Hibiscus Matters_Issue 272_20 November 2019

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November 20, 2019

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Foodbank shelves bare as Christmas looms

Community House manager Christine Alesbury says stocks of many staple items are critically low at the foodbank in Orewa.

Demand for food parcels, coupled with a drop in donations, has left the shelves and freezer at the Hibiscus Coast Community House’s foodbank in Orewa more or less empty. It’s not the first time this has happened as Christmas approaches and Hibiscus Coast Community House manager Christine Alesbury says that by the end of the year, their resources can be fully stretched. Last year a total of 480 food parcels were handed out – this year so far, the numbers are looking similar, with 416 parcels given out to the end of October, but meanwhile the amount of donations coming in has dropped. In addition, last year the foodbank provided local families in need with a record 137 Christmas food parcels – the Christmas packages are given out only on referral from agencies such as Parent Aid, Women’s Refuge and WINZ. Christine says demand for food is growing. “We have noticed there are a lot of new people coming through, including itinerant and homeless people or new residents.” Christine says. All the items stocked by the foodbank are either donated, or purchased by the Community House with limited resources that come from grants, donations and sales from its Western Reserve Op Shop. Local churches, businesses such as Railblaza in Silverdale, and charities Love Soup Hibiscus Coast and Rotary make

regular donations. One generous private donor from Gulf Harbour has been supporting the foodbank for years, funding its supply of Christmas chickens. Christine says right now many basic food items that are handed out with every parcel have almost gone – things like UHT milk, tea, coffee, simple breakfast cereals such as Weetbix and cornflakes, spreads, biscuits and crackers. continued page 2

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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


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November 20, 2019 – Issue 272 Hibiscus Matters: 21 Florence Ave, Orewa, 0931 General enquiries ph 427 8188

www.localmatters.co.nz Next issues: December 4 & 18 – Book your advertising now Editor: Terry Moore ph 427 8187 | terry@localmatters.co.nz News: MacKenzie Dyer ph 028 889 0418 | coastnews@localmatters.co.nz Graphic designer: Lorry McCarthy | hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz Advertising: Angela Gallagher ph 022 029 1895 | sellit@localmatters.co.nz Janet Moses ph 022 096 8517 | sales@localmatters.co.nz A division of Local Matters. Hibiscus Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated to more than 23,500 homes and businesses twice a month: Puhoi • Waiwera • Hatfields • Orewa • Silverdale • Millwater • Dairy Flat • Red Beach • Whangaparaoa Peninsula Views expressed in Hibiscus Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without editor’s permission is prohibited.

continued from p1

The foodbank has also had to dip into its resources to restock perishable food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, margarine, sausages and mince and the freezer is very low on pies, meat, loaves of bread and frozen vegetables. There are good supplies of some other staples such as noodles, pasta and rice – and, while there are plenty of tinned tomatoes following a big donation, tinned fish and petfood is very short. There are almost no gluten free and sugar free items left. Christine says they ask about allergies or special dietary needs when people need a food parcel and sometimes they have nothing in stock to meet those requirements. “Gluten free and other special foods, such as things suitable for diabetics, can be expensive to buy which is probably why they are not often donated,” she says. “We are pretty sure we’ll get enough special items for our Christmas parcels, but we’re desperate for the basic foods and anything that individuals, businesses or organisations in the community can spare would make all the difference to the people who come to us needing food,” Christine says. Sallies seek help with hampers The Hibiscus Coast Salvation Army’s foodbank is seeking assistance from the community to help it fill its Christmas hampers. This year, to date, its foodbank in Red Beach has handed out nearly 700 food parcels. The foodbank is stocked via regular donations from local Countdown supermarkets, Dad’s Pies and individuals. Hibiscus Coast Salvation Army captain/pastor Ben Schischka says that the number of food parcels it provides has gone up rapidly in the last couple of years. The foodbank is open once a week. “We might have given out 10 or 12 parcels in a big morning and now it’s crept up to 18-25 each time,” Ben says. The food parcels are available to anyone in need, and the Salvation Army also works with each person to

provide budgeting advice and other support. “We try not to be too clinical – we have it set up like a cafe, and one of the case workers will chat with each person and go from there,” he says. Ben says often the parcels go to people who have recently relocated to the area, single parents where broken relationships are taking a financial toll, and contract workers who are temporarily on a benefit. Last year, the local Salvation Army also filled 80 Christmas hampers with festive food and gifts and this year expects that a similar number will be needed. In particular, Christmas puddings, mince pies, tinned fruit and vegetables, fruit juice, soft drinks, gravy mix, Christmas crackers, biscuits and sweets are needed.

How you can help

Donations of non-perishable food (nothing past its use by date) can be dropped into the Community House in Western Reserve, Orewa (behind Estuary Arts Centre), during its opening hours, 10am–3pm weekdays, or left in the collection bins at Orewa New World or Kiwibank Orewa. Donations can be made until the Community House closes on December 13. • Donations for the Salvation Army’s Christmas hampers can be dropped off at the Hibiscus Coast Salvation Army Community Centre, 32 Greenview Lane, Red Beach, from 9am-12 noon on Tuesdays. Unwrapped gifts for children and teenagers would also be appreciated. Info: phone/leave a message on 426 0239.


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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



The new local board chair, Gary Brown, says although many people know him as an entertainer, he is no lightweight.

New team plans to shake up local board The new Hibiscus & Bays Local Board chair, Gary Brown, takes up the role with no political experience, but says logic and commonsense are what is required. Gary received the second highest number of votes for the Hibiscus subdivision of the local board – 6827 – and says he and two other members from the Coast People & Penlink First team were elected because there is a desire for change. “We campaigned on change and were elected because people are frustrated,” he says. “Once I got in I thought I’d better bite the bullet and stand for chair to make change more possible.” Originally Gary was contemplating standing for Mayor of Auckland, but says he decided it was better to first “get a handle on local matters, how the system works and what constituents want”. He says he’s always had an interest in politics, describing himself as “slightly right leaning” but, until now, kept that quiet. “As an entertainer, you can’t show an interest in politics, as it could affect your business,” he says. Gary has lived in the area for almost

50 years and is well known locally – particularly through high profile roles as an entertainer and Austin Powers impersonator, supporter of charities and businessman. Two of his businesses – Party Time and Elvis Has Left the Building (formerly Boulevard of Dreams) ended in voluntary liquidation. His entertainment business, Stage 51, has been operating since 2005. “Hopefully people will see that I understand the reality of highs and lows of business,” he says. The local board chair is paid $89,378 as it is expected to be a full time position, involving representing the board at regional and local level. Gary says because of this, he expects to cut back on the amount of performing he does but will continue when he can, in weekends. “I still need to have that outlet, and I hope to continue refereeing at North Harbour rugby too,” he says. The chair is also responsible for leading and maintaining conduct at local board meetings. Gary admits this will be a big undertaking. He has previously chaired meetings for sports and charity groups and says he is learning a lot as staff induct new members into local board procedures.

It is clear that he plans to hit the ground running at the local board’s first public meeting this week. “We want to be approachable and transparent with open forums, and workshops that are open to media and the public, apart from confidential items. We will also put a lot more on the board’s Facebook page.” As someone who made a number of presentations to the local board over the years on various issues, including the plan to move his star plaques on Orewa Boulevard, Gary says he knows first-hand that speeding up processes is key. “It’s important to sort out constituents’ issues quickly – things like maintenance, parks and playground issues, damaged footpaths,” he says. Among his other priorities are helping local clubs, such as the HBC Youth Centre, Orewa Sea Scouts and Orewa Surf Lifesaving Club, with their projects and bringing more tourists to the area. He knows that he has to prove himself. “It’s about me, [deputy chair] Victoria Short and the team doing the job we were employed for. When we start getting things done and people are being listened to, they will understand we are taking it seriously.”

Victoria Short

Deputy campaigned for culture change At 28 years of age, Victoria Short is the youngest member elected to the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board; she is also its new deputy chair. She was elected after standing as an independent in the Bays subdivison. Previously she worked in the electorate office of East Coast Bays MP Erica Stanford. She says much of this work involved advocating for constituents and that was what prompted her to stand for the local board. She says her views fit nicely with those of the Hibiscus members from Coast People & Penlink First. “I ran on a platform of change,” she says. “I want youth to take part and to educate people about the local board mandate. During the campaign I found there were a lot of people unhappy with the culture of the board and disappointed with how things are handled and the amount of time things take. We are community advocates and want them to be part of the process so people are not left out.”


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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


Ill-conceived extension

‘Why?’ has to be the question regarding AT’s latest project for Orewa on Hibiscus Highway between Riverside Road and Empire Road. What is the benefit to the community? I feel very strongly that this project is ill conceived and unnecessary and it surprises me that there are not more letters coming in regarding this matter. From the artist’s impression (HM October 2) it is obvious there will be disastrous repercussions if this ill-planned proposal goes ahead. It is not part of the town centre and is one of the busiest roads on the coast, being the twin coast tourist route and a major thoroughfare for locals. It’s a road! Beautifying it with planted medians and creating a pedestrian friendly precinct at the cost of $1.3 million defies belief. From the northern end at Pine Road there is a roundabout that slows traffic, then each side of the road are bus stops for the National busline. The road is too narrow for a median and it will block entrance and exit to the driveways of the businesses and several residences on the western side of the road. Then there is an existing pedestrian crossing. The next stretch taking up at least a third of that road is one of the busiest service stations in the area and the last one till Warkworth. Therefore the median area of the road is in constant use with vehicles so can’t be blocked off. Angle


What’s on your mind? Readers are welcome to air their views. We do not publish abusive or unsigned letters. Letters may be abridged and full versions are at localmatters.co.nz/opinion. Address on p2 or e:terry@localmatters.co.nz

parking is also an illogical idea as the road is too narrow, unless land is taken from the reserve. Backing out would be a nightmare and the potential risk of accidents and also potential injury as people unload their boots onto the road usually with children and animals present. There is a huge public carpark with overflow parking onto the reserve in busy periods, so why is AT trying to squeeze a few more in? It appears there has been little research into this scheme and perhaps it was conceived by computer using Google Earth as AT does not have any idea of how much impact this could have on the community. Linda Holden, Stanmore Bay (abridged) Editor’s note: There will be public consultation on these plans. For the latest on the timing of that, see story p9.

at the landowner’s request. All this will be is a sea of homes and a flood of commuters back and forth every day. Mark Davis, Gulf Harbour

Phil quiet on Penlink How can Phil Goff write a column for our local newspaper (HM November 6) and not even mention the most important transport issue we face locally? He should be banned from your pages until he is prepared to positively move Penlink forward. He remains as out of touch with voters and our needs and local aspirations as he was in his first term. John Davies, Orewa

Two becomes 22 A couple of figures in particular from your article on growth in this area (HM November 6) have stuck with me. That development in Red Beach – two houses taken away, 22 sites created. Two becomes 22 – ain’t that just the way it’s going on the Hibiscus Coast! Leslie Brand, Orewa


Katherine Gibson of Stanmore Bay, who won the Nectavia package of flavoured honeys. Thanks to all who entered – there are a lot of honey-lovers out there! Congratulations also to Lesley Nixon of Manly, who won a copy of the book Human Kindness. Thanks to all who entered.

Horrific homes The horrific numbers of new homes which will be built around here (HM November 6), on top of all the ones already being developed, is making the Coast as congested and polluted as any inner city area. But without the benefits. Some of those areas, specifically the one behind the park and ride, were originally zoned for business, providing local jobs. But Council allowed that to be changed

Love Food, Hate Waste crowned its first ‘scrap food champions’ at their cookoff competition on Friday November 8. Team Fabulous Foodies, with members, from left, Christine Muir, Marilyn Erne, Florence Tole, Margie Loftus and Yana White, were voted the best of nine participating teams. The rescued food used for the competition was provided by Countdown Ōrewa.

Collecting some Christmas cheer Our annual Christmas collection is underway. At this time of year, Hibiscus Matters’ Orewa office turns into a festive hub, providing a collection point for Christmas treats to help support families in need. We are collecting donations of nonperishable ‘treat’ foods – the kind of things that you would like to find in your Christmas stocking. We are also asking local businesses to donate vouchers for their goods

or services that we can pass on to people in need, to help them through the season. Christmas is coming up super fast, and there are only three weeks for individuals and businesses to get donations in to us. Anyone is welcome to drop off non-perishable food, or vouchers, to Hibiscus Matters’ office at 21 Florence Avenue, Orewa (opposite the AA) during working hours right

up until Monday, December 16. Please note we are not able to accept any wrapped, or unwrapped, gifts. Everything donated will be given to Whangaparaoa Police for their Christmas Community collection (see story p11), Hibiscus Coast Community House’s foodbank (see story p1) and Love Soup Hibiscus Coast, which has a free Christmas dinner, and will also hand out Christmas hampers (see p11).

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Together, we can help make Christmas Day something to look forward to for all Coasties. Terry Moore, Editor

November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |


Ninja turtle found after nine months on the run A pet turtle that escaped its enclosure in Manly nine months ago has been reunited with its owner. Samantha Draper has had her eightyear old red eared slider turtle Donna and a male turtle, Mike, for four years. She describes them as adventurous escape artists – curious and able to move quite fast. It’s not the first time that one, or both of them, have been lost at various times. Normally they live in a tank inside, but in summer they enjoy spending time in a small pond enclosed by a puppy playpen fence in the back garden. They scale the 1m fence to get away. “Usually we find them in the neighbour’s garden the next day, so I wasn’t worried at first when Donna went missing last February,” Samantha says. After searching drains and other areas for her, and posting on Facebook with no luck, she had almost given up hope. On November 2, a Facebook post about a turtle that had been found on Whangaparaoa Road in Little Manly proved to be Donna, identified by unique markings on the underside of her shell. The lucky turtle was found by Chevania Johnson, who took her to the zoo. Sally at Zoo Ventures told Samantha that it was possible Donna had found a safe haven or been cared for by others while she was gone as aquatic turtles only eat insects and vegetation when they are in fresh water. Whatever happened in the last few months, it is obvious that Donna has

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had an adventure and near miss or two. Her shell has been damaged and she was lighter and very hungry. “She’s loving the prawns and fish I’ve been feeding her,” Samantha says. She and her mate, Mike, appeared happy to see each other – Mike had been less active while Donna was gone. Samantha says she will find a way to keep Donna safely and permanently contained. “This cannot happen ever again, as next time I don’t think we’d be as fortunate,” Samantha says. “I’m so happy to have her back.”

Flying fox or pendulum for Everard playground?

The Everard Reserve playground in Army Bay is getting a makeover, and the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board is seeking community input. The plans include moving the play area down the hill and changing some activities and materials. Climbing, swinging and sliding acitivities will be catered for, and a sheltered picnic area and planting are proposed. A key choice still to be made is whether to have a big pendulum swing, or a flying fox. To see the plan and have your say, look for Everard Reserve Playground Renewal at aucklandcouncil.govt.nz. Feedback needs to be in before November 29.


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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019






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Teacher aides care for some of the most vulnerable kids in schools, yet 90 percent of them are paid less than the Living Wage. It is their job to work with children who have special needs of all kinds, supporting them to make progress within the school system. The children they assist face mental, emotional, behavioural or physical challenges. The work can be difficult and stressful – a combination of healthcare worker and teacher. It can include managing challenging behaviour on a daily basis. Last week teacher aides took part in action to draw attention to collective agreement negotiations with the Ministry of Education, which have been stalled for months with no offer forthcoming, as well as pay equity negotiations. The union for school support staff, NZEI Te Riu Roa, is seeking minimum pay equal to the Living Wage, $21.15 per hour. It also wants to change the pay model to give these staff more certainty. Currently teacher aides’ pay comes from sources that include funding attached to individual children. Schools top this up from operations budgets. More than 60 percent are on fixed term contracts, with no certainty of employment and no pay over the holidays. NZEI Auckland field officer Amanda Alsweiler says 90 percent of teacher

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aides are paid under, or well under, the Living Wage, and a high percentage are on minimum wage, $17.70 per hour. included Last week’s action encouraging MPs to work as teacher aides for a day, posting stories online and hosting morning teas where they talked to teachers about what’s going on. “Often teachers don’t know a lot about teacher aides’ pay and the issues they face – for instance that they don’t get paid over the school holidays,” Amanda says. Merinda Jeffs has been a teacher aide at Orewa North Primary for seven years. She was originally paid $15 per hour and now gets a little over minimum wage. She says teachers at her school are very supportive. Recently they made signs displaying what teacher aides mean to them, which included “we couldn’t do it without you”, and “give our teacher aides what they deserve”. What keeps Merinda in the job is the children. “The reward of helping these children is powerful and that’s why we stick around – it’s certainly not the pay,” she says. “There are 30 or so children in a class, so teachers don’t get one-on-one like we do. We develop a rapport with the kids and they tell us things they don’t share with anyone else.” She says teacher aides would like to go on strike, but need the numbers to make an impact. Many are not union members, which Merinda says is mainly because they can’t afford the fees. Amanda says the mood is increasingly angry but because many of the support workers don’t have security of employment, they are uncertain about taking action. “They are ‘the silent army’,” she says. “They are on the education frontline, but have been quiet and put up with a lot. I think they are over it.”

November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



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Out of 31 international cities, Auckland ranks second on the City Mobility Index according to the study by the Kantar Group – a London-based “data, insights and consulting” company. The study measured the ease of movement around and through the urban area. It considered income equality, transport costs versus income, public transport network versus population size, availability of public transport and motorisation rate (the number of cars per 1000 inhabitants). The data came from more than 20,000 commuter interviews, along with interviews with 53 leading mobility experts. Auckland Transport’s executive general manager of integrated networks, Mark Lambert, says that the report reinforces the approach that AT has taken with the redesign of a connected and integrated public transport system.

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First up – a big thank you for all the support I received from the Hibiscus Coast in the recent election. It’s a great privilege to represent our beautiful area and a responsibility I don’t take lightly, so thank you once again for the opportunity. As far as voting turnout went, the Hibiscus Coast was again up the top end of Auckland locations – so good on those who voted. In other parts of Auckland, party politics were very much evident in the recent election. North of the bridge such politics have generally been rejected by local communities, who view it as inappropriate for local government. That’s because party politics can result in ‘block voting’ where councillors vote the way they’re directed to – irrespective of the merits or otherwise of specific issues. Unfortunately we saw a bit of that in the last term of council. Time will quickly tell if the party influence this time around is an unwelcome intrusion into council processes. In the meantime there is to be a review of Auckland’s Council Controlled Organisations. The standing joke is that someone forgot to put the prefix ‘un’ before the word ‘controlled’ for these large corporations that deal with 75 percent of council’s total business. Not so funny is the fact that in a number of instances they are actually out of control. In my view, at least two of them could be quickly incorporated back into the council, with significant financial and operational advantages to ratepayers. Cr Wayne Walker and I have formally requested that the public be given the chance to have direct input into this review, for there are individuals and groups who have valuable experiences to convey in terms of their personal dealings with CCOs. These need to be heard. Not messing around with reviews is the new Hibiscus and Bays Local Board who have quickly picked up on the efforts of David Cooper and Caitlin Watson in the last term to have workshops opened up to the public and the press. There’s not much point whining on about low voter turnout when you’re shutting people and reporters out of meetings. So good on the new board for making it clear they’ll be changing that ‘policy’ from the get-go. Locally, construction on the new bus terminal at Silverdale got underway last month and will result in a large, modern facility for people travelling by bus. Similarly with the NZTA Northern Motorway Improvements Project, flying ahead just down the road. These improvements will make a huge difference for Coast commuters travelling south. Ultimately it’s the efficient delivery of such services and the leadership qualities of those involved that will foster a greater sense of civic engagement. Here’s to more of that then, over the next three years.


| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019












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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



The RSA has applied for resource consent for this new community facility.

Hibiscus Community RSA reveals new clubhouse design The latest design for the Hibiscus Coast Community RSA’s new clubrooms went before Auckland Council for resource consent recently. The final proposal has been developed over more than a year after initial plans proved unworkable due to geotechnical issues. As a result, the site of the building on the club’s land in Vipond Road, Whangaparaoa, has been relocated to

the vicinity of the bowling green. The redevelopment is a rescue package for the club, which has struggled to survive financially. To fund the build, and support its operations in future, the club is proposing to subdivide its adjacent site at 20 Melia Place, and part of its Vipond Road site, into 23 lots for residential development. A proposed sale of 20 Melia Place to a developer

in 2017 fell through. RSA executive committee and building committee member Norm Greenall says key to the plan currently before Council was the preservation of memorials, ceremonial areas and vegetation, including the cenotaph and the plaques and ashes buried in the wall on the Vipond Road driveway. It was also important to make provision for the club’s hosting of commemorations,

such as Anzac Day. The new, 2-storey building will provide a modern, light and airy “community friendly” space with a restaurant, bar, multi-purpose hall for functions as well as facilities such as toilets and car parks. Council planners are assessing the proposal, and no decision regarding public notification has yet been made.

Liaison group slows Ōrewa Boulevard public consultation Auckland Transport (AT) is to set up a ‘community liaison’ group before it finally puts its plan for the $1.3 million Orewa Boulevard extension out for public consultation. AT spokesperson Mark Hannan says the liaison group will include the business and residents’ association, Bike Auckland and the local board. He says once that’s done, the aim is to put the plan out for public

consultation – ideally this month. “But if it gets too close to the holidays and we may have to wait until February,” he says. The local board first approved the project in April 2018 and consultation was originally expected to take place last May. The extension of Orewa Boulevard, from Riverside Road to Empire Road is being paid for out of the Hibiscus &

Bays Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund and will be managed by AT. It is expected to include a pedestrian crossing, paved footpath, angle parking on the beach side, street lighting and traffic islands with planting. The estimated cost of $1.3 million went up by $100,000 recently when the local board agreed to add a 3.5m wide shared pedestrian/cycleway on the seaward side (HM September 4).

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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



Support sought for community Christmas lunch Preparations are underway to ensure everyone on the Hibiscus Coast gets a chance to enjoy good kai and good company on Christmas Day. The annual Orewa Community Christmas Lunch, which has been running for around 19 years, is free of charge and is usually attended by 100-180 people. It is organised by The Salt Community Trust and made possible by donations from churches, businesses and individuals. The Trust is asking local businesses if they can lend a hand to help make this year’s lunch a success. Event coordinator Deb Hunt says the main thing needed is support from local businesses. “As you can imagine, it costs a fair bit to put on a free Christmas lunch for so many people, so we’d

gratefully receive any donations,” she says. “We have a big range of ages and backgrounds joining us each year. It’s a wonderful, relaxed place to be on Christmas Day, and a great way to get to know others in the community. There’s no need to make a reservation – just show up on the day and we will make sure you’re taken care of. Our guests come for so many different reasons – we just want to make sure no one’s hungry or in need of company on Christmas Day.” Deb says putting on the lunch is a big community effort. “So many locals help out, not just on the day but also in the lead up to it and packing up afterwards. It’s inspiring to see the way Coasties look after each other,” she says.

The event will be held at the Orewa Community Centre, 368 Hibiscus Coast Highway, on Christmas Day, 11.30am-2pm. Info and donations: email christmas@salttrust.org.nz

Lovely free dinner

Love Soup Hibiscus Coast is also providing a free Christmas feast for the community, on December 22 at Whangaparaoa Hall, starting at 5pm. Last year 220 people joined the festivities, which include a visit from Santa. This year Love Soup director Julie King says they are asking people to pre-register by filling out the form on the Love Soup Hibiscus Coast Facebook page, so they can cater for the right numbers and know how many children are attending.

Police sharing the love at Christmas Last year, Whangaparaoa Police’s inaugural collection of Christmas food was a big success, with 20 families benefiting from the generosity of Hibiscus Coast residents. Watchhouse officer Charlotte Jones says the gratitude from recipients was touching. “Several shed tears,” Charlotte says. “Parcels were made up to suit each person’s needs, and we received comments like ‘I can now spend money on presents for the children’.” Over the year Police attend homes where low income families, elderly people and beneficiaries are barely coping. In an effort to reduce stress over this busy period, as well as spreading some good cheer, food parcels will again be delivered by Police at Christmas to these vulnerable people. Police are asking the community to drop off non-

perishable ‘luxury’ items into the collection boxes at Whangaparaoa or Orewa Police stations. Waitemata North officer in charge of youth and community, Sgt Nick Herd, says recipients included recently widowed parents who can feel isolated at this time of year. “The festive period can be especially difficult and these small gestures remind people that they are part of a wider community that cares and wants to reach out to them. A small gesture can have an immeasurable impact,” he says. He says this is also an opportunity to show children that Christmas is as much about giving as it is about receiving. “Encourage children to choose a luxury grocery item to donate as you do your weekly shopping – things like confectionary, biscuits, dried fruit, chips, spreads, coffee, cake mixes or special sauces. Giving

Collecting for the community are Whangaparaoa Police, clockwise from back, left, Snr Constables Bernie Watt and Bryan Ward, Sgt Nick Herd, Constables Dane Myburgh and Jasmin Burgess. Front, from left, Snr Constable Mike Brown and Watchhouse Officer Charlotte Jones.

unselfishly generates good feelings and is an important reminder that every community needs to help those who are less fortunate than themselves.”

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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


Keep an eye out for tents like these this summer.

Guides devastated

Sharna Salthouse says clothes are already rolling in for the big swap at Whangaparaoa Community Hub.

Big response to Coast clothing swap Clothing swaps have taken off as a way to refresh your wardrobe, and one is being held in Whangaparaoa on November 30. The idea is that you exchange clothes that you no longer wear with other people. The swaps started off with small and informal exhanges at swapmeet parties or between friends but now large, public clothes swaps can attract hundreds of bargain hunters. Not only popular for affordability, clothing swaps also make good environmental sense, preventing unwanted clothing going into landfill. A clothing swap next weekend in Manly looks likely to draw a crowd. Organiser Sharna Salthouse says a large number of clothes have already been dropped off, and more than 300 people responded when they saw the event posted on social media. Sharna, a real estate agent with Telos Group, says she has always shopped second hand and loves it because

it’s a cheaper and more sustainable way to go. “These days there are so many clothes we don’t wear any more, and leave at the back of our wardrobe,” she says. “Normally I donate them to Hospice but this way you can recycle – and get something back.” The event will be held at the Whangaparaoa Community Hub, 707 Whangaparaoa Road, on Saturday, November 30, 10.30am-2.30pm. Tables will be set up according to clothing size to make things easy to find. Volunteers will be there to help. You can swap every piece of clothing that you bring (in good, clean condition) for another piece. Alternatively you can pay $3 per item with the money going to the Community Hub. You can bring along as many items as you want, but the maximum anyone can take away is 10 pieces. Clothes can be dropped off before the event, or brought along on the day. Info: look for Whangaparaoa Clothing Swap on Facebook.

A shed at the back of the Ōrewa Guide den has been broken into and all of the Guides’ camping gear stolen. Stolen items include three large Coleman tents worth around $1000 each, five smaller Kathmandu Retreat30 tents worth around $200 each, multiple gas cookers and four 40litre tubs filled with all of the group’s pots, pans and cooking utensils. Guides unit team leader Clare Grimwood says it took years of fundraising to purchase the camping items. Most of the money came from local sales of Girl Guide biscuits. “Devastated doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling,” she says. The burglary at the den, 224 Centreway Rd, Ōrewa, was discovered on the morning of Saturday, November 2. The shed, which will now not be used to store anything of value, has had its lock replaced since the break-in, by Gary’s Garden Sheds. All the tents have either Ōrewa Guides or Ōrewa Rangers written on them and Clare says she hopes people will keep an eye out for them when camping over summer. Meanwhile, with insurance details still being processed by Guides Christchurch head office, it is unclear as yet what will be replaced and when. “The Rangers were hoping to go camping on November 23, but that is not likely to happen,” Clare says. To report information regarding the burglary, contact Ōrewa police.


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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |

localbusiness Denise Ritchie

Janet Hope

Barbara Kendall

Coast women recognised among country’s best

One hundred Kiwi women have been recognised for their contribution to women’s empowerment, and the Coast’s Janet Hope, Denise Ritchie and Barbara Kendall are among them. They have been chosen by Zonta, an international club that advocates for women’s rights, in celebration of its 100th birthday. The club named their first 50 women in 2016 followed by 50 more on November 8 this year, creating Zonta NZ’s 100 Women of Achievement list. The Hibiscus Coast Zonta Club’s Janet Hope has been part of Zonta, as a member, treasurer and now president, for more than 15 years. During that time, she has taken part in countless fundraisers for community organisations. She had a 33-year long career with NZ Police, which included encouraging women to apply for senior positions, and was recognised for outstanding female leadership by the Australasian Council of Women in Policing. Barrister Denise Ritchie founded Stop

Demand in 2003, an organisation that works to prevent sexual violence and exploitation. She was the driving force behind NZ law reforms on child sex tourism in 1995, and child sex abuse images in 2005, and speaks internationally about the issues women face. More recently, she travelled to Nigeria, (HM October 15, 2018) to deliver 2000 menstrual cups to women in refugee camps. Windsurfing Olympian Barbara Kendall worked with the International Olympic Committee for 12 years, advocating for the rights of female athletes. Currently, she sits on the International Olympic Committee’s Women in Sport Commission, is vice president of the International Surfing Federation, and works with various other organisations in the realms of sport, the environment and artificial intelligence. The 100 Women of Achievement will be celebrated at a dinner hosted by the Auckland Zonta Club on November 25.

Choir performs songs for a Starry Night

Songs inspired by the sky will be performed at the Hibiscus Coast Singers’ Starry Night concert to be held at Red Beach Methodist Church on December 7 and 8. The theme celebrates the moon landing’s 50th anniversary and features the song O Fair Moon, which the choir commissioned their regular accompanist, Michael Bell, to write. The performance will showcase a range of styles, including pop tracks Rocket Man by Elton John and Space Oddity by David Bowie. The Hibiscus Coast Singers perform two concerts per year, each with a different theme. The group say they were excited to perform to full houses at their last concert. Tickets cost $25 for adults, $20 for students and seniors and children under 12 are free. They can be purchased at the door, or by contacting Robyn Haydon on 021 563 304. Performances start at 2pm. Info: .hbcsingers.com

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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


Student swaps with Principal

Ali Arsan, left, and David Kaya

n I N T R O D U C I N G

Tasca Beach

A new spot for Spanish food has opened along the Ōrewa beachfront, inspired by the Costa Brava’s fresh Mediterranean fare. Tasca Beach is a Spanish café, restaurant and tapas bar, serving dinner every day from 5pm, as well as brunch from 9.30am, Friday to Sunday. “It seemed such a natural fit to open on the Hibiscus Coast,” co-owner Ali Arsan says. “The Coast is very relaxed, with a stunning beachfront for everyone to have fun and enjoy good times.” Tasca is already established in Auckland with two other restaurants in Newmarket and Mt Eden. It has two sister restaurants called Lokanta and Carmen Jones. “I own all of my restaurants with my wife Michelle, and our close family friends Zeki Kizilata and Clare Hindmarsh,” he says. “We are very much a hands-on family business.” Lokanta’s head chef, David Kaya, has joined Tasca Beach, working not only as

a chef, but as Ali’s new business partner. “I’m looking forward to having changing specials on the menu and proving that delicious is also healthy in Ōrewa,” he says. After meeting his Kiwi wife, Michelle, overseas, Ali moved to New Zealand from his homeland of Turkey. He has lived in New Zealand for 30 years and has been working in the food industry since. He started by importing Mediterranean ingredients, before he and his business partners opened their first Spanish restaurant, Tasca on Vulcan Lane, around 14 years ago. Ali travels to Europe every few years. “Going to Spain gives me plenty of inspiration to bring back to my restaurants,” he says. Ali and David say their menu’s highlights are the skewered grilled swordfish and seafood paella for the main, and cheesecake and churros for dessert. “We look forward to people sitting outside on the promenade and relaxing with a crisp glass of Spanish cava, Rosé or a great coffee.”

Dairy Flat School principal Debbie Marshall had a day off on Friday, November 8 when her job was taken over by Year 5 student Saxon Parker. Being ‘principal for a day’ was a silent auction prize, won by Saxon’s grandfather. “We basically paid $130 to get me out of class for the day,” Saxon says. For his day in the boss’ chair, Saxon requested a mufti day and a wheels day, where students got to ride their bikes and scooters during class time. “Each house gets a turn at their colour being the mufti theme, and this time just happened to be green’s turn, which is my house.” The mufti money ($2 per child) was put towards greenhouse improvements. Saxon also extended lunch by an hour, giving his mates almost two hours of break time. He proved himself as a responsible leader by declining some of the

Saxon decided not to adopt the name Mr Parker during his day as principal.

suggestions from his peers. “I have a crazy friend who said I should spend the school’s money, throw a pool party and take Mrs Marshall’s car for a ride,” he says. Saxon’s more official principal duties included running the school’s morning assembly, using Mrs Marshall’s office, and being interviewed by the paper.

Student business best for culture

Coconut Collections (HM November 6) received a Cultural Excellence Award at the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) Auckland North regionals held at the end of last month. The business, created by Whangaparāoa College Year 13 students Skye Cloete and Teata Iosefa, makes Māori and Polynesian learning booklets for schools to encourage engagement in culture. Coconut Collections was one of the top eight YES businesses in the region, earning them a spot at the regionals. They began their pitch by presenting the judges with leis and a copy of their first product, The Māori Collection. Skye and Teata say being recognised for cultural excellence reflects what they are trying to achieve with their business.

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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



Colour drenching raises funds for Stanmore Bay Stanmore Bay is the latest school to add a colour run to its fundraising calendar, hosting its first Colour Blast on Friday November 1. Event organiser and Stanmore Bay PTA member, Nicky Morrow, says hosting the colour run was a great way to engage students from all year levels. “Some seniors can become a bit too cool for events such as discos, but everyone – even the adults – had a great time at the Colour Blast,” she says. Students agreed that the event was lots of fun, but the biggest challenge was keeping the powder, made from cornflour and food grade colour dyes, out of their mouths. “It tasted like dried pasta covered in flour,” Jayden Stace, Year 6, says. Runners were squirted with water to help the colours stick, before they ran over hurdles, through tunnels and under cargo nets, while being showered with colour. After the run, each age group was showered in even more colour as they each threw their own bag of paint powder into the air. Separating the powder into individual paper bags for every student was a task Nicky, with the help of other school parents, took on at Nicky’s house. “My garage is still pretty colourful at the moment,” she laughs. Around $1463 worth of paint packs were purchased for the event, Nicky says. The PTA tried to make the event as close to a zero waste event as possible by using paper bags instead of plastic and reusing all parts of the obstacle course. The event raised around $6500. The money will go towards putting Astroturf on the school’s top court, which will cost $24,000.

Students get lost in a cloud of colour.

From left, Stevie Hawkins and Kyle Tomlinson mid-run.

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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


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Night Skies with James Smith, Hibiscus Coast Astronomical Society hibiscuscoastastronomy@gmail.com

Exploring evening skies At this time of year, we can go out and enjoy exploring the evening sky without the chill of winter. Even those who prefer to go to bed early can enjoy seeing a few interesting things in the early evening sky. If we go out at around 8.30pm, we find that the sky is still quite light. But looking towards the west, we can start to see a few stars out. One in particular is lower on the horizon, hanging just above the last rays of sunlight. This is Venus. If you observe Venus with a good pair of binoculars, or a small telescope, you may be able to see her ‘in phase’ – just like our moon. Depending on the day, you could see her quarter full, half full, or full and shining in all her glory. A little higher in the sky, we notice another very bright star to the right. This is another fantastic thing to observe with binoculars. This star is the king of the planets – the mighty Jupiter. With a good pair of binoculars, you will be able to see up to four of Jupiter’s moons. These are the same moons that Galileo first observed with his rudimentary telescope. There are apps for your phone that can show you the positions of the moons at the time of observing, as well as their names. If you have never seen a moon besides our own, then this will be a fantastic experience. A bit higher and to the right, there is another brighter star, although not as bright as Jupiter. This is awe-inspiring Saturn. To observe Saturn, you will need a small telescope. At present, Saturn is easy to find and perfectly situated for viewing her rings. If you have never seen Saturn’s rings and don’t have a telescope, visit a friend who has one, or come to an Astronomical Society meeting where you can get the opportunity to see them. Almost directly above you will be the moon. The best time to observe the moon is when it is not full. When the moon is not full, the angle of the sun’s rays hitting the moon create shadows around and inside the craters, making them much easier to see. Binoculars are the best and easiest tool for viewing the moon. Although it is visible all night long, viewing the Southern Cross is not easy at this time of year. It will be lying very close to the southern horizon, with the two pointers, Rigil Kent and Hadar, prominently seen above it. You will need a very clear horizon to see it properly. In a particularly dark area, you will be able to see the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Extremely close and above the Small Cloud, you may be able to make out the 47 Tuc globular cluster with the naked eye. It will appear as a very faint fuzzy star. Otherwise use binoculars to view this amazing cluster of around 500,000 stars. If you are the romantic type, take your special person to a dark sky area, lie on a blanket and look up at the stars. Position yourself so that you are looking roughly towards the north-east and wait. At this time of year, there are various meteor showers happening and they will be coming from this part of the sky. Don’t forget that there are various apps and programs to help you explore the evening skies. Sky Map for Android phones, Star Walk 2 for iPhone and Stellarium for your PC. Take advantage of our warm weather and start exploring our amazing southern night sky.


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THE FUTURE OF FITNESS IS COMING TO THE HIBISCUS COAST BlueFit is the World’s first Virtual Fitness facility opening at 198 Centreway Road, Orewa. Come and experience fitness on a whole new level. Phone: 09 426 8492 bluefit.nz

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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |


So you want to run a Half Marathon? Physiotherapist, Karen Donaldson-Barron

With summer on its way we have a number of local events, including the MTF Get Moving Festival run/ walk series, about to start. This year there’s a half marathon in Orewa on March 22 as the final event (HM October 23). But how do you build up to run your first half marathon smart and injury free, so you enjoy the experience? Here are some tips: Have a plan and progress slowly If you’re just starting out or returning from injury there’s nothing wrong with walk/run intervals. Using a guide like the ‘Couch to 5km Training Plan’, which has its own app (rockay.com/blog/ how-to-go-from-couch-to-5k-trainingplan/) can help you avoid getting over excited and progressing too quickly. Alternatively, start with a five minute walk warm up, one minute jog, four minute walk for 20-30minutes every second day. Each week increase the jog by one minute and reduce the walk by one minute until you starting to string together 5-10 minutes of consistent running. Once you are running 30kms per week, try to keep your weekly mileage increases to 10 percent per week. Address injuries early Running is a high impact and repetitive sport so whether you’re new to running or you’re an experienced athlete expect a few “niggles” ignoring them won’t make them go away so

motivated and committed to your training and goals. Consistency in training is key, so if you are not intrinsically motivated then having a coach, training group or friend can help you stay accountable for your training and motivated through celebrating your own success and that of your mates. Running doesn’t have to be a lonely or solo sport. Fortunately we have a fantastic running community on the coast. Check out the Hibiscus Coast Running, Go Run Girls, and Go Run Guys Facebook groups and the Millwater Park Run weekly 5km events to help connect you with likeminded people. Hibiscus Matters is a proud sponsor of the MTF Get Moving Festival

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McClennans walk for Da

Following the recent tragic death of their grandfather, rugby league coach and player Mike McClennan, the McClennan family of Manly will be walking/running in the Omaha Half Marathon to raise funds for the Dementia Auckland Trust. The event is on December 1. “As a family, we want to ensure all care homes have the security needed for patients with dementia and to promote safety with your heads when playing sports,” Mike’s granddaughter Katie says. Info and to donate: look for Walk for Da at everydayhero.com/nz/

Defib at Victor Eaves learn how to manage them. This could be through foam roller massage, sports massage, support/taping, stretching, ice, rest, change of foot wear, strengthening, cross training or modifying your training loads – changing your training pace, surfaces, mileage, terrain and so on. Navigating the field of injury management takes some experience and sound advice so consult a physiotherapist if you’re not sure what your body needs and want to develop a clear plan. Make a commitment There is always a buzz of excitement when you sign up for an event, however if that event is too far away then you will need to schedule smaller events in the build up to keep you

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A defibrillator has been installed outside the Orewa Tennis clubhouse in Victor Eaves Park, Florence Ave, Orewa. This was made possible by the joint efforts of the Tennis Club, Badminton Club, Sharks Sports, the Hibiscus Coast mid-week Badminton Group and St John. Orewa Tennis Club veterans representative Pam Naylor says Veterans Tennis members were particularly generous in their support. The project cost more than $2750 and the device is accessible 24/7 to anyone using the facilities in Victor Eaves Park and surrounding area. Pam says the club is now seeking sponsorship to fund the ongoing maintenance costs. If you can help, phone Pam, 021 394 966. For more health stories visit our website localmatters.co.nz


| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


Health with Tania Adams, pharmacist tania.adams@unichemmanly.co.nz


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Pharmacies under pressure Every day I feel privileged to serve my community and look after their health needs. After all, as the saying goes, “the pharmacist is the health professional you see most often”. Whether you have a sore throat, a bite on your arm or even a bladder infection, you come and see your pharmacist for help. I’ll ask you quite a few questions, just to check what’s going on for you. Every day I triage. I help where I can, I advise different treatments, lifestyle changes, little things that you can do to help yourself get better, or even to dial 111 right now – that happens sometimes too! Sometimes I will find a product to help ease the pain, settle the redness or treat your infection. Sometimes you buy something from the pharmacy, sometimes you don’t. But the advice your pharmacist gives is free and I’ll send you on to the doctor if it appears that your condition could be more serious. Because that is what your community pharmacist does. We want to help you. Twenty five percent of Emergency Department admissions to the hospital are for medicine related events – either taking too much medicine, taking too little medicine, taking the wrong medicine or taking the right medicine at the wrong time. A chat with your community pharmacist is all you need to prevent much of that. Making sure you know what to do with your medicines and how to get the best from them is all part of my job. I only ask you for the $5 prescription tax that I collect on behalf of the government because they take it from me. When you buy from the internet or go to a discount pharmacy, I am not sure who you ask – who would tell you that you just need a painkiller or if you need to go straight to hospital to save your arm? Imagine not having a community pharmacy service available. What would you do? A healthcare system that is subsidised by selling you perfume, nappies and toilet cleaner is not a sustainable healthcare system for you or your family for the future. A lot of my pharmacist colleagues are worried about community pharmacy right now. With cost pressures mounting and discounting rife, there is certainly cause for us to be nervous. If people continue to shop online and get prescriptions at discount pharmacies, this advice will no longer be available. It is only with the support of customers that community pharmacy services can be here in the future so that when you have a question there will be someone to ask.

Ag Days help schools

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Local Ag Days have raised significant funds this spring. Dairy Flat School’s Ag Day last month raised $23,362 including $8968 from the silent auction and $3634 from the raffle. Other big contributors were games $2124, and the White Elephant $1516. Silverdale School’s Country Show Day raised around $46,099 which will be used to add to the playgrounds, provide more shade and new outside tables, as well as teaching resources.

HIBISCUS COAST LOCALS WITH HEARING LOSS We’re inviting people in the Hibiscus Coast area to trial our latest Oticon Opn STM hearing aid range, for free.* They’re stylish, discreet and have a rechargeable option too. To enjoy speech understanding on par with normal hearing, call Audika now on 0800 004 185 and mention this ad to book your free* hearing check, or visit audika.co.nz

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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |


Orewa Santa Session all in a good Claus Don’t be surprised to see the bars and restaurants of Orewa filled with people dressed as Santas, reindeers and elves on December 1. Orewa Lions is bringing its inaugural Orewa Santa Session – an R18, Christmas-themed charity event, to town. It is styled after one that has been held in Manly, Sydney for more than 15 years, attracting around 1000 participants. Last year the Manly Santa Sunday Session raised around $40,000 for charity. Organiser of the Orewa Santa Session, Clive Hebben, says the Sydney event has given its blessing to this new spinoff. Participants, dress in festive style, pay $20 and get a wristband that gives them access to special food and drink offers at eight bars in Orewa. The dress code is anything Christmas-related. “Some people get fully into it and wear Santa costumes and baubles, but you can also just put on a Santa hat or reindeer antlers,” Clive says. “We are

Orewa Lions hope to grow the event until there is “a sea of Santas”, as happens at the Sydney event, pictured.

not expecting anything the size of the Sydney event this year, but we hope to make it an annual event and grow it year by year into a massive fundraiser.” All the participating bars will have live music on the day. The event runs from 2pm-7pm. The idea is for participants to have a great time in the lead up to Christmas, and to raise as much as possible for the mental health support organisation I

Am Hope. Clive says it’s the first time the event has been held in New Zealand and ticket sales are going well. Orewa Lions hope to raise as much as $10,000 for I Am Hope from ticket sales, donations by participating businesses and public donations put in buckets on the day. Tickets: look for Orewa Santa Session on Facebook or at eventbrite.co.nz


New carols event for Coast

Carols on the Coast is a new addition to the local Christmas calendar, that will take place at Stella Maris Primary School on Saturday, November 30 from 4pm to 8.30pm. The Silverdale business association has partnered with the school for the event, which will see Stella Maris and Wentworth College students sing carols for the public. Silverdale Business Association coordinator and Stella Maris PTFA member Tasha Maloney says hosting a traditional Christmas event is important to organisers. “We are borrowing a nativity structure from our local church to help create a traditional and community focused event,” she says. Attendees can still expect to see Santa, who will be arriving in a fire truck. A kids activity area will feature a horizontal bungee, bouncy castle and face painting. A wide variety of market stalls and food options will also be available. Tasha hopes Carols on the Coast will become an annual event. Entry is by gold coin. Info: search for Carols on the Coast on Facebook.

Santa will be rocking mystery ride at Ōrewa Santa Parade Santa will arrive in style at the Ōrewa New World Santa Parade on Saturday November 23, starting at 4.30pm. Organisers say that Santa’s mystery new sleigh will be something not to be missed. The parade, which regularly attracts thousands of spectators, will also feature colourful dress-ups, floats and festivities.

It will start on Alice Ave and end at the Ōrewa Beach Reserve car park, adjacent to the Surf Club. Circus activities organised by Highly Flammable will be held on Moana Avenue, from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, to keep children entertained prior to the parade. Activities will include learning to spin plates.

The celebrations will continue after the parade with the Ōrewa Surf Sounds summer concert at the Surf Club reserve, from 5.30pm. The event will feature live entertainment, more than 30 food trucks and fireworks. If it rains, both the Santa Parade and Ōrewa Surf Sounds will be postponed to the following day, Sunday

November 24. Extra parking will be available at Western Reserve. Look out for the Hibiscus Matters team who will be walking in the Santa Parade this year. Are you following us on facebook? www.facebook.com/hibiscusmatters

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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


Upcycle Exhibition Live Auction

Live music with Stephen Thorne, Wine, Canapés




Friday 22 Nov, 6pm

Whangaparāoa Kindergarten during their performance, with back up from their teachers.

Kindys perform kapa haka Estuary Arts Centre 214b Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa (09) 426 5570 l www.estuaryarts.org Email: manager@estuaryarts.og

JUST COOK 4 HEALTHY AGEING Cooking and nutrition course for older people with limited cooking skills or who have lost confidence and motivation to cook.

Kindy kids pulled their best pūkana at the Haere Tahi Kapa Haka Festival on Tuesday November 5. Three kindergartens from the Hibiscus Coast and North Shore took part, including hosts Whangaparāoa Kindergarten. The invitation was extended to preschools this year, which saw Little Coasties and Fame Preschool performing at the festival for the first time. Organiser and Whangaparāoa Kindergarten service leader, Wendy Simpson, says the inspiration for the event came from the Tu Maia festival for school-aged students. She says a highlight was having Whaea Mere Witika attend, who was married to the late Tu Maia festival founder, Matua Murray Witika. “We didn’t know she was coming –

Buy for Xmas!


Wednesdays: February 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2020 10am-1pm • Orewa Community Church, 235 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa. Email: Christine cookmoore.nz@gmail.com to register or for more information phone: 021 104 5886

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Note: you must be able to come to all four classes and stand for one hour while cooking.

4 x $100 gift cards to be won*.

F A C E B O O K . C O M / S I LV E R D A L E C E N T R E

Little Coasties invited her which was a really special surprise,” Wendy says. The festival’s name means ‘journey together’. “It symbolises coming together as one on our multicultural journey and extending that journey,” Wendy says. The annual festival has been running for three years.

Book Sale

Learn to plan and cook economical simple healthy dinners for 1 or 2 people, plus shopping tips, label reading and timesaving cooking strategies. Three hour classes held over four weeks. Includes morning tea and lunch. Payment by donation.

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Glamorgan Kindergarten kids still had the energy to pull a pūkana after their performance.

Santa’s coming Our roaming Santa will be at the centre from Wednesday 11 December**.

W W W . S I LV E R D A L E C E N T R E . C O . N Z

* See website for terms and conditions. ** See website for Santa hours.

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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |

On the water feature




From left, Jan Saull says boats are still considered ‘boys’ toys’ and the industry is male dominated. Carla Dukeson may be like ‘a mother figure’ to her all-male staff, but she has earned respect and is definitely the boss.

Women at helm of big boating businesses You don’t see many women down at Gulf Harbour marina, where a number of boating businesses are based. So it is surprising to learn that two of the largest marine businesses in Gulf Harbour – Hibiscus Marine Coatings and Brin Wilson Boat Builders – both have women at the helm. Carla Dukeson of Hibiscus Marine Coatings, and Jan Saull of Brin Wilson Boat Builders, say they have bonded partly because women are so few and far between on the marina, but also because their businesses are complimentary. Carla sometimes gets to leave her desk to sand or unmask the newly painted boats. She doesn’t often wear a skirt to

work. “Even when I dress up a bit, I end up with paint on me,” she says. When Carla and her husband Doug took ownership of Hibiscus Marine Coatings two-and-a-half years ago, Carla was already familiar with the running of the business, having worked for the previous owner. Doug is a magazine publisher, so Carla agreed to be boss of the marine coating business. She says with a loyal and experienced team, including three foremen, to rely on it was a relatively smooth transition to being the boss, but admits there are sleepless nights. “We are paying big rent and have a staff of 14-20 that rely on me,” she says. “There are 82 jobs we have to get out between now and Christmas.”

Jan agrees that taking over was daunting – in her case it was as the result of the tragic death of her husband Nick, aged 47, in a boating accident three-and-a-half years ago. Jan had worked with Nick in the boat building business for many years. “I had the option of closing the business when Nick passed away but in the end the staff were a big reason why I didn’t do that,” Jan says. “I knew how it ran, but having to be the decision maker, and without Nick to go to for advice, was not easy.” At the same time she was caring for the couple’s four children. “I rely on the staff, who are fantastic, and also get a lot of support from Red Beach Surf Lifesaving Club, which is a big

part of our family’s lives,” she says. Both Jan and Carla say they have been readily accepted by male staff and customers, who are also mainly men, although Jan says she still occasionally has customers think she is “the office lady” and ask to speak with the boss. Neither Jan or Carla envisioned working in such male dominated, technical businesses at the start of their careers. They say there is no reason why more women should not join the industry. “If you enjoy the water and sailing, it’s fascinating to learn about the industry and how boats work. It has definitely increased my love for boating. It would be good to see more women get involved,” Carla says.


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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019

On the water feature



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I wanted to start off this article by saying a big thank you to our previous columnist, Dale Hodson, who is moving away from the coast to take up a new job in Tauranga. Dale has been a member of the Hibiscus unit for around three years and will be sorely missed by all of us and we wish him and his family well in their new adventures. Over the winter months, crew members from the Hibiscus Coastguard unit spend many hours training around the Hibiscus Coast honing the skills they need to operate the unit’s two rescue vessels and to provide assistance to our local community. Labour weekend is traditionally the time when, weather permitting, boat owners around the Hauraki Gulf bring their boats out of hibernation after the winter months and coastguard units get busy. This year has certainly lived up to that tradition! Over the last month the unit has responded to around 15 ‘taskings’ from the Coastguard Operations Centre based at Mechanics Bay, mostly mechanical breakdowns and a fair few that had run out of fuel. I sat down to write this column one evening and at 9.30pm the pager alert went off for a call out to Hibiscus Rescue 1 based at Gulf Harbour. I switched off the laptop and headed out, on arriving at the boat the skipper for the evening informed the crew we were heading out to south of Little Barrier where an 8.5m boat had broken down and if needed, a tow to Omaha. A long night was ahead of us seeing as the wind was in the 25-30 knots range. After finding the vessel we towed them back to Omaha and headed back to Gulf Harbour, then refuelled, cleaned down and left the boat ready for the next call out. All done by 2.45am and home at 3am, luckily for me I already had Friday off work, but at times Coastguard volunteers have to have very understanding employers and family. As we move into the warmer summer months the life of a Coastguard unit is not all about spending time out on the water – it’s also one of our busiest fundraising periods, with the Coastguard Summer Lottery being the main fundraiser at this time of year. To run Coastguard across NZ costs around $20 million and the majority of that has to be raised by Coastguard volunteers, selling lottery tickets, sausage sizzles and other fundraising events. This month you will see our local Coastguard volunteers at the Orewa Santa Parade where we will have one of the Coastguard Summer Lottery Prize boats on display with crew selling tickets for the lottery. As always be safe on the water, for advice about safe boating check out the Coastguard NZ website coastguard.nz/boating-safely Brin Wilson specialises in repairs and refits in composite & for any size craft. Our skilled tradesmen, attention to Dave Tilley of Arkles Bay haswood been Coastguard Hibiscus volunteer for more than detail & over-alla project management results in a quality of workmanship unsurpassed in the boat building industry. five years and is currently crewOurchief. Raised in London, he didn’t get out on the water services are: Insurance repairs | Refit & extensions | Interior & until he moved to NZ. He soon hedecksneeded exteriorrealised alterations | Teak installationsto & know more about it and got repairs | Custom hardtops & dodgers | Bow thruster involved with Coastguard after seeing an| New adbuilds in| Hibiscus Matters. His day job is as installation & repairs Long serving & trusted team of tradesmen property manager for healthcare company Bupa. info@brinwilsonboats.co.nz | 09 424 1719

Coastguard lifejacket swap comes to Orewa

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Boaties can replace lifejackets at Coastguard’s Old4New Lifejacket Upgrade in Orewa on December 1. Old, damaged or ill-fitting lifejackets can be brought to the Old4New van and upgraded heavily discounted Hutchwilco For over 25 years our for exclusivenew, epoxy vinylester & resin coating systems has been the ultimate osmosis repair methodyears for power &ago, sailing vessels. models. Since its introduction, five more than 13,500 lifejackets initial diagnosis to the final application of antifouling, our complete osmosisOver solution is so have been upgraded throughFrom the initiative. time, exposure to the elements effective, we offer a seven-year transferable warranty with every full ability osmosis treatment. and wear and tear affect a lifejacket’s to keep you afloat. The van will 424 0833 | December 021 428 070 Longbe serving trusted team1719 of tradesmen at &Orewa boat ramp on 09 Sunday, 1. Info: old4new.nz or contact info@brinwilsonboats.co.nz | 09 424 1719 info@brinwilsonboats.co.nz | 09 424 sales@osmosis.co.nz | osmosis.co.nz Coastguard on 0800 262 843. info@brinwilsonboats.co.nz | 09 424 1719 Brin Wilson specialises in repairs and refits in composite & wood for any size craft. Our skilled tradesmen, attention to detail & over-all project management results in a quality of Brin Wilson specialises repairs and refits in composite Brinin Wilson specialises in repairs& and refits in composite & workmanship unsurpassed in the boat building industry. wood for any size craft. Ourfor skilled to tradesmen, attention to wood anytradesmen, size craft.attention Our skilled detail & over-all project management in amanagement quality of Our services are: detail & over-allresults project results in a quality of workmanship unsurpassed in the boat building industry. Insurance repairs | Refit & extensions | Interior & workmanship unsurpassed in the boat building industry. Our services are: exterior alterations | Teak decks installations & repairs Our| Refit services are: Insurance & extensions | Interior & repairs | Custom hardtops & dodgers | exterior Bow thruster Insurance repairs | Refit &&extensions | Interior & alterations | Teak decks installations hardtopsalterations & dodgers || Bow Teakthruster decks installations & installation & repairs | New builds | repairs | Customexterior installation & repairs | New builds | hardtops & dodgers | Bow thruster repairs | Custom Long serving & trusted team of tradesmen Long serving &installation trusted team & of repairs tradesmen | New builds |

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Brin Wilson specialises & provided superior anti-skid performance.in So repairs and refits in composite Brin Wilson specialises in repairs and refits in composite & whether you're considering surfacing your entire & orwood for any size craft. Including: Insurance deck, simply wish towood add a little elegance to yourcraft. for any size Our skilled tradesmen,repairs attention to swim platform, Brin Wilson Boats is the only New | Refit &forextensions | Interior & exterior alterations | Zealand distributor this revolutionary new detail & over-all project management results in a quality of product. Flexiteek comes with a 5-year warranty. Teak decksworkmanship installations & repairsin| Custom hardtops & unsurpassed the boat building industry. info@brinwilsonboats.co.nz dodgers | Bow & repairs | New builds Ourthruster services installation are: | LongInsurance serving & repairs trusted |team Refitof&tradesmen extensions | Interior &

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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |

On the water feature


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Newly qualified Red Beach lifeguards. Photo, Ross Malyon

Lifeguards watching for water emergencies A few swimmers are braving the local beaches and Orewa Surf Lifesaving Club started patrolling at Labour Weekend. Red Beach Surf Club volunteers begin patrolling on November 30 at Red Beach and at Pakiri on December 21. In recent weeks, Red Beach had its ranks boosted when 35 members gained the Surf Lifeguard qualification, which makes them eligible to join the club’s existing lifeguards on the two beaches it patrols. To cope with the growing membership, the club has five newly qualified instructors for Surf Lifeguard and IRB awards. Registrations are still being taken for Juniors, aged 4-13. Training sessions for the youngsters are held at Red Beach on Sunday mornings. On the competition scene, activity is ramping up with a string of surf carnivals taking place before Christmas. In January, the club will host the 64th Owen Chapman Cup carnival. When the club’s renovated clubrooms were opened 12 months ago by Auckland Mayor Phil Goff, the project was 95 percent complete. Work is expected to be fully completed by Christmas.

The red and yellow flags went up at Orewa Beach on October 26 and patrols continue until April 13, from 11am until 6pm. Volunteers also patrol at Wenderholm Regional Park from December 14­­to January 19, 11am until 6pm. Orewa Surf Lifesaving chair Faron Turner advises looking at the tides when planning a trip to the beach as there is always a risk of being dragged out to sea with the outgoing tidal flow swimming close to rivers, streams and estuaries at Wenderholm, Waiwera and Orewa, especially for the three hours after high tide. “Also stay safe when using craft like SUPs, surfboards, kayaks, boogie boards and other inflatable toys or beach balls when there are offshore winds blowing as you can be easily pushed out of your depth and require assistance back to safety on shore,” he says. If you spot someone in trouble in the water dial 111, ask for Police and state that it is a ‘water emergency’ and they will activate the Surf Lifesaving emergency callout squads along with other appropriate emergency services such as St Johns or Coastguard. Info: redbeachslsc.com and orewasurfclub. co.nz/

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Siena Thompson on board the Spirit of New Zealand

Sailing through history Monster Housewash and Gutters is a father/daughter run business, run by Tony and Ashleigh Jillings. They have lived on the Hibiscus Coast for almost 30 years. Both Tony and Ashleigh take great pride in their work, ensuring customers get an excellent job from quoting right through to invoicing, with before and after photos always supplied. They can help with all your waterblasting needs: House Washing // Gutter Cleaning // Driveway Cleaning // Deck Cleaning // Fence Cleaning // Industrial Buildings // Commercial Buildings // Vehicles and much more Free Quotes

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Year 12 Whangaparaoa College student Siena Thompson was one of the local teens who sailed on the Spirit of New Zealand as part of the Tuia 250 flotilla of tall ships and waka that arrived in Gisborne on the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook’s landing. Here is her story: by Siena Thompson

“In early October a group of excited teens met at the Tauranga yacht club, ready to take part in the first leg of the historic Tuia 250 Voyage aboard the tall ships R Tucker Thompson and Spirit of New Zealand. I was selected for the Spirit of New Zealand, with the voyage funded by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Another Hibiscus Coast local, Craig Butland from Orewa College, was also on board. We departed Tauranga at dusk, after learning the ropes of the ship. From there we sailed through the night, and rough seas towards Gisborne, passing White Island. Our first stop was at Whangaparaoa Bay, sheltered from the heavy seas. There we learnt waiata, history, navigational and boat skills. Part of my duty was the night watch from 2am-3.30am. We had to monitor radio calls, check the engine room, and proximity to nearby ships. Sailing around East Cape was spectacular, with dolphins cruising the wake, and beautiful sunsets. I was also given the task of calling the HMS Endeavour on the radio to request permission to come alongside

for a friendly greeting. We gathered on deck to shout good morning and one of our crew jokingly shouted “fire the cannons”. The next thing we knew, the Endeavour crew where donning earmuffs and looking like they were loading the cannon. We watched on in shock – surely not! They proceeded to fire a blank at us, amid much clicking of cameras and cheering on our part. We had an early start on October 8 – the day that Cook originally landed in New Zealand 250 years ago. We were woken at 4am, and the starry skies were breathtaking. As the sun rose we were joined by the other flotilla members – the tall ships HMS Endeavour and R Tucker Thompson, and the Waka hourua, Haunui and Ngahiraka Mai Tawhiti, and the Va’a Fa’afaite from Tahiti. The flotilla sailed to various parts of the Gisborne coastline, learning the historical importance of each area via the ships’ radio. We had karakia and sung waiata along the way and learnt about the tragedy of Cook’s first landing with the loss of life of local Maori. What an incredible sight and an exciting part of history to be involved in as we all sailed and docked together in Gisborne.”

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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |

On the water feature

Blast from the Past with Susanne Wilson, Hibiscus Coast History on Facebook




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SCOREBOARD A roundup of sports activities and events in the district


BearCats Basketball Academy - professional, affordable coaching at Stanmore Bay Leisure for Y1 -Y13. Sunday afternoons now until 8th Dec. First session FREE for new players. Info: FB:HCballers, email: hibiscuscommunitybball@gmail.com

Harriers and Triathlon

Hibiscus Coast Harriers and Triathlon Club running group, Red Beach Surf Club, Wednesdays 6pm. Ocean Swimming: 8am Saturdays, Manly Sailing Club, 6pm Tuesdays, Stanmore Bay Boat Club. Info: hibiscuscoasthtc.co.nz

This is Red Beach in 1954 – a popular holiday spot, filled with those seeking the surf and sand. Despite the area having so very few permanent residents, the beach population swelled during summer months with the long term visitors in the Pine Forest camping ground, as well as day visitors from places such as Wainui and Waitoki. At this time, the Red Beach Surf Lifesaving club would have also just been into its inaugural summer. The club was created in May 1953 and then locals trained all winter so they would be ready for the first summer of patrols. The initial club rooms were not able to be completed till 1959, and were made possible by a massive fundraising effort from many supporters.


Manly Park Seniors Tennis Club, located on 56 Laurence St, Manly. If you are 40 years or over and have played tennis in your past, you are welcome. Info: Ph 424 4144 orsporty.co.nz/manlyseniors

Lawn Bowls

Summer Season has commenced at the Manly Bowling Club, 56 Laurence St, Manly, now is the opportunity to join a friendly community bowling club. We welcome all ages with coaching provided for all first time bowlers. Info: manlybowlingclub.co.nz or manlybowlingclub@xtra.co.nz

Snapper survey


NIWA is carrying out a survey of juvenile snapper in the Hauraki Gulf this month – the first study of its kind for 20 years. Fisheries scientists aboard research vessel Kaharoa are trying to understand how many one and two-year-old snapper are in the area known as the Snapper 1 fishery. The survey area extends from Bream Head in the north down to Mercury Bay and begins on November 13, finishing at the end of the month. Recreational fishers, boaties and ferry passengers in the Gulf are likely to see Kaharoa as the survey is conducted. The vessel will be displaying banners marked ‘Research’. Kaharoa has a special permit to trawl for snapper in an area where trawling is usually banned. The work is expected to provide the clearest picture yet about how the snapper fishery is faring. Fisheries New Zealand’s Manager Fisheries Science, Dr Richard Ford says the data is important so the rebuild of the snapper population can be monitored and well managed. Kaharoa’s crew will sort and analyse the contents of each trawl on deck to collect the data.


Yoga, Pranayam (Yogic Breathing Techniques), Meditation, and cleansing your energy field/Aura. Pay what you can. Indian teacher. Every Sunday, 4.30pm-5.30pm, Orewa Community Hall. Info: Ph 021 143 9679. List sports news FREE by emailing coastnews@localmatters.co.nz

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Nov 20


Auckland Area Watch Hibiscus Matters Seawatch – TheSea Flooring People


Nov 21


Nov 22

Nov 23



Nov 24

Nov 25


Nov 26


Nov 27


Nov 28


Nov 29



Nov 30


Dec 1


Dec 2


Dec 3


Dec 4


Dec 5

Dec 6

1:42am 3.0 2:40am 2.9 3:43am 2.9 4:49am 3.0 5:52am 3.1 12:21am 0.5 1:16am 0.4 2:07am 0.3 2:57am 0.3 3:43am 0.3 4:29am 0.4 5:13am 0.5 12:02am 3.0 12:48am 2.9 1:34am 2.8 2:23am 2.7 3:16am 2.7 7:39am 0.7 8:41am 0.7 9:46am 0.7 10:51am 0.7 11:52am 0.6 6:50am 3.2 7:45am 3.3 8:36am 3.4 9:25am 3.5 10:12am 3.4 10:58am 3.4 11:44am 3.2 5:57am 0.6 6:42am 0.8 7:30am 0.9 8:24am 1.0 9:22am 1.1

Tide 2:11pm 3.1 3:11pm 3.1 4:13pm 3.1 5:13pm 3.2 6:11pm 3.2 12:48pm 0.5 1:40pm 0.5 2:31pm 0.4 3:20pm 0.5 4:08pm 0.5 4:55pm 0.6 5:43pm 0.7 12:30pm 3.1 1:17pm 3.0 2:07pm 2.9 2:58pm 2.8 3:50pm 2.8 6:31pm 0.8 7:20pm 0.9 8:11pm 0.9 9:03pm 1.0 9:55pm 1.0 7:07pm 3.3 8:00pm 3.3 8:52pm 3.3 9:42pm 3.3 10:30pm 3.2 11:17pm 3.1 Times 8:20pm 0.8 9:22pm 0.7 10:23pm 0.7 11:24pm 0.6 6:01am 8:12pm

Sun Fishing Guide Moon

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8:31am 8:52pm

Last New First Quarter Moon Quarter Rise 2:07am Rise 2:46am Rise 3:21am Rise 3:55am Rise 4:28am Rise 5:02am Rise 5:39am Rise 6:19am Rise 7:04am Rise 7:54am Rise 8:49am Rise 9:46am Set 12:30am Set 1:09am Set 1:43am Set 2:12am Set 2:39am Set 12:47pm Set 1:56pm Set 3:05pm Set 4:14pm Set 5:24pm Set 6:33pm Set 7:43pm Set 8:50pm Set 9:54pm Set 10:53pm Set 11:45pm Rise 10:44am Rise 11:42am Rise 12:39pm Rise 1:36pm Rise 2:31pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good




Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area go to: www.tidespy.com/?place=3005

669 Whangaparaoa Road | Phone 428 3168 | team@theflooringpeople.co.nz Proud Sponsors of: Hibiscus Coast Boating Club

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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


Founding family gives Silverdale Rugby Club a lift Silverdale Rugby Club has a lot to thank the Hick family for and the feeling is mutual. The relationship was forged in the club’s formative years when it became a second home for “rugby mad” local farmer Trevor Hick, his wife Audrey and their nine children. Trevor was a founding member who is fondly remembered as ‘the father of Silverdale Rugby Club’. “The club was our life,” Trevor’s daughter Robyn and son Steve remember. “If we weren’t at home, we were at the club, which was also a community hub.” Robyn and her sister Lynn played hockey on one of the memorial park’s fields and, over the years, many Hick boys have played rugby for Silverdale, right down to Trevor’s great great grandson Hayden, aged six, who is now playing Rippa. The club has also been the venue for a number of Hick wedding receptions, birthdays and two family reunions – one in the 1970s and one in 2010. Mourners at Trevor’s funeral filled the big hall in 1993. In return, over the years, the family and its business, Hick Bros Civil Construction – which was started by Trevor’s sons in 1987 and only recently sold out of family ownership – have supported the club with sponsorship, hands-on help and fundraising. In the early days, Trevor mowed the fields and he was well known for his ‘chook

Above, A relationship between the Hick family, its civil construction business and Silverdale Rugby Club has been going strong ever since the club began. Right, The Hick family will gather to celebrate the opening of the new lift at Silverdale United Rugby Club this week. From left, Bob Hick, Robyn Brass (nee Hick) and Steve Hick.

& Bays Local Board’s facilities grants fund, there was a Lotto grant, and the remainder was picked up by the Hick family. Trevor’s son Bob says that the lift will make a huge difference, as some older club members need help getting up and down the stairs and occasionally

raffles’ held at the Wade Hotel. Recently the family made its biggest ever donation to ensure that disability access, including a wheelchair accessible lift, could be installed as part of the club’s renovations. The lift cost around $55,000. A total of $30,000 came from the Hibiscus

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they have even been carried. “I guess it will be a much easier way to get supplies, including the beer, up to the bar!” Bob says. A function for members and invited guests will be held to mark the ‘grand opening’ of the lift on Saturday, November 23.


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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



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| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


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November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



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Advertise your business here for only $66+gst per insertion.

PROUD SPONSOR OF THE COMMUNITY NOTICES A TALK AT THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Sunday November 24, 2pm, “Reclaiming your Youthful Happiness” The speaker is the well known and popular Sylvia Vowless. All welcome. Suggested donation $5 including tea and cake 9E Forest Glen. ph 427 0149. A CLUB FOR SEMI RETIRED AND RETIRED PEOPLE. Monthly meetings with guest speakers, bus trips, luncheons, movie group, plus other social get togethers. Whangaparaoa Combined Friendship Club. Ph Pat Hoyle 428 5285 EMPATHY SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT group. Last Monday of month except December and January. 7pm, Orewa: Hibiscus Coast Community House, Western Reserve, 214 Hibiscus Coast Highway. Contact Susan 021 884 162, or message on Facebook (Empathy support group), for more info or to meet with one of us. ‘HEARTBEATS’ CARDIAC SUPPORT GROUP Meets on first Tuesday of each month, with a speaker, at Hibiscus Coast Community House, Orewa, 10am. Families welcome. Ph Trent 0220 606 199. HIBISCUS COAST COMMUNITY PATROL: We act as the eyes and ears of our local police, as our region’s population expands rapidly. We have

a great team ranging from those in full-time work to those who are devoting some of their post-work time to contributing to the Hibiscus Coast community. There’s room for more to join us and experience great camaraderie as well as the satisfaction of making a worthwhile contribution. Info: ph 021 0274 6229 or email hbcchairman@gmail.com HIBISCUS COAST GREY POWER ASSOCIATION Final meeting of the year November 29, 1.30pm, St John’s Catholic Church hall, 180 Centreway Rd, Orewa. All seniors warmly invited to hear an interesting speaker on a need to know topic followed by enjoyable music presented by Ukulele Union. Free raffles, delicious afternoon tea - see you there. For further details contact Simonne 424 1315, 027 212 8322, b.sdyer@xtra.co.nz HIBISCUS COAST ORCHID SOCIETY meets every month on the 2nd Sunday. Meeting starts at 1.30pm at the Orewa Community Hall. Come along and meet some orchid lovers and see some lovely plants. Ph Judy 424 1968. HIBISCUS STITCHERS Meet a woolly crew at Whangaparaoa Library fortnightly. Embroidery, crochet, knitting etc. Thursdays 1pm–3pm. Ph Jean 428 5207 or Jan 424 2492. LIVE MUSIC/ R&R DANCING in Hibiscus Coast DFlat Live promotes Live music, instruments you hear, you will see on

stage. 3-5-piece Bands performing every Friday in The Dairy Flat Community Hall, supper provided. Our big dance floor attracts dancers from all over Auckland. All our events have a cover charge, for more info go to: dflat.info November 21, 28, December 12. PAPAROA PRIMARY SCHOOL 150TH ANNIVERSARY: Paparoa Primary School invites current or past students, parents, family or staff to help us celebrate our 150th Anniversary. This event will be held in Paparoa on 8th, 9th and 10th May 2020. This is your chance to catch up with old friends and see how the school is getting on. Please see our School Facebook page for details and registration information. PERFORMERS WANTED FOR THE BOULEVARD ARTS FIESTA in Orewa 15 & 16 February 2020, performers of all types and ages including performers of music and/or dance from a particular culture. If interested, contact Pat Shanks at rpshanks@xtra.co.nz REBUS CLUB OF GULF HARBOUR. This newly formed Club for Active Retirees, both men and women, couples or singles, meets at the Gulf Harbour Yacht Club on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9.30am.Ph 424 7115 or visit www.rebus-gulfharbour.nz RODNEY APHASIA GROUP meeting Thursday November 28, 1.30pm Rotary House, 4 Hibiscus Coast Highway Silverdale. Guest speaker Erica Kroger

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Head Teacher from Head Held High. Erica will be delivering a one hour session that is very interactive, with activities to promote confidence in communicating and speaking, while having a lot of fun together as a group as well. For further information Lisa Fowlie 0210 527 258 or email rodneyaphasiagroup@gmail.com. SING UP RODNEY - community music therapy for older people and those with a neurological condition. 10.30am, term-time Thursdays (not first week of the month). Ōrewa Scout Hall. Ph: 027 464 2465 or SingUpRodney@gmail.com ST CHADS MARKET. Corner of Centerway and Florence Avenue. 10am – 2 pm. Stalls $15.00, Table Hire $5 per table. Call Grant to book a space on 0210 830 7743. TEA DANCE, Dairy Flat Hall, 4 Postman Rd, Dairy Flat, 1pm-4pm. First and third Monday of every month until December. Includes high tea, dance tutor, and line dancing. No partner needed. Admission $15, or $20 with a wine or beer. Info Caz 027 395 8210. THE PIONEER DANCE CLUB. Every Thursday 1.30pm-3.30pm. Silverdale Hall. Ballroom, Latin American, Modern sequence, social dance. Friendly social dance, all welcome. Comp tea & Coffee. WELLSFORD COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 2nd sunday of the month Wellsford Community Centre 1pm start.


| Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


localmatters.co.nz VACANT & MAINTENANCE L for 2 0 E N ERNSITUATIONS ORL O for 2 0 22 00HOME E N R O L for 2 0 2 0 GARDEN MAINTENANCE

continued from page 29


New gardens, clean ups. Specialising in maintenance & improvement. Phone Dave 021 950 154


HANDYMAN AVAILABLE for all those whakapono tutuki Together Together Believe Believe Achieved Achieved Ngatahi Ngatahi whakapono tutuki odd jobs. Ph Nev 021 399 226 @ Nev’s Believe Achieved SCHOOL NgatahiTHEATRE whakapono tutuki TECHNICIAN Odd Jobs. Great rates. Local & reliable.

Applications are invited for the partSECURITY ALARM SERVICING time position of School Theatre Local technician, 20 years experience. Technician. Reporting to the TiC of Ph 027 553 3032 or 09 428 5887 Extra-Curricular Arts, the successful candidate will provide technical BUILDER SEMI RETIRED – for all those support for all theatre sound and small building jobs. Good rates. Ph/txt lighting, 20 hours per month during Rob 021 167 2155 or 09 426 2960 school term time. Hours are variable. The successful applicant will need to DECEMBER - FEBRUARY, FIXED TERMOPEN DAY OPEN DAY TOURS HANDYMAN Carpentry, small jobs, TOURS demonstrate full understanding of rubbish removal etc Phone/Txt Dave OPEN DAY TOURS LEAVE COVER OR ONGOING WORK Thursday 31 October Thursday 31 October 11.30 am11.30 sound and lighting systems in our 027 420 5155 am theatre, and an ability liaise Thursday 31school October 11.30toam Support workers needed to assist clients in their own homes with with a variety of colleagues UPCOMING ENROLMENT NIGHTS ROY’S MOWING LAWNS – Free quotes UPCOMING ENROLMENT NIGHTSincluding showering, housework, shopping, meal preparation and passive & pension discounts. Ph 021 506 908, music tutors, teachers, support staff, UPCOMING ENROLMENT NIGHTS email royslawnmowing@gmail.com Wednesday October exercises. Wednesday 23 October and learners. They will23 also need to 4.00 - 6.30 pm 4.00 6.30 pm show great initiative in a very creative Full training provided! Tertiary students apply now! Full drivers Wednesday 23 October 12 November A PUMP DOCTOR will keep you TuesdayTuesday 12 November area of the College. 4.00 - 6.30 pm pumping. Ph 0274 430 654. licence and reliable vehicle, good communication skills with clear Tuesday 12Position November commences in Term 1 2020. ARKLES BAY PAINTERS/DECORATORS spoken English and New Zealand residency or valid work permit CONTACT: Tracey O’Neill, Enrolment Administrator, CONTACT: This Tracey O’Neill, Enrolment Administrator, position may suit a university In the area for the area. Kevin 022 0291 056 Tel: 09 424 9177 ext: 209.Email: enrol@wgpcollege.school.nz essential. Starting rate from $20.50 per hour.CONTACT: APPLY TODAY! Tel: 09 424 9177 ext: 209.Email: enrol@wgpcollege.school.nz student looking for part time work. Tracey O’Neill, Enrolment Administrator, GRASSED OFF – Local, friendly lawn http://www.wgpcollege.school.nz/Enrolments/Application+Forms.html Tel: 09 424 9177http://www.wgpcollege.school.nz/Enrolments/Application+Forms.html ext: 209.Email: enrol@wgpcollege.school.nz SCHOOL THEATRE MANAGER mowing service in Whangaparaoa. 3rd http://www.wgpcollege.school.nz/Enrolments/Application+Forms.html Applications are invited for the mow FREE when you mention this ad! Phone or text 0210 252 5468 for your position of School Theatre Manager. free quote. The successful applicant will have full understanding of all sound and PAINTING Interior/exterior, free quotes. lighting in a school theatre, with Phone Jef 021 164 9709. great skills in audio engineering PEST CONTROL, Flies, spiders, and event management. They will cockroaches, ants, rodents, wasps. also have excellent communication HEALTH & BEAUTY SERVICES Competitive prices. Ph 426 2253. skills in dealing with a wide range of TRADESMAN PAINTER (20yrs) serving customers and staff of the college and FINGERNAILS & TOENAILS CUT & WHANGAPARAOA RECORDING the Hibiscus Coast. New or Repaint, managing all external hirers of the FILED – $30pp/$50 for 2pp. I come to STUDIO: Vocals to backing tracks, interior & exterior no job too small. Free school auditorium. Hours are variable you. Ph 424 0676/027 271 6676. original projects, vocal training and competitive quotes Wayne 0274 329 397. around the theatre bookings and will vocal PA hire. Ph Dennis 021 115 5233 occasionally include weekends. WATERBLASTING & CHEMICAL HAIRDRESSING Position commences in February HOUSE WASHING. Careful service, DVDS & VIDEOS 2020. This position may suit a reasonable rates. Ph 426 2253. MOBILE HAIRCUTS European trained university student looking for part hairstylist to visit you at your time, your VIDEOS TRANSFERRED to DVD/hard WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole time work. place. Sabine Ph 426 9652 021 149 8598 drive. Phone Te Totara Video 09 422 house, UV & water spotting, Work 5710 or 021 777 385. Guaranteed. Ph Steve 027 478 7427 It could be possible for the above steve@aquafilter.co.nz two positions to be completed by WANTED TO BUY DINING OUT the same person. Applications close 4pm, November 28, 2019. Please APPLIANCE REPAIRS TO BUY, RECORDS/LP’S Ph 428 1587. FRESH SNAPPER CHIPS N SALAD, email ginnyca@wgpcollege.school for an application pack. lambs fry n bacon, scallop salad, A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P TRANSPORT www.wgpcollege.school.nz portabello mushrooms n toast. Wedsmartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service ph 021 168 7349. Sun, Walnut Cafe ph 427 5570.


Email hr@visionwest.org.nz or phone 09 818 0757 www.homehealthcare.org.nz


Total Mobility cards accepted Ph 09 428 4490; 021 035 0432 hibiscus@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz CAR RENTAL – Gulf Harbour & Coast Car Rentals Ltd. Reasonable rates. Short/long term. Ph 027 477 7413 or 021 378 905. orewa2airport.nz


Order online – delivered to your door. 3000 models – Marine, Auto, Housing, more… batterydirect.co.nz sales&batterydirect.co.nz Phone 428 0863.

LIVE MUSIC DANCE DAIRY FLAT LIVE MUSIC CLUB Live music and R&R dance most Friday nights. Info: DFlat.info Sunday November 24 CCR Tribute show 1-4 pm Friday November 29 Shane and the Shazam Band Thursday December 5 Jam night all musicians welcome Friday December 6 Brendon Ham & Netro Rockers Friday December 13 Midnight Special Tuesday December 31 Brendon Ham Band Country rock

A standard run-on classified is $6.20, boxed classifieds are $16 p/cm deep, colour +20%, GST incl. Community Notices are a free service – subject to space and availability, for non-profit organisations.


Local Matters needs walkers, in various locations on the Hibiscus Coast, to deliver the Hibiscus Matters. Good rates! Twice monthly delivery. Rosemary 021 0300 263 or em: hmdelivery@localmatters.co.nz

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7 5 8 9 2 3 1 4 6

4 6 1 5 8 7 2 9 3

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5 8 3 4 6 9 7 2 1

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6 1 2 3 7 8 4 5 9

LOCAL MARKETS: Silverdale Markets, every Saturday 8am–1pm • Waitoki Village Market day, Waitoki Hall, Kahikatea Flat Rd, first Saturday of month 8.30am–12pm • Crystal Visions Holistic Market, St Johns Ambulance Hall, 36 Silverdale Rd, Silverdale, second Saturday of the month 10am3pm • St Chads Market, 117 Centreway Rd, Orewa, first Saturday of the month • Orewa Farmers’ market, Orewa Square carpark, every Sunday 8am–12.30pm • Puhoi Farmers’ market, Puhoi Sports Club, last Sunday of the month 8.30am -12.30pm. NOTICE TO READERS Hibiscus Matters does not insert flyers or any other material into its paper. If your issue of Hibiscus Matters arrives with unsolicited mail inserted, please advise us on 427 8188 or email admin@localmatters.co.nz

November 20, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |


November 2019 22

Estuary Arts Upcycle exhibition live auction, Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Orewa, 6pm. (see ad p20)


Orewa Beach Santa Parade, starts from corner of Alice Ave and Florence Ave, 4.30pm. Parade goes along Hibiscus Coast Highway from Florence Ave to Orewa Surf Club carpark. Surf Sounds concert begins on the reserve, 5.30pm. (see story p19)


Waiwera community market day, in the carpark outside the Thermal Pools, Waiwera, 9am-12 noon. Food, crafts and more. All welcome.


Tea Dance, Silverdale Hall, 5pm-8pm, including ballroom, Latin, American and modern sequence. All welcome. Info: 427 5542


Creedence Clearwater Revival Tribute Show, Dairy Flat Hall, Postman Rd, Dairy Flat, 1pm-4pm. Weather permitting, this will be on the outdoor stage. Entry $20. Barbecue will be fired up. Licensed cash bar.


Whangaparaoa Clothing Swap, Community Hub, 707 Whangaparaoa Rd, 10.30am. Hosted by the Sustainable Future Collective and Sharna Salthouse Real Estate. Look for Whangaparaoa Clothing Swap on Facebook. (see story p12)


Good as New Pre-Loved Kids Market, Orewa Community Hall, 9am-12 noon. Fifty stalls to browse with pre-loved items for babies to teens. Info: www.facebook.com/ Goodasnewprelovedkidsmarket/


Carols on the Coast, Stella Maris school, 50 Silverdale Street, Silverdale, 4pm-8.30pm. Entertainment, stalls and carols. Gold coin donation on entry. (see story p19)

Go Healthy Best Sellers We have found out your favourites and made them cheaper Go Healthy Magnesium Go Healthy Glucosamine 1-A-DAY Go Healthy Co Q10 BioActive

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December 2019 1

Orewa Santa Session, at eight Orewa bars and restaurants, 2pm-7pm. I Am Hope fundraiser hosted by Orewa Lions. (see story p19)


Carols on the Canal, Gulf Harbour town centre, starts 2.30pm, Santa arrives by Coastguard boat, 4.30pm. Live entertainment, including school choirs, singer Barbie Davidson, Northern Performing Arts School. Sausage sizzle. Hosted by the Gulf Harbour Marine Village Residents Association.


Beachfront Asian Food Festival, Moana Reserve, Orewa, 3pm-9pm. Funds go to Harbour Hospice. Live entertainment, Asian food trucks, activities and stalls. All welcome.

7 & 8 Hibiscus Coast Singers present Starry Night concert, Red

Beach Methodist Church, 76 Red Beach Road, Red Beach, 2pm. Tickets from hbcsingers.com or email coastsingers@ gmail.com (see story p13)


Christmas Gala Dance, Silverdale Hall, 5pm-8pm. Spot Prizes. Dancing floor shows, light refreshments. Norma Wright invites past and present pupils and Coast residents. Info: 427 5542


Head in Sand action, Orewa Beach, 1pm-2pm. A climate change protest. Info: look for Head in Sand Orewa Beach on Facebook.


Free Christmas dinner, Love Soup Hibiscus Coast, Whangaparaoa Community Hall, from 5pm. Includes visit by Santa. (see story p11)


Orewa Free Christmas lunch, Orewa Community Centre, 11.30am-2pm. (see story p11)

* Go Healthy Magnesium 60’s, Glucosamine 60’s, Co Q10 450mg 30’s. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Only while stocks last.

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32 | Hibiscusmatters | November 20, 2019


Record numbers at Cricket Zone Day A record number of players took to the pitches of Metro Park in Millwater for the Year 5 and 6 Cricket Zone Day on November 7. A total of 35 teams took part – nine more than the year before – including young players from nine local primary schools. The competition had a competitive and social boys’ division, as well as a girls’ division. The high number of competitive boys’ teams meant there was no time for a final, so Dairy Flat and Gulf Harbour shared the top spot. Red Beach School’s girls’ team won undefeated. Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club manager Gair McSkimming says the competition’s growth is due to the club’s increased investment in promoting cricket at schools. “We now have two people employed full time just to engage local schools in cricket, with the hope of keeping kids in the game both at school and through the club,” Gair says. “We are working hard to create a pathway for players to reach the highest level, without having to leave the Hibiscus Coast.” The club’s top team will be elevated to premier status next year. “That’s great news for us, because from a premier team you can go on to play for Auckland, and then the next step could be becoming a Black Cap,”

Clockwise from top, Sprays of water from the sprinklers formed a backdrop for play, but didn’t distract the primary school cricketers from their games. An Orewa Primary fielder just misses a successful run out of his Silverdale opponent. Kingsway Primary’s Timothy Jung faces his first ball watched by Caleb Round from Gulf Harbour behind the wicket.

Gair says. While the Zone Day sported many examples of outstanding play, Gair says the most impressive aspect of the

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competition was the sportsmanship displayed amongst the teams. “Many studies show that kids around this age participate in sport to enjoy

themselves and to hang out with their mates. Therefore, it was fantastic to see the teams focus on having fun and encouraging each other to do their best.”

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