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Community rallies after quad bike crash
The community has been rallying round to support the McLean family of Whangateau after their quad bike plunged 50 metres down a steep bank in Ashton Road on the morning of Saturday, May 28.

Paula McLean suffered a serious head injury in the fall and was taken by rescue helicopter to Auckland Hospital, while her husband John and twin daughters Jasmine and Delilah sustained moderate injuries.

Sadly, Bruce, the family dog, did not survive.
Since the accident, there has been an outpouring of love, support and generosity to help the family, with hundreds of people donating money, meals, groceries and more via Givealittle, Meal Train and Gull Matakana.
Family friends who are coordinating support for the McLeans said it was incredible to see the community come together to help a much-loved family on what could be a long road to recovery.

In a statement to supporters released last Thursday, June 1, they said Paula could be in hospital for a significant time to come.
“With these sorts of injuries, it is very difficult to predict definite outcomes or understand exactly what the future might hold.
“However, Paula’s progress since the accident has been good, and in fact surprised and pleased the medical team.
“We all know the tenacious, capable and wonderful person she is, and her deep love for her family, and if anyone can recover continued page 2
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