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Appliance Repairs
A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service ph 021 168 7349.
Cars Wanted
ARKLES BAY PAINTERS/DECORATORS In the area for the area. Shane 021 0813 8481. CARPET CLEANING, repairs and installation. Dwayne 0274 997 929. HANDYMAN EX-BUILDER Repairs to old windows & doors. Fencing, paving stones, brick garden walls, wooden garden boxes all sizes. Painting inside & outside etc. Phone 027 436 1828.
WATER PUMP & FILTER SERVICES. New installs for all your water pump requirements. Ph 0274 430 654. SERVICES
FURNITURE REMOVALS exp Owner Operator 30 years. Single Items to Flat/House lots. Silverdale Based. Ph Gavin 0274 973 867 RECORDING STUDIO Vocals to backing tracks, original projects, vocal training & vocal PA hire. Ph Skimp 021 115 5233.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER New Builds, Additions & Renovations. Concept Design & Building Consents. Clinton 0800 642425
Crossword conundrum solved #14
ACROSS: 1 Recital, 4 Complaints, 9 Affable, 13 Tame, 14 Gaelic, 15 Marina, 16 Protect, 19 Reserve, 20 Blow one’s own trumpet, 21 Relish, 22 Harden, 24 Terminate, 29 Feathers, 30 Trance, 31 Headway, 35 Mandolin, 36 Siding, 37 Rile, 38 Eaves, 39 Die, 41 Sated, 43 Stewed, 47 Gaffe, 50 Tot, 54 Aphid, 55 Odds, 56 Canopy, 57 Bona fide, 60 Diverse, 61 Divots, 62 Synopsis, 65 Great Dane, 67 Kit out, 68 Jalopy, 72 Red-carpet treatment, 75 Present, 77 Trouble, 78 Fourth, 79 Rabbit, 80 Ball, 81 Steered, 82
Incomplete, 83 Nucleus. DOWN: 1 Rotor, 2 Camisole, 3 Leaves, 4 Celebrated, 5 Macho, 6 Lampoon, 7 Israel, 8 Tango, 10 Forerunner, 11 Attempt, 12 Locket, 17 Prosperous, 18 Gnome, 21 Resumed, 23
Dismiss, 25 Escort, 26 Strict, 27 Tangle, 28 Gazebo, 30 Trite, 32 Deal, 33 Once, 34 Flea, 40 Impair, 42 Eddy, 44 Tycoon, 45 Wings, 46 Deposit, 48 Floppy, 49 Eradicated, 50 Toil, 51 Therapy, 52 Hide, 53 Assign, 58 Espadrille, 59 Unsuitable, 63 Adieu, 64 Tolerate, 66 Recluse, 67 Ketchup, 69 Regret, 70 Weirdo, 71 Option, 73 Thorn, 74 Eyrie, 76 Tells.
VIDEOS TRANSFERRED to DVD/hard drive. Phone or text Te Totara Video 021 777 385.
CAN’T MAKE IT TO A HAIR SALON? No problem I can come to you. Qualified Hairstylist providing cutting and blow wave services. Please phone Julie 021 112 8015
Work Wanted
NEED A HAND with something, give me a call, anything considered. Call Will or txt on 021 0847 5188.
Wanted To Buy
HI, ITS MARTIN AGAIN, the recently Retired Widower (4months now} & still genuinely searching for a new companion/ relationship on the Shore. Please email me with some background info/photo details to share together. THANKS MARTIN –Email startingagainasone@gmail.com
Deliverers Urgently Wanted To Deliver Hibiscus Matters
To: Ōrewa Heights:150 • Totara ph Rosemary 021 0300 263 or email name, contact details & age to: hmdelivery@localmatters.co.nz
Views: 200 • Stanmore Bay #5: 300 • Stanmore Bay #7: 300 Hibiscus Matters is a fortnightly paper, pays good rates.
Vehicles Wanted
Dead or Alive. Cash Paid. 0800 333 398
FOR THE ATTENTION OF ARDEN BROWN OF NO KNOWN ADDRESS. He must pay the outstanding fees owed to the Stillwater Boating Club inc with 14 Days of this notice and remove the vessel ILLICIT from the Yard of the clubby the same time. If anyone knows him, please inform of this notice. Otherwise, the Vessel will be disposed of and costs to do so will be applied to the outstanding account. Also the Vessel on the Stillwater Boating clubs Grid is going to be disposed of at you cost.
FRIENDS OF OKURA BUSH warmly welcome you to their Annual General Meeting. Sunday 20 August, 3pm. Okura Hall, 81 Okura River Road, Okura. Guest speaker Geoff Reid, environmental change agent, restoration consultant
Community Notices
60’s UP MOVEMENT, HIBISCUS COASTMeetings are held 3rd Wednesday of every month, 10am at the RSA in Vipond Road, Whangaparāoa. Outings 1st Wednesday of month. Ph Gloria 027 386 2339
A CLUB FOR SENIORS TO ENJOY FRIENDSHIP, Monthly meetings, guest speakers, bus trips, luncheons and movie group. Meet 4th Wednesday, 10am, Bridge Club, Edith Hopper Park, Manly. Hibiscus Coast Friendship Club. Phone Peter or Jeanne 426 8675.
HIBISCUS COAST COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB, Sunday, 6th August, 1pm, at the Ōrewa Community Centre, $5 entry, all welcome.
HOUSIE AT BOWLS ŌREWA every Friday, 1pm-4pm. Lots of fun and great prizes. Ph 09 426 5937. All welcome.