5 minute read
FLexercise with Fitness League
A safe and effective low impact, total body workout, in a friendly, fun and supportive environment.
• pale yellow = hydrated
• dark yellow = dehydrated
• looks like water = over-hydrated
You are constantly losing water from your body, in your pee, poo and sweat. To prevent dehydration (and constipation), you need adequate amounts of fluid. But what exactly is “adequate amounts?”
You’ve probably heard that you need to drink six to eight glasses of water a day. However, as with many things, there is no simple, single formula to suit everyone. What this advice doesn’t quite explain is that it doesn’t have to be water, and it also doesn’t have to be only from drinks. Many foods, especially fruits and vegetables, contain fluid that count towards that volume. Also, as with most things, the amount also depends on you as an individual. The amount of fluid needed varies according to your age, body size, the climate and how active you are, and also if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
If you want to keep things simple, then these three guidelines will apply to most people:
1. When you’re thirsty, drink something.
2. When you’re not thirsty any more, stop.
3. Increase your fluid intake if you’re exercising or living in a hotter region. That’s it!
And remember, other beverages including tea and coffee, can contribute to fluid balance, and most foods also contain water. So if you don’t have any water to hand, you can easily find something else to quench your thirst.
New Year, new initiatives which we are excited to share with you alongside your favourite courses/workshops. We look forward to seeing you soon! Make sure you like us on Facebook - womenscentrerodney and Instagram womenscentre_ rodney and check out our posts for all the latest news and happenings.
Intro to Art Therapy
Monday 20 February - 27 March, 10am - 12.30pm $70
An experiential course offering a taster of Art Therapy techniques for your own process. You don’t need to have any art experience to attend this 6-week course. Facilitator: Heidi Downey
WOW Move Up Programme
Tuesday 14 February - 4 April, 9.30am - 12.30pm
$30 people receiving a benefit, $60 waged Discover your unique worth and strengths and how to use them and explore ways to make the changes you want that will last. We will help you develop a realistic plan – a way forward to keep building a better life for you and your family. Have fun and celebrate with other women in a supportive group setting. Facilitators: Jo Nicholson and Bridget Farmiloe
Young Mum’s Educational Programme
Every Thursday from 2 February 10am - 12.30pm FREE
For mothers up to 24 yrs. Make friends and explore strategies for raising healthy, happy children. Some childminding & morning tea provided. Facilitator: Sarah Woolford
SuperGrans - The Sharing of Generational Knowledge
Info session Tuesday 21 February, 2pm FREE
Launching this year SuperGrans Rodney is a free service supporting women to develop life skills through one-on-one mentoring and workshops. The programme aims to empower women to gain knowledge and skills to improve their daily living personally and within their family and whanau. Mentors are women of all ages who walk alongside and mentor other women, supporting them to develop a range of different skills including cooking healthy meals on a budget, gardening, growing food, CV writing, applying for jobs, budgeting, sewing and more. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or want to know more about the service come along to our info session.
Thursday Evening Seminar Sessions
Third Thursday of each month 5.30-7pm
Thursday 16 February – Romina Shahram –Webster Malcolm – Relationship Property
Thursday 16 March – TBC
Thriving through Art & Creativity
Series: Crafty Conversations
Every Friday from 3 February 10am - 12pm FREE
Crafty Conversations is a peer support group where you can unleash your creative side while enjoying the company of others. Whatever your craft is, this is an opportunity to meet in a safe environment and connect with others to enhance wellbeing. Host: Jo Nicholson (and special guests)
Clay Workshop
Saturday 25 February, 10am - 2.30pm at Kowhai Arts Centre $70
A one-day workshop at artist’s studio. The class will start with an introduction to clay, making pinch pots, joining them. Followed by creating, decorating and texturing another sculpture using your new skills. Make something beautiful to take home. Facilitator: Emma Zhang
There’s a class near you!!
Mon 10-11am Matakana Hall
Tues 10-11am Warkworth Town Hall
Wed 10.30-11.30am Wellsford Community Centre
Thurs 10-11am Warkworth Scout Hall
Contact MaryAnne 021 041 5235 or 09 425 4634 flexercise.rodney@gmail.com
Harakeke/ Flax Weaving workshop
Saturday 18 March,
10am - 2pm at Anglican Parish Hall $65 Learn basic flax weaving skills from an experienced local weaver and create a waikawa basket. Students are also introduced to the customs (tikanga) around working with flax.
Facilitator: Britta Conrad
Women’s Naturopath, Herbalist & Massage

Tuesday from 14 Febuary, 10am - 2pm $20 per 15 min. Bookings essential
Tired of feeling sick and tired? Mini consults to support your individual health requirements with a focus on liver support, immune boosting & stress alleviation. Massage, Herbal Prescriptions, Practitioner only supplements. Facilitator: Tania Burrows
Holistic Pulsing Massage
Every Monday from 20 February $65 per hour. Bookings essential
A gentle, non-intrusive bodywork that activates your body’s natural healing mechanism. Benefits: deep lasting relaxation, ease of movement & heightened awareness. Practitioner: Heidi Downey FREE* and Subsidised Counselling for Women
Six sessions available. Please call the Centre to discuss an appointment. (* free for women with dependents under 18) Phone 09 425 7261.
Drop In
Mon-Fri – 9.30am - 2.30pm
We know there are unique challenges for everyone and we are here to help you navigate them. The Centre is open 9.30-2.30pm and you are welcome to drop in for a chat, coffee, or to just take a moment in a safe space.
We are keen for volunteers to help us at the centre. We have a variety of roles available from Centre Hosts to Mentors on basic life skills. Why not see if you can be involved.
AA Group Meetings
Every Wednesday, 7.30 pm at the Women’s Centre FREE Women’s AA Meeting - Held every week at the Women’s Centre. We welcome you. No booking required. Facilitator: Janene
FREE Legal Clinic
9.30 am– 10.30 am every third Friday. Bookings essential. 10 February, 10 March, 31 March. Phone and in person appointments are available. Call or book via our website.
FREE Cervical Screening
Date to be confirmed
Call or register via our website. For women aged between 20 and 69 who are due for a smear test. Appointments are at the Women’s Centre with a specialist female smear taker. Also support with contraception. Part of the national cervical screening programme and run in conjunction with the Well Women and Family Trust.
Bookings essential: Contact us on 09 425 7261 or 0800 2DROPIN (0800 237 674) Email: info@womenscentrerodney.org.nz
• Book online at: www.womenscentrerodney.org.nz
• Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/womenscentrerodney diet and lifestyle guidance and information

• High quality, evidence-based, practitioneronly herbal medicine and nutritional supplements to support your body’s ability to thrive

• Achieve healthy detoxification and optimise gut health and function