1 minute read


Colin Smith, Rodney Local Board colin.smith@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Time is running out


The local board has nine focused and passionate board members who are prepared to listen to the people. They are committed to their communities and put in long hours on the communities’ behalf. As one of the longest serving members of the board, it is heartening to see the end of the Rodney First coalition’s stranglehold and see these members working as independents, achieving better outcomes for all constituents.

After 13 years in the Supercity, Auckland Council still doesn’t understand the two most important requirements of the rural communities – safer roads and drainage. It shouldn’t take a weather event like Cyclone Gabrielle or Bola to address our already under-resourced infrastructure. Auckland Transport does, however, need to be acknowledged for the clean-up effort during Cyclone Gabrielle, bringing in extra grading teams. This needs to be the norm and not a short-term fix.

After seven years, the Te Arai and Okahukura drainage boards have been reinstated. Auckland Council discontinued them when they joined the Supercity. Drainage boards provide these communities with a management role to conduct the drainage requirements pursuant to the Drainage Act 1908. I appreciate the support of the Healthy Waters team and the drainage

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