September 16, 2020
Your locally-owned FREE Community Newspaper
Inside this issue Budget cuts hit streets page 6
Healthy start
Auckland councillors, from left, Wayne Walker, John Watson and Greg Sayers want residents to have cheaper access to town water when rainwater tanks run dry.
pages 27 to 34
Councillors pressure Watercare for Hibiscus Coast connection fee cut Fears of another summer drought have led three north Auckland councillors to push Watercare to reduce connection charges for households that are on tank supply, but could also access town water. Albany Ward Crs Wayne Walker and John Watson have joined Rodney Cr Greg Sayers in asking for the connection fee to be temporarily reduced, saying
it would encourage households to connect to the mains network leaving fewer people solely reliant on tanks – important for drought resilience. Watercare estimates there are more than 2500 households on the Hibiscus Coast, who are connected to wastewater, but not to the mains supply. Currently the average cost for connecting to the network in a location
like Whangaparaoa is $7382. This is made up of a connection and meter charge of $471 and an Infrastructure Growth Charge of $6911. The fee is prohibitive for many households and the councillors hope that the growth charge could be reduced, for a limited time, as an incentive. Last summer the drought, coupled with reduced flow at Watercare’s
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tanker filling stations, led to long waits for tank refills. The councillors warn that with low dam levels and another dry summer predicted, restrictions on local filling stations could be even more dramatically impacted. “We know what’s coming, and relying on commercial water carriers may not work,” Cr Watson says. “Those continued p2
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
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Next issues: October 1 & 14 – Book your advertising now Editor: Terry Moore ph 427 8187 | Graphic designer: Lorry McCarthy | Advertising: Angela Gallagher ph 022 029 1895 | A division of Local Matters. Hibiscus Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated to more than 24,000 homes and businesses twice a month: Puhoi • Waiwera • Hatfields • Orewa • Silverdale • Millwater • Dairy Flat • Red Beach • Whangaparaoa Peninsula Views expressed in Hibiscus Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without editor’s permission is prohibited.
Mark Mitchell MP for Rodney
For appointments and assistance please get in touch Orewa 09 426 6215
Authorised by Mark Mitchell MP, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.
from p1
fee would have the effect of both averting the potentially disastrous scenario of people being without access to water, while preserving the in-built water conservation gains of collecting rainwater in a tank. “People on tanks help to reduce pressure on the network and should be recognised for this,” Cr Walker says. “They are the best water conservationists in Auckland and should be encouraged.” All three Councillors believe that, with the general public’s awareness of the water crisis, there would be widespread support for an incentive scheme. Mr Jaduram says Watercare is currently considering whether a short-term arrangement is viable this summer, but cannot comment further until options and potential implications have been discussed with the board.
Tank consents on way out
Currently, any rainwater tank over 1m high is defined as “a building” and therefore resource consent rules apply for things such as installation. Right now, Council is working on a change to the Unitary Plan that would reclassify rainwater tanks and mean that, in most cases, resource consent would not be required. In the meantime, resource consent fees have been temporarily waived to encourage people to install a tank before the expected dry summer (HM July 1). The Unitary Plan change is open for submissions until September 23. Info:
Hibiscus Matters: 21 Florence Ave, Orewa, 0931 General enquiries ph 427 8188 Hibiscusmatters Localmattersnz
Look out for the Welcome Home lift out guide in this issue
businesses do a fantastic job and last summer worked long hours to cope with the demand in a crisis. That’s ok once in a blue moon but we are now in an even worse position. Towards the end of last summer the tanker operators were swamped and some people waited up to six weeks for water.” The councillors wrote to Watercare chief executive Raveen Jaduram suggesting the introduction of a limited duration incentive scheme that would significantly reduce the connection charge in light of the water crisis Auckland faces. Crs Watson and Walker say there is a precedent for this, introduced by the former Rodney District Council, where mains water could be connected to a property boundary for $1000, instead of the standard $4000 fee. Residents who took up the offer only required a tap at the boundary to connect to the network and could run a hose to their tank to refill when needed, without having to connect the water to the house. Mr Jaduram told the councillors he will put the idea to the board at its meeting this month. All three Councillors plan to be at that September 29 meeting to support the proposal. Cr Watson says for the Watercare board to accept the plan would be “a massive mindset change”. “Until now that fee has been nonnegotiable,” he says. “But there is a water crisis and that might make all the difference.” Cr Walker says a cheaper connection
Normal at this tim e of
September 16, 2020 – Issue 287
Watercare under pressure
y Septem ber 1 Frida 1, 20 20
Drought watch Hunua Ranges • Waitakere ranges
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Traffic woes ongoing at supermarket entrance The sound of car crashes is all too familiar to residents of a stretch of Whangaparaoa Rd that has become notorious since the New World shopping complex opened, in December 2015-early 2016. Attempts by Auckland Transport (AT) to improve the situation have had little impact. Police figures show that between 2009-13 only one crash occurred on Whangaparaoa Rd in the vicinity of Beverley Road and Cedar Terrace, when a motorist lost consciousness. From 2014-2019, with provisional 2020 data, three crashes were reported to police in this area – two involved minor injuries. A pedestrian was hit by a vehicle turning right into Whangaparaoa Rd from the carpark driveway, and cars were rear ended while turning left into the carpark. Police say poor driver judgment was a contributing factor in all three crashes. Michelle Wratten has lived on Whangaparaoa Rd, just up from Beverley Rd, since December 2015. She says the police statistics do not reveal the full extent of the problem. She says on average there is an incident
Bad driving is blamed for collisions on this part of Whangaparaoa Rd, but poor design is also a factor. This recent accident, above, closed the road and was the second crash to do so in a week.
every 4-6 weeks but most don’t get reported, as they are minor. “When we first moved in, it used to be a rare occurrence – you’d hear a crash and race outside. It’s a very regular sound now,” she says. “This year there was one in February where we had an ambulance and police on our grass verge for an hour, then lockdown resulted in quiet roads,” Michelle says. She says there were several more between lockdowns. “I heard the familiar bang of another crash back in July, and there were two close together at the end of July that both closed the road. There have been at least two near misses with school kids in Beverley
Road this year.” Michelle is not alone is asking what can be done to make the road safer, with many locals taking to social media to say that allowing an entrance/exit to the New World complex carpark off Whangaparaoa Rd contributes to a lot of risky driver behaviour. One driver recently described having to stop his loaded truck as someone turning into the carpark did a threepoint turn. In 2016, after complaints to AT about the Whangaparaoa Rd carpark entrance/exit, the traffic island was cut back and the bus stop moved in an attempt to reduce rear end crashes
(HM March 16 and June 15, 2016). The vehicle entry point was also widened. Since those changes were implemented, vehicles have been seen attempting to turn right into New World car park from Whangaparaoa Rd, around the traffic island, causing traffic to bank up behind them. More recent complainants to AT have been told that nothing further will happen until Penlink is built. “We understand Beverley Rd will get traffic signals as part of the Penlink project, which is being handled by the NZ Transport Agency,” a spokesperson says.
Coast’s first taste of Covid testing station On the first day it was open, almost 50 Hibiscus Coast residents took the opportunity to drive through a Covid-19 Community testing station that was temporarily set up in Silverdale last week. The testing station opened on September 10 and operated for three days. Its presence was promoted on social media (including Hibiscus Matters’ facebook page) and at local medical centres. On the first day, a small queue formed half an hour before it opened. While it was set up for people to drive through, several residents took the opportunity to walk to the facility, outside Te Herenga Waka o Orewa community marae in Blue Gum Avenue, to seek a test.
It was the first time in the pandemic that a drive through assessment centre has been set up locally. It was run by Whanau Ora Community Clinic and came about because of a relationship between Whanau Ora and the community marae. Whanau Ora Community Clinic director George Ngatai says if need be, more clinics can be held locally in future. He is also discussing with the marae the possibility of setting up a health clinic based at the marae. George and his team were welcomed onto the marae on September 10. The team of 10 was made up of nurses, a doctor and support staff including security. Whanau Ora Community Clinic currently has six permanent
Nurses were among the team running the drive through Covid-19 testing station in Silverdale.
community testing stations around the country as well as a number of mobile units. The Ministry of Health advise if you have symptoms consistent with Covid-19, such as cold or flu
symptoms, you should get a test. Tests are free and available at your family doctor – call ahead to find out if you need a test and follow their advice – or a designated GP clinic (you don’t need to be enrolled).
Custom made engagement ring specialist Now available by appointment in Orewa | Ph 09 524 8440 | Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Cannabis confusion
I refer to the article in Hibiscus Matters August 19 issue, regarding the Cannabis Referendum. The question that will be asked in the referendum “Do you support the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill?” does not include the word ‘recreational’. This should be the key word. Medical cannabis is already available on prescription. It has controlled levels of the psychoactive component THC and while the legislation states that this will be controlled for the recreational type, try telling that to the gangs and others supplying illegally on demand. These illegal suppliers will be able to ramp up this psychoactive THC component and sell it on the black market as has already happened in Canada, where only about 25 percent is sold through legal outlets. The tax collected on legal sales will pale into insignificance when the long-term mental issues arise, to be addressed by the health system. Evidence from Canada and the Netherlands is easily researched online, and clearly emphasises the difficulties and costs of policing illegal supply. I am fairly sure that the pie chart (HM August 19, p9) would be cut very differently if the importance of the word ‘recreational’ was added to the question that is being asked in the referendum. In my opinion the country is in for a rude awakening should recreational usage be legalised. Be aware and informed before you vote. Graham Johnson, Orewa (abridged) Editor’s note: Official guidance on the referendum from Government clearly states that the proposed Bill will not cover medicinal cannabis, hemp, driving while impaired or workplace health and safety, as those issues are already covered by existing laws. However, there is no doubt the proposed Bill’s parameters would be clearer if the words “adult recreational” were added to the question. What’s on your mind? Readers are welcome to air their views. We do not publish abusive or unsigned letters. Letters may be abridged and full versions are at Address on p2 or
the record
Sand spin I read with interest the letter in the September 2 issue from Roger White and the response from Julie Pickering of Auckland Council regarding sand shifting on Orewa Beach. There is no doubt that over recent years the ongoing relocating of sand from the southern end of the beach has become a necessity and comes with a high cost. The comment from Julie Pickering refers to the sand being moved back to the reserve prior to the forecasted storm to act as buffer to save the esplanade from the wave action and resultant erosion that would have happened had this not been done. The inference was that the sand was sacrificial. This is just ‘spin’. The truth of the matter is, had Council not removed the rocks from this area in the first instance (from memory I think we were told that rats were nesting in them and people may fall from the rocks and injure themselves) the problem would not exist and Auckland Council would be many hundreds of thousands of dollars better off. Graham Holt Orewa
Referendum views helpful Thank you for presenting the views from four people on the upcoming referenda in such a succinct manner (HM August 19). I have forwarded your link for the paper to some of my friends out of the area to read. We all agree we are really voting in this referenda for our grandchildren, so it is important to have discussions with many age groups and carry out our own research before casting a vote. Your paper is an excellent publication and my copy is read from cover to cover each time. Christine McClintock, Little Manly
Out of lockdown, woohoo! Chris Torckler photographed a pod of Bottlenose dolphins at the entrance to Gulf Harbour Marina on the first day of Level 2.5. “They sensed we were out of lockdown and got really excited putting on an acrobatic display every time a boat came out,” he said. The pod was spotted later in Matakatia.
The owner of this vehicle is taking water conservation to the next level! It was spotted in Whangaparaoa by a Hibiscus Matters staff member recently.
Congratulations to Christine
MacKenzie of Orewa, who won a copy of Hard Graft – The Story of the Dairy Flat Community by Lynnette Third. Thanks to all who entered.
You say ...
Sign Solutions takes the opportunity for a humorous take on Covid-19.
On Monday, September 7, The New Zealand Labour Party announced that upon re-election they will make Matariki (the start of the Māori New Year) an official public holiday in 2022. We asked our Facebook followers what they think. Should Matariki become a public holiday in New Zealand? Here were some of the responses: Deb Lydford As it’s not going to be implemented until 2022, I’m all for it, maybe get rid of either Good Friday or Easter Monday. Sarah Jane Not in a recession. Businesses are struggling as it is. A nice idea in better times. Joanna Steer Heck yes... and if we need to - replace Queens Birthday weekend Christine MacKenzie Nice thought but can we afford it? No. LeiLani Dunn Absolutely about time!
Against 24% For 76%
Poll results
Results gathered at 2.30pm Tuesday, September, 8.
See Hibiscus Matters Facebook page for more comments.
$15 Discount with Driving Miss Daisy Total Mobility Cards Accepted. Wheelchair accessible vehicle available 7 days. $15 off your first wheelchair ride with us. Hibiscus Coast area only.
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Feedback cont...
Marja Lubeck
Labour List MP Based in Rodney
For appointments and assistance please phone:
0800 582 325 (0800 LUBECK)
7a/18 Oteha Valley Road Extension, Albany
Authorised by Marja Lubeck, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
The Simmonds family’s masks were made by Helen Simmonds’ mum, Robyn.
It’s a cover up Masks are already a fashion item and being used for marketing. Meanwhile we can expect lipstick sales to plummet while demand for eye shadow, lash and brow tints skyrockets! Here is a selection of the mask images that readers sent to Hibiscus Matters on social media:
It was a match for Labour’s Marja Lubeck.
... and Kathryn Wales of Waitoki sent this image of her father, Richard, going for the gangster look.
Personal door to door driving services: to and from the airport • private functions • tours • weddings Access to the Northern Busway • ACC registered
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A sharp-eyed local is concerned that the clock in Orewa south, opposite the campground, has vanished. The clock was donated by Gordon Cashmore of Rotary and is now looked after by Auckland Transport (AT). AT spokesperson Mark Hannan says the clock was vandalised a few months ago and has been removed for repairs. The cost estimate has been held up by lockdown. Once that assessment is in, AT will consider the next steps.
Authorised by F.Mackenzie, 322 Rosedale Rd, Auckland
FIONA MACKENZIE Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Covid cuts hit street projects
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Many projects designed to improve the appearance, safety and accessibility of local streets will be deferred, as the budget is cut to the bone. Each term the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board is given money for new footpaths, signs, street lighting and similar projects from Auckland Transport’s Local Board Transport Capital Fund. This term (2019-23), pre-Covid, a total of $5.06 million had been allocated for these projects – this included $1.3 million held over from the previous term. Budget cuts across Auckland Council and its CCOs related to Covid-19 make it likely that the $1.3 million that the previous local board saved will disappear, and, in addition, the fund for this term has been savagely cut. At a recent workshop, members were told that this year just over $305,000 is available and it is expected that just over $1.5 million will be available for the whole term. That is a reduction of 71 percent. In addition, AT’s Local Board Community Safety fund has gone. This is used for safety work such as pedestrian crossings. One effect of this cut is that the construction of a muchneeded pedestrian and bike crossing of Hibiscus Coast Highway, near Estuary Arts Centre, is no longer funded.
Local board member Janet Fitzgerald says she is stunned at the size of the cuts. “Transport related projects are what local board members are asked about the most,” Mrs Fitzgerald says. “We will be playing catch up for a long time to come.” Local board members must now decide what projects can be completed with the money they do have, while trying to allocate spending fairly between the two areas that the local board covers – Hibiscus Coast and Bays. Among the possibilities being considered are the construction of a shared path on Orewa Reserve, which was part of the Orewa Boulevard extension ($180,105) and ‘slow town’ signs for Silverdale and Mairangi Bay ($87,000 for four signs in total). At an August 27 workshop, the cost of these projects was queried with the Auckland Transport representative with some members saying $87,000 seemed a lot for four signs in such budget-conscious times. What projects can still go ahead within the much-reduced funding envelope will be decided at an upcoming local board business meeting. The next meeting takes place this week, September 17. Talk with a Hibiscus & Bays local board member if you want to see a particular project prioritised.
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Viewpoint with Louise Johnston, Dairy Flat Representative, Rodney Local Board
Cuts affect school safety
Slice of Orewa history sold to local investor Local investor Dr Cyrus Varan, says buying historic Orewa House was “an emotional decision”. The Red Beach professor of applied science, author and inventor, also owns the commercial building at 2 Hillary Square where ANZ Bank is located. He bought Orewa House before it went to auction. “I have fond memories of the place and was keen to own it,” he says. “It is a beautiful place with some lovely large pohutukawa trees.” The property, at 498 Hibiscus Coast Highway, is the oldest site of colonial settlement in Orewa and was purchased by Governor William Hobson in 1841. It was recently put on the market by the Harvey family (HM August 19). It was marketed by Colliers as “a rare opportunity to acquire a significant piece of Orewa’s history”. The buildings have Category B heritage listings under the Auckland Unitary Plan, while the underlying zone is Mixed Housing Urban.
Dr Cyrus Varan of Red Beach is the new owner of Orewa House.
Category B historic places are protected from inappropriate subdivision, use and development because of the need for resource consent. The 4251sqm site, is alongside Nukumea Stream and has a CV of almost $2.2 million. Dr Varan says his first priority is to fill the vacant tenancies on the site, but beyond that he says it’s just “a fun place to own”. The sale is due to finally settle on October 31.
Now that Spring is here, it is difficult to think of a catchphrase to summarise the year so far. However, in local Government there is one such phrase that we are getting all too familiar with, and that is ‘budget cuts’! While it appears that central Government is funding any project that is ‘shovel ready’ this is not the case for Auckland Council and there are some very unwelcome cuts. This includes cuts to the Auckland Transport Local Board Transport Capital Fund. Money from this fund was earmarked for the road safety improvements and footpath outside Dairy Flat Primary School. The preliminary design had been completed and discussed with the school. For it to be delayed is unacceptable. I cannot think of another school in Auckland where parents are forced to park on a highway with no footpath opposite a landfill with 650 truck movements a day. The variable speed limit is 60kph during school drop off and pick up, whereas, in central Auckland it is 30kph – and they have pedestrian crossings, footpaths and traffic lights. The safety of our children should be a top priority and having a two-tiered safety system for city versus rural primary schools is a risk that is not worth taking. The children of Dairy Flat deserve more. On a more positive note, our future park at Green Road, Dairy Flat is one step closer. Great cities are all about great parks and to have a 154ha park on our doorstep is a golden opportunity. In the short term, the draft master plan proposes establishing trails for walking, mountain biking and horse riding. From the roadside the land is flat and bare but out the back there are rolling hills, pockets of native bush, established trees and even a waterfall. The importance of retaining the rural character and the large open spaces are key features in the draft plan. While we are very lucky in Dairy Flat to be surrounded by green space, future generations will not have this luxury with the population in the next couple of decades within Dairy Flat set to soar to 69,000. There is going to be mounting pressure for libraries, hospitals, community centres and schools to be located on this land, but if we can protect this open space for future generations to enjoy then it’s a job well done.
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| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Our best shot with Hibiscus Coast Photographic Club,
Several summits were conquered on the way to the top of Mt Everest.
Families conquer Everest People have come up with many inventive ways to keep themselves busy and productive during this Covid year, including two Coast families who did a virtual climb of Mt Everest. Stanmore Bay Primary School students Ella and Jacob Owen, aged 11 and 8, and Tui and Lily LadbrookeBannister, aged 10 and 8, along with their parents, walked a combined total of 8858 metres, the height of the world’s highest mountain. In the process, they raised around $1500 on a JustGiving page, which will be sent to the Nestling Trust, in Nepal, to buy much-needed supplies to help fight Covid-19. The trust is run by a relative, who lives in England, so was a natural choice for the team of walkers. “The money will be used to buy vital supplies such as hand sanitiser, soap, medical equipment and emergency
food,” Ella wrote in the school newsletter. “My Great Aunty Sue has devoted her retirement to setting up five health posts, as well as a home for orphans or children who don’t have a home to live in. “Thousands of Nepalese workers have lost their jobs and are returning to their villages from India, China and other surrounding countries where a lot of people have Covid-19. I am very proud of my aunty who has been doing this sort of thing for years now, but Covid-19 has made everything worse there.” To achieve the 8858-metre target, the families climbed Rangitoto, Mount Eden, Mount Victoria, One Tree Hill, the steps at Duncansby Road and the hill at Wenderholm a number of times. For more information about the Nestling Trust, visit
Hibiscus Coast Photographic Club member Vivienne Rowell was this year’s overall winner in the North Shore National Salon of Photography competition with this image called White Faced Heron. The North Shore Salon is one of the top photographic competitions and exhibitions of photography in NZ. Vivienne’s favourite subjects are birds and landscapes and, although widely travelled, she says her favourite places to photograph are Stanmore Bay, the Hauraki Gulf and Shakespear Park. Her heron was photographed at the eastern end of Stanmore Bay quite close to the bridge that crosses the stream. The results of the competition can be viewed at
Boost for pest free project
Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird’s Predator free Hibiscus Coast project has received a boost with a successful application to the Department of Conservation’s community fund. The local pest-free team has been granted $45,323 to develop and implement a biodiversity monitoring plan, as well as to assist with establishing its predator control network focused on mustelids and rats.
Lorayne Ferguson for Whangaparāoa
Authorised by Timothy Grigg, 160 Willis St, Wellington
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| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Garage Door Repair Man LTD Servicing Hibiscus Coast & Rodney Garage Doors for 25 years Fast professional Garage Door & Garage Door Opener Repair/Replacement
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Spotlight on local heritage While New Zealanders are currently using masks and sanitiser to fortify themselves against the spread of Covid-19, earlier generations of Aucklanders were also facing threats but responding with quite different fortifications. As part of the Auckland Heritage Festival, which runs from September 26 to October 11, a researcher with the Royal New Zealand Navy National Museum will give a talk at Whangaparāoa Library about the coastal defences of the North Shore and Whangaparāoa. Michael Wynd’s talk is free and will be held on Saturday, September 26, at 2pm. “From the 1880s to the 1950s there were coastal defences erected along the coastline from Devonport to Whangaparāoa,” Michael says. “These were built in response to perceived threats from Imperial Russia in the 19th Century and Japan in the World War II. The defences included minefields, spar-torpedo boats, and coastal artillery of all types and sizes.” Michael’s presentation will provide a broad overview of the coastal defences in the region and conclude with a focus on the defences constructed at Whangaparāoa. The talk is one of several Heritage Festival events that will be held on the Hibiscus Coast. Organisers say that Covid-19 protocols at the prevailing alert level will be followed, including any limits
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The talk will throw light on the fortifications that lined the coastline between North Shore and Whangaparāoa. Photo, National Museum of the Royal NZ Navy. Crown Copyright 1959.
on mass gatherings. If a 10-person mass gathering limit remains in place, every endeavour will be made to move events online. The Silverdale Pioneer Village will host a talk in the old chapel at the village on ‘Eccentric and Notorious People and Events of early Silverdale’ on September 26, from 11am to noon. Local historian Robin Grover, who is the author of Makers of the Wade and a former president of the Silverdale and Districts Historical Society, will be the presenter. A gold coin donation will be appreciated and bookings are essential. email pioneervillage1968@ or phone Sue, 021 630 520. On Sunday September 27, Whangaparāoa Library hosts a talk on Tiritiri Matangi Island – 600 years of history from Māori settlement to farming, lighthouse construction, WWII military occupation, and a conservation success story of international significance. For the full festival programme, visit
September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Estuary Arts opens doors with awards show Former Orewa College art teacher and artist Graeme Irving took a close look at the entrants in this year’s Members’ Merit Awards at Estuary Arts Centre over the recent lockdown. He was this year’s judge, and had 250 entries by 94 artists to assess – something he describes as “an enormous task”. He says the quality was very high, and there was an impressive range of work – not just the ones that won prizes. The Premier winner was Victoria Haldane of Torbay, with a landscape oil painting called ‘Overcast’. Three local artists also won Merit awards (see right). The exhibition of all the works is on until September 27 at the arts centre in Western Reserve, Orewa.
From left, Tracey Currington ‘Hydrostatic’ Painting Merit award: First time winner Tracey Currington’s experimental style includes encaustic (hot wax) painting but she says this abstract work was about exploring layering in acrylics. Susannah Law, ‘Mokopuna’, Figurative Merit award: Red Beach artist Sue Law says painting her husband Michael Murray and eldest granddaughter Indie took a long time – she worked on it, on and off, for more than a year. “I was very fussy about getting it right,” she says. The one time she didn’t work on it was during lockdown, when she says she painted the house instead! Lizzy Dickie, ‘Octopus’, Watercolour Merit award: This is the third time that Manly artist Lizzy Dickie has won this award. ‘Octopus’ is part of the Isolation Series that she completed in the first lockdown. “I felt like I was doing a million tasks at once, which was where the octopus and its many arms came in,” she says. Lizzie also makes her own frames.
Back on track at Eaves’ Bush The first walkers were invited back into Eaves’ Bush in Orewa on August 31, with the fence taken down from the Old North Road entrance to the reserve. Only one 0.65km stretch of track has reopened, and a small group of volunteers from the Eaves’ Bush Appreciation Society were the first to walk it. Auckland Council closed the bush reserve just over a year ago so that kauri dieback preventative work could be undertaken. Volunteer coordinator Laurie Rands was thrilled to see the new foot cleaning station, boardwalk, shingle on the paths, new drains and a seat.
She says volunteers really appreciate that Council contractors have done the work – previously all boardwalks and tracks were constructed by volunteers. “Better their backs than ours,” one volunteer said. Full reopening of the reserve, and replacement of the bridge from Kensington Park, is a long way off (HM August 5) due to funding that has been deferred at least a year as part of Council’s Covid budget cutbacks. Council hopes to do sufficient work before summer to open up one of the link tracks up to Hillcrest Road. This will provide extra tracks and
Volunteers including Laurie Rands, front, were the first to walk through the newly reopened track in Eaves’ Bush, Orewa.
access through the reserve for the community to use over summer and the track would then be closed when the wet season returns.
Exhibitions at Estuary Arts 29 Sept to 18 Oct 2020 G1: “The Overwintering Project and Taonga o te Ngahere Exhibition” environmentally focussed group show G2: “Brushed Strokes” Poetry and Art collaboration G3: “Rusty” Photography by Robert Brown G4: “This and That” Painting by Patsy Fisher G5: “Lovers, Dancers and a Bit of Nudity” Rosa Gaete 214B Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa 09 426 5570 Find us on Facebook Open 7 days a week, 9am to 4pm
570 Whangaparaoa Rd, Stanmore Bay
09)200 8777
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The track that is open now can only be accessed from Old North Road. It is a loop alongside the stream to Nukumea Bridge, then back the same way.
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Event planning focuses on the positive in Ōrewa It’s not an easy time to be planning an event – so things are challenging for business organisation Destination Orewa Beach, which always has several in the pipeline for Orewa, particularly through summer. Some have already been pulled, including next February’s Buskers Festival and a mid-winter festival (originally scheduled for September 26) that was cancelled while still in the early stages of planning. Operations manager Hellen Wilkins says what to do in such uncertain times is a hot topic, and she and her team have decided the best way to deal with it is to stride confidently forward
and see what happens. “At this stage we are planning all events as if there were no limitations,” Hellen says. “Our first event is the Santa Parade on November 28, so we are hopeful that some form of stable Level 1 will be in place by then. If Auckland is wavering between Levels 1 and 2, we will make a call far closer to the event time, probably not until November, but until then it’s all systems go as usual.” The call for Parade floats has gone out and Hellen says the responses are coming back at the same pace as in previous years.
Covid knocks out title fight Whangaparaoa boxer Nik Charalampous will have to wait for his shot at the cruiserweight NZ title, but he gets to compete instead for the North Island title next month, in an event to be held in Whangaparaoa. Nik, 27, was to have competed for the national title last month (HM August 5). But promoter of that event, Craig Thomson, says Covid delivered the ultimate punch. That fight has been replaced with a North Island Cruiserweight title fight to be held in Whangaparaoa on October 10, at Sportscave. In this event, Nik will fight Dhcamad Armstrong of Kaikohe with the winner moving on to a NZ title fight.
Pet Naturals
Pet owners who have come to depend on the advice of Pet Naturals manager Therese van den Bos will be pleased to know she is continuing in her role, despite the sale of the business. The new owner is Cindy Ren, who says she doesn’t see any need to change what’s not broken. “Therese has a great deal of animal knowledge and consequently, we have very loyal customers – many travel from as far away as the North Shore and Mangawhai to shop here,” Cindy says. The Orewa store, on Hibiscus Coast Highway, has been operating for just over a decade, stocking pet food and accessories for cats and dogs, as well as rabbits and fish. Their specialty is raw food, which Therese says done correctly provides pets with a multitude of benefits. “We are feeding what dogs and cats are biologically designed to thrive on,” Therese says. “Just as people have become more conscious about what they eat, they are taking a lot more interest in providing their pets with healthy food choices.” The only major changes with the new ownership has been the addition of a loyalty rewards programme and the launch of a new online service, including delivery if required. Cindy says the online service was prompted by the Covid lockdowns, but will be continued because of the
Hibiscus Coast Service Centre 2/23 David Sidwell Place, Whangaparaoa
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Therese van den Bos and Bandit.
response from customers. She says it offers convenience, particularly for those not freely able to get to the store. Therese stresses that the store specialises in locally made and environmentally responsible food and accessories. For example, the cat litter is biodegradable, shampoos are free of palm oil and a lot of the raw food includes feral species that are causing havoc to native plants such as possum, wallaby, deer and goat. The store stocks natural flea powder, locally made leads and hand-made snuffle mats. The friendly staff can provide dietary advice and guidance for pets. Pet Naturals also accepts donations for the dog rescue foundation Saving Hope.
September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Tsunami sirens go up in Orewa Andrew Jensen (left) and Bradley Whitewood.
E X PA N D I N G n
Hirepool Silverdale
Fuelled by current and future growth on the Hibiscus Coast, Hirepool has opened a second branch in Silverdale. The company, which has had a branch in Silverdale Street for around 35 years, now has a new branch in Foundry Road. Hub manager, Andrew Jensen, who manages 10 Hirepool branches between the North Shore and Whangarei, says the two branches will complement rather than compete with one another. The original branch stocks tools and equipment suited for domestic DIY projects and small contractors use, while the new branch carries the large equipment used on major subdivisions or roading projects. There are diggers ranging from 1.5 tonne to 20 tonne, rollers from 1.5 tonne to 14 tonne, booms, cherry pickers and scissor lifts, as well as trailers, chainsaws and some smaller equipment. “Previously, this sort of equipment had to come from a Hirepool branch in South Auckland, so having it in Silverdale will mean reduced transport
costs, convenience and friendly locals to deal with,” Andrew says. “The new branch also includes a workshop so repairs, maintenance and cleaning can be done on site.” On site servicing, swap-outs if necessary and machinery breakdown repairs are all part of the service. The Hirepool brand has been operating in New Zealand since 1955 and the company prides itself on its customer-focussed service. The Foundry Road branch will be managed by Bradley Whitewood, who has been in the hire business for 15 years and is a heavy equipment specialist. Altogether there will be seven staff on site. Andrew says getting the right advice can save people time and money. “Businesses are taking a bit of a hit with Covid-19, but the pipeline of work looks strong at least up until Christmas. “Everyone is watching what they spend and we recognise that there are some challenges, and we’re here to help wherever we can.”
The Hibiscus Coast’s first tsunami sirens were installed by Auckland Council in Orewa on September 2. Installation had been planned for April (HM Feb 19) but the process was delayed due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Orewa was identified in 2017 as having the highest risk of tsunami exposure in Auckland and the community has been asking for sirens to be installed there for many years. The sirens are on Centreway Reserve, at the western end of the carpark on Riverside Road, and at the entrance to Brunton Park on West Hoe Road. They produce both a tone and voice instruction, letting people know why they are going off, and what to do. The entire process involved in importing, testing and installing two sirens cost ratepayers around $250,000. This includes upgrading Council’s systems to work with the new technology. Expect to hear them in action soon – the sirens will be first tested on September 27.
Tsunami sirens were installed in Orewa this month.
Fund your zero waste idea
Grants of up to $50,000 are available this month from Auckland Council for innovative projects that reduce waste. The Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund supports Council’s ambitious target of zero waste to landfill by 2040. The funding supports projects from businesses, iwi, and education and community groups. There is $600,000 available through funding from the waste levy and more than 400 projects have been funded since 2013. Funding ranges from $250 to $50,000 per project. Applications close September 30. Info:
FROM A BARROW LOAD TO A BUCKET LOAD Whether you’re a DIY weekend warrior or a seasoned tradie we’ve got you covered.
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| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Healthy start feature
RYMAN PIONEERS LIFE’S TOO PRECIOUS TO SPEND ON LAWNS. At Ryman, we take care of the lawns, window cleaning, and more. It means you have less on your ‘to do’ list and can spend your time doing more of the things that make you happy. It’s another way we’re pioneering a new way of living for a new retirement generation. Superbly located in Orewa, Evelyn Page Village is named in honour of a pioneering New Zealander who set the standard for others to follow. A selection of homes available now Two-bedroom townhouse with internal access garaging and views of the croquet lawn and bowling green priced at $995,000 Two-bedroom corner apartment located on the ground floor with your own sunny patio priced at $885,000 Fixed base weekly fee* and our deferred management fee is capped at 20% - one of the lowest in the retirement sector *Some conditions apply
Call Steph or Jo for more details.
30 Ambassador Glade, Orewa, 421 1815 1494
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September/October 2020 Your essential property guide from Dairy Flat to Waipu
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Homes to suit a variety of ages, stages Homes to suit a variety and lifestyles. of ages,now. stages Selling and lifestyles. Selling now. Perfectly positioned just 1km from beautiful Red Beach itself, this warm and welcoming familyfriendly community is the real deal when it comes to coastal living. With Red Beach Primary school within walking distance, access to the motorway, convenience living here Perfectly positioned just and 1km with fromimmediate beautiful Red Beach itself, this warmthe and welcoming of familywill give community you more time together aswhen a family. On the take With a stroll to Beach the local shopsschool and friendly is the real deal it comes toweekend, coastal living. Red Primary eateries, spenddistance, lazy summer daysimmediate at the beach or explore stunningthe coastal cycle and within walking and with access to the the motorway, convenience of walkways. living here will give you more time together as a family. On the weekend, take a stroll to the local shops and eateries, spend lazy summer days at the beach or explore the stunning coastal cycle and walkways.
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He made sure I was involved in decision making and that I was behind his moves.” September/October 2020
September/October 2020
September/October 2020
David Carrel
Mark Holliday
Tony Carter
Bob Qin
Andrew Fagan
Jack Holliday
Raewyn Jonkers
Sheryl Anderson
Jules Romminger
Joanne John
Victoria Cherrinaton
Kathryn Binks
Karlene Jonkers
September/October 2020
Drue Matich
Debbie Le Roux
Vi Davidson
September/October 2020
Peter Melhop
Janene Hopkins
Malcolm Parker
Anna Langdon
Sue Kollerie
Glenn Taylor
Harvey Zhang
Franci Raven
Rita Oliver
Lynn Li
Andy Lall
Mark Garratt
Nicky Van Wijk
Tiger Wang
Meredith Galliven
Campbell Cave
Chris Bone
Megan Cox
Steve Lawrence
Debbie Donovan
Nadia van Zyl
Wilson Wen
Helen Tang
Susana Perez
Barb Beaumont
Peter Burn
Scott Kettle
Leo Xing
Sabrina Zhang
Nik Sams
September/October 2020
Michelle Frank Livvie Li McAteer-Ross Cox
September/October 2020
Maree Taylor
Yvonne Bonfrer
Tony Gatman
Nicki Parker
Caroline Lawrence
Roy Dong
Tony Gibbs
Samantha Spratt
Belinda Rutten
Graeme Perigo
Ben Clare
Brian Liu
James Kuo
Mandy Zhang
Wendy Wang
Pauline Kat
September/October 2020
September/October 2020
1ha, flat sheltered site, post and rail fencing, dress circle location. MILLFLAT ROAD, COATESVILLE
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September/October 2020
September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Healthy start feature
Gentle ways to lose the Covid curves by functional health and movement coach Richard Bruce Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones who changed your life routines in a positive way from the Covid-19 situation. For others it increased work pressure and uncertainty, as well as stress at home juggling family life, socially and financially. In that case it feels like we have less time, less fun, more pressure and less sleep due to feeling anxious, stressed or burned out. Some are having later nights ‘de-stressing’ with snacks and alcohol, as well as making worse food choices. And so the kilos go on. But while we can’t solve all the world’s problems, we can make a start with ourselves. Here we can make changes pretty quickly, so here’s a strategy to try on your journey to healthier habits. Time restricted eating is about restricting the timeframe when you eat. It’s not fasting – just an adjustment to meal times, so you eat within an 8-10 hour window. So breakfast could be at 10am, lunch at 2pm and dinner at 6/7pm. No changing of what you eat or drink. I suggest trying it for two weeks and I bet you notice the difference. Naturally, if you are able to adjust your
food choices to a more nutrient dense diet, the results will be even better. It works because that snack after dinner with a glass of wine all adds up and also affects the quality and quantity of our sleep. Poor sleep equals weight gain and increased risk of disease. Good sleep means physical and mental recovery and better metabolic health. The other reason this works is because you tend to go to bed a little earlier as you don’t want to be up and getting hungry again at 10.30/11pm! Another easy win for better health is to get outside in the sun. Sunshine helps regulate your sleep but also positively affects your mood, immunity and gut microbiome. The gut microbiome consists of bacteria, fungi, viruses, worms and protozoa, which all affect how you eat, what you eat, when you eat, what you absorb and how well you digest and eliminate your food. These guys are all happier with some sunshine. So get outside, whether it’s to read your emails, listen to a podcast, sit and do nothing, do a cartwheel – it doesn’t matter, just get outside every day. Preferably earlier in the mornings, when the sun is less intense, and
without sunglasses (as long as the glare isn’t too strong) as this helps set the stage for restorative sleep. Like anything though, build up to it. It’s obviously a no-no to go and sit in the sun for an hour and burn. A few minutes might be enough to start with if you rarely get outside. And of course movement and exercise has a very similar positive impact on
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mood, immunity and your gut health so throw more of that in. The world might not be full of rainbows and unicorns right now, but by adding in these simple yet powerful changes you may feel better, look better and have better energy to be able to perform at a higher level. Always consult your health advisor regarding any dietary or exercise changes.
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Healthy start feature
Individualise your Support, Comfort & Sleeping Position with this Superb Value Split Super-King Adjustable Bed Package! Sleep Better Special (Total Value $7898)
Now only $4790!
Features two Long Single Size King Koil ‘Tekapo’ Pocket Spring Mattresses (in your choice of Firm, Medium or Plush feel) with two Long Single Apex ‘Enliven’ Adjustable Bases. Visit our website to view all our ‘Tekapo Adjustable Bed Package’ Sizes Available including Long Single, King Single, Queen, Super King & Californian King Plus.
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Healthy start feature
Wheelchair fashion on a roll Zara Weissenstein is determined to help young adults like her, with a disability, to look and feel better through fashion design. The Matakatia teenager was a sporty student, until her legs began to fail her. Three years ago she went from keen kickboxer to finding she could barely walk and was eventually diagnosed with conversion disorder – a functional disability that causes symptoms like blindness or paralysis that cannot be explained solely by illness or injury. Zara says for her, it is connected to stress levels. Generally walking with a crutch, at times she must use a wheelchair. She has a love of fashion and studies fabric tech at college, so wearing sweat pants or leggings all the time was not what she wanted, although they are the go-to option for wheelchair users. Ready made clothing is poorly designed for people who have disabilities, she says. If they are seated in a wheelchair, clothes need to fit around the legs, but not be too tight as seams rub and cause sores. She says pants or skirts are often too low in the back and ride up under the legs, while shirts are generally too short – a combination that leaves a gap across the lower back. In addition, propelling a wheelchair can cause garments to stretch. Those with limited hand mobility struggle with buttons and zips. During her hospital stays, Zara got to know other teenagers – some had been in wheelchairs all their lives. “I found that clothing is a real issue,” Zara says. “We can’t just roll into a shop and pick off the rack. You can’t even get into a lot of the changing rooms in those stores.” “We don’t want to be ‘a person in a wheelchair’. People my age just want to fit in, and that includes what we wear. Style helps us fit in with our peers and feel included.” Zara uses her sewing skills to adapt her own clothes.
Marcus Thompson in the innovative Omeo chair
World-first NZ chair gives life balance A Kiwi-designed electronic wheelchair described as “the closest thing to walking” is making inroads into overseas markets. The Omeo chair is based on Segway technology and uses the body’s own sense of balance to steer – a rider only needs to lean in the direction that they want the chair to go. Designer Kevin Halsall says it more closely matches the body’s natural inclination to use balance for movement. Hands-free operation provides the freedom of carrying something while moving and can prevent rotator cuff injuries. The Omeo also allows riders to more easily traverse outdoor environments. One unique feature is that the seat stays level, so riders can travel up and down gradients of up to 25 degrees without fear of falling off. Kevin designed the Omeo for his mate Marcus Thompson, who had been in a chair for 16 years. The chair has enabled Marcus to independently go surfing because he can carry his board to the water’s edge. The Omeo has a top speed of 20kph and a range of 60km on a single charge. It retails for $30,000 – a standard chair might cost around $21,000. The company has sold 200 units worldwide and is funded by ACC and its Australian counterpart.
Zara Weissenstein
So it made sense to design a garment for young adult wheelchair users for her scholarship fabric tech assignment at Whangaparaoa College. She has been researching, developing and designing and is now starting to make her garment, which is a skirt and shirt that are connected at the back, like a dress. Her key client for the project is unwell, so Zara is looking for a young woman (teens to early 20s) who has experience of being in a wheelchair and can help her improve her garment. “After this project, I’d like to go into fashion and develop more designs, for both men and women with disabilities,” Zara says. Info:
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| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Healthy start feature
Choose one of our great family owned and operated hospitals for your loved one
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Food choices now more important than ever by nutritionist Sheryl Takayama Resilience is a key word right now – and to make yourself stronger involves taking action. When you take positive action each day it creates hope, confidence and success. Focus on taking positive action and you will stay strong in body and mind. Good nutrition has never been more important than it is right now – your immune system depends on it. It also plays an important role in mental health. Eating and food choice is one part of the day that most people have complete control over. In a time where there is so much that is not within our control, it is empowering to take ownership of things that are. To stay on track with good food choices, consider making a food plan each day. Write down what you are going to eat and what time you are going to have your meals. Planning meals gives structure to the day, which is particularly important if you are adjusting to working from home, where you may have a lack of structure combined with access to the kitchen and all the goodies in the cupboards! On that note, set yourself up for success by limiting the amount of junk food in the house. Don’t stock up on chips and chocolate – instead make sure you have lots of meat and fresh vegetables instead. If junk food is not
an easy option, it won’t be a problem. Use this time to try new recipes and get creative in the kitchen. Hectic lifestyles are often combined with busyness and rushing, which doesn’t allow a lot of time for meal creation or consumption. Set aside at least 20 minutes to eat and enjoy your meal. Eating slowly and mindfully is great for digestion. If you want to be strong and resilient, make gut health your top priority. Remember, your immune system is stored within your gut, so a healthy gut is a vital step to a healthy immune system. Nurture your gut by taking a good probiotic daily, minimising alcohol consumption, eating a wide range of foods and getting plenty of sleep – at least 7-8 hours daily. If you are an emotional eater, the challenges of this year may have led to overeating and weight gain. Instead of eating over your feelings, start acknowledging them and try other strategies to work through them. This could include going for a walk, writing in a journal, phoning a friend or listening to music. One of my favourite quotes is: “We don’t think our way back into good actions, we act our way back into good thinking.” Look at other actions you can take instead of eating, and you will soon feel a lot better.
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Healthy start feature
Character canes for the forward thinking Gone are the days when a simple stick would suffice for walking support. The character cane market now caters to the upwardly-mobile consumer with forward thinking features such as radios and alarms. Ali Express’ outdoors cane has an FM radio and MP3 player for musical entertainment on the go. Four gigabytes of storage will hold all the golden oldie tunes that a person could want. It has a 100-decibel alarm that automatically sounds in case of a fall, though could deliver a fright if dropped. The telescopic collapsible folding cane from can be carried in a pocket. It sports a personal safety alarm as well as a bright LED headlight
for navigation at night or dazzling potential attackers. Meanwhile, the multifunction Trekking Pole, also from Wish, can be broken into six lengths that screw together and allow the pole’s height to be adjusted. It comes with multiple screw-in heads for different functions, such as gutting a fish. There are also hammer and headlamp attachments, different shaped pole bases to cope with changing environments and comes with leather bag. The Interior Warehouse in Auckland sells a walking stick with a swivelling brass telescope on the head. The 360-degree rotation means a walker need never be caught unaware by their surroundings.
10 Bakehouse Lane 09 426 6646 (opposite Dear Coasties)
Our friendly team are here to provide you with a thorough eye examination, the latest fashion frames and technologically advanced lenses for work, sports and everyday wear.
Eye care in Spring
Spring is here which, for some, comes with red, itchy and watery eyes. The air is blanketed with allergens such as pollen from flowering plants. It is not always possible to limit your exposure to these allergens, so Orewa Optics owner Petra Hewitt has some tips for allergy sufferers: use eye drops to flush any allergens from the eyes; place a cold compress over closed eyelids instead of rubbing your eyes; considering switching to disposable lenses as allergens can build up on contact lenses (lenses can be dropped into Orewa Optics and they will be recycled); do not touch your eyes with unwashed hands; antihistamine eye drops, available on prescription, can relieve persistent allergies. In addition, Petra says it is important to remember to take precautions, such as wearing sunglasses, when doing your Spring garden clean up. This not only protects eyes from sharp leaves or twigs in the garden, but also from any toxic chemicals you use. “If you do get a chemical agent in the eye, immediately flush it with copious amounts of water or saline. It may mean placing your head underneath a tap, or in a shower, for at least 15-20 minutes. Seek urgent medical attention,” Petra recommends.
Our Dispensing Opticians Petra, Angela, Christine
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Our Optometrists Grant, Helen, Anuja
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Whangaparaoa: 09 424 5632 632 Whangaparaoa Road Stanmore Bay
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Do you have difficulty hearing? Focus Hearing can help. Don’t buy a hearing aid without talking to us first. We provide: • FREE 15-minute hearing checks • FULL hearing assessments with reports • FREE hearing aid consultations & trials • FREE hearing aid checks & cleaning
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Clinics also at Takapuna and Howick. Registered for ACC, War Pensions and WINZ subsidies.
PROVIDING THE HIBISCUS COAST WITH QUALITY MEDICAL CARE Silverdale Medical has recruited qualified New Zealand trained General Practice doctors to the Hibiscus Coast. We recruit those who share our values to embrace evidence-based practice with an abiding commitment to compassionate care. Physicians offer services in English, Korean, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, Haka and Hokkien) and Bahsa.
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Healthy start feature
Health with Dr Isabelle Duck
Knees need help It seems to me that a lot of people come to the doctor quite late after a knee injury, but it is important to be assessed early, because in most cases early intervention improves the outcome. The knee is a complex and fascinating joint. It consists of a lot more than just a few bones, as it takes a lot of important structures to assist with the smooth function of the joint. When these are damaged it can affect stability, movement, strength and can cause a lot of pain. Those key structures are ligaments, tendons, and the menisci (single: meniscus). The menisci are the ‘shock absorbers’ of the knee. There are two: the medial and the lateral. One common injury is a tearing of the meniscus, often caused by a twisting of the knee when stepping with full weight. This can cause swelling and pain. It is most common to tear the medial meniscus. Minor tears often settle with a bit of physiotherapy, more serious tears occasionally warrant surgery, which involves trimming a bit of the meniscus away. Various ligaments are involved in the stabilisation and movement of the knee joint. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments sit on either side of the joint. They can sometimes be sprained by a force to the side of the knee during contact sports such as rugby or football. Again, this is usually a relatively minor injury that settles on its own or with a few sessions of physio. The two cruciate ligaments (the anterior, and the posterior) sit inside the joint, and form a cross behind the kneecap. These are otherwise known as the ACL and the PCL. They help to stabilise and bend the joint forwards and backwards. One of the more serious injuries to a knee is an ACL tear. This is not an uncommon injury on the skifields. These injuries often require surgery and/or intensive rehabilitation. Patients with an ACL tear often can’t walk after their accident, and have a large amount of swelling. Sometimes a single accident can cause many different structures to become damaged. The classic ‘unhappy triad’ happens when the medial meniscus, the medial collateral ligament and the ACL are torn. Two exercises that are less likely to cause knee injuries are swimming and cycling and these are often recommended to help rehabilitate the knee after an injury. If you have injured your knee, please see your doctor, sports physician or physiotherapist who will be able to assess and advise you.
Acupuncture can help to relieve pain and improve wellbeing. Our acupuncturist is certified and offers a professional, relaxing and friendly environment for all acupuncture treatments. ACC registered for injuries.
Shop H, Cammish Lane, Tamariki Plaza, Orewa Mon–Fri: 8am–6pm (Tuesday until 7pm) | Ph 424 8537
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Healthy start feature
Online Smokefree final
This year’s Smokefree Rockquest final, that was to be held on September 12 at the Bruce Mason Centre, was cancelled due to the size of gatherings under Level 2.5. However, Stanmore Bay musicians Ben and Brody Glanfield, who made it into the final for the second time running (HM September 2) are still in with a shot. Acts are now being filmed and the final will be held online on September 24.
JUST COOK 4 HEALTHY AGEING Cooking and nutrition course for older people with limited cooking skills or who have lost confidence and motivation to cook. Learn to plan and cook economical simple healthy dinners for 1 or 2 people plus shopping tips, label reading and time-saving cooking strategies. Three hour classes held over four weeks. Includes morning tea and lunch. Payment by donation. Look forward to you joining the classes.
Monday: 2, 16, 23 & 30 November 2020. Wednesday: 3, 10, 17 & 24 February 2021. 10am – 1pm. Orewa Community Church, 235 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa. To register email: Christine or for more information phone: 021 104 5886 Note: you must be able to come to all four classes and stand for one hour while cooking.
MULTI-PAIR LENS OFFER when you purchase any pair of Essilor lenses with Transitions ! ® ^
AVAILABLE NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME *Source: Euromonitor, Eyewear 2019 edition; Essilor International SA Company; Retail value sales at RSP. Terms & Conditions apply. First pair must be an Essilor® Transitions® lens with Crizal®. Second pair is clear with an optional upgrade, and must be for the same person and the same script. Refer to essilor. ©Essilor New Zealand Pty Ltd. August 2020. FR8858.
VISIQUE HAWKINS OPTOMETRISTS: Shop 20, 175 Millwater Parkway, Silverdale P: 09 426 5308 • E:
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Medium –
person weekly. Caitlin says this is to give the relationship time to grow and flourish, and build trust. Mentors receive training and other support. They will also be interviewed by Coast Mentoring and police checked, to ensure they are suitable for the role and to help match them with a young person. Caitlin says Coast Mentoring also meets and works with families, so that everyone is on board. “We are very clear that a mentor is not a parent,” she says. “They are complementing those adult figures in the young person’s life.” She says mentoring is a very powerful tool. “It helps young people to develop more self-confidence, resilience, a connection with the wider community and to navigate relationships. The mentors also benefit, by seeing those changes in a person and having a renewed sense of connection and purpose.” “I am very excited about the opportunity this provides for our community,” Caitlin says. The programme is to be officially launched on September 24. See What’s On, p39 for more details.
Solution page 38
This month sees the launch of a new initiative on the Coast to support the area’s young people through mentoring. The programme is a collaboration between two local organisations – Coast Youth Community Trust (CYC) and Youth in Transition (YIT) – in partnership with Auckland’s Upside Youth Mentoring. Experienced mentor trainor Robin Cox is also providing support and advice. Project manager Caitlin Watson says it is a pilot, but there are already signs that it may expand and grow – crucially there seems to be no shortage of people willing to put themselves forward as possible mentors. CYC and YIT work with at risk youth, and Caitlin says both organisations agree there is a need locally for another tool in the toolbox. Coast Mentoring will support young people aged 10-24 who are referred from CYC or YIT because they would benefit from having an adult mentor. Mentors are volunteers, of all ages, who will need to commit to spending 12 months meeting their young
Fill in this grid so that every column, row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9.
Mentor programme new for Hibiscus Coast youth
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Beauty comes from inside out! So does your Immune System If you want to check out and see, if your Chosen Remedies assist you your body your body issues
Or you need advice, come and see me with your remedies, as your Naturopath
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Healthy start feature
Youth Voice with Caitlin Watson
Green grass of home To live a healthy life with a healthy mind, a good place to start is with gratitude. Gratitude is the expression of appreciation for what one has and often requires a conscious effort to count one’s blessings. While this has been a turbulent and troublesome year for many in our community, there is always space for gratitude to focus on the positive amidst whatever life throws at us. For young people in particular, developing a healthy mind can often be constrained in the social media saturated society we live in. One of the dangers of social media is the trap of comparison – where we constantly look at the girl or guy next door and view them as being better off. This can subsequently lead to a lack gratitude for the unique features of our own existence because it does not match up to the seemingly greener grass on the other side. Gratitude expert, Ryan Fehr says that, “during a difficult time, gratitude is more important than ever”. Research shows that gratitude can help us cope with traumatic events, control our negative emotions, and improve our wellbeing. Like Covid-19, it is also infectious, having a positive effect on those around us. One of the greatest examples of something to be grateful for, that everyone in our community can claim, is the beautiful environment we reside in. An environment where beaches are plentiful, 13 to be exact, and parks are in abundance, 314 in the Hibiscus & Bays area. Perspective is a powerful tool, and in a global pandemic, where people have been confined to shoe box apartments in concrete jungles, we can appreciate the wealth of open, green space we have on hand that plays a significant role in improving mental and physical health. We have beaches to walk and run, cycle paths to ride and kilometres of ocean to swim and surf. For this, it’s important to acknowledge previous councils for their foresight and vision in ensuring that we live in a community with plenty of open space. Furthermore, if I am to reflect on what has been of 2020 so far, what stands out is the need to be super intentional about developing healthy habits. So, what can you be grateful for today amidst what has been a rocky ride of 2020? How can you cultivate the habit of gratitude and develop contentment with the simple things of life? It may just involve stepping away from a screen and out into the beauty of our Coastal backyard. The grass is not necessarily greener on the other side, but wherever you choose to water it!
INDEPENDENT RETIREMENT LIVING IN THE HEART OF WARKWORTH Quality designer apartments in the centre of town within walking distance of shopping, eateries, activities and services.
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Call Sylvie on (09) 425 8766 or 027 314 5767 The Oaks on Neville, 9 Queen St, Warkworth
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
Advertise your business here for only $66+gst per insertion. Phone 427 8188 or email or
your local trades
Plumb Tight, Nick Lawrence What does your company specialise in? Problem identification and resolution. Maintenance, system upgrades/ increasing water pressure. Renovations and new builds, both residential and industrial. How do you ensure your company stands out from the crowd? Through lateral thinking, honesty, being up front, reliable and cost effective. We love engaging with customers and feedback like: ‘Nick and his crew are super communicative, responsive and get stuff done quickly and efficiently’, makes us particularly proud.
For expert advice on Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning systems for your needs.
What skill sets do you bring to the industry that makes your company a good choice? I have had more than 15 years on the tools and am a fully qualified certifying plumber and Master Plumbers Association member. I am supported by an awesome, reliable team day in, day out.
Ph 021 629 300 •
What is it about this job that you find inspirational or motivating? I enjoy the reactions we get when we are able to take the worry and stress away from our customers. We are very grateful for our clients and community, who have been so supportive through COVID-19. Thank you. What is your favourite tool or service and why? We get a lot of work related to age care homes on the Coast (and we’re Coasties, so we get it). So there are home renovations, water pressure and/or hot water cylinder upgrades but we cover all types of work. As far as recreational tools are concerned – it’s my rod or golf clubs, depending on the day!
A Pump Doctor Repairs • Sales • Service on all water pumps ...
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Over 30 years experience Quotes given
Buyers of: Copper • Brass • Aluminium • Lead • Steel • Stainless Steel • Batteries • Cable • Machinery • Electric Motors • Cars • Car Removal. Pick up or drop off bins available
Phone 0800 14 15 30 • 426 9150 35 Forge Road, Silverdale Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
• Farm Dams & Drainage • House Sites • Driveways • Pole Drilling • Mulching • Bulldozer & Scoop Services • Transport up to 18 Tonne • Truck Hire • Metal Supply
Phone Wayne 021 953 527
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Advertise your business here for only $66+gst per insertion. Phone 427 8188 or email or
Coastal Curtains and Blinds – Mobile Service
Drapes • Roman Blinds • Nets/voiles • Rods & Tracks • Blinds Verticals, Venetians, Wooden • Roller Sunscreen & Blockout Blinds CALL NOW FOR A FREE MEASURE & QUOTE – Phone 027 69 89 925 |
OUTDOOR FURNITURE Tables to order Chairs • Swingseats Benches • Umbrellas New Zealand made quality built to last 25 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Silverdale (next to BP) Ph 09 426 9660 • em
Heat pump cleaning & servicing HRV, DVS, Smartvent & Moisture Master filter replacements.
10% discount (heat pump cleaning only) for Gold Card holders
Ph Neil 0800 225 327
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Call now 0800 248 229 •
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8/667 Whangaparaoa Road, Mon-Fri 7.30am-5pm, Sat 8am-12pm & type in GT Automotive
HBC Community House
Long or short term hire We can check if your car seat is installed correctly.
Trained technician Phone 426 3598
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027 476 2741 HibiscusGarageDoors. 027 476 2741oror(09) (09)426 426 0851 0851 HibiscusGarageDoors.
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Hibiscus Tiling
Wall & floor tiling • Accredited Waterproofer Underfloorheating • Free consultations and quotations • 26 years experience
Service & repair all makes and models
Phone Darcy 021 482 308 Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
MK Motorsport 0800 EURODR 2a Agency Lane, Silverdale 09 426 0530 | 027 442 0591
September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
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mint. Commercial Cleaning for your office, factory, pre-school, mint. Cleaning for your office, factory, pre-school, school,Commercial medical rooms, restaurant, shop or church. school, medical rooms, restaurant, shop or church. mint. safe and sanitary cleaning is delivered with no interruption to mint. safe and sanitaryroutines. cleaning is delivered with no interruption to your normal business your normal business routines. mint. for regular cleaning daily, weekly, day or night, weekdays mint. regular cleaning daily, weekly, day or night, weekdays and/orfor weekends or one-off cleans anytime. and/or weekends or one-off cleans anytime.
9–21 David Sidwell Pl, Whangaparaoa
Ph 09 424 6091
Come and see Cecily and her team for friendly advice on 1000’s of tiles. 09 424 1214 ▪ 663 Whangaparaoa Rd
Silverdale Computer Support Services At a fair price, with a personal touch Servicing the Hibiscus Coast. We cater primarily for the 55+ age group and assist small business owners.
Orewa Mutt Groomers Ph Fiona 021 557 728 10 Settlers Grove, Orewa
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One-on-one tutoring – discounts available
32 Seamount Dr, Red Beach | Ph 09 427 8980 M: 022 543 2154 | E:
FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING AND CARPENTRY NEEDS Decks • Bathrooms • Pergolas • Doors • Renovations • Fencing Gates • Maintenance • Gib fitter • Plastering • Painting • Kitchens CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Graham Harfield | Phone 09 428 4770 | 027 428 4770 Email: |
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Understanding roofs since 1976
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Have a look on our website to see the huge range of items we can custom brand to suit your needs. For any queries, please contact us on:
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Ph Shaun 021 460 487
18A Silverdale Street, Silverdale
Welding / Repairs for W.O.F & C.O.F, Rust Repairs, Accident Repairs, Insurance Repairs, Cars, Vans, Buses, Campers, Trucks, Trailers, Old / New - All Welcome. Affordable Quality Repairs with over 20+ years experience locally. Come see us! 6-8 Arklow Lane, Stanmore Bay Tel: (09) 428 3802 | Mob: 027 506 0400 Email: | Website:
COMMUNITY NOTICES HIBISCUS COAST WRITERS CLUB for those that love writing, from hobby writer to published - regular workshops with optional competitions. Second Saturday of month, Pohutakawa Room, Whangaporaoa Library 1pm-3pm Ph Dorothy 029 777 1036, Marilyn 021 936 860 HEARTBEATS, PEER-PEER HEART education and support group, meets first Tuesday of each month, 10am,
027 428 4770
Advertise your business here for only $66+gst per insertion.
Free confidential advice & information: Consumer rights, careers, budgeting, housing & tenancy, JPs, legal issues, sports, clubs & more
Residential Specialists Friendly professional & dependable service Free quotes available
John Drakeley p: 021 150 6994 e:
Hibiscus Coast Community House. Guest speakers include: doctors, cardiologists and other heart health professionals. Family and whanau welcome. Ph Trent 0220 606 199. REBUS CLUB OF HIBISCUS COAST Club for retired men, meets the first Tuesday of every month, 9.30am, at the Hibiscus Bridge Club, Edith Hopper Park, Ladies Mile, Manly. Friendship, speakers, outings. REBUS CLUB OF GULF HARBOUR.
Mon-Fri: 9am-3.30pm, Sat: 10am-12pm Orewa Community Centre, Orewa Square Ph: 426 5338 or em:
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month, Gulf Harbour Yacht Club, Laurie Southwick Parade, 9.30am-12pm. Both couples and individuals welcome. Ph 0274 739 787 or SERVING SPOONS free Community Lunch held on the last Monday of each month at 12.30pm, St John’s Church Hall, 180 Centreway Rd, Orewa. All welcome! WHANGAPARAOA LADIES FRIENDSHIP CLUB meets 2nd Tuesday of month, Manly Bridge Club, Ladies
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• Window handles • Window stay/hinges • Window restrictors • Window rubber seals • Door handles • Door hinges • Door rubber seals • Bi-fold door wheels • Ranch slider door wheels • Ranch slider lockable handle • Bi-fold door security handle • Security window stays • Window security locks • Rotten frame repairs
Mile 10am-12pm. Speaker: Artist Robyn Tubb. Ph Raewyn 424 1414. SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – Empathy Group meets monthly at Orewa. LAST MONDAY of month except December and January. At HBC Community House, Orewa, Western Reserve, 214 Hibiscus Coast Highway, 7pm-9pm. Gold coin donation please towards refreshments. All welcome, for more info contact Susan 021 884 162 or private message us on Facebook (Empathy support group).
| Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
DELIVERER WANTED TO DELIVER HIBISCUS MATTERS FOR OREWA CENTRAL – Run includes: Hibiscus Coast Highway, Florence Ave, Centreway Rd, Moana Ave, Tamariki Ave. Contact Rosemary 021 0300 263 or
HOME & MAINTENANCE WATERBLASTING & CHEMICAL HOUSE WASHING. Careful service, reasonable rates. Ph 426 2253. WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole house, UV & water spotting, Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 027 478 7427
ALARMS SECURITY AND FIRE, MONITORING, CCTV, servicing & installation, all brands 027 553 3032 ALL CARPET LAYING, OR REPAIRS & PATCHES Carpet layer with over 30 years exp. Ph Dexter 0274 956 436.
New gardens, clean ups. Specialising in maintenance & improvement. Phone Dave 021 950 154 HANDYMAN AVAILABLE for all those odd jobs. Ph Nev 021 399 226 @ Nev’s Odd Jobs. Great rates. Local & reliable.
MOBILE HAIRCUTS European trained hairstylist to visit you at your time, your place. Sabine Ph 426 9652 021 149 8598
FRESH SNAPPER CHIPS N SALAD, lambs fry n bacon, scallop salad, portabello mushrooms n toast. WedSun, Walnut Cafe ph 427 5570.
ANYTHING CONSIDERED Houses, flats, rental, land. Stefan 021 869 875 (not an agent).
VIDEOS TRANSFERRED to DVD/hard drive. Phone Te Totara Video 09 422 5710 or 021 777 385.
FAMILY OF FOUR looking for a long term rental. 4 bed + Garage, Orewa & surrounds. Excellent refs. Two beautifully behaved outside dogs. Ph Ange 021 211 3405
KIWI ROOTS PALM & TREE MAINTENANCE, REMOVAL and hedge work. Free quotes. Phone 020 4027 6200.
Parent By-Election 2020 Notice Nominations are invited for the election of two parent representatives to the Whangaparaoa College Board of Trustees. An email calling for nominations has been sent to all eligible voters. You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate – both of you will need to email the Returning Officer, you to advise who you’re nominating and them advising who they’ve been nominated by and their acceptance; or you can nominate yourself via email. Nominations close 12pm Friday 25 September and should be accompanied by a candidate statement and photograph. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting, if necessary, will also be done electronically and will close 12pm Friday 9 October. Caroline Butland, Returning Officer
BUILDER SEMI RETIRED – for all those small building jobs. Good rates. Ph/txt Rob 021 167 2155 or 09 426 2960.
SERVICES WHANGAPARAOA RECORDING STUDIO: Vocals to backing tracks, original projects, vocal training and vocal PA hire. Ph Dennis 021 115 5233
HANDYMAN Carpentry, small jobs, rubbish removal etc. Phone/Text Dave 027 420 5155. A PUMP DOCTOR will keep you pumping. Ph 0274 430 654. ARKLES BAY PAINTERS/ DECORATORS In the area for the area. Kevin 022 0291 056 TRADESMAN PAINTER (20yrs) serving the Hibiscus Coast. New or Repaint, interior & exterior no job too small. Free competitive quotes Wayne 0274 329 397 PEST CONTROL, Flies, spiders, cockroaches, ants, rodents, wasps. Competitive prices. Ph 426 2253.
A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service ph 021 168 7349.
CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU, AGM, Friday September 18, 1pm-3pm, St Johns Catholic Church Hall, 180 Centreway Rd, Orewa. RSVP to by Sept 11. ESTUARY ARTS CHARITABLE TRUST Charitable Trust No. 1851213. AGM. Tuesday 29 September, Studio 1, 6pm.
HEALTH & BEAUTY FINGERNAILS & TOENAILS CUT & FILED – $30pp/$50 for 2pp. I come to you. Ph 424 0676/027 271 6676.
All events/What’s on correct at time of going to print, but in these times anything is subject to change. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, or contact the event organiser, for any postponements or cancellations.
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Outdoor Carpet – 2m wide $39 p/m ($19.50sqm) 5 colours avail able
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Auckland Area Watch Hibiscus Matters Seawatch – TheSea Flooring People Sat
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5:55am 3.0 12:26am 0.6 1:17am 0.4 2:07am 0.3 2:57am 0.2 3:47am 0.2 4:36am 0.3 5:27am 0.4 12:18am 3.2 1:14am 3.1 2:13am 2.9 4:16am 2.8 5:19am 2.8 12:00am 0.9 12:51am 0.8 1:37am 0.8 2:19am 0.7 11:58am 0.6 6:50am 3.2 7:42am 3.4 8:33am 3.5 9:22am 3.6 10:11am 3.5 11:02am 3.5 11:55am 3.3 6:21am 0.5 7:18am 0.7 8:22am 0.8 10:29am 0.9 11:32am 0.9 6:18am 2.8 7:12am 2.9 7:59am 3.0 8:42am 3.0
Tide 6:21pm 3.2 12:50pm 0.4 1:39pm 0.3 2:28pm 0.2 3:17pm 0.2 4:07pm 0.3 4:59pm 0.4 5:55pm 0.6 12:51pm 3.2 1:52pm 3.0 2:56pm 3.0 4:58pm 2.9 5:56pm 3.0 12:28pm 0.8 1:16pm 0.8 1:59pm 0.7 2:38pm 0.7 6:48pm 3.0 7:35pm 3.1 8:19pm 3.1 8:59pm 3.1 6:54pm 0.7 7:57pm 0.8 9:02pm 0.9 11:03pm 0.9 7:12pm 3.4 8:02pm 3.5 8:52pm 3.6 9:42pm 3.6 10:33pm 3.5 11:24pm 3.4 Times 6:20am 6:13pm
Sun Fishing Guide Moon
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7:03am 7:22pm
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7:02am 7:22pm
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9:41am 10:06pm
7:00am 7:23pm
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6:59am 7:24pm
Best At
11:17am 11:39pm
6:57am 7:25pm
Best At
6:56am 7:26pm
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12:22am 12:42pm
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1:03am 1:23pm
New First Full Moon Quarter Moon Rise 5:43am Rise 6:20am Rise 6:55am Rise 7:28am Rise 8:02am Rise 8:38am Rise 9:17am Rise 10:01am Set 12:56am Set 2:00am Set 2:54am Set 4:41am Set 5:20am Set 5:54am Set 6:24am Set 6:52am Set 7:17am Set 4:35pm Set 5:48pm Set 7:01pm Set 8:14pm Set 9:27pm Set 10:39pm Set 11:49pm Rise 10:51am Rise 11:46am Rise 12:45pm Rise 2:45pm Rise 3:46pm Rise 4:46pm Rise 5:44pm Rise 6:41pm Rise 7:38pm *Not for navigational purposes.
Good Fishing
Fair Fishing
Not So Good
Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area go to:
669 Whangaparaoa Road | Phone 428 3168 | Proud Sponsors of: Hibiscus Coast Boating Club
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September 16, 2020 | Hibiscusmatters |
August 2020 27-Sep 27 Estuary Arts Centre’s annual Members’ Exhibition and Awards, Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Orewa. An open exhibition with no theme, a special student and youth award. The centre is open in Level 2, seven days a week 9am-4pm daily. (see story p11)
September 2020 19 Meet New Conservative leader Leighton Baker and local
candidate Fiona Mackenzie, Orewa Community Centre, Orewa Square, 3pm. All welcome. Info: Note: Re-scheduled from August 22.
23 Auckland Designer of the Year Floral Art Competition, Orewa
Baptist Church, 2 Loop Road, Orewa, open to the public 12 noon2pm. Entry $5 adults, children free. The theme is ‘Coastal Capers’. Info: convenor Lyn Membery, ph 021 326 065.
24 Official launch of Coast Mentoring, Whangaparāoa Library, 7pm. An introduction to what this initiative offers the community. All welcome. Info: email (see story p33)
26 Stories of Eccentric and Notorious People and Events of early
Silverdale, told by historian author Robin Grover, The Old Chapel, Silverdale Pioneer Village, 11am-12 noon. Free entry, gold coin appreciated. Bookings essential, ph Sue, 021 630 520, email (see story p10)
Whangaparāoa Tunnels – a forgotten piece of World War II history, Whangaparāoa Library, Main Street Whangaparāoa, 2pm. A talk by Michael Wynd, researcher at the National Museum of the Royal NZ Navy. (see story p10)
26 Referendum information sessions, Whangaparāoa Library, Main
Street, Whangaparāoa. Hear from both sides on both referendums. Session 1, The Yes Vote (both referendums), 11am-12.30pm; Session 2, The No Vote (both referendums), 2.30pm-4pm.
26 Puhoi Sports Club Post Covid-19 night out. Live music by the
Recliner Rockers, Puhoi Sports Club, Puhoi Domain. Doors open 7.30pm. Tickets $25 ($30 at door if available), from the club. Info: Troy, 021 221 7886.
27 Tiritiri Matangi Island, 600 years of history, Whangaparāoa Library,
Main St, Whangaparāoa, 2pm. A talk about the island’s history. (see story p10)
October 2020 4
Boat Bits & Car Boot allsorts sale, Gulf Harbour Marina, 9am. Bring ’n’ buy and not just for boaties. Info and bookings, 09 424 2118 or email
13 Whangaparāoa Lions
Social and Membership Evening, Stanmore Bay Hall, Waiora Road, 7.15pm. Food and refreshments supplied. Come and see what Lions do. Info: ph David, 021 033 2354 or Alister, 09 424 8039.
SPECIALISTS IN MILDEW & STAIN REMOVAL CURTAINS | THERMALS ROMANS | AUSTRIANS Full take-down and re-hang service Open Saturday 9am-12pm Temporary curtains available at no cost
Receive 20% discount for own delivery and collection of blinds and curtains
31 Good as New Pre Loved
Grown-Ups Market, Orewa Community Centre, 9am-12 noon. Forty stalls of second hand clothes, handbags, shoes and accessories. Free admission, bargains.
Ph 426 4690
Pharmacy Talk with Tania Adams
Pharmacist at Unichem Manly
Urinary Tract Infections Women and Plumbing. And no, I dont mean the kitchen sink... Women are eight times more likely to develop a Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) than men and it’s all to do with plumbing. It’s why your mother taught you to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. We are more susceptible to these infections because bugs from our “number 2’s” are in the same neighbourhood as entry to our urinary tract, and therefore easier for those bacteria to get in and cause trouble. UTIs occur when bacteria infect your bladder and urinary tract and cause swelling and irritation of the lining. You might suspect a UTI if you have some of these symptoms: burning or stinging when passing urine, need to pass urine more often, passing only small amounts of urine at a time, fever, feeling unwell, chills, vomiting, blood in the urine, discoloured, smelly or cloudy urine, pain in the lower stomach or lower back. Mild UTIs may go away without medical treatment. But the great news is that now an accredited pharmacist can supply you an antibiotic for treatment of a UTI, without a prescription, should you meet certain criteria. It’s always a good idea to check in with your pharmacist anyway as some of the symptoms can indicate a more serious condition. There are other things you can do to help yourself as well. Drink 2 to 3 glasses of water as soon as you feel the symptoms. Keep drinking as much water as you can (about 8 glasses in 24 hours). This can help flush bacteria out of your urinary tract. Avoid alcohol, fruit juices, strong coffee, tea or fizzy drinks as they tend to irritate the bladder and aggravate your symptoms. Use a hot water bottle on your stomach and/or take a pain reliever to help with any pain. You can drink urinary alkalinisers (available at your pharmacy). These make your urine less acid and help to reduce burning when passing urine. Have you ever heard of drinking cranberry juice for a UTI? Studies show that rather than drinking cranberry juice, supplements containing it’s active ingredient it may actually work as a preventative, by stopping bacteria from attaching to your bladder. Other preventative options are also available both natural products and prescription medicines. If you are suffering with recurrent infections, have a chat to your doctor or your pharmacist to find out which might be the best option for you. 53B Rawhiti Road, Manly Village Whangaparaoa Ph (09) 424 7708 Fax (09) 424 7427
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Manly Pharmacy
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40 | Hibiscusmatters | September 16, 2020
Silver Fern Michaela SokolichBeatson. Photo, Michael Bradley Photography
Arkles Bay netballer back in black From left, Pete Kramer. Akira Gardiner. Photos, Ross Malyon
Lifesaving excellence at local clubs Red Beach and Orewa Surf Lifesaving Clubs will have more silverware for their trophy cabinets, following a raft of wins at last week’s online Northern Regional Awards of Excellence. The awards were originally to be held last month, but the Level 3 lockdown caused a postponement, and the eventual holding of the awards online on September 9. The trophies themselves will be handed out when alert levels permit. Red Beach took out the Northern Region Junior Surf Championships and Masters Competition Club of the Year, as well as the Northern Region Championships award, while Orewa won the Northern Region Pool Championships and was named the region’s Junior Competition Club of the year. In the sports category, two young Orewa lifeguards were honoured – Amelia Bray for U14 Sportswoman of the Year and Kailen Brackebush for U14 Sportsman of the Year.
Akira Gardiner of Red Beach is the U16 Sportsman of the Year. Orewa’s Faron Turner is the joint winner of Volunteer of the Year – Faron also received a life membership to his club. He has played a huge role in patrolling, examining, instructing and mentoring. Benny Larsen, also of Orewa, is Examiner of the Year. Red Beach’s Pete Kramer was the recipient of the award for Outstanding Contribution to Power Craft, which recognises his work on IRB engine maintenance workshops. He is the chair of the club’s IRB racing committee, which has seen the formation of a female IRB crew for the first time in five years. Service awards went to Red Beach’s Richard Rogers, Ian Cairns and Craig Gledhill and Orewa’s Nicole Lafferty and Cameron Lockie. Red Beach’s Debra Cairns received her Distinguished Service Award, as did Trevor Keinzley and Benny Larsen of Orewa.
Do whispered sweet nothings need to be quite a lot louder these days?
After a ruptured Achilles tendon at the start of the year ended her netball season, Michaela SokolichBeatson did not expect to be back in the Silver Ferns GD bib anytime soon. She says being named in the 16-member squad last month came as a surprise. It is the result of some dedicated rehabilitation following an operation on her tendon (HM June 3). Her fitness met the very high standards required by the Ferns coach and selectors, even though she is still not able to play. “Things progressed a lot faster than I thought – I didn’t expect to be back until next year,” Michaela says. “I’m doing a lot of netball specific training on my own but am not ready for group training yet. My base fitness is there, but I have to build up again to my standard, and work on court craft.” Currently she is renegotiating her contract with the Mystics. At the end of this month, she will see her surgeon and hopes to be cleared to return to court. “I’m very excited and happy to be in the squad,” she says. The former Whangaparaoa College student, who is in the final year of PE study, was first selected for the Mystics in 2016 and went on to join the Silver Ferns in 2018.
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