4 minute read
Out of this world holiday challenge
While most school students were off to the movies or the mall during the recent school holidays, three Rodney College senior students visited Mars.
At least that was the challenge they faced as participants in Grapple 23, held in Christchurch.
Bhavya Sharma, Jeremiah Guevara and Reef Brown were among about 20 students from around NZ chosen to compete in the annual event, designed to test the creativity, imagination and technological knowledge of the participants.

The students faced the challenge of being the first humans to settle Mars, where they met a variety of space-specific challenges including sustainable water supplies, soil quality and the health impacts of lessened gravity. Their challenge was to identify an issue and spend a week working on an innovative solution.

“We were told to let our imaginations run wild while trying to think of the backstory for a specific product that would help make human life easier on the planet.,”
Sharma says.
“We had a wide range of tools available to use to aid our design, such as multiple 3D printers, CNC router, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, iPads, MacBooks, Apple pencils and multiple other techy things.
“If we were ever in need of something that wasn’t already available in the workshop, we just had to ask and it would be organised for us ASAP.”
Sharma says it was an opportunity to use tools that they would not normally have access to.
“We also learned how to work with people we didn’t know and come together as a team. We all learned a lot of new and different skills.
“I loved hanging out with new people and making new friends, as well as the late night walks, the delicious food, bonding with the other contestants and especially the E scooter, which I managed to travel 70km on over the five-day period!”
Sharma said he would definitely recommend the event to other Year 12 and 13 students who had the opportunity to attend.
“It opens up new opportunities for your future, as well as providing new experiences and memories. The participants are given access to equipment which their school may or may not be able to provide, and it allows your imagination to run free.”
Grapple 23 was organised by the YMCA and the event’s main sponsor was Architectus.
1 Highfield Garden Reserve & Donkey Society AGM, Betty Paxton Room, Mahurangi East Community Centre, 4pm. All welcome.
2 Warkworth Liaison Group meeting, downstairs meeting room at Warkworth RSA, Mill Lane, 7pm
2 Who Killed Robert Calvi talk, Rodney Freemasons Lodge, 12 Baxter Street, 8pm. All welcome, registration encouraged as seating is limited. Email rodney. lodge@freemasons.org.nz
3 Demystifying dementia talk, with Paddy Sullivan from Age Concern Rodney, Wellsford RSA, 11am.
4-6 Art in August, Warkworth Hotel, 10am-4.30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm. Exhibition featuring local artists and Mahurangi College students. (see story p21)
6 Tawharanui Planting Day, 9am-1pm. Meet at the Woolshed; tools, gloves and lunch provided
6 Morning Rave, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 9-11am. Dance music, Elemento coffee, massage. Info: Gareth Pring on 022 621 1496 (see story p15)
8 Omaha Wastewater Treatment Plant annual community liaison group meeting, Point Wells Bowling Club, 5pm (see story p20)
9 Learn how to crochet peggy squares with Dianne Cost, Snells Beach Baptist Church, 1-3pm. $5 per person. Bookings essential. Info: admin@sbbchurch.nz or ph 027 279 7206
10 Forest & Bird Warkworth Area Branch Winter Talk, Warkworth RSA downstairs meeting room, 7.30pm. Speaker Colin Harvey is passionate about renewable energy and will present background and current evidence for climate change from a geological/geochemical perspective. All welcome.
11-19 The Ghost Train, Warkworth Town Hall, 7pm (2pm, 13 and 19). Comedy thriller from Warkworth Theatre Group. Info and bookings: www.wwtheatre.co.nz (see story p22)
12 Wellness Hub Warkworth Area Connections Open Day, Matakana Hall, 1-4pm. Meet your local wellbeing therapists and try free mini-sessions. All welcome. Info: www.wellnesshub.nz
13 Matakana Junior Artisans Market, Matakana Hall, 10am-3pm. All stalls run and managed by kids. Face painting, plants, white elephant, food, hand made products and more. Country Retreat Animal Sanctuary bringing dogs for adoption. Info: JuniorArtisansMarket@gmail.com
16 Daffodil Day Bingo Night, Bowls Warkworth, 6pm, tickets $25. Reservations: Contact Charlene on 021 831488 (see story p5)
17 Rodney Neighbourhood Support AGM, St Chad’s Anglican Church, Centreway Road, Orewa, 7pm. Info: Margaret Faed on 021 258 3737 or email rns.coordinator@gmail.com (see story p28)

18 Seniors Expo, Wellsford Community Centre, 10am-2pm. Services and organisations of interest to older people.
18 Climate change and extreme weather: a New Zealand perspective, BeSoul Magnolia Room, 12 Gumfield Drive, Warkworth, 2pm-4pm. Speaker Dr Kevin E. Trenberth is a co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with other members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). RSVP: ralphpcooney1@ gmail.com
18 Rodney College Open Evening, from 5.30pm (see ad p17)
20 Wellsford Warkworth Vintage Car Club Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer, 10.30am start from North Shore Aero Club, Dairy Flat, arriving in Matakana from around 11.30am. Vehicles on display at car park next to Matakana School. Info: Leon Salt on 027 423 8122 (see story p5)
21 Low Vision Support Group, Summerset Falls Village, Warkworth, 1.30pm. All welcome. Info: enquiries@mcdonaldadams.co.nz
21 Beef + Lamb NZ Tree on Farms workshop, A&P Showgrounds, Helensville, 10am. Registration essential at https://beeflambnz.com/events (see story p26)
26 Book launch, Mahurangi East Library, 2pm. Author Eleanor Neil will introduce her debut children’s book Shoe Trouble.
26 Akarana Piano Quartet presented by Warkworth Music in partnership with Chamber Music New Zealand, Warkworth Town Hall, 4-6pm (see ad p21)
26 Catwalk Arts, Mahurangi College, 2pm and 7pm shows. Major fundraiser for Harbour Hospice
29 Daffodil Day Quiz Night, Mangawhai Tavern, 7pm. Bookings essential; phone John on 09 431 4505 (see story p5)
Friday 11th August
Friday 18th August
Friday 25th August