3 minute read
Tree schemes explained
Beef + Lamb NZ will hold a workshop at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex on May 1 focused on generating a return on integrating trees on farms. It will be an interactive workshop talking about the different ways of integrating trees into a farm system and developing an understanding of the emissions trading scheme (ETS). Specifically, it will cover:

• An overview of climate change and policy issues
• The Zero Carbon Bill and Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
• The ETS definition of forest land, how to register and the opportunities and trade-offs.
• On-farm carbon sequestration – the role of trees and soil

• Carbon units – how they work and example calculations
• Greenhouse gas emissions in the context of New Zealand farming

• Funding options
• Which tree species – exotic and indigenous – where and why
• Riparian planting and shelter belts
• Understanding a farm’s natural capital and the opportunities available to build resilience for your farming business.
A B+LNZ spokesperson says farmers will leave the four-hour workshop with a clear idea of which options they wish to explore further. It will be of particular interest to hill or high-country farmers with marginal land.
The workshop starts at 10am and registration is essential as spaces are limited. To register, go to: https://events. beeflambnz.com/home

Bowls season winds up
By Ian Bradnam
The end of the season proved a busy few weeks at the Leigh Bowling Club. The final night of business house bowls on April 14 ended in a draw. Fading light prevented the final match from being finished, so the two top teams – KP Farms and King Tide Tattoo – were declared joint winners.

On the following day, April 15, 12 teams competed in the triples Life Members tournament. Congratulations to the winning team of Stuart MacDonald, Neil Cruden and Staun Popham.
The final event for the season was the fours Invitational Tournament held last Saturday, April 22.
Meanwhile, the Kitty Hawke Club, which travels to various clubs to play tournaments to raise money for local charities, visited Leigh recently and we raised $1000 which was donated to the Leigh Fire Brigade. We thought this was appropriate due to the excellent work they have been doing during the summer’s weather events.
Farmers feed workshop
On March 4, Steve Mantle and Mike Beretta took out the Drawn Pairs tournament.
The 2x4x2 pairs tournament was won by a visiting team from the Point Chevalier Bowling Club. This is an interesting variation on the game where the first two players bowl two bowls each, the second players in each team bowl four bowls, and then the first two players play their last two bowls.

The Handicap pairs was won by Matt Lennan and first year bowler, Symon Morrice.
The club’s annual meeting will be held at the clubrooms on June 11, at 2pm. It will be followed by prizegiving and a farewell to bar manager Karin Richfield. Karin has done a magnificent job for a number of years, with the help of husband Don.
The greens will now remain dormant for a couple of months in preparation for next season.
It has been a difficult season for greenkeeper Lance Michele, but he has once again done a magnificent job.
The club welcomes visitors to the club either for a rollup or a drink at the bar.
A workshop on feed budgeting will be held at the Whangaripo Valley Hall, 1272 Whangaripo Valley Road, on Thursday May 4, from 10am to 2pm. The workshop will explore the principles and opportunities for setting up successful winter rotations on both sheep and beef farms, and efficient beef systems. Industry experts will discuss topics such as what is feed budgeting and how to understand feed demand and feed supply. Participants will come away from the day with a clear picture of how you will implement a successful winter rotation within a farm system and hear from other farmers about how they set themselves up for a successful winter. The workshop is free and lunch will be provided. Register at https://events.beeflambnz.com/

The Wellsford District Pony Club will hold its annual general meeting at the Junction Restaurant on Wednesday May 17, starting at 7pm. All welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Matakana Tennis Club, on Matakana Valley Road, has changed its social tennis night from Thursday to Wednesday, still starting at 6pm. All welcome.

The Warkworth Tennis & Squash Club will run the Hot Shots tennis programme on Monday nights during Term 2. Players will be grouped by age (5-8 years, 8-10 years, 9-12 years, and 12yrs plus). Sessions are limited to six players; cost is $162 for nine sessions. Bookings: aceem.helloclub.com
Winter competition on Thursdays, starting May 4. Registrations close April 28. Comp will either be 7’s /9’s/11’s depending on numbers. Umpires get paid. Register your team or individual to our email, warkworthhockey@gmail.com. Please get in touch with any information or questions at https://sites.google.com/site/warkworthsocialhockey
Snells Beach Indoor Bowls meet at the Mahurangi East Community Centre, Hamatana Rd, on Mondays at 12.30pm, beginners welcome. Info: Pam 425 6405


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