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Scottish dancers
Members of the Warkworth Silver Oaks Scottish Country Dancing Club welcomed dancers from Kaiwaka, Ranfurly and Hibiscus Coast dancing clubs to their first birthday celebration recently.

The dancers danced a selection of jigs, reels and strathspeys together before sharing lunch.
Teacher Elaine Goldthorpe says Scottish country dancing is a fun way of getting and staying fit without knowing it.
“The dancing is very sociable and you don’t need a partner,” she says. “We all swap around partners to get to know each other.”
Elaine added that the safety of dancers was a priority.
“All ages are welcome and it is an ideal form of exercise for relaxing and keeping fit during retirement.
“Do come and try it out. We have heaps of patience with beginner dancers.”
From June 9, Warkworth Silver Oaks Club will meet in the Shoesmith Hall every Friday, from 10am to midday. Weekly fee is $5 (or $10 annually), which includes coffee and biscuit. Dancers need to wear soft soled flat shoes.
Info: elainegold@xtra.co.nz or phone 027
432 0032

Choir conjures movie magic
The Matakantata Choir will present a high energy, fun show at the Matakana Hall on June 30 and the Warkworth Town Hall on July 2. The programme will be made up of music and songs from the movies. It will be a mix of styles with a strong collection of well-known modern favourites, including two Bond movie themes. The choir, directed by Jenny Eirena, will be accompanied by John Wells. Local teacher Charlotte Eyre will give a solo performance of the powerful song Stand Up, from the movie Harriet.
The choir is always keen to welcome new members, especially basses and tenors.
Matakantata Choir in rehearsal for their upcoming concerts.
It practice on Thursday evenings at the Matakana Hall, from 7pm. For more information phone Jenni on 423 0094.

The Matakana concert will start at 7.30pm and the Warkworth concert will start at 2.30pm. Tickets $20, gold coin for children.