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Year-long handover for old SH1
As the new motorway finally opens and grabs everybody’s attention with its super-smooth surface and dramatic hill cuttings, what happens to the old State Highway 1 between Puhoi and Warkworth?
Not much is the answer, at least for a year or so, although a new name will be on the cards quite soon.
The road stays in the ownership of Waka Kotahi for another year, until June 30, 2024, when it will be handed over to Auckland Transport (AT). A spokesperson said the two roading entities would work together during this time, the process for which is known as revocation.
“During the intervening period, Waka Kotahi and AT will continue to work through the various aspects associated with the transition of maintenance and operation responsibilities to AT,” the spokesperson said. This process will result in the road becoming a ‘local road’.
“Throughout this period, Waka Kotahi will continue to maintain the road so that it is handed over to AT in a manner that is fit-for-purpose as a local road.”

As for what the old SH1 will be called, for the time being it will be just that – old State Highway 1 – until Auckland Council, AT and Rodney Local Board can agree and leagally formalise a new name.
“Ultimately, the portion of road between McKinney Road and Johnstones Hill Tunnels will be renamed,” AT said. “Options are being considered and will be put forward to the local board to agree the new name. Consultation with property owners and mana whenua regarding the agreed name change will be undertaken by AT.”
The road within Warkworth already has three road names – Auckland Road, Brown Road and Great North Road –which AT said would be retained.
AT added that there were no plans to alter the road layout or speed limits for the coming year, but could not comment on whether there would or could be any speed limit changes once it takes over the road from July next year.
Key components of the project include a four lane dual carriageway, three interchanges, 850-metre twin bore tunnels under Kraack Road, a viaduct over the existing SH1 and Hoteo River, a bridge over Maeneene Stream, a series of cut and fills across the project area and changes to local roads.
The appeal periods for resource consents and Notice of Requirement have closed, and a small number of appeals have been filed.
Karma says discussions are continuing with the one remaining submitter in an effort to resolve the remaining appeal.
“Once the Environment Court process has concluded, Waka Kotahi will provide further information on the outcome of this process.”
About 1348 hectares will be affected by the new motorway, involving 205 land parcels (including local roads).
Waka Kotahi says the new road will provide a safe and resilient link connecting Northland communities and economy to the rest of New Zealand.
If delivered in a single stage, it will take five to seven years to complete.
Puhoi resident takes planning complaints to

“Utterly unacceptable” is how Puhoi resident Cornelius Dirven has described recent correspondence with Auckland Council’s planning department. He has referred his complaint to the Ombudsman after planners not only delayed his resource consent application, but expected him to pay additional costs for the delay.
Dirven owns just over 50 hectares on Ahuroa Road, west of the Puhoi village. He has subdivided four two-to-three hectare sections over the past four years and recently applied to subdivide a further two sections.

He says the application was straightforward and should have been processed within the 20-day timeframe.
“But the application, along with personal information, was referred to a consulting firm of planners without my knowledge or consent,” he says.
“After 18 days, they contacted me and said they needed another 20 days to