6 minute read
Artificial golf arrives in Tapora
Tapora Golf Course reopened this month, becoming NZ’s first golf course to have entirely artificial greens.
Over the past four months, the course has undergone a major redevelopment, including replacing what were the course’s traditional grassed putting strips.
The conversion to an all-weather playing amenity cost the club in the region of $500,000. However, the club calculates that the initial upfront outlay will eventually pay for itself over five years through savings associated with reduced greenkeeper’s wages and lower operating expenses for specialist green lawnmowers, turf maintenance machinery, grass fertiliser, weed control and irrigation.
The new artificial turf – comparable to sports surfaces already now widely used in New Zealand for hockey and soccer pitches – has an estimated life of up to 15 years if maintained carefully. With the underlying civil works and landscaping to establish the new greens undertaken as a one-off cost, replacing the artificial greens at their end of their eventual ‘best by’ date will be considerably cheaper.
Construction of the greens encompassed excavating nearly a metre of subsoil, which was then back-filled with free-draining rocks, followed by a layer of smaller gravel, then topped off with sand – all of which was compacted with heavyweight rollers normally used for roading construction.
The new greens replicate holes golfers would expect to find on a typical course –with gentle undulations, some slopes, and in some cases two-tiered greens. Each hole features multiple pin placements, which can be changed on a regular basis to ensure variety for players.
In conjunction with the new greens being installed, the club also took advantage of the temporary closure of the facility to lengthen its fairways and install new tee boxes – adding not only distance to some holes, but also creating multiple angles to its nine holes.
Club spokesman and one of the main people behind the course upgrade and overhaul, Greg Inger, said the club was excited about becoming the first golfing amenity in New Zealand to bravely go where no other course in the country had ventured.
“The artificial turf which has been laid down is ‘next generation’ in terms of the playing experience it offers players,” Inger said. “We’re not talking about teeing up on mini-golf style carpet here, but a simulated artificial grass surface which plays just like a normal green, except that you won’t find pitch marks or annoying weed growth coming through.
“Golf as a sport is on a huge popularity wave at the moment, and in fact has been since early 2020 when Covid-19 conditions meant people were looking for a recreational activity which could be played in ‘lockdown’ conditions. While general society is now back to a degree of normality, the momentum for golf has continued on.
“As a result, most golf courses in and around Auckland are now heavily booked over weekends – with strong numbers of women, youngsters, and families getting into the game.

“Tapora Golf Club is aiming to be a genuine playing option for those struggling to find tee times on city courses – whether they are looking to play a social round with friends, a competitive challenge on a full length course, or are looking for a golf course with classic Kiwi rural feel to it.
“We expect that the attraction of offering all-weather greens on a predominantly sand base soil structure – the only ones of their type in New Zealand – will come to the fore over winter, when rain impacts on the playing viability for many courses.”
Tapora Golf Club celebrated its official opening of the new greens facility with a well-patronised tournament this month, including members and guest players travelling from across Auckland and Northland to be part of the special occasion.
The 18-hole/par-72 course is open to the public for $25 a round.
Our annual Cross Country Championships took place before the worst of our recent deluge, but with appropriately muddy conditions still testing all students. Congratulations to the winners and all who competed. Thanks to the PE department, sports prefects, sports council and Year 12 PE classes for helping run this event. The top 3 placegetters for Years 9-13 are competing at the North Harbour Championships this week. Mr Lenihan is the teacher in charge of our cross country team, good luck to those competitors.

After many months of planning, our Hōteo Wero camps are finally underway, based at the Dills farm. Students have enjoyed the challenge of being offthe-grid, strengthening friendships and exploring the local area. Rather than a checklist of activities, these camps are centred on connecting - with the environment, with classmates, and with your own self. Sitting around the campfire, cooking food, telling ghost stories and disconnecting from the pressures of the everyday world are a big part of the experience. Our thanks to all those in the community who have supported this vision.
On the last day of Term 1, Year 8 STEAM Drama/Dance students from Huia and Kea syndicates put on a shadow theatre performances for 3 & 4 year olds from early childhood centres: Tiny Explorers and Kindercare. The main aim of the shadow theatre plays was to teach the children about what a Kaitiaki is and how to be one. Feedback from the centres mentioned that they loved watching the performances and better understood what a Kaitiaki is and how to look after the environment.

As part of their unit on NZ Histories, our Year 8 students had the opportunity to visit the Auckland War Memorial Museum. They learnt about the history of Maori and Pacific migration to Aotearoa, how and why they migrated and the importance of these connections. They were also able to handle some of the museum’s taonga and objects. The lessons integrated Te Reo Māori throughout and encouraged the practice of the language by exploring. Our students were also fortunate to have time to explore the rest of this amazing museum. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered for the day to help out.

Practices for our 2023 school production are well underway. This year our show is Freaky Friday, a hilarious contemporary update of the classic novel by Mary Rodgers and the hit Disney films. It promises to be another hit. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for sneak peak photos from our dress rehearsals and information regarding ticket sales. Performances begin 19 June.
This year, Mahurangi College partnered with Kura Kai, a charitable organisation that provides chest freezers to high schools around NZ. With a simple kaupapa of whānau cooking for whānau, the freezer is filled with meals made by volunteers, to be freely shared to support our school and wider community. To get us started, our Year 12 Health class made 100 nutritious meals to be added to the freezer. These meals will be passed out to anyone in need of a little aroha. We want all our Kura Kai meals to be freely and widely accessed - it’s a small way we can teach our kids how to care and think of others in a practical way. If you would like to be involved in any way with Mahurangi College Kura Kai by making some meals, donating financially or simply know of someone in need of a meal, please get in touch. For more information visit our school website or email us directly at: kurakai@mahurangi.school.nz

Tony Giles - PRINCIPAL
NZSS U16 Football Team

Football Player of the Year 2022
Member of 1st XI Cricket
Member of Boys Football 1st XI
Sport Blue Recipient 2022
Mangawhai Kyokushin Karate classes are held on Tuesday evenings in the Mangawhai Senior Citizens Community Hall, in Fagan Place, from 5pm to 6pm. All welcome. Enquiries, phone Garry Clarke on 021 0333 999
Students aged between 13 and 17 are invited to join a Saturday waka ama get-together at the Mangawhai estuary, off Sellars Drive near the campground, from 8.30am. Details, contact Nicole on 021 662 943
Netball Rodney would like to hear from any coffee cart owners out there who might be keen to provide hot drinks at the Centennial Park courts on Saturday mornings. For more information, email netballrodneycenter@xtra.co.nz
The Make It Happen Golf Day, raising funds for the Tinui Primary School in Masterton, which was badly damaged by Cyclone Gabrielle, will be held at the Warkworth Golf Club on June 4. The event is being organised by Mahurangi College. It will be a three person Ambrose team event for both handicapped and non-handicapped players. The cost is $300 per team; hole sponsorship $500, which includes a team entry. To enter a team or sponsor a hole, email m.neville@mahurangi.school.nz Play starts at 11am.
Snells Beach Indoor Bowls meet at the Mahurangi East Community Centre, Hamatana Rd, on Mondays at 12.30pm, beginners welcome. Info: Pam 425 6405