Mahurangi Matters_Issue 315_29 March 2017

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March 29, 2017

Your Local Community Newspaper FREE

Proudly NZ Owned

Wild food and fun at Whangaripo festival What’s inside Motorway feature

pages 13-15

Easter holiday feature

pages 21-25

Oaks on Neville Street feature

Kids of all shapes and sizes were taking the strain in Whangaripo on March 18, when the community’s annual Wild Food Festival and children’s races took place at the Whangaripo Hall. Wild turkey terrine, tempura crickets and chocolatecovered cicadas were some of the more unusual delicacies on display, with more conventional local food and drink stalls outside and music from Mangawhai band The Aloha Corner. The annual community get-together finished with the traditional adults tug-of-war between Whangaripo Valley and the rest of the world, with the hosts maintaining their fouryear winning streak.

pages 26&27

Carpark sale thwarted – for now at least Sally Marden

An Auckland Council bid to sell Warkworth’s Baxter Street carpark was defeated at the last minute after Cr Greg Sayers and Rodney Local Board Chair Beth Houlbrooke joined forces to fight the proposal. Both representatives gave vigorous

presentations to Council’s Finance & Performance Committee on March 21, and Cr Sayers rallied local support on social media by encouraging residents and businesses to email councillors before and during the meeting. As a result, the committee agreed to delay selling the site until alternative parking options had been explored, repair and maintenance funding issues

had been resolved and a further report submitted, all within three months. Cr Sayers said the result was a victory, although there was no guarantee that Council wouldn’t vote to sell the carpark at a future date. “The main goal was to get the number of votes required to stop the approval of the sale,” he said. “Thanks to the

community groundswell of taking action, we won that vital battle.” The committee wants Council to explore whether there are better sites with at least the same number of carparks or more in Warkworth, and also whether the carpark could be sold with some kind of proviso that any purchaser would have to include

off the drawing board this month . . .

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continued page 2

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2 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017


Baxter St carpark

Issue 315

from page 1

Bakery workers, Tracey Gamble and Parmjit Singh, found the bag full of cash.

Mahurangi Matters

PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 NEWS: Jannette Thompson, editor Ben Donaldson Cathy Aronson

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ADVERTISING: Ariana Billington 022 029 1897 Ken Lawson 022 029 1899 ACCOUNTS: Angela Thomas

425 9068

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Martin Tomars Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 14,000 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.

Champions find lost cash The Champion Bakery in Wellsford has returned $10,000 cash to a South Korean visitor after a bag containing the money was left outside the shop. Bakery workers Tracey Gamble and Parmjit Singh were cleaning tables last month when they spotted the black ‘man bag’ and took it to their manager, Lee Seak. “I opened up the bag to see if there was any ID inside it,” Lee says. “I found a passport and realised it belonged to a man from South Korea.” He also found $10,000 in cash. Earlier that day, the man and his wife had visited the bakery with their daughter, who lives in Whangarei and whom the couple had flown from South Korea to visit. Two hours after the bag was found, the daughter called the Champion Bakery to check if they had left the bag there and whether it had been found. Lee asked her to describe the bag exactly and, after a matching description was given, the mother and daughter drove south to Wellsford to retrieve it.

Before handing it over, Lee asked the mother to write down the father’s name, just to make sure it matched the name on the passport. “They were almost brought to tears of joy when I handed the bag over,” Lee says. He says that in almost five years of working at the bakery, he sees about one item left behind each week, though this is by far the most valuable. Lee says the bakery usually holds on to lost items for a day, before handing them over to the Wellsford Police Station across the road if they aren’t claimed or collected. Most recently, a woman from the Bay of Plenty left behind a guitar, which she later retrieved from the police station. Wellsford Police support officer Lindy Lawn, who heard about the incident, praised the bakery and said it was indicative of the honesty in the community. “It’s so nice to know that people can be so caring,” she said.

carparking as part of development plans. Council officers confirmed the main reason for wanting to sell the carpark to avoid the potential $500,000 cost of essential repairs and maintenance. Ms Houlbrooke said it was extraordinary that Council had acquired such a major asset at amalgamation without allocating a maintenance budget for it. “It’s mismanagement of a Council asset to let something deteriorate without any plan to do remedial work,” she said. “We’re getting increased pressure from Panuku (Council’s property management division) to divest that property, which is why we put its development in our Board Local Plan. We want to retain it and develop it.” Both she and Cr Sayers stressed that Warkworth needed to increase parking, not reduce it, especially now the town was earmarked for even more significant growth. Ms Houlbrooke also pointed out that Auckland Transport was planning a trial bus service between the town and Silverdale next year, but had made no provision for extra parking around the service. However, she was relieved that the carpark had been saved, for now at least. “It was the best we could have hoped for under the circumstances,” she said. “At least they have got to come back with some options now. Had we not gone down there, it could just have sailed through. That’s what we need to do more of to make ourselves heard.”

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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Te Arai access in spotlight

Dean Munro and his family have owned the sawmill in Matakana Valley Road for 12 years.

Picking up the pieces after sawmill fire The owners of the Matakana Sawmill, Dean and Kim Munro, are picking up the pieces after a large fire destroyed part of the business on March 13. At least eight fire appliances from five volunteer brigades fought the blaze in the 360sqm finishing shed. It took about three hours to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to the rest of the sawmill and timber stocks. Dean was driving towards the mill along Matakana Valley Road when he saw smoke in the distance, but there was no mobile reception and he didn’t realise it was his business that was ablaze.

“As soon as I came over the hill, the phone started ringing,” Dean says. The fire destroyed the finishing shed, which contained the mill’s premium wood and valuable cutting and planing equipment. Dean says the fire spread quickly despite staff attempting to put it out and firefighters turning up quickly. “We really want to thank them once we’ve had a chance to get everything back on track,” he says. Dean says they have received overwhelming support from local residents and businesses, and work is already busy again. Everything else at

the mill is now operating as normal, including rough cuts, custom-milling and firewood sales. Assistant area fire commander John Booth said it was easy for the fire to spread in the dry timber, and there was not much they could do other than stop it from spreading to the rest of the mill. “A fire like this is devastating to any business and will be devastating to the owner of this business,” he said. The fire service was still investigating the cause of the fire, but it was not considered to be suspicious.

The developer of a luxury subdivision and golf course at Te Arai claims that it is improving access to Te Arai Beach. In response to NZ First concerns over the width of the public access easement, Te Arai North spokesperson David Lewis says the access has been widened, carparking has been increased and the new configuration allows for pedestrian and equestrian use. NZ First List MP Tracey Martin said that although the community had won the battle to retain the beach carpark on the sea front, it was her understanding that amendments to the width of the easement had occurred without public consultation. “With respect to the issue of consultation on the easement, the public – including the Save Te Arai group – were consulted on and agreed with minor changes to the configuration of Pacific Road into the carpark in the public reserve area during a consultation meeting last May,” Mr Lewis says. “Locals have been demanding that we widen the access easement into the Pacific Road carpark from the existing six to eight metres – the normal width of the road – to a full 50 metres, which is twice the width of a four lane motorway. The easement is already widened to the required average 50 metres.”

$9m wetland upgrade system planned for Wellsford water Plans to improve and upgrade Wellsford and Te Hana’s wastewater treatment plant took a significant step forward last month, with Watercare deciding on its preferred option and lodging a resource consent application. After considering 14 different options and carrying out extensive consultation, Watercare has opted for a $9 million upgrade to the existing treatment plant, which lies just east of Wellsford Golf Club off State Highway 1, employing

a new Advanced Wetland Treatment (AWT) system. AWT technology is new to New Zealand but, Watercare says, has achieved excellent treatment quality results internationally and has the potential to produce environmental benefits for the region, as well as benefitting comparable communities nationally in future. However, because it is a new system, a five-year pilot programme and

transition period is being proposed, during which time the existing wetland will be bypassed via a new 70m pipeline, to improve the quality of the final treated water. Treated wastewater will continue to be discharged into a tributary of the Hoteo River that runs alongside the treatment plant, and Watercare is planning a riparian planting scheme and stock fencing to enhance and protect this waterway.

Details of the proposal can be viewed at Warkworth Library in Baxter Street, or online at – search for publicly notified applications. Submissions can be made online at the Auckland Council website – search for Resource Consent submission form – or emailed to miptsubmissions@ Submissions must be received by Council by 5pm on Monday April 10. Info: Auckland Council 09 301 0101

4 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017 See story page 2

finally extended motorway justified on its own merits) should have been, and continues to be the first priority. Curiously, I’m not aware of any local or national (all parties) politicians expressing this view. Is it a case of being party to a ‘nod and a wink’ from NZTA that the connection will eventually come? Greg Hight, Mangawhai

Motorway connection


We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth

Several other trees in the immediate vicinity are now being assessed for removal due to further stability concerns.

Connection on cards?

Near miss On Saturday March 11, about 10am, our friend 73-year-old John Sharp was walking down Ashton Road in Whangateau when suddenly a huge tree slid down the bank and landed on top of him. Luckily, he was only slightly hurt, but if he had been a little bit further along he could have been killed! This tree had been reported to Council several times as it was leaning more and more and was very top heavy. It fell over the bridge and took out the power lines, which left the road without power for the whole day and night, and part of the next day. It blocked off access in and out of the road, which meant I missed my friend’s wedding. But it just shows how Council won’t listen to local people and prefers to spend money on the disaster rather than prevention, which would have been a lot cheaper and would have

prevented all this inconvenience. We were extremely lucky that someone was not killed as a lot of people walk past that tree daily. John is a vegan and a bit of an old tree hugger, but he was not trying to make the tree hug him! Tamarah Sharp, Whangateau

Auckland Council Senior Arboriculture and Eco Specialist Richard Goldstone responds Auckland Council’s tree contractor sent a qualified arborist to assess the tree when the initial call came through to Auckland Council. The arborist could not find any obvious defects that would suggest an urgent safety issue, and the tree appeared to be in good health and safe. Auckland Council’s arborists assessed the site following the tree failure, and deemed the likely cause to come from the instability of the soil bank following the large deluge of rain that fell immediately prior to the tree falling.

Roger and Patte Williams’ letter (MM March 15) suggests Warkworth will be short-changed by not having a southern connection. But is this really going to be the case, or is the current absence of a southern connection part of a political game on the part of NZTA? From a public perspective, the major blocking point on SH1 between Puhoi and the planned northern connection is Warkworth itself (and its flow-on effect to roads leading to the Hill St intersection). By not addressing this issue with a bypass (which should have happened years ago), it has enabled NZTA to retain historic, present (and continuing) road user frustration as a major component of its justification for the extended motorway. But now the motorway has been approved, and construction is underway, at what point will we see NZTA ‘suddenly realise’ a southern connection is needed? Watch this space. In the likely event of this happening, NZTA should be held to account for withholding an obvious solution to ongoing frustrations from road users, i.e. the tax payers/road users who pay for its existence. The construction of a bypass (designed to fit in with the

I would like to add another reason for building a connection between the motorway south of Warkworth and the township. If the section of motorway between the connections were built first, together with the north and south connections and the Matakana Link road, Warkworth would have a bypass, which should mitigate Warkworth’s traffic congestion woes, especially at the Hill Street intersection. John Northcott, Warkworth

Mahurangi a tonic In late 2015 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 68. We bought a campervan to travel NZ, straight after the operation to remove my tumour. Since September, we have travelled just on 10,000kms and have encountered some unbelievable scenery and stunning places, but the best part is Mahurangi, and especially Sullivans Bay, with its scenery, beach and incredible walking tracks. The local people we met from Warkworth were so kind in giving local info and, of course, your local paper – we were totally amazed at all the contents. To top it all, last month I had a ruptured aneurysm and am a long way yet to recovery, but my wife and I decided what better place to help recovery than Sullivans Bay again. Two words: just paradise. And how can we forget Matt, the ranger, a super guy. With all the treatment over now, my cancer is now nearly undetectable and my wife and I look forward to many more years travelling, especially to Sullivans Bay. Bruce Mackinnon, Auckland

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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Viewpoint Mark Mitchell, National MP for Rodney

Primary school progress It was great to see the announcement made last week by Nikki Kaye, Associate Minister of Education, regarding the $13.4 million investment in Warkworth Primary School. I have been involved in the upgrade and rebuild of the school since I was first approached for support by school principal Cynthia Holden and then board chair Chris Murphy. It has been the focus, drive and energy of the board, principal and wider school community that has seen the funds committed at the level required to deliver the options that the school wanted and asked for. It has been my role to step in and help move the process forward when needed. I’d like to acknowledge the Associate Education Minister Nikki Kaye, who has been engaged and receptive throughout the process. The school’s revamped junior campus, with its new 16-classroom block, administration area and hall for Years 1 to 3, opened last year; a $7.6 million redevelopment. Now it is the senior campus’s turn to see the 10 existing classrooms for Years 4 to 6 demolished, and replaced with 14 new classrooms, along with renewed administration, library and resource spaces. This final stage in the rebuild will allow the children and staff access to a modern purpose-built environment, which will facilitate the teaching and learning of the next generation.

Harbour oyster farms reopen Sewage or vomit from a vessel was the most likely cause of an oyster contamination earlier this year that forced the temporary closure of five oyster farms on Mahurangi Harbour. The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) warned people to not eat chilled oysters in February, and oysters harvested from the harbour from midJanuary were recalled. The Ministry was alerted by local health authorities after 11 people became ill. MPI spokesperson Piers Harrison said the oyster farms reopened last week, after testing found them to be clear of norovirus and the MPI investigation was completed. “This discharge would have been from the waste of a person affected by or carrying the norovirus,” Mr Harrison said. “The norovirus-contaminated sewage or vomit would have drifted with the tide over oyster farms, contaminating the oysters, and anyone

who ate those affected oysters.” MPI conducted an extensive field investigation with assistance from the Auckland Harbourmaster. A number of home onsite sewerage systems were examined to ensure they weren’t leaking sewage into waterways or the harbour. MPI also inspected a number of yachts’ on-board sewerage systems. As a result of the investigation, MPI has recommended Auckland Council follows up on some properties to ensure their onsite sewerage systems are functioning properly. Signage will also be set up around the harbour, warning boaties that sewage is not to be discharged into the harbour. The Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Regulations 1998 prohibit the discharge of untreated sewage within 500 metres of land or a marine farm, and in waters shallower than five metres.


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6 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

Environment Christine Rose

Water is life They say ‘you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’ and, with unpolluted water, that seems to be the case. One generation ago, we could swim in streams and rivers that were flowing with clean, fresh water. Once, we could swim in all our beaches and bays. But it seems apparent that, due to sewer and stormwater discharges, many of those beaches and bays are now so polluted they’re no longer safe for swimming. Thousands of litres of untreated, contaminated wastewater have been billowing out into our harbours in every storm. Despite some efforts at sewer/wastewater separation, new toilet connections and the spread of impervious surfaces mean the problem is growing faster than efforts to solve it. With increasingly severe storm events, pipes are not big enough, treatment is inadequate and pollution continues. Arbitrary rates caps of 2.5% will never allow enough capital to fix up historic and current issues. Elsewhere, water resources are run dry to support dairying needs – all that irrigation, all the water for cows, even the use of water for washing down dairy sheds show that we don’t value, or price, water the way we should. We still collectively take it for granted, and assume that it’s an infinite and free resource for the using. So, not only are mountain-fed streams and rivers drying out from over-extraction, but the water that is left is often contaminated, nutrientoverloaded, stagnant and only good for algae. In many other places, deep underground water reserves have extraction rights sold, often to overseas investors, to support the trade in bottled water. With few returns for New Zealanders, our artesian water is sold off and exported, only to contaminate the world with more plastic bottles, and reducing our own supply. While a lot of attention is directed at the social and economic costs, we should also spare a thought for the creatures that depend on clean water for survival. Our threatened eels and fish struggle in dying and dead rivers and streams. Wetlands, nature’s own water treatment devices, are our most threatened ecosystems. Wading and feeding habitats are diminished. During urbanisation, streams are channelled, piped and marginalised, reducing ecological functions, habitat and amenity. Artificial stormwater ponds are a poor substitute – they are fenced off, often impounded and the last refuge of many aquatic birds but, especially in summer, can also be sources of death as hotbeds of botulism and other toxins. Water is life; we should prize it above all else. Instead, we continue to squander this precious treasure.

Riley Hathaway, 16, demonstrates an interactive poster. She started Young Ocean Explorers with her father, Steve, when she was 12.

Interactive ocean posters Marine life in the Hauraki Gulf has been brought to life by three interactive educational posters released by Young Ocean Explorers and the Hauraki Gulf Forum. Snells Beach-based father and daughter duo, Steve and Riley Hathaway, have been on a mission for the past four years to get young people enthused about the beauty and diversity of our marine life and ocean. The new posters illustrate species found in the shallow, mid- and deeper water environments of the Hauraki marine park. After downloading an app, videos can be unlocked by scanning over the posters with a phone or device. Presented by Riley, the short video clips explain more about each species, plastic pollution and invasive species. Steve says they want to use technology and different methods of storytelling to engage kids. “We want to use all the tools available

to bring this realm alive and inspire kids about how awesome the ocean is,” he says. Hauraki Gulf Forum executive officer Tim Higham thought Steve’s app idea was a perfect fit for their annual marine park posters. The end result was three different depictions of the gulf, called Among the Islands, Along the Coast and Across the Ocean. They were released in Seaweek in a New Zealand Herald insert in February, and will now be distributed to schools nationally through the Education Gazette. “I’ve always wanted to make content that kids really love and teachers love using. And for this generation of digital natives, they love engaging stories. You have to use whatever means you can to inspire them,” Steve says. Info: Go to to find and print your own PDF posters, or contact

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Kauri Park 50th anniversary •• Simple and easy use transportable Lightweight and to easily

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Each year thousands of people •• Dual energy andwater petroloutlet drivein the cage Air and high 240V pressure visit Parry Kauri Park on Thomson •• Air and high pressure water outlet the cage width allows easy access toinworksites Road, Warkworth. Some Narrow just stay On tandem braked trailer • Narrow width allows easy access to worksites to photograph the two large kauri trees, the most easily accessible such trees in New Zealand, some walk the loop track through the surrounding bush, and others visit the Warkworth Museum located in the park. On April 29, a celebratory dinner will be held at the museum to250 mark the 50th East Road, Snells Beach 09 425 5400 Mahurangi anniversary of the purchase of the 425 PH. 0425 140800 Hudson Road, Warkworth 09 425 7725 two trees and the land they stand on, Open 6 Days –425 7.15am to 5.15pm (closed public holidays) PH. 0800 0425 09 425 5400 Parry Kauri Park in 1925. for use as a public park. PH. 09 425 5400 In the early years European Since that time a road and carpark have settlement this land was part of been constructed and a portion of the the property owned by the Rev land has been leased to the Warkworth McKinney, the first Presbyterian and Districts Museum Society for a minister in Warkworth and the building to preserve our local history. Mahurangi District. On his death Volunteers have fenced the property, in 1905, his son took over the land felled pines and removed other exotic until 1919, when it was sold to the vegetation, carried out pest control, Simpson family. The surrounding constructed tracks and a viewing bush was logged at some date, but the platform, and are actively revegetating two big kauri trees on the property the areas of grass surrounding the bush. were not felled along with the rest. The Rev McKinney and Mr Simpson Mr Simpson was known to be very are commemorated in the naming proud of the trees and willingly gave of the trees – the largest of the two is access to all who were interested in the McKinney Kauri and the smaller viewing them. He expressed the wish is the Simpson Kauri. The name of that if the land were sold and the Parry Kauri Park was given in gratitude purchaser intended to dispose of the for Mr Parry’s financial contribution. trees, they should first be offered to He and his brother operated a butter the Warkworth Town Council for use factory at Pukapuka on the Mahurangi as a public amenity. After his death River for many years, and also owned a his son sold the property to Denis sawmill. The road giving access to the Ingham, who honoured this request. park was named Tudor Collins Drive. And so it was in 1967 that the local Mr Collins was a businessman owning branch of the Kauri and Native a garage and service station, and a Bushmen’s Association heard through radio and electrical store in the main their president, Tudor Collins, that street of Warkworth. However, he is the trees were for sale and the Town known far and wide for his skill as a Council did not have sufficient funds photographer, much of it capturing to purchase them. The bushmen activities in the kauri forests of then took it upon themselves to raise approximately $8000 to cover the Coromandel and Northland. cost of the trees and the surrounding Anyone who has an interest in joining 8.5 ha of land. Both Mr Collins in the 50th anniversary celebration is and his vice-president, Harry Parry, welcome to attend the dinner. gave large donations, and Mr Parry Info: Ray Jensen 425 8391 or Lois Burton 425 8482. guaranteed any shortfall of funds.


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8 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

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Stephanie Paxton-Penman LLB (Hons) 17 Neville Street, Warkworth DDI: 09 425 0968 | Phone: 09 425 7701 Auckland Office Level 5, 26 Hobson Street, Auckland CBD Phone: 09 912 8500

March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters



Ian Morrison

In the early 1950s, when Ian Morrison started school in Warkworth, there was little, if any, knowledge of learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Students who couldn’t learn “the normal way” were called “stupid”, a term that has haunted Ian for most of his life. But rather than succumb to the bullying of fellow students and the cruelty of teachers, Ian has shown that dyslexia can be a gift that leads to creativity, resourcefulness and out-of-the-box thinking, as editor Jannette Thompson discovered ...


’m the fourth generation Morrison to farm in Hepburn Creek Road. My great, great grandparents, John and Janet Morrison, arrived from Scotland in the 1840s and bought 27 acres in Auckland, part of which became Myers Park. John was a plasterer and the purchase of a property in Warkworth gave him a source of kauri and papa-rock for his plastering work. His son Edward grew fruit and it’s on his land that we built our farm. He was, in many ways, a man before his time. He planted 180 acres with pip fruit, mainly apples and pears, and built a three-mile long railway along the Mahurangi River to shift the fruit from the farm to the packing sheds and the Warkworth Wharf. Most of his produce was exported and he became somewhat of an authority on orchards. But, unfortunately, he was blamed for introducing fire blight to Australia – an accusation he vowed and declared was without proof. I have a letter where he is pleading with the Agricultural Department to get another opinion. He was forced to burn thousands of trees, including all his nursery stock. It must have broken his heart. It took 90 years and a challenge by New Zealand in the World Court, in Geneva, before Australia’s ban on NZ apples was finally lifted in 2011. What’s interesting is that a several pear and quince trees from that era survived and are still bearing fruit, showing absolutely no sign of fire blight. y grandfather Selwyn turned the property into a dairy farm during the Depression. He died while putting out a scrub fire where the Warkworth Golf Club is now. There’s a plaque in his memory in the clubhouse. My father Peter married Una Harvey, of Auckland, and I have more or less lived my whole life on the property where I was born. My earliest memory of the farm is of the house being re-piled when I was about four. When the workmen knocked off for a cup of tea, I had a crack at the jacks they were using to lift the house. I guess I was too young to get into too much trouble, but I remember my father wasn’t pleased. When I started school, we’d catch


a lift into Warkworth on Harold Edwards’ cream truck. The factory was on the river in Kapanui Street. The river was terrible then compared to now – farmers used to wash their cowsheds straight into it; it was where everyone dumped their rubbish. chool was not a good experience for me. I was dyslexic although we didn’t know this at the time and struggled to read and write, and several teachers made it clear that I was stupid and useless, and no one would ever want to hire me. They were only allowed to strap a child six times in one day and I’d get six cuts every day, because I couldn’t spell, even though I was good with my numbers. I was bullied relentlessly and by one older boy in particular. It came to a head in the playground one day and I let loose and nearly killed the guy. I hate to remember it, even now. There was a flash before my eyes and once I started, I couldn’t stop. I was shocked to realise what I was capable of and I decided I never wanted to hate anyone like that again.


They were only allowed to strap a child six times a day and I’d get six cuts every day, because I couldn’t spell ...


y first foray into business started with my Dad. The Hepburn Creek farm adjoined another farm we owned over the hill where the satellite stations are now. It was hard to move the stock between the two properties because of scrub growing over the track. I measured out how long it would take me to clear it and told Dad I’d do it for £80. This was at a time when a man’s average wage was £7 a week. Dad was a hard man but fair. He agreed, but told me I wouldn’t get paid until the whole job was done. I was 14 and still at school, but by working weekends and holidays, I got it done in a year. I bought a rotary hoe with the proceeds, rented two acres off my father and started gardening instead

of sitting my School Certificate. I had 3000 ti tree poles from the scrub cutting and used them to make wigwams for the beans, and I also grew cucumbers and beetroot. My first year was fantastic and I bought a little Bedford van to make deliveries. By 17, I was also shearing full time for Bill Tomlinson. I ended up taking over the run with 75,000 sheep, working with Graham McDonald and Les Greenwood. About this time I met the love of my life, Jyl. I turned up at the Martins Bay caravan park with some mates who’d made the acquaintance of some Auckland girls at the dance in Matakana the previous night. Jyl hadn’t gone to the dance so wasn’t expecting this visit. She popped her head out of the caravan with her hair in porcupine curlers and a plastic bag over them! All I could think to say was, “Do you want a Topsy?” and, as they say, the rest is history. We were married when she was 19 and I was 20, we have two beautiful daughters and we’ll celebrate our golden wedding anniversary in October. fter we married I worked on the farm, but Dad, who’d chain smoked all his adult life, wasn’t well and was losing interest. He didn’t want to spend any money on the property and it was getting run down. I wanted to travel, but those words “you’re useless and no one will ever employ you” were etched into my brain, so we ended up leasing and then buying the farm in 1971. I borrowed money, bought a chainsaw and then a bulldozer, put in drainage and a reticulation system. We worked our guts out and then, in 1973, the beef prices crashed and we were in the poo big time. We were so broke I considered buying a motorbike so I could take a job at the Westfield freezing works. I thought we were going to lose the farm and we would have, but for Jyl’s interest in art. he had started painting on kauri bark scales so I got her some



swamp kauri that had been stacked up on the farm for years, sliced it with the chainsaw and polished it. It came up beautifully. Friends saw the work and said, “You could sell that.” It was like a light bulb moment. We looked at each other and you could see we were both thinking, “Wow”. We set to work that day and worked solidly until we had a suitcase full of coasters, mug holders and other small pieces made of swamp kauri and puriri. We set off for some gift shops in Auckland to see if anyone was interested, calling in to an Orewa shop on the way. When the guy saw our stuff, he bought the whole lot on the spot for $350, which was double what we’d been hoping for. I guess you could say we were in the craft business from that day onwards. We were amazed at the response everywhere we went. We went to exhibitions throughout the North Island where we would always sell out, and we started getting orders from all over NZ. We made tables, bowls and sculptures, and buttons were also very popular. We had our own swamp kauri, but farmers were burning it to get rid of it, so I collected it by the truckload. We got a lot from the Whistler brothers at Point Wells. Eventually we opened the Red Bluff Gallery in our woolshed, which we ran for 16 years. It was an exciting time, but we both developed carpel tunnel in our hands and by 1996 we realised it was time for a change. few things had also changed in our personal lives by this time. Our marriage had been through a rough patch, with too much partying


continued next page

10 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017


from previous page

Send your nominations to

Congratulations to Nicholas Davidson, of Warkworth, who is the recipient of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. Nick was nominated by Dianne Thompson, who wrote ...

Nicholas can “walking around

Ian, flanked by his sisters Pam (left) and Kayleen.

and drinking. We came close to going our separate ways, but independently we became Christians and life took us in a different direction. In the early eighties we started smuggling bibles into Romania. We’ve been there 10 times, working in the orphanages under World Vision. In 1996, we invested in a motel in Rotorua, which would help finance the work we were doing. Unfortunately, the leasee ran it down and it became insolvent so, in 2009, Jyl and I took it over. In three years, we completely redecorated and despite knowing nothing specifically about the hospitality business, we eventually got the place to number one on Trip Advisor and last year we received national recognition when we were named Accommodation Host of the Year. n 1984, we set-up the Berakah Retreat on the old family farm,


providing mainly short-term accommodation for not only people who need it but also visiting missionary, pastors on study leave and so on. The retreat is built on 115 acres, which we gifted to the trust. We recently built ourselves a new house on a piece of the farm that runs along the river and the old homestead is now a guest lodge. I’m turning 70 this year – even though I still feel 21 at heart – and thanks to my efforts to read the Bible, I can read reasonably well now. But I don’t regret the fact that I was born dyslexic. In fact, it’s a gift that gives a person a wonderful advantage. People talk about ‘thinking out of the box’, but for a dyslexic, there is no box. They have boundless horizons and I would encourage anyone with dyslexia to embrace it.

regularly be seen Warkworth in his brown hat, volunteering his time. One day, when I tripped over the curb and fell onto the path, dropping my bag and sunglasses, as I tried to lessen the impact of the fall, Nick immediately came over to help me up and rescued my bag and glasses. He was most concerned as I had fallen on my hands and my face hit the ground. He gave me a big hug, asking if I was all right. After thanking him and assuring him I was fine, he wished me a happy day and with a lovely smile, continued on his way. Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.




March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


More photos online at

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Paul Smith, Jarrod Balle, Brook Sanderson and Kevin Lawton doing the hard yards aboard ‘The Scud’. They finished a creditable third.

Cracking day for Leigh race Glorious weather and a slightly altered course at Whangateau Reserve combined to make this year’s Leigh Community Raft Race a winner with crowds and participants alike. At least eight homemade craft took to the water on March 26 and paddled their way from the boat ramp along to beyond the holiday park and back again, meaning spectators could stay in one spot to watch all the antics. Last year, the race went from Big Omaha Wharf to the boat ramp, which caused one or two logistical and parking issues. Easy winners of this year’s race, and by a very big margin, were young stand-up paddlers Billy O’Reilly and

Matthew Georgetti, both 16, on Matakana Fire 1, who romped home before some other entrants had barely got their oars wet. Organiser Errol Murray of Leigh Volunteer Fire Brigade said the new course was a great success, and next year he hoped to get kids along the coastal path armed with flour bombs and slingshots, just to add to the fun. The race was followed by a sausage sizzle and presentation of the original race trophy at Leigh Fire Station. “The race started in 1978 and it ran for years, but at some stage it just fizzled out,” Errol says. “We’ve got a trophy, so I just decided to re-start it last year. It’s just a bit of fun for the community.”


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12 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

MP Peters says local policing falls well short of the mark NZ First Leader and Northland MP Winston Peters highlighted Warkworth’s poor crime resolution rate when he spoke as a guest of Warkworth Rotary on March 10. Mr Peters said that since 2008, there had been 822 burglaries, but only 15 arrests, which is a success rate of about a 2%. Similarly, over the same time period, there had been 98 serious assaults and only 19 arrests, and five reports of child abuse but only one arrest. “When it comes to safer communities, National’s 880 new police will not even come close to matching the ratios of police to population that we had in 2008,” Mr Peters said. “The Government will have you believe that 880 sworn officers over the next four years will solve everything. It won’t because it is about 1000 officers short.” He added that most officers would go to the cities, leaving places such as Warkworth and Wellsford seriously under-serviced. Mr Peters left his audience in no doubt that this was an election year. The veteran politician began by discrediting political polling, before hitting his stride on broken election promises, immigration, policing, political correctness and transport. “The people of Warkworth, and indeed the North, were promised nine years ago a road of national significance or a RONS – from Puhoi


to Warkworth. Not one metre of that road has been built. “In Warkworth, there is the Hill Street intersection disaster posing as a bottleneck, which begs the question, who and what was responsible for planning this?” On the current work on the Brynderwyn Hills, Mr Peters said there had been a massive blowout in the projected costs. “The excuse is, ‘we’ve discovered geotech issues’, which begs the question who did the geotech due diligence in the first place when setting the $16 million contract?” However, the speech wasn’t well received by everyone in the audience. Several Rotary members were upset to find themselves at a political meeting when they thought they were there to listen to Mr Peters reminisce about his years in politics. “I’m disgusted by what’s been allowed to happen,” one member said. President Mick Fay was asked to explain, but Mr Peters responded on his behalf. “I’m not a comedian; I’m not an entertainer,” he said. “If you don’t like my message, that’s fine, but you can’t expect someone with my experience in politics to come along here in an election year and deliver a nonpolitical talk.” The General Election will be held on Saturday, September 23.

Mick Fay found himself in the hot seat when some Rotarians objected to Mr Peters’ speech.

Warkworth for period July 2014 to January 2017 Victimisations


% Resolved





Serious assault




Child abuse




After the meeting, Police Minister Paula Bennett refuted Mr Peters’ local crime figures, and provided the chart above showing crime statistics for Warkworth since 2014. “Mr Peters is not using official crime statistics,” she said. “The numbers he refers to record Police’s initial attendance at an incident and show whether the crime is resolved immediately following a call out. Often crimes are not solved on the spot, but further investigation is required before they can be resolved. “From the official Police statistics available online, and released publicly every month, we can see that police in Warkworth have charged 63 people in the past two-and-a-half years, well above the figure Mr Peters is referring to for the previous nine years. The relevant figures for serious assaults and child abuse are also shown in this chart, which clearly shows that Police are resolving crime significantly higher than the incorrect figures Mr Peters is quoted as using.”




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14 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017


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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


HEADING NORTH Warkworth to Te Hana Motorway

Couple moving swiftly on from historic family property Despite generations of history and a road named after their family, one couple near Wellsford are happy to settle quickly to make way for the new motorway. Lester and Raewynne Borrows say they were planning to sell their one-hectare rural property in the next 10 years. They describe it as a postage stamp in the middle of the motorway corridor that bypasses central Wellsford, about three kilometres away. It is one of two remaining titles out of the original 80 hectare farm his grandfather, Robert Borrows, started in the 1930s. After that, his father Ken worked it into a thriving dairy farm and, after his retirement, other family members continued the farm and a lime business. Lester and Raewynne live in the family home he grew up in, built by his grandfather and father in the 1950s. Both of Lester’s parents passed away in the home. After spending their lives in Wellsford, the couple have recently come back to the property and have been landscaping it over summer.

Shelly Freestone

Borrows Road was named after Lester’s grandfather. Lester and his wife Raewynne want to sell their property, a ‘postage stamp’ in the middle of the motorway corridor.

Shelly Freestone Shelly Freestone

“We do love it here. There is so much sooner rather than later. “Now we’ve had this thrust upon history and a fantastic view that will “We are demotivated from doing us at our age, we need to be able to be difficult to replace,” Lester says. anything to the property now. It’s plan ahead for our next stage of life,” While they support the need for the brought our plans forward quite Raewynne says. Licensee Salesperson the couple says. motorway and understand people will considerably,” They have nominated themselves for be affected, the news means there is They want to find a new property early settlement and say NZTA has Licensee Salesperson no longer any point working on the and project they can get their teeth been easy to deal with, which has property, and they would like to settleLicensee helped them make a quick decision. into. Salesperson

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FREEPOST Parliament Buildings We l l i n g t o n 6 0 6 1 04 817 8370 E 027 M 027 935 7242 M DDI 09 425 1613DDI 09 425 1613 935 7242 E M 027 935 7242 DDI 09 425 1613 E n z f i r s t . o f f i c e @ p a r l i a m e n t . gEo E For a free no obligation appraisal call E Wa r k w o r t h O f f i c e Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) Bogue Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd Licensed (REAA (REAA 2008) 2008) Real Estate 2014 Ltd Licensed S h o p 5 , R i v e r s i d e A r c a r dBogue e , Bogue Q uReal eReal e n Estate S t LtdLicensed Licensed (REAA 2008) Estate 2014 2014 Ltd (REAA 2008) Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) Wa r k w o r t h 0 9 1 0 Warkworth 425 7959 09 425 7360 M 027Beach 935 7242 DDI 09 425 1613 Snells 425 5457 Tr a c e y. M a r t i n @ p a r l i a m e n t . g o v t . n z Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) A u t h o r i s e d b y B . S t e w a r t , P a r l i a m e n t B u i l d i n g s , We l l i n g t o n

E Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd

Licensed (REAA 2008)

me to


16 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

Motorway proves to be a mixed bag for town businesses The new northern motorway extension will bypass Wellsford and Te Hana, reducing the heavy traffic through the towns by as much as 90%. Many of the residents Mahurangi Matters spoke

to at the Wellsford public information day in February supported the motorway and complained about the traffic, heavy trucks and safety on State Highway 1.

But what will happen to businesses in Wellsford that depend on the trucks stopping and all the current through traffic? Business owners gave us a mixed response.

The figures • About 90% of through traffic, approximately 1400 heavy vehicles and 14,000 total vehicles a day, will be removed from the main street of Wellsford by 2026. • The new 24km motorway will save seven minutes for general traffic and 10 minutes for freight. • It is predicted to save 19 deaths and serious injuries every five years.

Motorway interchanges The indicative route travels west of Warkworth and east of both Wellsford and Te Hana, connecting back to State Highway 1 north of Mangawhai Road. There will be a Wellsford interchange at Wayby Valley Road, providing access to Wellsford and from the town heading south. The Te Hana interchange at Mangawhai Road will provide access to Te Hana and Wellsford, and to Mangawhai heading east.

Next steps You can send feedback on the indicative route by Friday March 31 at An indicative alignment will be identified later this year and then taken forward for consenting under the Resource Management Act. NZTA says there will be further targeted consultation, and public engagement will occur before lodging a Notice of Requirement to designate the land and associated consent applications.

Frog Pool Farm Interiors in Wellsford

A triple whammy John Collyer

Boost for Dome Valley landmark Sheepworld business owner John Collyer says the tourist attraction will “benefit hugely” from the new motorways. The Puhoi to Warkworth leg already underway, with an interchange before Dome Valley, will bring more customers and tourist buses from Auckland to his doorstep on State Highway 1. When the motorway continues north, to the west of Dome Forest, it will also be in his favour. John says there will be less traffic and it will be easier to stop. Those on a mission to get further north will take the motorway, and would probably not have stopped anyway. “We are very positive. It will only increase the value of the property and business,” John says.

Frog Pool Farm Interiors owner Susan Speedy’s three retail stores – her long-standing business in Dome Valley, a recent store in Wellsford and new shop in Warkworth – will all be impacted. Susan says the Dome Valley business “might be finished”, but property prices will probably increase, and the Warkworth store has a more local base. The majority of Wellsford business was from passing traffic, which will end. “What can you do? March down the main street and say ‘save my shop’?” she says. Susan says Wellsford needs to be beautified with native trees, gardens and ponds to encourage visitors to stop in the town. The town could also make the most of the property boom and make sure it attracts services like big supermarkets to keep new residents coming back, she says.

Want your place sold before winter? Don’t get left out in the cold, call 0800 U R SOLD today


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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Real Estate Talk Andrew Steens, Brand & Territory Owner, Mike Pero Real Estate

Debra Walters

Keeping it local Shop assistant Debra Walters has worked at The Meat Company for six years and says their main customers are local and loyal. They won’t see benefits of lack of reduced traffic either, as they have parking at the back of the shop for their customers already. “It won’t affect us too much as we don’t get a lot of trade from passing traffic. Most of our customers come to us directly,” she says.

The Te Hana Café

You can’t stop progress Te Hana Café manager Rose Kiddie says the business is a popular stop for passing traffic, especially trucks. But she thinks the cafe could still remain a popular and easy place for truckies to stop and turn around, as it is not far from the proposed interchange. “You can’t stop progress, the city is coming to the country,” she says.

Focus on the positives Woodys Winners has loyal and local visitors, owner Karen Lennon says, but they also have a lot of regular truckies and passersby. She says everyone in Wellsford needs to start working together to make it a destination town. Karen was part of Wellsford Promotions when it looked at the probability of the motorway and its impact a few years ago. She says members were working on highlighting the town’s heritage and services, like the Wellsford Library and the electric car charger. “If you focus on the negatives,

Karen Lennon

that’s what it will become. We have to focus on the positives and pay attention now to make Wellsford a destination,” Karen says.

Open 7 days until Easter Alterations & Repairs

The lesson here is; don’t try to time the market. If you want graphic proof, just google a graph of Auckland property prices over the past two decades. Aside from a relatively short and minor blip caused by the GFC, there have been dramatic gains in property prices. Those that waited to try and catch the next downturn have foregone large increases in their net wealth. It’s just not worth the gamble.

When you’re looking to sell your property, wouldn’t you want to sell with the best team in Real Estate?

Here they are, selling coastal from Mahurangi East to Pakiri & inland from Warkworth to Kaiwaka.

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The market is relatively well balanced at this point, with prices mostly stalling, rather than falling and well-priced and well-presented properties still selling quickly. When will this change? It’s a numbers game; approximately 10 more listings are being added each week to the market than are being sold in our area. If this trend continues, we can expect another 5060% more property on the market by the middle of winter. That may well prove to be the tipping point. It’s worth remembering though that markets can change quickly and for all sorts of reasons; what impact will rising interest rates have? Increasing US and expat immigration? Release of new subdivisions to the market? The coming election? The start of the new Motorway?

Got a question? Keep coming back to have your say and see updates on the motorway at

Gorgeous new styles from casual to special occasion

As we enter the new financial year, signs of change are appearing in Northern Rodney. There are now twice as many listings on the market as in September last year when the market was at its’ hottest. Although this may sound a lot, it’s still less than half of the listings on the market in December 2011 when the market was at its lowest.

Call Anthony Shaw

Your Warkworth Sales Specialist

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Angela Wain

Andrew Steens

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18 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017


Preventing family violence

home care in New Zealand and that system is now throughout NZ, so it really is the end of an era.” Meal delivery operator Annette Carr says that apart from bulk deliveries to Warkworth Birthing Centre, which will source the same meals for itself in future, there is only demand for around 10 meals a week, meaning the service is not viable. “It’s a sad day, but there are lots of other options out there,” she says. And, after 12 years of running outings, bus driver Judith Cowie is retiring, too. “The group’s not growing, a lot of people have moved away and just getting around is much harder with the traffic now.” Mrs Hawkings said the trust’s bus would be donated to NorthAble in Whangarei to transport disabled children. She added that the Rodney Charitable Health Trust would continue to loan out health aids, such as shower stools and wheelchairs, and would still be making health-related grants to people in need.

With the introduction of paid leave for domestic violence victims looking likely, a local family violence prevention organisation is aiming to connect with businesses to help increase their awareness of the issue. Te Rito Rodney Family Violence Prevention Network is based in Orewa, but covers the whole of Rodney. Coordinator Jane Fleming says they already hold monthly seminars, publish bulletins and run a schools programme aimed at encouraging healthy relationships and preventing family violence, but now they want to engage with local businesses as well. “We’re looking at going into businesses and talking about it,” she says. “It can seem quite an overwhelming issue, and people often don’t know what do do when they get a disclosure or what to do with it. “We can provide ‘basic training’ on the services that are available, how to recognise it and who they can refer to. It’s about knowing who to approach and where to go.” Jane says Te Rito’s focus is on educating the community about what makes healthy or unhealthy relationships, so that family violence prevention can start at grass roots level. “New Zealand has the highest rate of intimate partner violence in the OECD,” she says. “Intervention hasn’t worked, so we have got to go back and change attitudes, behaviours and beliefs and raise awareness. “It’s like a health model – it’s better to prevent things, rather than fix them once they’ve happened. We’re trying to get the message out there to communities and have a conversation, to get community-led primary prevention.” Te Rito holds monthly talks and seminars on the last Wednesday of every month at various venues in Warkworth, Wellsford, Orewa and Helensville. The next event will be held on May 31 at Te Herenga Waka Orewa Marae from 1-3pm, when Abuse Prevention Services will be speaking about children’s and women’s programmes.

Info: Wendy Hawkings 425 9381

Info: Jane Fleming at


















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End of the road for meals on wheels


Trust founder Wendy Hawkings and chairman Brendon Hart made presentations to meals coordinator Anne Carr, left, and entertainment coordinator Judith Cowie, right.

A drop in demand and changing demographics have led to the demise of two long-running local services for the elderly run by the Rodney Charitable Health Trust. Frozen meal deliveries and a weekly elderly entertainment service will finish at the end of this month. Wendy Hawkings, who runs the charitable trust and was previously the head of Northlink Health, kept both services going when she sold Northlink to Geneva Healthcare in 2013. However, she says that a combination of factors, including fewer referrals, clients moving away from the area or into care homes, and the fact that both people actually running the services are retiring themselves, means that the meals and entertainment services are coming to an end. At a special farewell lunch for clients last month, Mrs Hawkings said it was the end of an era. “I started this in 1977 and we were the pilot,” she said. “Before me, there was no such thing as














Eugene Sims, Warkworth Natural Therapies

The sticky stuff

March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Reiki Healing 3-5 Alnwick Street, Warkworth Oxana 027 784 82 66 Okay, so the title might sound more like a Nigel Latta series, but what I am Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is well being, discussing here is taping for injuries well being is freedom from disease Dr. Mikao Usui and pains. Ultimately, there are two types of taping techniques commonly used: Kinesiology taping and strapping tape for support. Kinesiology tape is the stretchy, often brightly coloured tape that sports people frequently wear. There are Warkworth Branch many brands, with RockTape one of Affiliated Southern Cross Healthcare provider the best known. It can be distinguished from typical strapping tape by its apparently • Dr Michael Fisk • Dr Brian Sloan • Dr Jo Koppens minimalistic application. Often, it may only consist of one long strip and a short • Dr David Squirrell • Dr Rasha Altaie • Dr Nadeem Ahmad strip intersecting it. The first time I saw it, I thought it was a hoax, as it looked to be offering no bio-mechanical help at all. Serving the eye needs of North Shore However, its application is very different to inflexible strapping tape. Kinesiology and Rodney for over 35 years tape allows the joints and muscles to move, and helps reduce the stress on one area by spreading it across the structure more evenly. It promotes better blood Cataract, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Retina, Cornea, flow, which further aids healing. It tends to reduce muscle spasms and assists Laser, Oculoplastics, Paediatrics. with inflamed tendons. So it can be a very effective tool for reducing pain, as well Consultations available at our Warkworth, Orewa and as speeding recovery time. It can also help to normalise altered muscle function where there may have been incorrect movement adding to prolonged injuries. Milford branches. Kinesiology tape is attached to backing paper, which keeps it in good condition and makes application easier. However, there are a few critical things to be aware • Milford Eye Clinic, 181 Shakespeare Road, Milford of when applying this tape. • Warkworth, Unit 3, Warkworth Health Centre, • Apply a small test patch on skin for up to 24 hours before taping the injured Cnr Alnwick & Percy Streets, Warkworth area, in case you have a reaction to the adhesive. • Orewa, Unit 5, The Nautilus 9 - 13 Tamariki Ave, Orewa • It is more effective to shave the area first to remove any hair. • Use clean hands and don’t touch the adhesive part, so the adhesive For all appointments phone 09 422 6871 works properly. • Apply to clean skin and don’t apply moisturiser or oils beforehand. L S • Apply to the specific muscle with AL ICE EE the muscle in a stretched position. RV FR • Remove after two days and allow SE RE the skin to rest before re-applying. A Strapping tape is used to immobilise an injured or weak joint. If you have ever sprained your ankle and New Mums Group had it taped, you will be familiar 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 10am-12pm with this. The tape is often skinALL MOTHERS WELCOME coloured and it has no backing paper. Typically, multiple layers are applied  FREE pregnancy tests to add strength and limit unwanted  Prenatal classes, birth venue & post-natal stay movement. This tape should not  Own room in peaceful rural surroundings be applied to new injuries without professional guidance, however, as it  Excellent equipment and atmosphere can over-compress any swelling and  Water birth a speciality cause serious complications.  Midwives on call at all times, and as backup Generally, taping can be performed as for your caregiver (LMC) part of a self-care regime, but it should For further information talk to your  Full post-natal hospital stay always be guided by a professional LMC/Midwife or Warkworth Birth Centre  24 hour Registered Midwives/Nurses to care for you and your baby who can assess if it is appropriate, as  You can transfer from your birth hospital within Phone 09 425 8201 well as safe. 12 hours of normal birth or 24 hours following a Caesarian 56 View Road, Warkworth And don’t forget, with all tape, always remove it slowly, otherwise skin can Available to all women and their caregivers and does get ripped off with it!

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20 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

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Accounting, Tax & Business Advice

At least parking wasn’t a problem – Rodney Local Board Chair Beth Houlbrooke, left, and guests at the relocated Riverside Dinner.

Diners’ spirits undampened Time for a change? ACCOUNTANTS &

It takes more than a Tasman Tempest to Guests included MP Mark Mitchell, put Warkworth Lions and Mahurangi Cr Greg Sayers, Local Board Chair Rotary off their stride, so when Beth Houlbrooke and Rotary leaders the recent weekend weather bomb from Whangarei, Whangaparaoa and threatened their Riverside Dinner at Henderson. • Small Business Specialists Warkworth wharf, they simply moved Mahurangi Sunrise Rotary’s Brian • Full Accountancy & Bookkeeping Services the event inside – in this case, to the Tuck said the dinner was a great • Friendly & Easy to Talk To example of the community spirit New World undercover carpark. • Xero Training & Implementation The usually somewhat stark that exists in Warkworth, despite the • Rentals, Trusts, Sole Traders, Companies surroundings were transformed into challenges presented by the weather. • Exit Planning & Business Sale Advice a 240-seat banqueting hall decorated “Although Mahurangi Rotary and Call: 09 411 9604 • Experienced Business Coaches & Mentors in nautical fashion, with ships’ Warkworth Lions organised the dinner, a large part of the success of flags and maritime memorabilia, the event is due to the generosity of the It would be our pleasure to get together A including D I V I S I O N O F Wanchors, Y A T T L A N D S Coars, A P E S Ulifebelts PPLIES and main sponsors, Mason Contractors, for a free confidential meeting to see navigation lights. Composite Joinery and Fulton what we could do for you Diners enjoyed a two-course roast Hogan,” he said. “But just as important 948 State 16 • Waimauku dinner,Highway with entertainment from was the support of numerous other ACCOUNTANTS & ACCOUNTANTS & ( just after Brass the Muriwai turn off ) Warkworth Band, and more companies who donated materials, BUSINESS ADVISORS 51 Morrison Drive, Warkworth z BUSINESS ADVISORS s .n e t .n than $18,000 was raised for local services, gave egenerous Phone 09 425 9833 s u p p li e discounts or p a c s d local causes, principally Warkworth wprovided w w.l a n practical assistance. We are d e ACCOUNTANTS t ACCOUNTING • TAXATION • PROFIT MAX Wellsford Hospice & and the Mahurangi truly grateful for their community a per o & BUSINESS ADVISORS River Restoration Trust. involvement and support.” d ne You will find us easy to talk to... We’re more than just accountants. We are your modern local accountancy practice that does your tax returns and helps you fine tune & grow your business.





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Mahurangi Matters - March 29, 2017


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Mahurangi Matters - March 29, 2017




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Mahurangi Matters - March 29, 2017




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Mahurangi Matters - March 29, 2017 WATER PUMPS

09 423 8061 Tanks: New & Cleaned Pipes: PVC & PE Filter systems Pumps: New & Rebuilt Pipes & Parts Irrigation Supplies 6 Worker Rd, Wellsford • • • Open Mon-Fri 7am - 5pm




MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766

COLLINS ELECTRONICS HAS MOVED Phone 09 422 0500 or 027 29 22204


GREAT BARRIER / OKIWI FLIGHTS. Special stopover up to 4 hours. Return $130. Min. 3 passengers. One way flights $130 each. Min 2 passengers. NORTH CAPE FLIGHTS $450 each. Min 3 passengers.

Rodney Aero Club 425 8735 or Rod Miller 425 5612 FOR SALE DRY FIREWOOD - GET IT NOW! 2m3 Pine - $175 ● 2m3 Hot mix - $200 Ph Chris 021 0256 4273 or 09 425 8575 YURT. From Mongolia. Cool in summer. Warm in winter. Affordable housing option. Ph 021 298 9907.

FOR RENT SNELLS BEACH 3brm unfurnished house. Short term. $400pw. Matt - 027 600 5069 SPACIOUS A-GRADE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN - MATAKANA VILLAGE Casual/ Regular rates. Phone Mark 021 160 6701


GARDENER Reliable & Experienced . Available for all aspects of garden work. Phone Martin 021 254 6660



Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Old Masonic Lodge, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.

Hudson, Robert Kendall



They say there is a reason They say that time will heal But neither time nor reason will change the way we feel No one knows the heartache that lies behind our smile No one knows how many times we have broken down and cried We want to tell you something so there won't be any doubt You are wonderful to think of and so hard to live without

Or need your Freeview box tuned for the new channels? TV repairs, microwave oven repairs, Freeview installations. Ph Paul 09 422 0500 or 027 29 22 04 HEAT PUMP INSTALLATION Phone Mark 0210424764 - Registered Electrician PLASTERING Solid. All exterior work, blocks, hardy, resurfacing, floors. Phone 09 422 2034

STUMP GRINDING WARKWORTH Stump Removal, Tree Removal, Chipping. Ph 021 623 330

WATER PUMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Ph Steve 09 422 3245 WATER FILTERS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 422 3245

In loving memory of Robert who left us 12 years ago on 13th March, 2005.

To be held at the Bridge Rooms (beside Town Hall) Alnwick St, Warkworth 6 April, 2017 at 7pm • Bring a favourite piece of art, any medium • Art books and magazines for sale

SNELLS BEACH RATEPAYERS AND RESIDENTS ASSOC. AGM Mon 1 May 2017 7.30pm Betty Paxton Room, Mahurangi East Community Centre, Hamatana Road, Snells Beach.

Sudoku 9

Dearly loved & missed everyday by his loving wife Phyl - Ian, John, Cindy, Peter, Vicky & their families.

the numbers game 5


1 4









Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses & ponies • Birthday rides Lessons • Suit beginners & experienced riders & people with Disabilities Social, Language & School Groups






42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth Google: Horse Riding Warkworth




5 6

Book Now 1hr $50 • 2hrs $90 Phone 09 425 8517

Email to book your classified advertising




• Makeovers, renovations • Professional maintenance service • Fruit tree pruning & care by qualified experienced horticulturist Ph Geoff Hart (MRNZIH) 027 397 1070


QUALITY TRADESMAN All aspects of plastering. No job too big or too small. 28 years experience. Phone Heath 022 639 9547

SCENIC FLIGHTS 30 mins $69; 20 mins $59; Min. 3 passengers. Trial flights $90. Gift vouchers available.


MUSEUM SUMMER MARKETS 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth. Enquiries Warkworth 425 8391


1 6




Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$4.40 per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.

Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - March 29, 2017

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SITUATIONS VACANT BUILDER or hammerhand wanted for local projects from Warkworth to Mangawhai. Immediate start available. Call Steve 425 9645 or 027 496 3711 EXPERIENCED CLASS 5 TIP TRUCK AND TRAILER DRIVER REQUIRED Warkworth Area. Full or part time. Good remuneration for the right applicant. Immediate start. Phone 027 223 2586

SHEETMETAL / STAINLESS FABRICATORS Warkworth Sheetmetals Ltd. Experienced Tradesperson required for quality Architectural, Commercial, Marine Stainless & General Sheetmetal fabrication. Varied, interesting work and opportunity to advance career. Phone: 09 425 7366 Malcolm Email: Call in: 27 Woodcock Rd, Warkworth

Community Support Worker Wellsford | Part Time Do you enjoy helping people? We are urgently looking for a support worker to provide support to our client who has a spinal injury. You will be supporting him in his home, which is located in the Wellsford area, towards gaining his independence over the long term. The role is a part time position working approximately 12 hours per week, with shifts spread across Monday, Friday and Saturday. This position would suit an energetic and dedicated person who is committed to assisting our client towards his rehabilitation goals.

Christ Church, Church Hill, Warkworth

Every Sunday 8am and 9.30am St. Leonard's, Matakana

Every Sunday at 9.30am

Snells Beach Community Church

2nd Sunday at 9am

St.Alban's, Kaipara Flats

1st Sunday at 11.15am

Snell’s Beach Community Church 325 Mahurangi East Rd Sunday Service 9am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 5612

Church office - 425 8660

Settler women led the way

Healthcare Rehabilitation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Healthcare of New Zealand Holdings Limited

Robert and Jessie Wood’s house in Moir Street.


Phone 425 8545

Holy Mass Timetable: WARKWORTH

Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am


SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am

3rd Sunday at 11.00am

Warkworth Methodist

Emma Gray, Mangawhai Museum

To apply please send your CV to:

Phone 425 8054 or

1 Hexham Street, Warkworth Parish Office: Ph 425 8660 Sunday Service 10.30am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 8053


We offer: • competitive hourly rate • full induction and training • a great team support network

St.Michael and All Angels, Leigh


Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$4.40 per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.

You must have clear communication skills and fluency in English, be trustworthy, reliable and have a ‘can do’ attitude. A full driver’s licence and reliable transport is a must as well as being eligible to work in NZ.


Warkworth Anglican Parish Church Services


5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am SNELL’S BEACH BAPTIST CHURCH Easter Good Friday Service - 9.30am Easter Sunday Service - 9.30am Organist John Wells

WANTED TO BUY DIESEL UTE 2 or 4 wheel drive. Any type up to $3,500. Must have WOF. Phone 022 029 1899

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Warkworth fire volunteers desperately needed Warkworth Volunteer Fire Brigade membership is in desperate need of volunteers, as its membership has reached a critically low level. The firefighters are actively seeking new recruits and are asking anyone interested to come along to a training night or get in touch via their Facebook page. Training is held every Tuesday from 7pm. Info: Warkworth Volunteer Fire Brigade on Facebook

With early settler communities, there are often those with special talents who head projects and generally stand out as ‘leaders’ and in Mangawhai, it was two women who were pivotal in the town’s development – Jessie and Thelma Wood. Robert and Jessie Wood arrived in Mangawhai in 1887, and built a two-roomed home on the site next to the present Mangawhai Village Service Station. This family-owned property still stands, though is no longer used. In the early 1920s, they built a new house close to the first and from here, Jessie sold sweet drinks, lollies and smallgoods, and developed a business selling men’s clothing. Jessie was a woman of many talents. She was well known for her ability to cook for large numbers, catering near and far, and for all occasions in the village hall. While the railway was being laid to Kaiwaka in 1913, she camped near the line and catered for the railwaymen. Cooking was done in her large ‘camp oven’. In 1932, Captain James Duff Hewett flew his two-seater De Havilland 60 Gypsy Moth – registered number ZK-AAR, and named “Falcon” – up from Auckland and landed outside the Wood family bach at the ‘Heads’ (on what is now Alamar Crescent). Jessie was 70 at the time, but hopped aboard for a scenic flight with Captain Hewett. Jessie’s daughter-in-law, Thelma, was born to Jane Cecil and Albert William Gladson Harrison on 27 March 1899, and she was a like-minded entrepreneurial woman. She married Albert Wood and raised her family living with her in-laws, Jessie and Robert, where she began taking over activities that Jessie had been involved in, before initiating many more community projects herself. Thelma was the prime mover in setting up a Historical Society in 1872, and spent more than 50 years as a Mangawhai Village Hall trustee. She then retired from hall business, only to be called back four years later. With her husband, Albert, and Cyril Carter, she arranged to buy the grounds of Mangawhai Domain from Mrs Obrist. The cost was ₤2,000, and they organised a trusteeship of 10 people to buy the land. Thelma was also an instigator in creating local tennis courts behind where the Police Station now stands, and she was still with the club when it moved to Insley Street. She was also on the Mangawhai Beach School Committee, and involved in the creation of the local dental clinic. She helped organise the Country Women’s Institute at Mangawhai, and was a representative in Wellington for local Federated Farmers in 1940. In addition, many meetings of various organizations were held at Thelma and Albert’s home on Moir Street. Street names near the Molesworth shopping district now bear the names of many members of the pioneering and influential Wood family – Jessie, Ellen, Margaret, Albert, Robert and Wood Streets, and Mangawhai Museum sits on the corner of Thelma Road. We acknowledge these women for their considerable efforts and many and varied contributions to our community.


Mahurangi Matters - March 29, 2017


Early appeal for late day out

Grey-faced Petrel

This medium-sized, all-dark petrel with a pale face is one of the few burrowing seabirds to have survived on New Zealand’s main islands, albeit in small numbers. It is about the size of a red-billed gull, but with longer wings and large deeply hooked bill. There was a vast population of such seabirds breeding here before humans arrived on our shores; now only tiny remnants remain. The grey-faced petrel is a New Zealand endemic species, meaning it breeds nowhere else in the world, and only in northern New Zealand. However, despite it breeding on most islands in the Hauraki Gulf, and at places on or close to the mainland like Tawharanui, Goat Island and Bream Head, it is not commonly seen during the day from a boat, unless you are a long way offshore. These birds feed out past the continental shelf edge. In fact, on a voyage to the Kermadecs in October two years ago, they were the most common seabird I saw all the way up and back. Their prey is mostly squid, caught mainly at night; also, crustaceans and fish. They are a winter-spring breeder (April to December) and, like all petrels, come to land only during breeding, either to share incubation

duties with their mate, or to feed their single chick. They are also nocturnal over land, so it’s only at dusk that you first see them flying over a headland or an island. They have two pronounced calls: one is like a high-pitched whistle, almost like a squeaky wheel, the other a drawn out ‘oi’ call, with the latter being the origin of its Maori name, ‘Oi’. At sea, they are dynamic as they fly, with a high, arcing flight, which is very pronounced in strong winds. I can remember during one trip up to the Far North, we took shelter during a big storm close in under North Cape. During the day, we watched in awe as these petrels streamed past us in numbers, many of them lifting

effortlessly high over the rugged cape and its lighthouse, using it a short cut as they made their way from one feeding ground to another. They can cover large distances in their quest for food, with some birds recorded flying to the east coast of Australia while their partner was sitting on their egg on Auckland’s west coast. The grey-faced petrel is a target species for restoration projects, and they are increasing in numbers at Tawharanui Open Sanctuary since a pair was found nesting back in 2009; living proof of the importance of eradicating predators, and making sure there are enough reserve areas for us to share our world with these very special wild creatures.

Chris Gaskin, Chris Gaskin is a founding trustee of the Northern NZ Seabird Trust and author of a number of natural history books on seabirds.

Calling all local bands, dancers and musicians – Kowhai Festival is making an early call for entertainers who’d like to take the stage at the Huge Day Out, which takes place this year on Saturday October 28. Festival music director Phil Tyler says performers will even have extra time to practice their acts this year, since the Huge Day Out is being held later in the month than usual. “I want to find as much local talent as possible to play on our main stage in Wharf Street and our small stage, which will be in the PaperPlus carpark,” he says. “We always get people wanting to take part at the last minute, or who say they didn’t know about it, so we want to get the word out early to give people as much opportunity as we can.” Phil is urging anyone interested in performing at the festival to give him a call by the end of April. The theme this year is Halloween, and it will be the first time since the event started in 1970 that it has been held after Labour Weekend. Committee chairman Murray Chapman says the timing is always influenced and restricted by tide times for the various water events, and this year that means moving the main event to October 28. Info: Phil Tyler 021 769323


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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters



Carnival fun to raise funds for new classroom furniture The Leigh School Carnival on Easter Sunday marks the beginning of the primary school’s new innovative learning environment. A new open plan classroom is due to arrive during the Easter break and open in Term Two. The school hopes to raise at least $15,000 at the carnival for new furniture to suit the open plan area. Principal Julie Turner says the Ministry of Education has paid for key furniture, including adjustable tables, seating and shelves, but additional items will be needed. However, they won’t know exactly what until they start working in the new space. “It’s a unique situation and we’ll be adjusting the furniture as we all adjust to the room,” she says. The new class is designed to be a flexible open space to encourage a range of learning styles for collaborative group activities, with breakout spaces for independent learning. It will replace two 25-year-old prefabs that were removed from the school at the end of last year to make way for the new building, which will be sited near the school pool. The new building will combine two classes, and house 40 children,

Leigh School teacher Dominique Vikstrand, principal Julie Turner, teacher Debbie Fox and carnival organiser Rachel Bigwood in front of the new building site.

plus Year 2 to 4 teacher Dominique Vikstrand and Year 5 to 6 teacher Debbie Fox. New entrants will remain in their current class. Both teachers say they are looking forward to applying new teaching techniques in a purpose-built room. “We know how the children relate together socially, but now they will need to interact in a formal setting,”

Debbie says. Dominique says they will also have to figure out how to work and support each other. “The environment will enable us to teach and work in different ways. We’ve done a lot of planning, but it will become more clear once we are in the room,” she says. The Carnival is a major fundraiser

Come check out our School Holiday Programme at Goat Island Marine Discovery Centre Mondays and Wednesdays in April Create, identify, dissect, learn and discover Full programme details @


for the school, and last year raised $15,000 towards a playground renovation and library upgrade. This year’s highlights include an Easter egg hunt, the ever-popular giant ice slide and fairground amusements, including vertical bungees, mini hot rods, bouncy castles and inflatable slides, plus seafood, quick-fire raffles, a silent auction and plenty of local food and fish.


22 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

Constructive fun at libraries

Auckland Libraries school holiday theme for this Easter is Construction Wizards. Local branches will be offering a variety of activities for families, including Lego and Minecraft fun, paper plane flying, fort building, Nerf wars, engineering challenges, Kiribati arts and culture, and a magic show. Kids can also enter a Lego colouring competition to win tickets to the Lego Batman movie at Matakana Cinemas.

Mahurangi East Library

Wellsford Library

• Box fort Nerf war April 27 3.30pm-6pm

• Story time April 19 April 10.30am Construction-themed story time for pre-schoolers. • Lego craft April 19 11.30am-12.15pm Get crafty and arty with Lego paper construction craft. • Construction wizards April 20 10:30-11:30am Mystery construction material challenge • Minecraft April 22 10.30am-11.30am • Rhyme time April 24 10.30am-11am • Story time April 26 10:30am • Legotastic! #1 April 26 1.30pm-2.30pm Lego construction fun, challenges and games. • Legotastic! #2 April 27 2pm-4.30pm More Lego fun, followed by The Lego Movie at 3pm. • Magic show April 28 2pm-3pm A magical show from Andy Wonder and his bunny!

Warkworth Library

This Easter will be the first time the travelling antique fair has come to Matakana.

Antiques support arts hub

An Antiques Fair at Matakana School on Easter weekend will raise money for the school’s new arts hub. Based in the old school hall, the hub is the new home for the arts curriculum including art, music, drama and dance. School relations manager Helena Ujdur says the large open space has great acoustics and is an ideal space for classes to listen to and make music, plan and present dances or develop elements of drama. “Teachers are already using this space for great moments of creativity,” Helena says. Funds raised from the antiques fair will be used for a new air conditioning unit for the hub. Antique Fair spokesperson Marie

Turtle says they hope to raise $2000, with all proceeds from the gold coin entry donations going to the school, along with any money left over from stall fees. The fair will comprise up to 10 stalls, selling everything from china, small furnishings, jewellery, glassware and crystal to military badges, lead animals and other antiques. Marie says they have been touring the fair throughout the country for the past 20 years and they always partner with local charities or schools. This will be their first time in Matakana and they are inviting local antique collectors to join the stallholders. Info: Saturday April 15, 10am-5pm, Sunday April 16, 10am-4pm. Enquiries to 027 443 0018

• Amazing paper planes April 19 11am Fold, fly and race amazing paper planes. • Fort games April 20 11am • Legotown April 21 11.00am Build a Lego community together. • “We can build It” storytime April 24 10.30am Construction-themed pre-school storytime. • Freaky Frankentoys April 27 11am Create a freaky new toy from old ones. • Magic show April 28 11am A magical show from Andy Wonder and his bunny! • Kiribati crafts April 29 10.30 Beautiful Kiribati arts and crafts.

Easter Weekend


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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


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Cool Kids Warkworth

MSD Approved OSCAR Programme WINZ Subsidies are available enquire now!

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April 2017 School Holiday Programme

MSD Approved OSCAR Programme MSD Approved OSCAR Programme WINZ Subsidies are available enquire now! WINZ Subsidies are available enquire now!

Soprano Marlena Devoe will perform at The Vivian before returning to her current base in London.

Opera talent to resonate Rising opera star Marlena Devoe will launch the Auckland Opera Studio’s new winter series in style at The Vivian Gallery on Saturday April 8. The concert is the first of four, with one each month until July, and follows a successful inaugural series at the Matakana art gallery last year. The Vivian owner Helen Crosby says the venue’s acoustics are perfect for opera, even though the gallery was not intentionally designed that way. “Listening to opera in a smaller space, which is how opera was always intended to be heard, is quite something. The voices of the performers resonate within the bodies of the audience, a very special goosebump feeling,” Helen says. Auckland Opera Studio director and Omaha resident Frances Wilson says the acoustics and surroundings create a unique setting. “We love to sing surrounded by works

of art. It creates a perfect mixture of three art forms in one night–the song itself, the literature and the artworks in the gallery,” Frances says. The concerts will raise funds for the studio, a trust providing work and tuition free of charge to talented young singers with national or international potential for training and performance. The series will showcase recent awardwinning singers who will perform opera arias, and French, Italian and English songs. It starts with New Zealand-born Samoan soprano Marlena, who now lives in London. She was one of the studio’s first students and winner of the Joan Sutherland and Richard Bonynge Bel Canto Award.

18 April - 28 April (FOR AGES 5—13 YEARS) April 2017 School Holiday Programme For more details and enrolment form

18 April - 28 April (FOR AGES 5—13 YEARS) April 2017

Join us for some amazing trip days to

Megazone Laser Tag, Parakai Springs Hot Pools, Joinusus some amazing days Join forfor some amazing triptrip days to to Join us for some trip days to Sky amazing Tower and the North HeadMegazone Tunnels !Tag, Megazone Laser Tag, Parakai Springs Laser Parakai Springs Phone 027 931 1311 425 8300 786 Phone 027 931 1311 or or 0909 425 8300 extext 786

Megazone Laser Tag, Parakai Springs


Carnival Easter sunday 2017 WHAT

Fire brigade fishing fundraiser

local food

Info: Colin Greenwood 0275 951957

For more details and enrolment form For more details and enrolment form

Phone 027 931 1311 or 09 425 8300 ext 786

Seafood quick fire raffles Plants & books

There are prizes for the heaviest snapper, kahawai, kingfish, trevally and crayfish, plus kids classes as well, and a fish auction will be held after the weigh-in. Entry tickets cost $25 per adult or $10 per child, available from Wellsford Sports & Leisure and Hunting & Fishing, Warkworth.


Info: Auckland Opera Studio at The Vivian Gallery, 39 Omaha Valley Road, April 8, May 20, June 10, July 15, 5-7pm $50 per concert,

Get your rods at the ready – Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade is holding its annual Beach, Boat & Kontiki Fishing Tournament on Good Friday and Saturday, April 14 and 15. Entrants can fish from anywhere from 6am on Friday and have to get their catches back to the Wellsford Fire Station between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday afternoon for the weigh-in.

School Holiday Programme April 2017 School Holiday Programme

Phone 027 931 1311 or 09 425 8300 ext 786 April - 28 April 1818 April - 28 April

For more details and enrolment form

easter egg hunt funfair Rides





16 th


leigh school field HAURAKI RD

Bouncy castle TIMES


Leigh School fundraiser


24 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

7pm Thursday 13 April 9am Good Friday 14 April 9am & 10.30am Easter Sunday 16 April

5 Pulham Road, Warkworth. Phone 425 8861 For more information phone office or visit website

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Eddie Low, left, and Kevin Greaves promise original and classic songs with a touch of comedy for their Warkworth show.

Legends to play Warkworth Country music legends Eddie Low and and Kevin Greaves have travelled the world entertaining and now they are coming to Warkworth RSA, on Saturday April 8. The singers have been working together since touring in the Highway of Legends show, after they returned to New Zealand in 2008 following international tours. “We got to know each other well and gained a mutual respect for each other’s stage shows and how they would make a great blend,” Kevin says. The Warkworth show is part of a North Island tour and will include a mix of old and new country songs, Eddie’s hit songs, and covers of Elvis Presley, Marty Robbins and Roy Orbison. The current tour follows on from two weeks of sold out shows in Australia, including the Tamworth Country Music Festival, where Eddie is a Tamworth Hands of Fame artist. Eddie Low has spent 40 years touring the world. He was born blind and spent many years in the Auckland Blind Institute, where he learned to play instruments. He left New Zealand to seek fame in Australia in

1964, aged 21, and has performed and toured with Johnny Cash, Charlie Pride, Buck Owens, Tom T. Hall, Freddie Fender, Kenny Rogers and many more. Eddie was recognised for his services to music with a NZ Order of Merit in 2006. He now lives in Christchurch and is recording a new duets album, ‘Eddie Low With’. Kevin will feature on one song called ‘Small, Small World’. Eddie was friends with Kevin’s late father, top country recording artist Rusty Greaves. Kevin performed onstage as a five-year-old and started his professional career when he was 14. He moved to Nashville in 1993, where two of his songs hit the charts and he has performed all over the US. Kevin’s accolades include NZ Variety Artist Awards for Top Male Artist and the Agnew Award for Best Entertainer, Comedy Award of 2008, and a Living Legend Award. Info: The Eddie Low Show featuring Kevin Greaves, April 8, 8.30pm10.30pm, Warkworth RSA, $20 booked, $25 on the door.

Easter egg hunt in sculpture gardens The Easter Bunny is visiting Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens on Easter Sunday. The annual Easter egg hunt on April 16 will last all day, from 9am to 3pm, so people arriving later in the day do not miss out. Easter eggs will be hidden along the 1km trail among the sculptures and plants. Children are encouraged to dress up as an Easter Bunny, fairy or favourite fantasy character. Against the backdrop of the Kaipara Harbour, the trail winds through a secluded valley and features sculpture in wood, metal, stone, glass, fibre and ceramic, plus installation works.


March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


ANTIQUE FAIR MATAKANA SCHOOL French for Rabbits band members John Fitzgerald and Brooke Singer decided to write about ‘breaking free’ after their personal relationship ended.

Band plays on after break up When two members of Wellingtonbased band French for Rabbits ended their personal relationship they decided to write about it, and they will perform songs from the resulting album, Weight of Melted Snow, at Leigh Sawmill Cafe on April 9. The album is intimate and confessional, imbued with respect, understanding, and loss. French for Rabbits formed in 2011, when songwriter and pianist Brooke Singer and guitarist John Fitzgerald began writing and recording lo-fi demos of ambient dream-folk in the small coastal township of Waikuku Beach. When Brooke and John chose to end their personal relationship,

Ticket giveaway

they decided to keep writing music together. They say that ultimately, it is an album about breaking free and letting go. To introduce the album, they released ‘One and Only’ as a “soliloquy to a changing relationship, written in a moment of realisation at the transitory nature of life”. Brooke and John will be joined by drummer Hikurangi Schaverien-Kaa (Glass Vaults), multi-instrumentalists Ben Lemi (Trinity Roots) and Penelope Esplin. The Weight of Melted Snow is the band’s second album and was released on March 10, followed by a national tour. The band’s previous recordings include Spirits (2014) and a six-song EP, Claimed by the Sea (2012).

Mahurangi Matters has a double pass and a CD to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to French for Rabbits Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email with the subject line: French for Rabbits. Competition closes April 6.


Entry Gold Coin Donation

oaks on neville street feature


26 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

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We are proud to be associated with the Oaks on Neville Street project. P: 09 426 7007 E: Florence House, 16 Florence Ave, Orewa

Urban design teams have used a mix of colours and materials on the building facades.

Mahurangi residents fuel demand for apartments The first residents of the Oaks on Neville, in central Warkworth, could be moving in by May next year. Despite some complications in the early stages of construction, mainly due to the amount of water found under the site, the first two apartment blocks are now well underway. Together, they will contain at least 63 apartments ranging in size from 55sqm to 142sqm. While the costs of the apartments won’t be confirmed for another couple of months, indicative prices range from $425,000 for the smaller units up to $1.2 million. Developer Chris Murphy says he is surprised that the largest and most expensive apartments have been snapped up first. “Around 33 apartments have already been reserved, and we expect demand to be strong once the structures rise above ground,” Mr Murphy says. Most of the interest has come from Mahurangi residents, although enquiries have been fielded from Auckland as well. Anyone applying for an apartment must be aged 60 years-plus, while the average age for entry into retirement homes generally in New Zealand is 78 years. The industry has an annual turnover of seven years. Mr Murphy says like other retirement complexes, the Oaks will offer residents social activities and every apartment will have an emergency call system.

“Eventually, when the whole development is complete, there is likely to be a full time activities coordinator, as well as staff on site 24/7, but we may have to roll this out gradually. The area above the current tavern will be retained by the village as a communal space for social events.” The first stage will also include a gym and pool for residents, cafe and eight retail shops, and parking for 100 vehicles. Mr Murphy says the five-storey blocks will be about half the height the current crane on site. He says a lot of effort has gone in to the exterior finish to make it as attractive as possible. Residents who buy during construction will have the opportunity to individualise their apartments with their own colour scheme, choice of carpets, bathroom tiles and kitchen bench tops. The developers hope to apply for a resource consent for the second stage of the development – a third block of possibly 46 apartments, plus a ground floor care facility and retail shops on Neville Street – before July. It is anticipated it will open in 2020. Meanwhile, some preliminary plans have been drawn up for a fourth apartment block on the corner of Mill Lane and Whitaker Road. The half-hectare site is likely to includes stream frontage, retail and up to 60 apartments. A project sales office is due to open in the former Warkworth Hotel in April.

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oaks on neville street feature

March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


WE ARE PROUD TO BE INVOLVED WITH THE OAKS ON NEVILLE STREET PROJECT Rupert Mather 021 425 837 Graeme Smith 021 422 983 23 Bertram Street, Warkworth

Project manager Dave Stott says the hardest part of the build is out of the way.

The only way is up for Oaks After a difficult start during the groundwork phase, construction of the Oaks retirement development is back on track, according to project manager Dave Stott. “It’s good to be above the ground,” he says. Work started on the two apartment blocks in the first stage of the development two years ago and they are expected to be finished in April next year. The lead contractor is the NZ owned company Kalmar, which has been involved with projects such as Shed 10 on Queens Wharf, Hobsonville Point Barracks and the student amenities centre at Massey University in Albany. Dave said that the major challenge in the build so far had been dealing with a stream that ran underneath the site. However, in January water levels dropped more than expected. “We think the water may be hitting a pile wall at the south end of the building and going around the site,

but we aren’t sure. “While this is good for construction, it means all surrounding buildings must be closely monitored to ensure the water isn’t affecting them, which is one of the conditions of the resource consents.” The concrete slab for the building is almost complete and the walls up to level one have been erected. Steel framing is going up and excavation work will start this month to create the underground carpark. In around three months, the building’s superstructure will be finished including roofing and precast wall panels. “From there, things will progress very quickly,” Dave says. The route for the stormwater line is still being discussed with Auckland Council, but it is likely to run down Neville Street. Dave says the alternative route along Queen Street would be more difficult because it would involve navigating around other utilities.


Proud to be associated with the Oaks on Neville Street project Dave & Lynette Morrison - (09) 425 8339 | Unit 3, 9-23 Morrison Drive, Warkworth

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28 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

Whangarei Heads Arts Trail EASTER 2017

Saturday 15 and Sun 16 April Visit over 40 Artists showing paintings, jewellery, ceramics, sculpture, glass, prints, textiles, metal and wood work. Email:


By Matakana Village Books

Surviving 7.8 : New Zealanders Respond to the Earthquakes of November 2016 Phil Pennington

Our $5 Guide map available prior to event from: Tuatara Design Store, 29 Bank St, Whangarei, iSite Visitor Information Centres, Whangarei and Community Venues on the day CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFO

This is the story of New Zealand’s response to our second most powerful earthquake on record, one of the most violent earthquakes ever felt. Arriving by stealth after midnight on November 14, the Kaikoura magnitude 7.8 and its aftershocks shook New Zealand’s heartland to its core and created a damage zone of epic proportions. Kaikoura was cut off from the rest of the country, State Highway 1 on both sides was covered in massive landslides, and railway lines tossed aside like children’s toys. Capturing the drama as it unfolded, Surviving 7.8 is a tough but fascinating study in resilience. Throughout the narrative are stories from the people affected – locals and tourists alike – covering the immediate reaction, the uncertainty and the turmoil, as well as the do-it-yourself attitude and steely resolve that defines who we are as Kiwis. Author Phil Pennington is a senior reporter for Radio New Zealand in Wellington and was out on the streets of the city within an hour of the event, gathering interviews and social media commentary. He had earlier covered the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Sales of this fascinating book support the New Zealand Red Cross November 2016 Earthquake Appeal.

The Wish Child

Catherine Chidgey It has been a long 14 years between novels for fans of Catherine Chidgey, but the wait has been worth it. The Wish Child was described by Nine to Noon reviewer Sue Lamb as “a brilliant, brilliant novel ... a masterpiece” and is a strong contender to win the fiction section of the Ockham New Zealand Book Awards in May. At the heart of this novel is an enigmatic voice telling the story of two German families caught up in the events of 1939. Two children watch as their parents become immersed in the puzzling mechanisms of power. Sieglinde lives in the affluent ignorance of middle-class Berlin, her father a censor who cuts prohibited words such as love and mercy out of books. Erich is an only child living a rural life near Leipzig, tending beehives, aware that he is shadowed by strange, unanswered questions. Drawn together as Germany’s hope for a glorious future begins to collapse, the children find temporary refuge in an abandoned theatre amidst the rubble of Berlin. The days Sieglinde and Erich spend together will shape the rest of their lives. A profound meditation on the wreckage caused by a corrupt ideology, on the resilience of the human spirit, and on crimes that cannot be undone.

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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters




JOSEPH & THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOUR DREAMCOAT Saturday 29 April, Matinee 1pm Love Spud band members Isaac Thackray, Brian Jones, Steve Cox and Gareth Hedges met and later launched their album at Warkworth’s Tahi Bar.

Love Spud defy ageist odds Mahurangi band Love Spud’s first album, Shoddy Rotten Dream, shot to No 6 in the NZ Album Charts in March, despite the odds being stacked against them. The 44 to 65 year olds were turned away by a record label, and were told they weren’t young enough to be marketed. However, singer-songwriter and guitarist Isaac Thackray says that rejection was just the boost they needed to get it done themselves. “We’re not really going to get by on cheekbones, we just want to make great music and put it out there,” Isaac says. “Luckily, we’re not unique and that’s how bands get things done now.” They recorded demos on a Tascam 58 8-track reel-to-reel recorder and finished the album at Earwig analogue studios in Auckland. They recorded videos and took photos for the cover work at Isaac’s home in Matakana, in front of an old tractor. Love Spud then released the album in February to a full house at Tahi Bar in Warkworth, and a week later it was high on the NZ Album Charts. It’s a long way for the band that only

formed just over a year ago. Isaac and guitarist and vocalist Brian Jones first started jamming after talking about music at Tahi Bar. They realised they worked well together and were joined by drummer Steve Cox and Gareth Hedges on bass. They describe their music as a mix of 50s rock ’n’ roll, blues and country. Isaac says he’s enjoyed publishing his original music after playing in a cover band for 30 years, and reckons he wrote at least 100 songs before he wrote a good one. The album title song, Shoddy Rotten Dream, is one of them, but he says the album’s most popular song so far, Three Minutes Late, was written in a rush just before they recorded the album. After such a strong start, Love Spud is already booking more gigs and working on a new album, and Isaac says they have no time to lose. “Our only plans are to keep going while we’re still alive. We’re going to give it a good go but even if nothing more comes of it, we’re having good fun,” Isaac says.

Album giveaway

Mahurangi Matters has two Shoddy Rotten Dream CDs to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to Love Spud Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email with the subject line: Love Spud. Competition closes April 6.

Recipe round up for cookbook A group of local mums is appealing for favourite family recipes for a new community cookbook showcasing the Matakana region. The book will be a quality hardcover volume designed to give locals and visitors alike a taste of the area, and money raised from sales and

sponsorship will go towards providing an all-weather covered court area at Matakana School for school and community use. To submit a recipe and get a taste of what the book will look like, go to The deadline for recipe submissions is April 21.

Ph Leabourn Passenger Service 09 423 7416 Bus.hours Phone: 09 423 7416 • Email:

30 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017


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Tractors trek through town A convoy of nine vintage tractors dating from 1949 made its way along Warkworth’s Queen Street on March 15 as part of a trek from Kaihere to Cape Reinga and back. Members of the David Brown Club and Far and Wide Tractor Trekking were raising money for the Ronald McDonald

House Charities, and by the time they reached Sandspit Holiday Park for an overnight stay, they had raised $1500. Group member Robin Hill said the great thing about trekking on a tractor was that “you get to take in your surroundings while moving at 25km per hour”.

Meeters and greeters needed Warkworth Museum is running short of people to run its reception area, and is desperately seeking volunteers. Museum manager Victoria Joules says they are always looking for people willing to lend a hand, but the entrance area and shop are under particular pressure at present. “We are struggling for reception volunteers at the moment,” she says. “We really do need to stay open seven days a week and need to fill more slots.” Volunteers are required to welcome museum visitors, and operate the till and Eftpos machine. “It’s meet and greet and taking money; they are the face of Warkworth

Museum,” Victoria says. She stresses that volunteering is entirely flexible, allowing people to work the days and times that suit them, with morning and afternoon slots between 10am and 3pm. “It’s not complicated, and if they have a love of history and are interested in supporting their local museum, it would be ideal,” she says. “We’re also looking for people in archives, in textiles and in our community team, where we go out to schools, hospitals and old people’s homes and interact with them.” Info: 425 7093 or email

Blue Light for youth emergency initiative North Rodney Blue Light is focusing on engaging young people in their community this year, with community youth coordinator Shane Gould launching a joint initiative with members of volunteer emergency services and Civil Defence. Ten youths will attend a special training camp, where they will train for a First Aid certificate and build relationships with the emergency services. More than 400 students have already participated in other North Rodney Blue Light programmes this year to develop character and skills. Mahurangi College, Otamatea High School, Livingway, Kaiwaka and Matakana pupils have all participated, either through snorkelling at Goat Island or attending the Moirs Point Christian Camp in Mangawhai. Info: Shane Gould 027 458 7485


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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Is your tank water discoloured or funny smelling?

Nicola Bolton

Are you always changing expensive filters?

Luscious autumn afters

Just hours into the first day of autumn, I swear the temperature had dropped a few degrees already. Although this was much to my dismay at the time, the change in season at least gives me a good excuse to get back into my most treasured desserts – warm ones! I have a surplus of fruit on my property at the moment and crumbles are the perfect way to get rid of it. The thing about a crumble is you can make them with almost any fruit. I have used passionfruit, oranges, peaches, nectarines, figs, plums, and even the odd mango. The trick is to bake with a mixture of fruits. So feel free to use the recipe below as a base to play around with some interesting fruit combinations. Just make sure you serve your crumble hot, and cool it off with something cold and runny. My mouth is salivating at the thought!

Easy-peasy perfect nutty crumble


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3 medium-sized pears 3 medium-sized apples – preferably Royal Gala 1 cup raspberries, blueberries or blackberries 1 ¼ cup raw sugar 2 medium-sized soft lemons


¾ cup raw whole almonds ½ cup rolled oats 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ cup desiccated coconut ¾ cup plain flour 50g butter, well chilled

Before you start the prep work, preheat your oven on bake at 180 degrees. Peel and de-seed your pears and apples, chop them into small chunks and place in a large mixing bowl. Wash your berries and pop them in the bowl with the apples and pears. Finely grate the zest of the two lemons and put aside. Squeeze the juice from both lemons and pour over your fruit – be sure to discard all the pips! Add 1/2 cup of the raw sugar along with half a teaspoon of the cinnamon. Gently mix everything together and place in a medium-sized baking dish of your choice – there is no need to grease the dish. Now we can move on to the topping that makes this crumble so delectably scrumptious. In a large clean mixing bowl, place your lemon zest, rolled oats, coconut, flour, 3/4 cup of raw sugar, and the rest of your cinnamon. Finely chop your almonds and add these in to the mix. Break the butter in to pieces and throw it in with everything else. Now you need to get your hands dirty. Rub all the ingredients in together with your fingers until they resemble large bread crumbs, then evenly pour the topping over your fruit in the baking dish. Place in the centre of the oven and bake for 30 to 45 minutes. The crumble is cooked to perfection when the topping is lightly browned and you can see fruit juice bubbling up the sides of the dish. Serve immediately in dessert bowls, and top with fresh cream, berry yoghurt or warm custard.


32 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017




Montana Wine Range

MoneyMatters Grant Clifton, Countrywise Financial

Are you fiscally responsible?


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Tui, Export Gold or DB Draught 12pk NZ Pure 12pk Bottles Flame 15pk Bottles Stella Artois (incl Legere) $ .99 $ .99 $ .99 330ml Cans $18.99 ea 12pk Bottles If you’re really looking to be financially responsible, just being able to make 19 21 23 Jack Jim Beam & Cola 4.8% 10pk Bottles, $ Daniel’s & Cola 40 Smirnoff Ice Double Black 7% Barrel 51 12pk Bottles Wild Moose 5% 12pk Bottles your credit card payments doesn’t cut it. The fact that you have a credit card 8pk Cans Canadian Club & Dry 4.8% 10pk Bottles $ .99 Combo 12pk Cans (incl Flavours) $ 21 $ .99 $ 20.99 payment at all and aren’t able to pay your balance in full shows that you already 18 25.99 $ .99 22 Jim Beam spend more than you earn. Responsible use of a credit card, then, must mean White 1L or Canadian Club paying the balance on your account in full each month. Credit cards should be Tui, Export Gold or DB 1L (incl Spiced) Carlsberg 15pk Bottles Heineken 15pk Bottles Steinlager 18pk Bottles Draught 24pk Bottles + 1.5L mixer used for convenience, not to make ends meet. Credit cards are handy because $ .99 $ .99 $ .99 $ .99 ea 25 28 31 9 35 they eliminate the need to carry cash, and you can even generate reward points. And credit cards can be very helpful in an emergency. That said, however, if an emergency does force you to put a large amount on the card, living in a Absolut 1Ltr Jim Beam or Canadian Grant’s 1Ltr Captain Morgan Jack Daniel’s Southern Midori 700ml St Remy 1Ltr Stil 1Ltr Jagermeister Kahlua or financially responsible manner means curbing your spending until that balance Spiced) $ 700ml $ $ 39.99 Club$1Ltr (incl .99 35.99 (incl$ Spiced).991Ltr $ 1Ltr.99 Comfort 34.99 $38.99 $32.99 $ 700ml .99 $Malibu 1Ltr.99 is paid off. The same logic applies to all loans and borrowing that involve paying $ .99 37 37 51 29 34 38 interest. Think about it: paying interest on anything means that you are spending Malibu / Kahlua 700ml Gilbeys 1L Russian Famous Jack Daniels 700ml Captain Morgan Absolut 1L / St Remy 1L more for that item than just the purchase price. Does that sound like the most Standard 1L Grouse 1L (incls Honey and Fire) 1L (incl Spiced) Beefeater Gin 1L $ $ 26.99 ea $32.99 $ .99 $ .99 $ .99 ea $ .99 ea $ .99 ea 39.99 responsible choice, or just the most convenient? When the interest payments are 34 36 37 37 39 factored into the purchase price, you are spending more to obtain the item than Vodka Cruiser Hardy’s VR or KGB - 12pk even the item’s manufacturer thought it was worth. As such, avoiding paying Range Heineken 15pk Export 33 15pk Lion Red, Speights, Waikato, Summit 15pk Bottles 2 $ interest on anything should be a major objective. Of course, when it comes to $ .99 $ .99 $ .99 $ .99 15 for 29 24 20 ea23 the cost of housing and transportation, avoiding interest is almost impossible for Smirnoff Pure 4pk Jack Daniels & Cola Jim Beam Gold 7% Long White or Mist 250ml 12pk Cans Bottle Range $10.99 8pk Cans $19.99 most of us. In such situations, minimising the amount you spend in interest each Wood Gin 10pk Bottles $ 22.99 $ .99 ea month is the most responsible action. Have you looked at and taken professional 22 Jim Beam or Canadian Club & Dry Woodstock 5% 330ml Bottles, advice on how you can minimalise the amount of interest you pay on your home Billy Maverick or Canadian Club & Codys 7% 250ml Cans or Woodstock THIRSTY LIQUOR 18pk 250ml Cans Cola 10pk Bottles 7% 250ml Cans all 18pks loan, for example? VOUCHERS make the perfect Asahi 12pk Steinlager Tui, Export Gold,$DB Draught $ gift! .99 $ 15pk .99 ea .99 ea 24pk 28 25 9online 29 Available in-store or You need to act in your own best interest. For many people, cutting down on $ $ $ .99 $20, $50 or $100 vouchers. 24.99 26.99 34 Specials only while stocks last. At participating stores. Available from 1st to 30th April 2017 interest and borrowing is easier said than done, but in practice, it really comes Find your nearest Thirsty at 126 Find atat Rodney St, Wellsford Find your your nearest nearestThirsty Thirsty down to knowing the difference between necessities and luxuries. For example, OVER 140 STORES NATIONWIDE! 100% OWNED & you might need a car, but you don’t need a brand new, latest and greatest car and, OVER 130 STORES NATIONWIDE! OPERATED IN NZ 100% OWNED & unless you can afford to pay for it in cash, you shouldn’t be driving one. Likewise, OPERATED IN NZ you might need a place to live, but you don’t need a mansion. 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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Let’s getDigital with Cathy Aronson, Digital Editor

Let’s get travelling Whether you are planning the trip of a lifetime or a quick break during the school holidays, here are some digital tools to help. Planning your trip If you want to be super-organised, or are planning your trip with other people, you can use a tool like Trello to create to-do lists, checklists and assign tasks with desktop and app versions. Or choose from one of the many apps for travelling, such as PackingPro. Where to go Online travel sites like TripAdvisor have hotels, holiday rentals, things to do, restaurants and flights. The app version is easy to use and, if you create a profile, you can create new trips and save your wishlists as you go. You can access offline saved travel guides on your device. The reviews and travellers photos of accommodation are well worth a look. Also try Wikitravel for a crowd-sourced travel guide. Airbnb continues to grow in popularity, offering cheaper accommodation and an authentic experience by staying in a local’s home. The tool itself is easy to use, but keep a careful eye on any special conditions and extra costs. Getting around Google Maps can be your best friend when navigating unfamiliar streets. You can even go for a virtual walk on Street View to familiarise yourself first, and keep an eye out for 360 tours of everything from restaurants to tourist attractions. Capturing and saving memories Check out apps to improve photos on your phone. Pro tools for smartphones include Snapseed, VSCO Cam and FiLMiC Pro. Pull together your stories with, or create a scrapbook on Pinterest. Don’t forget to save your memories. Along with any cloud-based back ups you already have, you can save and share large files with WeTransfer and Dropbox. While away or when you get home, back them up again on a portable hard drive. Happy travels! See more links and videos with this digital column at

Rainfall figures for March 101.5mm




Warkworth Kaipara Flats

Sweet Results

83.2mm 94.5mm


Sandspit Snells Beach


Algies Bay

Spotlight on Warkworth Highest rainfall day February 16 - 42.7mm

Candy Seed Mix

Longest period with rainfall: seven days

Total rainfall for year 123.5mm

Both Algies Bay and Whangateau experienced nine consecutive days without rainfall in February. * All figures collected by Mahurangi Matters. Do not reproduce without the permission of Local Matters Inc.

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34 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017





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Omaha Surf Life Saving Club wrapped up its junior season with its annual Junior Championships on March 19. A total of 105 children aged from six to 14 battled challenging surf conditions in the beach flags, beach sprint, surf swim and board race events. Junior surf coordinator Ross Sutherland says many people commented on how much the skill set of the competitors had improved over the season, with a high standard across the event. The stand out juniors were Angus Syminton, who won the U14 boys category with a dominant display, Luke Gibson, who took the U12 boys

section, and Melissa Cowen, who won U12 girls overall. Twins Phoebe and Molly Simkin also did well as some of the younger competitors in their age bracket, coming first and third in U14 girls. Other age group winners were Nicholas Cowen, Samara Powell, Oliver Gipps, Faye Dobson, Noah Muliaumasealii, Ava Ripley, Jamie Chapman-Smith and Macey Rodgers. This year the Omaha Surf Life Saving Club took a record number of junior registrations and Ross says continuing to improve the junior surf section will be a focus for next season.




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March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters



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Tessa Berger, at the Puhoi Domain where her football career started, has signed an ambassador’s contract with Adidas.


Hectic start for Rodney rep Despite owning a business, being a local politician, sportsperson and a member of several community groups, Tessa Berger is ready to take on more. Tessa, aged 22, is five months into her role as the youngest Rodney Local Board member and has found it both challenging and rewarding. “The commitment required in the role is what I expected,” she says. “The real challenge has been navigating the red tape of Council.” Tessa discovered this when working on a parking plan for Opahi Bay. “People have been trying to get that sorted since Rodney District Council days. “I had to knock on every door to finally get it done.” She says working on issues like the Opahi Bay plan is the satisfying part of the job. “I enjoy working at a community level and making positive changes in those communities. “It’s great feeling like I’m already executing change in the role.” Tessa says there are a number of major issues that everyone is focused on like roading and town planning, so not overlooking smaller issues is important. She says one of her priorities is to engage young people as she believes they are an underutilised resource. As well as working up to 40 hours a

week for the Board, Tessa became the first woman footballer in New Zealand to sign an ambassador’s contract with Adidas last month. This involves presenting new gear in Adidas campaigns, with other sports women such as Black Sticks player Gemma McCaw. She believes Adidas selected her as she has played at a national level in football and manages her own brand with The Merchandise Collective. Tessa recently transferred from Forrest Hill Milford to Glenfield Rovers. Last year she captained Forrest Hill to victory in the New Zealand Women’s Knockout Cup final and was awarded most valuable player. She said she changed clubs to get more support. “I wanted to be in an environment where female footballers were given the best possible resources. “We had to fundraise to get to the knockout cup semi-final and I doubt the men would have been left to their own devices to pay for the equivalent.” Tessa has also joined Crimson Education, based in Auckland City. Her role will be to connect top academics and sporting people in New Zealand with scholarships in the United Kingdom and United States. Tessa played football and studied at the University in Florida after winning a scholarship when she was 16.

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36 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

Athlete Profile

Murray and Beverley Billington

New Zealand ace and senior president combine Ben Donaldson

Ex-Wimbledon player Beverley Billington (nee Vercoe) and husband Murray, president of Tennis New Zealand Seniors, will play together in mixed doubles tennis at the World Masters Games in Auckland. The Warkworth couple will compete in the 70-plus category, and they have previously won two golds in mixed doubles at senior nationals in 2004 and earlier this year. Beverley was born in Maungaturoto, but grew up in Auckland. She started playing tennis at the Mount Eden Tennis Club when she was eight. “At 15, I won my first big junior competition in Brisbane, which is what really sparked my tennis career,” she says. From there she won an U17 national singles title and a doubles title, making her the number one female player for her age group in New Zealand. She then took two U19 national singles titles in consecutive years and a doubles title to continue her run of dominance in junior tennis. At 19, she moved into open tennis and played in the Benson & Hedges tournament at Stanley Street, now known as the ASB Classic. She won

Beverley first saw Murray at a junior tournament aged 11, but the couple didn’t actually meet until she was 52.

the title that year and again two years later when she also took out the doubles and mixed doubles titles. Some of her more memorable moments

in the competition include beating seven time grand slam champion Maria Bueno and playing against female greats Evonne Goolagong and

Margaret Court in doubles. Beverley was also training to be a teacher at the time, as tennis was only on the verge of turning professional in


March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


for doubles the early 1970s. “I always said I would choose teaching over tennis because you can’t make a living playing tennis,” she says. When she was 20, tennis superstar Billie Jean King, who was promoting women’s tennis at the time, offered Beverley $400 to assist her career. However, she decided to turn the offer down for fear of how long it would take to pay the money back. In 1972, she travelled alone to South Africa, to play in Johannesburg and Durban, after her planned Federation Cup team trip was cancelled due to the political situation around apartheid. “I was amazed at how everyone had guns under their pillows at night,” she recalls. A highlight of her career was a first round appearance at Wimbledon in 1969 when she played in the doubles with Welsh player Elizabeth James. She was forced to stop playing tennis after the 1974 season when allergies made breathing difficult on court. She didn’t start playing seriously again until she was 50. Meanwhile, Murray started playing tennis at the Ellerslie Tennis Club when he was 14 and played for Penrose High School. He became a teacher and got his first


job up north at Okaihau School, winning the Bay of Islands Tennis Championship while he was there. He then made the Northland tennis team, but after moving to Tongariro District School and then Tolaga Bay, where there were no dedicated courts, he had few opportunities to play the game. His main success has come at senior level, winning 12 national age group titles and becoming president of Tennis New Zealand Seniors. Prior to his four years in that role, he was president of both Lower North and Rodney Tennis. He also won the Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club Singles Championship in 1981 and 1982, and was part of the team that won the Bedggood Cup in 1981. Murray and Beverley married in 2000 and started playing tennis together in 2001, and they have played in a number of senior events together since then. Auckland will mark their first World Masters Games, where they are looking forward to playing against international players, as they have competed against most New Zealanders in their age category already.


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A roundup of activities and events in thedisTRicT district a Roundup ofsports spoRTs acTiviTies in THe Te Hana road race Te Hana road race run starting from School Road in Wellsford, April 2. Open to all ages, entry $5 on the day. Info: Caroline 423 7191 Otamatea fundraiser tournament Mixed netball tournament to fundraise for Otamatea Aims team at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex, April 29. Team minimum age 10, entry $100 and must include two male players. Info: Jodie 021 0266 3634 Matakana junior football Last chance to register for Matakana junior football grades 6 to 15. Fees are $50 per child, two for $80 or 3 for $100, closes March 31. Info: Hamish Mahurangi junior hockey Registrations are open for Year 0 to 2 Funsticks and Year 3 to 6 junior hockey. Games will be at the Warkworth Hockey Turf, Saturday mornings starting Term Two. Info: Sandra Warkworth football Warkworth AFC is looking for parents to help with grades 4 to 6 running trainings and attending games. Little experience required. Info: Table tennis Table tennis at the Matakana Community Hall, Tuesday, 7.30pm onwards. Everyone welcome. Info: George 423 0424

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38 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

Riders Chris (right) and Jon managed to incorporate a one hour stop in Wanganui to refresh themselves.

SaddleSore cracked in just 22 hours Ahuroa motorcyclist Chris Wiltshire and his friend Jon Mitchell have successfully completed a 1621km bike ride in 22 hours and are awaiting their award from the Iron Butt Association. The pair took on the challenge of riding more than 1600km in 24 hours to complete what is called a SaddleSore 1600k, and they raised $2018 for the ARAN Animal Rescue charity in the process. To complete the the ride on time, they worked out an average speed of 66km/h was needed, however they exceeded that with an average of 73km/h. The trek began and finished at the BP station in Warkworth, starting on March 6 at 3.30am. “We really enjoyed it and it never became gruelling,” Chris says. Prior to the race he wasn’t sure how difficult the ride would be mentally, but says they felt fresh and focused the whole way. The main challenges faced were stops for a number of roadworks and bugs covering the helmet visors at night. Chris says the key to their success was preparation.

Warkworth’s grass bowling green has been out of action for a whole season, but a remedy has been found.

Grass grief on local bowling greens player numbers have been lost in some competitions and income is down due the green being out of action. Meanwhile, Mahurangi East Bowling Club was subject to large amounts of rain at the beginning of the off-season, delaying the start of a major 10-year renovation of its grass green. New grass seed could not be sown which meant the surface was unplayable until part way through the summer season. However, club greenkeeper Peter Walker says no permanent damage has been done and there was little inconvenience caused, since they have the option of their all-weather carpet green. Peter says the grass green is more costly to maintain, but players prefer it as it is cooler and softer to play on.

Both Warkworth Bowls Club and Mahurangi East Bowling Club had problems with their grass bowling greens this season. Warkworth’s green continues to suffer after its Star Weed lawn was damaged by cross-contamination of chemicals. It is suspected a spray container was not cleaned properly before the use of liquid fertiliser, resulting in large patches dying off and rendering the surface unplayable. The green has since undergone a soil test and the club committee has been advised to apply a mixture of gypsum and potash, together with the usual coring and reseeding of the surface, to fix the problem. The club hopes the surface will be back in action for its opening day on September 9. Tournament committee chair John Hurdley says

Tide Times





Mar 29

Mar 30

Mar 31

Apr 1

2:47am 9:12am 3:13pm 9:37pm

7:32am 7:20pm

Sun Fishing Guide Moon

0.5 3:34am 3.4 10:01am 0.4 4:01pm 3.5 10:25pm

1:51am 2:18pm













Apr 3

Apr 4

Apr 5

Apr 6

Apr 7

Apr 8

Apr 9

Apr 10

Apr 11

Apr 12

Apr 13

Apr 14

0.4 5:12am 0.4 12:04am 3.5 6:01am 0.6 12:54am 3.3 3.5 11:41am 3.5 5:05am 0.5 12:27pm 3.3 7:01am 0.7 0.3 5:39pm 0.3 11:33am 3.4 6:25pm 0.5 1:24pm 3.2 7:24pm 0.7 5:31pm 0.4 3.5 11:57pm 3.4 7:33am 7:34am 6:35am 6:36am 6:37am 7:17pm 7:15pm 6:14pm 6:13pm 6:11pm

Best At



Apr 2

0.4 4:22am 3.5 10:50am 0.3 4:50pm 3.5 11:14pm

7:33am 7:18pm

Best At


Matakana Marine Seawatch Auckland Area Sea Watch

2:45am 3:12pm

Best At


3:40am 4:08pm

Best At


4:37am 5:06pm

Best At


4:35am 5:04pm

Best At


5:33am 6:02pm

1:55am 8:04am 2:24pm 8:27pm

6:31am 6:59pm

2:58am 9:07am 3:27pm 9:32pm

6:38am 6:10pm

Best At


3.2 0.8 3.1 0.8

6:38am 6:08pm

Best At


7:27am 7:54pm

3.1 4:00am 0.9 10:09am 3.0 4:30pm 0.8 10:34pm

6:39am 6:07pm

Best At


8:21am 8:47pm

3.1 4:58am 0.9 11:06am 3.0 5:29pm 0.8 11:30pm

6:40am 6:05pm

Best At


9:12am 9:37pm

3.1 5:52am 3.2 12:20am 0.7 1:06am 0.8 11:59am 0.8 6:42am 3.2 7:28am 3.1 6:23pm 3.1 12:47pm 0.7 1:32pm 7:12pm 3.2 7:57pm 0.8 6:41am 6:04pm

Best At


10:01am 10:24pm

6:42am 6:03pm

Best At


10:47am 11:10pm

11:33am 11:55pm

1:49am 8:11am 2:13pm 8:39pm

6:43am 6:01pm

Best At


0.7 3.2 0.7 3.2


2:29am 8:52am 2:52pm 9:19pm

6:44am 6:00pm

Best At


0.7 3.2 0.7 3.2

12:39am 1:01pm

3:08am 9:32am 3:30pm 9:57pm

6:44am 5:59pm

Best At


0.7 3.2 0.7 3.2

6:45am 5:57pm

Best At


1:23am 1:46pm

0.7 3.1 0.7 3.2

Best At


2:08am 2:31pm

First Full Quarter Moon Rise 8:17am Rise 9:26am Rise 10:35am Rise 11:43am Rise 11:49am Rise 12:51pm Rise 1:47pm Set 12:14am Set 1:16am Set 2:18am Set 3:19am Set 4:19am Set 5:17am Set 6:15am Set 7:11am Set 8:07am Set 9:02am Set 8:13pm Set 8:53pm Set 9:37pm Set 10:24pm Set 10:17pm Set 11:14pm Rise 2:37pm Rise 3:21pm Rise 4:01pm Rise 4:37pm Rise 5:10pm Rise 5:43pm Rise 6:14pm Rise 6:47pm Rise 7:20pm Rise 7:56pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good

Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:


Phone 09 422 7822 • Email •


What’s on

See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events

April Kiribati culture celebration for Pasifika month, Warkworth Library, 10.30am. All ages welcome. Info: Natasha 021 730 436 6 Warkworth Kowhai Art & Crafts, Mixed Media Group. Share techniques using wire, paint, collage and other media. Club rooms, State Highway 1, Warkworth Showgrounds. Info: Merryl 425 6722 6 Rodney Community Arts AGM, Bridge Club rooms, Alnwick Street, 7pm. Info: Mona 425 6121 or 7 Tweed, Miss Peach and the Travellin’ Bones, Whangateau Hall, 6.40pm 8 Eddie Low with Kevin Greaves, Warkworth RSA, just 100 seated tickets, 8pm to 10.30pm (see story p24) 8-29 Over Seas exhibition by Angela Maritz and Bee DoughtyPratt, Art Matakana, Matakana Country Park, 10am-4pm. Info: 422 9790 8 Auckland Opera Studio at The Vivian Gallery, 39 Omaha Valley Road, 5pm to7pm, $50. Info: (see story p23) 9 Leigh Community Summer Market, Leigh Hall, 8.30am-1pm. Info: 9 Wellsford Country Music Club, Wellsford Community Centre, 1.30pm. Visitors welcome. Info: John 425 4051 9 French for Rabbits, Leigh Sawmill Cafe, 5.30pm (see story p25) 10 Warkworth branch of Genealogy Society NZ meeting, Shoesmith Hall, 9.45am to 12.30pm. Topic how to search for Londoners and AGM. Info: Helen 422 3486 12 Snells Beach Garden Circle meeting, Mahurangi East Community Centre, at 1.30pm. Speaker, sales table, competition entries and afternoon tea. Info: Barbara 425 5371 14&15 Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade Fishing Tournament, kids and adults open fishing from 6am Good Friday through to weigh in at Wellsford Fire Station on Saturday, 2-4pm. Tickets from Wellsford Sports & Leisure and Hunting & Fishing, Warkworth. Info: Colin Greenwood 0275 951 957 (see story p23) 15 Painting and craft market, Old Masonic Hall, 9.30am to 2pm. Info: Suzanne Williams, 09 425 5349 15&16 Antique Fair, Matakana School, Gold coin entry donation for ArtsHub (see story p22) 15&16 Whangarei Heads Easter Art Trail 16 Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens, 9am to 3pm (see brief p24) 16 Leigh School Carnival, 9am to 3pm, leighcarnival (see story p21) 1

May 7

8 8 14

Weed Amnesty, Warkworth Showgrounds,10am to 2pm. Disposal of all Invasive Pest Plants like Agapanthus, Woolly Nightshade and Wattles. No commercial business. Info: Snells Beach Garden Circle meeting, Mahurangi East Community Centre, at 1.30pm. Speaker, sales table, competition entries and afternoon tea. Info: Barbara 425 5371 Warkworth branch of Genealogy Society NZ meeting, Shoesmith Hall, 9.45am to 12.30pm. Topic how to file researched information. Info: Helen 422 3486 Wellsford Country Music Club, Wellsford Community Centre, 1.30pm. Visitors welcome. Info: John 425 4051

List your event directly on our What’s On calendar at or email the details to

March 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Warkworth RSA Fri 31st March - Classic Trax Fri 7th April - JJ Rhythm

Saturday 8th April The big Eddie Low Show ($20pp)

Thurs 13th April - Blame the Cats Fri 21st April - Gary Pallett Fri 28th April - John McGough Ask about our weekly Quiz Night. Wednesdays at 7pm. Not a member - Try us with a no cost 1 month temporary member card, available at the Bar when you call in.

28 Neville Street, Warkworth Phone 425 8568


40 Mahurangimatters March 29, 2017

Making one-on-one tackles will be a focus for Wellsford in the coming weeks.

Waipu off to winning start in Wellsford

The Waipu Premiers got their rugby season off to a winning start, beating the Wellsford Premiers 27-10 in the Bayleys Premiership at Wellsford on March 18. Three early tries put the visitors on the front foot, before Wellsford managed to dig in and get more possession in a scoreless second half. Waipu head coach Graham Dewes says getting the win in Wellsford for the first time in a number of years was a big highlight. “We had a good start to the game and came out of the blocks firing,” he says. “We lacked concentration in the second half and Wellsford got back into the game, but our defence was still impressive.” This is Graham’s first year as head coach and he is trying to focus the

squad around hard work. “We don’t have a team full of stars, so I’m trying to instil a hard working attitude in every player.” Last year, Waipu finished third in the competition and they have their sights set on winning the title this year. “We are taking the tournament week by week, because we can’t reach the end goal if we don’t tick the boxes along the way,” he says. The Waipu team is a young one, with a 19-year-old captain, a fact which Graham says brings plenty of enthusiasm to trainings. Wellsford head coach Brad Te Haara says a short pre-season due to fixture issues meant his side was a bit rusty coming into the game. “We picked it up in the second half, though, so I’m hoping next week we

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will hit the ground running,” he says. He did note two areas for the team to work on – their kick off and tackling. This is also Brad’s first year as head coach and he has started the team plan from scratch, bringing in new strategies. “We’ve had the same game plan for the past three years, so we needed to change it to keep the players engaged.” Brad says Wellsford needs to be in the top four at the end of round one to be in with a chance to win the competition and, based on previous seasons, he believes this is “very achievable”.


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Waipu’s early tries meant Wellsford were always on the back foot.

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