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unveiled Mahi toi
A mahi toi (artwork) for the AraTūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway project was unveiled at a dawn ceremony last week. It forms part of a series of artworks along the road, which reflect the history and values of mana whenua in the area. The two elements are a four-metre carved pou whenua and a stainless steel pouākai giant extinct eagle. The po whenua was designed and crafted by Wyvern Rosieur (Ngāti Manuhiri), while the pouākai is the work of Nathan Hull. The artwork is a tribute to Reipae –Tohitohi o Reipae Dome Valley takes its name from the Tainui ancestress Reipae. Reipae and Reitū (her sister) travelled on the back of a large pouākai and rested in the area on their way to Whangarei.
The smaller carving at the foot of the pou reflects the lives lost on the old stretch of road. “Reipae is here to protect and guide the spirits of those who have passed away, and to comfort their loved ones,” Wyvern says. The artists who worked under Wyvern were Uenuku Hawira (Ngāti Amaru), Hokimai-Anahera and Rerekapua Rosieur (Ngāti Manuhiri) and John Antonovich (Ngāti Manuhiri). Special motorway feature starts on page 21.
Coverage of last week’s official opening at www.localmatters.co.nz