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What’s on


28 An Evening with Ruud Kleinpaste - The Bug Man, Mahurangi College, 6-8.30pm. Koha at the door. Hosted by The Forest Bridge Trust.


28 Warkworth Ladies Rebus club meeting, Besoul, 3/12 Gumfield Drive, 10am

28 Warkworth Music AGM, Mezzanine room of Warkworth Town Hall, 7pm


1 Old Geezers Picnic, Sullivan’s Bay. 10.30am. Camaraderie and chat with Men’s Rebus. Bring something for the barbie. Info: Ron 422 3111 or Tom 021 384 577

1 Warkworth Liaison Group meeting, Warkworth RSA downstairs meeting room, 7.30pm. All welcome

3 World Day of Prayer Service Holy Name Catholic Church, Alnwick Street Warkworth, 1.30pm. Service prepared by the Women of Taiwan. All welcome.

4 Summer Serenade – Jazz in the Garden, Couldrey House, Wenderholm Regional Park. Gates open 4pm, concert starts 6pm.

4 Warkworth annual Cosplay Picnic, Cement Works, Warkworth, 10.30am

4 Warkworth RSA fishing competition, tickets $30 adults, under 16 $10. Weighin 2pm-4pm. Info: warkworthrsa.co.nz/fishingclub

4 Seaweek event, Tawharanui Regional Park, 11am -2pm, organised by Forest & Bird and TOSSI. Explore the rock pools, snorkel the reef (bring your own gear) and learn about our special marine environment from some experts. (see brief p30)

5 Hockey Have-a-Go Day, Warkworth Showgrounds (see story back page)

8 International Women’s Day celebration, Women’s Centre Rodney, 10 Morpeth St, Warkworth, 3.30pm-5pm. Coffee and cake to celebrate. RSVP by March 3 to info@womenscentrerodney.org.nz

9 Operatunity Daytime Concerts presents When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, Warkworth Town Hall, 11am

10-12 Women on Water Weekend, Gulf Harbour Yacht Club. A chance for women, regardless of their sailing ability, to experience the fun of sailing. Info: admin@ ghyc.co.nz

11 Warkworth & District RSA market, 8am-1pm

12 The Barfoot and Thompson annual Raft Race, Mahurangi River, Warkworth (see story p31)

15 A Night in the Gardens of Spain, Miles Jackson, classical guitar and flamenco, Whangateau Hall, 7.30pm

16 Bridge Lessons, 10-week course, for beginners and those needing a refresher. Info: warkworthbc@gmail.com

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