February 27, 2019
Proudly NZ Owned
Your Local Community Newspaper FREE
What’s inside Delight over buses page 6
Celebrating in style pages 29-33
New look A&P show page 36
Gaye Rowe suffered numerous fractures and bruising to her face.
Outrage over dangerous footpaths
An 85-year-old woman was forced to spend five nights in hospital after tripping over an uneven footpath in Warkworth, even though Auckland Transport (AT) has known about the hazard for years. Retired Brick Bay resident Gaye Rowe was using the pedestrian crossing to cross Percy Street to reach the
Warkworth New World supermarket on Thursday, February 7. When she reached the footpath at the end of the crossing, she says her toe “caught on something” and she fell forward on to her face. Gaye sustained numerous fractures and bruising, especially around her
right eye and cheekbone. She says she did not lose consciousness and was aware of being quickly surrounded by people anxious to help. A wheelchair was found and she was taken into the foyer of New World while an ambulance was called. Gaye was first taken to Warkworth
Medical Centre where staff directed that she should be taken immediately to North Shore Hospital. In addition to having her wounds dressed, Gaye also underwent two scans to determine if she had suffered a brain injury. Last week, she was due to travel to
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2 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Issue 359
Mahurangi Matters
PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 GENERAL MANAGER: Jannette Thompson gm@localmatters.co.nz
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GRAPHIC DESIGN: Heather Arnold design@localmatters.co.nz Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 14,500 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.
Outrage over dangerous footpaths Middlemore Hospital to determine if surgery would be required. Gaye says having to stay in hospital was “not much fun” and the footpath really needs to be fixed, as another elderly person could fall and sustain even worse injuries. Her fall comes in the wake of complaints to AT over several years about the state of the same path. Earlier this month, Warkworth resident Gay Callaghan wrote to Mahurangi Matters (MM February 13) saying she had tripped there around August 2017 after tree roots had lifted footpath pavers. She broke two teeth in the accident and had to have expensive crowns fitted. Rodney Councillor Greg Sayers says that at least one local business manager has complained about the footpath to AT numerous times, but nothing has been done. Cr Sayers himself made a complaint in November 2017 and, again, no action was taken. He says he was told that AT, “did not think it was serious enough to spend any money fixing it”. Cr Sayers says AT’s inaction is unacceptable and has left him fuming. He says that Gaye Rowe’s injuries were entirely preventable. “Warkworth is being neglected, particularly when it comes to health and safety. It seems anywhere else in Auckland the footpath would have been fixed immediately, but we have to wait for an injury to occur,” he says. Following Gaye’s accident, Cr Sayers phoned AT chief executive Shane
Ellison, calling for a complete audit of pedestrian tripping hazards in Warkworth, including a notorious spot outside the ANZ bank in Queen Street. He followed it up with an email to AT’s executive general manager for integrated works, Mark Lambert. It read, “I refuse to let Rodney’s residents be exposed to any preventable health or safety issues and request your urgent action to correct the poor state of all of Rodney’s township footpaths. Please be warned that I will apply my maximum efforts and use any and all the political avenues available to me to ensure the local community is safe,” he wrote. Mr Lambert responded by setting out a plan for remedial works for Queen Street, Percy Street and elsewhere in Warkworth’s CBD. AT’s preferred option in Percy Street is to remove the unhealthy trees, whose roots are lifting part of the footpath. This will require a resource consent that will take a minimum of three months to secure. In the meantime, AT is planning a temporary repair, which will see the removal of uplifted metal grates and replacement with concrete and mulch around the base of the trees. It’s hoped works can commence within two weeks. The preferred option outside the ANZ Bank is to retain two healthy trees, whose roots are again causing cobbles to lift, and replace the cobbles with a layer of concrete. It’s hoped work could start early next month. Following an audit of other trip
from page 1
An AT contractor checks out Warkworth footpaths after Gaye Rowe sustained serious injury.
hazards in Warkworth, AT has engaged Downers to start repairs, mainly minor grinding work and filling of ‘trip lips’. AT spokesperson Mark Hannan conceded the accident in Percy Street should never have happened and said AT apologised to Gaye Rowe. Mahurangi Matters did a walk around the main centre of Warkworth for a first-hand audit and found further substandard footpaths. Hazards included eroded footpath and exposed bricks on the corner of Neville Street and Mill Lane, and broken tiling outside Westpac Bank on Baxter Street, as well as uneven surfaces throughout, particularly around access lids to underground services.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 3
Fiery debate as experts clash over weir at Town Hall Experts on opposing sides of the weir debate clashed before a packed meeting at the Warkworth Town Hall on February 13. The controversy arose after it emerged that Auckland Council planned to remove the historic weir on the Mahurangi River, near the Bridgehouse Bar and Restaurant, in an effort to save whitebait. It was claimed that the fish were unable to scramble over the weir to spawn. But many locals adamantly insist the weir poses little threat to whitebait and ought to be retained for historical and aesthetic reasons. Council’s advisor for fresh water biodiversity, Matt Bloxham, presented the case for the weir’s removal, while the manager of Warkworth-based whitebait farm Manaki, Paul Decker, argued for retention. Also presenting was the chair of the steering committee for the Jane Gifford Trust, Dave Parker, who spoke on the weir’s historical significance. Mr Parker blasted Mr Bloxham for failing to consult with interested community groups, such as the Warkworth River Bank Enhancement Group, the Mahurangi River Restoration Trust and the Jane Gifford Trust over plans for the weir’s removal. “It’s unfortunate the Council’s biodiversity department really appears to have no interest in things to do with our heritage,” he said. Mr Bloxham defended the “lack of consultation” charge, saying a survey conducted at a booth at last year’s Kowhai Festival revealed that more than 80 per cent of respondents favoured removal of the weir to allow fish to pass. He went on to reiterate arguments for the weir’s removal. He said inanga – the chief whitebait species in the river – were poor climbers and the weir was too big a hurdle for them to cross. This meant that they were denied 100km of stream habitat above the weir. Once they were halted at the weir, they became easy prey to predatory birds and whitebaiters. This was a concern because inanga are a threatened species in the region.
Mr Bloxham said Council had considered alternatives to the weir removal such as fish passes or ladders, but these had a high failure rate, were expensive to maintain, difficult to ensure an appropriate water flow across them and were subject to vandalism and flood damage. He said the New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines advised that weir removal was the first option for maximising fish passage. “I’m very keen on cultural heritage, but not when it has such a huge impact on our natural fauna,” he said. In response, Paul Decker agreed that inanga were not great climbers, but he had personally witnessed them climbing over the weir. Noting that the weir was more than 100 years old, he said if it had truly stopped whitebait travelling upstream, then they would have been extinct in the river by 1907. Mr Decker said there were other reasons why whitebait struggled in the Mahurangi River, notably rising water temperatures and a high pH level. He said there was no evidence to suggest removing the weir would improve whitebait numbers. “My proposal is the weir stays,” he said, to hearty applause. Mr Decker suggested instead the installation of two fish passes, which he said would cost “a mere $500”. He disputed Mr Bloxham’s concerns about passes, saying passes on nearby Mill Stream worked well, had never been vandalised and had never needed maintenance. He said data could be collected to determine if the passes were effective. If they were ineffective, only then would it be appropriate to consider removing the weir. Mr Decker and Mr Bloxham were joined by planner Shane Hartley, of Terra Nova Planning, for a panel discussion and to take questions from the audience. One speaker contested Mr Bloxham’s view that inanga were being denied 100km of stream habitat, since there were major waterfalls just a few
At the weir debate, from left, Shane Hartley, Paul Decker and Matt Bloxham.
kilometres upstream that presented a far more serious impediment to fish passage than the weir. Another speaker backed Mr Decker’s view that more data was needed before the weir was removed. But yet another speaker, Paul Franklin, a NIWA fresh water ecologist, supported Matt Bloxham’s views on fish passes, saying that to get them to work on the Mahurangi River would be a complex and expensive process. Asked to comment from a planning perspective, Mr Hartley said Warkworth’s planned rapid expansion over the next 25 years would increasingly see the “character lines” that made the town special get rubbed out, and he urged caution over the weir. “We rush into these things because the ecological approach is to say, ‘Let’s fix
this in a dramatic way’, but you have got to set against that the balancing issue of heritage,” he said. “If this was any old weir I’d say, ‘Fine to let it go’. But this is a substantial structure and the decision cannot be made lightly.” Following the meeting, Council general manager of environmental services Gael Ogilvie said Council’s next step would be to complete an independent technical study of the weir to provide a factual basis for further discussion. Mr Decker’s help would be sought to help scope the study, which would then be outsourced to an independent freshwater ecologist. Ms Ogilvie said Council would fund the study. The cost would depend on the scope of the study.
Draft structure plan published After years of planning, consultation and community feedback, Auckland Council has issued the first draft Warkworth Structure Plan, which will determine how land around the town is developed over the next 30 years. New residential areas, parks and business land are among the proposals being put forward and people are being encouraged to have their say on the ideas for new land uses and infrastructure from now until March 25. Details of the draft plan will be on display at two open days at Warkworth Town Hall, on Thursday, March 7, between 3pm and 7pm, and on Saturday, March 9, from 10am to 2pm.
A Council spokesman said the draft plan proposed to protect and restore a ‘green network’ of areas around streams and bush, and showed indicative locations of potential new parks. It also features a range of new residential areas, from low density around the outer edges to higher density around new neighbourhood centres. Feedback will be incorporated in the final draft structure plan for Council approval in June. As well as the open days, feedback can be left online at aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/haveyoursay, emailed to warkworthstructureplan@ aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or submitted by phone on 09 301 0101.
4 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
OFF THE RECORD Off the record contributions welcome. Email to editor@localmatters.co.nz
For want of a comma …
See story page 1
We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at localmatters.co.nz/opinion. Letters can be sent to editor@localmatters.co.nz or PO Box 701, Warkworth
Footpath fails Thank for your timely article about the footpath hazard by the ANZ (MM Jan 16). I also was tripped up by the uneven pavers there back in May 2018, badly damaging my ribs. Myself and companions put in reports to Auckland Council. I did get a reply from the Council implying there was no money to fix this problem. When having my ribs checked by the doctor, the nurses at the medical center mentioned they have a few people coming in as a result of accidents from the uneven footpaths in Warkworth. I see today there has been some tarseal put on some of the path around the trees. What a waste of time; the trees need to go. They are not natives and will not be missed by passers-by. Our residents’ wellbeing is far more valuable than some trees. Stop wasting money on minor repairs and fix once and for all. Margaret Wright, Warkworth
Forget Lawrie Road The recent article regarding the planned new waste transfer station (MM Jan 30) on the above subject is of interest to me and my family, as we are the resident whose property is 50 meters from the Lawrie Road transfer station. The Warkworth area is undergoing significant residential and business growth, and needs an efficient waste management system that adds as little as possible to landfills. The council could partner with Northland
Waste to build such a facility at the new site off Sandspit Road. Yet Council continue to be fixated on applying a sticking plaster approach to the current site in Lawrie Road. The Council has acknowledged that significant capital is needed to remediate this site to bring it back to square one. I don’t believe that the site is suitable, and I think it would be a waste of ratepayer money. Even if a new facility was built, it would result in a significant amount of additional traffic into an area that it was never intended to handle. Sure, we have a vested interest in seeing the Lawrie Road Transfer Station closed, but wouldn’t you if you were woken at 7am daily with the excessive noise and then have looters and scroungers on site at night? Some of whom take an interest in your property and assault your family. The answer must be a facility that will have minimal impact on residents, is compliant with all Council environmental standards, is commercially viable, environmentally focused and has the capacity for growth to meet the area’s long-term needs. This is definitely not Lawrie Road. John Norman & Family, Warkworth [abridged]
You do the maths In the article about the new Mahurangi bus services (MM Jan 30), Auckland Transport (AT) media manager Mark Hannan says bus passenger numbers are great considering the services are still relatively new. So let’s look at the numbers. In November, the weekday
average is quoted at 250 to 350 passengers per day. Firstly, average means the mid-point, so we can take it that the true average is 300. Every weekday the network has 66 trips. That equates to 4.55 passengers per trip. On weekends the average number of passengers per day is 150. There are 38 trips, giving a loading of 3.95 per trip. If these numbers are considered great, then AT are way out in front for the Mediocrity Performance Trophy. The other Council departments are working very hard to plunge to this level. Lookout AT, they’re gaining. Even the Rodney Local Board, with all its incompetence, is struggling with the pace. Lance Taylor, Te Hana.
Donation appreciation I chair the Governance Board for an organisation called Abuse Prevention Services Inc. We provide group and individual programmes for both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and specialist counselling for children who have witnessed or been impacted by domestic violence in the Rodney and Hibiscus Coast area. We currently run programmes in Warkworth, Orewa and Helensville. We are an NGO partly funded by the Ministry of Justice, the Department of Corrections and the Ministry of Social Development and Oranga Tamariki. As with all NGOs, we are constantly looking for funding for our operational team and for resources for our programmes. I approached the Community Trading Post in
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Auckland Transport appears to have been inciting enthusiasm bordering on personal assault in a recent Facebook post promoting the launch of the new Wellsford to Warkworth bus service. Let’s hope the buses’ punctuality is more reliable than AT’s punctuation. And we’re not even going to mention the spelling of February …
Warkworth prior to Christmas with a request for funding for resources for our programmes starting in the new year. I cannot say enough in praise of this organisation, which is completely run by volunteers and aims to provide funding for community initiatives. They came back to me very quickly with enough funds to ensure that our team leaders had all the resources they required for our 2019 programmes, which have just started. We are very lucky in our community to have people who put community first and devote their time and energy to helping others. I think the Community Trading Post is an outstanding initiative and look forward to working with them on an ongoing basis. I would be very grateful if you could give them a big shout out in Mahurangi Matters. Sally Smith, Chair of Governance Abuse Prevention Services Inc.
Dirty deeds done cheap Thank you Mahurangi Matters for challenging Auckland Transport (AT) on the condition of Matakana Road (MM Feb 13). AT are obviously not continued next page
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 5
from previous page
keen to outline how roading contracts are awarded or the process involved. It is obvious, however, that local contractors are not being used and big city contractors are favoured. At the beginning of 2018, these contractors spent weeks resealing Matakana Road only to find pot holes appearing weeks after. The same contractors have been responsible for recent problems. AT media relations manager Mark Hannan stated there had been ‘some melting’. That’s an understatement. Beth Houlbrooke blames increased activity due to quarrying, logging and cleanfills – hello Beth, I think that is what we call Council permitted activity – and then goes on to say that ATs maintenance budget is not equipped to bring these roads up to a standard necessary to withstand the amount of heavy traffic. No wonder the road falls to bits. Isn’t it true that roading contractors use the cheapest grade tar to ensure they have plenty of future work? This would explain melting tar and the fast deterioration of roads. With a thousand plus staff working at AT, northern Rodney ratepayers deserve better. Neil Hatfull, Warkworth
Disgusting roads When is enough, enough? Having visited family at Snells Beach, and deciding to head back on the Sunday evening of a long Auckland Anniversary weekend (in a deliberate attempt to avoid the more expected, if no less acceptable queues on the Monday), is it really reasonable to have to spend an hour travelling the last 1.5km on Sandspit Road to get back to SH1? What a disgusting state of affairs. Notwithstanding the immediate solution to build a slip lane at the intersection of Sandspit Road and Matakana Road, we are still being asked to rely on the new motorway and Matakana link road, which are a minimum of three years away, and likely longer. Auckland Council are determined to increase Warkworth’s population from about 4000 to 20,000, and subdivision development continues apace in Matakana, Snells Beach, Algies Bay and the Warkworth isthmus, yet it is obvious that Auckland Transport and NZTA are years behind in developing infrastructure that can cope with this growth. It is time that Auckland Council directed funding to real-world issues, and the Government stopped tinkering with the development of roading infrastructure north of Auckland. It is not only Warkworth area ratepayers who are disgusted with the lack of infrastructure development, but also visitors to the area. Rhys Holding, Ellerslie
Why pick on the weir? There seem to be many streams, creeks and small rivers below the weir for whitebait to breed. Why does a section of the Auckland council think it is vital to remove our weir for a few whitebait that may or may not be able to access yet another stream? To do this, they will destroy an historical site, inevitably cost lots of money, and inevitably make a mess for a while. They will also annoy heaps of people in Warkworth who love the weir as it is and consider it iconic to our town. Bob and Sue Stevenson, Warkworth
Democracy must prevail Many people who attended the packed town hall meeting on the weir (see page 3) were unable to express their views. Time ran out due to the quasi-Auckland Council ‘experts’ waffling on regarding fish species never encountered in the Mahurangi River, plus associated costs of fish ladders and bridges copied from other countries. Already three access slips exist. Paul Decker’s excellent knowledge indicated an additional access is possible for approximately $500. Seasons, tides, floods, water temperature and pH all combine to impact species. All talk was skewed to the whitebait by the out of town experts – hell bent on brainwashing the public and disposing of the much-loved and pleasing weir. Who decided Council could swoop down, steal and try to destroy something as iconic as the very beautiful 114-year-old weir – built by pioneers for practicality and enjoyment. People at the meeting asked for a vote. It was denied. Democracy must prevail. Our people in our area have a right to choose. Would Auckland citizens like to see bulldozers from Rodney demolish their city winter gardens? Deanna Yarndley, Warkworth [abridged]
Parry Kauri Park Into our park so lush and so green Some wonderful Kauris there to be seen So handsome and tall But under threat and liable to fall The trouble is a virus that enters the roots Brought into the park on our dirty boots We must brush our shoes to remove all the dirt And with disinfectant give them a squirt This will ensure our trees remain For future generations to visit again and again. Ray Jensen, president Kauri and Native Bushman Association
Project Open Day 2019 – A Visual Extravaganza! Our second Project Open Day is scheduled for Sunday 31 March. This year we are thrilled to be able to take you on a tour into an area of the project out of sight from the side of State Highway 1. We will be running bus tours from Warkworth into the heart of the project, showing you some of the biggest cuts and fills on the project and give you a chance to see the big kit in action. It will be a visual extravaganza! Once at the on-site location there will be an opportunity to talk to the project staff, take a ride on some machinery, and there will be demonstrations with the Drone and other key construction activities. This event requires getting on and off buses, walking on uneven and sometimes rough surfaces. If you have any queries/concerns about accessibility, please contact us directly on 0508 7295 4636 or at info@nx2group.com While the event is free, we are raising funds for a local charity and some activities/food stalls will have a small fee – with all proceeds going to the chosen charity. Tickets to the event are available online at www.nx2group.com/events from today, Wednesday 27 February. If you do not have online access, you can contact us directly to have some sent out to you. We look forward to meeting you and showing you our exciting project. Ngā mihi, Robert
For more information, call the NX2 team on: 24/7 Freephone: 0508 P2WK INFO (0508 7295 4636) Email: info@nx2group.com Facebook: Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth Web: nx2group.com
6 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Seniors turn out in force to get on the bus Turning up to an information day ahead of a new Wellsford bus service was the fulfilment of a long-cherished dream for Wellsford resident Valerie Jarvis. Seven years ago, Valerie, 87, presented a petition to Auckland Council with 2000 signatures seeking such a service, but the plea went nowhere. But Valerie said she was “very pleased” to be at the information day for the new service, which started last Sunday. She said Wellsford was a good place to live if you had a car, but was problematic if you didn’t drive and needed specialist medical attention. “There is nothing up here that will meet those needs, so how do people get on if they don’t have a vehicle?” she said. The 998 bus service to Warkworth is being funded by Rodney Local Board’s controversial transport targeted rate (see Rates Watch). Valerie said paying the targeted rate was worth it for the increased mobility
What’s happened to the cash?
Valerie Jarvis shows off her SuperGold card.
it gave to people who needed it. The Wellsford representative on the Rodney Local Board, and fierce opponent of the introduction of a targeted rate, Colin Smith, was also at the information day. Mr Smith said despite his opposition to the targeted rate, the introduction of
the bus service was a good thing, though he said the area’s need for road sealing exceeded its need for a bus service. About 230 people purchased AT HOP cards at the information day – 90 per cent were for SuperGold cards, which allow senior citizens free travel after 9am on weekdays and all day on weekends.
On July 1 last year, every household in Rodney started paying an extra $150 a year in a targeted rate set by the Rodney Local Board. In total, the rate is expected to raise $46 million over the next 10 years. In the first year, which ends on June 30, the amount collected was expected to be around $4.6 million. So where has the money been spent?
Rodney Targeted Rate - Year 1 first seven months to February 2019 $4.17m collected
Views on the bus service … $1.675m committed*
Valerie Partridge I plan to go to Warkworth every week on the bus. It’s where I go to see the optician. I drive occasionally but for the last six weeks the traffic has been terrible. I hope it’s going to be a very handy service.
Kath Bezzant, 72 We have a daughter who lives in the middle of Auckland in an apartment so it costs a lot of money to park the car. We can get there on the bus now, go and see her and not worry about the car.
Ivan Tomas, 85 It’s a free bus service with a gold card so why not use it? It’s worth paying the targeted rate. It certainly helps a lot of people who need help, and I don’t think we should begrudge them that.
$114,000 spent
* Estimated and indicative annual running costs for the WellsfordWarkworth bus service ($520,000), Helensville-Silverdale service ($750,000) and Westgate-Albany service ($405,000).
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 7
Planning for
Mark Mitchell, National MP for Rodney
Warkworth’s future growth
Listening to constituents
I hope everyone had a happy and safe summer break, and that you continue to enjoy these long hot days. I am enjoying patrolling for the Orewa Surf Lifesaving Club, and I have had some great conversations while standing between the flags. It has given me quality time with people who wouldn’t normally come to my office and has provided me with valuable feedback on what is important to them. One of those conversations was with a young police officer who had been deployed to an incident which had resulted in a fatal shooting by police. Sometimes we forget the enormous pressure that is brought to bear on both the officers and their families in situations like these. I am pleased our police spokesperson Chris Bishop has announcedyou’re a Bill that provide automatic Whether anwould experienced investor, name suppression for officers in the initial aftermath of a police shooting. or if you’re just starting out, Quinovic’s This year will be another busy one for me and it has started with a hiss and a roar. I onfident in our proven Care andmy Return systems can already have a growing list of constituent cases that require support and intervention. I discovered very quickly after becoming your parliamentary representative that a big market give you the edge to make it a real part of my role is protecting people who are exhausted and exasperated in dealing with success. rtiesthe that power of the state or, in many cases, Auckland Council. My transport forum, which is now co-chaired by the One Warkworth Business ide FREE Association, will continue toLeave have a focus onthe advancing progress on Hill experts, leave it Street, with us. tising‘four forlane-ing’ yourthe Matakana link road,itandtoapplying pressure on the Government to reinstate the Warkworth to Wellsford road of national significance (RoNS). Thanks to your help we’re now nearing completion of the Warkworth Structure Plan to determine how land surrounding When National was in government, Transport Minister and the NZTA LINDAthe OTTER board committed $450 million to spend on the construction of the RoNS, the township will be developed over the next 30 years. The plan FRANCHISE OWNER which would deliver a much safer road, reduce travel times and enable new has been developed after months of research, engagement and economic development. In terms of roading investment, the best thing we could community input. do for Northland and Whangarei is to provide a world-class motorway link. enquire! The draft structure plan will be open for public feedback from Under the previous Government, formal consultation had already begun on s won’t last long. 25 February to 25 March. This is the opportunity to have your the Warkworth to Wellsford project, but the current Government has put this say on the layout of the different land uses and supporting important project on hold. Instead, we are seeing an allocation of $5.35 billion to spend on light rail – a project that is already showing early signs of cost blowouts. infrastructure shown in the draft plan. I will also be working hard to support the Mahurangi River Restoration project, Information about the draft structure plan will be available for WARKWORTH led by trust chairman Peter QUINOVIC Thompson. This is an important project that will your feedback at the Warkworth Town Hall: have a positive impact both environmentally and economically for Warkworth.
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• Thursday 7 March (3pm-7pm)
• Saturday 9 March (10am-2pm) Quinovic – Reflecting public feedback, the draft plan proposes to protect and Everything restore a ‘green network’ of areas around streams and bush. The Managed plan has a range of new residential areas; from low density around E: linda.otter@quinovic-warkworth.co.nz. ou’re an experienced investor, the outer edges to higher density around new neighbourhood for you: Whether you are just starting out, or and local centres. Locations for new business land are identified just starting out,ofQuinovic’s you’re an experienced • Have Peace Mind Whether an experienced investor, Quinovic’s investor,in the plan for future employment growth. The plan also shows that you have the orproven if you’re starting out, can Quinovic’s indicative locations of potential new parks. Care just and Return systems re and Return systems can right tenants! onfident in our give youCare the edge make renting andtoReturn systems can Refinements gained from feedback will be incorporated in the Free up your he edge•to make it time! a real proven
c’s FREE 7921 ing offer!
youryou property a real success. market We deal with all the give the edge to make it a real final draft Structure Plan for council approval in June. issues. c’s FREE Leave it to the experts, success. Please come and meet us at the open days or visit rties that • Security, we keep leave it with us. aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/haveyoursay for more information you up-to-date ide FREE ing offer! with legislation, the experts, leave it withLeave us. it to the experts, leave it with us. and a feedback form. documentation, tising for your Whether you’re an experienced investor, health & safety.
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leave it with us.
Have your say in shaping Auckland’s future together.
warkworthstructureplan@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/haveyoursay phone 09 301 0101 #futurewarkworth #futurewarkworth
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8 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Local returns as store manager at Mitre 10 Mega, Warkworth Locally raised and educated, Garyth Murray has returned as the new Store Manager at Mitre 10 Mega Warkworth after being away for four years. Garyth has been with Riviera Hardware Holdings Ltd, owner of Mitre Mega Warkworth, since 2011 where he initially joined the Warkworth team as a sales team member, to then become a Retail Manager within 4 years. In 2013 & 2014, Garyth, with the Warkworth team, helped the Warkworth store become a finalist for the New Zealand Hardware Journal Awards Store of the Year and finalist for Mitre 10 Garden Centre of the Year. The store also won the New Zealand Retail Top Shop Award for Auckland’s Best Large Format store in 2012. Riviera Hardware Holdings Ltd is also the owner and operator of Mitre 10 Mega Albany, New Lynn and Mitre 10 Whangaparaoa. When Riviera purchased Mitre 10 Mega Albany in 2014 Garyth relocated with his family to Albany to take on the Store Manager role. Over the last four years Garyth and his team have transformed the Albany store into one of the largest hardware stores in the Southern Hemisphere. VALUE GREAT VALUE SAVEbring $50 his Being a former local, the opportunity to goGREAT back to his roots and $ $ $ 349 energy to the Warkworth store was too good139 to each pass up. Garyth199 aims now to Keter Coolaroo Latitude Pacific cement Mitre 10 Mega Warkworth as the destination home improvement storeUmbrella Shadecloth Cool Stool Sun Lounger and café in Rodney. “Understanding the customer’s requirements, and being a part of the project, no GREAT VALUE am incredibly passionate about. GREAT VALUE matter how big or small, is something I personally $ 99 98 aligned $ Having a strong community focus, and concentration on team$ culture, Kiwi Sizzler Charmate Value Charmate Portable Gas BBQ with great customer service and engagement, is what I will bePortable driving for, and I57cm Charcoal BBQ Charcoal BBQ with Cooler Bag can’t think of a better place to do that than Warkworth.” Ably assisted by Andy Tomkins - Trade Manager, Marius Muller - Operations Manager, Carol Maxwell - Merchandising Manager, Anne Bartley - Garden $ Café Manager, the $ future is bright $for Manager and Jean Adlam - Columbus Coffee each Festiva Buschbeck La Hacienda Patio Gas Heater Outdoor Fire Pizza Chiminea Mitre 10 Mega Warkworth. Oven Garyth and the team look forward to catching up with everyone from the community in store soon.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 9
localfolk Dr Ihirangi Heke
Tomarata resident Ihirangi Heke was kicked out of school at 15, but went on to earn a PhD and become a globally recognised expert on indigenous health and its connection to the environment. He spoke to James Addis …
’m from Tauhei, which is near Hamilton, so my iwi connections are there. But I grew up in Queenstown. My father is buried in Arrowtown and my brother died there this year, so I have a lot of close connections there, too. I had a great childhood down there. I played rugby and ice hockey and took part in 100km long distance runs. I would ski all winter and mountain bike all summer. The mountains were right in my backyard so I was out in the hills all the time. I attended Wakatipu High School, but back then I had no interest in academic study. I just played sport and did nothing else. I only turned up when a game was on. The principal said I was not really cut out for academic pursuits, and I was expelled from school when I was 15. It did not seem to hold me back. I worked for the next 10 years in the building industry – mainly stone masonry. It was a great job and pretty physical, which I enjoyed. But then I went for a job with Telecom, and they said I needed School Cert maths. It seemed odd to me that I could not dig a hole for a power pole unless I had maths, but it made me think I should take study more seriously. I enrolled in Otago University as an adult student at 25. That first year was a disaster. I didn’t really know what or how to study and I failed all the papers. Disheartened, I went back to work for another two years. Then, about 1989, I bumped into one of my old lecturers. Although I only got a C minus in the paper he taught, he had faith in me. He said if we could find something to study at university that inspired me, I would do okay. o I went back and joined the Maori Studies department and suddenly I found the study challenging and enjoyable. This time I flew through my degree and embarked on a second degree and then another and another. After each degree, my confidence grew, and I thought, ‘I’m capable of doing more’. Now I have six degrees in Maori studies, education, educational psychology, physical education and environmental science. For my PhD, I specialised in sports psychology. That interested me because as I mentioned I had participated in extreme longdistance running when I was younger, and I was curious to know what kind of stress it would cause both physically and mentally. I came to
realise that anything that requires some effort will usually start from a physical perspective, but it will shift to a psychological one pretty quickly. After the first two or three hours people depend on their brain more than their muscle. Whatever the brain decides, that is what the body is going to do. I took up a post with the New Zealand Academy of Sport and began working with athletes from a whole range of different sports. Because I had done a lot of really tough mental and physically demanding activities when I was younger, I never expected an athlete to do something that I had not done myself. So I had a pretty good idea of what they would be capable of. Some of those I worked with went on to play in national teams such as the Silver Ferns, others won national titles and two went on to become world champions in motocross. ut the range of my studies has led me into other fields as well. I’ve worked with Johns Hopkins University and Washington University on the health of indigenous populations, and this is where my background in environmental science has become enormously helpful. The biggest area of concern for these people is preventable disease – particularly diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The trouble is, indigenous people have been trying to adjust to a “person centred” approach to health, which blames the individual person for their inability to make healthy choices and accuses them of being a drag on society. For this reason, health has often become a dirty word in these communities – something that’s used to punish and control them. But indigenous groups are not “person centred”, they are “environment centred”. Here’s the kicker that a lot of people are surprised about. We’re finding that when we lose biodiversity, we lose our health, we lose our language and we lose our culture. Why? Because we stop using language associated with particular plants or animals, we stop doing activities that engage with the environment and we lose all the culture that goes along with those activities. For example, if you go to South Auckland now, you are never more than 500 metres from a fast food outlet. Whereas in the past you went into the ocean or out into the bush to eat. We’ve created food deserts and
food swamps. Places where people can’t eat healthily even if they want to. o, this is where I am trying to make changes. I take groups out into the bush or to the ocean or lakes, and I will talk to them about what is going on there. In a way it is health by stealth because they don’t know they are moving the whole time. They don’t know they are having to be physically active, and the gains are huge both psychologically and physically. s it happens, the environmental approach has captured the interest of policy makers in the United States because it’s blatantly obvious current approaches aren’t working. Take gym membership. Most people join up in January after making a New Year’s Resolution and most gyms make all their money in the first three weeks of the year, but after that they are empty. That’s because trying to connect with a gym is difficult. Whereas we can enjoy going to our favourite beach or our favourite river and so on. Right now, I’m working with six schools creating Google Earth virtual tours, to help students become better connected with their environment. The tours identify six places of importance within their district. What types of nutrition and physical activity used to be available there and what is available now? ’m also on the Board of Trustees of Mahurangi College and involved in turning an area of native bush next to the school into a “living classroom”, where students learn about biodiversity and help improve it by removing noxious weeds and pests, monitoring water quality and replanting with native species. At the same time, their health improves as they walk around getting to know the bush. hat gives me confidence is to see progress made by other indigenous communities around the world in places like Ireland, Japan and on the reservations in the United States. Last year, I was in Wisconsin where the
Menominee people have successfully sustained their forests for 8000 years and people from the Amazon come to study how they have done it. believe things can be turned around otherwise I would not be working in the field, but unless we concentrate on what is happening in our environment, we have no hope of changing the individual. This is especially true for indigenous peoples, but also true for everybody. Take obesity. It’s coming after everybody. The projections are that in 25 years some countries run the risk of becoming bankrupt because of obesity. It is a bigger threat than terrorism, smoking and alcohol combined. In New Zealand, we have the third highest prevalence of obesity in the world, and it’s especially prevalent among Maori. In some schools, we have got kids who are seven years old who are suffering from diabetes because they are so overweight. My brother weighed 160 kilos and died at 53 from diabetes. How did I escape that? Well, he had a very different upbringing from me. When my family split up, I headed to the South Island with my father and he remained in the North Island with my mother. My family has a number of connections with gangs, and at one point, my brother was a prospect for the Mongrel Mob. But I was never exposed to any of that. The mountains were where I lived. I was out in the bush a lot. I was out running and cycling and so on. I made my own fun out in the hills. But things could so easily have gone the other way.
10 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Conference looks at living with dynamic coastlines
One of the field trips at the conference will be to Te Arai.
the changes that climate change and sea level rises will bring,” Greg says. “Increasingly, hard options such as the Orewa seawall project are seen as the ‘option of last resort’. What we want is soft shorelines, so that the land and sea can shift and migrate. This means maintaining sand dunes and looking after our estuary margins. Buffer zones allow the sea to come and go with the natural cycles. A good example of this is Papamoa Beach, which was done in the 1990s.” Auckland Council open sanctuaries senior ranger Matt Maitland has been providing local support for the conference. admin@landscapesupplies.net.nz
The spotlight will be on coastlines in Rodney and the Hibiscus Coast when the Coastal Restoration Trust holds its annual conference in Warkworth next month. The theme Living with Dynamic Coastlines will bring a raft of coastal scientists, local experts and practitioners, iwi representatives, coast care volunteers, students and interested members of the community together. Trust chair Greg Bennett says the conference normally attracts up to 100 people who represent the myriad of community organisations working on coastal projects throughout NZ. “It’s an opportunity for people to network and share knowledge and information,” he says. “Working in sometimes remote parts of NZ can feel quite isolating and dealing with government and local council bureaucracies can be bewildering. Sharing experiences is useful.” Council and government professionals are also welcome to attend. The conference will include field trips to a number of locations, including Muriwai, Orewa, Wenderholm and Te Arai. “The discussion will be about our coastal processes and how we manage
He says Warkworth is an ideal location because attendees will be able to visit both the Pacific and Tasman coasts, which represent different coastal dynamics. “We hear a lot of talk about climate change, sea levels and storm events, and our coasts will bear the brunt of that. Rodney’s coastlines will also be under pressure as the population of Auckland increases and moves north, so the conference will provide a forum for anyone with concerns about future threats.” Matt says the field trips, in particular, will provide an opportunity for locals to talk about their own projects
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and hear fresh ideas. “Coastlines can have similar aspects, but responses can be quite different depending on things like population, expectations, and natural and cultural values.” The conference will be based at the Warkworth Town Hall from March 27 to 29. There will also be a Coastal Restoration 101 workshop in Orewa the day before, on Tuesday March 26. The day is sponsored by the Department of Conservation and attendance is free, although registrations for catering purposes are appreciated.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 11
Environment Christine Rose
Beware of the dog Dogs love beaches, and there’s nothing that quite represents freedom and summer as a dog running on the beach. Unfortunately, not every beach is appropriate for dogs. So all those instances this summer when dogs have been in wildlife refuges, on dog-prohibited beaches, in regional parks, chasing shore birds, and sniffing out penguins, has been good for dogs but sad and bad for nature. I’ve seen boaties come ashore at Sullivan’s Bay to let their dogs do their business, and while the boaties wait, the dogs have been several hundred metres away, out of sight, up the cliffs and along the shoreline unsupervised. I saw local young fishermen at the Waiwera spit, with their very handsome dogs, all trundling past the ‘Dogs Prohibited’ sign, past the ‘Wildlife Refuge’ signs, past the sandwich board that told a sad story of the dotterel and oystercatchers’ nests ruined, abandoned, and eggs lost. I saw a family with their doggy friend among picnickers and swimmers, who said they’d been taking their dogs to the beach for years and had never seen the clear sign at the entrance to the park saying ‘No Dogs Allowed’. There are only about 1700 Northern New Zealand dotterels. They nest in a scrape on the ground with little or no lining, often in relatively open areas with little cover. But overall, because of their low numbers, wide distribution, predation risk, diminutive stature, vulnerable nesting habits, and competition for beach space with people and their dogs, they’re under pressure The oldest New Zealand dotterel may have lived at least 42 years. But breeding is a problem as it’s easy to stand on their eggs, or to displace them from their favoured sites. Even the more common oystercatchers are vulnerable to human and related impacts. Because they seem conspicuous with their cute little orange bills, and their noisy vocalisations, we probably take them for granted. But they also only number in the lowish thousands, are vulnerable to habitat disturbance, predation and nest destruction. This summer, I saw one get caught on a fishing line in an area where a sign said they’re struggling to breed. Oystercatchers are monogamous and can live for at least 30 years in the right conditions, among a number of reasons why they’re pretty cool, quirky little birds. While dogs might not directly predate these birds as they do flightless penguins, even the presence of dogs can disturb feeding and breeding, which is especially problematic for migratory species. We need more places for dogs to run and get exercise and feel the freedom of their inner wolf, but I wish people would read the signs and respect the birds, too.
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12 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Teacher solves ‘relieving’ frustrations Vote for future plan Finding appropriate relief teachers at short notice often proves a major headache for schools, but a Matakana teacher has come up with a solution that is ready be launched across New Zealand. As a former teacher at Matakana School, Erris Scott was responsible for finding substitute teachers by using a phone and painstakingly calling those on a preferred list of names, with no way of knowing if those she was trying to track down would be available or not. “It was a time consuming and frustrating task,” she says. When Erris became a relief teacher herself in 2017, the process proved no less irritating. On days she wanted to work, she would wait anxiously by the phone hoping for a call. Other times she would receive multiple calls when she had already made other plans for the day. Erris thought there had to be a solution for both parties to help eliminate the aggravation. Inspired by the website Bookabach – which uses a calendar to allow users to book available accommodation – Erris wondered if a similar approach could be used to book a teacher. Erris connected with local digital specialists Robin Southgate, in Whangaripo, and Hamish McDonald, in Warkworth, to found Substi (short for substitute teacher), with the aim of developing a website and associated mobile app that would connect schools with available relievers. Erris says while there are other digital platforms on the market that aim to locate substitute teachers, they tend to relay general information to relievers. She wanted the Substi platform to be more specific, providing details such as the absent teacher’s name, the class level, and information about the absent teacher’s work plan and about children with specific needs.
Erris Scott says as soon as a school posts a relieving position, available teachers get a notification on their phone.
“Armed with this information, the relief teacher can step in and take over with minimum disruption to the children’s learning. It also means they know what resources they need to bring to the classroom, without having to take up time by asking someone,” she says. The platform took two years to develop and was trialed in four Mahurangi schools during the latter part of 2018. The response has been enthusiastic. Teachers quoted on the Substi website say the platform saves them hours hunting for relievers. Instead, they can often be found in minutes. Erris says following the trial, Substi is now promoting its system to schools throughout New Zealand. In future, Substi plans to go international and expand into other service industries. Info: substi.co.nz
Wellsford area residents are being asked to make their voices heard on priorities for the town over the next 10 years at a pop-up interactive display in a main street shop next month. Wellsford Community Voice will ask people to vote on a range of projects that have been suggested by individuals, businesses and community organisations at a range of ‘Community Conversations’ held over the past six months. Group coordinator Kym Burke said those events had asked three basic questions about Wellsford: “Where have we come from, where are we now and where do we want to go in the future?” “The result of those conversations was a colourful, creative line of input and people got really engaged,” she said. “There are a lot passionate people in the community, with great ideas of what they want to see.” As many groups and people as possible were encouraged to submit answers and ideas, all of which has now been collated into key themes and potential projects that will be displayed in an empty shop at 187 Rodney Street, between The Meat Company butcher and Bay Audiology, from March 5 to 9. People will be asked to prioritise and vote on areas such as community safety and connection; accessibility and activity; Wellsford as a destination; pride in local heritage; training and education; and the natural environment. Community Voice member Heather Burnan said once the votes were in, it was important to formalise a plan. “Once we have that, the community will need to take it forward,” she said. “One of the things will be deciding what to prioritise this year, over five years and over 10 years. It’s important for people to see things happening, to get the community excited.” The pop-up display will be open to the community from 10am to 1pm on Tuesday, March 5; 1pm to 4.30pm on Wednesday, March 6; and 10am to 1pm on Thursday, March 7 and Saturday, March 9.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 13
BIZPARK Warkworth Developer Blayne Pollock will introduce a new innovative business premises concept to Warkworth this year, and it’s believed to be the first time the idea has been tried in NZ. Located just off Morrison Drive, BIZPARK Warkworth will comprise 13 industrial warehouses available for purchase or lease. Small businesses will be able to cut costs while increasing usable area by sharing common facilities such as an office, kitchen, dining area, meeting room and bathrooms. Blayne says he identified a gap in the market while running his own construction business. After outgrowing the home garage, he then found the cost of buying or leasing a larger warehouse was prohibitive. Shared office space is becoming more and more common in NZ, but having warehouses on the same site appears to be unique. “It makes sense from a financial point of view. A desk in a shared office facility typically costs $8000-$9000. For only a few thousand dollars more they can get a warehouse as well.” The warehouses will range from 42sqm to 95sqm. Blayne originally anticipated most interest would come from tradies, but the warehouses are also suitable for small manufacturing operations,
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Blayne Pollock
and he has had enquiries from an array of businesses, from boat builders to furniture makers to mechanics wanting to work on a project car. Blayne says the common areas will be built to the highest standards. “Typical industrial facilities comprise a horrible little kitchenette and maybe a dark, stinky toilet. But we are going to have a really high quality common area equipped with espresso machines, appliances, wifi, printer and so on.” Construction is about to begin with stage one expected to be completed in July. “The place will have a modern feel where you will be proud to bring clients for meetings, and the network of businesses that feed each others work will be invaluable,” Blayne says.
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14 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
April makeover for Matakana open drains
Sir Jim pulls the winning ticket from the raffle.
Former diplomat shares reflections Former deputy Prime Minister and retired diplomat Sir Jim McLay gave a speech entitled Reflections on a Public Life at the Warkworth Men’s Rebus Club meeting on February 18. Sir Jim spoke about his time as the consul general in Hawaii, saying it was a “great gig, but not all palm trees and protocol”. As the Prime Minister’s special envoy, he was sent to Palestine to establish bilateral discussions and to Turkmenistan, where he saw the world’s largest indoor Ferris wheel. He also recalled his efforts in 2016 to mend the military relationship with the United States which
had been a ‘friend, but not ally’ since New Zealand’s anti-nuclear stance in the 1980s. Sir Jim worked with the US navy to facilitate a visit from the USS Samson to Wellington, which then assisted with recovery operations during the Kaikoura earthquake. Sir Jim said he was part way through writing a book, which will cover the Erebus investigation and the Arthur Allan Thomas decision, as well as his 1984 confrontation with Robert Muldoon. Though retired and living in Matakana, he still advises a think tank on international diplomacy based in the US. He says New Zealand has a big role to play as a global citizen with an independent voice.
Work to fill in and replace deep drainage ditches outside shops in Matakana Valley Road is due to be carried out in April. The open swales will be replaced by new paving, seating and grassed ‘rain garden’ areas from the village markets down to 44 Matakana Valley Road, outside Jin Jin and Summer Sessions, and new piping will channel stormwater away to a stream south of the village. Senior Healthy Waters specialist Leighton Gillespie told the February meeting of Matakana Community Group that the rain gardens would essentially be huge sunken concrete troughs filled with soil and hardy grasses, with a new stormwater drain underneath. Two retailers objected to the timing of the work, which looks likely to take place over the Easter holidays, one of the busiest times for Matakana shops. However, Mr Gillespie said there was unfortunately little leeway on timing, since the work needed to be done as soon as possible, before the end of the financial year and a deterioration in the weather. “Some parking will be closed while it happens, but most of it won’t be too affected,” he said. “We try to time works as best as we can … in this case, the earlier we can do it, the better.” He added that he was working with Ngati Manuhiri’s Fiona McKenzie to incorporate Maori symbols into the paving or seating designs. The meeting heard that Auckland Transport plans to carry out repairs to Matakana Valley Road would no longer coincide with the Healthy Waters works, as had originally been envisaged, but would happen at a later date. This meant moderate improvements to parking and drainage on the opposite side of the road would be delayed.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 15
Freedom camping views heard Mahurangi residents had a chance to air their views on changes to freedom camping rules during an afternoon held in Warkworth on Saturday, February 16. Submissions on Auckland Council’s draft bylaw, which defines the number of sites across Auckland where freedom camping is allowed, closed on February 18. Rodney Councillor Greg Sayers says his impression of the gathering was that many people were very angry about the “seemingly underhanded” way the bylaw was being introduced. “They felt it was an undemocratic process because they were not able to present in person at the Council hearings,” he says. “This is a worrying and increasing trend. I believe the bylaw should be re-written to include far more open public input and it should have stronger policing provisions attached to it.” Policing was a common theme. Algies Bay Neighbourhood Support Group convenor Vivian Pollock said Council wasn’t policing its current rules, “so how will it account for people who didn’t comply with the new bylaw”. Snells Beach resident David Burt was concerned about the spread of the freedom campers beyond designated areas. He said at Sunburst, along the beachfront at Snells Beach, he had seen camper vans as far along the road as Dalton Road. “These campers are blocking areas where traditionally the locals would go to park their boats, picnic, swim, and
eat their fish and chips in the evening. It’s causing growing tension and the interaction between residents and campers needs to be better managed.” Snells Beach resident Chas Benest said it was not unusual for campervans to be parked in the reserve at the end of Sunburst Avenue for weeks at a time. He said he had raised the issue with Council on many occasions. “About 98 per cent of campers respect the current bylaw, but it’s the other two per cent who cause all the trouble. Often they are drunk and sitting right beside the playground. Council isn’t doing anything about this, so I’m not convinced this new bylaw will help.” Council policy manager Mike Sinclair said he had heard a mix of views in Warkworth, although many of the discussions were site specific. “We hope to have all submissions summarised and presented to the Hearings Panel by late April and the panel will report to the Governing Body in May.” Mr Sinclair hoped the bylaw could be fully implemented ahead of next summer. On the question of policing the new rules, he said Council had limited powers under the current Reserves Act. “The new bylaw, which will provide additional enforcement options, will justify us putting resources into enforcement. This will make it easier for officers to respond, which will give us greater impact on the ground.”
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Wellsford Centre, 1 Matheson Rd CITIZENSCommunity ADVICE BUREAU WELLSFORD Wellsford Community Centre, Matheson Rd Ph: 09 4237333 or 0800 3671 222 Ph: 09wellsford@cab.org.nz 4237333 or 0800 367 222 www.cab.org.nz email: email: wellsford@cab.org.nz www.cab.org.nz Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm
WARKWORTH TO WELLSFORD — PUBLIC INFORMATION DAYS The NZ Transport Agency is completing the work necessary to protect the land required for a new road in the future, between Warkworth and Te Hana. Securing land designation and resource consents will ensure that the Transport Agency is able to construct the road when it is required. Public information days are being held to present the Indicative Alignment for the second stage of the Ara Tuhono Pūhoi to Wellsford project. This is your opportunity to meet with Transport Agency representatives and find out more about the project, prior to the lodgement of designation and consent applications later this year.
Public information days will be held on: Thursday 28 February, 3–7pm Wellsford Community Centre Matheson Road, Wellsford Saturday 2 March, 10–2pm Warkworth Town Hall Alnwick Steet, Warkworth
Wednesday 6 March, 3–7pm Te Hana Hall, Whakapirau Road, Te Hana The Warkworth to Wellsford project office 11C Neville Street Warkworth, will also be open to the public between 9.30am -12.30pm on Thursday 28 February and Wednesday 6 March.
www.nzta.govt.nz/warkworth-wellsford warkworth-wellsford@nzta.govt.nz
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16 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
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New Mangawhai cop on deck Prevention of crime, accidents and loss of life is a strong motivation behind the police work Senior Constable Rob Cato sees himself doing in his new role in Mangawhai. Rob shifted north last month to fill the vacancy left by long-serving officer Graham Gough, who retired at the end of last year. He will be working alongside Constable Dale Wewege. “I make no apology for taking a hard stand on drink driving, speed and seat belts,” he says. “Too often it will be the innocent who, through no fault of their own, end up the victims. NZ Police want to reduce the number of fatalities on our roads and that’s my goal, too.” Rob joined the police force in 2003 after starting his working life as a builder. “I’d always wanted to be a cop, but lacked a bit of confidence when I left school. It was my wife Carmen who encouraged me to have a go.” Since graduating, he has worked with an emergency response team based in Wiri, and on the frontline in Otahuhu and Manurewa. He has also worked with the road police, the tactical crime unit and custody units, and rose to the rank of sergeant. “Night shift is my favourite shift,” he says. “You drive around and learn how to spot people or cars that are out of place. “While other people are at home asleep, I know it’s my job to keep them safe. “And that goes for keeping people safe on the roads as well. Residents and visitors need to know that I will be
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Mangawhai police officer Rob Cato.
doing checkpoints and if you drink and drive, you will get caught.” Rob first became acquainted with Mangawhai when his mother and father in-law, Roy and Vena Phillips, bought a bach in the area 10 years ago. “Burnout is not uncommon amongst frontline officers, and this job came up when I was thinking about where I wanted to go in my career. “I’d always been keen on the idea of rural policing, so I applied” Rob and Carmen have two children – Mollie, aged 11, and Ethan, 8, who attend Mangawhai Beach School. When not on duty, Rob likes hunting and family fishing trips, and is looking forward to learning to surf with his daughter. The family has also joined the Causeway Church.
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 17
Mix of activities at Wellsford annual children’s fun day Pony rides, bouncy castles, Segways and land zorbs are just some of the activities lined up for a Children’s Fun Day at Wellsford’s Centennial Park on Sunday, March 3. For a $5 ticket, kids can try out 10 different activities, including water roller balls, obstacle courses, face painting, a water slide, hook-a-duck and the Mystical Haven Mobile Farm. There will also be food and drink available, a lolly scramble and Rodney College students will be running a car wash for $10 per vehicle. In addition, Bayleys Wellsford will be running a Spin the Wheel prize draw for a range of prizes, including Silver Fern Farms meat packs. The event is being run by the Wellsford Districts Sport & Recreation Collective to raise funds to improve sports facilities at Centennial Park. Organiser Wendy CrowJones says it makes a great day out for all the family. “This is the seventh year for our Fun Day and it gets bigger and better each time,” she says. Info: Wendy on 423 8194, Lynette on 0211 168437 or email pushplaywellsford@gmail.com
There was lots to do at last year’s fun day.
Gospel/folk performance at Snells Beach concert the way we handle personal struggles and changes, as we live our lives in modern times within a society governed by a range of different views and expectations.” Jules lists his musical influences as the folk greats from the 60s, including Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Joni Mitchell, John Michael Talbot and Michael W Smith. He lives in Whangarei and spends three or four months of each year performing across Europe. The evening will be hosted by Snells
Love the Community
Open Weekend Saturday 2 March Sunday 3 March 10am - 3pm Summerset Falls 31 Mansel Drive, Warkworth
Beach poet Mark Raffills. The show kicks off at 7.30 pm with local musicians and poets invited to take advantage of an open mic session. Riding will take the stage around 8.15pm for a 45-minute set. Mark describes Jules as one of the greats of the New Zealand gospel-folk scene. “It’s a pleasure to be able to host him at Snells and to hear him perform his music before he heads back to Europe for a few months,” he says. Tickets are $10 at the door. Coffee and counter food will be available.
Jules Riding
Living in a Summerset village means being part of a vibrant, welcoming community, where you’ll feel completely at home. As a Summerset resident, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of being part of a thriving Summerset community including easy access to village facilities and community spaces, plus there’s support on hand if you need it. The last homes to be built in Summerset Falls are available now. To secure your brand new home in this wonderful village, join us at our Open Weekend and discover for yourself why you’ll love the Summerset life.
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Gospel singer Jules Riding will perform at Snells Beach in the first Live@Little & Local series of concerts for 2019. The concert will take place at the Little & Local Coffee Kitchen on Friday, March 1. Doors open at 7pm. Jules sings and writes in the gospelfolk tradition and has seen three of his 10 albums earn gold status. He has twice won ‘Gospel Album of the Year’ at the NZ Music Awards. His latest album, Cataclysm, is described as “a close examination of
18 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
New Bin Inn owners celebrate Elizabeth Street location Take a walk down Elizabeth Street, at the northern entrance to Warkworth, and you might be surprised by some of the changes. Several new businesses have opened, joining long-standing tenants such as Warkworth Curtain & Blind and Ashby Consulting. The shops and offices have an enviable backyard – native bush and a flowing stream that empties into the nearby Mahurangi River. One of the larger new businesses is building company Jennian Homes, just along from Shadze of Lace and the new clothing and homewares store, Eko. Mahurangi Matters stopped in at one of the oldest stores on the block, Bin Inn, to ask new owners, Matt Adams and Jo Blincow, what attracted them to this end of town. “Where do I start?” Matt says. “The light, the sound of the river behind the shop, the great vibe and, very importantly, there is always plenty of parking.” Bin Inn is a wholefoods and speciality chain, which setup just over 30 years ago. There are now 39 shops around NZ, but Warkworth was one of the first. “When head office learned that the store was possibly going to close, they got in touch with us. We’d joined the Bin Inn family just six months
Bin Inn co-owners Matt Adams and Jo Blincow.
earlier, after purchasing the Papamoa store. Previous to that, we’d lived in Mangawhai, where we’d run a video store and the holiday accommodation business, Bach Stay. Plus, Jo grew up in Snells Beach, so we were very familiar with the area.” The store in Papamoa was doing well and the couple felt that in many respects, Papamoa and Warkworth had a lot in common. “They are both small towns with people who care about what they eat, as well as the health and wellbeing of the planet.” After only a week, their instincts proved to be correct. “We have been made to feel very
welcome and customers seem to really appreciate the effort we’ve made to clean and redecorate, and source products that you won’t find anywhere
else in the area.” The large range of bulk goods includes seeds, nuts, grains, baking goods, snacks and confectionery. “We even have the very nutritious hemp hearts that were illegal until six weeks ago, and black sesame seeds.” The range of speciality items includes international foods from places such as Asia, Mexico and the Netherlands. Matt says customers are encouraged to buy small quantities, so that their food and spices are always fresh. And there are incentives for people who bring their own containers. Customers can make their own peanut butter in the store or browse a range of distilling and brewing equipment. “The real message is ‘come in and have a look around’. If we haven’t got what you want, tell us. This is Warkworth’s store and we want it to be a fun place to shop, as well as the best place in town to re-stock your cupboards.”
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 19
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Unique clothing to make you look and feel a million dollars. Sizes 10-22. Proudly locally designed and made in Elizabeth St, Warkworth Clothing at Shadze of Lace in Elizabeth Street, Warkworth, is designed and made in store and proudly New Zealand made. Designer Tracey Paton has vast experience in creating clothing to flatter body shapes for women 50 plus and her range offers sizes 10-22, as well as a made-to-measure service. Longer sleeves, higher necklines or a difficult body shape are just a few things Tracey is happy cater for. The cut and the fabric are key to Shadze of Lace beautiful shapes. Customers just love the fabrics and styles, with knits being a particular favourite. Tracey’s designs cater from casual to special occasion clothing, mother or grandmother of the bride or groom outfits, wedding guest outfits, and cruising or a tropical holiday wear. Shadze of Lace is happy to help you with your needs.
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20 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Send your nominations to editor@localmatters.co.nz
Congratulations to Jemma and Mark Harris, of Warkworth, who are recipients of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. Jemma and Mark, pictured with son Cooper, were nominated by Billy and Sandie Mitchell, who wrote:
Recently, a vehicle went off the road “taking out our recycling bin, which
The team at Auto Services Wellsford have been looking after their local community and surrounding areas for over 17 years. Our team has grown from a one man band in the beginning to the thriving busy workshop we have today with our staff of six. All our staff are and have been residents of the local areas. We are a general repairer working on a wide range of vehicles. We pride ourselves in keeping up with technology and knowledge due to the fast changing pace of the automotive industry
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was on the berm awaiting collection next day. They smashed the bin, spread contents everywhere and did not stop. Mark and Jemma heard the crash and went to investigate. They cleaned up all the debris and distributed it among other bins with the assistance of another passing motorist, who stopped to help. It would have been very easy for them to ask us to help clean up, as our bin had been unusually full, and it was just getting dark. Their efforts were very much appreciated.
Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to editor@localmatters.co.nz (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 21
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24 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
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1 March 2019 Your property guide for Hibiscus Coast, Rodney and Kaipara
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 1
Properties from: Bayleys | Barfoot & Thompson | Borders | GJ Gardner | Karen Franklin | Platinum Homes | Remax | Wallace & Stratton
A Local Matters publication. Distribution - 37,000 copies. Advertising enquiries: Mahurangi 09 425 9068 or Hibiscus 09 427 8188
2 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
PH: 027 524 4583
E: charlie@wallacestratton.co.nz LICENSED AGENT REAA 2018 | MREINZ
SOLD FOR $1,227,000
SOLD FOR $1,280,000
SOLD FOR $705,000
ASKING PRICE $1,195,000
ASKING PRICE $1,049,000
1 March 2019
1 March 2019
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 3
4 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Sales Award Winner trusted in selling properties professionally & achieving premium results. Sell with Adrienne or Jim & receive:
4 Best Value Full Agency Service with a “no hidden costs” Guarantee 4 An amazing FREE $2,000 Power Marketing Campaign PLUS: Enjoy a COMPLIMENTARY 2 night deluxe escape for two (including breakfast) at an exclusive lodge in the Matakana Coast Region. (Promotion available for a limited time. Terms & conditions apply).
Contact us today for a FREE current market valuation on your property & to hear about our fresh approach in getting SOLD!
Borders real estate
Adrienne Steffener (AREINZ) Sales & Marketing Executive 09 425 5394 I 021 740 806 adrienne@borders.net.nz
Jim Steffener Sales & Marketing Executive 09 425 5394 I 021 939 034 jim@borders.net.nz
Well known locals involved in the community over 35 years with 26 years combined real estate experience.
Super Value / Super Savings / Super Service
Are you looking to move on?
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Donna Wyllie
Pip Foote
M 021 827 932 or 09 425 0261
M 027 499 7990
RE/MAX Realty Group T/A Northern Properties Ltd 4A Baxter Street, Warkworth. Licensed REAA 2008
RE/MAX Realty Group T/A Northern Properties Ltd 4A Baxter Street, Warkworth. Licensed REAA 2008
E donna.wyllie@remax.co.nz
Thinking of Selling?
If you’re thinking of selling to follow your dreams, give me a call, we can have a chat and I can help you there.
Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Promark Realty Ltd (REA Licensed 2008)
Licensed Salesperson
E pip.foote@remax.co.nz
1 March 2019
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 5
Realty Group
Each office independently owned and operated
Northern Properties Ltd
1 March 2019
ADDRESS 4A Baxter Street, Warkworth, AUCKLAND 910 OFFICE 09 425 0261
Licensed REAA 2008
6 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
MILLWATER PLAN (232sqm) from
*Price indication only and excludes land and land associated costs. Some conditions and regional variations may apply; your Platinum Homes consultant will advise.
Millwater: Cnr Bankside & Manuel Roads | Hobsonville Point: 28 Onekiritea Road Riverhead Sales Office: 1177 Coatesville Riverhead Highway Hours and details visit: platinumhomes.co.nz or phone (09) 281 3076 6
1 March 2019
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 7
BIRDSONG & SE A BREE ZES A new, contemporary neighbourhood with all the benefits of an established community. Pacific Heights is Hibiscus Coast’s latest destination, a master-planned development set in an ideal location. Almost hidden from the motorway, yet so close to transport links, Pacific Heights is just a few minutes drive to the golden sands of Orewa Beach. There are around 570 new residential titles (offering bush or sea views) waiting for builders to bring this community in to life. New stages just released! Talk to our sales consultants to find out more about your options. Prices start from $368,000 (GST excluded) Open from Monday – Thursday: 11am-2pm Saturday & Sunday: 12pm-2pm at Pacific Heights Sales Office, 207 West Hoe Heights, Orewa
BFT0001 Pacific Heights FP v3.indd 1
1 March 2019
Rita Oliver 021 116 6377
Gloria Zeng 021 628 681
April Zhou 022 160 2268
21/02/19 8:07 PM
8 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
1 March 2019
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Chris Drabble Contracts Manager • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Re-Roofs • Roof Inspections
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Rupert Mather 021 425 837 Graeme Smith 021 422 983 23 Bertram Street, Warkworth
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TV • FM Aerials • Tuning Additional TV Outlets Phone David Redding 09 422 7227 or 0274 585 457
Pump & Filtration Services (2007) Ltd
Warkworth: Phone Karl or Kylie Oldham 027 240 7791 email: mobikair.rodney@gmail.com
Mangawhai: Phil Lathrope 431 4608 | 021 642 668 email: mobikair.mangawhai@gmail.com
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26 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
APPLIANCE REPAIRS A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service 021 168 7349.
MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766
FOR LEASE OFFICE SUITE, WELLSFORD 1st floor, 74.1m2, modern and sunny. 09-425 4233 or 021-0242 9555 RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE Ground floor, main street, Wellsford, has kitchenette & basement. Ph: 021-0242 9555
FOR SALE RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 09 945 0495
HOME MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENT A GARDEN & SECTION SERVICE for home or bach. Trees, hedges, lawns, tidy-ups, water blasting, regular checks. Green waste and rubbish removal. Ph Anton 021 133 8884
COLLINS ELECTRONICS HAVE YOU LOST PRIME? Or need your Freeview box tuned for the new channels? TV repairs, microwave oven repairs, Freeview installations. Ph Paul 09 422 0500 or 027 29 222 04 HANDYMAN Carpentry, small jobs, rubbish removal etc Ph/Txt Dave 027 420 5155 WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole house, UV & water spotting, Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 094223245 steve@aquafilter.co.nz WATER PUMPS - no water? old cast iron pump? Sales Service & Installation. Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 09 422 3245 steve@aquafilter.co.nz
MARKETS MUSEUM SUMMER MARKETS 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth. Enquiries Warkworth 425 8482.
BINGO, BINGO, BINGO! Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.
Have you been affected by someone's drinking?
Al-Anon Family Groups can help. We welcome you to the 'Warkworth Family Recovery' group confidential meeting. We meet at 30 View Rd, Warkworth every Wednesday from 7.30pm till 8.30pm. For more information visit: www.al-anon.org.nz Supported by Mahurangi Matters
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
Proposals to grant; a community lease and non-exclusive licence to occupy to Omaha Beach Golf Club Incorporated, a community lease to Omaha Beach Community Incorporated and a community lease to Omaha Tennis Club Incorporated Auckland Council invites submissions or objections from persons with an interest in respect to the above proposals. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Reserves Act 1977, the Rodney Local Board proposes to grant a new community lease and non-exclusive licence to occupy to Omaha Beach Golf Club Incorporated on portions of land at Mangatawhiri Road, Omaha Drive and North West Anchorage, Omaha legally described as Section 1 SO 524772, Lot 906 DP 206443, Lot 1 DP 167651, Lot 680 DP 142129 and Lot 1 DP 166169. The land is held in fee simple by Auckland Council. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002, the Rodney Local Board proposes to grant a new community lease to Omaha Beach Community Incorporated for the council-owned building on portions of land at North West Anchorage, Omaha legally described as Lot 680 DP 142129. The land is held in fee simple by Auckland Council. The terms of the proposed community leases and non-exclusive licence to occupy are an initial term of 10 years with two rights of renewal for 10 years. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Reserves Act 1977, the Rodney Local Board proposes to grant a new community lease to Omaha Tennis Club Incorporated on portions of land at North West Anchorage, Omaha legally described as Section 1 SO 524772 and Lot 680 DP 142129. The land is held in fee simple by Auckland Council. The terms of the proposed community lease are an initial term of 10 years with one right of renewal for 10 years. Any person wishing to make a submission in respect of the above proposal is required to lodge this in writing to Karen Walby, Community Lease Advisor, Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 no later than 5pm on Wednesday 27 March 2019. Alternatively, submissions may be emailed to Karen.Walby@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE DESKS A reminder to the public that the JP Service Desks are available as follows: Warkworth – at the Council Offices Monday 10.00 – 2.00 If there is a long weekend, it is the following Tuesday from 10.00 to 12.00. Matakana- Cinema Complex Tuesday 11.00-1.00 Snells Beach – at the Library Friday 10.00 – 12.00 Warkworth RSA Fridays 4.00 to 5.00 No appointment is needed. There is no cost. At all other times there are plenty of other JP’s available in the Warkworth/Mahurangi Area, either in the Warkworth Community phone book, or on-line “find a JP”. Supported by Mahurangi Matters
KOWHAI FESTIVAL AGM 7pm, 19 March 2019 Warkworth RSA Committee room Celebrating 50 years this year. Come along and have your say on this iconic event. You need not be on the committee unless you wish to be, but your input will be welcome. For further information contact: Murray Chapman - 027 496 6550 murray@mchapman.co.nz
Mahurangi Cruising Club Yearbook
Available from Mahurangi Matters 17 Neville Street.
Supported by Mahurangi Matters
Please state in your submission if you wish to be heard in person. Any information provided to the council will become subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and may be released by the Council under that Act, unless a withholding ground under that Act applies. Submitters details may be provided to elected members for decision making purposes and may be included in meeting agendas that will be published on the council’s website. Any submitter should state in their submission if the whole or any part of the submission is to be kept confidential and must indicate the grounds for the information to be withheld. Find out more: phone 09 301 0101 or visit aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO ALL EX-SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN The Northland District RSA Trust has arranged a Veterans Affairs Forum for Ex-Servicemen and Women and their dependants to inform them of their eligibilities relating to Pensions and services available to them. The Forum will be held at the Warkworth RSA, 28 Neville St, Warkworth on Friday, 8 March 2019 at 11.00 am. Case Managers from Veteran’s Affairs will be in attendance for one on one appointments. Please contact Joss on 425 5191 to register your attendance.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 27
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts. CHURCH NOTICES
Black & white male, 11 years, no collar. Since 5th February from central Matakana ** REWARD ** Please would you look out for him? Check locked-up areas like sheds, & in your garden & under decks? Thank you! Ph Lindy 027 222 3970 or 0508 650 200 ext 5932
WARKWORTH SHEETMETALS Ltd has a position for a motivated Tradesperson skilled in all aspects of sheetmetal and light fabrication, to join our versatile sheetmetal workshop in Warkworth. Our team produces a diverse range of fabrications and custom projects for the Architectural, Commercial and Marine sectors in the rapidly expanding Warkworth district. The ideal candidate must take pride in producing quality workmanship in stainless and all light metals. • Be able to read and interpret drawings • Experienced Mig & Tig welder • Enjoy working in a small team • Clean drivers license • Keen to assist in general running of a busy small workshop Send CV to: wsm@helix.net.nz Phone 09 425 7366 Malcolm or call in to 27 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth.
Position available for a Child Birth Educator (CBE) For enquires or application please email manager@wwbc.co.nz
the numbers game
3 1 1 8 8 1 4 3 5 2 7 9 4 5 2 5 4 7 7 3 8 9 2 1 2 5 3 3 9 7 6 2 8 8 6 9 3 8 4 7 1
Warkworth Methodist
Holy Mass Timetable:
1 Hexham Street, Warkworth Parish Office: Ph 425 8660 Sunday Service 10.30am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 8053
Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am
Snell’s Beach Community Church
325 Mahurangi East Rd Sunday Service 9am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 5612
Church office - 425 8660
O My Friends! Walk Ye in the ways of the good pleasure of the Friend, and know that His pleasure is in the pleasure of His creatures... Ponder this, Ye that have insight! www.bahai.org.nz
5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 www.mahu.org.nz Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am
FREE TRAVEL TALKS - Tues 5 March River Cruising & Touring with APT & Travelmarvel. Guest speaker, fun & informative, spot prizes. Call now to secure your place. World Travellers T: 09 425 8009
We may buy your garage sale items. We also do deceased estates and downsize houselots. 09 431 8440
WANTED TO RENT WANTED HOUSE, 2-5 acres and garage, in Rodney College bus area. Phone 021 0235 8140.
localmatters.co.nz Mahurangi Action & One Warkworth present:
WARKWORTH TOWN HALL TALKS A series of free monthly talks relevant to our town and the wider community
1 3 7 6
Robert Brassey principal cultural heritage specialist at Auckland Council
3 1 4
Phone 425 8545
SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am
For Plume Villas Matakana. On call and available weekdays, weekends and public holidays and stat days. Up to $20 per hour for the right candidate. If you are honest, reliable, with an eye for detail and have own transport please give me a call. Denise 021 422 313, 09 283 3630
SOLUTION SOLUTION Trades page page 357
Much has been discovered about Warkworth’s watermills, millraces and weirs, and dams. Robert Brassey probably knows more about the history of these structures than most, including the iconic Wilson weir by the town bridge, which is the focus of much discussion at present. Warkworth Town Hall, Wednesday, 13 March Doors open for refreshments at 5pm, talk starts at 5.30pm.
Supported by Mahurangi Matters
28 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Wellsford Kindergarten is turning 50!
You’re invited to join us to celebrate this amazing milestone.
Wednesday 10th April, 4.00-6.00pm To help us take a trip down memory lane, we invite you to share any photos or memories you have from you or your child’s time at Wellsford Kindergarten. Please send images and RSVPs to donna.railey@aka.org.nz or PO Box 32, Wellsford, 0900.
Upcoming events Upcoming events Networking event: 5.15 – 7pm, Wednesday 20 Feb, FREE Networking Feb, FREE Women’sevent: event:5.15 5.45– –7pm, 8pm,Wednesday Thursday, 720Mar, $35 Women’s event: 5.45 – 8pm, Thursday,events 7 Mar,to $35 RSVPs for networking and women’s RSVPs for networking women’s events to Murray Chapmanand on 027 496 6550 Murray Chapman on 027 496 6550 murray@onewarkworth.co.nz murray@onewarkworth.co.nz Mahurangi Festival of Lights: 7 - 20 July Festival ofRally: Lights:Sunday, 7 - 20 July CancerMahurangi Society Classic Car 25 August Cancer Car Out: Rally:Sunday, Sunday,1325October August KowhaiSociety FestivalClassic Huge Day Kowhai Santa Festival Huge Day Out: 1Sunday, 13 October Parade: Sunday, December Santa Parade: Sunday, 1 December www.onewarkworth.co.nz •
www.onewarkworth.co.nz •
Warkworth art to feature on world stage Two Warkworth artists have taken up the challenge of repurposing old, worn-out kimonos and preparing them for use as costumes on major world stages. Karen Williamson and Marianda Twydell had previously experimented with dying, pattern printing and undertaking stitch work on the traditional Japanese garments. But the chance to take their kimono rehabilitation skills up a notch came when they saw a Facebook post from Noriko Collins, founder of Kimono Kollab. Noriko is formerly from Tokyo but now lives in Auckland. Kimono Kollab specialises in “rebirthing” old kimonos – using the material to create entirely new kimonos or other clothing and accessories. Kimono Kollab has been engaged by Haten Kohro – a Japanese grunge/ metal band, which also incorporates martial arts and sword fighting into its performances – to provide repurposed kimonos for each of its nine members to wear on stage. The band plays at Eden Park on Japan Day, March 3. Karen and Marianda expressed an interest in creating two of the costumes for the band. The women had to consider the needs of the particular band members they were creating costumes for. Karen is dressing a sword fighter and Marianda
Karen Williamson and Marianda Twydell model the kimonos, which will feature on major stages.
is dressing the drummer. The women were each given an old white kimono and invited to cut it up into rectangles to remake it as they saw fit. Marianda wanted a strong colour so that the drummer would stand out at the back of the stage and dyed her kimono indigo. She added red and gold feathers around the shoulders to fit the phoenix theme. Karen made her costume stand out by using contrasting colours, including gold to represent the fire of the phoenix. Following the Eden Park concert, Haten Kohro will take the kimonos with them on a world tour, which will include performing on major stages in China and Russia.
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 29
Tradition blends with busy lives Just as wedding customs vary around the world, so do wedding ceremonies. Mahurangi Matters spoke to three local couples from different cultural backgrounds who tied the knot . It was on Valentine’s Day 10 years ago that Warkworth Sushi owners Daniel Kim and Sunny Whang said ‘I do’ at a ceremony in Seoul, Korea. “We had a small celebration by Korean standards because we were very busy at the time,” they say. “We went back to Korea in 2015 for our anniversary and that’s when we had our photographs taken.” Daniel and Sunny met in New Zealand as students – she was studying hospitality and he was studying cooking. Sunny is originally from Seoul, while Daniel comes from KwanJu. “Weddings are traditionally a very big deal in Korea and it’s not unusual for 200 to 300 people to attend,” Sunny says. “But guests bring money, which helps cover the costs. The more closely you are related to the bride and groom, the more you are expected to give. “It once was the custom for the groom’s parents to give the newlyweds a house, while the bride’s parents were
Weddings are traditionally a very big deal in Korea.
expected to pay for the furnishings. That doesn’t happen so much now.” Even though Daniel and Sunny were married in European-style clothes, it is not uncommon for Korean couples to marry in traditional brightly coloured hanbok costumes. Although hanboks were once the everyday dress in South Korea, they are now traditionally worn only on
Plume Restaurant is the ultimate wedding venue, offering stunning indoor and outdoor settings for your most memorable and special day.
simply signing the register with witnesses and the exchange of rings. The celebration is the dinner and cutting of the cake, which is normally all over within three hours. Sunny says small weddings are becoming increasingly popular to accommodate everybody’s busy lives. “Sometimes people can’t attend, but they will still send money.”
Plume, the vineyard restaurant, a ‘must 09 visit’422 this 7915 Summer.
Plume, proudly the house of Runner Duck Wines.
For opening hours please call or visit www plumerestaurant.co.nz 49a Sharp Road | 09 422 7915 | reservations@plumerestaurant.co.nz
49a Sharp Road, Matakana
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09 422 7915
festive and ceremonial occasions. The women’s hanbok consists of a jeogori (jacket), which is a shirt or a jacket, and a chima dress, which is a wrap around skirt that is usually worn full. A man’s hanbok consists of a jeorgori and baggy pants that are called baji. Red dots on both cheeks of the bride are to ward off ghosts. The actual marriage ceremony involves
20/10/15 10:22 am
Plume, proudly the house of Runner Duck Wines.
30 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Independent Marriage and Civil Union Celebrant. Hibiscus Coast, Auckland to the Far North
Ph 021 254 0085 wilocnz@yahoo.co.nz
The exquisite traditional wedding outfits were all custom-made in Vietnam.
Two weddings in one day
matakana coast
traditions were kept alive, including wedding customs. “When we decided to get married, we wanted to incorporate both cultures and all our friends and family were really supportive,” Phuong says. So supportive, in fact, that all the female guests and many of the males ended up wearing custom-made traditional dress for the Vietnamese part of the day. phone 09 425 8682 “We were getting my dress, James’s www.carltonpartyh outfit, and the groomsmen and bridesmaid’s outfits made in Vietnam,” she says. “We put it out to all the
local branch now open
09 425 8682 • matakana@carltonpartyhire.co.nz • carltonpartyhire.co.nz • 29 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth
nncchh nnooww ooppeenn
What do you do when two cultures are being combined within a marriage – how do you choose which traditions to uphold? For Phuong and James Graham of Matakana, it was simple – they chose to celebrate both, and had two different weddings on the same day in 2015. Phuong, who runs Viet Q Foods, and James, a winemaker, opted to have a Vietnamese Buddhist ceremony in the morning and early afternoon, followed by a classic Kiwi wedding later on. Phuong moved to New Zealand with her family when she was just nine, but her parents always made sure that Vietnamese language, food and
phone 09 425 8682 phone 09 425 8682 www.carltonpartyhire.co.nz www.carltonpartyhire.co.nz
continued next page
20%-70% off EVERYTHING! Begins Friday 1st of March 5 Queen Street, Warkworth 09 425 8342 | info@kowhaicoastjewellers.co.nz | Opening hours Tues-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm, Closed Sun & Mon
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 31
FREE DELIVERY & SET UP OF YOUR NEW BED!! Omaha, Warkworth, Matakana, Wellsford, Mangawhai, Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto & Beyond…
Gift Shop
Great gift selection in store
Gold Bowl $69.99
A selection of Rabbits, Balls & Hearts in store. James and Phuong relaxing after their first wedding of the day. from previous page
female guests that we could get a dress made for them as well, and everyone took us up on it. We ended up with a huge box of Vietnamese dresses. There were 50 in total.” Phuong’s dress was a traditional Ao Dai – which means long top, or tunic – in rich red and gold for good luck, with a large red headdress and a sheer white coat embroidered with a phoenix and a dragon. James, male family members and groomsmen wore dark blue silk tunics decorated with a gold medallion pattern, with the size of the medallions depicting the seniority of the wearer. As is traditional, the day started with the groom’s side gathering for a
procession to the bridal home, with family and friends bringing cake, wine and gifts, and James presenting Phuong with her bridal bouquet of cream Whangateau roses. After a ceremony and blessings at the family altar, everyone went back to the groom’s side of the family for more blessings, a meal and reception. Then, after a quick change into a strapless gown for Phuong and a traditional morning suit for James, it was on to the Auckland Hilton for a Kiwi white wedding on a waterside balcony, followed by dinner. Phuong says it was a really happy day, and a wonderful way to bring their families and background together.
Matakana Hair is Now offering Wedding Hair, For brides and their bridal parties, Makeup, instant face lift and anti aging products available, Eyebrow shapes, Eyebrow tints, and Eyelash tints Packages available to suit your budget We make u look the best version of yourself on your special day
Phone 422 9697
Appts Necessary. Hours – Tues to Fri 9am - 5pm, Sat 9am - Till close. Sun & Mon - Closed. Phone: 422 9697 | 989a Matakana Road, Matakana Village
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32 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Love crosses religious divide Rustic wedding venue in Matakana to suit all seasons Affordable All-Inclusive Packages. Mid-Week Specials. 1151 LEIGH ROAD, MATAKANA COUNTRY PARK WEDDINGS@STABLESMATAKANA.CO.NZ WWW.STABLESMATAKANA.CO.NZ
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This year, Farida and Clyde Cooper, owners of Plume restaurant in Matakana, celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary following their marriage in Bombay, India. Farida says the marriage had a rocky start due to their different religious backgrounds. Clyde was Catholic whereas Farida was a Parsee – an Indian adherent of the Zoroastrian faith. The pair met and fell in love on their first day at college in Bombay, but Farida was so afraid of her parents’ reaction that she kept the romance a secret for the next 10 years. This was despite the fact that the two faiths have some things in common. Both are monotheistic and the three wise men (or Magi) who visited the newborn Christ in Bethlehem are said to have been Zoroastrian priests. Clyde eventually put his foot down and said if Farida did not tell her parents about their relationship by a specified date, they would be finished. Even then Farida could not do it, but confided her dilemma to her sister who ended up telling the whole family. Farida says her parents came to accept the idea, but it made for a tense wedding ceremony in a Catholic church – a place that was entirely alien for them. It also meant that Farida missed out on a traditional Parsee wedding – typically lavish affairs attended by hundreds of people with mountains of food laid out on banana leaves. But
Farida and Clyde celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary.
Farida says such a ceremony would have made her feel guilty thinking of all the hungry people just outside. As things turned out, Farida says any challenges in her marriage have arisen over social rather than religious differences. For example, Catholics in India were more likely to go to parties and stay out late, whereas she was brought up more strictly and didn’t venture out after 8pm. Farida has brought up her own children as Catholic, going to communion classes with them, though she herself remains a Parsee. She says the bedrock principles of Zoroastrianism with its emphasis on good thoughts, good words and good deeds will serve any marriage well. Not that this means everything will be plain sailing. “You have to work at marriage – no matter what religion you are or what colour your skin is – you have to work at it,” she says.
Anne Holman Event Planner & Registered Marriage Celebrant
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 33
Jazz and the carriage are always immaculately turned out.
A horse and carriage for love and an elegant marriage A romantic alternative to petrolpowered wedding transport is proving increasingly popular for a Matakanabased business. Instead of classic cars and limousines, Patrick and Christine Monaghan employ ex-dressage horse Jazz and an antique open carriage to provide a more elegant mode of travel for the bride and groom. Matakana Carriages is based at the Matakana Country Park and is regularly used for on-site weddings, but more often the team travels to venues further afield, from Point Wells and Ascension Vineyard locally, to as far as Villa Maria at Mangere and the Formosa Golf Resort in Beachlands. Jazz and, occasionally, exracehorse Max are taken in the horse transporter, while Warkworth Towing
takes the carriage, which Patrick and Christine dress with garlands of fresh flowers and fabric. The couple are both film editors by trade, which means they can also help out with finding the ideal spots and conditions for photography. “It’s a lot of work getting everything looking good,” Patrick says. “But it’s a labour of love for us. The horses are our pets and our friends.” Jazz and Max have been trained to stay calm and cope with anything a wedding might throw at them – from noisy crowds and unexpected drones to fussy photographers and firework • Egyptian Cotton Bed Linen displays. • Duvet Covers • Turkish Towels pretty •“They’re Table Linen • Giftsbombproof,” and VouchersPatrick says. • Make to measure
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34 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
By Matakana Village Books
Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James Tracker is known far and wide for his skills as a hunter – and he always works alone. But when he is engaged to find a child who disappeared three years ago, he must break his own rules, joining a group of eight very different mercenaries working together to find the boy. Following the lost boy’s scent from one ancient city to another, into dense forests and across deep rivers, Tracker starts to wonder: who is this boy? Why has he been missing for so long? Why do so many people want to keep Tracker from finding him? And, most important of all, who is telling the truth and who is lying? Drawing from vivid African history and mythology, Marlon James weaves a saga of breathtaking adventure and powerful intrigue – a mesmerising, unique meditation on the nature of truth and power and rumoured to be the start of a trilogy. He is also the author of the highly acclaimed and Man Booker-winning A Brief History of Seven Killings.
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One of the most popular events on the local fishing calendar is back next month, when the 17th annual Leigh Fishing Contest takes place on Saturday, March 16. There are prizes worth $70,000 this year, including a Surtees Workmate and Honda engine package. All proceeds from entry fees will go towards funding the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter. The annual fishing competition and weigh-in has raised more than $300,000 for the service since the first contest was held in 2003 and provides vital funding support. There are seven categories for adults and five for under-14s. Fishing can start from 3am onwards until the weigh-in between 1pm and 3.30pm the same day. The weigh-in and prizegiving takes place at Leigh Hall and on Leigh Primary School field. The top prize draw will be around 6.30pm. Every adult ticket holder can enter the draw for the boat and engine package, provided they are present at the prizegiving. Tickets cost $60 for adults and $5 for juniors. Info and tickets: leighfishingcontest.org.nz
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by Graeme Simsion At last, the final instalment of the internationally bestselling series that began with The Rosie Project and The Rosie Effect. Don and Rosie are back in Melbourne after a decade in New York, and they are about to face their most important project so far. Their son, Hudson, is struggling at school – he’s socially awkward and his teachers say he isn’t fitting in. Something his father relates to only too well. Meanwhile, Rosie and Don are facing battles at their own workplaces. Their life-contentment graph, recently at its highest point, is curving downwards. For Don, learning to be a good parent as well as a good partner will require the help of friends old and new. It will mean letting Hudson make his way in the world, and grappling with awkward truths about his own identity and the wider issue of tolerance. A brilliant cast of characters, witty dialogue and thought-provoking, this is a welcome return to the eccentric and endearing world of Don Tillman.
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 35
Nicole Wilson
Always in season “One-pan roasties” are fantastic during winter when you want something warm and hearty, but they really are great at any time of the year. In summer, they can be the base for some fabulous salads to go with your BBQ. With autumn just around the corner, they are a lovely way to combine the last of the summer vegetables with the start of the autumn harvest. I usually use carrot, potato, kumara, and onion as a base and build on that. Then, depending on the time of the year, I’ll add in whatever seasonal vegetables are available or what I have in the fridge. I always cook up way more than one dinner’s worth – filling the roasting dish to its limits – just so I have plenty for leftovers. I then use the leftovers for frittatas, soups, salads, hummus, and lunches, or simply to reheat for quick vegetables the next night.
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One-pan Roastie 2 cup carrots, chopped 1 parsnip, chopped 1 cup kumara, chopped (scrub don’t peel) 1 cup potato, chopped (scrub don’t peel) 2 cup pumpkin, chopped (peel, de-seed) 2 onions, peeled, cut into 1/6’s 1 capsicum, chopped (de-seed) 2 cup broccoli florets or cauliflower
florets or courgette chunks or Brussels sprouts (halved); or a combination 1 cup kale or silverbeet, roughly chopped 2-3 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp cumin seeds (optional) 1 tsp fennel seeds (optional) 1 tbsp fresh thyme or rosemary; or 1 tsp dried herbs (optional) Pepper & salt
Preheat the oven to 190C. Line a large oven dish with baking paper. In a bowl, combine the carrots, parsnip, kumara, potato and pumpkin, 1 tbsp olive oil, ½ tsp cumin, ½ tsp fennel, thyme, pinch/grind of pepper and salt. Toss to coat the vegetables with the oil, herbs and spices, turn out onto the baking tray and spread out. Bake for 20 minutes. While the first lot of vegetables are baking, toss the onion, capsicum and broccoli, etc. in 1 tbsp olive oil, ½ tsp cumin, ½ tsp fennel, pinch/grind of pepper & salt. After the first 20 minutes add these vegetables to the others, give it all a stir and return to the oven for 15-20 minutes. While the vegetables are in the oven, toss the kale in ½ tbsp olive oil and a pinch/grind of pepper. Add this to the vegetables once the 15-20 minutes is up. Cook for a further five minutes. Variations
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Add or subtract different vegetables, depending on what is in season, what you have to hand or what you like. Alternatively, change the spices and herbs depending on what you have in your pantry or what you like.
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36 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Axemen, miniature horses, shorn sheep and well-trained dogs will all be part of the entertainment at this year’s show.
New look and new date for 152nd Warkworth A&P show The first Warkworth A&P Show to be staged since the date was moved from the traditional Auckland Anniversary weekend will take place at the showgrounds on Saturday, March 16. Music will be one of the main attractions this year, with renowned alt-country singer Jamie McDell performing on stage in the main arena, plus sets from rocking local covers band Bad Neighbours, bluegrass trio Otherwise Fine and other local performers. There’s no cattle section this year, due to Mycoplasma bovis disease, but there will be more than 30 goat classes on the paddock in front of the show office, as well as a display by the Rodney Districts Miniature Horse Club. The standard horse and pony classes were dropped from the A&P schedule this year, as the new show date clashes with the Horse of the Year Show, but the equestrian fields will
be filled instead with Young Farmer action (see story, right). Elsewhere, the annual Woodchopping Carnival hosted by the Puhoi Axemen will be held as usual, with axes being swung in 12 different categories, and the 2019 sheep shearing competition will have five classes – open, senior, intermediate, junior and veteran – with prizes of up to $250. There will also be a dog agility display in the main arena and more exhibitors in a larger trade section, which is sponsored this year by John Deere dealership AgrowQuip. Parents will be pleased to hear that Northland Waste and Masons Contractors are once again sponsoring the children’s play area, meaning that the bouncy castles and water slide will be free of charge, and Greg Clark’s racing sheep will be back to
compete in another Grand National Sheeplechase or two. There will be wacky races for humans, too, with the return of the Silly Bugg#rs Challenge, which was first staged at the A&P’s 150th anniversary show in 2017. The Mahurangi Sports Collective will be pitting teams of all ages against each other in a range of challenges, such as mini-bike races, blanket runs, net crawls, egg and spoon races, nut stacking, slippery sliding and moon hopping. Warkworth Museum will have its traditional display of old, working agricultural machinery and engines, and Warkworth Library will have a large “waka” van with a children’s colouring competition and a guess the number of lollies in the jar game. The change in timing has allowed for a new class in the closely contested indoor
classes, with gardeners invited to compete for the biggest pumpkin in the field and garden produce section. There are nearly 160 separate indoor categories in this year’s show, including vegetables, flowers, preserves, home brew, cookery, floral art, needlework, knitting and craft, plus a wide range of children’s classes covering everything from art and photography to upcycled bottles and articles made on a 3D printer. A&P show committee chairman Allan Barber says visitors to this year’s show will include the Minister of Agriculture, Damien O’Connor, and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff. The 2019 Warkworth A&P Lifestyle Show will run from 9am to 4pm at the Warkworth Showgrounds off State Highway 1 on Saturday, March 16. Info: Email secretary@warkworthshow. co.nz or Warkworth A&P Lifestyle Show on Facebook.
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 37
Youth skills on show in finals Teams of students and young people from Auckland to the Far North will converge on the Warkworth Showgrounds on show day for a series of adrenalin-charged agricultural challenges, as part of the 2019 NZ Young Farmer of the Year competition. The northern regional finals of AgriKids NZ, Junior Young Farmer and the Young Farmer of the Year will all be held on the former equestrian fields at the rear of the site, with competitors completing a range of rural challenges compered by Te Radar. AgriKidsNZ will see teams of three primary schoolchildren taking part in eight activities, such as assembling a beehive, sorting wool or go kart racing, and the top three teams will go through to the national final in Hawkes Bay in July. The FMG Junior Farmer of the Year section will feature pairs of high school students having to work through eight modules, such as putting up a fence or building a chicken coop, before a quick fire quiz hosted by Te Radar. The top two teams will win a grand final place. In the main event of the day, eight FMG Young Farmer of the Year contestants will go head to head in a diverse range of practical farming challenges designed to test their skills, knowledge and adaptability. In previous years, these have included shearing a sheep, fitting a tyre to a quad bike, calibrating a tractor spray unit, putting in fenceposts and hanging a gate, and carving a gumboot out of a wooden log with a chainsaw.
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Local lads Brody Goodmon, Daniel Richards and Jack Bellamy will be fighting for a place in the national final.
The day’s field activities will be followed by a dinner and fast-paced agri-knowledge quiz, also hosted by Te Radar, at the Warkworth Town Hall. This year’s finalists include three local contestants from the Kaipara Young Farmers Club – Daniel Richards, Jack Bellamy and Brody Goodmon – who came first, third and fourth respectively in the regional heats. Daniel, 21, manages his parents’ 300-cow dairy farm in the hills of Tomarata and this will be his second regional final. “I have more confidence this time around. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into back in 2017,” he says. Brody Goodmon, 20, is a skilled fencer and stock driver who works on his family’s beef farm just west of Wellsford, while 18-year-old Jack lives on his parents 200-cow dairy farm off Cullen Road at Waipu and wants to be a diesel mechanic. The winner of the Warkworth final will represent the northern region at the FMG Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final in Hawke’s Bay in July.
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38 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Showing plenty of Kiwi can-do, Becky Wardell, left, will share some of her globe-trotting experiences at her talk in Matakana.
Cycling odyssey heads to Matakana on long way home Olympian Rebecca (Becky) Wardell will describe her year-long cycling odyssey when she makes a whistle-stop visit to the Sawmill Brewery in Matakana on March 6. She will be on the final leg of her journey, which started in Switzerland last April and will finish in her hometown of Hawea on April 19. Initially she was travelling with two other New Zealanders – Sarah van Ballekom and Olympic rower, Emma Twigg – with whom she had been working at the International Olympic Committee. Emma left in Istanbul and Sarah continued to China. Via email, Becky said a friend joined her for her ride through China, as did her parents for a few weeks. “But I’ve been on my own through Thailand and Malaysia, and will continue to NZ solo,” she said. Becky christened the ride A Long Way Home and is
using it to raise money for the Forward Foundation, which supports young female athletes. “Emma, Sarah and I all benefited from the support we received to encourage us to play sport as teenagers. We wanted to give back in that space and the Forward Foundation aims to support and encourage high school girls in New Zealand to play sport and be leaders in their communities.” The journey has not been without its challenges. “While in Iran, we were cycling in a row when suddenly Sarah slipped and came down, and then I crashed into her. We both ended up in hospital, me with four stitches in my knee. We spent a week in and out of hospital and physio recovering. We were so well looked after by the Iranian people. “Then, in western China, we were looking for
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somewhere to stay the night. The only hotel in town told us to ask at the police station. The police said “no” and made us load our bikes into the back of a truck. They then drove us 30km out of town and dropped us on the side of the highway, in the desert, and left. “We slept the night in a drain under the highway (as we did for many other nights in western China!)” Becky’s sporting achievements include competing in the women’s heptathlon at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. She will speak at a special function at the Sawmill Brewery on March 6, starting at 6pm. Patrons will be asked to make a $10 donation to Forward Foundation. To follow Becky’s journey, go to thelongwayhome.co.nz
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Applying sunscreen In hot summers like this, sunscreen is ubiquitous. In our child-filled household, the “it’s not rubbed in properly” tantrum is usually third on the list, following the “don’t look at me” and the “I’ve got nothing to wear” tantrums. But are you doing it correctly? Here are some tips and rules of thumb that may improve you practice and increase your knowledge in the area. How much? Each adult should use the equivalent of at least six teaspoons of sunscreen per application to get to the sun protection factor (SPF) advertised on the label. Most people put on a lot less than this, partly due to not wanting the sticky factor. For this reason the higher the SPF the better, just in case it underperforms due to under-application. What about the water? It has been a while since any sunscreens were allowed to label themselves “waterproof ”. Even the most water resistant sunscreens will come off in under two hours of water play. Therefore, if in and out of the water, sunscreens should be reapplied at least every two hours – and after every swim if your sunblock has no water resistance. For sunscreens to be water resistant, they need to be applied at least 10 minutes prior to swimming to allow them to form a proper protective film. Remember, it’s not just sunburn Along with sunburn, sun exposure is also associated with skin cancer formation, wrinkling and the worsening of some skin disorders. You are still at risk of these problems even on days that your risk of sunburn is not high. Therefore, applying sunscreen on sun exposed areas every day of the year is a good habit to get into. This is especially so for lighter-skinned individuals, and is often more tolerable if applied in combination with a moisturiser or skin care product. Men may find this a bit “metro”, but if it keeps your youthful good looks and helps prevent skin cancer on the building site, it is worth it.
Hospice personnel to trek south
Hospice staff train for the CargoPlus Coastal Challenge.
Hospice staff are ‘walking the talk’ and taking part in The CargoPlus Coastal Challenge next month, to raise funds for Harbour Hospice services. About 25 Harbour Hospice staff from the North Shore, Hibiscus Coast and Warkworth Wellsford communities are training to tackle the Whangaparaoa to Devonport event on March 2.
Participants will run, walk, wade and rock hop their way down the North Shore coastline. Harbour Hospice’s fundraising goal for the event is $40,000. To find out more about taking part or supporting fundraisers, contact Jenna on 09 486 1688 or visit harbourhospice. org.nz.
Movement is Life!
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 39
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40 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
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Keep the weir
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Auckland Council’s wish to remove Warkworth’s historic Wilson Weir was the subject of a Town Hall Talk hosted by One Warkworth and Mahurangi Action on February 13. One Warkworth’s manager, Murray Chapman, facilitated presentations by Council’s senior freshwater ecologist Matt Bloxham; whitebait authority, Paul Decker, from Premium Marine Technology and Mahurangi Technical Institute; and planner Shane Hartley. I put value on the historic weir and attended to better understand the reason for the proposed removal. In isolation, Matt gave a reasonable argument for removing the weir. In short, it is all about whitebait, with generic examples used to assert that the weir is the If the weir was primary reason whitebait struggle to reach further removed it would up the Mahurangi River for spawning. He talked only provide a small about five native fish species and the limited ability of inanga, which makes up more than 90 per cent stretch of river for of the whitebait population, to climb over structures spawning. like the weir. I was beginning to think removing the weir was justified. Then, supported by data and evidence gathered over 20 years by the National Institute of Water and Atmosphere, Paul Decker told us: • Only two of the five fish species live in the Mahurangi River. The absence of the other three is not because of the weir. • The pH level (acidity/alkaline content) of the river is a significant factor. New Zealand rivers usually have a pH level of 6-8.5 with whitebait preferring low pH levels. The Mahurangi River flows over limestone and has a pH level of 8.5 – generally too high for whitebait survival, though some obviously do survive. • High pH levels are ideal for native eels, so there is an exceptionally large and healthy eel population in the river. Eels eat whitebait, so this is a likely factor in low whitebait numbers. • Water temperature is another factor. Whitebait like water temperatures to be about 18C. Most whitebait won’t survive in 27C. The mean temperature of the Mahurangi River (according to a 1980s University of Auckland study) is 24C. On the day of the meeting, the river was 26C, so arguably global warming has and will continue to contribute to lower whitebait numbers. • Waterfalls a short distance up from the weir represent a greater barrier to whitebait, so if the weir was removed it would only provide a small additional stretch of river for spawning. • Whitebait return to where they hatch their eggs. There are whitebait above the weir that make their way down river each year in sufficient numbers to lay eggs and breed. This has been the case ever since the weir was built. • If the weir does represent a significant barrier to whitebait (strong evidence suggests other factors play a bigger part), fish ladders or stairs are an option. Paul and Shane both called for a decision not to remove the weir in the foreseeable future while additional evidence and data specific to Mahurangi River is gathered. Objectively considered, no other course of action is logical. There seems no reason to support removing the weir at this time, which is the strong position of One Warkworth.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 41
Pets Vets Corner
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Winners and losers Port Fitzroy was once again host to the annual Warkworth Game Fish Club’s Grumpy’s One Base tournament held over Auckland Anniversary weekend. This year, the Biggest Snapper & Kingfish were measured and put back to live another day. All boats were supplied with a plastic measure, which the fish was laid on and then photographed. The This year the winning snapper was estimated over 9kg in weight. Only Biggest Snapper two striped marlin were weighed and five tagged and & Kingfish were released. This was very low catch numbers, considering that over 50 boats competed. The hard luck prize went measured and to the team on the boat Outsider, who happened to put back to live have landed a superb specimen of a mahi-mahi on a another day. Frontiera Soft head lure, which topped the scales at just over 10kg. Racing to get to the weigh station on time, the boys missed the 4pm cut off by just 15 minutes, costing them what would have been a great prize. The most memorable moment of the competition happened right at the end of the prizegiving. This year saw the founders of the Grumpy’s all coming together and fishing off the same boat (they used to all have their own boats) as a final farewell to the tournament. One of them, drawn out of a hat, was called up to collect a plate and take part in an elimination draw, with only 10 lucky participants, for a massive travel prize worth over $7000 for two people. He, totally bewildered, did not take his plate. As the draw was about to start it was noticed by the organisers that he did not have a numbered plate yet. He got given the only plate left which happened to be the number 7. As each plate number got drawn out, participants dropped their heads and walked away sheepishly disgusted to no longer be eligible for this great prize. In the end only two lucky men were left. Either participant was going to get a nice prize, but the top prize finally went to Graham Maker – the founding member of the Grumpy’s tournament. What a nice farewell send-off. Finally, the warm waters have been pushed inshore and it is all go for those trolling for game fish. Good marlin have been caught around the Poor Knights Islands as well as further north. It is time to get those lures smoking! Tight Lines!
Maddie, an Australian cattle dog
Maddie is a lovely Australian cattle dog. On Waitangi day, when most New Zealanders were stuck in traffic heading to a nearby beach (only to arrive just in time to turn around and head home again), Maddie’s owner, like our vet on call, was hard at work. Maddie was run over by her owner as he was working his tractor. She was presented to our vet with a very severely fractured tibia, the middle third of which bore the brunt of the tractor wheel and had shattered. Maddie was operated on 2 days later; plates and pins stabilised her tibia after 2 hours on the operating table. It was late in the afternoon, and we were just about to give the standard surgical team high fives which signify success, when our ever observant nurse spotted a fluid filled swelling in Maddies’ groin. This was quickly identified as her bladder! The tractor incident had also ruptured her abdominal wall at it’s point of insertion on the pelvis, spilling out it’s contents under the skin. She was maintained under anaesthesia for a further 2 hours as our team drilled holes into her pelvic brim and reattached her muscle, keeping the bladder in it’s rightful place. Maddie is currently recovering at home. We wish her every success in her recovery. She is a special little dog and a great bestie to her family. Vets: Roger Dunn BVSc, Jon Makin BVSc, Danny Cash BVSc, Justine Miller BVSc, Chelsea Gill BVSc, Robert Elton BVSc, Tania Govan BVSc
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42 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Golf professionals hit local greens New Zealand’s longest running ProAm event – the Mondiale Omaha Beach Golf Club ProAm – will be held on March 16 and 17. A total of 200 golfers are expected to compete, including 50 professionals. Previous events have attracted such top names as Ryan Fox and Michael Hendry. Club general manager Mike Reid expects a strong field to line up again this year, ranging from North Harbour golfer Mark Hutson, who has just turned professional to tournament veteran Grant Moorhead. “The tournament is great for the community, attracting a big turnout of golfers, many of whom bring their families here for the weekend,” Mike says. “It’s the club’s major event of the year and we put a lot of work into making it successful.” The total prize pool for the professional players is $30,000, with the winner walking away with a cheque for $5500. The weekend will kick off with a fun Ambrose tournament over nine holes, on the preceding Friday, which is organised to acknowledge and thank sponsors. In the evening, there will be a live auction and tournament dinner with special guest speaker. Meanwhile, 28 teams will tee off on the greens at Warkworth Golf Club for the fourth annual Women’s ProAm on Monday, March 18. Each team will comprise three amateur
From left, Dylan Lewis, Ryan Mordaunt, Keira Rhind and James Mordaunt.
Golf juniors make their mark
Among those competing at Omaha will be North Harbour golfer Mark Hutson, who recently turned professional.
women and one professional player. Club president Marie Claydon says the 18-hole Stableford competition always attracts a good field of professionals. “Entries come mostly from around the region, but we do also have a South Island team entered,” Marie says. “The event is the only women’s ProAm backed by the NZ PGA. “There are normally some very good individual performances on the day –
last year a couple of players scored eagles. “A different team has won each year, which keeps it interesting. Last year, it was Warkworth’s turn.” The major prize is a weekend of golf at Kauri Cliffs, including accommodation at Kerikeri and the use of a BMW for the weekend. Major sponsors are Barfoot & Thompson, Continental Cars BMW and The Clubroom.
A junior development programme, which started at the Warkworth Golf Club last year, is paying dividends. Four members of the junior squad finished fifth in the Harbour Golf junior league held earlier this month. The team players were Keira Rhind, who won her division, James and Ryan Mordaunt, and Dylan Lewis. While each golfer played as an individual, their performances determined the team’s place overall. Club coach Tony Mordaunt says the junior programme continues to grow. “The Harbour result was fantastic, given that this was the squad’s first experience of this level of competition,” he says. “They represented Warkworth well.” The junior league will include seven playing dates altogether, with Warkworth hosting one of the competitions on March 24. Tony says new juniors are welcome to join the programme at anytime and details can be found at warkworthgolfclub.co.nz.
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February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 43
Warkworth pots fundraiser Some of the country’s top snooker players will gather at the Warkworth RSA later this month to play in a ranking tournament to raise money for the Tribute to NZ Heroes Association. Normally, 11 tournaments are held around NZ each year, but this is the first time Warkworth has been chosen as a venue. The tournament will start with a social evening on Friday March 22, followed by play on March 23 and 24. Association chairman Lester Putze says Rodney MP Mark Mitchell has been a loyal supporter of the tournament, which raises funds for the Mental Health Foundation. “In recognition of that support, we thought we’d bring the tournament to Warkworth,” Lester says. Each tournament recognises a recipient of the Victoria Cross – the highest award for gallantry that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. The Warkworth tournament will honour (Alfred) Clive Hulme VC, who received the decoration for his actions during the Battle of Cretein in 1941.
ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of
A roundup of activities and events in thedisTRicT district a Roundup ofsports spoRTs acTiviTies in THe Table tennis Tuesday evening table tennis in the Matakana Hall will recommence on March 12, at 7.30pm. All welcome. Info: George Anderson 423 0424
Victoria Cross recipient Clive Hulme will be remembered at the tournament. Photo, National Army Museum.
Lester says there is some hope that Mr Hulme’s daughter Anita will attend the Warkworth event, as well as possibly the association’s Patron and former Chief Ombudsman, Dame Beverley Wakeham. Along with around 28 ranked snooker players, there will be a number of celebrity players including Mr Mitchell.
Rodney records tumble Eight records were broken at this year’s Swimming Sports held at Rodney College. Year 11 student Rosa Ewing broke seven, one having stood for more than 20 years. Her winning streak was achieved in the intermediate girls – 50m freestyle 30.34, 100m freestyle 65.44, 25m backstroke 16.44, 50m backstroke 34.69, 50m breaststroke 34.69, 25m butterfly 15.03 and 75m medley 56.53. Georgia Brierly broke the eighth record in the girls 25m breaststroke 18.69. Rosa will compete at the Northland championships in the Int. Girls 50m and 100m butterfly, 100m freestyle and 100m backstroke.
Great Family Day Out $5 Ticket for 10 Activities
Sunday March 3
12 noon – 4.00pm Centennial Park, Wellsford
Junior rugby Mahurangi Junior Rugby Club registration days will be held on Thursday, February 28, from 4pm-7pm, and on Saturday, March 2, from 10am-1pm. Boys & girls Rippa rugby (non-contact) for ages 4-14 and girls of all ages; tackle rugby for ages 8-13. Free kit bag with each paid registration. Early bird fees $85 if paid on or before registration days, otherwise $95/player. All welcome. Info: mahurangirugbyclub.co.nz or FB: MahuJuniorRugby Matakana junior netball The Matakana Hawks netball team is accepting registrations for players in years 1-8. Teams play on Saturdays in Wellsford, from May-Aug. Fees are $60 for years 1&2, and $100 for years 3-8. Registration closes March 5. See FB: MatakanaNetball
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Wellsford Districts Sport & Recreation Collective Inc.
Matakana Soccer Club Looking to join a soccer team this year? All ages and skill levels welcome. Fees are one child $70, two children $130, three children or more $180. For a registration form and further info: clair.mcentegart@gmail.com or 021 558 514
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44 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
A very warm welcome to all our new students and their families to Mahurangi College. Our school roll has continued to grow as we start 2019 with a total of 1518 students; 1472 domestic and 46 international. During our Year 7 pōwhiri ceremony we also welcomed 15 new team The six projects that will be the focus of our 2019 Annual Plan originate from one of three target areas; Academic Achievement, Healthy Living and Connecting Well. Our Academic Achievement projects this year will be Timetable Design and Integrated Learning. Our Healthy Living projects continue to centre on Health and Wellbeing and Healthy Environment. As a school we will also be giving attention to Connecting Well with Our Future School Model and with Our Community. We will be updating our families and community on our progress regularly throughout the year. I am looking forward to seeing the results of these projects and the positive impact they will have on our place and our people. Our 2019 Annual Plan can be viewed on our website.
afternoons each week, replacing the historic SSR. All of our Year 13 students undertook training in PCT leadership during their Great Barrier Island camp in order to support their whānau.
members to our teaching staff, which now totals 101. The year ahead promises to be busy and productive with three major focus areas and six resulting projects already identified and well underway. As a result, students began their year with the new PCT replacing SSR. recipient of the University of Auckland Alumni Scholarship Award. Since then, she has continued her studies at the University of Auckland, graduating with a Science Degree in 2017, and now beginning her third year of study in the Medical School programme. She shared her challenges and successes; her initial disappointment at missing out on selection; her determination to study even harder; and the resulting offers from both Auckland and Otago Medical School. I greatly look forward to following the future successes of our 2018 Year 13 students. All the very best as they begin their new chosen pathways this year.
Our PRIDE values will continue to be role modeled and cascaded throughout our school this year, including during our new Pastoral Care Time (PCT). PCT takes place in whānau classes three
Our Academic Blues evening took place on Wednesday 13th February. A total of 101 students were awarded Blues for Academic Excellence after gaining 50 credits or more in NCEA at Excellence level during 2018; 45 of our Year 11 students, 38 of our Year 12 students (below left) and 18 of our Year 13 students. Junior Dux was awarded to Katie O’Higgins-Thomass. The Thirlestane Award for the Highest Aggregate in Year 13 was awarded to Christian Poland. Congratulations also to our Subject Scholarship Award winners; Alex Medland (Drama), Sabrina Yarndley (Chemistry) and Christian Poland (Calculus and History). Our guest speaker, Rose Gannaway, (below right with Year 13 Dean Mrs Johnston) was our 2014 Deputy Head Girl and the
Issue 01 2019
We were delighted with our overall 2018 NCEA results, which were well above the average for other decile 7 schools at all 3 levels, and for University Entrance, including for both boys and girls. This year has got off to a great start for our Year 7’s most of who have just returned from camp at a new location in Ruakaka.
Outdoor education will be a highlight for many students this year, alongside our annual camps and class trips, students have the opportunity to experience 20 days in China during the October holidays with Dr Qing Zhang and Antipodean personal development specialists and travel experts. Next July students will have the same opportunity to explore Borneo. Our Year 13 Design Technology students are already planning to compete at the 2019 EVolocity Nationals in Christchurch being held at the end of the year; and a trip to America in 2020 is being planned for our Dance students, where they are hoping to perform at Disney World in Orlando, representing Our Place on the international stage. I look forward to formally introducing our 2019 Head Prefects in our next newsletter and updating our community on progress regarding our ongoing forest restoration project and our new trade academy. David Macleod PRINCIPAL
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 45
It’s just on dusk and the Kawau Kat is mid channel between ‘Man O War Passage’ Great Barrier Island and Little Barrier Island. The vessel glides to a slow idle as a huge pod of dolphins surrounds us.
These graceful creatures are jumping and cavorting all around the boat, dancing in around its wake. Everyone aboard is at the railings taking in the fantastic spectacle. The captain reckons it’s the most dolphins he’s ever seen in one place. What a fitting climax to our Year 13’s week away, tramping and camping around the northern reaches of Great Barrier Island. Five groups of 20 students, parents and staff had set out from Sandspit five days earlier, to arrive early
dawn at Port Fitzroy. From there, each set out for a different location to begin the hikes along the Kiwiriki, Mt Hobson, Haratoanga and the Tramline trails. The tramps are tough, strenuous uphill and down again battles in the blazing heat of the day. But the party conquered all as the numerous blisters, cuts, scrapes and aching muscles can attest. Each group had their own special moment; whether fighting off the sharks at Haratoanga Beach; feasting on the eels at The Green;
swimming lazily around Busch’s Beach; or taking the terrifying mattress drop at Okiwi School. Unfortunately another great camp came to an end; our students coming away with a new found respect for their endurance and many great new friendships and experiences to remember for a lifetime. For the record, Mr King’s Baker Company took top honors in the ‘Great Barrier Island Idol Variety Show’ with a very tuneful and heartfelt rendition of their version of ‘The Cup Song’.
YEAR 7 COMPUTATIONAL THINKING A TASTY SUCCESS! One aspect of computational thinking is being able to write instructions that others can follow. Students in 7HEA were asked to record clear and detailed instructions for making a simple ham and cheese toasted sandwich. The other students in their group then had to follow their instructions. It was a very engaging (and tasty) exercise in clarity of instructions!
George D’Urban-Burgess ACHIEVER OF THE MONTH HEAD BOY Academic Blue Excellence L1 & L2 Sports Blue for 2018 Member of Sports Academy Member of Senior Mixed Nationals Touch Team Athletic Champion Member of 1XV Rugby With Marius Muller, Operations Manager Mitre 10 Mega Warkworth
Proudly Supporting Mahurangi College
Cnr Woodcocks Rd & Mansel Drive WARKWORTH Phone 425 8119
46 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
There was plenty of air action this year.
Speed thrills at Omaha A moderate to heavy swell made for ideal conditions for thundercat racing at Omaha Beach on February 16. Although a small field of about six teams took part, they provided plenty of action for spectators on the beach. Local competitor Josiah Diprose, who races with Steven Robertson in We Raise, said the surf made racing “interesting”. “Plenty of boats were hitting the buoys, but that’s not unusual in thundercat racing,” he said. “Overall, I think the conditions were pretty comfortable.” Josiah is nursing a minor ankle fracture after We Raise capsized. Hibiscus Coast team The Kitchen People took out line honours, followed by Bathrooms By Elite second and Total Oils third. We Raise finished fourth after flipping the boat. It was the Kitchen People’s first win in a round. Club spokesperson Michael Graves said the winners did an amazing job driving in the testing conditions and had honed their skills after the nationals. The thundercats will race again in Raglan in four weeks time. The We Raise team is currently seeking sponsorship after qualifying to compete in Queensland later this year.
Rochelle Record, co owner/operator and coach at Warkworth CrossFit.
Crossfit athletes take podium honours Four Warkworth Mums took up the crossfit challenge at an international competition held in Auckland on February 9 and came home with three firsts in three divisions. The team – Rochelle Record, Kim Grison, MadelineMarie May and Anna Crawford – represented Warkworth’s first team entry in the event, although Record has had success singly on two prior occasions. Warkworth CrossFit owner Sharaf Workman says the competition is the largest ‘women only’ crossfit event in NZ and Warkworth’s performance was “super strong”. “It was an international event attracting around 150
entrants, so for three women from Warkworth to take out three divisions was a really strong performance.” Record won the Masters over 40 division, Grison the Masters over 50, and May the Beginners. Sharaf says the Warkworth team undertook special training in tactics and competition techniques in the six weeks leading up to the competition, training on average about two hours a day. “They had to be prepared to do anything, from barbells and weightlifting to gymnastic, handstands and box jumps. There was a diverse range of exercises which made for a really great day’s entertainment as well.”
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Mar 3
Mar 4
Mar 5
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Mar 15
2:19am 3.1 3:16am 3.0 4:15am 2.9 5:14am 2.9 6:10am 2.9 12:36am 1.0 1:23am 0.9 2:05am 0.9 2:44am 0.8 3:20am 0.8 3:56am 0.8 4:32am 0.8 5:10am 0.8 5:50am 0.8 12:35am 3.1 1:21am 3.0 2:14am 3.0 8:19am 0.9 9:18am 1.0 10:17am 1.1 11:15am 1.1 12:09pm 1.1 7:01am 3.0 7:47am 3.0 8:29am 3.1 9:09am 3.1 9:46am 3.2 10:23am 3.2 11:00am 3.2 11:38am 3.1 12:18pm 3.1 6:34am 0.9 7:23am 0.9 8:20am 1.0
Tide 2:39pm 3.1 3:33pm 2.9 4:30pm 2.8 5:29pm 2.8 6:25pm 2.8 12:58pm 1.0 1:43pm 1.0 2:25pm 0.9 3:05pm 0.8 3:43pm 0.8 4:20pm 0.7 4:58pm 0.7 5:37pm 0.7 6:17pm 0.7 1:01pm 3.1 1:48pm 3.0 2:41pm 3.0 7:01pm 0.8 7:50pm 0.8 8:46pm 0.8 7:18pm 2.8 8:05pm 2.9 8:47pm 3.0 9:26pm 3.0 10:03pm 3.1 10:39pm 3.1 11:16pm 3.1 11:54pm 3.1 Times 8:46pm 0.8 9:43pm 0.9 10:44pm 1.0 11:43pm 1.0 7:04am 8:03pm
Sun Fishing Guide Moon
7:05am 8:02pm
Best At
7:37am 8:02pm
7:06am 8:01pm
Best At
8:27am 8:52pm
7:07am 7:59pm
Best At
9:16am 9:41pm
7:08am 7:58pm
Best At
10:06am 10:30pm
7:09am 7:57pm
Best At
10:54am 11:18pm
7:10am 7:55pm
Best At
7:11am 7:54pm
Best At
12:04am 12:26pm
7:12am 7:52pm
Best At
12:49am 1:10pm
7:13am 7:51pm
Best At
1:32am 1:53pm
7:14am 7:50pm
Best At
2:15am 2:36pm
7:14am 7:48pm
Best At
2:57am 3:18pm
7:15am 7:47pm
Best At
3:40am 4:01pm
7:16am 7:45pm
Best At
4:24am 4:46pm
7:17am 7:44pm
Best At
5:09am 5:33pm
7:18am 7:42pm
Best At
5:58am 6:23pm
7:19am 7:41pm
Best At
6:50am 7:17pm
Best At
7:45am 8:13pm
Last New First Quarter Moon Quarter Rise 12:29am Rise 1:10am Rise 1:55am Rise 2:44am Rise 3:35am Rise 4:29am Rise 5:25am Rise 6:20am Rise 7:16am Rise 8:13am Rise 9:09am Rise 10:06am Rise 11:05am Rise 12:05pm Rise 1:07pm Rise 2:09pm Set 12:22am Set 2:51pm Set 3:47pm Set 4:40pm Set 5:27pm Set 6:10pm Set 6:48pm Set 7:23pm Set 7:54pm Set 8:25pm Set 8:54pm Set 9:22pm Set 9:52pm Set 10:23pm Set 10:57pm Set 11:37pm Rise 3:11pm *Not for navigational purposes.
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Good Fishing
Fair Fishing
Not So Good
Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
Licensee Agent Snells Beach 021 544 769 E. mick.fay@raywhite.com W. mickfay.raywhite.com
What’s on
See localmatters.co.nz/whats-on.html for a full list of upcoming events
February 28 28
NZTA Warkworth to Te Hana motorway project office open to public, 11C Neville Street, Warkworth, 9.30am-12.30pm. Info: nzta.govt.nz/warkworth-wellsford NZTA Warkworth to Te Hana motorway indicative route, public information day, Wellsford Community Centre, 3-7pm. Info: nzta.govt.nz/warkworth-wellsford
March 1
1 2 3 4
5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 10
10 14 16
World Day of Prayer Service, Warkworth Methodist Church, Neville Street, at 10am. This year the ecumenical service has been prepared by the women of Slovenia. Morning tea follows the service. All welcome. Gospel singer Jules Riding performs at the Little & Local Cafe, Snells Beach, 7.30pm (see story p17) NZTA Warkworth to Te Hana motorway indicative route, public information day, Warkworth Town Hall, Alnwick Street, 10am-2pm. Info: nzta.govt.nz/warkworth-wellsford Wellsford Children’s Fun Day, Centennial Park, Wellsford, noon-4pm. $5 to try 10 activities, including Zorbs, pony rides, Segways and a petting zoo. (see story p17) Snells Beach Ratepayers & Residents Assn general meeting, Mahurangi East Community Centre, Snells Beach, 7.30 pm. Guest speaker Gary Heaven on the Snells Beach to Warkworth Walkway. Wellsford Community Plan pop-up forum, 187 Rodney Street, 10am-1pm (see story p12) NZTA Warkworth to Te Hana motorway project office open to public, 11C Neville Street, Warkworth, 9.30am-12.30pm. Info: nzta.govt.nz/warkworth-wellsford Wellsford Community Plan pop-up forum, 187 Rodney Street, 1-4.30pm (see story p12) NZTA Warkworth to Te Hana motorway indicative route, public information day, Te Hana Hall, Whakapirau Road, 3-7pm. Info: nzta.govt.nz/warkworth-wellsford Warkworth Area Liaison Group for all interested in Warkworth community issues. RSA basement meeting room, 7.30pm. Info Steve Haycock 0274 963 711 Olympian Rebecca Wardell talk, Sawmill Brewery, Leigh Road, 6pm. Fundraiser for Forward Foundation (see story p38) Wellsford Community Plan pop-up forum, 187 Rodney Street, 10am-1pm (see story p12) Wellsford Community Plan pop-up forum, 187 Rodney Street, 10am-1pm (see story p12) Songs of the Soul, Hungry Elephant, Matakana Road, 6pm Wellsford Plunket Gala Black Tie Dinner, Wellsford RSA, 6.30pm. Tickets $50 each or $400 for a table from Tania Hamilton on 021 264 0424 Take A Kid Fishing, Sandspit Wharf, organised by Warkworth Lions Club. Registrations close March 7, no late entries accepted. Info and registration forms: Email takeakidfishingwarkworth@gmail.com Matakana Tennis Club tournament celebrating the new astro turf, Jubilee Park, 10am start. All welcome (see story p48) Celebration of Parks Week guided walk. Matheson Bay Reserve, 10am-noon. Meet end of Grand View Road at carpark. Bookings essential: sinead.brimacombe@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Warkworth A&P Show / NZ Young Farmer of the Year regional finals, Warkworth Showgrounds, 8am-4pm (see feature p36-37)
List your event by emailing the details to online@localmatters.co.nz
February 27, 2019 Mahurangimatters 47
Friday 1st March
Friday 22nd March
John Mcgough
Kane Steves
Friday 8th March
Friday 29th March
Tammy D arth
Friday 15th March
Gerry Lee
Tuesday Night Poker at 6:30 Thursday cards at 1 pm Snooker Wednesdays at 12 Ladies pool Thursdays at 1 pm
Not a member - Try us with a no cost 1 month temporary member card, available at the Bar when you call in.
28 Neville Street, Warkworth Phone 425 8568
48 Mahurangimatters February 27, 2019
Line honours for Mangawhai waka ama Matakana Open A team of Mangawhai Waka Ama Club paddlers took out line honours in the 24km double relay event at Takapuna Beach earlier this month. The team – Brandon Barclay and Jacki Fanning in one boat, and Ray Tischik and Emma Fisher in the other – crossed the line 30 minutes ahead of their nearest rival. Barclay, who is also the club co-captain, says it was a “pretty awesome” result for a club, which started just two years ago. Altogether, just under 100 crews, including some from overseas, competed in the various races, ranging from 18km to 42km. “The conditions were terrible,” Brandon says. “Last year we finished one of the races in four hours, but with the wind and sea conditions this year, it took us more than five hours. Some boats overturned and there were others that snapped in two. “It was pretty extreme and the hardest racing I’ve ever done.” The club has nearly 40 members, both men and women, and ranging in age up to paddlers in their seventies. “Kaipara District Council has just granted us a lease for land on the foreshore of the estuary, just north of the camping ground, and we’re in the throes of moving a six-metre shipping container onto the site. This will give us a base and somewhere to store our gear.” New members are welcome to join a weekly social paddle on Saturdays at 8.30am. More information is also available on the club’s Facebook page.
tennis invitation
Jo Tisch, front, and Brandon Barclay doing battle with the waves.
More than one crew came a cropper during the Takapuna Beach Cup.
The Matakana Tennis Club will host the inaugural Matakana Open at the newly refurbished tennis courts in Jubilee Park on March 10. Club president David O’Sullivan says that the tournament is the first of its kind for the village and one the club hopes to build on in the coming years to create a festival type event. “The Matakana tennis scene is making the comeback of the century,” David says. “We’re a 125-year-old club that over the past few decades has only had broken asphalt to play on. But thanks to the support of the community and sponsors, we’ve raised enough funds to Astroturf and windbreak the three courts.” David says the courts will be a real community asset and will also be available to the Matakana Primary School, which doesn’t have courts. More than 80 children have already attended coaching and play at the courts. Funds now need to be raised to provide toilet facilities, and eventually lighting and a clubhouse with some shade. The next big event after the Matakana Open will be the Club Champs in May. Info: FB Matakana Tennis Club or david@matakanatennisclub.org
Visit us on Facebook for daily notices MahurangiMatters
It was such a relief to be able to have my endoscopy done here in Warkworth I really didn’t want to face the inconvenience and pressure of a trip to Auckland. All that traffic, finding parking and the cost are things I just don’t want to put up with these days. It was a real blessing to be able to get the expert surgical hospital care and attention right here in Warkworth. We simply asked our GP if the proceedure could be done at Rodney Surgical and the rest was plain sailing.
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Glyn Williams Warkworth resident