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Mystery death under mason’s
The mysterious death of an Italian banker found hanging from a bridge in London more than 40 years ago will come under scrutiny in Warkworth on August 2.
Who Killed Roberto Calvi? is the title of a talk being given by Dr Mike Kearsley at the Rodney Freemasons Lodge at 12 Baxter Street at 8pm.
Known as God’s Banker due to his links with the Vatican, Calvi was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London in June 1982, his clothes weighed down with bricks and around US$13,000 in his wallet. He had been accused of stealing millions of dollars in the months before his death, which was originally thought to be suicide, but later judged to be murder, although despite several trials, no one has ever been convicted of killing him.
Kearsley, an experienced and popular lecturer on the international Freemason circuit, promises an entertaining look at the life and death of Calvi, examining his links with the Vatican, the Mafia and Freemasonry and who might have wanted him dead.
Tickets include a light supper with drinks and cost $20 per person. There will also be a collection for Rodney Lodge charitable work in the Warkworth area and for DEBRA, an international charity for sufferers of Epidermolysis Bullosa, or fragile skin that blisters and tears easily. Seating is limited, so early registration is encouraged – email rodney.lodge@ freemasons.org.nz

Kaipara funds open space projects
Community groups in Kaipara who are involved in enhancing public open space are invited to apply for funding from Kaipara District Council’s Reserves Contributions Fund. Last year, council distributed just over $258,000 to eight groups including Kaiwaka Can ($136.000), Kaiwaka Sports Association ($1900), Mangawhai Tracks Trust ($16,500), Maungaturoto Residents Association ($1945), Mangawhai Activity Zone ($56,000) and Paparoa Progressive Inc ($19,250). The total pool of funds this year is $250,000. The objective is to help groups create, improve and re-prioritise how open spaces and reserves are used in their communities. Projects could include landscaping, equipment provision or developing walking tracks. All applicants must be legal not-for-profit entities and have a volunteer component to the project. Applications close on July 17. Info: Community and engagement advisor (funding) Jenny Rooney grants@kaipara.govt.nz