out of mud. The tree branches came from a number of trees that the mayor of Kermanshah had removed for a transit project. As a result of the project in Kermanshah, the team has been invited to participate in the festival Grains D›Isère 2012 in France. In this Project, I had multiple tasks. In the
design phase, my task was making different alternative models of the prototype with earth. I collaborated directly with the head designers while I was making models and the design developed by different types of models. Moreover I Prepare presentation boards using Photoshop software. In the construction phase, I took and edited all the photos of the project which has been published. I also helped on making the Video of the Project which could be fin in following link. https://
05 Earth Project
Fall-Winter 2011-12
Working Experience
15 16