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Rebus offers fellowship path


A friendship and fellowship club for retired men is keen to let other retirees know that its doors are open.

The Warkworth Men’s Rebus Club offers older men a place to meet, make friends and have a bit of social interaction beyond their homes.

“After a lifetime’s work, retirement is looked forward to either with anxiety or enthusiasm, usually the latter,” club president Stephen Becket says.
“However, nowadays with people living longer, we can expect to live about a quarter of our lives in retirement – that’s a long time.”
Becket says that Dr Riley Moynes, in a TED Talk on YouTube, categorises the evolution of retirement into four phases. “Sadly, often people don’t get beyond phase two.”
Phase 1 is the vacation stage and is about the sudden freedom of not being chained to a job. “It’s like a permanent holiday, but after a while it takes on a boredom of its own.”
Phase 2 is when the loss of routine, identity and relationships (the old office social circle, as well as friends or partners passing), and the loss of purpose and power start to kick in, with a resultant feeling of isolation.
“How long Phase 2 lasts is up to the individual.
“Phase 3 is when you make the effort to engage with others and this is where Rebus Club can benefit men.
“Finally, Phase 4 is reaching new goals and having meaning back in your life.”
Becket says the club doesn’t fundraise or run activities other than for members.
“The only commitment we ask is that you attend our meetings, which include speakers on interesting topics, and join in. We are a secular, non-political group and our members range from retired ship’s captains and airline pilots to farmers and tradesmen. They all have one thing in common – they are all interesting people who are happy to welcome others into our fellowship group.”
The club meets on the third Monday of the month at Shoesmith Hall, between 10am and noon, as well as hosting monthly coffee mornings at local cafes. Visitors are always welcome.

Annual membership is $20 which covers the cost of hall hire and incidentals. Becket says that there is also a Warkworth Ladies Rebus Club.
“While some Rebus clubs have amalgamated, here we have unanimously decided not to, although we very occasionally combine social events.” For more information, text Stephen Becket on 021 153 6721.