Mahurangi Matters_Issue 319_1 June 2017

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June 1, 2017

Your Local Community Newspaper FREE

Proudly NZ Owned

Showgrounds shine under new lights

What’s inside Fieldays feature

pages 26-31

Proud to be a part of

Mahurangi Matters

Local Link pages 32-35

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Welcome Home

The long-awaited LED floodlights at the Warkworth Showgrounds were officially turned on at a community celebration on May 19. The honour of flicking the switch went to Beau Reid, who won a special social media promotion. Fifteen clubs took the opportunity to promote their sports and several teams – in rugby, football and hockey – played season fixtures under the new lights. The showground redevelopment is being driven by the Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation Collective. Chair Mark Illingworth says the turn on showed what a community can achieve. “This isn’t just a facility for sports, it’s an area for the whole community,” Mark says. Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke says the showgrounds recreation area is crucial to help cater for growth in the area.


Tide turns on Mahurangi River siltation A $4 million restoration project for the Mahurangi River started last month after almost 10 years of planning and negotiation. Auckland Council has granted the Mahurangi River Restoration Trust a 33-year resource consent to dredge the river, from the town basin to Dawsons Creek.

The work is likely to take three years, depending on funding, and will result in the removal of more than 110,000 cubic metres of silt to create a 15-metre wide channel with a minimum depth of 1.5 metres below mean low-water spring tides. The dredged material will be disposed of on low-lying farmland along the

river or used to rebuild areas of the riverbank to enhance public access. The restoration trust was formed in 2014 by Jane Gifford trustees Peter Thompson and Hugh Gladwell, who were becoming increasingly concerned about the build-up of sediment and its impact on the navigability of the river. “When the Warkworth Wharf was

built, there was about a metre of water at the wharf at low tide,” they say. “Now there is a metre of mud. “When the Jane Gifford was relaunched in 2009, it floated at all stages of the tide, but now sits on the mud at low tide where the river is little more than ankle deep.”

off the drawing board this month . . .

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continued page 2

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2 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017


Issue 319

Mahurangi Matters

PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 GENERAL MANAGER: Jannette Thompson

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NEWS: James Addis, editor Ben Donaldson Sally Marden ADVERTISING: Rob Anderson

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GRAPHIC DESIGN: Martin Tomars Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 13,600 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.

Mahurangi River dredging According to the Mahurangi Action Group, which supports the dredging programme, empirical evidence indicates that Mahurangi sedimentation loads are five to six times higher than prior to catchment deforestation, and are at least double the loads measured in catchments elsewhere in the Auckland region. Mr Thompson says that if the dredging had not been consented, there was a real possibility that the Jane Gifford could no longer operate from Warkworth. He is comparing the project to the Whangarei Town basin, which went from “a muddy backwater to a stunning feature of the town”. “One of the key outcomes will be to re-establish the river as a valuable resource for the community. “All-tide access to the river basin will offer greater recreational opportunities, both on the river and in the adjoining reserves. Many older people in the community can remember a safe and healthy river, where people used to be able to fish, swim and boat.” The tug Clearwater and a barge have been purpose-built to operate within the confines of the river. While securing the resource consent was a major step in the project, Mr Thompson says funding the work is the next hurdle. An advisory board, chaired by former local body politician Penny Webster, has been established to oversee the

from page 1

The removal of mud, not so glorious mud, from the Mahurangi River has started.

operation, with fundraising as one of its main tasks. Other members of the board are Messrs Thompson and Gladwell, One Warkworth Business Association chair Chris Murphy, Steve Burret, Robert Jones and Jim Dollimore. Mrs Webster says a cleaner and navigable river offers fantastic possibilities for Warkworth. “While the focus of this project is on removing the silt, it is part of a much wider initiative to improve the ecology

of the river and encourage riparian planting,” she says. “We need people to buy into this.” The trust thanked a number of local companies for their support during the resource consent process, including OPC Planning, Hutchinson Consultants, 4Sight Consulting, Clough & Associates and Buckton Surveyors. Local iwi were consulted, and the Rodney Local Board and Warkworth Rotary supported the consent application.

Funding sought to complete work Apart from the initial preparation work, the dredging programme will depend on funding. The Advisory Board will approach funding institutions, but these bodies will expect to see a contribution from the community. Donations from the public would be greatly appreciated and can be made at ASB Warkworth; by direct credit to The Mahurangi River Restoration Trust account 12 3095 0034484 00; or by cheque to PO Box 343 Warkworth. The Trust will issue receipts on request for all donations, which are tax deductible.

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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


New editor takes helm at Mahurangi Matters

The fact that Evelyn Street appears as a continuation of Mansel Drive is being blamed for at least two accidents at the intersection.

Safety questions surround intersection Action will be taken to reduce the risk around the intersection in Warkworth where Mansel Drive meets Woodcocks Road, following public concern and accidents around the crossroads. A number of recent posts on Facebook have highlighted the issue that Evelyn Street, opposite Mansel Drive, appears as a continuation of the drive, especially at night. Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke says there are two main reasons why the problem is occurring. “The line where you stop to give way to traffic is on the other side of a camber in the road and could be difficult to see in low vehicles,” Ms Houlbrooke says. “There is also a reflective centre line that continues across Woodcocks Road, past the give way line.” In response to this concern, Auckland Transport has advised Ms Houlbrooke that the centre line will be removed. The speed limit will also be reduced from 70km to 50km on Woodcocks Road where it passes Mansel Drive, in July. Mikayla Lings, whose car was written off after being hit side-on leaving Mansel Drive, says she would like

to see more signage before the intersection. “I would like to see a ‘warning intersection ahead’ sign 200 metres before the intersection,” she says. “The Give Way triangle is at the top of a hump in the road and I couldn’t see it until I reached the intersection.” Ms Houlbrooke says a Give Way sign is clearly visible before the intersection, but drivers may be struggling to see where they need to actually stop. She hopes the changes will improve the safety of the intersection, but will revisit AT if accidents continue to occur. Meanwhile, pavement and drainage upgrades in Hill and Kaspar Streets and Falls Road are due for completion in June. The upgrades involve creating 1.8 metre wide footpaths at the lower end of Hill Street, all of Kaspar Street and the upper end of Falls Road. Stormwater drainage is also being installed. Kaspar Street is being widened to include 11 onstreet car parks and a turning circle to improve traffic flow at peak times.

James Addis has taken over the editorship of Mahurangi Matters following the departure of George Driver, last December. James has spent more than 20 years with the international aid organisation World Vision in a variety of communications roles. Prior to that he worked as a reporter for several Auckland community newspapers and had a brief stint at the Northern Advocate newspaper in Whangarei. He first joined World Vision’s New Zealand office, but later moved to the United States to become senior editor of World Vision magazine, which circulates to more than 500,000 World Vision donors and supporters. His work for World Vision has seen him sent on assignment to cover most of the world’s major trouble spots including Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, East Timor, Haiti and numerous African countries. He has documented the impact of earthquakes, famine, disease and war and his work won several awards from the US-based Society of Professional Journalists and the Evangelical Press Association. But aside from covering major world events, James is equally at home covering the passions, struggles and fascinating stories of individuals closer to home. “Sometimes the best stories are found when digging a little more deeply into something that might otherwise seem mundane,” he says. Early this year James returned to New Zealand to be nearer to his family. He and his wife, Sharon, fell in love with the Mahurangi area and decided it would be a great place to settle. He looks forward to getting to know the area intimately and overseeing reporting on the good and the bad.

4 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

OFF THE RECORD Off the record contributions welcome. Email to

Perky in pink

See story page 13


We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth

See the big picture I did attend the meeting referenced on page three of Mahurangi Matters (May 17). But I did not get the idea that the meeting had rejected the link road options as the headline suggests. Yes, there were land owners affected and individuals who disagreed with all of the options presented, and who favoured the proposed four lane joining directly onto the motorway. But the facts are that we had a group of qualified Auckland Transport (AT) staff present who have the best interests of the Warkworth area in mind. Given the current traffic volume increases that we already know about, along with the development growth being planned that they know about, there is a real need to look at the bigger picture. John Stokes, AT, growth north and west manager, stated, “This is not so much about the motorway link as it is about having well researched roading plans for the future of the area.” In that respect, we should all be applauding AT for the commitment of competent staff to plan this future. It has not happened like this before. We all have to understand, and the staff I spoke to do have this experience, that to manage traffic flows effectively does require considerable detailed studies and experience.

They are looking at Hudson Road, McKinney Road, a Sandspit Road to Matakana Road, as well as traffic flows in and out of the proposed Matakana Link given future local housing demands. We are not talking about hundreds of new houses, we are looking at thousands. The Matakana link road joining SH1 immediately north of the Showgrounds, and its ability to manage traffic both south and north is part of the AT study that has been done. The proposed motorway/SH1 roundabout is in the hands of Land Transport New Zealand and its contractors. Any concerns there need to be taken up with that body. Meanwhile, Hill Street will get some practical minor improvements. Maurie Hooper, Snells Beach.

Cycle trail hazard As someone who is a competent cyclist and uses the Matakana cycle trail regularly, the surface of this trail in parts is a shocker – way more of a problem than the terrain. I am not sure if the builders of this trail are cyclists, I imagine not. But to just dump big rocks in parts of the trail is crazy. Not only is it dangerous if travelling at a reasonable pace to hit these rocks, but it is also bad on the tyres.

Kitchens. Bathrooms. Entertainment Units. Laundries. Wardrobes. Offices

Having done several trails around the country, this is the worst surface by far. Parts of the track are good where they seem to have mixed a finer chip with a limestone (or something similar. I am not an expert in this area.) I hope that in the redirection of some of the track (MM May 17) that the surface is improved, not made worse! A lot of the crashes on this trail are as a result of the surface and wheels getting into the thick gravel, not the incline. Michele Wade, Omaha

Hidden hall I was on front door duty at the Messiah concert at the Warkworth Town Hall and was asked several times “Where is the Town Hall?” There is no signage at present – is it planned? Also, where is the block that was above the door giving the date it was built ? Alan Boniface, Snells Beach

Marvellous Messiah We would like to send a very big thank you to everyone involved with the Messiah recently. We really enjoyed everything about it, and being in our new/old hall was an extra pleasure. Bob and Sue Stevenson, Mahurangi West

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Nicolette shows off her hot air balloons

Nicolette Morning, of Snells Beach, brought a cheeky twist to her Pink Ribbon Breakfast to raise money for breast cancer research. She was tipped off that pre-cut card stock in the shape of hot air balloons could easily be adapted and joined together to form a pair of pert breasts or a brassiere. More than 20 people showed up to the breakfast at the Little & Local Café to enjoy coffee and cake. They made greetings cards featuring the bra and bearing the line “Thanks for lifting me up.”

Sharp answer While preparing our Fieldays feature, a reporter innocently asked staff in the office, “What is No 8 wire?’ “It’s what holds New Zealand together,” replied one of the team quite matter-of-factly.

Off-licence location Auckland Council has advised that the Auckland District Licensing Committee has given the go ahead to an off-licence at 334 Mahurangi East Road, in Snells Beach. This is not the former Video Ezy Shop as they first advised, but is located in the block of shops closer to the fire station.

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Viewpoint Greg Sayers, Rodney Councillor,

Council get out of our way The talented people of the Mahurangi district could do so much more if only the Council would get out of their way. All we need is to be allowed to breathe and to grow. The district is made up of communities of get-up-and-goers. The resulting dynamism makes living here great. People want to get stuff done. Unfortunately, anything from adding a veranda to a backyard shed, let alone a new dwelling, is rigidly controlled by the city planners. Some examples: Local Boards have been told they can’t grant money directly to community groups due to tax implications for Council. Instead, Council has added a community empowerment division to compensate. The local civil defence groups have been cut loose by Council because of health and safety concerns – swapped out by a layer of “highly trained” replacements. Front line librarians, along with volunteers, have been axed, but the management layer within Auckland Council has increased. Local volunteer groups have proven they can deliver community infrastructure more cheaply and faster than Council. Our wonderful community groups could do so much more if only the Council would do far, far less. New Mayor Phil Goff has spent his precious first few months arguing for new targeted rates to be placed on accommodation providers, as well as on to property owners of large farms that could be subdivided. It’s all about having enough money to run and expand the Auckland Council bureaucratic machine. The fight over this targeted rate raises a broader issue about Auckland Council’s costs. Those supporting the Mayor tell us that costs are under control and that adding targeted rates is a solution to the underlying problem of Council not having control of its spending. The Mayor and his supporters have decided to increase rates and introduce new rates rather than aggressively attack Council’s waste and overspending. The Council has an annual budget of approximately $3.7 billion. The Council staff have come back with a proposal to make $19 million in savings this year. This is a saving of 0.5 per cent of the total Council budget. This would be completely unacceptable in the commercial sector, whose board of directors would be looking for 10 per cent savings as a minimum if their company’s debt and financial performance looked anything like Auckland Council’s. My arguments in the debating chamber have been around removing the Council as a roadblock to let communities get on with what they do best. We need Council to get back to focusing on doing its core business well – away from a command-and-control mentality and onto customer service values. This would make great chunks of Council redundant, relieving the pressure on the Mayor to have to put his hands in our pockets for more money. Rodney has incredible community groups. All they want is for unnecessary rules and regulations to be removed.

Lubeck for Labour in Rodney Marja Lubeck of Tomarata has been selected as the Labour Party candidate for Rodney for the 2017 General Election. She is currently an organiser for E tū, the country’s biggest aviation union. She represents cabin crew, ground staff and aviation security workers. Ms Lubeck worked as a flight attendant for more than 20 years and latterly studied part-time to qualify as a lawyer. She says she decided to stand for Parliament after seeing union efforts in relation to industrial issues frustrated by national legislation. “I can do a whole lot of stuff at the union grass roots level, and then I see the National Party come and legislate over the top of it. It makes my job really hard if you have legislation that

A Pūhoi to Warkworth Update from Alan Orange – NX2 Project Director This month I‘ll update you with a quick snapshot of what’s happening on the project – and who’s doing the work. A lot is happening out of sight of the public due to the project’s rural location. More than half the logging works, including the removal of other plants are complete. We are on target to have the areas clear for major earthworks starting in October 2017. Fencing is being erected to ensure that livestock can’t wander onto the construction site. This is important to ensure we look after the needs of local farmers and landowners. Establishing key site access points (SAPs) will give construction traffic access from SH1 about 600 metres south of Perry Road. Only construction traffic will use this access point which is one of the four main access points that will allow trucks to enter and exit the working area. Inside the motorway alignment we are making good progress constructing a network of access tracks that trucks and machinery will use to get to construction sites. Work will continue on two trial embankments south of Wyllie Road and off Woodcocks Road and the first major culvert will be installed north of Moir Hill Road in early June. Overall, progress is good. We are taking advantage of any spells of fine weather to further our construction work. By “we” I mean Fletcher Construction and Acciona Infrastructure. While the NZ Transport Agency and the Northern Express Group (NX2) are the partners in the Public Private Partnership (PPP), we are the Construction Joint Venture (CJV) sub-contracted by NX2 to build the motorway over the next five years. You’ll see a lot of vehicles with our logos as we bring this project to life. At the peak of the project we expect to have more than 500 people working on site. Alan

Marja Lubeck

is not really helpful,” she says. Local issues that concern her include under-resourced schools, traffic congestion and the struggles of small businesses. “I look forward to campaigning in Rodney on the issues that matter locally – transport, decent housing, health and education,” she says.

For more information, call the NX2 team on: Freephone: 0508 P2WK INFO (0508 7295 4636) Email: Web:



6 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017


Water treatment plant blessed

Christine Rose

Fertiliser fouls Fertiliser run off from farmland is a waste of money. It’s a waste of resource that is bad for streams, rivers, lakes, the sea, and for the creatures that inhabit them. There are good reasons we should carefully look at our fertiliser use. Phosphate takes 10 to 15 million years to produce. But agricultural practices undervalue fertiliser given the wasted quantities that run off the land and into sensitive receiving environments. This causes pollution, eutrophication (excessive nutrients in a body of water), and the suffocation of water and life. If we paid the full lifetime cost of fertiliser use (and waste), primary produce would be a lot more expensive. Cleaning up just eight New Zealand rivers and lakes is costing half a billion dollars. In addition to evident present problems, there will be a ‘load to come’ from ongoing agriculture and dairy intensification and run off. If we paid the current full cost required to prevent and address nutrient enrichment in receiving environments, we’d be paying for vegetated riparian margins and species rehabilitation and recovery. In reality, local environmental and economic effects either remain unmitigated, or costs are socialised, with ratepayers, taxpayers and the environment carrying the burden of addressing nutrient enrichment. Communities, councils and the government all fund cleaning up rivers and planting streams to try to rectify the damage of land use practices undertaken for the benefit of a specific sector. Impacts of quick and easy fertiliser application for direct increases in production are externalised, and not included in that carton of milk, block of cheese or meat on the plate. There are other costs of our dependence on fertiliser, too. Some of them are not so close to home. Nauru still bears indelible scars to its society, landscape and ecosystems from its supply of phosphate, which helped New Zealand and other agricultural economies grow. In Western Sahara, 90,000 to 120,000 local Saharawis live in refugee camps, where they’ve been exiled for more than 40 years – victims of Moroccan occupation as fertiliser colonialism continues. Unfortunately, nine companies around the world continue to support the illegal occupation and human rights abuses in Western Sahara by Morocco in pursuit of cheap rock phosphate. Polluted aquatic environments at home and oppressed people abroad are the costs of phosphate.

Construction of the new Warkworth water treatment plant started on May 1 with a site blessing on Hudson Road. The Watercare plant will use groundwater and will replace the existing plant at Brown Road, which draws water from the Mahurangi River. Construction is expected to be completed by mid-2018. Watercare’s water supply manager Priyan Perera says it will ensure a safe and reliable supply of high quality water for Warkworth. The occasion was marked with a blessing by Ngati Manuhiri’s Ringi Brown and witnessed by Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke.

Nursery reaches milestone The nursery at the Tawharanui Open Sanctuary recently produced its 200,000th plant, which will go in the ground on June 4. “We’re not quite sure of the monetary value of this achievement – although it is certainly significant – but what we do know is that all those plants are creating great new homes for birds,” TOSSI committee member Sally Richardson says. “Saddleback, kiwi, bellbird, pateke, whitehead and even takahe are all using habitat created by TOSSI and our helpers.” Sally says that while the nursery

volunteers are happy to produce the plants that are slowly revegetating Tawharanui, they do need help when it comes to putting them into the ground. Public planting days will be held on June 4, July 2 and August 6, with a barbecue lunch provided afterwards. Each year, seeds for the plants that are targeted for the year’s production are sourced from areas throughout the park. They are, in turn, sown and then seedlings are pricked out and potted up by volunteers, who meet on-site at the nursery every Tuesday morning.

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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters



White-fronted tern

Tenacious terns Just Arrived: Toro Diesel Powered Loader • On Tandem Braked Trailer • 4n1 Bucket • Joystick Controls Attachments include: Trencher, Hole Borer, Rotary Hoe, Power Broom, Stump Grinder, Levelling Bar and more

These sleek white-fronted tern are a fairly common sight along our coasts. Fishers call them ‘kahawai birds’ because flocks will be very active over kahawai schools, feeding on the small fish that the kahawai also pursue. They feed by diving, not deep-plunge diving like gannets, more a dipping dive to snatch prey just below the surface. They can carry these small fish, draped in their bills, back to their nesting grounds, to either entice a mate during courtship or feed a chick. They make their nests on rocky headlands, cliffs and stacks, on shell and sand islands in estuaries, and on sand dunes and river beds. Some determined birds will also nest on breakwaters and even on abandoned coastal structures, like old wharves and bridges. They raise one, sometimes two chicks, and although these little fluff balls are beautifully camouflaged, they can fall prey to dogs, cats, rats and hedgehogs. When people, or predators, approach nesting areas, the adult birds will bravely dive at the intruder to try to scare them away. Black-backed gulls will also prey on eggs and chicks, as do harriers. Some tern colonies are sited strategically close to red-billed gull colonies, another bird that will aggressively chase away intruders. The Maori name for the white-fronted tern is ‘tara’, and the number of small rocky islands called Motutara indicate their liking for breeding there, or using them for roosts close to favourite fishing grounds. Something to look out for as you head out for a day’s fishing is to spot a group of terns, white dots hovering, sometimes diving. Then look at the sea surface and you might pick out little penguins, also feeding on the same fish as the terns. But keep your eye on those terns, and you could see another type of action – dramatic aerial pursuits made by skua trying to get the terns to drop their hardwon fish. You’ll see the terns ducking and weaving, using their long tails to help them manoeuvre. But skua are persistent and also remarkably manoeuvrable. If it succeeds in getting the tern to drop its catch, it will swoop down and grab the fish, often before it hits the water. Klepto-parasitism (one animal robbing another of its prey) is seen among a number of seabirds in northern New Zealand, including the various skua species, gulls and also amongst shearwaters. While white-fronted terns are most commonly seen close to the coast, you can also see them out in open water. Their high pitched ‘siet’ call will alert you to their presence; look up and you will see two or three of these birds flying through. If want to get close views of these birds, now is a good time when they are not breeding. Estuaries such as Orewa, Wenderholm, Pakiri, Mahurangi and Waipu are good places. They can be seen in groups roosting on the sand, or bathing in the water nearby. At Motuihe Island, in the inner Hauraki Gulf, the line along the railings of the wharf often feature a tern guard of honour for visitors. That is until they all fly off until the disturbance has passed. In northern New Zealand, there appears to have been a decline in the numbers of white-fronted terns, with concern expressed in conservation circles that this once very common species may one day disappear from the north. As with several seabirds that feed in association with schooling fish, such as kahawai and trevally, this is an area where research into their foraging ecology and population biology, complemented by studies into the dynamics of schooling fish, is urgently required. Something we at the Seabird Trust are working on with government agencies and universities.

Chris Gaskin, Chris Gaskin is a founding trustee of the Northern NZ Seabird Trust and author of a number of natural history books on seabirds.

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Help shape

Rodney’s future

We’re developing our Local Board Plan 2017 and want to know what you think of the projects and outcomes we propose to focus on over the next three years. It’s easy to get involved and have your say. Just go online to to read our draft local board plan and provide your feedback by 30 June 2017. Come along to one of the drop-in events below to find

out more, talk to Rodney Local Board members and give us feedback: • Tuesday 6 June, 2pm-7pm,

Wellsford Library, 13 Port Albert Road, Wellsford.

• Saturday 17 June,

10am-3pm, Kowhai Art and Craft Centre, Warkworth Showgrounds, State Highway 1, Warkworth.

Have your say by 4pm on Friday 30 June For more information and to provide feedback, visit or your local public library, service centre or local board office or phone Auckland Council on 09 301 0101.


White-fronted Tern. Photo: Abe Borker

8 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

it always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela

Stephanie Paxton-Penman LLB (Hons) 17 Neville Street, Warkworth DDI: 09 425 0968 | Phone: 09 425 7701 Auckland Office Level 5, 26 Hobson Street, Auckland CBD Phone: 09 912 8500

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters



Clynt White

What would Porirua City look like today if Maori had designed it without the influence of colonial New Zealand? That was the hypothetical question asked in a national competition won last month by a young urban design team from Warkworth, led by Clynt White. While urban design is Clynt’s passion today, he says it took the farm boy from Tokatoka, near Dargaville, a few false starts before he realised what he really wanted to do with his life, as he explained to Jannette Thompson …


y family have been in the Dargaville area since the first ships arrived in New Zealand. My brother and I basically grew up on the family farm at Tokatoka, where Mum and Dad built a house. Mum was a really creative person and Dad, practical and hardworking. I inherited a combination of these qualities that would eventually lead me into the design industry. When I finished high school, I followed a girl to Hamilton and enrolled in a mechanical engineering course. I quickly discovered that this wasn’t for me. Actually I’m not sure what I was thinking! Anyway, I lasted two days. I did some short courses after that including a bar and barista certificate, and a certificate in stainless steel welding. I then spent about a year working in forestry. I enjoyed the physical side of this work and at this point in my life it also gave me plenty of space to consider my future. I remembered during my brief stint at uni seeing design students sketching bridges. This interested me and I decided to look at architecture. I think it was the scope that landscape architecture offered that appealed to me – it wasn’t just about buildings, it was more about re-imagining and designing the environments we live in. After finishing my degree at Unitec, I did a Masters in urban design at the University of Auckland. andscape architecture is generally larger scale work and there are a lot of components to it. The work I do is mainly from a design and strategy perspective across a range of scales, from regional projects like motorway and infrastructure corridors, through to the design of parks and streetscapes. I have worked on projects in the education, health, commercial, residential, cultural and civic sectors, and have a particular interest in sustainability, resilience and regenerative design. I’ve recently been doing a lot of work in the transport sector, particularly cycleway projects. I was involved in the Te Ara I Whiti lightpath in central Auckland. I’ve also been involved in some major structure planning exercises, including a


recent scheme to integrate a 1000lot residential development into a golf course in east Auckland. We’re currently working closely with a Maori artist on a series of noise walls in Auckland, around Ellerslie, that hopefully will lift the bar in terms of noise wall treatments in NZ. In a previous role and while living in Perth I worked on a number of large, iconic roading upgrade projects. hile I was at university I was exposed to a lot of ideas around urban space and urban ecology, how people interact with space, the arrangement of city blocks and building typologies in cities. It’s the sort of stuff that really interests me. Initially, I found it difficult living in the city with the noise and traffic, but over time gained an appreciation of the positive aspects of city living. I experimented with living in increasingly smaller living spaces and went from a typical house and section in Ponsonby to eventually living in a 13sqm studio apartment. I can only describe the smallest space as “liberating”. I didn’t


I believe the “river is critical

to any vision for Warkworth ...

need a car because everything I needed was within walking distance – work, groceries, entertainment and parks. If I wanted to visit family up north, I’d just hire a car. There was a sense of community with the other tenants and absolute security. It made me realise that I’d had a fairly isolated childhood and I’d struggle to go back to anything like that. y wife Geraldine and I moved to Warkworth three years ago and started a family. We chose Warkworth because it is located between our extended families, as well as for the rich natural environment in the region. I used to surf at Tawharanui; it is an amazing place. Warkworth is also a river


town, a bit like Dargaville, which really appealed. We bought close to the town so we can walk to most things we need – in Warkworth you are pretty spoilt in terms of walkability. Granted that footpaths, road corridors and public spaces aren’t fantastic, but in terms of proximity, it’s really well scaled. The level of growth that is on the horizon for Warkworth is going to be a real challenge to manage. The pressure is so great and development is happening so quickly, that there is a need to act urgently if we don’t want to miss the boat. Certainly there is a critical need for both a town centre plan and a structure plan as mechanisms to guide the development of our existing and new urban areas into the future. here are a lot of people talking in a lot of different forums about the future of Warkworth, but somehow we need to come together as a community to agree on a vision for the town. If we can identify some high level values, we can work on strategies to meet that vision. It is coordination that is missing at the moment. The discussion needs to be around issues like walkability, public transport, the residential housing mix, parking, public spaces and pathways/cycleways. If we don’t take the initiative, we risk losing the things we love about Warkworth. I believe the river is critical to any vision for the town – it offers so much potential if it is treated as the ‘jewel’ that it is. And when I talk about the river, I mean both upstream and downstream


of the town centre – the complete catchment. If we start looking at water quality, that means protecting the riverbanks and catchment. At the same time this offers the opportunity to create a generous wildlife, recreation and transport corridor following the riparian margins. There is an opportunity to channel future investment into the creation of more people-focused spaces. The way we engage with our urban environments is changing. For example, we’re seeing electric bikes starting to revolutionise personal transport overseas and really challenging the dominance of vehicles in our urban landscapes. Wouldn’t it be great if Warkworth became a hub for sustainable thinking … we could become the first carbon-neutral town in NZ! I’d love to see Warkworth as a modern eco town. There is so much potential in our town and as it grows there is great opportunity to enhance its unique qualities while embracing positive change.

10 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

Corner Whitaker Road & Mill Lane, Warkworth | 2004 TOYOTA FUNCARGO




1.3L auto.


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1.3L auto.


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1.5L auto. With reverse camera.



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04 TOYOTA COROLLA RUNX 1.5L auto. With alloy wheels.



1.3L auto. Reverse camera NZ new.



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3.5L Auto. AWD. Alloys. 7 seater. NZ new



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1.3L auto. W/ cruise control and steering wheel controls. RRP: 23,890



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Deposit: $2,549 Total repayment $7,648


FROM $27 P/W

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1.8L auto. Reversing camera. Pre-Facelift. RRP: $35,490



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2.5L auto. AWD. Alloys. Full leather trim. Roof rails, tints and much more.



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3.5L auto. AWD. With bluetooth, cruise control & reverse camera RRP: $70,490



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1.3L manual. NZ new.


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1.5L station wagon. Auto. NZ new. With cruise control and bluetooth.



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2013 TOYOTA RAV4 GXL 2.5L auto. AWD Alloys, reverse camera, roof rails.



FROM $132 P/W


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2015 TOYOTA COROLLA GLX 1.8L auto. NZ new. Reverse camera, bluetooth.



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Deposit: $5,999 Total repayment $17,403

2010 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER 3.5L auto. NZ new. Roof rails. Reverse camera, 7 seats. NZ new



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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


New Mangawhai fire station coming soon Plans are progressing for a new fire station at the Mangawhai Park emergency services hub. It will join the St John Ambulance Station on Molesworth Drive, which opened in November 2015, after relocating from a portacom at the fire station on Wood Street. The brigade has used the temporary building after the top floor of the current fire station, owned by Kaipara District Council, was condemned. NZ Fire Service property manager Mel Tipton says they have completed due diligence and a feasibility study, and are negotiating the lease and finalising the design concept and cost. “The current building is not fit for purpose and it will be replaced as soon as possible,” he says. The timeline is dependent on the national property strategy and priority list, including the Christchurch rebuild. Whangarei area commander Brad Mosby says the new station is an opportunity for the Mangawhai brigade to look to the future. It will be purpose built and provide a room for training and socialising, including community and family events. He says Mangawhai is growing and it is important to attract new volunteers. Officer-in-charge Robert Leslie has been in the role since last November, after being second-in-charge to Morris Doughty since November 2015. They were appointed after a tumultuous

Raffles receive boost Jeremy Carmichael, of New World Warkworth, presents a donation for $3000 to RSA secretary manager Robbie Blair. The money will go towards purchasing prizes for the RSA Friday night raffles.

Rental rise The new officer-in-charge at the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade is Robert Leslie.

time at the station. Robert transferred from his post as deputy chief of Kaiwaka brigade and has been a volunteer firefighter for 29 years. He says the new station’s central location will help with recruits. It will be easier to get to and respond to callouts. The Mangawhai team has grown from 15 to 19 fire officers in the past year. Robert has focused on team building and training, with 10 officers currently training. He has promoted officers and is encouraging a progression through the rank system.

“You have to understand why they are volunteers and work together so everyone is happy to chip in” he says. Robert says the community is reaching out to support the brigade, with locals Annie Kitchener and Carol Parkes starting Friends of the Brigade to help raise funds for the new station. “We want a bigger community focus because we all live here and want it to be safe. The community can then see we are a functioning brigade.” The latest fundraiser is a Queen’s Birthday garage sale on June 3. Info: 027 339 4237

The average weekly rent for new tenancies in Rodney rose from $522 in the first quarter of last year to $557 in the first quarter of this year, according to figures released by Barfoot & Thompson. The number of new tenancies in Rodney also rose from 145 to 177 over the same period. Barfoot & Thompson director Kiri Barfoot says that the Auckland rental market is showing signs of being under pressure. “Vacancy rates remain extremely low, the average rent for new tenancies has increased at a faster rate than the overall average, and Barfoot & Thompson is seeing record online registrations to view properties,” she says.




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12 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Fate of felled kauri causes concern Board seeks input on Rodney’s future Contractors working on the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway have sought to allay concerns over their felling and future use of two substantial kauri trees on the bank of the Mahurangi River. The kauri, together with a large totara, were cut down last month on land at the end of Carran Road, close to where it joins Woodcocks Road. Farmer Lawrie Nunn, who has managed the land for 45 years, estimates the trees to have been between 200 and 300 years old, and says they were originally left standing when a 200-metre corridor of trees along the riverbank was first cleared. “I was told they were inside the designated area, but away from the line for construction of the motorway. They said ‘you don’t have to worry about those’,” he says. “And they left those three for a day, but then I had to go away and when I came back a day or two later, they were down.” He also voiced concerns that the resulting kauri logs, which measure about a metre in diameter and at least six metres long, had not been separated from other timber and were just mixed in with all sorts of other logs. “My understanding was that you’re not allowed to just sell kauri as you would any old timber. I thought it should be offered to local Maori.” The logging and milling of any indigenous timber requires Ministry for Primary Industries approval under the 1993 Forests Act. Contractor NX2 said the necessary approvals to remove the trees were granted to the NZ Transport Agency as part of the Board of Inquiry consent. Chief executive Ray Wilson said NX2 understood the cultural and ecological value of kauri and native forests, and was working hard to minimise the impacts on native trees between Puhoi and Warkworth. “We are working closely with tree specialists and ecologists to retain as many native trees as possible,” he said. “There is a significant planting programme

Warkworth farmer Lawrie Nunn, dwarfed by one of the giant kauri trunks near Carran Road.

of natural vegetation to replace indigenous vegetation removed for the project.” He added that the preferred alignment for the motorway had reduced the impact on kauri forest by about one-third, compared with the earlier indicative alignment. Mr Wilson said the two kauri at Carran Road were on the motorway alignment and a bridge would be built where they had stood. With regard to the disposal of the felled kauri, Mr Wilson said that although NX2 had been working with the Hōkai Nuku mana whenua alliance to identify specific native trees that could be used for cultural harvest, the two kauri in question were not part of that process. However, he insisted they would be kept separate. “After further investigations, we have determined that the kauri logs will be stored separately until further consideration of any opportunities for their re-use are made, in recognition of their importance,” he said.

Rodney Local Board has released its draft plan and is encouraging the public to tell the board what they think. In an introduction to a summary of the Rodney Local Board Plan 2017, board chairperson Beth Houlbrooke says funding is limited and the board wants to focus on efforts where it can effect the most change. The draft plan proposes to concentrate on five key areas. These are: • Transport. Including advocating for key public transport links and establishing park and ride facilities. • Community empowerment. Including aiding communities to deliver community-led projects such as revitalising the Mahurangi riverfront. • Parks and sport. Including advocating for a swimming pool or aquatic facility in Warkworth. • Environment. Including promoting and supporting water quality improvement in harbours and waterways. • Arts and culture. Including encouraging communities to take the lead in managing local halls, arts centres and volunteer libraries. The plan also hints at a targeted rate to pay for additional transport projects, such as road sealing, public transport (including rail) and developing park and ride facilities. Feedback on the plan must be made by June 30. The public can give feedback in person at the following times and venues: • 6 June, 2pm-7pm, Wellsford Library • 17 June, 10am-3pm, Kowhai Art and Craft Centre, Warkworth Showgrounds The full draft of the plan is available online at

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14 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Inventor poised to deliver perfect coffee A Snells Beach inventor and entrepreneur has devised a novel piece of engineering that will help baristas deliver a perfect espresso every time. Scott Nightingale’s invention was first trialled at the Little & Local café in Snells Beach and it is now being piloted by major chains in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. As the former owner of Little & Local, Scott became passionate about serving coffee that was perfect every time. “I really appreciate how disappointing it is when you get a coffee that is off and how common an experience that is,” he says. But producing a perfect espresso is a fine art. The drink is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground, compacted coffee. But the amount of water, the quantity of coffee used and the time taken in forcing water make a crucial difference to the quality of the product. Coffee roasters specify the optimum measure for each variable for every blend they produce, but it’s near impossible for a barista to get this exactly right, especially if creating multiple drinks at the same time. Spend too long in forcing water and the coffee will taste excessively bitter; too little time and the coffee becomes too acidic – spoiling the chocolate and caramel flavours discerning coffee drinkers love. To help baristas get it right, Scott programmed a credit card-sized

Women network Inventor Scott Nightingale. A monitor above the espresso machine displays critical data.

computer known as a Raspberry Pi and linked it to existing sensors in an espresso machine. The computer graphically displays critical variables on a monitor, which tells the barista in real time how well they are tracking toward the roaster’s specifications. The data for each cup of coffee made is collated, allowing management to determine if a barista requires more training. Scott says currently there is a lot of focus on using computer technology to measure the performance of coffeemaking equipment, but believes this is the first time a technological approach has been taken to measure the performance of the barista. He adds that a huge amount of pressure is being applied to developing-world farmers and roasters to produce a high

quality product, but all this energy goes down the toilet if the customer receives a poorly made cup of coffee. “We almost owe it to the farmers, who are earning a lot less money than us, to show the hard work that they put in is worthwhile,” he says. Scott sold his interest in Little & Local last year after finding the time demands on himself and his wife, Melody, conflicted with raising a young family. He now works full-time on his coffee technology idea in association with Goat Ventures, which has invested in the technology and provided office space in Parnell. Companies currently trialling the technology include Columbus Coffee, Mojo Coffee, Cerebos-Greggs and Flight Coffee.

About 40 people attended One Warkworth’s first networking event for local business women held at Ascension Wine Estate last month. Organiser Murray Chapman says the feedback was very positive and future similar events are planned. “The women enjoyed the networking, meeting new people, the food and wine provided by Ascension, and the opportunity to hear the story behind the success of Kirsten Taylor’s company Sleep Drops International,” Murray said.

Springboard awarded Springboard Community Works and founder Gary Diprose were recognised at the Philanthropy New Zealand Awards in May. The Snells Beach charity won the AMP Capital People’s Choice Award for an individual and project that has achieved positive change with the support of philanthropic funding.

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16 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

Give me a call Darren 027 484 8245 D J READER CONSTRUCTION D J READER CONSTRUCTION JREADER READERCONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION D DJ D Grant Clifton, Countrywise Financial READER CONSTRUCTION D-References JJREADER CONSTRUCTION CANʼT FIND A BUILDER? AvailableCANʼT FIND A BUILDER? Considering new projects now! CANʼTnew FIND A BUILDER? Considering projects now! CANʼT FIND BUILDER? CANʼTFIND FIND BUILDER? CANʼT AAA BUILDER? Considering new projects now! Give call Darren 484 82 Give me ame call aDarren 027 484 027 8245 Considering new projects now! Considering new projects now! Considering new projects now! Give me a call call Darren 027 484 8245 Give mea callDarren Darren027 027 484 8245 Give me 484 8245 Give me aacall Darren 027 484 8245 The past two to three years have seen the housing market in Auckland set a whole pile of new records. Record prices, record numbers of days to sell and -References record low stock levels. If you have had a pre-approved mortgage sitting in place, -References


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you, like many, will have found it a frustrating process to even find a house to buy, let alone something that may be suitable for your needs. Many people are turning to buying a section and building a new home. The process can be daunting as it’s a whole new process and a much longer timeframe than buying an existing home. But the process is quite straightforward, and with some good advice you can make it a whole lot easier. I have been arranging building loans for over 25 years now and know the process very well. However, I often come across customers who have tried to arrange finance directly with their bank, only to be turned down or given the completely wrong advice. Aside from meeting all the normal mortgage-lending criteria – such as affordability, the right amount of deposit and the type of security – the lenders will look at a number of other criteria when assessing construction loans. The main points they are looking at are: • Who is the builder? Are they a registered building practitioner and what is their reputation? • What will the building be constructed of and to what specifications will it be built? Materials used for cladding and roofing are of particular concern. • Is there a fixed-price contract? Does it have a price escalation clause and how realistic is the price compared with the house size and materials used? • How long will the house take to build? Is there a fixed time clause in the contract? Lenders do not want a build to go on forever. Generally, there is a maximum of six months for simple under 300 square metre homes. • Is it a full turnkey contract or are the owners going to do some of the work themselves? In the case of doing work themselves, do they have the skills required to do this work? If different sub-contractors are being used, who are they and what is their quote to do the work? Most lenders do not like owner builds. However, if you can provide all the right information and do your homework with regards to all the costs, and present it to the lender in a spreadsheet format – with all quotes attached for subtrades – we can generally get finance in place easily. Lenders are concerned mainly about price (can it be built for this cost?), who is building it, how long will it take, and finally will the new home get a Code of Compliance Certificate issued by the Council, to confirm it meets the building code. When assessing you for construction loans, most lenders will build in a contingency amount of up to 10 per cent in case of cost overruns. They will assess your application to ensure you can borrow this money should you need to. Most banks also employ in-house quantity surveyors or may request a quantity surveyors report to look over your plans and provide an accurate cost to build. They will usually pick up any errors if the house has been priced too high or too low. They generally know what houses cost to build within 5 to 10 per cent. Building a new home can be a very rewarding exercise. You get a new home built to modern standards and comfortable to live in. And, if you are a first home buyer and meet HomeStart criteria, you may be eligible for a $20,000 kick-start from the government to build your new home.

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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Global award for local store A Matakana shop has been chosen as one of the top five home and housewares retailers in the world at an international retail competition in the United States. Green With Envy’s Nicole Ward (pictured) was flown to Chicago after being named the New Zealand winner of the 2016 Global Innovation Awards for Retail Excellence and, at a special awards evening, the store was named one of only five 2017 ‘Global Honorees’ out of 24 competing countries. Nicole says both awards were a complete surprise, as she had no idea that the Sharp Road store had even been nominated for the initial NZ award. “I didn’t think for a minute that we would be a contender, especially considering we were up against giants like It was a real David and Goliath moment for us,” she says. “It was amazing going to the awards and seeing our name and logo on these giant banners at the International Home + Housewares Show.” Judges said it was the special boutique nature of Green With Envy, which started as an online store before moving into the former fruit and vegetable shop in 2014, that made it stand out from some of the bigger, global competitors. They noted that it was not only a well-loved brand, but “a friendly community of like-minded



37 Morrison Drive, Warkworth (Opposite Repco)

QUALITY - VALUE -TRUST people” that enjoyed supporting local community initiatives. Nicole says the award has given her the chance to reflect on the growth and progress of Green With Envy since she began doing a few online orders out of her garage in 2011. “It was interesting for us to see how much we have evolved since we started our business,” she says. “We are very aware that successful retail is about strong relationships, with our customers, suppliers and our staff, and we continue to build on that. Our community means a lot to us.” The other four 2017 GIA Global Honorees were Borough Kitchen, UK; Loft, Japan; Rustan’s Department Store, The Philippines; and Potten & Pannan, Eastern Europe.

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Architect wins enduring award Warkworth architect Graeme North received an Enduring Architecture award from the NZ Institute of Architecture recently. The award was for his house in Little Munro Bay, Whangarei, built in 1974. The house was described as an architectural testament to a particular epoch in New Zealand’s history. The award citation stated that an inclination to technological experiment and a pronounced environmental sensibility resulted in a house roofed in draped-form concrete over a post and beam structure, radiating from a rear existing rock wall. The presence of the rock wall – a feature no longer possible under current building legislation – is felt throughout the many levels of this cliff-side dwelling. In accepting the award, Graeme said the building was not one of the many earth buildings he was better known for, but it was still, in so many ways, a natural building. Its structure was of timber with wood for cladding, flooring and finishing, and it used the natural living rock as some of the external and

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internal walls of the house. “I took my mother to see [the house]. She was not a very demonstrative person, but after looking through it she said to me, “Graeme, you must promise me one thing – you are not to give up architecture. I haven’t, Mum!” The house has been on TV One’s Open Home series and was featured on a BBC series on Extreme Houses of the World. More photos and Graeme’s acceptance speech can be read with this article online at

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18 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017 INTR ODUCING n


MichaelJohn Jewellery

Animal Natural Health Centre

Designing a piece of jewellery that reflects a person’s personality or passion takes time, but it is that investment that makes the journey exciting, according to Scott’s Landing jeweller Mike Piercey. Mike and wife Kura, who recently moved to the district, established MichaelJohn Jewellery five years ago on their return from the UK, specialising in bespoke commissions. “It’s hard to produce a quality piece without knowing the person who will be wearing it and that’s why I’m really keen to get the word out locally that I’m here,” Mike says. “When I understand what the person wants the piece to mean or represent, then I create a mood board and we start from there. If it’s a man buying for someone special then I often have to send them away with homework!” Mike offers free consultations either at the client’s home or at his own home studio. Originally from Bournemouth in the UK, he first came to New Zealand 11 years ago on a surfing holiday after completing an art degree. He worked for a jeweller in Auckland before returning to the UK to work in the high-end jewellery trade in Hatton Garden, London. One of his oddest commissions there was a diamond bra. The lure of the surf took him to Costa

Animals should not be treated any differently than humans when it comes to diet and health according to Animal Natural Health Centre owner Sandy Urwin. The centre has opened in Elizabeth Street, Warkworth, offering food and natural health products for dogs and cats, which are mainly organic, crate and cage free, NZ-sourced and sustainably farmed. “Just as more people are making the correlation between their health and their diet, the same is true of animals,” Sandy says. “They need food that suits their gut. The majority of skin issues I see can be traced back to gut problems.” Sandy’s interest in natural animal health started more than 40 years ago while she trained as a general nurse in England. However, she made the mistake of suggesting that homeopathic and herbal medicines could be useful in treating some patients, and found herself fired for insubordination. “They could do that sort of thing in those days,” she says. After training in alternative medicines, Sandy returned to New Zealand and worked with a vet who was using homeopathy and herbs alongside orthodox medicine. She went on to set up a three-year diploma course and

Mike Piercey

Rica and now, Mahurangi. He works in silver, gold and platinum, using diamonds and other coloured stones, depending on the client’s budget. He says he also enjoys remodeling old or vintage jewellery. While engagement and wedding rings, dress rings, earrings and pendants make up the bulk of his commissions, Mike says he also enjoys variety and a challenge. “The gold we use is mined in the South Island and I like to use as much NZ-made material as possible. “Kura is a photographer so she runs our website, while another family member does our social media, so we think of ourselves as very much a family-run business.”

Sandy Urwin

opened her first centre in Tauranga 15 years ago. Although that centre closed when she moved north, she also runs centres in Orewa and Kaiwaka. The centres offer pet owners a place to talk about common pet health conditions such as itchiness, skin problems, arthritis, incontinence and cancer. “An inappropriate diet is often the problem. In terms of cancer, it is about giving the pet the best quality of life we can for as long as possible. “I’m not anti-orthodox medicine where it’s appropriate, but the centre gives people choice in their animal health care. Every animal is an individual and their health care needs to be tailored to their particular needs.”


Fresh meal selection – All meats incl. wild game & fish. Organic, cage & crate-free, NZ-sourced, sustainably farmed. Mighty Mix, Addiction, Ziwi Peak, Tukka Thyme, Organix. Treats incl. Radical Dog (as seen on Country Calendar) Bulk Buys – save mega dollars. Now at 19 Elizabeth St, Warkworth (opposite Bridgehouse Tavern)

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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters



Clints Plumbing and Gas Fittings After successfully setting up and running their Tanksalot business based in Silverdale, husband and wife team Clint Wurm and Vicki Niethe are looking to head north to Matakana to develop a new plumbing and gas fitting business and enjoy a change of scene. Tanksalot specialised in the construction of custom, corrugated iron water tanks, but master plumber Clint continued plumbing as a strong sideline, especially in relation to the installation of new tanks. But after eight years of incredibly hard work, the couple feel it may be time to sell that business and move on. They see a niche market in the Warkworth, Matakana, Omaha and Leigh area for their new business – Clints Plumbing and Gas Fittings. The plan is to fulfil the need for smaller plumbing jobs, such as servicing gas appliances, upgrading bathroom and kitchen plumbing, and installing hot water heating. Clint will do the actual plumbing while Vicki will concentrate on keeping the accounts and administration. Although Clint is considering taking on an apprentice and is not averse to taking on major work, he wants to ensure that customers’ needs in terms of more minor work is still catered for. The couple left Auckland 10 years ago, disliking the crowded North

Roads and growth high on ONE WARKWORTH agenda From the Chair of One Warkworth Business Association, Chris Murphy The first quarter of this year has been a busy one for One Warkworth. As well as ongoing promotion of the Shop Local initiative, we have been working behind-the-scenes on a number of issues, which will impact on Warkworth for many years to come. Two in particular are: Clint Wurm and Vickie Niethe with Madge.

Shore lifestyle. They currently live in Warkworth but recently bought a 5000 square metre plot of land in Matakana where they plan to build a house. They say the secluded nature of their property, and the extensive walks and cycleways in the area, were major attractions for them. Keen dog lovers, they see plenty of space for pugs, Madge and Stanley, and boxer Kahn, to run around. Vicki was also drawn to Matakana’s vibrant art scene and has acquired a good collection of ceramic pieces. Clint admits he is not big on art but does maintain a strong interest in quality plumbing, saying it’s important that it is carried out by a reliable, qualified professional. Apart from that, maintaining good rapport and communication with the customer is essential.

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WARKWORTH ROADING Motorway access The extensive population growth forecast for Warkworth in the new Auckland Unitary Plan was not known to the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) when it planned the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway extension, and when it decided no southern interchange was required. NZTA, Auckland Transport and the local community now need to address a doubling of the Warkworth population by 2022 and a minimum population of 20,000 within 20 years, noting about 12,000 people will live in southern Warkworth. The association is lobbying for a southern interchange as we believe that traffic by passing Warkworth (heading north or south) is unlikely to call into Warkworth if it involves a 6km round trip detour. As a consequence Warkworth business will suffer from the absence of a southern interchange. Congestion at Hill St will also increase if southbound Warkworth traffic first has to head north to go south. Hill Street intersection One Warkworth and Rodney MP Mark Mitchell jointly hosted a meeting in March to discuss roading and infrastructure needs. The meeting was advised funds have been allocated to find a solution to Hill Street. It was agreed by all parties to meet a on a regular basis to ensure good lines of communication and progress is maintained. One of the big questions that will need consultation in the near future is on the timing of works at the intersection. Warkworth businesses and residents will be canvassed on how much disruption they are prepared to accept to get the job done before the motorway is completed. The investigation into the solution and the communities willingness to accept some disruption will determine the timing of the any work to solve the problem long term. Stay tuned for updates on this. For more news about YOUR business association, visit where you will find a link to the presentation that One Warkworth and the Warkworth Area Liaison Group made to Auckland Transport and the NZ Transport Agency.

WARKWORTH SPATIAL PLAN We have set up a special interest group to focus on the formulation of a Spatial Plan for Warkworth and expect to undertake consultation on a draft plan soon. This Spatial Plan is seen by One Warkworth as an essential document to ensure the planned and coordinated future development of Warkworth. The plan discusses residential and commercial developments, road networks and pedestrian and cycleways. ONE WARKWORTH thanks all parties who have been involved in these discussions so far. The parties’ willingness to consider solutions to the Hill Street intersection, a southern motorway interchange and a Spatial Plan is extremely constructive and ongoing discussions could prove to be very beneficial for Warkworth.

One Warkworth Business Association major sponsors: Bayleys Warkworth, Webster Malcolm, ANZ, BBMK Commercial, MS Engineering, New World, Hire Works, Matakana ITM, Toyota, Floorwise, Hutchinson Consulting, Northland Waste, Davco, Mason Contractors, Mason Containers, Signmasters, KGA Warkworth, SF Estates, Rodney, Surgical Centre, Vantage Windows & Doors, The House Company, Cook Properties, Composite Joinery, Homes Property

20 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

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Assembly performances will be rehearsed in the new Wellsford School studio.

New art and sport hub opens A former school bus shed was officially opened as a new performing arts and sports studio at Wellsford Primary School on May 19. The multi-purpose space, which includes soft floor mats, floor to ceiling mirrors and a kitchen and bathroom area, will cater for kapa haka, kempo, dance, gymnastics and drama. Wellsford School principal Dave Bradley described the new learning area as a wonderful resource for students. “Performing arts is a significant part of our school and we can now have two indoor rehearsals going at once with the use of our studio and hall,” Mr Bradley says.

The space was originally used as a bus shed and workshop, but in 1988 became storage after servicing moved to Leabourn’s bus station. The building still incorporates some storage for classroom equipment and about 65 bicycles the students use on the school BMX track. The project was a joint initiative between Board of Trustees member Sarah Lindsay and head of sport Phil Lees. Renovation work started in December 2015 and was completed last December at a cost of $65,000. The school received $43,000 from Transpower New Zealand and $3000 from a Stafix community Facebook competition.

Wharehine acquires Millbrook Quarry

*Additional components will be required for complete install. Choice of fascia must be specified at time of purchase. Offer available while stocks last, and on purchases from 1st June 2017 to 31st July 2017. Offer is only available from Mico Warkworth.


A local land development, civil construction and quarrying company, Wharehine, has purchased Holcim NZ’s 50 per cent shareholding in Millbrook Quarry, located in the Whangaripo Valley, Wellsford. The purchase results in Millbrook Quarry being 100 per cent owned by Wharehine. Wharehine is a New Zealand owned business with strong regional ties to the Rodney area and employs about

100 staff in Rodney. Wharehine managing director Rob Gibson says the purchase reaffirmed Wharehine’s commitment to Millbrook Quarry and the North Auckland aggregate market. “The Millbrook resource is a very high grade aggregate, and if managed correctly this significant resource has the potential to supply the aggregate needs of the Auckland region for many generations ahead,” he said.

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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters

All 33 children under the Virtual Learning Initiative visited the Beehive and got their chance to question politicians.

Capital trip for Tapora School Six Year 7 and 8 students from Tapora Primary School visited Wellington from May 8 to 13. The children were joined by 27 students from five other schools who have been working with Tapora for six years under the Virtual Learning Network initiative. Activities included visiting the police museum, Weta Workshop and Te Papa, as well as attending a debate in Parliament. “The students couldn’t stop talking about everything they did,” Tapora Primary School principal Keryl Lee

says. “I think paintball in particular went down well.” Funding for the trip came through fundraising and the Air New Zealand Airpoints programme, which Tapora joined last year. Keryl says students will continue to make the trip to Wellington every two years. Students who participated were Cassidy Henderson, C.J. AlbertHemana, Jacob Papera-Holmes, Aidan Whittle, Wiremu Wineera and Liam Fifield-Enright.

Whangateau market A weekly community market will start at the Whangateau Hall on Tuesday June 13. An organiser, Audrey Sharp, says the market will be an opportunity for anyone to bring, buy, sell or exchange garden produce, craft and goods. “We see this as a way for the community to interact, share, exchange and talk,” she says. The market will be held every Tuesday morning, from 9am to noon. Stallholders welcome. Info: Phone 422 6209 or email

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22 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017



Algies Bay doctors head to famine-stricken South Sudan Their newborn daughter maybe only a few days old but that has failed to deter an Algies Bay couple from heading to one of the toughest places in the world for children. Doctors Jono and Destinee Macleod are due to return to South Sudan on June 10 – one of the most under developed countries in the world. They will take with them their children Zoe, 5, Ellisha, 3, and Shiloh, who is less than a month old. Famine was declared in South Sudan in February and more than one million children are threatened with starvation. The Macleods will be based in remote Tonj – a town comprising mud huts and a handful of stores. Road access via dirt tracks is near impossible during the wet season and plagued by bandits and rogue militias when it is dry. Solar panels provide the sole source of power. But the Macleods have no qualms in swapping a comfortable existence in Mahurangi to serve a people they have grown to love. “There’s financial rewards in life, and there are other rewards. We get to see really cool miracles, and so many kids have their lives saved – that for us is worth more than the salaries we could


Jono and Destinee with Zoe, Ellisha and Shiloh.

be earning as doctors here,” Jono says. Destinee agrees: “We think we would be discontented living in New Zealand. We wouldn’t be using our full potential,” she says. The couple will work at a maternal and child health clinic. Health services are so limited in the region that many mothers will trek up to two days to bring a sick child in for treatment. Jono, who is the son of Mahurangi College principal David Macleod, says most children are malnourished

and suffering from diseases such as malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Immunisation rates are among the worst in the world and many children fall victim of vaccine-preventable diseases. But despite primitive equipment, most children who manage to get to the clinic survive due to its supply of antibiotics and other medicines. Jono and Destinee first met and fell in love at Auckland Medical School. Their romance intensified when they both felt God had called them to

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study medicine for the sole purpose of serving those in poorer countries. They first went to South Sudan in 2014 and were appalled to discover that outside the main centres doctors, midwives and nurses were almost nonexistent. Their commitment to the poor comes at a high price. Apart from when a supply plane lands about every two months, it’s impossible to secure fresh vegetables and the family survives on a daily diet of beans, rice, lentils and vitamin tablets. Scorpions are also a hazard. One bit Ellisha in her cot, putting her in excruciating agony for 12 hours. Her parents could do little for her except supply painkillers to try to numb the pain. Destinee admits the safety of their children is the couple’s biggest concern. “By faith we know that God cares for our children more than we do. We’re trusting him for protection,” she says. Luxuries are not entirely absent though. Jono admits to stocking up on his favourite Whittakers Dark Almond Chocolate before heading for Tonj. Once off the plane, he stores the stash in the otherwise unused vegetable compartment of the family’s solar-powered fridge.

Big night for Plunket A fundraising auction to pay for upgrades and modernisation of the Wellsford Plunket Rooms raised more than $6500. About 80 people attended the Wellsford RSA on May 20 to participate in the auction and stand a chance of winning spa and beauty treatments and other spot prizes Among the more unusual auction items was a service to cart and spread five tonnes of fertiliser, which raised more than $300. PGG Wrightson auctioneer Bernie McGahon wielded the gavel. Fundraising coordinator Tania Hamilton said everybody enjoyed themselves and there will likely be a similar event next year. Already people have asked about booking tables for next year’s event. Tania said the auction was a great night for Plunket, underscoring the importance of its services to the community. “We had total community support and many businesses in Wellsford contributed,” she said.


June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Eugene Sims, Warkworth Natural Therapies

Is your hip joint wearing out? It is time that this myth gets debunked – I all too often see people who think that they have a worn out hip joint when they still have thousands of kilometres left in them, and sometimes no joint problems at all. Pain in the perceived area of the hip is commonly mistaken for a dodgy joint when it may actually be completely unrelated, even when the best advice from your neighbour says otherwise! The most common assumption is that a worn hip joint is most painful on the outside aspect of the hip (i.e., at the outside of the top of the leg). This area is seldom, in fact, where you will feel pain if the hip joint is worn out. The most common area to have pain when a hip joint is worn out is from the groin to the knee. For successful diagnosis, there is no substitute for sound investigation. This includes: • X-ray/MRI or similar imaging. • Relevant and concise history of the problem. This is the least ‘impressive’ of the investigations but is frequently the most critical when the right questions are answered accurately. • Full joint examination to ascertain how well the joint moves, ideally compared to the other hip. Assuming the other is OK, this gives a good comparison. • Full muscle examination to see how much the muscle is affecting movement and pain. Many muscles ‘mimic’ deep joint pain and can readily confuse the sufferer. • Assessment of neighbouring areas (especially the lower back, but even the leg) that may be referring pain into the hip region. • Appropriate treatment. Often successful treatment will eliminate the symptoms that were unfairly labelled as from a worn out joint. Obviously, if the symptoms disappear indefinitely it eliminates the worn joint diagnosis as the main cause of the pain. All of these features need to be correlated so that we get a clear picture about what is going on. On their own they may well lead to a misdiagnosis. While X-ray is critical it can be misleading if not considered with all other factors. Even if a joint has wear and tear that is evident on X-ray, it may not be the source of the pain. Many cases that I have seen where the pain is centred around the outside of the hip have been referred from the lower back. This is not an uncommon finding among health professionals. Richard Moon (local Osteopath at Warkworth Natural Therapies) and I have frequently shared cases that display the pain ‘in the hip’ actually coming from the lower back. I have seen too many hips destined for the chopping block that were made painfree by addressing some rather simple factors. But when a joint is well worn out and clearly the cause of the problems, then a new joint can give the sufferer a whole new lease of life.

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24 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017 Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade chief John Cowpland and secretary Rebecca Brady say that the current bus shelter location is “an accident waiting to happen”.



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Bus shelter hazard to move A controversial bus shelter on Rodney Street in Wellsford will be moved following complaints from the Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade that it is causing visibility issues for its fire appliance drivers. The bus stop is located to the left of the Wellsford Fire Station entrance and caters for eight buses a day. Brigade secretary Rebecca Brady says when buses and trucks are parked by the shelter, engine drivers cannot see the traffic heading south. “There have been lots of near misses and we’re lucky no one has had an accident yet,” Rebecca says. The brigade is also concerned about people parking across the front of the station while they drop off or pick up bus passengers. Brigade representatives and Rodney


With the Team at Harcourts Warkworth and Surrounds for JUNK FREE JUNE and support the Cancer Society NZ. We are holding two scan sessions by Vital Body Scan NZ AT: Harcourts Warkworth Branch, 21 Queen Street SESSION ONE: Thursday June 1st, 2017, 8am-12pm SESSION TWO: Tuesday July 4th, 2017, 8am-12pm. For more information on how you can participate or donate please visit: and Details also on our facebook page: Harcourts Warkworth and Surrounds

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Local Board member Colin Smith met with NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) principal traffic and safety engineer highways and network operations Brian Rainford on May 12. As a result, NZTA has agreed to re-locate the stop and will investigate an alternative location. The bus shelter was originally on Station Road before being moved near the old Wellsford War Memorial Library and then to its current location more than 20 years ago. The Wellsford brigade opposed the location of the shelter in the 1990s and put its case forward to then Rodney councillor Grahame Powell. However, no action was taken. The concept of installing lights to warn traffic that engines would be leaving the station was put forward in the 1990s, but the brigade was told they would have to raise the funds to cover the project themselves. The discussion was reignited when Rebecca spoke to Mr Smith last December. “The road is a lot busier than it used to be and I told Colin that something needs to be done,” she says. “Nothing gets documented because there hasn’t been an accident yet, but it is only a matter of time.” Mr Smith says one of the difficult parts in dealing with the issue was confirming whether the responsibility was with NZTA or Auckland Transport (AT). “At first I was told AT dealt with all 50km speed areas, but then I was told NZTA is in charge of state highways,” Mr Smith says. “Then there was the discussion that NZTA manages between the pavement kerbs and AT handles the pavement area, so no one wanted to take responsibility.” Mr Smith believes moving the shelter back to its original location on Station Road will be the best outcome.

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June 1 2017 Mahurangimatters


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June 1 2017 Mahurangimatters



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For your Free Quote and/or Consultation, Phone Gary Home: 09-422-6695 Mobile: 021-024-44941 Email:


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021 102 4561


Have a look on our website to see the huge range of items we can custom brand to suit your needs. For any queries, please contact us on:

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Specialists in long-run roofing Julie Beaumont

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4A Baxter Street, Warkworth

ROOFING NZ Matt Tickle Licensed LBP Mobile: 021356965 Home: 09 425 6311 Email:


Servicing Auckland - Rodney - Kaipara

Metroscaff Limited

New • ReRoofs • Cladding Specialists Covering Rodney in Long-Run Iron Local Quality Guaranteed

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For your safety we have: • Experienced Qualified Scaffolders • Full range of Equipment • Including Alloy Mobile & Builder’s Props

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- Residential & Light Commercial - Quick Stage - OSH Standards - Tube & Clip - Qualified Scaffolders - Reliable Service P 09 425 0300 M 021 774 653 F 09 423 0017

Your handy pull-out guide

MacJimray Septic Cleaning Services are the septic tank cleaning specialists in your district.

June 1 2017 Mahurangimatters


SECURITY | SEPTIC to TANKS | SURVEYORS | TV AERIAL & DIGITAL | WATER Residential commercial, fast, reliable, professional service at competitive rates.

LOCAL SECURITY COMPANY • Alarm & CCTV Installation and Servicing • Alarm Monitoring • Patrols/alarm Response SECURITY & INVESTIGATION • Free Design and Quotation FOR ALL OF YOUR SECURITY NEEDS

0800 66 24 24


• Rural & Urban Subdivision • Boundary Locations • Site Contour Plans • Construction Set-out


Septic Tank/Grease Trap Cleaning Septic & Sewerage Treatment Systems

Don’t let your septic tank become costly - service it now!


• New Alarms - Design, Install & Service

• CCTV – Design, Install & Service

• Panic Alarms

• Alarm Monitoring

• Fire Alarm Systems

• Rapid Response 24/7

• Access Control Systems

• Premise Patrols

Rupert Mather 021 425 837 Graeme Smith 021 422 983 23 Bertram Street, Warkworth

09 425 7393

Digital Freeview Satellite

• Lockup Checks

Fully Licensed & Experienced Staff

Installation & Repairs

Call us now for a Free Assessment & Quotation

TV • FM Aerials • Tuning Additional TV Outlets Phone David Redding 09 422 7227 or 0274 585 457

0800 66 24 24 extn 2 YOUR LOCAL SECURITY COMPANY

TV AERIAL & SATELLITE SERVICES Freeview Sales & Installation TV & FM Aerials GAVIN BROUGH Ph 09 425 5495 Mob 0274 766 115





Water Treatment • Pumping Systems • Filtration • UV Sterilizers HOURS • Softeners & Neutralizers • Iron Removal Owen Ward

021 771 878 • 09 425 6002

09 4312211



Pump & Filtration Services (2007) Ltd


Warkworth: Phone Karl or Kylie Oldham p: 09 945 2555 | m: 027 240 7791 email:

Mangawhai: Phil Lathrope 431 4608 | 021 642 668 email:

Household Water Deliveries 0800 747 928 mobile: 027 556 6111

• Water treatment & Filtration • Pumps • Pool & Spas • Waterblasters 7days / 24hours Paul Harris M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075 E: Pumps & Filters Water Treatment Spa & Pool Shop Water Testing Valet Service Water Blasters Tanks & Sprayers 24 Hour Mobile & Workshop Service 31 Woodcocks Rd, Warkworth 09 425 9100

Shop hours Mon - Fri 8am-5pm Sat 9am-12pm

09 423 8061 Tanks: New & Cleaned Pipes: PVC & PE Filter systems Pumps: New & Rebuilt Pipes & Parts Irrigation Supplies 6 Worker Rd, Wellsford • • • Open Mon-Fri 7am - 5pm

Dog Grooming & Pet Reiki Matakana Caroline Bell

950 Matakana Valley Rd (09) 422 7817 or 021 270 8337

Your handy pull-out guide

6 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING APPLIANCE REPAIRS A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.

DRIVEWAYS MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766


HOME MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENT COLLINS ELECTRONICS HAVE YOU LOST PRIME? Or need your Freeview box tuned for the new channels? TV repairs, microwave oven repairs, Freeview installations. Ph Paul 09 422 0500 or 027 29 22 04 HEAT PUMP INSTALLATION Phone Mark 0210424764 - Registered Electrician

Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$4.40 per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts. PUBLIC NOTICES

The OPAK Committee (Organisations Passionate about Kawau) would like to thank the following people for their sponsorship and assistance with Music in the Gardens 2017 Platinum Level Kawau Cruises, MoreFM, Computer Solutionz, Rodney Local Board

Gold Level Kawau Wharf and Mooring, L.J. Hooker Real Estate, Phantom Bill Stickers, Rodney Local Board

Silver Level Auckland War Memorial Museum, Beach House - Vivian Bay, Auckland Sea Planes, Dad’s Pies, Ian Anderson Art, Jill Hetherington, Jack Tar Bistro, Jelly Belly, Lin Pardey, O’Connell St Bar and Bistro, Signs HQ, Sky City, Tahi Lodge, IPL Plumbing, Eco Charters, MGI Auckland, Equinox Group

Bronze Level SCENIC FLIGHTS 30 mins $69; 20 mins $59; Min. 3 passengers. Trial flights $90. Gift vouchers available. GREAT BARRIER / OKIWI FLIGHTS. Special stopover up to 4 hours. Return $130. Min. 3 passengers. One way flights $130 each. Min 2 passengers. NORTH CAPE FLIGHTS $450 each. Min 3 passengers.

Rodney Aero Club 425 8735 or Rod Miller 425 5612 FOR SALE DRY FIREWOOD - GET IT NOW! 2m3 Pine - $175 ● 2m3 Hot mix - $200 Ph Chris 021 0256 4273 or 09 425 8575 RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 09 945 0495


$3500 - Phone 0274 932 610

FOR RENT SNELLS BEACH Lovely fully furnished 2 bedroom flat available till December 40m from beach. Phone Barry 425 5613 SNELLS BEACH 3 bedroom cliff-top house with garage. Semi-furnished, very sunny, $490pw. Phone 021 254 9652


GARDENER Reliable & Experienced . Available for all aspects of garden work. Phone Martin 021 254 6660

HOME MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENT WATER FILTERS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 422 3245

STUMP GRINDING WARKWORTH Stump Removal, Tree Removal, Chipping. Ph 021 623 330

WATER PUMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Ph Steve 09 422 3245


Cancer Support Warkworth & Wellsford group

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Warkworth RSA basement meeting room at 10am. Friendly support from members Guest speakers Enjoy morning tea or coffee with us Contact: Robyn MacGillivray - 423 8273 Susan Tomas - 423 8424

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE DESKS A reminder to the public that the JP Service Desks are available as follows: Warkworth – at the Council Offices Monday 10.00 – 2.00 If there is a long weekend, this is replaced by the following Tuesday from 10.00 to 12.00. Snells Beach – at the Library Friday 10.00 – 12.00 Warkworth RSA Fridays 4.00 to 5.00 This is becoming an increasingly popular method of obtaining Justice of the Peace services, and no appointment is needed. There is no cost. At all other times there are plenty of other JP’s available in the Warkworth/Mahurangi Area, either in the Warkworth Community phone book, or on-line “find a JP”. Supported by Mahurangi Matters

Raeburn House is running 2 new courses in the Rodney area for adults 18+. FREE with doctor referral. • Enhancing Self-Esteem & Communication Skills • Overcoming Anxiety Call 09 441-8989 or email

HOTEO NORTH SCHOOL SOCIETY AGM At the Hoteo North Hall 17 June, beginning at 7:30 All welcome

Auckland Yoga Academy Boat Books Westhaven Brick Bay Winery & Sculpture Park Central Landscape Chanui Teas Chocolate Brown Countdown ExComm Farm and Lifestyle Center Freedom Farms French Cupboard Gavin Brunton – wood turner Goat Island Glass Bottom Boat Heavenly Shoes - Matakana Hunting and Fishing Hyperion Vineyard Intimate Apparel - Warkworth Junction Magazine Katya Maker Boutique Kawau Boating Club Kleur Glassworks Kowhai Coast Jeweler Leigh Discovery Centre

Leigh Fishing Lodge Leigh Reptile Park, Ti Point Leigh Sawmill Accommodation Life Pharmacy – Warkworth Louise Grey Beauty Clinic Mahurangi Matters Mahurangi River Winery Mars M&M’s Matakana Cinemas Matakana Olive Co-operative Matakana Pharmacy McPherson Consumer Products Mico Plumbing Morris & James New World Supermarket Nosh - Matakana Octopus Hideaway, Leigh Oystercatchers Bach Pippa Tabron Puhoi River Canoes Puhoi Pub & Bistro Ransoms Winery Repco

Royal NZ Yacht Squadron Runner Duck Wines Salty Dog Inn Sawmill Brewery Shadze of Lace Stihl Warkworth Stephen Robinson, Photography Surrey Inn, Grey Lynn Taste Kitchen Shop Trio Soy Candles The Brown Studio – Leigh The Camera Shop Two Fashion – Matakana Urban Industrial Urban Jungle Accommodation Warkworth Dive Shop Warkworth Motorcycle/Machinery Warehouse Stationery Westmere Butchery Wharf St Bistro XS Cuts Yobi Candles

Organising Committee Denise Barlow, Fendall Halliburton, Jill Hetherington, Jill Howard, Helen Jeffery, Lin Pardey, Maree Pickett, Nikki Porteus, Fay Richardson, Stephen Robinson, Vaughan Spurdle, Taz Strauss, Pippa Tabron, Greg Tabron, Ken Wells, Ross West

Thank you to all our volunteers who have donated their time, those who helped with set-up and pre-event organisation. Supported by Mahurangi Matters

MAHURANGI/WARKWORTH SENIOR CITIZENS INC. AGM Friday 9 June at 1.30pm Senior Citizens rooms, Alnwick Street Warkworth (Next To Town Hall) Phone Laurel Becroft - 09 425 7547


WARKWORTH TOYOTA As we are a growing dealership we would like to extend our Warkworth Service team with an Apprentice Technician. We require someone eager to learn, honest and hardworking. Someone with permanent NZ residency and who speaks and writes fluent English. We offer factory training programs and excellent working environment and remuneration, opportunities to grow and a fun team environment. If you are looking for a challenge in the automotive industry, email your CV to:

TRANSPORT AIRPORT Comfort shuttle. 022 136 8490,

SITUATIONS VACANT Landmark Homes, North Shore/Rodney

BUILDERS WANTED - GUARANTEED CONTRACT WORK We currently have numerous projects on in Wellsford/Omaha/Matakana/ Snells Beach/Warkworth area. We need contract builders to partner with, to help us with the construction of our high quality homes. We are keen to talk to qualified, skilled and experienced labour only building teams, We offer a steady stream of interesting work and guaranteed regular payments . If you are qualified, LBP registered and keen to establish your own business with a continuous, steady supply of work then we would love to hear from you. We have a highly experienced and skilled construction management team to manage our projects and work with you. Call us today - Paul Brett 027 493 8982

Your handy pull-out guide

June 1 2017 Mahurangimatters


Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$4.40 per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts. CHURCH NOTICES


Warkworth Anglican Parish Church Services


Phone 425 8545

Christ Church, Church Hill, Warkworth

Every Sunday at 9.30am

Snells Beach Community Church


2nd Sunday at 9am

SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am

St.Alban's, Kaipara Flats

1st Sunday at 11.15am

St.Michael and All Angels, Leigh

The primary objectives for the position involve:

3rd Sunday at 11.00am

• Improve community knowledge and understanding of sustainable fisheries utilisation and practices through education • Detect and report on non-commercial offending; and • Assist full time staff in other duties as required.

Phone 425 8054 or

HFOs are the face of fisheries compliance and are integral to our education and voluntary compliance programmes. They are invaluable in protecting our fisheries, are passionate, professional, and possess excellent local knowledge.

"Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. Know this, O servant."

If you are interested in becoming an HFO please visit the following website for a position description and application form:


1 Hexham Street, Warkworth Parish Office: Ph 425 8660 Sunday Service 10.30am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 8053

Snell’s Beach Community Church 325 Mahurangi East Rd Sunday Service 9am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 5612

Email to book your classified advertising

Please email applications to

Church office - 425 8660


Applications close on Monday 5th June 2017.




Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses & ponies • Birthday rides Lessons • Suit beginners & experienced riders & people with Disabilities Social, Language & School Groups

5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am

Book Now 1hr $50 • 2hrs $90 Phone 09 425 8517

Warkworth Sheetmetals Ltd. Experienced Tradesperson required for quality Architectural, Commercial, Marine Stainless & General Sheetmetal fabrication. Varied, interesting work and opportunity to advance career. Phone: 09 425 7366 Malcolm Email: Call in: 27 Woodcock Rd, Warkworth


Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am

St. Leonard's, Matakana

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is currently seeking self-motivated, confident, and disciplined people to assist the Ministry’s Compliance team as Honorary Fishery Officers (HFOs). We are currently recruiting in the Auckland region.

Please note that this is a rewarding voluntary role, not a paid position.

Holy Mass Timetable:

Every Sunday 8am and 9.30am

The Ministry for Primary Industries is looking for Honorary Fishery Officers



42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth Google: Horse Riding Warkworth



















































































As our delivery team gears up to move to Warkworth, we are interested to receive expressions of interest for the following job groups:

DELIVERING PUHOI TO WA R KWO R T H The Northern Express Group have begun work on the 5 year construction of the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway. The 18.5km Puhoi to Warkworth motorway will form the first section of the Government’s Puhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance (RoNS). DRIVE YOUR CAREER NORTH

Project Office Support Roles:

General Labourer Roles (Site Based Roles):

• Finance & Accounts Administration Clerks • Receptionist/Admin Support/EA or PA • IT Service Desk Engineer (level 1 & 2)

• Skilled Labourers • Hammerhands/Carpenters • Gate Keepers (site compound controls)

Commercial Support Roles: • Quantity Surveyor – Intermediate • Procurement Administrator • Contracts Administrator

Machine Operators: • Digger Driver • Excavator Operator • Dump Truck Driver

• Roller Operator • Grader Operator

To understand the deliverables and context of each role, the prerequisites and experience required, please visit our website at and select the employment opportunities tab. If the above opportunities sounds like you, then please send your updated CV and cover letter outlining which position you are applying for, to This is your chance to join a dynamic, focused team with a real commitment to community focus, reducing environmental impact, and raising its bar with health and safety. If you believe you have the skillsets we are after and that you have the ability to drive real value, we would love to hear from you. The Northern Express Group consortium, is delivering the Puhoi to Warkworth project – the second largest Public Private Partnership (PPP) for a state highway project in New Zealand. Fletcher Construction Company Ltd and ACCIONA Infrastructure New Zealand Ltd are partners in the Northern Express Group together with ACC, HRL Morrison & Co, Fletcher Building, Macquarie, ACCIONA Concesiones and Higgins.

Your handy pull-out guide

8 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017


New fire bylaw A new bylaw that sets out rules for how Aucklanders can use their indoor domestic fires will come into effect on June 1. Under the new bylaw, Aucklanders can still use their open indoor fires and their current wood burners. However, from June 1 any new wood burner installed in an Auckland home must meet the regional standards in the new bylaw, in addition to the criteria for new wood burners specified in the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality. Also, to minimise smoke and contaminants being released into the air, Aucklanders must not burn any of the following materials in their indoor fires – wet wood, wood and wood products that are painted, wood that is tanalised or treated, fuel with a high sulphur content such as high-sulphur coal, household rubbish or green waste. Social Policy and Bylaws manager Mike Sinclair says the most environmentally friendly types of indoor fires are gas fireplaces, enclosed wood burners that meet the national wood burner standards, or other types of solid-fuel indoor fireplaces that meet the emission standards in the draft bylaw, such as pellet burners. Council undertook public consultation on the Draft Air Quality Bylaw for Indoor Domestic Fires earlier this year. To read the bylaw, visit from June 1 and search ‘Air Quality Bylaw for Indoor Domestic Fires’.

Bev Ross, Mangawhai Museum

Troubled waters

Mangawhai breakwater in the 1990s.

unaccustomed to hard labour. Some were from lace-making factories and cotton mills in England. They complained about having to create their own access to water and sanitation, and having to do their own cooking and washing. Foul weather and damage to the incomplete breakwater, lack of pay, and isolation from wives located in Auckland left them very frustrated. To make matters worse, on 13 August 1866 three of the workers, Lawrence McWatt, Alexander Duncan and William Craig, were killed instantly when there was a rock fall at the quarry, where they were extracting stone for building the breakwater. Creditors removed equipment and progress was very slow. Eventually a new contract was let to Alexander Craig. The work under his direction was completed in 1867 but was already requiring repair by 1872. In 1876, after much communication with Council, the breakwater was reported as being ‘in ruin’ after £2,000 had been spent on it. The next action saw retired men from British regiments, who had taken up land at Mangawai, called on to make repairs to the breakwater. This they successfully did, and their work remained as a memorial of their expertise for the next hundred years.

During the big-dig operations at Mangawhai in 1991, when the closed harbour entrance was reopened, a restoration was also made to the breakwater. More large rocks were added from the same on-site quarry.

Sudoku 7



the numbers game 5



9 8





6 9

3 2


1 4

8 3 5






4 7



Mangawhai (formerly known as Mangawai) has known permanent European settlement since the mid 1850’s. Prior to that there are recorded mention of visitors coming into the harbour to collect timber for ships, and some came simply to find overnight shelter as they travelled north and south. This was when there was a fast-flowing, dangerous current that ran between the land and Sentinel Rock near the harbour entrance, before the construction of a breakwater For the new settlers, the bar at the harbour’s entrance was at times impassable, requiring cutters and schooners to anchor out at sea until conditions allowed them to sail through. Sometimes it was calm, without a ripple affecting the crossing. Other times it was very dangerous with high seas raging, forcing ships’ captains to decide how long they could wait outside. They often decided to travel north to Ruakaka and Marsden Point to let their passengers off. There they were rowed to shore by crew on the ship’s tender and left to walk back home. This left the unprepared folk contemplating not only miles of beautiful white sand and flat land, but also the crossing of streams and creeks and high bush-clad hills. The women were clad in many layers of clothing, especially in winter months. Often children were involved, which meant at times they needed to be carried. The bad weather, which caused the inability of ships to cross the bar, meant that folk who were walking were also unprotected from the elements. The bush was a place to make quick temporary shelters, and men always carried the means to make a fire. This type of experience led to a group of settlers deciding they had to block off the channel that ran from the shore to Sentinel Rock. They approached the Provincial Council for funds to begin the process. From 1862 until 1865, the group made donations and kept in touch with Council, waiting for the promised half of the required £400 to meet the cost. Work finally began in 1865, but it was not a happy place. Forty workers who were sent from the Waikato Settlement Scheme proved to be

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Accounting, Tax & Business Advice

Send your nominations to

Congratulations to Gavin Webb of Algies Bay who was nominated for the Sweet Appreciation hamper from Chocolate Brown by Phyllis Soljan, who wrote:

On the 3rd of May I went to the letter box to check the mail. I had a very nasty fall, and as there was no one around I lay there unable to move for quite a while. My wonderful postie, Gavin Webb, came to my rescue. He helped me up and took me back into the house. He made sure I was comfortable in a chair with pillows and brought me my phone. Then he stayed with me for more than half an hour, really delaying his round. But he was only concerned for my wellbeing. He asked me if I would like anything, and he was so attentive. He was so kind and really went out of his way for me. Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.

Time for a change? ACCOUNTANTS & You will find us easy to talk to... We’re more than just accountants. We are your modern local accountancy practice that does your tax returns and helps you fine tune & grow your business.


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It would be our pleasure to get together for a free confidential meeting to see what we could do for you ACCOUNTANTS & 51 Morrison Drive, Warkworth BUSINESS ADVISORS Phone 09 425 9833





Security Screen Doors





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26 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017



Push for innovation as path to excellence in rural sector The 2017 NZ National Agricultural Fieldays – the biggest event of its kind in the southern hemisphere – will be held from 14 to 17 June at the Mystery Creek Events Centre, near Hamilton. The theme for this year’s field days is “leading change”. Fieldays Society CEO Peter Nation said for the rural sector to excel and grow in the future, change is vital. “It is an exciting and challenging time for the industry, but with good leadership we have great opportunities,” he said. Mr Nation said New Zealand was a world leader in agriculture and primary production, and the field days have led the way as a place where businesses and individuals come for the latest in agricultural innovations and technology. The 2017 Fieldays Innovation Awards seek to celebrate and support New Zealand’s most innovative agricultural inventions and showcase emerging products and technology that will lead change in the rural sector. Awards are given across multiple categories, and winners will receive thousands of dollars in business support and advice to help get their innovations to market.

2016 Rural Bachelor of the Year entrants test their skills in the STIHL logger challenge.

Innovators gain access to New Zealand’s top intellectual property and commercial lawyers, business advisors, product development and innovation consultants. “We hope ‘leading change’ is a theme that our partners and exhibitors will embrace,” said Mr Nation. “The dairy downturn has been challenging for many, but with visionary leadership and fresh, innovative thinking we can transform the future of primary

production in this country.” Rural health will also be in the spotlight, with a new Fieldays Health Hub launching this year designed to

educate and inform visitors about health issues in rural communities. Visitors can enter the Mobile Health surgical bus and watch a mock surgery taking place. For 10 months of the year the bus travels the country, from Kaikohe to Balclutha, performing scheduled day surgeries in small towns and rural centres. On a competitive note, eligible farmers will vie for the Golden Gumboot in the Rural Bachelor of the Year competition. Eight finalists will tackle a series of challenges relating to farm life, from fencing and log splitting to dog handling and physical fitness. The winner will walk away with a prize pool of more than $20,000. Visitors will also get the chance to vote for the People’s Choice Award in the Fieldays No. 8 Wire National Art Award Twenty-eight sculptural art works featuring No. 8 wire are finalists for the award.

Ticket giveaway Mahurangi Matters has a double pass to Fieldays to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to Fieldays Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email with the subject line: Fieldays. Competition closes Friday June 9.



Experience, Quality and Service

Malcolm Webster – ph: 027 4477 062


June 1 2017 Mahurangimatters



Climbing spindleberry strangles its host plant.

Spindleberry spotters call An uncommon but nasty weed has been spotted at two sites in Matakana and Auckland Council Biosecurity want locals to keep their eyes peeled. Climbing spindleberry stems strangle host plants and can also form dense, impenetrable thickets. The plant can grow to 12 metres and climb to the top of most canopies, causing them to collapse. Climbing spindleberry is classified as a ‘total control pest plant’, which means council will control the weed at their cost, whether it is on public or private land. Biosecurity team manager Phil Brown says the council aims to eradicate the species from the Auckland region. “It’s vital we know about any new sites of climbing spindleberry, so we can control it. It is important people do

not try to control it themselves as it may spread it further,” he says. Climbing spindleberry is deciduous with yellow-orange berries. Leaves are serrated and spaced out on the vine. Leaves will be turning yellow and dropping at this time of year, making the plant easier to spot. The plant grows 5 to 10 cm long and tapers to a point. “Luckily, it is quite a distinctive looking vine, unlike other species in Auckland, which helps to identify it,” says Mr Brown. Please report suspected sightings to Auckland Council Biosecurity on 09 301 0101 or biosecurity@ with details and a photo if possible.




Taratahi is New Zealand’s largest national provider of agricultural training and right now we are looking for students who’ll become tomorrow’s agriculture superstars.

Check out what’s on offer at out Auckland and Northland campuses: whether it’s dairy, sheep or beef, equine (horses) or apiculture (bees), Taratahi can give you the knowledge and skills you need. Gain an NZQA-approved qualification, plus on-farm practical training to increase your career opportunities in agriculture.



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^ ^ ^ ^ ^

25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4cc -- 4.9kg 0.95kW - 4.9kg




SAVE TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY SAVE TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY 122C $ $ $ TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY $ up Garden to $Tractor 100 NOW 194 NOW 449Don’t wait any longer, you could takeup 9 749 525RS 525RS to 100 NOW 194 NOW 449 $ 749 your new Husqvarna $ $ Don’t wait any longer, you could take free youron new Husqvarna Garden Tractor OW 799 749 799 NOW NOW 749749 home today with 30 months interest purchases $2,299 and over. Don’t any longer, you take your new Husqvarna Garden Don’t wait any longer, you could could take free youron new Husqvarna Garden Tractor homewait today with 30 months interest purchases $2,299 andTractor over. SAVE



21.7cc - 0.76kW - 4.4kg


Husqvarna V-Twin en



$ 21.7cc - 0.76kW - 4.4kg was 279

TS342 TS342 Vanguard Vanguard TS342 Vanguard TS342 ** 4 21.0hp 4 21.0hp

Don’t wait any longer, you could take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor Z242E home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. $Z242E * * Husqvarna Save Save up to $ 100 up on to selected 100 on m Husqvarna Z242E Offer ends 28 February 2017. Offers valid Offers until 28 valid February until 2 Husqvarna Z242E

$100 $194 Save up to to $ 100 on on selected selected models. models. $ 194 refers to to model model 122C 122C ** up Save $194 refers * up Offers valid 28 February 2017 only. Save to $until 100 on refers todealers model 122C Offers valid until 28 selected Februarymodels. 2017 at at participating participating dealers only. $ Offers valid until 28 selected Februarymodels. 2017 at$ participating dealers only. * up to 100 on 194 refers to model 122C $ $ $ ..Save * up Save to until 100 on selected models. 194 refers to model 122C was 499 Offers valid 28 February 2017 at participating dealers only. . Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating dealers only. $ was 499 $ 322Lwas . $ 22.5cc 0.75kW 4.2kg 849 849 was . $ 22.5cc - 0.75kW - 4.2kg

was $279

Vanguard 21.0hp* 4 Cutting De

Vanguard * 4 21.0hp Vanguard Cutting* De De Cutting 4 21.0hp Cutting* De 4 21.0hp Cutting Cutting De De

525RJD 525RJD

* up to $100 on selected models. $194 refers to model 122C Save Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating dealers only. .

Husqvarna 17.5hp* - 3 Husqvarna * 17.5hp 3 17.5hp* -- 3


Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore . . for details.


V-Twin en en V-Twin Husqvarna V-Twin en Husqvarna V-Twin V-Twin en en

Your Au SAVE YOU COULD TAKE IT ww Trimmers from SAVE Trimmers from 1 2 Servici 322L ww 322L SAVE $ $ SAVE ww $ $ 322L 122C 122C 322L $449Artwork NOW 194 NOW up to 100 a “bloody lifesaver” 322L $ only 194! $ NOW 449 up to 100 only 194! NOW 194 NOW 449 $ $ $ $ 569 $ up to 100 NOW 449 up tojudge 100 NOW 194 NOW NOW 194 194 Au HOME TODAY! toArt$100 NOW 194 NOWNOW 449 $449Not only can No. 8 wire save theup NOW NOW 194 194 award Dr Robin Your day Au YOU COULD TAKE IT $exhibition is a Your Trimmers from Servici Your Au Au says the from on a farm, but a sense of$3,999 humour Trimmers and Woodward Trimmers from Your Trimmers from 5,799 Servici YOU YOU COULD COULD TAK T Trimmers from 525LSTYOU COULD TAKE 525RJD IT Trimmers from reflection of what matters to New Servici ingenuity can be ‘a bloody lifesaver’, Servici Trimmers from NOW 629 NOW 699 only 194! $ only 194! 9 194! Zealand artists and communities. 569 NOW 629VISIT US ON$THE NOW $$699according to artist John Mulholland.only only 194! 122HD60 122HD60 569 HOME TODAY! only 194! $ only 194! only 194! “Competitions such as this are NOW NOW 569 569 OW 499 569 499 That was the inspiration behind the HOME HOME TODAY! TODAY HOME TODAY! $of the health of $ important barometers $5,799 $3,999 Warkworth artist’s award winning



25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4cc -- 5.0kg 0.95kW - 5.0kg

was $$$279 122C waswas 279$279 122C was 279 122C $ 21.7cc 0.76kW 4.4kg was 279$279 122C 122C 21.7cc -- 0.76kW 0.76kW -- -4.4kg 4.4kg was 279 $ $ 21.7cc 4.4kg waswas 21.7cc 0.76kW 122C 279 122C NOW $194 21.7cc 0.76kW 4.4kg $ 21.7cc 0.76kW 4.4kg was 279 122C 21.7cc - 0.76kW- -4.4kg 4.4kg NOW $194 21.7cc $ $ 21.7cc -- 0.76kW 0.76kW - 4.4kg $$ $ $ $

was $729 was $729


25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.7kg

25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.7kg

was $799



Offer ends February 2017.interest home today with 30 free on purchases and home today28 30 months months purchases $2,299 $2,2991 and over. over. Offer ends 28with February 2017.interest free on 2 ^^Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or $ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply,$21. visit or see see instore instore for for details. details. 7 ^Offer ends 28 February 2017. was 279 was 279 $ * Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. 21. Offer ends 28 February 2017. $ * 322L $ $ ^ was 279 was 279 122C 122C 322Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. ^ 21.7cc - 0.76kW 21.7cc --4.4kg 0.76kW - apply, 4.4kg 22.5cc Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions visit or see instore for details. $ $ 22.5cc - 0.75kW 21.7cc - 0.76kW 21.7cc - 4.4kg - 0.76kW - 4.4kg 22.5cc -

was $$499

was $499 was $$499 499 was $499 322L $ 0.75kWwas - 4.2kg 499 was $499 322L--22.5cc 22.5cc 0.75kW --- 4.2kg 4.2kg was $ 22.5cc 0.75kWwas 4.2kg 22.5cc 0.75kW $ was 322L $ 499 $499 22.5cc -22.5cc 0.75kW -- 4.2kg 0.75kW 4.2kg was 499 322L 22.5cc -- 4.2kg 0.75kW - 4.2kg $ 22.5cc $ 22.5cc -- 0.75kW 0.75kW - 4.2kg 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.9kg

25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.9kg

$ $ 525LST 525RJD $ $ was 729 was AT 799 was CANAM SITE was 729 525LST 525RJD 525LST $THE $799 $ $729 $ $ 25.4cc 25.4cc 0.95kW 25.4cc -- 0.95kW 0.95kW -- 4.7kg 4.7kg was 25.4cc --525RJD 0.95kW -- 4.9kg 4.9kg MONTHS was 799 was $729 $799 was 525LST 525RJD $ $ 525LST 525RJD was 729 was 799 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg $ $ NOW 629 NOW 699 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg $ $ 525LST 525RJD was $729 729 $629 was $799 NOW NOW 699 525LST 525RJD $ was was 799^ $ $ 25.4cc -- 0.95kW 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc --525RJD 0.95kW -- 0.95kW 4.9kg - 4.9kg 25.4cc 0.95kW-- -4.7kg 4.7kg 25.4cc 525LST $ $ 25.4cc 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg MYSTERY CREEK FIELD INTEREST FREE $ $ 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg NOW 629 NOW 699 $ $ 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.7kg 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.9kg

$ was $$729


$ was $$799


3 30 30 3 30 3

629 629 629


DAYS 2017 was 899 was 849 MONTHS 525RS $ MONTHS $ 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg MONTHS NOW 799 NOW 749 was 899 MONTHS 849 was INTEREST FREE $


34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg



135R Valid until June 30 2017 *OFFER $ 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg


NOW 799

^ ^ ^


NOW NOW 799 799 799 NOW NOW $$799


21.7cc - 0.6kW - 4.7kg

NOW 499

Iseki TG6370

Vanguard™ Commercial V-Twin engine . 21.0hp* 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated Cutting Deck.


25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg 25.4cc 25.4cc -- 0.95kW 0.95kW -- 5.0kg 5.0kg

NOW 569 $

$ $

Kawasaki FR series V-Twin engine *Save up to $100 on* selected models. $194 refers to model 122C. 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting Deck. Offers valid 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only.

Fieldays June. Husqvarna Servicing Dealer Farmlands and managed by Waikato Your in Authorised $ $ Museum, challenges artists to forge

NOW 749

$ $ $


* **

* up to $100 on selected models. $194 refers to model 122C Save TS352 dealers only. Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating


** up Save up to to $100 100 on on selected selected models. models. $194 194 refers refers to to model model 122C 122C Save TS342 TS342 TS352 Offers valid until 28 selected February 2017 at at$participating participating dealers only. *is up Save to $until 100 on models. 194 refers todealers model 122C TS352 John ™™says his V-Twin work normally more Offers valid 28 February 2017 only. $ agricultural TS342 No. wire and TS352 $ Vanguard Commercial V-Twin engine Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at$$participating dealers only. $ * . Vanguard Commercial engine Save up to $100 on selected models. 194 refers to8 model 122C Kawasaki FR series V-Twin engineother $to model .Save $Kawasaki $ FR series V-Twin engine ™ * TS342 $ $ up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers to model 122C $ *Save up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers Vanguard V-Twin engine TS352 conceptual and abstract but heup attoparticipating February 2017 dealers only. *Save 100 on models. 194 refers model 122C. 122C. 3 1 .Offers valid until 28 ** 42”Commercial TS342 Kawasaki FR series V-Twin engine * selected 21.0hp ClearCut™™ Fabricated Fabricated $TS352 $ * 42” ClearCut 21.0hp 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Deck.$to artworks. products into Cutting sculptural

8,399 8,399 8,399

6,999 6,999 6,999

$ $ intentionally made the $lifesaver for a John 1 says he has been3 influenced by laugh.Your HeAuthorised enjoyed watching the reaction NOW 799 799 Husqvarna ServicingNOW Dealer 34. on a farm in Warkworth in his wasliving 899 was 899 135R 135R to theYour work at the art awards, as he often Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer 525R $ Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer $ $ $ Z242E Your semi-retirement. It is a stark contrast 34.6cc - 1.4kW 34.6cc - 6.8kg - 1.4kW - 6.8kg Z254i 25.4cc does not see the public response. Husqvarna Endurance Series to his Endurance busy career travelling to large Husqvarna Series V-Twin engine V-Twin engine 20.0hp - 42” ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. Cutting Deck. “Some people commented it 24.0hp cities54”asReinforced a designer and visual brander would sink or knock someone out working with engineers and architects. $ Z242E if it was thrown. It’s$ funny how Z254i John says his commercial $ work allowed $ Z242E Husqvarna Endurance Series Z254i PRICED Husqvarna Endurance Seriesthe bluntly 1 2 Husqvarna Endurance Series V-Twin people go to obvious him to design and construct his large $ Z242E Husqvarna Endurance Series V-Twin$ engine $engine Husqvarna Endurance Series $ Z254i Z242E 42” ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp was 549 was 549 Husqvarna V-Twin 21. - 42” ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp Series Z254i 54”Endurance ReinforcedSeries Cutting Deck. engine 122HD60 24.0hp 54” Husqvarna Endurance 122H Reinforced Cutting Deck. 24.0hp - 42”humour,” ClearCut Fabricated Cuttingsays. Deck. V-Twin 20.0hp scale sculptures. andengine find theSeries John 122HD45 122HD45 FROM Husqvarna Endurance Series V-Twin engine Husqvarna Endurance Reinforced CuttingV-Twin Deck. 24.0hp 54”Endurance $ Series $engine 21.7cc - 0.86kW Husqvarna 21.7cc -

Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating dealers only. ™ *Save up to 100 on*–selected 194Deck. refers to model 122C. 52” Cutting 23.0hp * Vanguard V-Twin engine Offers valid 28/02/17 at dealers only. ™ Commercial . $ 1/9/16 21.0hp 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated Kawasaki FR Fabricated series$models. V-Twin engine 34 Offers valid 1/9/16 –52” 28/02/17 at participating participating dealers only. $Kawasaki $ Vanguard Commercial V-Twin engine 23.0hp Cutting Deck. was 899 was 899 Cutting* Deck. Deck. . Cutting FR Fabricated seriesmodels. V-Twin engine *Save up to 194 refers to 122C. ™ $100 on $ Offers valid 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. 135R 135R 21.0hp 42” ClearCut *Save up to 1/9/16 100 on**–selected selected models. 194Deck. refers to model model 122C. ™ Fabricated Cutting* Deck. 52” Fabricated Cutting 23.0hp 525RS 525 21.0hp 42” ClearCut Fabricated $ $ 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting Deck. Offers valid 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. 34.6cc - 1.4kW 34.6cc - 6.8kg - 1.4kW -valid 6.8kg Cutting Deck. Offers 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. Your Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4c Cutting Deck. $ $

7,299 5,999 NOW NOW 799 799

Ph:7788 09 423 oryou visit wait7788 any longer, could take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor Ph: 09 423 Ph: 09Don’t 423 or visit 7788 599 was was 549or visit home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. $ 122HD60 122HD45 343 Rodney St Wellsford $ was 549 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 54.9kg NOW 569 343 Rodney 343 Wellsford St Wellsford was 549 Offer ends 28 February 2017. 21.7ccSt -Rodney 0.6kW - 4.7kg NOW 499122HD60 was 549 PRICED 122HD45 122HD60 $ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit instore for details. 21.7cc -- 0.86kW 0.86kW 4.9kg NOWor$$see569 21.7cc -- 4.9kg 122HD45 was 549 21.7cc -- 0.6kW 0.6kW 4.7kg $ 21.7cc -- 4.7kg NOW 499 was 549 21.7cc 0.86kW - 4.9kg NOW $569 122HD60 122HD45 21.7cc 0.6kW 4.7kg 122HD60 NOW 499 FROM $ 122HD45 $ 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg $

$ $ $

TS246 TS246 2 Husqvarna Endurance Endurance Series Series™™ 5 Husqvarna ™ 5 2 $ 2 $Cutting Husqvarna Endurance our communities. They are525RJD indicators TS246 46” Reinforced Reinforced Cutting Deck 5 V-Twin engine 22.0hp**$Series wasTS246 729 was $ -- 729 46” Deck V-Twin 22.0hp ™ 525 $engine $ ™ Wire * Series Husqvarna Endurance * 2 5 . Husqvarna Series Intek engine - 46”729 Reinforced Cutting Deck V-Twin engine 22.0hp was 729 was ™ Deck. Automatic transmission. Cutting 17.5hp - 38”Series Husqvarna Endurance Husqvarna Intek engine 525LST 525LST $* Series of what New are thinking 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4cc - 4.7kg - 0.95kW - 4.7kg 25.4cc -525R 0.95kW 25.4c * - Zealanders 46” Reinforced$ Cutting engine 22.0hp Deck.Awards. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp * - 38” Cutting National Art The was - V-Twin Reinforced Cutting Deck V-Twin engine 22.0hp* - 46” $Deck - 38”25.4cc Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp 0.95kW 25.4cc --work 4.7kg 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc about, as well as$being an expression of

NOW 749 NOW 749 NOW $ 849 was749 525RS 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg NOW 849 was $749 525RS

21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg

* **

TS138 TS138 ™ Husqvarna Husqvarna Series Series™™ Intek Intek engine engine TS138 Husqvarna Series Intek engine $ ** - 38” TS138 Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp $ No. 8 - 38” Cutting Automatic transmission. 17.5hp 525LST 525LST ™ Deck. work at the 2017 Fieldays

NOW $$799122HD60 NOW $ $749 NOW 749 NOW$ 799 525RS 122HD45 $ 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg was was $899 899 135R 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg 135R 34.6cc -- 1.4kW 1.4kW -- 6.8kg 6.8kg was $549 34.6cc

$ $ $

5,799 3,999 5,799 3,999 699 NOW NOW 629 629 699 NOW 629 629 699placed third, out of 28 finalists, and NOW creativity,” Dr Woodward $ says. $ was exhibited at Hamilton’s ArtsPost 8,399 6,999 in May, before the Mystery Creek The annual competition, partnered by

was $899 899 849 was $849 was was 135R was $899 was $849 525RS Call Greg Call or Greg or for Doug onsite for an demo onsite demo 135R $ $ an $ Greg or Doug for an onsite demo $ 34.6cc 1.4kW -- 6.8kg 6.8kg 34.6cc --Doug 1.4kW was 525RS was $899 25.4cc 0.95kW 5.0kg $ $ 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg was 849 135R $ $$ 849 $ 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg was 899 $ 525RS 135R 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg was 899 849 was $ $ 525RS $ 135R 34.6cc -- 1.4kW 1.4kW -- 6.8kg 6.8kg 899 $ was $ $$849 25.4cc --525RS 0.95kW -- 5.0kg 34.6cc 135R $ Visit our web for more $ information Visit ourVisit web site forwassite more our web site for more information 25.4ccinformation 0.95kW 5.0kg $

Husqvarna Endurance Series™ $ engine 22.0hp * * $ * Deck - 46” Reinforced Cutting V-Twin

Husqvarna Series™ Intek engine 17.5hp* - 38” Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission.

21.7cc - 0.86kW 21.7cc - 0.86kW 4.9kg - 4.9kg




$ was $ 799



5,999 5,999 Massey Ferguson 5,999 ** *

™ ™ ™

™ ™ ™


™ ™ ™


7,299 7,299 7,299

NOW 569 NOW 499 NOWNOW 499 499 was 549 599 was $12,990 home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. *special conditions $21,990 was 549 122HD60 1 2 Don’t wait any longer, you could take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor Don’t wait Don’t any wait longer, any you longer, could you take could your take newyo H LIMITED w 122HD45 $ $ home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. 122HD60 Don’t wait any longer, you could take your21.7cc new Husqvarna Garden Tractor 599 was was 549 was 21. 549 was 549 122HD45 $ NOW apply see TTC -for - 0.86kW $2,299 - 54.9kg 599 was Offer ends 28with February 2017. 7 $ was 549 home today 30 months interest free on purchases and over. home today home with today 30 months with 30 interest months free interest on purc fre 21.7cc 0.6kW 4.7kg 122HD60 122HD NOW 499 PRICED PRICED 21.7cc 0.86kW 54.9kg +gst NOW 569 122HD45 122HD45 122HD45 $ +gst home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. 122HD60 Offer ends 28 February 2017. 21.7cc 0.6kW 4.7kg NOW 499 $ $ $ details – tractor shown STOCK 122HD45 PRICED $ PRICED 21.7cc -- 0.86kW 21.7cc $499 Offer ends 28 February Offer ends Offer 28 ends 28 February 2017. 2017. 21.7ccoptional 0.6kW 4.7kg 21.7cc - 0.6kW 21.7cc - 4.7kg - 0.6kW - February 4.7kg NOW NOW 499 499 21.7cc 0.86kW -- 54.9kg 54.9kg NOW PRICED Offerfront endsend 28NOW February 2017. 2017. PRICED PRI with 21.7cc -- 0.6kW -- 4.7kg FROM PRICED FROM PRICED FROM FROM loader and ag tyres FROM w FROM FR FROM $12,990 FROM *special conditions * sp *special conditions $21,990 LIMITED $12,990 *special conditions $21,990 LIMITED apply see TTC for app apply see TTC for $12,990 *special conditions *special conditions *special conditions $21,990 $21, apply TTC forshown +gst LIMITED +gst *special detailssee – conditions tractor det details – tractor shown STOCK +gst +gst apply see TTC for apply seeapply TTC for see TTC forLIMITED details – tractor STOCK apply see TTC front forshown with optional optional front end wit +gst with end +gst +g +gst details – shown details – tractor details shown – tractor shown STOCK +gst with optional end details – tractor tractor shown STOCK loader and ag front tyres loa loader and ag tyres with optional front end with optional with front optional end front end loader and ag tyres with optional front end $you could take21.7cc 21.7cc -- 0.6kW 0.6kW 4.7kg - 0.86kW - 4.9kg $ Don’t wait any longer, your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor $ $ 21.7cc -- 4.7kg $549 you could take your new Husqvarna Garden was 599 was Don’t wait any longer, Tractor

Iseki Iseki TG6370 Iseki TG6370 TG6370 $ $ $

$ $ $

^^ ^

Available Available at at participating participating Husqvarna Husqvarna Dealers Dealers only. only. Conditions Conditions apply, apply, visit visit or or see see instore instore for for details. details. Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. ^ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. ^ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details.

loader loader and and ag ag tyres tyres

• 4wd & Differential lock • Power Shuttle 12 x 12 transmission •• Reliable Iseki Diesel engine • 4wd 4wd & & Differential Differential lock lock 4wd Differential lock •• Power 12 12 4wd & & Shuttle Differential Power Shuttle 12 xxlock 12 •• Power Shuttle 12 x 12 transmission Power Shuttle 12 x 12 transmission transmission • Reliable Iseki Diesel engine transmission Reliable Iseki Diesel engine Cnr•• Heights & Paerata Rds, Reliable Iseki Diesel • Reliable Iseki Diesel engine engine

SHW 22 Pukekohe Ph 09 238 7179 Cnr Heights & Rds, Now at Te Hana Tractors Cnr Heights & Paerata Paerata Rds, Cnr Heights Heights & Paerata Paerata Rds, Rds, Cnr & SHW 22 Pukekohe 30822State Highway 1, SHW Pukekohe SHW 22 Pukekohe SHW 22 Pukekohe Ph 238 7179 RD4, Wellsford PhTe09 09Hana, 238 7179 Ph 09 238 Ph 09 238 7179 7179


• 37HP • Optional Front End Loader shown •• Ag or Turf Tyre option • 37HP 37HP 37HP •• Optional 37HP Front Optional Front End End Loader Loader •• Optional Front End Loader shown Optional Front End Loader shown shown • Ag or Turf Tyre option shown • Ag or Turf Tyre option •• Ag Ag or or Turf Turf Tyre Tyre option option

™ ™

** *

™ ™

™ ClearCut Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine21.7cc 20.0hp* - 42” ™ Fabricated - 0.6kW 21.7cc - 4.7kg - 0.6kW - 4.7kg 24.0hp** 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck. ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp* - 42” 24.0hp 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck.

Is Massey Ferguson Massey Ferguson Iseki Iseki TG6370 TG6370 Massey Ferguson $



Available at ^participating Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers Husqvarna only.Dealers Conditions only. apply, Conditi vis

GC1705 loader and loader ag tyres and ag tyres • 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans • Optional 60” Mid Mount GC1705 GC1705 Mower GC1705 • 23Hp Diesel GC1705 • 23Hp Diesel • Optional Self Levelling FEL 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans • Optional 4-in-1 Bucket • 22 Speed Trans • 60” Mount Speed Hydrostatic Hydrostatic Trans • Optional Optional 60” Mid Mid Mount • 4wd • & 4wd Differential & Differential lock lock• 37HP • 37 • • Optional 60” Mid Mount Mower • Optional 60” Mid Mount Mower • Power • Power Shuttle Shuttle 12 x 12 12 x 12 • Optional • Op Mower • Optional Self Levelling FEL Mower Self Levelling FEL • Optional Brett Carter • 027 231 9070 transmission transmission shown sh • Optional Self Levelling FEL 4-in-1 Bucket • Self Levelling FEL • Optional Optional 4-in-1 Bucket Steve Farrell 027 499 8372 • Reliable • Reliable Iseki Diesel Iseki Diesel engine engine • Ag or • Tu Ag • Optional Optional 4-in-1 4-in-1 Bucket Bucket •


Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 MarkBrett McDonagh Carter 231 9070 Brett Carter 027 027 774 231 4600 9070 Brett Carter 027 231 9070 Cnr Steve Farrell 499 8372 Brett Carter 027 231 9070 Graeme Rogers 021 386 776 Steve Farrell 027 499 8372 Cnr Heights Cnr Heights & Paerata & Paerata Rds, Rds, Steve Farrell 027 499 8372 SHW Steve Farrell 499 8372 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 SHW SHW 22 Pukekohe 22 Pukekohe Grant Hudson 496 9280 Mark McDonagh 4600 Ph 0 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Mark McDonagh 027 774 774 4600 Ph 09 Ph 238 09 7179 238 Mark 7179 McDonagh 027 774 4600 Mark McDonagh 027 774 4600 www Graeme Rogers 021 386 Graeme Rogers 021 386 776 776



June 1 2017 Mahurangimatters


Malcolm Webster with Japanese fencing trainees.

Kiwi expertise aids Japan Fieldays proved the perfect springboard for Malcolm Webster to expand his fencing business beyond Mahurangi and introduce New Zealand knowhow to Japan. Malcolm, of All Rural Fencing, has been heading to the fieldays for almost 40 years. Three years ago, he took his tractor and post-hole driver to the fieldays and demonstrated how to manage roaming livestock such as sheep, deer and goats with suitable fencing. His demonstration fascinated Japanese business executives, who saw an opportunity to radically improve farming methods in their country. In post-war Japan, the tendency has been to keep animals in big barns all year around. Grass is cut and harvested and brought to the animals rather than allowing the animals to graze naturally. Malcolm offered to travel to Japan to teach New Zealand pastoral grazing and sell the technology to be able to do it effectively. But once there he found he had to

overcome some scepticism. Would-be early adopters of the technology said that the fences would never withstand up to three metres of snow that can fall on the island of Hokkaido, where Malcolm demonstrated the technology. Following installation, the Japanese sent back pictures of a demonstration fence buried in snow. First, the tops of the posts remained visible. In later pictures, they disappeared entirely. It was a proud moment for Malcolm come spring when the snow cleared and the demonstration fence remained standing. “The fence was intact with no problems at all,” he says. The success encouraged the Japanese to turn to Malcolm for help with the problem of thousands of wild deer emerging from the mountains and trampling crops. “Now we are teaching them how to put up deer netting to keep deer out,” he says.


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Electric ATV takes on farming Gerrard Merrick is not adverse to a new challenge or change of career. He has worked as a mechanical engineer, in IT and business services, and is now a composite manufacturer in Warkworth. All of which has come in handy for his electric powered threewheeled all terrain e3 ATV. Designed as a smart alternative to the quad bike, it was launched at Fieldays in 2014 as a prototype. Gerrard says farmers were sceptical at first, but also open to innovation. “There’s nothing like dealing with the farming community because they tell you like it is,” he says. Revisions were made based on feedback, as well as the engineering input of agricultural machine manufacturer Roger Grant. Gerrard has noticed a change in attitude to electric vehicles in the past few years, which has increased sales. In the first year he sold three e3s, and last year he sold 11. The first sales were to organic farmers who were already off the grid, but in recent years the interest has been more widespread. His customers range from large dry stock farms to horticulture, including kiwifruit, olive and nut orchards. The annual average running cost of about $200 for charging, compared

to $4000 for petrol, is a drawcard. It has immediate torque and acceleration, common in electric powered engines, which is good for towing, carrying and control. The vehicle uses a lithium battery. Gerrard says farmers sometimes question his claims that the threewheeler is more stable and safer than an average ATV. He says the design is completely different to historical three-wheeled farm trikes, and the e3 provides the correct weight/balance distribution, maintaining steerage and eliminating front corner tipping and sledging. He says four-wheeled ATVs are challenged by uneven terrain and steep slopes, which require complex suspension systems, whereas the e3 maintains maximum ground contact. “Once they go for a ride and try it for themselves, they get it straight away.” The e3 is designed to be durable for farms. It has a strong chassis and 99 per cent is hot-dipped galvanised or stainless steel, with marine fittings for the seating, gears and steering wheel. The body is made from composites, which led to Gerrard buying Roseware manufacturing on Hudson Road. He says farmers enjoy adapting the e3 to suit their needs, from making the tray longer for farm dogs to a camouflage body for hunting.

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June 1 2017 Mahurangimatters

Fieldays features new swag of innovation categories This year, the ever popular Fieldays Innovations Centre will showcase a swag of entirely new categories of inventions and applications never before featured at the event. For the first time, organisers have accepted entries relating to genetics, animal science and chemical-based innovations. They will sit alongside innovations related to fencing, irrigation, pasture management and animal health. Agricultural technology will also be on show with several app-based innovations and a virtual reality device. Innovations event manager Gail Hendricks says more and more we are seeing how science and technology is impacting agriculture. More than 70 entries have been received for the Fieldays Innovation Awards. The three main categories are Fieldays Prototype Award, Fieldays Launch NZ Award and Fieldays International Award. Other awards up for grabs include Fieldays Young Inventor of the Year, Vodafone Innovation in Technology Award of the Year, Locus Research Innovation Award, the Crowe Horwath Agri Innovation Award, the Tompkins Wake IP and Commercialisation Award, and the Origin Intellectual Property Award.


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Judges consider inventiveness, design and originality, the process of coming up with the innovation, commercial opportunities, intellectual property protection, technical viability and its benefit to New Zealand agriculture. The winners will be announced on June 15. Ms Hendricks says entrants get a lot of value from entering the Innovation Awards, as Fieldays provides access to a large group of potential customers and gives them a chance to do valuable market research. “The Innovations Centre is an exciting place to be at Fieldays,” she says. “People visiting will see all sorts of interesting inventions and ideas that have practical and commercial application to help streamline work on the farm.”



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New Zealand meat exports back in Iran New Zealand resumed meat exports to Iran in May, sending 60 tonnes of frozen lamb to the Islamic state. Market access to Iran effectively ceased in 1998 as a result of international sanctions. Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy cleared the way for resumption of trade when he concluded a veterinary agreement with his Iranian counterpart in Tehran in February. Federated Farmers says the reopening of trade between New Zealand and Iran with meat exports is a great opportunity for New Zealand’s meat industry. Federated Farmers Meat and Fibre Chair Rick Powdrell says it’s akin to opening up a new market for meat exporters. “It’s really heartening to see New Zealand meat companies prepared to work through the protocols to make things happen,” he said.


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32 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017


e pride in giving expert You | Community | Business

Welcome to our annual celebration of local businesses that support the community in a myriad of ways. It all counts, whether it is financial support, lending marquees, or manning the BBQ at events and fundraisers. The four businesses profiled in this feature altogether employ 80 staff locally. Many of them have their own local links with sports and schools or personal attachments to community causes they support. We call it the Local Link as a reminder that when you shop local, not only does it help businesses, but it flows back into the community.

Wynyard Wood Wynyard Wood is an eight partner firm that has provided legal advice for more than 120 years. The ‘Wynyard’ name comes from the founder, the son of Lt. Col. Robert Henry Wynyard and the first superintendent of Auckland and an acting Lieutenant-Governor in succession to Grey in 1854. As a smaller firm, they pride themselves on their personal approach and providing quality legal advice, while keeping at the forefront of the increasing complexities in family, commercial and property law, wills and estates, trusts, asset management, and litigation. How do you choose which groups to support? For a number of years we have supported a broad range of organisations, such as the Westpac Helicopter Trust, St John, Riding for the Disabled and Guide Dogs. What form does your support take? Locally, we support the Warkworth Tennis Club and various other groups and organisations our families are directly

From left, Renee Coulthard, Stuart Callender and Terry McDell.

involved with. Previously, we have served on the committee and been the honorary solicitors for the Warkworth Area Business Association (now One Warkworth Business Association) and a member for several years. Is there a special moment you can share that highlights the importance of being a sponsor? Yes, when we were sponsors of the reinvigorated business association Christmas parade. We won a prize for

our marvelously decorated float, which we then donated to Kawau Coastguard. Do you get many requests for support? We get many requests for financial or ‘in kind’ sponsorship, and try to find ways to support as many organisations as possible, but in particular those our families are involved with. How many people do you employ locally?

We have five people employed locally with support from 30 others at our CBD and Highbrook offices, all linked through one IT system. Lack of internet speed is a concern to us as it is to others in the community. Some of us have family associations in the area stretching back generations. Are you confident about doing business in your town? Yes. From the day we first moved to the Matakana area 18 years ago, we were confident, which resulted in us opening the Warkworth office in 2005 on the site now occupied by Countdown. Do you think it’s important for locals to ‘shop locally’? It is important to shop locally and we endeavour to do so at every opportunity. We have a philosophy of actively inviting clients to come to Warkworth for their legal advice so they can enjoy other local services and amenities while they are here.

WE CARE ABOUT TH WE C At Wynyard Wood, we take pride in giv WE CARE ABOUT THE COMMUNITY WE CARE ABOUT TH E CARE COMMUNITY WE CAREABOUT ABOUTTHE THE COMMUNITY At Wynyar supporting our locals. WE CARE ABOUT WE CARE ABOUT THE COMMUNITY Wynyard Wood, we take pride giving expert legal advice and At Wynyard Wood, we take pride inTH gi Wynyard Wood, we take pride iningiving expert legal advice and WE CARE ABOUT THE C At Wynyard Wood, we take pride in giving expert legal advice and supporting


Atgiving Wynyard Wood, take inexp gi pporting our locals. At Wynyard Wood, in expert legal advice and our locals. porting our locals. At Wynyard Wood, wewe take pridepride in giving upporting our locals.we take pride supporting supportingour our locals. supporting locals. supporting our locals. 09422 422 2190 09 2190 09 422 2190 27 Percy Street 27 Percy 27 Percy Street 09Street 422 2190 Warkworth Warkworth Warkworth 27 Percy Street email email: email: email: Warkworth email:

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters



MS Engineering MS Engineering has been providing engineering services to the Rodney district for over 30 years. From humble beginnings it is now one of the largest and most diverse engineering firms in the area. It prides itself on keeping astride of technology, offering innovative solutions and outstanding service to ensure customer satisfaction. It has several different sectors within the company, including fabrication of steel and aluminium, tailored truck building, structures and sculptures, precision CNC and manual machining, blasting and painting, hydraulics (local Hydraulink agents), and Cranes and Hiabs. The business recently installed a press-brake and guillotine and has set up MS Lightfab, so it can now provide sheet metal services as well. How do you choose which community groups to support? We have many requests for sponsorship throughout the year and, of course, we cannot look after them all. We have many groups that support us in business, so we look after them if we can in any way. We also assist charitable organisations such as the Warkworth Hospice or trusts that we have been specifically involved with. We are long-standing supporters of Mercy Hospice’s Race for Life. What form does your support take? Being an engineering company, our support doesn’t always come in the form of monetary donations. Often we will assist projects with various equipment/materials or labour

The MS Engineering management team. From left, engineering manager Glen Crandle, accounting and systems manager Jemma Harris, general manager Graham Buchs, credit controller Jill Harvey, managing director Hugh Harvey and compliance manager Jules Palmer.

donations. For example, Warkworth Hospice were having issues with thieves breaking in and stealing donated goods. MS Engineering provided them with labour and materials to make their premises more secure. Is there a special moment you can share that highlights the importance of being a sponsor? Being good community members is a huge part of being a supportive business. Being a part of projects all over the local area and seeing them develop and grow using the expertise within the business is satisfying. How many people do you employ locally? We employ over 50 people, made up

of qualified tradesmen, administration staff and trade assistants. We are committed to teaching the engineering trade to others and do this by offering apprenticeships regularly through the local colleges. We currently have four apprentices. Are you confident about doing business in your town? We are confident and proud of doing business locally. MS Engineering has spread to complete projects all over New Zealand and machine components for companies worldwide. However, we have always ensured that the company remembers its roots and where it all started, and that was with a company providing locals with great engineering service.

Do you think it’s important for locals to shop locally? It is incredibly important for our community to support each other, not only at a business level but also at a personal level. MS Engineering is a major sponsor of the One Warkworth Business Association, which is driving the Shop Local Initiative, as well as improvements in the local area. Warkworth is growing rapidly, and as Auckland’s reach spreads north we find it more and more important to ensure that local businesses are looked after, and not the ‘big boys’ from Auckland. We attempt to use as many local businesses as possible to provide our customers with the service they require.

Innovation, Technology, Service, Satisfaction. ITSS OUR FOCUS

Now completing sheetmetal work for the Rodney area Fabrication of Steel, Aluminium and Stainless, Sheetmetal Work, Tailored Truck Building, Structures and Sculptures, Precision CNC and Manual Machining, Blast and Painting, and Cranes & Hiabs are just some of the diverse areas we cover. ISO 9001 Quality Management Certified

Phone 09 425 7116 Email Web Visit 24 Morrison Drive, Warkworth

34 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017


Warkworth Toyota Warkworth Toyota is a family-owned and run business. The owners of the Whitaker Road showroom and service centre have run the franchise since 2015. It’s part of the Albany Toyota franchise, which they have owned since 1991, with service centres in Browns Bay and Whangaparaoa. The director and company founder is Andrew Mackenzie and the chief executive is his son, Haydn. Andrew’s wife Julie is a director and daughter Shenae works in administration. Haydn’s partner, Chiara Soons, is the marketing manager. Andrew says their aim is to provide a ‘one stop’ experience for Toyota cars along with servicing, WOFs, parts and accessories, finance, leasing, extended warranties, vehicle insurance and service plans. How do you choose who to support? We endeavour to support a crosssection of the community and our group currently supports the following: Life Education North Shore, Literacy North Shore/Warkworth, Westpac Rescue Helicopter, Hospice, AIMES Awards – North Harbour Club, Tennis Northern, Warkworth Tennis, bowling clubs in Warkworth, Manly, Albany and Browns Bay, Warkworth Golf Club, Rodney North Community Patrol, One Warkworth Business Association, Motorsport TR86 Series, Off-Road Racing Polaris #U37, Urban Dogs, Marist Rugby and equestrian. What form does your support take?

From left, service manager Toni Mazzon, director Andrew Mackenzie and vehicle sales consultant Brendan Langdon.

Along with financially supporting various groups, we are major sponsors of awards like the AIMES Awards, which Lorde won in 2015. We supplied a car to the Rodney North Community Patrol. We also help out in the community, including lending our marquee to schools and community groups. Is there a special moment that highlights the importance of being a sponsor? Lorde winning the $15,000 prize

put up by Albany Toyota at AIMES Awards 2015. Supporting Hartley and Nick Cassidy early in their motorsport career. They are now on the world stage. Do you get many requests? In our group we would get requests for support nearly on a daily basis, but regrettably, we can’t support all requests. How many people do you employ locally? We employ eight people in Warkworth,

as well as six in Browns Bay, six in Whangaparaoa and 64 in Albany. Are you confident about doing business in your town? We are very confident about doing business locally. For instance, we increased new vehicle sales in Warkworth 620 per cent in the first year after taking over. Do you think it’s important for locals to ‘shop locally’? Our motto for local support is ‘support local’.

Your Local For any New, Used or Signature Class cars contact:

Brendan Langdon – 09 425 1093 or email

For Fixed Price Vehicle Servicing and Parts contact:

Toni Mazzon – 09 425 8439 or email | 09 425 8439 | Cnr Whitaker rd and Mill Lane, Warkworth

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters



Davco Electrical Davco Electrical, and predecessor David Cash Electrical Services, have serviced Rodney for 37 years. They specialise in industrial and commercial services, sportsfield and large area lighting. They started as a family business and still operate that way. Their philosophy is honest, quality workmanship at a reasonable price. They work hard to maintain these values, and believe the business is only as good as their staff, or Davco family as they call it. How do you choose which groups to support? With great difficulty! It would be great to support everyone who approaches us but unfortunately that’s not realistic. We have been a corporate sponsor of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter for many years. The future of our children is very important to us, so we wholeheartedly support these causes – Mahurangi Kindergarten, Warkworth Primary, Mahurangi Rugby Club – all of which have been a part of our family history. What form does your support take? Financial support is always desirable, but we offer other support including coaching teams, sponsoring uniforms, stalls at school galas, signage and carrying out electrical work. We’ve been known to flip sausages on the BBQ for fundraisers. Is there a special moment you can share that highlights the importance of being a sponsor? Last year we sponsored a touch team

From left, general manager Jeremy Grant and owners Dave and Lynette Morrison call their staff the ‘Davco family’.

of five-year-olds, The Davco Demons. Watching those little kids run about in their Davco shirts was absolutely priceless. Do you get many requests for support? Requests for financial support have noticeably increased over the last few years. We get one phone call or visitor a week. We consider everyone, but it is always hard to politely decline. We take our hat off to those people who put their time and energies into asking for donations.

How many people do you employ locally? Eighteen at present. Are you confident about doing business in your town? Definitely. We are busier than ever, and we can’t see it dropping off anytime soon. There is so much potential in this area. There is still a ‘local’ feel among many of the businesses and, thankfully, we haven’t quite grown so big that we don’t look out for each other.

Do you think it’s important for locals to ‘shop locally’? One of our cornerstone values is to use local products and services where we can, both in business and personally. We have experienced the negative effects of locals bringing in services or contractors from outside the area; no-one benefits in the long run. We would rather gain business on our good reputation and quality service. We should definitely look after our neighbours first and foremost.

Rustic Furniture Sales 36 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017 & Custom Milling

Tree Work Specialists Rustic Furniture Sales ists Rustic Furniture Sales & Custom Milling Let’s getDigital ARBORISTS • LOGGING • CHIPPING & Custom Milling with Cathy Aronson, Digital Editor IPPING TREE REMOVAL • LAND CLEARING



Tree Work Specialists Tree Work Specialists ARBORISTS • LOGGING • CHIPPING


Rustic Sales to buy woodFurniture lots Rustic Furniture Sales & Custom Milling of Macrocarpa Custom Milling or & Pine CALL FOR INFO

Signing off

This is my last digital column for Local Matters as I’m about to put the local into global in a physical, not just digital, way. It gives pause for reflection on what has, and hasn’t, changed in digital media and here at since I joined seven years ago. So here are my top seven digital tips. SEEKING toACTIVELY buy wood lots ALL FOR Local still rules: Working for my local paper was convenient while raising ofSEEKING Macrocarpa orwood Pine lots to buy INFO Tree Work Specialists Rustic Furniture Sales ofCALL Macrocarpa a family, but after a career in daily news and online media I was craving for FOR or Pine PINE SLEEPOUTS INFO MACROCARPA & & Custom Milling FOR community and real life interaction. It’s not surprising to see a rise in #hyperlocal ARBORISTS • LOGGING •CALL CHIPPING INFO TREE REMOVAL • LAND CLEARING MACROCARPA &social PINE SLEEPOUTS in our over-saturated and mass media world. GARDEN SHEDS •MACROCARPA TABLES & PINE SLEEPOUTS GARDEN SHEDS • TABLES ACTIVELY MACROCARPA & PINE SLEEPOUTS MACROCARPA & PINE SLEEPOUTS Dance at work: ISHEDS serendipitously crossed paths with a friend and colleague Helen GARDEN • TABLES SEEKING PLANTER BOXES • GARDEN SEATS PLANTER BOXES • GARDEN SEATS GARDEN SHEDS • TABLES to buy wood lots & MUCH• MORE Baxter when I first ventured into online media a decade ago. She encouraged me of Macrocarpa PLANTER BOXES GARDEN SEATSPLANTER GARDEN SHEDS • TABLES BOXES • GARDEN SEATS or Pine & MUCH MORE & MUCH MORE Furniture Showroom now open 126 Mangawhai 60 Heads Bagnal Rd, Rd, Mangawhai Mangawhai to work to live, instead of living to work. I wished I could clone her, so was CALL FOR INFO PLANTER BOXES •Rd,Mangawhai GARDEN SEATS & she MUCH Furniture Showroom now open 126 Mangawhai 60 Heads Bagnal Rd, Mangawhai stoked when released aMORE creative business toolkit Scan to find 0800 TRIMMERS • TREETRIMMERS.CO.NZ out more Scan to find ngawhai 60 Heads Bagnal Rd,Rd, Mangawhai Mangawhai & MUCH MORE Be social: I’m often asked, ‘what do social marketers do other than play on their MACROCARPA & PINE SLEEPOUTS out more 0800 TRIMMERS • TREETRIMMERS.CO.NZ Furniture Showroom now open 126 Mangawhai 60 Heads Bagnal Rd,Rd, Mangawhai Mangawhai GARDEN SHEDS • TABLES phone and talk buzzwords?’ There is truth to this, but it’s also hard work keeping PLANTER BOXES • GARDEN SEATS w open 126 Mangawhai60 Heads Bagnal Rd,Rd, Mangawhai Mangawhai up. I’ve learned to not be bedazzled by graphs and marketing speak, just be real & MUCH MORE Scan to find Scanfor to social find media is the most social person and responsive. Often the best person Furniture Showroom now open 126 Mangawhai60 Heads Bagnal Rd,Rd, Mangawhai Mangawhai out more Scan to find out more in the room. Scan toto findfind Scan 0800 TRIMMERS • TREETRIMMERS.CO.NZ out more out more out more Usable and accessible: These are those buzz words, but ones worth learning. It’s like the old journalism rule, KISS – keep it simple, stupid. It’s easy to get caught up in your vision, but making your digital offering easy to use should be your guide. Luckily, paying attention to accessibility guidelines, so sight and hearing impaired can use it, is the first step to usability. Our youngsters have zero tolerance, plus our aging population are becoming the biggest consumers. Share and share alike: We live in a world of shareable media converging with copyright. I believe in both. I also believe in choice and am proud to be part of Creative Commons Aotearoa NZ, providing tips and tools to legally share, use and reuse content online at Content is king: As digital media grew it was fascinating watching a scramble for clickbait headlines and then an engaged audience. Behind the headlines are real people living in real communities. Real stories will always hit the mark whether it’s served up in print, online, social media or virtual reality. If you care about the future of independent press, please continue to support your local paper, our website and digital offerings, including our business directory and video journalism.







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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Cuisine Nicola Bolton

Easy winter eats I find that during the bitterly cold winter months my enthusiasm for cooking dwindles somewhat. I can’t hide the fact that slaving over a hot stove does elevate my body temperature, but I must admit that I’d much rather be spending my time all wrapped up in front of the fire. Daylight saving also curbs my enthusiasm. It seems to completely throw me off my cooking game. I can spend the same amount of time in the kitchen (preparing a meal) as I would in summer, but I swear that in winter my legs threaten to give way from beneath me, convinced that the time for meal preparation has been and gone. My eyes solidify this conclusion because, of course, it is now dark outside. Everything in my physical being is thrown completely out of whack. So ... being a busy working mum who thrives on productivity, I have devised a plan. That plan is to make my Monday to Friday meals quick, very quick. For me, ‘quick’ is about 20 minutes. Below is one of the latest editions to my inventory of speedy suppers.

• Award winning Fish & Chips • Full Range of Burgers • Family Combos • Kids Menus • Fisherman Hot Dogs • Try our Big Wave Snapper Burger Find us at The Grange, 67 Auckland Road, Warkworth Phone 425 0453 | 022 385 0773

Parmesan, Basil & Bacon Carbonara


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Start by bringing a pot of water to the boil, following the directions for your chosen pasta. Make sure there is plenty of salt in the water. While your pasta is cooking, put a splash of olive oil in a large pan. Once the oil is hot, add your bacon strips. The strips need to be crispy but not burnt so it is important you monitor them. They won’t take long. When done, take the bacon out of the pan and set aside. Pop some more olive oil back in to the same pan. Brown your onions and then your garlic. Throw in your cream and turn down to a low heat to simmer. Whisk intermittently for a couple of minutes adding lashings of salt and pepper. We just want to thicken the cream a bit over the heat. Once your pasta is cooked ‘al dente’, drain it in a colander and place in a large serving bowl. Pour your creamy sauce over the pasta and toss. Sprinkle over your crispy bacon strips, grated parmesan and basil leaves. Note that you can rip up the basil leaves or throw them in whole. Add lashings of cracked pepper and a good pinch of salt. Toss again. Wipe any excess sauce from around the rim of the bowl like the professionals do. Top with any remaining bits of bacon or basil and serve. Buon Appetito!

Jim Beam & Cola 4.8% 10pk Bottles, Canadian Club & Dry 4.8% 10pk Bottles

Kahlua 700ml Still Vodka 1L or Malibu 700ml $ .99

• Olive oil


• 1/2 cup finely grated parmesan

• Salt






Woodstock 5% 12pk Bottles or Woodstock 7% 12pk Cans

Jim Beam or Canadian Club & Woodstock 5% 330ml 12pk Bottles Dry or Canadian Club & Cola or Codys 7% 250ml 12pk Cans all 10pk Bottles $23.99 ea $ .99 ea



• 4 finely chopped large cloves of garlic


• 1 finely chopped onion



Woodstock 7% 4pk Cans, Woodstock 6% 4pk Cans 2 $ for 20



Jim Beam Gold 7% 330ml 8pk Cans

Jack Daniel’s & Cola 8pk Cans



• 200ml fresh cream

Woodstock 6pk 330ml Cans $13.99

• A lot of freshly ground black pepper. Carbonara actually comes from the Italian word ‘carbone,’ which means coal. Coal is meant to signify the black bits in the dish, i.e. the pepper, so don’t hold back on it.



• 1 cup or a big handful of fresh basil leaves

• 300g streaky bacon cut in to strips

9 .99 27


Billy Maverick 7% 18pk Cans

Specials only while stocks last. At participating stores.

• 500g pasta – any kind you like, but I prefer fresh spaghetti or fettuccine

Billy Maverick 7% 250ml 18pk Cans



Smirnoff Pure 4pk Bottle Range

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38 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

A word with Jordan Luck Finn Andrews is singing solo at the Sawmill.

Singer breaks for solo gigs Finn Andrews brings an intimate solo performance to Leigh Sawmill on Saturday June 17. The Veils frontman and songwriter is playing in Leigh as one of only three solo shows. It comes off the back of The Veils summer tour in New Zealand and sellout shows in the US. Finn is back in NZ for winter before the band tours Europe with its latest album, Total Depravity, in September. Andrews will be showcasing tracks from The Veils catalogue, as well as new material and unheard solo pieces. “For these intimate little shows I’ll just be playing the songs as they were

first written, with nothing for me to hide behind, except for a piano, which I guess is actually really quite a good thing for hiding behind,” he says. “It’s also a good excuse for me to try out a few new songs that have just recently come into the world and to see how they fare in the light.” Andrews often returns to NZ, his home away from home. He was born in London, the son of musician Barry Andrews, and moved to the North Shore in Auckland when he was 12, before moving back to London when he was 16. His influences include Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen. The Veils’ debut album was released in 2004.

Iconic Kiwi singer/songwriter, Jordan Luck, will end his NZ tour at Leigh Sawmill on Queen’s Birthday weekend, Saturday June 3. The Jordan Luck Band ‘Who Loves Who’ tour has been trekking across the country since April, performing crowd favourites, including ‘Why Does Love Do This To Me’, ‘I’ll Say Goodbye’, ‘Who Loves Who The Most’, and ‘Victoria’. Luck was the first NZ Music Hall of Fame inductee in 2007. As frontman and writer with NZ rock band The Exponents he clocked up 18 Top 40 singles over the years. He took time out from his tour for a quick word with Mahurangi Matters. Tell us about The Jordan Luck Band The members of the band are Bryan Bell on guitar and vocals, Beaver on drums, Joe Walsh on guitar and vocals, and Rich Whall on bass guitar. We have been performing and recording together since 2009.

Plume Café High Tea Available for a great value price of $59 for 2 people. Bookings essential! Weekdays 10am - 2pm Weekends only for 10+ participants 2pm - 3pm On offer is a delectable array of freshly baked sweet and savoury scones with whipped cream, jam and butter; a spread of sandwiches and sliders, and other delicious and dainty temptations such as cupcakes. All made in-house by Plumes dedicated bakers and chefs. Of course, the High Tea will be rounded off with a selection of the best teas.

Ticket giveaway Mahurangi Matters has a double pass to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to Jordan Luck Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email editor@ with the subject line: Jordan Luck. Competition closes June 1.

*Gluten Free/Vegetarian available on prior booking notice only.

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Plume, proudly the house of Runner Duck Wines.

09 423 0390 | Bookings essential

Mahurangi Times High Tea.indd 1

Tell us about the show and tour The songs we’re playing on the tour are principally from the Luck catalogue, Dance Exponents, Exponents and from the new JLB album Not Only ... But Also. We also play versions of songs by some of our favourite musicians. Are the songs classics or new ones? Ha! I’m not certain about classic, however, there are quite a few songs that the audience seems to know all the words to. Most of the songs involve characters I have known. When we play the songs live they all seem new. They are certainly different every night. What do you enjoy the most about live performing? I love the audiences. Studio recording is interesting for a wee while but live is brilliant. I love singing. Have you played at Leigh Sawmill before? Flip, I may have been near to an inaugural act at the Sawmill. I think Crowded House may have been one of the first. It is a tremendous venue. What do you hope the audience takes away from the show? If an audience enjoys the show as much as The JLB (Jordan Luck Band) does, then it will have been an exceedingly excellent night. What are some of your other recent and upcoming projects? I was honoured to be part of the Graham Brazier album (‘Left Turn At Midnight’) launch organised by Peter Warren. I also sang Kane Chong’s song ‘We Are One’ at the Autism Awareness Concert. JLB will take a wee break in July and then we are back in action in late August.

3/05/17 12:25 PM

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Theme: “ARTISTS IN RODNEY” Venue: Viewing Times: Exhibits:

Flavio Villani will be at the Matakana screening to discuss the film.

Pianist joins film screening Warkworth Music will host a special screening of the documentary Crossing Rachmaninoff at Matakana Cinemas on Sunday June 11. The film will be an opportunity for concert goers to learn about the pianist Flavio Villani who will play at the Warkworth Town Hall on June 25. Rebecca Tansley’s Crossing Rachmaninoff follows the Italian-born pianist as he prepares for a major performance with the Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria that will confirm his arrival as a concert pianist and vindicate his decision to be a musician. Mr Villani, who moved to New Zealand in 2008 to study piano performance at the University of Auckland under Stephen de Pledge, will be at the screening to introduce the film and answer questions. The film follows him as he completes his studies and travels to the US and

Italy where he spends time with his family. The film also explores Mr Villani’s relationship with his strict Catholic family and their less than approving view of his lifestyle as a musician and a young gay man. As he struggles to master Rachmaninoff ’s Piano Concerto No. 2, both technically and emotionally, he comes to understand the music through the demands of his teachers and his own desire for precision and empathy with the piece. The documentary celebrates the power and beauty of music, and explores the fundamental need to be accepted for who we are. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased through the Warkworth Music website There will be no box office sales. The film will start at 4pm.

Ticket giveaway Mahurangi Matters has a double pass to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to Flavio Villani Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email with the subject line: Flavio Villani. Competition closes June 16.

Warkworth Music presents

CROSSING RACHMANINOFF The story of Flavio Villani’s journey to redemption through Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2

Flavio Villani will be in attendance

Sunday June 11 at 4pm Matakana Cinemas, Matakana

Tickets $20 via or by mail • Info. Ph 425 6289 or 425 7313

Works: Entry Forms:


Prizes: Prize Presentation:

Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd September 2017, 10am – 4pm To the old Masonic Hall, Thursday 31st August between 12noon – 3pm Only open to Rodney Residents & Ratepayers – work not previously exhibited. With a cheque to be received by 4th August 2017 either posted to North Rodney CAC, PO Box 243, Warkworth 0941 or emailed to in a PDF document Work will be selected and judged on theme, quality, originality & craft. Judges decision is final, no discussion or correspondence will be entered into. Over $1,500.00 worth of Prizes for 2 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional entries To be held at 3pm, Saturday 2nd September 2017 at the Old Masonic Hall

• Registration Entry Fee: $15 per entry • Commission: 30%, all work must be for sale • Display Space: Max 2 entries per person: 2 Dimensional to fit within 800mm x 800mm 3 Dimensional within cube area 600x600x600mm max size overall • Suitability: Swing label with artist’s name, title, price – work prepared for hanging or display. • Insurance: Responsibility of Artist. • Unsold work to be collected at 4pm, Saturday 2nd September 2017 from the Old Masonic Hall.

Entry Form

Name: .......................................................................... ....................................................................................... Phone: ......................................................................... Email............................................................................. Address: ...................................................................... ....................................................................................... Title: ............................................................................. Price: ……………………………..................................... Title: ............................................................................. Price: ……………………………..................................... Class: (please tick) 3 Dimensional 2 Dimensional Enclosed: $...............................Registration fee for ............................. (number of works) Cheques payable to North Rodney Community Arts Council Inc, P O Box 243, Warkworth. Or pay to North Rodney Arts Council Inc Bank Account, Bank Acct. 12 3046 0287143 02. Please use your names as a reference. Enquiries: Joy Bell – Ph 09 422 4957, email: OR Mona Townson Ph 09 425 6121, email:


40 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

Rich variety expected at art awards

Great pitch at town hall concert

Scores of works reflecting a huge range of artistic styles and utilising a wide variety of media are expected to be entered for the Rodney Art Awards of 2017. North Rodney Community Arts Council chairperson Joy Bell says based on previous experience, entries will likely include examples of tapestries, rug hooking, calligraphy, glass blowing, felting, photography and more. Joy says art involving spinning and weaving is often especially strongly represented, reflecting Rodney’s rural character. The theme of this year’s awards is “Artists in Rodney.” Judges will assess all the works based on their faithfulness to the theme, their quality and originality. Judges have yet to be chosen for 2017 but usually feature a practising artist and a gallery representative. Entered works will be exhibited at the Old Masonic Hall, Warkworth, on September 1 and 2. Entry is restricted to north Rodney residents and ratepayers, and works must not have previously been exhibited. Apart from that, the awards are open to anyone who wants to “give it a go” and gain confidence in exhibiting their work. Last year there were about 70 entries. For more entry details, see the entry form on page 39

The turf design allows students to play a number of different sports all year round. A fanfare rang out from the Warkworth Town Hall on May 13 and 14 as two choirs, an ensemble and four soloists performed Handel’s Messiah. More than 70 singers performed to sellout audiences on both days. They were led by Kowhai Singers retiring musical director Peter Cammell. “Under Peter’s baton, the performances of Messiah should be remembered as one of Warkworth’s greatest achievements in its developing history of musical performance,” Kowhai Singers member Neil Sutherland said.

Cuban celebration launches festival Warkworth’s first music documentary film festival will kick off with the screening of the classic 1996 Ry Cooder movie, Buena Vista Social Club, at the Warkworth Town Hall this Thursday, June 1, at 5.30pm. In total, 12 films will be screened over the four-day festival, which is raising money for the ongoing restoration of the Town Hall. The programme is as follows: Shine A Light, Rolling Stones (Thursday 8pm); Janis Joplin & Bob Marley (5.50pm and 8pm Friday June 2); Poi E, Ed Sheeran, Amy Winehouse, and Woodstock (10am, 3pm, 5.30pm & 8pm on Saturday June 3); and The Topp Twins, Landfill Harmonic, Searching for Sugar Man and Kurt Cobain (10am, 3pm, 5.30pm & 8pm, Sunday June 4). Tickets are available from the Mahurangi Matters office or online at; and will also be available at the door if not sold out.

Kaipara turf officially opens A $50,000 renovation of the turf at Kaipara Flats School will mean students will be able to use the grounds for a number of different sports. The turf was officially opened on May 19. Principal Gary O’Brien said the need for the all-weather turf was identified two years ago. The new surface is designed with markings to cater for hockey, football, netball, basketball, tennis, four square and hand ball. The project was started in January this year and completed in March with all funds raised by the school through PTA organised events. “The whole school is thrilled with the result and the turf is being well used,” Mr O’Brien said.

Did you know we have Mahurangi River Chef, Jay Jay Wang as our new executive chef at the Salty? Jay Jay has taken us to another level with dining and with the help of Moses at front of house you will love your experience with us. I urge you to come in and find out for yourself. We offer fine dining, functions for up to 150 guest and accommodation for 34 guest. Chinese Buffet is back! Every Wednesday 6pm – 8pm in the Guinness Sports Bar. Buffet Thursday’s: Every Thursday 6pm – 8pm in the Restaurant. 3 meat selection cooked to your liking from $22.50 Say you saw this ad in the matters or bring it in and receive 10% discount on your entire bill. Both Buffets offered for a limited time only.

Ph 09 425 5588 | 242 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach 0920 |


June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


By Matakana Village Books

That’s Not the Monster We Ordered


Terry Jones, illustrated by Richard Fairgray

The Turner family has just got a monster, and the whole neighbourhood is in awe of his superhero stature, daredevil skill and all-round usefulness. Everyone wants their own monster. But sometimes the monster you order isn’t necessarily the monster you get … So when the neighbours order a monster, they want it to be furry and green, larger than a lion to scare any enemies away, be the school bus for the whole class, and be able to time travel so they don’t have to spend all day doing homework. But the monster the neighbours get is gassy, smelly, and he plays pranks on the rest of the family. But he’s also friendly, cuddly and bakes cakes for everyone. Acclaimed NZ comic writers Richard Fairgray and Terry Jones of My Grandpa is a Dinosaur fame have once again created a picture book that’s bursting with wacky humour and clever illustrations. That’s Not the Monster We Ordered will have kids clamouring to get their own monsters!

Island Nurses Leonie Howie and Adele Robertson

Island Nurses is a story of two remarkable women, Leonie Howie and Adele Robinson, who forged their nursing and midwifery careers on the remote Great Barrier Island in the Hauraki Gulf. Midwifery and nursing on a remote island brings a wide range of dramas and emergencies, and Adele and Leonie share the islanders’ stories – sometimes tragic, sometimes happy, sometimes funny – from over 30 years of challenging yet uplifting work. It is the story of the births, deaths, dramas and emergencies that have shaped the island community into what it is today. With a permanent population of just 1000, no electricity, no ATM and just one pub, Great Barrier Island is a remote and challenging environment and the locals are a resilient lot, proud of their communities and resourcefulness. This is a classic story of making do and overcoming adversity, and a story of hope and new life.




Saturday 1st July 2.30pm Matinee

MATILDA THE MUSICAL Saturday 9th September 2pm Matinee

Phone Leabourn Passenger Service 09 423 7416 Bus. hours Phone: 09 423 7416 • Email:

MATARIKI DAWN KARAKIA Nau mai, haere mai. Herald in the Māori New Year at Tāwharanui Regional Park, hosted by Ngāti Manuhiri. Rāhoroi 10 Pipiri Saturday 10 June 6:30am Tāwharanui Regional Park at the Manuhiri pouwhenua Free entry #matariki17

He wha tawhara ki uta He kiko tamure ki tai


42 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

Embroidery & Print

Warkworth Senior Hockey is cracking down on discipline this season to improve the competition for players and umpires.

Clampdown on discipline

Warkworth Senior Hockey will The Mahurangi College Boys First XI continue its crackdown on discipline hockey team has high aspirations this this year after introducing a stand season, entering one of its strongest squads in recent times. down period for repeat offenders. The competition will follow New The team has already beaten Mt Zealand Hockey guidelines, where Roskill Grammar First XI, Orewa players receive points for each card they College First XI and Westlake Boys are shown and then are stood down High School Second XI. Mahurangi once the maximum points are reached. College First XI coach Wayne Frost Competition organiser Monique says it’s a positive start. Hatfull says the system should help “We’ve got a core group of five players reduce illegal and aggressive behaviour. who I expect a high standard from,” Last season, Warkworth Hockey Wayne says. Call: 411 411 9604 9604 committee member Maree Todd The team aims09 to finish in the top four highlighted that a lack of respect was in Tier Two of the Auckland Intercity steering people away Efrom umpiring competition. It also hopes to beat A DDIIVVI ISSI IOONN OOF FWW Y AYTATT TL ALNADNSDCSACP A PSEU SP U P LPIPELSI E S roles. She noted that enforcing tougher Hauraki Plains College in the annual penalties at senior level, as well as junior, sports exchange and finish in the top was important for the competition. eight of Tier Three at tournament 948 State State Highway 16•• Waimauku Highway Waimauku Player numbers have 16 dropped this year week in September. just after theMuriwai Muriwaiturn turnoffoff just after the ) ) from( 180 to 130. “Keeping everyone fit and.n injury z free s e te.nt z.n e.n eliswell p li p Monique says some of the difference will be a challenge, p as as making u u s s e caappe .laannddsscplayer brings the required is due to Rodney school teams not wsure w.levery ww w d entering after their competition to training sessions. We need p e r a t eday intensity o & to work as a team,” Wayne adds. changed thisnyear. d e

r e t n i W


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June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters



ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of


A roundup of activities and events in thedisTRicT district a Roundup ofsports spoRTs acTiviTies in THe Wellsford golf tournament Wellsford School is hosting its Ambrose Golf Tournament, Wellsford Golf Club, June 5, 9.30am. Enter as team of four or individual, $20 per player. Info: Edwina Mahurangi youth basketball Basketball sessions at Mahurangi College, Sundays. Ages 5 to 12, at 10am, and ages 13 to 18, at 11am. Cost $50 per term. Info: Zac 021 065 9721 Kaiwaka badminton Badminton for all ages, Kaiwaka gymnasium, Tuesdays, 7.30pm. $3 fee, racquets provided. Info: Kaye 431 2345 Warkworth football Warkworth AFC is looking for parents to help with grades 4 to 6 running trainings and attending games. Little experience required. Info: Table tennis Table tennis at the Matakana Community Hall, Tuesday, 7.30pm onwards. Everyone welcome. Info: George 423 0424 Aiden Sinclair sends Ray Eder, a 6th dan black belt, crashing into the mat.

Junior rugby rally

Young Warkworth Aikido star dazzles black belt judges

Junior rugby rally for U7 and U9 players. Kaiwaka Sports Association, 6pm start. Info:


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Warkworth Aikido and has been mentoring Aiden for six years. It is the first time she has submitted a pupil for the black belt. It is rare for someone under 18 to be graded at such a high level. “He is my protégé. I am very proud of him,” Gail says. Gail commended Aiden for his courage, commitment and technical skills. “It’s about his personality really. He is stable, reliable and consistent.” Warkworth Aikido meets every Tuesday and Thursday at the Warkworth Methodist Church hall.


After a gruelling session lasting more than an hour, Warkworth’s Aiden Sinclair managed to convince judges at the Martial Arts Centre in Albany that he was worthy of his black belt in Aikido – a stunning achievement for a 16-year-old. To get the honour, Aiden had to show off a variety of wrist and elbow locks, prove capable of relieving a knife from an attacker and fight off up to 20 assailants simultaneously, sometimes on his knees. He was also obliged to demonstrate proficiency at wielding the bokken (wooden sword) and jo (staff ). The achievement was a triumph for his trainer, Gail Eder, who heads

ToTalspan Rodney List sports news FREE by emailing 229 sTaTe HigHway 1 waRkwoRTH TOTALSPAN RODNEY pHone 09 422 3149











44 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

Mahurangi COLLEGE

From the

contribution. The aim of our Sports Academy is to provide elite sporting students with an environment where they can excel to reach their full potential. Our Junior Sports Academy is a new initiative this year with the aim of developing better leadership, character and ultimately sporting performance. The year has started well for our Academy students with a highly successful elite training


David Macleod Dear Parents and Guardians been released (see chart below). Our boys and our Maori students were well above decile averages in all six areas. Our girls were slightly below the decile average at Level 2, but well were above at NCEA Level 1 and Level 3 but below for Level 2 and UE. Overall it is very pleasing to note we were above the national and the decile averages in all six areas.

Level 1

2016 Mahurangi 89.0

2016 D7 78.0

Variation to D7 +11.0

Level 2




Level 3




UE Numeracy

60.6 94.5

46.3 92.5

+14.3 +2.0





nutrition, team building. Our extremely Our Head and Deputy Head Prefects Jacob Bindon, Hannah Powell, experienced new Board of Trustees member, Dr Ihirangi Heke, shared his Carrie Wooller, Zane Illingworth during our ANZAC Day ceremonies. knowledge on sports psychology. Congratulations to the 11 students selected for our 2017 Senior Academy, and the 16 students for our Junior Academy. Several of these students have recently won national recognition; Elliott Sneddon in gaining selection for the NZ U19 Underwater Hockey team; Heather Nicholls in Paddle-boarding. Last week, Lucy Rowe won the North Harbour Cross Country Intermediate Girls. Her sister Kate, a member of our new Junior Academy placed second. David Macleod, Principal

Records fell at our 2017 Cross Country Championships held early this month. For results and more photos check out our school website.

Our Head and Deputy Head prefects represented the school well at the community ANZAC ceremonies held in Warkworth, and again at the three ANZAC services at our school. They each gave moving accounts of the impact of past wars on our community and gave examples from their own family history. Our Sports Academy is led this year by Blue House Dean, Mr Ganley, a former Regional sporting codes. In the past, our Academy has been well led by Mr Frost and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank him for his

Students who have been selected for our Senior and Junior Sports Academies, led this year by Mr Ganley, pictured left.

Achiever o f the Month

Proudly Supporting Mahurangi College

Max Young

Academic Blue for Excellence NCEA Level 1 Academic Blue for Excellence NCEA Level 2 House Leader Member of First XV Rugby Team Left: Max Young with Jeanie Sutherland, Store Manager

Corner Woodcocks Road & Mansel Drive WARKWORTH Phone 425 8119

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Mahurangi College Newsletter ISSUE 03: May 2017

Our best ever Kaitiakitanga Student Exhibition Evening

Our 2017 Kaitiakitanga Exhibition Evening, held on Wednesday 10th of May, was a resounding success! Not only did it enable our students to share their incredible Action Plans, they were also able to pass on the idea of Kaitiakitanga (Guardians of the Environment) to our wider community. During the expo, our Year 8 pupils shared the Action Plans they had developed during Term 1. This year our ‘Big Idea’ around the concept of Kaitiakitanga was; “past, present and future guardianship can impact on our land and its resources” so we need to “learn from the past, act in the present, conserve for the future.” This year, for the first time, we had a diversified approach with different classes working with different expert groups. We worked with EMR (Experiencing Marine Reserves), Auckland Zoo and TOSSI. Our students working with EMR focussed on the ecology of the oceans and freshwater environment. Classes working with the Auckland Zoo were amongst the first students to go to Rotoroa Island, completing a whole day of activities relating to the threats to native bush. Classes working with TOSSI worked with local expert Sally Richardson.

As a result of their field work, students took ownership of their learning by researching chosen environments, developing Action Plans to counter threats. They all stayed true to our ‘Big Idea’ and shared their insightful reflections . As part of the EMR programme, students are offered the opportunity to enter a competition to win a trip to the Poor Knight Islands. The prize winners were chosen by our EMR coordinator, Lorna Doogan. Congratulations to our prize winners; Flynn Burke for bringing to our attention the issues being caused by shark cage diving; Jayden Earley for demonstrating the damage that can be caused by scallop dredging; and Josh Perkinson for alerting us to ocean acidification. Well deserved winners! Monty Anderson has been entered into an Auckland wide art competition for his model relating to septic tanks. - Debbie Hamer

One of our prize winners, Flynn Burke, and his creative Action Plan exposing issues caused by shark cage diving.

Students Reflect On Our Future...

One difference my Action Plan has made is that no more cattle have been in the paddock since I started fencing. In addition, pest control can easily be done without worry of stock being caught or interfering with the traps. It makes the farm more manageable because stock can’t walk down to the Hoteo River, causing damage, and going where farmers can not find them. - Grady Collis Y8

Year 8 student, Grady Collis’ Action Plan to stop stock causing damage to our waterways has been proven successful.

I wonder if people will take in my presentation and stop using plastic bags and to start being more clean and green? I wonder what happens next if people don’t stop using plastic bags? Will more animals die? Will we still be able to swim in our oceans safely? - Ava Bravenboer Y8


46 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

World stage awaits hip hop dancer Mangawhai ups play in new comp Warkworth dance teacher Sheniya White will compete at the World Hip Hop Dance Championship with mega crew ID CO in August. Sheniya, 20, teaches at the Warkworth Performing Arts studio and has been hip hop dancing since she switched from ballet when she was five years old. Her mega crew ID CO came first in their division at the Hip Hop National Championship last month, winning a spot at the World Hip Hop Dance Championship to be held in Arizona. “I went to the world championship as an audience member last year so to be on stage this time will be quite a different experience,” Sheniya says. “It’s a huge opportunity to dance there and I’m extremely excited to perform at the top level as I love the energy and team spirit on stage.” This will be Sheniya’s first international dance competition, although she has danced at nationals five times with three different crews. It is also the first time ID CO has won the nationals, which have traditionally been dominated by The Palace Dance Studio that came third in the mega crew division at the world championship last year. Sheniya says her crew has lots of new members so their goal is to finish in the top three. This will mean increasing their training ahead of the competition despite already having an intensive programme prior to nationals. “We learnt our nationals dance a few weeks before the event, which meant training seven days a week and up to 11 hours a day. “A lot of people don’t realise how physically hard these dances are. It’s like sprinting for four minutes non-stop on stage.” At the world championship there will be eight judges assessing each act on performance and skill. The performance judges look at formations, stage use

The Mangawhai Football Club (MFC) Mens First team has hit the ground running in the Northland 1st Division, winning three of their opening seven fixtures. The club announced its move from the Rodney Otamatea Soccer Association (ROSA) to the Northern Football Federation (NFF) in December last year. Coach Matt Rowe says it has been an eye-opener going into a new competition. “It’s a bigger competition and we have struggled against the more experienced top teams,” Matt says. “We planned to be competitive in our first year in the competition, and we are ahead of where we thought we would be.” The team is currently sixth out of 10 teams after opening up their season with a 1-0 win over Tikipunga Orange and a 5-0 win over Madhatters Blue. They have suffered two heavy defeats, losing 5-1 to Tikipunga Reserves and 6-1 to Kerikeri Reserves, but claimed another win and a draw to maintain a mid-table position. “Every week we are learning more about our new opposition, which will prepare us for the second half of the season when we play each side a second time.” Matt says the men’s team has a mix of experienced footballers and new players who have been training together since February. “It’s been an early start to the training year, but the extra work has put us into 1st division and given us a good foundation to work off.” While in the ROSA competition, MFC fielded two senior mens teams, but have just one larger squad in the NFF. Matt says this means injuries have less effect on the team, which plays in a 4-1-4-1 defence orientated formation to absorb the attacking impact of the stronger sides.

Sheniya White with students, clockwise from left, Jasmine Donaldson, Hannah Dick, Sheniya White, Sammie Le Bas, Jessie Chapman, Chloe Johns and Niamh O’Neill.

and other factors that affect the visual appearance of the dance. Skills judges watch for technique and multiple styles. “Our toughest opponents will be from the Philippines and Japan, who brought a lot to the table last year.” In addition to dancing, Sheniya is also studying a Bachelor of Communications at the Auckland University of Technology. “It’s a real challenge balancing dance with study and work, and I sometimes stay up until 3am to get everything done. “I love being able to share my knowledge with students though and seeing it come together in their performances.” Three of her duos claimed podium spots at the Fusion Dance Festival in Orewa last month. The World Hip Hop Dance Championship will be held from August 6 to 12.


Warkworth Game Fish Club | 09 422 7728

3rd and 4th of June. Limited tickets





May 31

Jun 1

Jun 2

Jun 3

5:31am 0.6 12:19am 3.4 11:53am 3.3 6:29am 0.7 Tide 5:48pm 0.5 12:49pm 3.2 6:45pm 0.7 Times 7:23am 5:14pm

Sun Fishing Guide Moon

Auckland Area Sea Watch Matakana Marine Seawatch

7:24am 5:14pm

Best At


5:03am 5:30pm

1:16am 7:27am 1:45pm 7:44pm

5:55am 6:20pm

2:12am 8:24am 2:43pm 8:45pm

7:25am 5:13pm

Best At


3.3 0.8 3.1 0.8

6:44am 7:07pm












Jun 6

Jun 7

Jun 8

Jun 9

Jun 10

Jun 11

Jun 12

Jun 13

Jun 14

Jun 15

Jun 16

7:30am 7:53pm

3.1 4:01am 0.9 10:13am 3.0 4:38pm 1.0 10:37pm

7:26am 5:13pm

Best At



Jun 5

3:07am 9:20am 3:41pm 9:43pm

7:25am 5:13pm

Best At


3.2 0.8 3.0 0.9


Jun 4

7:26am 5:13pm

Best At


8:15am 8:36pm

3.0 4:52am 0.9 11:04am 3.0 5:30pm 1.0 11:26pm

7:27am 5:13pm

Best At


8:58am 9:20pm

3.0 5:41am 3.0 12:11am 0.9 12:53am 0.9 11:51am 0.8 6:27am 3.0 7:12am 3.0 6:18pm 3.0 12:34pm 0.8 1:15pm 7:03pm 3.1 7:44pm 0.9 7:27am 5:12pm

Best At


9:42am 10:04pm

7:28am 5:12pm

Best At


10:26am 10:48pm

11:11am 11:33pm

1:34am 7:54am 1:55pm 8:24pm

7:29am 5:12pm

Best At


0.9 3.0 0.8 3.1


2:14am 8:34am 2:33pm 9:02pm

7:29am 5:12pm

Best At


0.9 3.0 0.7 3.1

12:20am 12:44pm

2:54am 9:14am 3:10pm 9:40pm

7:29am 5:12pm

Best At


0.9 3.0 0.7 3.1

7:30am 5:12pm

Best At


1:08am 1:32pm

0.9 3:35am 3.0 9:54am 0.7 3:49pm 3.1 10:20pm

7:30am 5:12pm

Best At


1:56am 2:20pm

0.9 4:17am 3.0 10:34am 0.8 4:28pm 3.1 11:00pm

7:31am 5:12pm

Best At


2:44am 3:08pm

0.9 5:00am 3.0 11:15am 0.8 5:10pm 3.1 11:43pm

7:31am 5:12pm

Best At


3:32am 3:56pm

0.9 5:45am 0.9 3.0 11:59am 2.9 0.8 5:55pm 0.9 3.1 7:32am 5:12pm

Best At


4:20am 4:43pm

Best At


5:07am 5:31pm

First Full Quarter Moon Rise 12:02pm Rise 12:41pm Set 12:06am Set 1:06am Set 2:03am Set 3:00am Set 3:56am Set 4:51am Set 5:46am Set 6:39am Set 7:32am Set 8:22am Set 9:10am Set 9:54am Set 10:35am Set 11:13am Set 11:49am Set 11:03pm Rise 1:16pm Rise 1:49pm Rise 2:20pm Rise 2:51pm Rise 3:23pm Rise 3:57pm Rise 4:33pm Rise 5:12pm Rise 5:55pm Rise 6:42pm Rise 7:32pm Rise 8:26pm Rise 9:22pm Rise 10:19pm Rise 11:19pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good

Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:



What’s on

See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events

June Music Documentary Film Festival, Warkworth Town Hall. Tickets available from Mahurangi Matters, 17 Neville St. 2-24 John Mulholland Resonant exhibition at Art Matakana. Opening evening Friday June 2, 6pm to 8pm. 2-24 “An Elective Perspective.” David Johnson (retired commercial photographer) and Lorraine Brown (photo journalist) exhibit photo art, Upstairs Gallery, Matakana Country Park. 3 Jordan Luck Band, Leigh Sawmill (see story p38) 4 Tawharanui Open Sanctuary planting day, meet at The Woolshed, 9am. All welcome, bbq lunch provided (see story p6) 5 Bingo, Old MAsonic Hall, Baxter Street, 7pm. 6 Public feedback on Rodney Local Board draft plan, 2pm7pm, Wellsford Library. 7 Warkworth Liaison Group monthly meeting, downstairs Warkworth RSA, 7pm. All welcome. 8 Cancer Support Group, Warkworth RSA basement meeting room, 10am. Contact Robyn 423 8273 or Susan 423 8424 9 Mahurangi/Warkworth Senior Citizens Annual Meeting, Senior Citizens Room, 1.30pm. 9 Planting Bee, Leigh. Meet with spade at the bottom of Wonderview Road, 10am-midday 10 Auckland Opera Studio at The Vivian Gallery, 39 Omaha Valley Road, 5pm to7pm, $50 11 Wellsford Country Music Club, Wellsford Community Centre, 1.30pm. Visitors welcome. Info: Iris Moraghan 439 4347 or 027 8848280 11 Crossing Rachmaninoff, Matakana Cinemas, 4pm (see story p39) 12 Warkworth branch of Genealogy Society NZ meeting, Shoesmith Hall, 9.45am to 12.30pm. Writing workshop on recording family stories. Info: Helen 422 3486 13 Whangateau Hall Market, 9am-noon. Info: Phone 422 6209 or 14 Snells Beach Garden Circle meeting, Mahurangi East Community Centre, at 1.30pm. Speaker, sales table, competition entries and afternoon tea. Info: Barbara 425 5371 15 Forest & Bird winter talks, Karen Baird on penguins, Totara Park Village Hall, 5 Melwood Dr, Warkworth, 7.30pm 17 Finn Andrews, Leigh Sawmill (see story p38) 17 Public feedback on Rodney Local Board draft plan,10am3pm, Kowhai Art and Craft Centre, Warkworth Showgrounds. 18 Leigh Community Group Mid-Winter swim, Matheson Bay, 10.30am, rain or shine. All welcome. 18 Open Mic, Hakaru & Districts Memorial RSA, 2pm to 5pm. Info: 19 Churchill, movie fundraiser for Warkworth A&P, Matakana Cinemas, 6pm. Tickets $25. Available from Mahurangi Matters, Bayleys Warkworth or phone 027 447 7000. 23&25 Hibiscus Coast Singers present Princes, Poets & Peasants, Red Beach Methodist Church. Info: 1-4



Wellsford Country Music Club, Wellsford Community Centre, 1.30pm. Visitors welcome. Info: Iris Moraghan 439 4347 or 027 8848280

List your event directly on our What’s On calendar at or email the details to

June 1, 2017 Mahurangimatters



JJ R hy thm FRI DAY 9TH J UN E

John M cGoug h SATURDAY 10TH J UN E

Elvis Tribute Show ( $20pp) FRI DAY 16TH J UN E

G ar y P al l e t t FRI DAY 2 3 RD J UN E

Memphis Blue FRI DAY 3 0TH J UN E

K l as s i c T r ax Not a member - Try us with a no cost 1 month temporary member card, available at the Bar when you call in.

28 Neville Street, Warkworth Phone 425 8568


48 Mahurangimatters June 1, 2017

Becky Wood will be playing top level women’s rugby after just three years in the sport. Photo: John Rau

Former Warkworth player selected for Black Ferns Former Warkworth resident Becky Wood has been selected for the Black Ferns national women’s rugby team – the women’s equivalent of the All Blacks. Although Becky lives on the Hibiscus Coast, she grew up in Warkworth and attended Warkworth Primary School and Mahurangi College. She is one of two new squad members chosen ahead of the June test series. “It’s still sinking in to be honest and I don’t think it will really hit me until I run out on the pitch,” she says. Becky only started playing 15-a-side rugby three years ago. She played as a lock for East Coast Bays Rugby Club as a way to improve her physicality

for sevens rugby. “I’ve always wanted to play, but growing up I was more involved with netball and touch.” She was given the opportunity to attend a Black Ferns training last year and has been working towards selection for the past 12 months. At 29, she felt that she needed to commit to make the team this time around as she might not get another chance. “The challenge is finding time outside of work, which makes it hard for my partner.” Becky is a fulltime paid firefighter at Silverdale Fire Station. She trains

with her North Harbour squad in the evenings and plays on Saturday in the Farah Palmer Cup provincial competition. Training is five days a week with gym, skill, team work and recovery sessions. Black Ferns players receive a daily allowance instead of a salary, so working a job is common. “The women’s game is definitely growing so it would be nice to see pay introduced in the future” Becky says. Playing as a lock, she hopes to bring a physical element to her new team. “I have a high work rate and always back my tackling ability. I’m currently

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working on improving my line-out positioning and timing.” Becky is looking forward to training with Black Ferns lock of six years, Eloise Blackwell. The June series will see the Black Ferns play Canada in Wellington, Australia in Christchurch and England in Rotorua, as a curtain raiser for the Maori All Blacks game against the British and Irish Lions. Becky says she hasn’t thought much further about goals since making the team, but has ambitions to be selected for the Women’s Rugby World Cup 2017, which will be played in Ireland in August.

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