March 28, 2018
Your Local Community Newspaper FREE
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What’s inside Hill St goes nowhere page 3
Local folk: Murray Chapman page 9
Fleeing driver faces multiple charges
Go Green eco feature
A 20-year-old Whangarei man is facing a number of charges following a wild chase through Warkworth on Monday, March 19, which ended in the mud in the Mahurangi River. The chase started when the man attempted to evade police at the Z fuel station, just north of Warkworth. He fled up Hudson Road and then lost control of the car coming down Hill Street, and hit a stationary vehicle waiting to turn on to State Highway 1. He abandoned his female passenger and tried to escape on foot through the town, but was tracked down to Lucy Moore Memorial Park by the Eagle helicopter. Warkworth Police Sergeant Scott Sherer says police were not in pursuit of the driver prior to the crash. The man is due to appear in the North Shore District Court on April 17, and will face a number of driving-related charges.
pages 25-36
Wellsford scorns targeted rate for transport Wellsford residents fiercely condemned a Rodney Local Board proposal to introduce an annual targeted rate to fix Rodney’s transport woes, at a meeting at the town’s community centre this month. The board proposal would see the introduction of an annual targeted rate of $150 per dwelling to fund road
sealing, footpath upgrades, park-andrides in Warkworth and an improved bus service for Kumeu. About 50 people showed up to the meeting, held at the Wellsford District Community Centre on March 13, to air their views on the targeted rate and a series of other board proposals. As Council officers tried to explain
the rate, the disgruntled audience loudly voiced their dissatisfaction and underscored their disapproval in a series of straw polls. Among the complaints: • Millions of dollars in rates are leaving Rodney and disappearing into central Auckland. Why not use this money to fix Rodney’s roads
rather than a targeted rate? • Mayor Phil Goff promised to cap general rates at 2.5 per cent, but the commitment is meaningless, since Council is simply substituting targeted rates instead. • North Rodney ratepayers financed the Araparera Forest venture which
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2 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Issue 338
Wellsford scorns rate Board representatives attempt to explain the targeted rate to a sceptical audience.
Mahurangi Matters
PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 GENERAL MANAGER: Jannette Thompson
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GRAPHIC DESIGN: Heather Arnold Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 14,950 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.
was supposed to raise money to fix roads, but all the money disappeared. • The Rodney Local Board has picked the wrong roads to fix. • Rodney residents will pay more than their fair share for transport improvements if a proposed regional fuel tax goes ahead, since they travel longer distances than city dwellers. They are further hit by tolls to use the Johnstone Hill tunnels. Other residents said the current state of local roads was shocking and they had no faith the Council had the capacity to fix them, even if a targeted rate was applied. One woman said her youngest daughter had written her car off because of the jagged rocks littering local roads, and she was now reluctant to visit her parents. In responding to complaints, board representatives stressed that although Rodney residents would end up paying an additional $150 for the targeted rate, they would no longer be required
to pay the current interim transport levy of $114 due to end this year. While funds raised by the transport levy could be applied anywhere in Auckland, a Rodney targeted rate could only fund transport projects in Rodney. They added that targeted rate funding would only be applied to roads that had not already been earmarked for upgrading by Auckland Transport. While it could appear that roads of lower priority were set to benefit from a targeted rate, this was because higher priority roads were already scheduled for upgrades from regular rates. In defending the targeted rate, Rodney Local Board deputy chair Phelan Pirrie told the meeting that Council was already billions of dollars short to fund its current list of transport priorities. Without additional funding, nothing would happen to alleviate Rodney’s transport needs. He said the targeted rate was an effort to ensure money raised in Rodney was spent in Rodney and it would also
from page 1
give the Local Board greater control of precisely how that money was spent. Afterwards, Mr Pirrie reiterated that more than 50 per cent of submissions on the Board’s draft plan last year had urged the Board to present a proposal for a targeted rate. But, he said he was not surprised by the lack of support for the rate in Wellsford and speculated the Araparera forest fiasco may have coloured local views. He said there was more support for a targeted rate further south in Rodney so the measure might yet succeed, though the Local Board would need to get a strong indication of that support. “We would have to see a very clear majority of submissions in favour of a targeted rate. In my view, only 50 per cent support would be pretty marginal,” he said. Mr Pirrie also suggested that it was possible that a targeted rate might not be applied in Wellsford, but could be applied in other Rodney subdivisions if there was support in those areas. This would mean Wellsford would not benefit from the rate, but would be able to judge if it had worked for other subdivisions and opt in at a later stage if it wished to do so. The Wellsford meeting was part of a month-long consultation process on the Board’s draft budget. Although the targeted rate attracted a storm of protest, proposals to fund a multisport building at Warkworth Showgrounds and improvements to Warkworth town centre were greeted with enthusiasm.
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 3
Traffic battles the Hill Street intersection during the morning commute.
Glyn Williams
Fix Hill Street Now fuming after petition “goes nowhere” Fix Hill Street Now campaigners are fuming after pouring time and thousands of dollars into presenting a petition to Parliament, which they believe has got nowhere. The petition sought to prioritise major improvements to the troubled intersection to address current and future safety and congestion issues. Fix Hill Street Now raised about $5,000 organised a billboard campaign, produced Hill Street Blues muffins and t-shirts and gathered more than 7000 signatures in support of their petition. Glyn Williams along with fellow Hill Street Now activists, travelled to Wellington last July to present the petition to Parliament’s Transport and Industrial Relations Committee. But the committee’s recommendation in respect of the petition, released earlier this month, comprises just two lines: “The Transport Industrial Relations Committee has considered Petition 2014/115 of Glyn Williams and 7320 others and recommends that the House take note of its report.” Mr Williams told the Warkworth Area Liaison Group this month that the recommendation signalled only
further inaction. “If this is not a kick for touch, I do not know what is,” he said. In presenting the petition, Hill Street Now argued that the intersection is outdated, confusing and dangerous. During holiday weekends, traffic can back up for up to 15 kilometres along State Highway 1 and delays of up to two hours are common. Moreover, the intersection is dangerous for pedestrians to cross, hampers emergency services, limits tourism and deters people from visiting Warkworth’s central business district. Problems will only get worse with Warkworth’s population set to increase from 4500 to 24,500 residents in the next 15 years, the group maintains. The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), which controls the intersection, was due to rebuild the intersection by 2008 but shelved the idea, believing other roading projects such as the Puhoi to Warkworth Road of National Significance (RoNS) and the Matakana link road, both due for completion in the early 2020s, would significantly reduce pressure on Hill Street. Mr Williams disputes this, saying
minor improvements provided by these additional roads will completely fail to compensate for the increased traffic due to population growth, and Hill Street will just get worse unless the intersection is upgraded. “The Transport Minister needs to say to NZTA get off your backside and get this thing moving now,” he said. However, NZTA told the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee that the Hill Street project was part of a national land transport programme and under the Land Transport Management Act, the Government cannot instruct the agency to alter or prioritise any part of the project. Nevertheless, NZTA said it understood the concerns associated with the Hill Street intersection and has agreed to a joint investigation with Auckland Transport to determine the best longterm option for the intersection, and will actively engage with Hill Street Now. It said the timing of upgrades to Hill Street would be settled once the preferred option was identified. In its report, the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee said it was pleased that the Agency would engage with Fix Hill Street Now and
said this was a positive outcome of the petition. Rodney-based MPs Marja Lubeck (Labour) and Tracey Martin (NZ First) both blame the previous National Government’s prioritising of the Roads of National Significance for delaying improvements to Hill Street. Ms Martin says NZ First campaigned on a promise to Fix Hill Street but the Rodney electorate overwhelmingly voted for the local National Party candidate, Mark Mitchell, who had not delivered on the issue for a number of years. “This makes it very difficult for me to argue as an urgent matter with the current government, as I am not the locally elected representative. The people of this area, through their vote, quite clearly said that they were happy with the previous member’s representation,” she said. Ms Lubeck said the Government will soon release a new policy statement for land transport, which will make safety a top priority. Although the Government cannot directly insist what projects the NZTA will fund, the emphasis on safety would ultimately mean dangerous intersections like Hill Street would be among the first to get attention, she said.
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4 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
OFF THE RECORD Off the record contributions welcome. Email to
Trial by (social) media
See story page 3
We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth
Democracy degraded A number of people in the Mahurangi community are very disappointed that the Auckland Council “Have Your Say” events, where people can give their submissions face-to-face to Council about the Mayor’s 10year budget, was removed from Warkworth and relocated to Wellsford – a distance too far for many to travel for various personal reasons. These events are organised by the Rodney Local Board. They explain that the reason for the move to Wellsford is to fairly spread the opportunity around the townships. With limited funding, they could only afford one such event
in the north. Wellsford residents are delighted while some Mahurangi residents feel an abandonment of democracy. As your local Councillor, I am concerned about what I see as a slow degradation of democratic processes. For example, I forced a vote to retain the democratic practice of allowing any Aucklander to speak directly to the Mayor and Councillors about the proposed budget. This was voted down 10-9, removing the rights of the public to voice their opinion verbally to Councillors. The Mayor’s budget has high rate increases, which will not benefit Rodney, as well as a new fuel tax. The Rodney Local Board
aims to lock Rodney into additional rate hikes of 6.4 per cent. This is on top of Council rate increases every year for the next decade. This is why people need the opportunity to voice their concerns. My concern is the continual contraction of local democracy and the centralisation of decision-making. My “Say it to Sayers” clinics gives anybody the opportunity to speak to me face-to-face. These are held every second Friday of the month at 1 Baxter Street, 10am-12pm. Alternatively, feel free to contact me at or 021 285 9900. Greg Sayers, Rodney Ward Councillor
Facebook might be facing its own problems at the moment, but it came into its own during the recent police chase through Warkworth after a hit and run at Hill Street. Since the fleeing offender opted to head straight into the town centre, the entire incident was witnessed by countless locals, many of whom provided a virtual running commentary on proceedings on local Facebook pages, right up to when he was apprehended by police knee-deep in the low-tide mud of the Mahurangi River. One wag wondered if this might speed up funding for the much-needed dredging, while others poked gentle fun at the police’s redaction methods – the digital equivalent of a nasty Tippex spill – when they later reproduced Mahurangi Matters’ photo of officers taking the man into custody. “Police brutality, they ‘rubbed him out’ …” wrote one, while another made a plea for restraint: “Guys … come on … just use handcuffs instead of 20 rolls of toilet paper next time.”
Crash training hits tracks The train station in Wellsford became the scene of a major crash on March 17, albeit in the interests of training emergency services and KiwiRail personnel. About 30 firefighters, along with ambulance and police officers from Warkworth, Wellsford and Helensville, enacted a response to a simulated train crash involving two cars. Fire Service Assistant Area Commander Vaughan Mackereth said the purpose was to present a learning opportunity in a controlled environment. “It was an unusual scenario and identified the range of hazards that could be involved in such an incident, such as electricity, access and dealing with cargo,” he said.
Rail accident investigator Brent Gillett said the exercise was an opportunity for KiwiRail staff to interact with emergency personnel. This involved making sure everyone was aware of all rail safety hazards and keeping emergency workers safe while they did their job. “It can take a 100-tonne train, travelling at 80kph, up to 800 metres to stop, so although the train driver might see you, it may not be able to avoid the crash,” Mr Gillett says. “Complacency on the part of motorists is often a contributing factor when trains and cars collide.” Since 2000, there have been an average of 12 rail accidents a year in New Zealand, many fatal.
More photos online at
Two crash scenarios were run during the training exercise, which involved an inter-agency response.
The last train crash in the district happened in 1993, when a morning goods train travelling south, hit a car
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on the Silverhill Road level crossing at Te Hana, killing the passenger and injuring the driver.
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 5
Viewpoint Matt King, MP for Northland
Government stumbles on roads
As your newly elected Member of Parliament, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and tell you I consider it a real honour to be your MP. Over 15 months ago, I was selected by the National Party to be their candidate in Northland and I began my campaign to win the seat back. After a huge amount of hard work, I realised my dream by successfully unseating my opponent Winston Peters. The rest is history. What followed are some pretty unprecedented events that not many people would have ever predicted. We now have a coalition government with some vastly different policy positions from what we have experienced over the last nine years. As with any change of government, there is always a period of uncertainty and concern and we will have to see how this plays out. My focus is purely on Northland and improving our prospects and our future. I intend to ensure Northland is never forgotten in the seat of power and will not let any opportunity pass by me to do that. The Northland economic action plan, which was the culmination of a lot of work by Northlanders, identified the Puhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance as the single biggest driver of economic growth. The first leg of this motorway from Puhoi to Warkworth is under construction and preliminary work had begun on the second leg from Warkworth to Wellsford. We had also committed to starting the northern leg from Whangarei to Northport in 2019. This current coalition government has poured cold water on this project. We need to highlight this poor decision on their part and keep the pressure on. The Greens and Labour have opposed our extensive Roads of National Significance building projects from the start, despite clear evidence it has led to very positive outcomes. They have a love affair with rail, which from a Northland perspective does not stack up economically. I do, however, feel confident in our long term future. We have plenty to be proud of and to look forward to. In recent years we have experienced record growth in tourism, employment, building consents, new car sales, export earnings and more.
Sandspit Road sale sealed The forced sale of an 80-hectare property on Sandspit Road, known as the Chestnut Farm, has been confirmed. Former owners – Hong Zhongliang, Ke Xueli, Gu Xinrong and IRL Investment Limited – bought the property in 2012 without Overseas Investment Office (OIO) consent. Although they applied retrospectively for approval, consent was denied and the property went on the market last year. OIO policy and overseas investment chief executive Lisa Barrett says the OIO is now in discussions with the overseas vendors. The OIO has the power to apply to the High Court for an order that a person in breach pay a ‘civil penalty’. The maximum amount of the penalty is the larger of $300,000 or the amount of any gain, such as the increase in the value of the property since acquisition.
Just this month, the former owners of a Glendowie property, in Auckland, were ordered to pay $847,000 and costs for failing to get consent under the Overseas Investment Office Act before buying the property. “The judgment establishes that where an overseas person stands to make gain from buying sensitive land without consent, any penalty imposed will focus on the gain they make by failing to follow the overseas investment rules,” Ms Barrett says. In regard to the Sandspit Road property, an OIO spokesperson says they will not comment further until discussions with the vendors are concluded. The property is zoned future urban/ countryside living and its rateable value as at July 1 last year was just over $6 million. It was sold to the Chinese investors in 2012 for $4,480,000.
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Meet our new Project Director Kia Ora, Hola, Talofa Lava, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Namaste, Ni Hau and Hello in about 22 different languages which make up the nationalities represented on the Pūhoi to Warkworth project. My name is Robert Jones and I am delighted and proud to be joining the Project, as the new Fletcher/Acciona Construction Joint Venture Project Director. I’d like to acknowledge the great work that Alan Orange has done in setting up the project for success. I have known Alan for many years as an industry colleague and I wish him and his wife Jane all the best for their next ventures. My wife, Marion and I have lived in Matakana since 2004 when I first came to the area as Project Director for the previous section of the motorway from Grand Drive to Pūhoi. This project is an enormous engineering feat and an exciting project to be involved with. My focus during first few of weeks has been getting to know the many teams/individuals and understanding the challenges ahead of us. It is also pleasing to see many local companies who are part of the team and making a tremendous contribution to our efforts. As we move toward the end of the first earthworks season, which as you know has been a wet one, we will be making the most of the fine weather spells and working some Sunday’s and public holidays. Similarly, there will be some areas on the project where the teams will be working nights to ensure we hit our targets and keep on programme. I recognise the great interest that the community has in the project, and its progress. I look forward to keeping you regularly informed through this column, and meeting many of you from time to time at the various community events we have planned over the coming months. Keep safe, Robert
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6 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Thieves theatrics leave trail of broken glass Three break-ins in one night resulted in a hammer flying through the window of Simon Waby’s car as he attempted to catch the thieves. On March 14, between 2am and 3am, three people broke into Gull Matakana and the Matakana Liquor Store before heading to Snells Beach where they burgled another Gull station. All the forced entries involved the offenders throwing rocks or bricks through the building windows. Simon, who lives 200 metres from Gull Snells Beach, says he was awoken by the sound of the alarm from the petrol station. “I rushed out to the road to see what was going on. A car went speeding by with no headlights on so I got in my car to chase them,” he says. He followed them into Virginia Circus where they did a U-turn and went back on to Dalton Road. “As I came back out to Dalton Road, I saw the offenders had left the vehicle and one came running at me before smashing my side window in with a hammer.” Simon quickly drove off to Mahurangi East Road where he alerted the police. When they arrived at the scene, the car, a silver Honda Odyssey, stolen from Red Beach at 9pm the previous day, was abandoned at Foster Crescent. A stolen laptop was recovered from the vehicle, but 21 bottles of spirits taken from the liquor store were not found. This marked the second ‘smash and grab’ at Gull Matakana in the past
Total Security co-owner Simon Waby was off duty when the burglary in Snells Beach occurred, but was quick to chase the offenders before his car window was smashed in.
month. Three others occurred in 2016. Owner Gay Smith says there is little more she can do to protect her store. “After the incidents two years ago, I installed a $30,000 vending machine for the cigarettes, which is a lot more secure,” Gay says. “The glass is toughened already, but I am looking at getting a smoke cannon that would fog the view of any intruders.” Gay says she wouldn’t consider stopping the sale of cigarettes as she doesn’t believe they were the motive for the last two break-ins. “My main concern is for the staff, but luckily every incident so far has been
outside of working hours.” She says the glass windows were not insured, as the $1000 excess for damage through a burglary makes it financially pointless. Warkworth Police Sergeant Scott Sherer says there has been a small spike in the number of break-ins in the area. Recently, police arrested three people, all from the Counties Manakau, with one responsible for seven car break-ins. Sgt Sherer advises that all shop owners have secure premises, particularly if selling alcohol and cigarettes. These crimes are opportunistic and are occurring nationwide, he says.
AT offers new plan for Neville Street Auckland Transport (AT) have put forward a new proposal to minimise disruption during major road repairs on Neville Street. The original plan infuriated local retailers and café owners who said a road closure to facilitate repairs would devastate their businesses and cost jobs. During a meeting between representatives from AT and the One Warkworth Business Association late last week, AT said it had revised its plans to accommodate local concerns. The revised plan includes the following elements: • Delay the start of the project so that work on the Oaks on Neville development will be largely complete. This is intended to lessen the burden of two major projects occurring at the same time. Work between Alnwick Street and Queen street is expected to start in early June and conclude in late June. • Complete work on Neville Street in sections. Car parks will be unavailable in the worked-on section but will remain available in other parts of the street. • Conduct final road sealing at night. This will mean traffic will be able to travel along much of the road during the day. • Abandon plans to upgrade the footpath at the same time as the road. Pedestrian access will be unimpeded.
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 7
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Auckland Council says collectively, the provisions in the Unitary Plan are aimed at retaining rural character and biodiversity, and protecting productive farm land.
Council defends tighter rural subdivision rules A challenge to Auckland Council’s rural subdivision rules is currently being heard in the Environment Court in Auckland. The two-week hearing before Judge Jeff Smith started on March 19. Some of the parties involved in the appeal include Cabra Rural Developments, Cato Bolam Consultants, Radiata Properties, Terra Nova Planning and Omaha Park. If the court accepts the appeals in full, the rules will widen the opportunities for subdivision. The hearing arose after Council overturned the recommendations of the Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) in the Unitary Plan, which proposed 117 per cent more sites – mostly in the rural production zone – than Council’s provisions. Council rejected the changes on the basis that it could lead to sporadic and scattered rural subdivision, with minimal environmental benefits. Council wants to restrict vegetation and wetland protection to mapped Significant Ecological Areas (SEAs) and any new planting to be contiguous to an existing SEA. It is also arguing for limited ‘in situ’ development and new titles to only be transferable to the Countryside Living zone. The minimum size of areas to be set aside is also in contention – while appellants want a site of two hectares or more to be eligible for a title, Council says the minimum area should be at least five hectares. Counsel for Auckland Council,
Diana Hartley, opened submissions by underlining the importance of the hearing, given that 70 per cent of Auckland is rural and rural areas face a range of pressures including population growth. She pointed out that there are already about 8000 existing vacant titles in the rural zones of Auckland upon which additional dwellings could be built. Ms Hartley said the key issue was how regulatory incentive subdivision should be provided in rural areas. “Council’s position is that the Unitary Plan provisions are in interrelated suite of provisions that need to be integrated to achieve a range of resource management outcomes,” she said. The purpose was to retain and use the productive potential of rural land, its biodiversity values, rural and coastal character, and amenity values, and avoid potential for reverse sensitivity effects. “The aim is to direct the majority of growth to existing towns and villages in the areas outside the Rural Urban Boundary (RUB). One of the reasons for this is to achieve the benefits of a compact urban form. “Reliance solely on SEAs, thresholds for the sizes of qualifying indigenous vegetation and wetlands, and limits on the maximum number of sites that can be created in the methods proposed by Council will ensure that there are only limited subdivision opportunities in the rural areas.” The hearing is continuing.
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8 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 9
localfolk Murray Chapman
From class clown to great debater, One Warkworth Business Association manager Murray Chapman has an appetite for communicating with people from all walks of life. In doing so he manages to keep a smile on his and others’ faces, despite experiencing more than his fair share of tragedy. He spoke to Ben Donaldson ...
still remember driving to the hospital on a Saturday night to return my wife Prue’s drugs. She had passed away the night before after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer five years earlier. At the time our daughter, Pieta-Jane, was 8 and our son Stephen was 5. I was in the car listening to the radio, and a story came on about a family of four who had been in a crash and just the baby had survived. It was in that moment I thought to myself, ‘no matter how bad life seems, there is always someone worse off than you in the world’. got to know Prue as a flat mate in Ellerslie and we married 18 months later, on the back lawn at her parents’ house in Kaitaia. There were freshly caught scallops and all sorts of dishes at the wedding, but I didn’t eat anything. I was so nervous at the time. We had our first child and then, during her second pregnancy, she became very sick and never recovered. We were told she had six months to live when she was diagnosed, but we ended up being together for a decade before she died. Towards the end, her quality of life was so poor that part of you wanted her to go, but then you could never let yourself think like that. hen she passed, I became a solo dad for a while. You learn a lot in that situation – like how to braid hair and cook dinners. I will never forget the generosity of the other parents, who would pick the kids up from school for me or babysit when I was at a work function or playing inter-club squash. I think there was a bit of a shock factor for the children, but I managed to get them counselling through the education system. or me, it wasn’t the first time experiencing grief. Before that I had been going out with a Kiwi-born Chinese girl, Colleena Wong, for three years. She and her sister went on a trip to China to learn about their heritage and we had talked of getting engaged on her return. While she was over there she visited The Great Wall. Colleena went on ahead of her sister and as she walked into one of the turrets in the wall, a couple committed suicide in front of her with a home-made bomb. She took a large amount of shrapnel into her
face and was rushed to intensive care with critical injuries and in a coma. I got the news at work the following morning and was on a plane to China that night. The protocol is different over there, and they wouldn’t let me in to see her. I spent days in the waiting room. I managed to see her just the once before she died by sneaking into her room. After that, she was cremated and we brought her ashes back to New Zealand. It was an odd experience. Once I got home, I still received letters from her that were delayed in the mail. I had known her for three years and met her dad for the first time after she passed away. I learnt that events like that always shape your life, but you can’t let them define who you are as a person. e met through the College Rifles Club in Remuera playing squash. She was playing there, and I ended up coaching her team. I was club president for a number of years and I’m a life member there. That’s also where I met Michael Barnett, who worked as international manager at the Auckland Chamber of Commerce. We got on well and one night, over
Events like that always shape your life, but you can’t let them define who you are as a person.
a few wines, he offered me a job at the chamber. I said “no” to the offer and turned down a few more, but eventually I took on the manager of membership role there. That ended up being the next 15 years of my life and in that time membership grew from 800 to 9000. I tried to humanise the functions with stories and jokes to get people to come along. Over time, I became known as ‘the chamber man’. I hadn’t grown up in a big city environment. I was a small-town boy who grew up in Kurow, home to just 500 people. I had four brothers and a sister, and it was a magical upbringing. I would get up early and go fishing before walking a mile and a half to school each day, regardless of the
weather. I was never an academic at school, I spent more time being the class clown and track running. t 15, I dropped out and followed in my father’s footsteps – taking on a plumbing apprenticeship in Christchurch. I lasted three of six years in that and would describe myself as ‘the world’s worst apprentice’. I played rep rugby for Canterbury up to U19s level and placed third at nationals in the U18 100 yards. My team also broke the New Zealand 4x100 yards relay record. I never saw a future in sport though, especially back then when everything was amateur. I moved to Melbourne in 1970 where I had the chance to vote for the first time. I didn’t realise that also meant I was eligible to be drafted for the Vietnam War. I got the fright of my life when the date they chose for inclusion in the draft was the day before my birthday. I’m still relieved about that to this day. I did some work as a masseur at a health centre and then picked up a job as support physio for Tony Rafferty, who was running across Australia from Freemantle to Sydney. The team and myself travelled in one bus with him and also ran parts to keep him going straight when he was hallucinating. Unfortunately, I was meant to be paid but never saw any money. It was an interesting experience, though. I married an Australian girl in 1973. All of my friends were getting engaged and we probably got together for all the wrong reasons. We moved to NZ, but it fell apart in 1976 and she went home. worked a number of sales jobs after that across the country. I tried setting up a business at one point, but things went under and I owed $30,000. To pay the money back I started working an extra job as a cleaner at a hotel in the evenings. It was there I decided that accommodation would be a good industry to get into, and eventually bought the Walton Park Motel in
2005. It was hard work and made very little money. While in Warkworth, I joined the local Toastmasters club, which is partly where I got to know my partner Ines, and spent six years as president. I really enjoy watching people come in nervous and after six months they are confident speakers. I also started The Great Debate, so our members could practise talking outside of the Toastmasters’ environment. We started with 75 in the audience and now have 230 people show up. I chose Hospice to fundraise for as I realised how wonderful its work is after what Prue went through. I also found myself on the Kowhai Festival committee and became chair. It’s one of the best I’ve been a part of because every single member pulls their weight. n 2008, I left the motel and moved to Snells Beach for a year before shifting to Birkenhead. I found myself connected to Warkworth again last year when a friend sent me the job ad for manager of One Warkworth Business Association. With my experience in the chamber it seemed a good fit, so I took that on as well. To me, there is something unique about the feel of a small-town community. Warkworth is definitely growing and we need to embrace that, but also make sure we retain what is special. That’s what inspired us to move back up here this month. I’m looking forward to waking up in the area again and having local friends around for dinner. Someone has pleasantly reminded me I will get a closer perspective on the traffic problem now and that’s another issue to tackle here. Life throws you these challenges, but other events put them in perspective. The most important thing is to be able to have a laugh at the end of the day.
10 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
18 Mansel Drive, Warkworth | 09 425-8439 | 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA Sedan, 1.8L auto. GLX. Alloys NZ new.
FROM $67 P/W
2006 TOYOTA VITZ RS 1.5L auto. Sporty town car. With air conditioning.
Deposit: $4,799 Total repayment $14,010
3.6L auto. Sedan. NZ new With spoiler & steering wheel controls.
FROM $67 P/W
2002 HONDA JAZZ 1.3L auto. NZ new.
Deposit: $4,799 Total repayment $14,010
2015 TOYOTA COROLLA GLX 1.8L auto. Sedan. NZ new. With bluetooth and reverse camera.
FROM $96 P/W
FROM $47 P/W
Deposit: $3,360 Total repayment $9,936
FROM $22 P/W
Deposit: $1,498 Total repayment $4,721
2004 TOYOTA COROLLA FIELDER 1.5L auto. Station wagon. With CD and MP3 player. Central locking.
Deposit: $6,899 Total repayment $19,947
Deposit: $2,999 Total repayment $8,921
1.8L manual. NZ new. Warranty. Bluetooth.
FROM $86 P/W
Deposit: $6,208 Total repayment $18,037
2014 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER GXL 3.5L auto. AWD. With roof rails Leather interior, tints. NZ new.
FROM $182 P/W
Deposit: $13,199 Total repayment $37,754
GXL 3.5L auto. AWD. With full leather trim. Heated front seats.
FROM $182 P/W
Deposit: $13,998 Total repayment $38,045
2.0L auto. With reverse camera Roof rails. Tints. NZ new.
Deposit: $6,804 Total repayment $19,772
1.3L auto. NZ new Bluetooth & Aircon.conditioning
FROM $476 P/W
Deposit: $5,399 Total repayment $15,706
2011 NISSAN NAVARA 2.5L manual. 4WD. Turbo With alloy wheels.
FROM $108 P/W
Deposit: $7,799 Total repayment $22,493
1.8L auto. NZ new. Ipod dock. Bluetooth and steering wheel controls
FROM $108 P/W
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1.2L Turbo. AWD. With tints, Towbar, reverse camera & Nudge bar.
FROM $138 P/W
3.5L auto. Alloys. Proximity key. 7 seater.
Deposit: $5,999 Total repayment $17,403
2.5L auto. With leather interiors. Reverse camera and sensors. NZ new.
2.0L auto, Station wagon. With alloy wheels fog lights and climate control.
FROM $71 P/W
Deposit: $5,099 Total repayment $14,857
FROM $161 P/W
2008 TOYOTA COROLLA GX 1.8L auto, Sedan. NZ new With CD player and electrics.
FROM $49 P/W
Sedan, 1.8L Auto. NZ new. Steering wheel controls. Fog lights.
FROM $67 P/W
2.5L auto. With roof rails And alloy wheels.
1.8L auto. NZ new. Reverse camera. Fog lights. Alloys.
FROM $108 P/W
Deposit: $7,799 Total repayment $22,493
FROM $149 P/W
Deposit: $10,799 Total repayment $30,975
2015 TOY0TA COROLLA GLX 1.8L auto. With reverse camera Full service history. Comfort seats.
FROM $92 P/W
Deposit: $6,599 Total repayment $19,099
2015 TOYOTA RAV4 GLX 2.5L auto. AWD. NZ new. Reverse camera.
Deposit: $4,799 Total repayment $14,010
FROM $124 P/W
Deposit: $3,448 Total repayment $10,235
Deposit: $8,999 Total repayment $25,886
Deposit: $11,698 Total repayment $33,519
Deposit: 10,050 Total repayment $28,851
FROM $84 P/W
3.0L auto. 4WD. Turbo diesel. NZ new. Steering wheel controls.
FROM $124 P/W
Deposit: $8,999 Total repayment $25,885
1.8L auto. Alloys. Climate control. Fog lights.
FROM $47 P/W
Deposit: $3,299 Total repayment $9,768
Fixed Price vehicle SERVICING at Warkworth Toyota. All Brands welcome. 0800 425 8439 All new & used enquiries Brendan Langdon 021 046 9382 | 09 425 8439
Over 150 vehicles available at Warkworth Toyota Finance figures based on Classic Finance, with 30% deposit over 48 months. 9.95% interest rate. $365 establishment fee and normal Toyota Financial Services lending criteria apply.
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 11
Vale Grattan Guinness Leigh Sawmill Cafe founder Grattan Guinness was remembered at a service on Monday, March 12, as a man who delighted in being different and could sometimes be “over the top”, but who was above all a family man. Despite heavy rain, hundreds of people crowded into the Sawmill to attend the service led by Bishop John Bluck, who described Grattan as a generous man shaped by his faith. “He delighted in reading the Bible and, not surprisingly, liked the rebels and outsiders the best,” Bishop Bluck said. The service included tributes from a number of his grandchildren, who read stories and poems, and sang songs in their grandfather’s honour. Former Kaipara Hills neighbour Peter Lange and his family gave a rendition of an original song penned to mark the opening of Grattan’s shearing shed many years ago. Written to the tune of Charlotte the Harlot, the song captured some of Grattan’s cheeky charm. Early years Born in Geraldine during World War II, Grattan spent his early years in the Timaru district. His grandfather was Edwin Guinness, a founder of Pyne Gould Guinness Ltd (now PGG Wrightson) and
Mayor of Timaru for a while. Grattan was nine when his father died, prompting his mother to move the family to England. He spent eight years at school there, first in Berkshire and then at a public school in Dorset. However, a hankering for a farming life brought him back to Timaru when he was 20. He bought 51-hectares at Temuka, where he grew wheat and barley, and ran some sheep for 18
1942 – 2018
months, before selling the bulk of the farm to buy a property in the Kaipara Hills. At one stage he was running 3000 sheep and 200 to 300 cattle there. The family’s first foray into the hospitality industry was after they moved to Auckland. Grattan had married Marguerite by this time and together they had four children – Nicola, Annabelle, Edward and Benjamin. Three of the children were working
either full-time or part-time at Oblio’s Restaurant in Ponsonby, where they gained experience in the hospitality industry. Grattan recounted in an interview with Mahurangi Matters in 2006 that he bought the restaurant to invest in his children’s future. Although they eventually sold the restaurant, it sowed the seed that they might like to set up a family-run business. The family lived at Mathesons Bay for many years. When they spotted a For Sale sign on the former Leigh sawmill in 1994 they wasted no time in putting in a bid. Over the years, the former industrial site has been transformed into an iconic dining and entertainment destination, attracting national and international acts. Among its many attractions is an old Bechstein grand piano, lovingly restored to mint condition by Grattan. The nearly threehectare site also includes a dive shop, motorcycle workshop and accommodation. Grattan built a house at Goat Island where he spent the last years of his life. The beach, which would eventually claim Grattan’s life, was described as one of his favourite places, where he, his donkey Chico and dog Sam would often run the gauntlet of the local ranger.
Painting this weekend?
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Pick up 8L of Dulux Weathershield X10™ or Wash&Wear™ for the AMAZING low price of $109! *White base only, tinting extra. Low Sheen, Semi Gloss and Gloss. While stock lasts.
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12 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
66 8720 ext 0FACES E: CHANGING INTR ODUCING n n 66 8721 Check out Walton Park Motor Lodge Top of the Town Chiropractic It’s out with the old and in with the new at Walton Park Motor Lodge, with new owners Ashwan and Shalin Datt bringing a fresh approach and look to the landmark Warkworth motel. Since taking over at Christmas, their focus has been on cleaning up, carrying out core maintenance and generally sprucing up the 26-room property. Ashwan hails from West Auckland and is a civil engineer and registered project manager specialising in asset and project management by trade. He and Shalin and their two young daughters have lived in Australia for the last 12 years, but decided to move back and buy a motel business to be close to their Auckland family. Ashwan says his background in asset and project management is proving useful in establishing admin strategies and installing new systems, while Shalin is looking after the housekeeping side. “We have excellent housekeeping staff who always work hard to provide a nice and clean rooms to meet the expectation of guests,” he says. Future plans may include the introduction of a breakfast menu and a residents’ bar lounge. Ashwan says they have been overwhelmed by the warm welcome
When Dr Gerald Turnbull moved to Leigh to be closer to his grown-up children the last thing on his mind was opening a new chiropractic practice in Warkworth. He has taught and practiced for more than a decade in the UK and more recently has done locum work in various part of New Zealand. Mahurangi seemed like a good place to retire, but Dr Turnbull found he could not resist turning to chiropractic once more. “I’m practising again because I enjoy doing it, and also because I can provide a useful service to people as well,” he says. Dr Turnbull says people who come to him often have conditions which are readily associated with problems with the spine, such as back problems, neck problems and headaches. But, he says chiropractic can also successfully treat many other seemingly unrelated conditions, because of the spine’s proximity to the central nervous system. Manipulating joints around the spine can have a tonic effect on the entire body, and he says it’s worth exploring chiropractic treatment as a possible solution to seemingly intractable medical problems. Dr Turnbull says after years of experience, he can usually determine fairly quickly what conditions will
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(Enquire about our weekday & corporate rates) Ashwan Datt they have received from the Warkworth community. “We have had enormous support from local businesses, the community and our neighbours,” he says. “They have been so welcoming and encouraging, thanking us for taking over the motel.”
Dr Gerald Turnbull
respond to chiropractic treatment and those that will not. He says there are different styles of chiropractic. His tends to be more of the “old school”, which addresses a specific problem, such as pain or limitation of movement. Other forms of chiropractic deal with more abstract concepts such as “wellness” where it’s more difficult to evaluate success and treatment can continue endlessly. He says there are therapies out there which never seem to quite find the problem, seldom sort it out and never want to leave it alone. “I like to deal with things directly and in short order if possible,” he says. “Find it. Fix it. Leave it alone. It’s a good practice motto in health care as in many things in life.”
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 13
Predicting an industrial future
Auto Services Wellsford Quik Auto Services, in Station Road Wellsford, has moved next door and changed its name of Auto Services Wellsford. Owners Dennis and Edie Chappell joke that they aren’t quite as “quick” as they used to be. Dennis has been a mechanic for 48 years. He started at Rodney Motors Wellsford when he was 15. The couple started their own business in Wellsford 18 years ago and have enjoyed seeing it grow. “It started with one mechanic, one hoist and one welder, and now we employ four other mechanics and a receptionist,” Dennis says. The new premise has a carpark for 30 vehicles, reception area, three bay garage and another garage for Warrant of Fitness checks and servicing. “We are really pleased to have a reception area so that customers don’t have to walk into a working environment. Keeping the WOF checks separate will make work easier, too.” The business offers a wide range of car services for all models, from general repairs to fitting tyres. They also do Warrant of Fitness checks for motorbikes and tractors. “We have the only mobile van for tractor warrants and auto air conditioning in the area, so we can
Edie and Dennis Chappell
actually come out and do those on site,” Dennis says. He says they predominantly deal with Japanese vehicles, but are seeing an increase in European cars, which can present challenges. “Luckily, we are a member of Automotive Solutions, a group of independent mechanics across NZ who answer queries on a forum. We can always find a solution there.” All the staff are car enthusiasts, owning classics such as Holden HQs and EHs. Dennis himself has a 1972 Holden Torana. “We are all passionate about motoring here. That helps, as we get a number of classic vehicles coming into the workshop,” he says. “Over the years, Wellsford has certainly become busier and we get about one new local customer a week. At least now we have room to expand.”
A perceived failure of the Auckland Unitary Plan to adequately provide for industrial growth in Warkworth will be the subject of a talk at the Warkworth Town Hall on Wednesday, April 11. The guest speaker will be Core Builders Composite co-construction manager Tim Smyth, who says that the 50 to 60 hectares identified for industrial expansion in Warkworth won’t accommodate “factories of the future”. He says the sites are too small and, as a result, too expensive. “I’m surprised that the planning for Warkworth doesn’t recognise what the current industrial revolution is delivering,” he says. “Everything we think we know about building is being challenged.” Tim’s talk will cover what a future factory will look like, the role of automation and the opportunities the latest industrial revolution presents for Warkworth. “We are going to have to be a lot cleverer in the way we use resources in future. If we haven’t worked out how to build houses in factories by 2040, we won’t have much of a building industry. We’ll be importing ‘smart’ houses, pre-packaged from places like Korea, that are made from high tech composites, recyclable, guaranteed watertight, easily made, seismic-proof and light enough to put anywhere. “Council has looked at the Morrison Drive industrial estate and said, “this is what industrial is”, but those sites
Tim Smyth will give his views on Warkworth’s industrial future at a talk on April 11.
are too small and too expensive for businesses of the future, such Core Builders or MS Engineering. We build big things and we need big factories.” Warkworth Town Hall Talks is a free monthly event sponsored by Mahurangi Action and One Warkworth Business Association. Doors open at 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start.
Mahurangi Action & One Warkworth present:
WARKWORTH TOWN HALL TALKS A series of free monthly talks relevant to our town and the wider community
The team at Auto Services Wellsford have been looking after their local community and surrounding areas for over 17 years. Our team has grown from a one man band in the beginning to the thriving busy workshop we have today with our staff of six. All our staff are and have been residents of the local areas. We are a general repairer working on a wide range of vehicles. We pride ourselves in keeping up with technology and knowledge due to the fast changing pace of the automotive industry
41 Station Road, Wellsford | 09 423 9003 |
Tim Smyth Core Builders Composite’s co-construction manager
What will factories of the future look like, how can Warkworth capitalise on the current industrial revolution and does the Auckland Unitary Plan facilitate this type of growth? These are some of the questions Core Builders Composites co-construction manager Tim Smyth will discuss at this month’s Town Hall Talk. Warkworth Town Hall, Wednesday, 11 April, 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start. All welcome. Supported by Mahurangi Matters
14 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Grant Clifton, Countrywise Financial
Structural, Civil and Geotechnical Consulting Engineers
T&C’s apply. *Big discounts on selected rugs only.
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21 Glenmore Drive
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Kitchens. Bathrooms. Entertainment Units. Laundries. Wardrobes. Offices
Borrowing for building With a lack of existing housing stock to buy and the overall Auckland market being short of some 40,000 homes, I have seen the building of new houses start to accelerate at a pace I have not seen before. The new government’s KiwiBuild policy aims to build 100,000 new houses in New Zealand over the next 10 years, the bulk of these will be in Auckland where demand in greatest. In Warkworth alone, there are going to be more than 1500 new sections made available over the next 10 years. So, if you are thinking of building, there are a few things to be aware of when it comes to financing your new home. Unlike a traditional mortgage, where you buy an existing home which has a completed value, building loans are usually done in up to six stages. Firstly, you would settle the loan for the land, which requires you to put in your deposit and the lender would then lend up to 80 per cent of the land cost. At the time of applying, most lenders will want to know what your plans are for building a house and will require a quote or estimate of the build costs from your builder. At this stage the lender will pre-qualify you to see if you can afford to borrow for the full house and land costs. This is done so you know what you can afford to spend, as it may in some cases be 6-12 months or longer before you start to build. There is no point in buying the land if you are unable to borrow to build a house further down the track. Most lenders now require you to build on the land within two years of the purchase. It also makes sense to know what you can or can’t do budget-wise from the outset. Lenders also generally require a fixed price and fixed-time building contract from your builder. They want to know that your house will be finished on time and within budget. However, in the past two years, more and more builders are reluctant to provide these contracts and prefer labour-only contracts or chargeup contracts. Lenders will still lend but require a whole lot more information, such as a full list of all contractors being used, full written quotes for all work to be undertaken and a spreadsheet setting out all costs. They will then go through a checklist to ensure all costs have been included. They will also run these by an internal quantity surveyor or ask that you employ the services of an independent quantity surveyor to accurately access the build costs. In most cases, you will be required to get the project valued by a registered valuer based off the plans. In other words, what will the house be worth when it is finished? In some cases, the valuer will be used to do progress reports and report to the lender. Building finance can be complex, but it can be made easy by providing all the right documentation and dealing with someone who knows what they are doing.
Kowhai festivities The dates for this year’s 49th Kowhai Festival have been finalised. The festival movie night will be held on Friday October 26, followed by the Huge Day Out on the following day, October 27. The Great Debate will be held on November 2. The theme for the festival is still being finalised. The organising committee held its annual meeting on March 20, where Murray Chapman was re-elected chair and Diane Hopgood secretary. The committee is keen to recruit a treasurer following the retirement of Ray Harrison. Meanwhile, a sub-committee, led by Dave Parker, has been set up to start work on the 50th anniversary festival next year.
Contact Neil: 09 425 7017 or 021 070 0643 Unit A, 16 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth
Have your say on Kaipara District Council’s future plan Kaipara District Council wants residents’ feedback on proposals for its Long Term Plan, which decides what policies and developments will be supported and prioritised over the next decade. The consultation document, A Bright Future, is available from Council or can be viewed online. It features a number of key issues including roading investment, the Mangawhai Community Plan, a forestry targeted rate, the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme, sporting facilities, pensioner housing and flood protection. Council is also seeking thoughts
on walking and cycling, high speed internet, tourism promotion and equalising water charges. Feedback can be placed on any of the topics in the document, or on wider issues and how the district might develop generally. Kaipara District Council debt is estimated to be around $54 million at present, down from a peak of $83 million in 2012. The Long Term Plan consultation document can be found at kaipara., or by calling 0800 727059. The deadline for feedback submissions is 4.30pm on Thursday, April 5.
Planning for
Warkworth’s future growth
Design a logo for learning together Budding designers with a connection to one of eight local schools could win $250 in cash if they come up with a new logo for the group as a whole. The Mahurangi Kahui Ako (which means learning together) Community of Learning was formed in 2016 to identify and share learning strategies that promote success for all. The group includes teachers from Horizon, Kaipara Flats, Leigh, Mahurangi College, Matakana, Pakiri, Snells Beach and Warkworth schools. They are now looking for a logo that can represent them as a community, encompassing their vision of success for all and the values of integrity,
open-mindedness and equity. “The winning logo could be a conceptual design, a representation of our valued cultural histories or our unique environmental surroundings,” competition organisers say. “Ultimately, all members of our community should feel they can connect to its message.” The competition is open to anyone and entries can be sent in digital or hard copy format, in any medium, with a brief explanation of the design. The closing date is May 11 and the winner will be announced on May 18. Info and entries: Jennifer Grey, email
Goat Island decision overturned The Auckland District Court has set aside improvement and prohibition notices imposed on the glass bottom boat operation at Cape Rodney-Okakari Point (Goat Island) marine reserve. Maritime NZ director Keith Manch said the notices were issued under the Health and Safety at Work Act, based on concerns for the safety of swimmers. They had prohibited Glass Bottom Boat operating in Goat Island Channel. Mr Manch said Maritime NZ is disappointed with the Court’s decision and is considering its options.
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Martins Bay Holiday Park
• Powered sites, cabins, self-contained units, family units and caravans. • Wi-Fi, kitchen, barbecues, play areas, fishing and all tide boat ramp. 287 Martins Bay Road, Martins Bay. Book now: visit phone 0800 624 7275 or 09 425 5655 or email
We are opening discussions with the community about developing Warkworth to accommodate new homes and employment on the town’s fringes. This is the first stage of delivering a Structure Plan for Warkworth. The plan will guide the development of rural land in the Future Urban zone. It will also show future land use and infrastructure layout. Over the next 30 years, Warkworth could grow to around 25,000 people with new employment of about one job per home. The completed plan will enable rezoning into residential, industrial, and open space areas. Extra infrastructure will make the land ready for development. Public consultation opens on 3 April-23 April with drop in sessions at the Warkworth Town Hall on: Date
Sat 7 April
10am - 1pm
Warkworth Town Hall
Thu 12 April
6pm – 9pm
Warkworth Town Hall
For more information and feedback forms visit Have your say in shaping Auckland’s future together. phone 09 301 0101 #futurewarkworth #futurewarkworth
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 15
School Holidays
16 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
All sorts of art on display around Mangawhai
The Nukes
“Musical car crash” to play in Warkworth West Auckland ukulele band The Nukes will play at the Warkworth RSA on Sunday, April 8. The Nukes describe themselves as “part vaudeville, part rat-pack and part musical car crash”. They deliver all-original songs with plenty of three-part harmonies. Their music ranges from folk and bluegrass to reggae and post-punk. The band promises blistering riffs, riotous rhythms and questionable dance moves at the family-friendly Warkworth show. The RSA concert will help promote the band’s Nukes III album, which spent six weeks in the NZ album chart top 10.
The band has performed more than 70 shows to sell-out crowds since the album’s release in February, 2017, including major festival show appearances, such as the Wanaka Festival of Colour, Coastella on the Kapiti Coast, Kokomai festival in Masterton and the Southland Festival of Arts. Last November, The Nukes completed a successful three-week tour of Australia – the group’s fourth visit across the ditch. Band manager Simon Vare says The Nukes have not been back to Warkworth for several years and the group are looking forward to this long
Plume Restaurant is the ultimate wedding venue, offering stunning indoor and outdoor settings for your most memorable and special day.
Ticket giveaway Mahurangi Matters has a double pass to see The Nukes along with a signed CD. To win, email your name and contact number to editor@ with subject line “Nukes” by April 3.
Plume, the vineyard restaurant, a ‘must 09 visit’422 this 7915 Summer.
Plume, proudly the house of Runner Duck Wines.
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overdue return. Prior the show at 5pm, The Nukes will hold a workshop session on the ukulele, open to all ages, at 3.30pm. Pre-sale show tickets $20 plus booking fee online at eventfinda. Alternatively, for workshop and show tickets, email Limited door sales $25.
Mangawhai’s many artists will be opening their doors and displaying their talents throughout the Easter weekend during the annual Mangawhai Art Trail. The work of 48 artists will be on display at 18 separate venues, from cafes and churches to artists’ own studios and the Mangawhai Artists Gallery in Moir Street. Paintings, prints, drawings, pottery and sculpture in a diverse range of media and styles will be exhibited and available for sale. A map and guide to participating artists and venues is available online, or an illustrated booklet and map can be bought for a gold coin from shops and businesses in Mangawhai Village and Mangawhai Heads, and at the Saturday morning market in Moir Street. Mangawhai artist Lynn Middleton says the chance to go behind the scenes and see how and where artists produce their work is always popular. “When artists open their studios, they are always intriguing and revealing,” she says. “They will be on hand to talk about their art and answer questions.” The Mangawhai Art Trail will be open from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, March 31 and Easter Sunday, April 1.
20/10/15 10:22 am
Plume, proudly the house of Runner Duck Wines.
School Holidays
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 17
37 Morrison Drive, Warkworth (Opposite Repco)
Jo Dixey takes embroidery to another level.
Modern needlework on show Royal School of Needlework trained professional embroiderer and author of Stitch People, Jo Dixey, will be at the Kaukapakapa Library on Sunday, April 15. Notable for not being in her dotage and surrounded by doilies, Jo applies traditional embroidery techniques to imaginative and contemporary works. As well as exhibiting her own pieces, she has been commissioned to work on large altar cloths, university banners
• 6 Month warranty • Odometer certified • New WOF
and items for the fashion industry. Working as a freelance embroiderer and stitch artist, Jo teaches embroiderers’ guilds and small private groups a variety of techniques, and holds design-based workshops around the country. She will be at the library from 10am to 1pm. All welcome.
• Accident free vehicles • Fully serviced • Professionally groomed
Info: Megan Paterson 021 959017 or
Libraries up in the air for holidays Local libraries are heading Up, Up and Away with a wide range of flightthemed family activities for the April school holidays. At Mahurangi East, teams of witches and wizards will be doing battle throughout the fortnight, with challenges involving science, art, design, food and storytelling. There will also be special Anzac-themed activities at the library on Tuesday, April 24 – the day before Anzac Day – including a family movie evening. Warkworth Library will be taking
flight with assorted planes, catapults and helicopters, as well as seeing if its younger library users have what it takes to be in the air force. Meanwhile, Wellsford will be welcoming back the ever-popular Bubble Man, staging a Take Flight competition and organising a number of art and science activities. For details on the dates and times for all Up, Up and Away school holiday activities, message or visit each library’s Facebook page, or call Auckland Council on 09 301 0101.
Arts and culture consultation
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Creative Northland is hosting an Arts and Culture Consultation meeting at the Mangawhai Library Hall at 45 Moir Street on Wednesday, March, from 10am to 1pm. Artists from all genres are encouraged to attend to discuss a regional strategy for arts and culture in the north and how art and creativity can be prioritised. Info: Phone 09 430 0710 or presents
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School Holidays
18 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
All the Beautiful Girls By Elizabeth J. Church In the summer of 1968, Ruby Wilde is the toast of Las Vegas - Showgirl of the Year, in her feathers and rhinestones, five-inch heels and sky-high headdresses. She mesmerises audiences of movie stars, gamblers and astronauts, all vying for her attention and showering her with gifts. But nobody knows that not so long ago Ruby Wilde was Lily Decker from Kansas; an orphaned girl determined to dance her way out of her troubled past. When she was eight years old, Lily survived the car crash that killed her parents and sister. Raised by an aunt who took too little interest in her and an uncle who took too much, dancing was her solace and her escape. When a mysterious benefactor pays for her to attend a local dance academy, Lily’s talent becomes her ticket to a new life. As the years pass and Ruby continues to search for freedom, for love and, most importantly, herself, she must learn the difference between what glitters and what is truly gold. This is a beautifully rendered tale of personal redemption, friendship and loss, yet told with bite. Elizabeth J Church’s first novel The Atomic Weight of Love was published a year ago to much acclaim and this is equally enjoyable.
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(FOR AGES 5—13 YEARS) (FOR (FORAGES AGES 5—13 5—13 YEARS) YEARS) April 2018 School Holiday Programme ForFor more details and enrolment form more details and enrolment form For more details and enrolment form 16 April - 27 April (FOR AGES 5—13 YEARS)
For ext more details and enrolment form Phone 027027 931 1311 or or 0909 425 8300 786 Phone 931 1311 425 8300 ext 786 Phone 027 931 1311 or 09 425 8300 ext 786
Phone 027 931 1311to orto 09 425 8300 ext 786 Join some amazing trip days Join usus forfor some amazing days Join us for some amazingtrip trip days to
Join us for some amazing trip days to
Megazone Laser Tag, Parakai HotHot Pools, TheThe Maritime Museum, Parakai Springs The Springs Maritime Museum, Parakai Springs Hot Maritime Museum, Parakai Springs Hot Pools and the North Head Tunnels! Sky Tower and the North Head Tunnels ! Pools and the North Head !! Pools HeadTunnels Tunnels
The Best of A.A. Gill By A.A. Gill For more than 20 years, people turned to A.A. Gill’s columns for his fearlessness, his perception, and the laughter and tear provoking one-liners – but mostly because he was the best. This is the definitive collection of a voice that was silenced too early (he died in 2016), but can still make us look at the world in new and surprising ways. There was nothing that he couldn’t illuminate with his dazzling prose. Wherever he was – at home or abroad (Sudan, Iraq, Lampedusa) – he found the human story, brought it to vivid life, and rendered it with fierce honesty and bracing compassion. And he was just as truthful about himself and his personal demons. There have been various collections of A.A. Gill’s journalism – individual compilations of his restaurant and TV criticism, of his travel writing and his feature articles. This book collects examples of the very best of his work and is drawn from a range of publications, including the Sunday Times, Vanity Fair and Tatler, among others. A book that is hilarious, unflinching, sad, funny and furious. The short chapters on Peppa Pig and David Attenborough Revisited are a particular joy to read.
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School Holidays
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 19
TI POINT 27 Ti Point Rd
Phone 09 4226021
Tuataras OPEN DAILY Exotic Lizards 10a.m to 5p.m New Zealand Lizards Adults $20 Tortoises Schoolchildren $10 Alligators Family Pass 2 adults 2 schoolchildren $50
The Jubilation Choir programme covers everything from soul and blues to country-infused gospel and rock ‘n’ roll.
Gospel sounds shake Sawmill The Jubilation a capella gospel choir will bring its foot-stomping energy back to the Leigh Sawmill Café on April 8. The 33-strong group played at the venue in February last year and Jubilation publicity group member Tania Anderson says they were keen to return. “It’s a very relaxed venue and we like to perform there in summer, so people can finish their day with a show after going to the beach,” Tania says. The group will bring a new line up of songs this year with two half-hour sets to be blasted out. “Although we are a gospel choir, most of our members are not religious and we have a strong rock ‘n’ roll theme to our music. “What people enjoy about our shows is leaving at the end feeling uplifted and energised.”
a little indulgence
The choir will likely include around 24 singers and will do a mix of whole group, small group and solo performances. “We need at least that number of people to do a show to create the right sound, every member lives a busy life though, so that is why we do a limited number of shows each year.” The show starts at 5pm and tickets are only available at the door – waged $20, unwaged $15 and children under 16 free.
Ticket/CD giveaway Go in the draw to win a double pass to the Jubilation concert or one of four CD’s by emailing news@ with Jubilation in the subject line and your full name and contact number in the message.
Good Friday launch for fishing fundraiser Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade’s annual Beach, Boat & Kontiki Fishing Tournament takes place this Friday and Saturday, March 31 and April 1. There’s a top prize of $1000 in cash for the heaviest snapper, two $500 prizes for kahawai and trevally, plus 10 lucky ticket draws. Children aged 12 years and under can win $100 for the heaviest snapper or kahawai and $50 for the heaviest sprat. Open fishing starts at 6am on Good Friday and continues until the weigh-in at Wellsford Fire Station from 2-4pm on Saturday, followed by prize giving, a fish auction and refreshments. Tickets cost $30 per person and are available from Wellsford Sports & Leisure, Hunting & Fishing, Warkworth or from Colin Greenwood on 0275 951957.
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School Holidays
20 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Antiques for all in Matakana this Easter
Tempist Fujit
Mangawhai concert to honour burn victim Tempist Fujit are back after a brief stint in the studio to launch their second single, Daynes Song, at a concert in Mangawhai on March 31. The single is dedicated to band members’ relative, Dayne McCallum. Band spokesperson Doug Gordon says after an accident involving fire at 13, Dayne showed incredible strength in adversity while recovering from third
degree burns to his face, hands and body. “Dayne is a true warrior and has overcome all challenges put in front of him to continue living a life of love, happiness and prosperity,” he says. Dayne will feature in a music video, also to be released on March 31, via YouTube and Tempist Fujit’s Facebook page. Along with tracks from their soon
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to be released debut album, Tempist Fujit will play some of their classic hits as part of their set. Special guests on the night will be Moondogs Blues, a two piece rockabilly duo. Tempist Fujit play at the Mangawhai Tavern on March 31 at 8.30pm. Tickets $10, available from eventfinda.
Matakana School hall will be crammed with collectables this Easter weekend, when a two-day fundraising Antique Fair is held on Saturday, March 31 and Sunday, April 1. There will be at least 10 dealers selling a wide range of china, linen, glassware, jewellery, small furniture, tools, and other vintage and retro items. Entry is by gold coin donation and money raised will go towards new wi-fi speakers for the school’s recently formed Glee Club. School relations administrator Kim Scott says the new group is made up of Year 5 and 6 students who are passionate about the performing arts. “They are currently working towards their first performance, which will involve an upbeat mixture of song and dance,” she says. “The speakers purchased with the Antique Fair funds will be a great asset to help with performances.” A similar event held last year raised money for an air conditioning unit for the school’s Arts Hub. The Antique Fair will be open from 10am to 5pm both days. Info: Marie Turtle 027 443 0018
Visit us on Facebook for daily notices MahurangiMatters
Warkworth & District Museum New displays coming soon! Follow our Facebook page for more details:
Adult $7 • Child $3 (6-16 years) • Child under 6 FREE Family $15 (2 adults + all Children) Open 7 Days, Monday to Sunday 10am – 3pm Eftpos & Credit Cards accepted.
Warkworth & Districts Museum. Parry Kauri Park, Tudor Collins Drive (Off Wilson Road, Warkworth) Ph: 09 425 7093 | Email:
School Holidays
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 21
now, + A week-long series of creative book ! g out workshops with award-winning sellin tutors from 7-11 May 2018.
Nic Tucker
Colourful gift for Warkworth A colourful mural on the side of the Chocolate Brown building in Mill Lane has been described as a “gift to Warkworth” from the building’s owners, Andy and the late Glenys Tucker. The mural, by son and daughter-in-law Craig and Nic Tucker, took 70 hours to complete. “After spending many years travelling the world immersing themselves in art
and culture, Andy and Glenys wanted to celebrate their own small piece of heaven, Warkworth, with the world as they pass through our streets,” Nic says. “The large kowhai flowers represent our coast and festival, the birds our song and the building great success from small beginnings.” Nic and Craig are both working artists, based in Napier.
Rural retreat hosts Kaipara Art Fair A new event designed to bring together and showcase arts and crafts from throughout the Kaipara District will be held at a rural property near Kaiwaka on Sunday, June 3. The Kaipara Arts Fair is being organised by Beth Stone and will be held at her Valley Vista Eco Retreat, off Baldrock Road. She says the idea is to have a great day out, with artists exhibiting and selling their wares, plus music, performance art and refreshments. “Kaipara is quite a geographically large and diverse area with a small population, but there are a lot of
people into various art forms and there hasn’t really been a venue to bring them all together,” Beth says. “We have a stunning holiday park and thought we’ve probably got the place and space to do that, and in a beautiful setting, too.” Beth is hoping the fair will feature all kinds of art including painting, sculpture, jewellery, metalwork and woodwork, and she is open to ideas. She would also like to hear from anyone who might be willing to help organise the event.
Set among the vineyards, beaches and boutiques of Matakana, we offer a week of inspiring courses including cast glass, digital art, painting and drawing, textile art, producing a children’s book, photography and more. All selling fast.
+ Landscape Days almost sold out! Be quick for expert garden inspiration.
+ Gibbs Farm, open artists studios, and a new writer’s event at the Vivian Gallery, Matakana.
NNNOOOWWWHHHIIRIRRIININNGGG s s s er er erag ag agan an M Man M al al tial ti ti n n n te te te o o o P P P | | | s s s ta ta ta is is is ar ar ar B B B | | | w wCre w Cre Cre
Info: Beth Stone 0274 937801
Buy 2 items & get the 3rd 100%off! The lowest price item is free. Some exclusions apply.
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22 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Matakana woman finds healing after brain damage When Janis Grummitt, of Matakana, suffered brain damage following the removal of a tumour 11 years ago, she was told that she would never be the same again. Damage to her frontal lobe meant Janis struggled to collect her thoughts, switch between different tasks or control her emotions – finding she would get upset at the slightest thing. The former Fletcher Challenge executive and general manager of a consulting company was forced to give up work and faced the dismal prospect of further mental deterioration. That wasn’t a position Janis was prepared to put up with, so she embarked on a crusade to heal her own brain. As part of her quest, she came across a book, The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge. Janis was inspired by Doidge’s stories of patients with far worse brain damage than herself who made spectacular recoveries. Using the book as a starting point, she began researching all the ways she might repair her own brain. She discovered that recent research has highlighted two important factors about the brain: 1. You can regrow brain cells throughout your life (neurogenesis). 2. You can “re-wire” your brain to overcome damage because the brain is malleable (neuroplasticity). Janis, 66, was so successful in applying
Janis Grummitt and friend Lindsey Dawson are on a quest to help others heal their brains. Photo, Kaye Mueller
re-wiring techniques to overcome her brain damage that she considers herself mentally sharper now than she was in her forties. Along the way, she founded Wiring Warriors, which runs workshops and provides mentoring to help others improve their brain function. In her workshops, Janis highlights five principles for good brain function
Opening Soon in Warkworth
using the mnemonic SPECS – Social, Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, Spiritual. Social: A person wanting a healthy brain requires close relationships with at least one or two people. Physical: Healthy food and regular exercise benefit the brain as well as the body. Emotional: Stress and anxiety create
harmful chemicals in the brain. Learning to think positively and getting plenty of good sleep restores the brain. Cognitive: Exercises that test your verbal skills, memory and numerical skills enhance brain function. Spiritual: This could include being part of a church or engaging in other spiritual activity. A sense that there is purpose and meaning to life is important for a healthy brain. Recently, Janis teamed up with old friend and novelist Lindsey Dawson to run a “Rewrite your Life” workshop in Matakana, which encouraged participants to write down unhappy memories then rewrite them as positive experiences as a means of addressing the emotional aspect of healthy brain function. “Brains are notoriously unreliable and biased. Over time we embellish, revise and expand our stories,” Janis says. “By identifying negative memories and addressing old beliefs that are not serving us well, we can eventually rewrite those experiences into more positive stories.” Janis says after the age of 40 people’s brains, like their bodies, naturally start to “go downhill”, but the good news is that by taking action early, individuals can reverse the decline. “What I want to do is encourage people to act when they are in their forties so they don’t reach gaga land when they are in their eighties,” she says.
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 23
Send your nominations to
Congratulations to Richard Berry, of Sandspit, who is a recipient of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. He was nominated by Laura Drewet, Caron King and Nadine Benton who attend Richard’s Tai Chi classes. Laura wrote:
After trying to join a Tai Chi beginners class on two separate occasions, and finding it too difficult after suffering a stroke, Richard, our instructor, formulated a special Tai Chi class for those of us with neurological disorders. He does this in a voluntary capacity, using our feedback weekly to ensure it is working for us. We could not be more grateful.
Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.
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FREE pregnancy tests Prenatal classes are a great way to meet Prenatal classes, birth venue & other expectant parents, learn about birthing post-natal stay choices, and gain confidence. Held at the Warkworth Birthing Centre, with a tour of Own room in peaceful rural the birthing rooms included. surroundings Courses are FREE, both evening (8 week) Excellent equipment and and weekend (4 week) options are available. atmosphere Participants receive extensive handouts Water birth a speciality and a personalised facebook group. Midwives on call at all times, and Classes are facilitated by qualified as backup for your caregiver (LMC) childbirth educators. Full post-natal hospital stay For further information talk 24 hour Registered Midwives/ to your LMC/Midwife or Nurses to care for you and your baby Warkworth Birth Centre You can transfer from your birth Phone 09 425 8201 hospital within 12 hours of normal birth or 24 - 48 hours following a 56 View Road, Warkworth Caesarean
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Emotionally charged It is during childhood that we learn who we are and how to relate to other people. In these early years, it is our emotional and social brain that wires up first, not the cortical thinking brain. What is most important in childhood is both the quantity of time spent with our primary caregivers and the emotional quality of those relationships. It is through these relationships that we develop our emotional intelligence, our selfesteem and our ability to self-regulate – three important factors for leading a happy adult life. As a society, it is relatively easy to notice when a child is being physically neglected or abused. However, emotional neglect is often more difficult to spot because it is about what is failing to happen for the child at an emotional level and is mostly invisible. The physical needs of the child are usually well met and from the outside it looks as if the family is functioning well. Parents who are chronically busy, distracted, unwell or stressed are often unable to be emotionally present for their children. Others simply lack emotional awareness due to their own parenting. There is also the influence of the entrenched Kiwi culture, which diminishes the importance of emotions and places a high value on shoving feelings down and getting on with it. What does this type of childhood look like? Parents don’t show interest in the child’s emotional needs for love, support and protection. Interactions are task focused. There is a lot of focus on what the child is doing instead of how they are feeling. Parents either don’t pay attention or condemn emotional expressions of need from their child. Often a family has a few emotions that are acceptable and others that are forbidden. If this happened to you, it likely means that you have learned to ignore your own emotional needs and often may not know how you feel. You may experience an emptiness inside and suffer from anxiety or depression. You may struggle to feel close in relationships or feel like you don’t really belong. You may have developed low self-esteem. Over time, we can develop physical sicknesses connected to the inability to feel, accept and deal with emotions in healthy ways. Emotional repression is linked to many physical issues as well as chronic pain. There is a common misconception that we are thinking creatures who have emotions, but science shows that we are emotional creatures who developed the ability to think. Our emotional lives are incredibly important to our health and wellbeing. Seeking help to change this can be life enhancing. Learning to build, deepen and safely understand your emotional world enriches your experience of yourself, your life and your relationships. As a parent, you will be breaking the intergenerational cycle, which will positively impact the emotional, mental and physical health of your family for many generations to come.
Around 30 volunteers who have contributed to the Warkworth Foodbank project gathered at the Warkworth Courthouse on March 14 to celebrate the initiative’s success. By the start of the month, it had processed 30 tonnes of food since starting in 2016, distributed across the community to families in need. Your handy pull-out guide
March 2018Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters1 1 March 28,28, 2018
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Trellis Guy Snells Beach • Warkworth • Orewa
• Custom made • Quality material • Quality workmanship
Also see Lance for your supply of Native and Landscaping plants
Ph 09 422 5737 • 027 272 7561 Fax 09 422 5800
FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION Cuts, grips & overlocks custom made carpet mats: Home interior mats Large area rugs Motorhome, caravan, boat mats Giltgrip Rug Grip available Readymade mats for sale Carpet remnants in stock
54 Duncansby Rd, Whangaparaoa PH: 021 909 458 • HOURS: Tuesday–Friday, 9am–5pm
Rodney Garage Doors
(1998 LTD)
repair • supply • automate
29 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 09 425 0258 • 0274 425 025
Polyurethaning:- Wooden Floors, Particle Board & Cork Cork Tiles:- Natural & Coloured Enviro Friendly Products available
KAE JAE CONTRACTORS (LTD) PHONE KEN (0274) 866-923 A/Hrs (09) 422-7328 • Fax (09) 422-7329
0800 70 40 10 •
Timber Furniture Specialists with quality workmanship guaranteed Specialising in antique, new furniture & all other timber surfaces. Furniture Restoration • Re-spraying • Special Finishing • Colour Matching Insurance quotes • Furniture repairs • Custom made – Recycled or new timber • Modifications • Upholstery
Phone Grant or Lesley 23b Foundry Rd, Silverdale | 09 426 2979 09 426 8412 |
Domestic and Commercial Glazing Glass Showers Splash Backs Mirrors • Cat Doors Windscreen Replacement and Chip Repair
arkworth lass & lazing
20 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 09 425 8678 • 021 952 077
53 Station Road, Wellsford • Phone (09) 423 7358 Email:
Beauty Therapy & Nail Creations for head to toe pampering
Alison Wech
C.I.D.E.S.C.O, C.I.B.T.A.C, dip Beauty Therapy, dip Electrolysis, dip Body Therapy, dip Nail Technician
46 McKinney Road, Warkworth Mob 021 051 3661 • Ph 09 425 7776
• Facials • Waxing • Tinting • Gel Nails • Acrylic Nails • Manicures • Pedicures • Electrolysis • Make-up • Body Wraps • Massage • Spray Tans
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44 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters March March28, 28,2018 2018
Kitchen Colours
and Wood Finishes
Spraypainters of quality kitchens Lacquers, enamels, urethanes, 2 pacs, clearcoats Resprays and Recolours
Phone / Fax Gary 425 7669 Unit 21/30 Hudson Road, Warkworth
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09 422 9514 • 021 831 938
for complete quality projects
• Lawns - contouring & seeding • Top soil • Retaining Walls • Driveways • Paths • Digger • Truck • Tractor Phone Bruce 425 7766 a/h 021 055 4226 I take the hard work out of Landscaping
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183 SANDSPIT RD, WARKWORTH • OPEN 7 DAYS! Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm Sat: 7am-4pm Sun: 9am-3pm
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Mark Welch
0275 489 104
lou t
1 April 2018 Your property guide for Hibiscus Coast, Rodney and Kaipara
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 1
WelcomeHome Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
Bayleys | Borders | Colliers | Evelyn Page | Harcourts | LJ Hooker | Mike Pero | One Agency | Platinum Homes | Sotheby’s | Wallace & Stratton
1 Considered some of the last remaining sites to hug the waterfront in this prime location, Mangawhai Point will oer just 40 residential sites positioned across 8 hectares. Resting at the tip of a peninsula, like-minded residents will enjoy intoxicating estuary, dune and ocean views, a private beach and coastal walking tracks.
This premium subdivision has drawn inspiration from its unique history and location, and is a stunning showcase of nature, heritage and healthy living!
Tawharanui Peninsula - 382 Whitmore Road Make Your Dreams A Reality
For Sale
Stunning & unique lifestyle property on 7.26 hectares in this prestigious location overlooking Kawau Bay, just minutes from Matakana Village. Near new, fully insulated barn accommodation, plus removable Go-Home set amongst pasture, fruit trees, grapevines & regenerating native forest, with glorious coastal views, stream boundary & jetty for access to Kawau Bay just 600m downstream!
A rare opportunity to purchase an outstanding property on Tawharanui Peninsula. Call Angela now to view! - Viewing by appointment Web -
Angela Wain 0800 MATAKANA Mike Pero - Matakana Mike Pero - Warkworth
A Local Matters publication. Distribution - 37,000 copies. For advertising enquiries contact or 09 425 9068
2 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Stage 2 Selling now
Priced from
We’ve unlocked the secret to a beachfront home Boathouse Bay’s unique master plan for a community of quality beachside homes has unlocked a fantastic opportunity to secure your dream location right on the beach.
• Absolute beachfront available
Our Stage 2 release follows on from Boathouse Bay’s incredibly successful launch,
• Vaulted ceilings with captivating sea views
and presents stunning beachfront homes with native landscaping on Snells Beach that you will not want to miss.
• North end of Snells Beach – less than an hour from Auckland • Two and three-bedroom designs • Sheltered native bush surroundings • Arclinea kitchens by Matisse
For more information or an on-site appointment contact Claire today:
Claire Boggiss M: 027 505 5250 | E: 59 Arabella Lane, Snells Beach |
Licensed REAA 2008
1 April 2018
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 3
Karen Clark and Jonathan de Jong Real Estate experts on the Hibiscus Coast for New Zealand Sotheby’s International Realty. Find out how you can be one of our real estate success stories, call Karen or Jonathan and experience the difference.
+64 20 4144 8777 KAREN CLARK +64 21 355 284
Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated. Browns Real Estate Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ.
1 April 2018
4 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
12 Whares Court, MILLWATER
) - )&'$)
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12D Blake Greens, MILLWATER
! /# #*0. $. (+/4 ./ "$)" ( & . #0" $ƙ - ) Ǽ $/ * . *./ 0/ - )/'4 # +-*+ -/4 /# / # ) - )*1 / ǻ / . / !*- 2#$' Ǽ /# ) 2 $ /* ./ " $/ ) - * /# +#*/*. ) .#*-/'4 Ɯ - # (0'/$+' *ƙ - .$/0 /$*)Ǽ "*/ !0'' .&$)" +-$ ) $/ 2 )/ 0) *) $/$*) ' $) /#- 4. Ȓ $/ 2*-&.ǻ
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1462 Whangaparaoa Road, ARMY BAY
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17B Beach Road, MANLY
4 The Grove, RED BEACH
$995,000 ǽ Ç“Ç•Ç” ǚǚǜ ǛǖǛ ǽ Ç“Çœ Ç—Ç•Ç› ǘǙǖǘ ǽ & - )Ç»!- )&'$)È# - *0-/.Ç» *Ç»)5 ) ( '/4 $($/ È&#x;È&#x; $ ). " )/ Ç•Ç“Ç“Ç›
1 April 2018
52A 52A 52A Walton Walton Walton Street, Street, Street, RED RED RED BEACH BEACH BEACH
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 5
8/4 8/4 Stables 8/4 Stables Stables Lane, Lane, Lane, MILLWATER MILLWATER MILLWATER
43A 43A 43A Alice Alice Alice Avenue, Avenue, Avenue, OREWA OREWA OREWA
$829,000 $829,000 $829,000
$899,000 $899,000 $899,000
2121 Mably 21 Mably Mably Court, Court, Court, STANMORE STANMORE STANMORE BAY BAY BAY
3/18 3/18 3/18 Ocean Ocean Ocean View View View Road, Road, Road, HATFIELDS HATFIELDS HATFIELDS BEACH BEACH BEACH
$749,000 $749,000 $749,000
$795,000 $795,000 $795,000
6262 Ardern 62 Ardern Ardern Avenue, Avenue, Avenue, STANMORE STANMORE STANMORE BAY BAY BAY
5/848 5/848 5/848 Whangaparaoa Whangaparaoa Whangaparaoa Road, Road, Road, MANLY MANLY MANLY
$950,000 $950,000 $950,000
$2,100,000 $2,100,000 $2,100,000
$699,000 $699,000 $699,000
5/148 5/148 5/148 Brightside Brightside Brightside Road, Road, Road, STANMORE STANMORE STANMORE BAY BAY BAY
313 313 313 Pukapuka Pukapuka Pukapuka Road, Road, Road, PUHOI PUHOI PUHOI
6 Commodore 6 Commodore 6 Commodore Court, Court, Court, GULF GULF GULF HARBOUR HARBOUR HARBOUR
$965,000 $965,000 $965,000 4747 Zealandia 47 Zealandia Zealandia Road, Road, Road, MANLY MANLY MANLY
$995,000 $995,000 $995,000 2 Roseville 2 Roseville 2 Roseville Road, Road, Road, GULF GULF GULF HARBOUR HARBOUR HARBOUR
15.0923ha 15.0923ha 15.0923ha
$849,000 $849,000 $849,000
$1,295,000 $1,295,000 $1,295,000
$1,375,000 $1,375,000 $1,375,000
Top Top Top1% 1% 1% M: M:M: 021 021 021 779 779 779 838 838 838 P:P:09 P:0909 428 428 428 5635 5635 5635 Tandem Tandem Tandem Realty Realty Realty Limited Limited Limited // Licensed // Licensed // Licensed Agent Agent Agent REAA REAA REAA 2008 2008 2008
1 April 2018
6 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
09 426 6216
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
PROPERTY TALK WITH LANE SANGER This month has been very positive with the number of buyers through our open homes at its highest level in 12 months, and with older listings getting renewed interest and multi offers. Prices in Orewa and the surrounding suburbs are stable and we do not expect to see any sudden price drops or rises. Although buyers are serious about buying at the moment they are also cautious and do not appear to be concerned about missing out on a property. We are also finding that many buyers are choosing to secure a contract on a home subject to them selling their current home. With buyers still being cautious sellers need to be smart and realistic about what buyers are prepared to pay. If you are considering selling in the next six months remember that if you are buying and selling in the same market, the state of the market is irrelevant. We are finding that the best properties, presented in the best possible way are attracting the most buyers. If you are thinking of selling your home, talk to me or one of my team to see how we can help you position your home ahead of the competition.
At Mike Pero we not only use all the traditional marketing mediums but also some smarter and more innovative channels as well including advertising your home on television for free! We also have some great news for property investors and tenants, we are very pleased to welcome Craig Harrison and Quinovic Property Management to Mike Pero Orewa. Quinovic has over 30 years of experience in property management and rentals with 32 nationwide offices. For a rental appraisal on your property and rental enquiries contact Craig on 021 476 621.
Lane Sanger 021 215 9718
TOP TIPS BEFORE SELLING Once the decision to sell your home has been made, it can often be a mad rush to get your home ‘market ready’. Catch your breath and consider these 5 tips.
Street Appeal Make sure that the front lawn, garden and fence are tidy and clean. If you don’t have the time or skill, there are some great gardeners and landscapers who can transform your property without costing too much.
Repairs & Maintenance Ensure that all repairs and small maintenance jobs are completed before putting your home on the market as these details will put off potential buyers.
Spring Clean If you have been putting off that spring clean, now is the time! Wash, buff, wax and freshen up your home inside and out.
*32 sales were sections sold at West Hoe Heights, Orewa causing the median price in Orewa to drop to $480,000 from $930,000 12-month median price.
Make the Emotional Break Think of your home as a product that is to be marketed and sold. Focus on your future rather than the past, remove personal items and styling and instead present your home for the target market. Home Staging and advice can be a good option.
Dress for SUCCESS! Presentation, presentation, presentation! De-clutter and remove personal items. Get as much light in as possible, put flowers out on the kitchen bench, and invest in a home scent diffuser. Contact one of our specialists here at Mike Pero Orewa to guide you in the right direction.
• Providing investor appraisals to support finance applications • Appraisals provided within 48 hours • A Quinovic rental appraisal is 100% independent
Craig Harrison Franchise Owner
Contact Craig for a
T: (09) 444 5753 M: (021) 476 621
Appraisal today
1 April 2018
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 7
1 April 2018
09 426 6216
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
8 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018 106 Moir Street, Mangawhai
Mangawhai lifestyle 2
A sheltered private haven with great potential. 2.1 acres, 2 bedroom cottage, 3 car garaging and workshop, barn, sheep paddock and orchard. Flat walk to Mangawhai village and school. This is a lifestyle opportunity you do not want to miss. Tender closes 5th April so be sure to call Liz today! (will not be sold prior)
________________________________ For Sale Viewing Contact
Tender closes 5/4/18 at 5.00pm Sat/Sun 2.00 - 3.00pm Liz Ritchie 0274 882 827
________________________________ 34 Southgate Road, Warkworth
Attention new home buyers! 4
3 Kanuka Road, Sandspit
• Quality new build - brick & tile • Large open plan living / dining / kitchen • Separate second lounge • 4 Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms • Off street parking for boat / motorhome • Easy commute to schools / town centre • Low maintenance gardens with established trees in place
3 |
2 |
Vendors are packed and moving south!
Act now to secure this piece of paradise. Opportunities to purchase property with such an outlook in popular Sandspit don’t come up too often and with motivated Vendors ready to hand over the keys to someone who will love it as much as they have, you should definitely try an offer. This could be yours!
________________________________ For Sale Viewing Contact
$899,000 Please phone for viewing times Rob Hall 021 897 545
Viewing Contact for viewing times Contact Pip Foote 0274 997 990
49A Coquette Street, Warkworth
First home buyers - start here! 3
This cute 3 bedroom home with character will make an ideal starter. Investors be sure to view also. Rental appraisals available. Quiet location and easy walk to town. Carport and off street parking for 3 cars. Private deck off living area plus fully fenced rear yard/patio area complete with spa pool.
________________________________ For Sale Viewing Contact
$619,000 Viewing by appointment Teresa Hall 027 603 0565
________________________________ 27 Davies Road, Wellsford
Family friendly - great outlook 4
• 4 Bedrooms (3 up and 1 down) • Family bathroom plus separate shower • 2 Separate toilets • Open plan living/dining/kitchen • Office/play room on upper level • Large rumpus area on lower level • Quarter acre section with vege garden • Private deck with great views
________________________________ For Sale Viewing Contact
$610,000 Please phone for viewing times Teresa Hall 027 603 0565
TMR Realty Ltd, Licensed REAA 2008
1 April 2018
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 9
I SOLD these amazing properties in the past 6 weeks! If you want to sell, and sell quickly at a fantastic price, call me now for a
“Charlie Cochrane is the hardest working agent on the Coast... very impressive!� - Vivien & Gordon Hughes | M: 027 524 4583 | E: 1 April 2018
10 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
The owners of every SOLD property made the choice to trust Steffan and his team to get the job done Living, Loving, Selling Mahurangi East
0800 U R SOLD
1 April 2018
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 11 1 April 2018
12 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
1 Mangawhai
1 Mangawhai Heads
19 Tern Point Road
13 Holiday Crescent
4A 2B 2C 2D
Double the fun
2+1 A 1+1 B 1+1 C
A triumph to its owners' vision, this property is the perfect location for those seeking privacy, security and a country style residence. Two large ponds and the entire 4.04ha property is serviced by treated bore water. Also included is a 15x9m five bay, three roller door shed which incorporates a one bedroom self-contained unit.
Tender (unless sold prior) Closing 4pm, Thu 5 Apr 2018 View Sat/Sun 11.30 - 12.30pm Laureen Hayes 021 431 386 Letitia Partridge 027 274 8779
Set in the dress circle this property offers lots of options. With a two bedroom holiday home, spacious one bedroom bach, sleepout and caravan, two families could easily share or perfect for extended family. Under 150m to the walkway to the estuary and only 400m to the shops, park and cafes.
Auction (unless sold prior) 1pm, Thu 12 Apr 2018 14 Florence Avenue, Orewa View Sat/Sun 1-1.45pm Robbie Robertson 021 95 97 98 Dianne Christensen 021 741 541
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
Mangawhai Heads - 331 Molesworth Drive
4pm Monday 16 April 2018
Langs Beach - 14 Island View Lane
Substantial Beach House
24 23
Located just a short walk from the estuary, this property offers sea & island views, expansive decks & superb outdoor living. Offers can be made at any time prior to the closing date.
Mike Pero Mike Real PeroEstate Real Estate Ltd Licensed Ltd Licensed REAAREAA (2008) (2008)
11 1
Deadline Sale
Holiday in the Heads
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
For Sale
Could this be be your entry to Langs Beach? A substantial, two year old home with three bedrooms, and master ensuite offering open plan living, a modern kitchen and expansive decks with sea views. Call Alan.
Alan Corkin - 382 Tawharanui Peninsula - 382 Whitmore Tawharanui Road Peninsula Tawharanui Tawharanui Whitmore Road Peninsula Peninsula- 382 - 382Whitmore WhitmoreRoad Road 021 906 901
Make Your Dreams A Reality
Make Your Dreams A Reality Make Make Your Your Dreams Dreams A Reality A Reality For Sale
For Sale
Alan Corkin 021 906 901 For ForSale Sale
Web - Web - $2,100,000 $2,100,000 $2,100,000 $2,100,000 Stunning & unique lifestyle property on 7.26 hectares Stunning in this prestigious & unique location lifestyle property on 7.26 hectares Stunning Stunning in&this unique & unique prestigious lifestyle lifestyle location property property overlooking onon 7.26 7.26 hectares hectares in in this this prestigious prestigious location location overlooking overlooking Mike Pero Mike Pero -overlooking Mangawhai - Mangawhai
Kawau Bay, just minutes from Matakana Village. NearKawau new, fully Bay,insulated just minutes barnfrom accommodation, Matakana Village. Kawau Kawau NearBay, new, Bay, just fully just minutes minutes insulated from from barn Matakana Matakana accommodation, Village. Village.Near Near new, new, fully fully insulated insulated barn barn accommodation, accommodation, plus removable Go-Home set amongst pasture, fruit trees, plus removable grapevinesGo-Home & regenerating set amongst native pasture, plus plus fruit removable removable trees, grapevines Go-Home Go-Home & set regenerating set amongst amongst pasture, native pasture, fruit fruit trees, trees, grapevines grapevines & regenerating & regenerating native native forest, with glorious coastal views, stream boundary &forest, jetty for with access glorious to Kawau coastalBay views, juststream 600m boundary forest, forest, with & jetty with glorious glorious for access coastal coastal to Kawau views, views, stream Bay stream justboundary 600m boundary & jetty & jetty forfor access access to to Kawau Kawau Bay Bay just just 600m 600m downstream! downstream! downstream! downstream!
1 April 2018
A rare opportunity to purchase an outstanding property A rare on Tawharanui opportunity Peninsula. to purchase an outstanding A property rare A rare opportunity opportunity on Tawharanui to to purchase purchase Peninsula. anan outstanding outstanding property property onon Tawharanui Tawharanui Peninsula. Peninsula. Call Angela now to view!
Call Angela now to view!
Angela Wain
Call Call Angela Angela now now toMATAKANA to view! view! 0800
Angela Wain 0800 MATAKANA
Angela Angela Wain Wain 0800 0800 MATAKANA MATAKANA
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 13 Enjoy the change of season with LJ Hooker Warkworth
Autumn Special 2018 Receive a Warkworth
180 Cowan Bay Road A World of Your Own - Owners Departing
So close to Auckland CBD and yet totally private and tranquil. 42.59 ha, pasture, bush walks, a waterfall and much more. The main home has excellent living areas opening onto attractive well landscaped flat gardens. Walk down the drive past the post and rail fenced paddocks to the second dwelling, again very private; there is a large living area, three bedrooms and an attractive courtyard. The balance of the land has an orchard and pasture, with areas of native trees.
our FREE Marketing Package
For Sale $2,100,000 View
When you list your property exclusively with us. Applies to new 90 day listings signed before 31 May 2018
Jennie Georgetti 021 389 236
LJ Hooker - Warkworth 09 425 8589 Broadbents 2001 Ltd
$500 *Conditions apply
Call us to find out how we can help you get your property SOLD
09 425 8589
Wau Market Come and drop your
off the
Kawau Boating Club, Bon Accord, Kawau Island Saturday 31st March 9am-1pm - All Welcome Tables available 021 047 1516 Italian Clothes & French Sheets Antiques & Bric-a-brac Nauticalia, Books & Posters Refreshments & Food Available
Ross Sutherland 021 301 339 LJ Hooker - Warkworth 09 425 8589 Broadbents 2001 Ltd
View the Kawau Island Real Estate Propeties on display come and see Ross and have a chat about your future Kawau Island property
Broadbents 2001 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
1 April 2018
14 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
PREFERRED BUILDING PARTNER, WOODCOCKS — WARKWORTH CALL US TODAY OR VISIT OUR SHOW HOMES TO DISCUSS YOUR BUILD. Millwater: Cnr Bankside & Manuel Roads | Riverhead: 83 Pohutukawa Parade Hours and details visit or phone (09) 281 3076
1 April 2018
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 15
Beautiful apartment available now
Resort-style facilities Hair Salon Dining Room Pool Table
This fabulous two bedroom apartment features a large open-plan kitchen, dining and lounge area, and has its own patio. Situated just 1km from the beautiful Orewa Beach, Evelyn Page Retirement Village is a vibrant and friendly community. The village also offers assisted living and the very best of resthome, hospital and dementia care.
• Deferred management fee capped at 20% • Fixed weekly fees* • Plus seven more guarantees!
Scooter Bay Atriums Spa Pool Swimming Pool Bar Library Village Centre Bowling Green Gym
For more information please phone Jo on 09 421 1815 30 Ambassador Glade, Orewa 7992
*Terms and conditions apply
1 April 2018
16 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
BORDERS WARKWORTH TO COAST Wyllie Road Warkworth, 74COAST Warkworth, 74 Wyllie Road
2 2
3 3
Warkworth, 18 Southgate Road
Snells Beach, 153 Mahurangi East Road 4 2 5 DEVELOPER´S DREAM 4 2 5
$3,600,000 $3,600,000
Approx 38ha (93 acres) with 3 titles, each with road frontage. Spacious home boasting amazing rural views. Two larger blocks on either side, paddocks, covenanted bush, ponds & natural spring. Solar powered bore, sheds & cattle yards. Excellent building sites with stunning views. RV $3,305,000. or 3develop this exclusive location (subject to authorities approval). Approx 38ha (93Landbank acres) with titles, each with road rural frontage. Spacious home boasting amazing rural views. Two larger blocks on either side, paddocks, covenanted bush, ponds & natural spring. Solar powered bore, sheds & cattle yards. Excellent building sites with stunning views. RV $3,305,000. Landbank or develop this exclusive rural location (subject to authorities approval).
1 1
Warkworth, 18 Southgate Road
3 1
1 1
Snells Beach, 153 Mahurangi East Road
2 3
Beautifully appointed, a freshly remodelled home blends contemporary flair with characters of the '70's. Open plan living, 3 double bedrooms, large workshop. Complimented by 2 verandahs overlooking its garden, the property sits on approx. 694 m2 section. Conveniently located to all amenities. You will be impressed!
3 3
Is a one level home & garage with internal access on your list? Well here it is - three double bedrooms, flat section, ample parking for toys. Window seats & timber features throughout extending onto conservatory & decks. Good size garden/storage shed. Rural/river views. Peep of the sea. VIEWING A MUST.
Sell with Adrienne & Jim & receive • Super Low Selling Fee • An amazing FREE $2,000 Power Marketing Campaign • PLUS: List before April 30, 2018 and enjoy a COMPLIMENTARY 2 night deluxe escape for two $679,000 $669,000 1 in the 3 Matakana 3 apply). 1 6 (including breakfast) at an exclusive Coast Region. (Terms & Conditions 3 lodge REDUCED – OWNERS ON THE MOVE
Beautifully appointed, a freshly remodelled home blends contemporary flair with characters of the '70's. Open plan living, 3 double bedrooms, large workshop. Complimented by 2 verandahs overlooking its garden, the property sits on approx. 694 m2 section. Conveniently located to all amenities. You will be impressed!
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Is a one level home & garage with internal access on your list? Well here it is - three double bedrooms, flat section, ample parking for toys. Window seats & timber features throughout extending onto conservatory & decks. Good size garden/storage shed. Rural/river views. Peep of the sea. VIEWING A MUST.
Jim Steffener Sales & Marketing Executive 09 425 5394 I 021 939 034
Licensed REAA 2008
1 April 2018 Your handy pull-out guide
March 2018 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 5 5 March 28,28,2018
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66 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters March March28, 28,2018 2018 Your handy pull-out guide WATER
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clean. care. repair. Warkworth: Phone Karl or Kylie Oldham 027 240 7791 email: email:
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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING APPLIANCE REPAIRS A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.
DRIVEWAYS MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766
GARDENER Reliable & Experienced . Available for all aspects of garden work. Phone Martin 021 254 6660
HOME MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENT ARBORIST - Fruit tree pruning and Tree stump removals. Fully qualified and experienced. Ph. James 021 330 212
Blue Skies Cleaning Window Cleaning, Soft Bio House Wash, Gutter Clean, All Exterior Cleaning, Water Blasting, Roof Treatment, Local Professional service. Ph Pat 022-646-5849
Or need your Freeview box tuned for the new channels? TV repairs, microwave oven repairs, Freeview installations. Ph Paul 09 422 0500 or 027 29 222 04
HANDYMAN Carpentry, rubbish removal etc Ph/Txt 027 420 5155
PLASTERER - GIB STOPPING, COVING, REPAIRS. Prompt & professional service. Highest quality finish. No obligation quote. Ph John 021 107 3658
STUMP GRINDING WARKWORTH Stump Removal, Tree Removal, Chipping. Ph 021 623 330
WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole house, UV & water spotting, Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 094223245 WATER PUMPS - no water? old cast iron pump? Sales Service & Installation. Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 09 422 3245
Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses & ponies • Birthday rides Lessons • Suit beginners & experienced riders & people with Disabilities Social, Language & School Groups
Book Now 1hr $50 • 2hrs $90 Phone 09 425 8517
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 09 945 0495 REFRIGERATOR White, F&P, Circa 1988, Model FC370G, H 420mm x W 630mm x D 720mm, $150 ONO. STAINLESS STEEL SINK BENCH L 1.83m x W 520mm x Back lip 150mm, 450mm sink gap. Phone Glenys (Snells Beach) 021 166 1304 or 425 5166.
42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth Google: Horse Riding Warkworth
Shop hours Mon - Fri 8am-5pm Sat 9am-12pm
$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075 E:
Pumps & Filters Water Treatment Spa & Pool Shop Water Testing Valet Service Water Blasters Tanks & Sprayers 24 Hour Mobile & Workshop Service
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RELIABLE LOCAL CONTRACTOR Quality job guaranteed. Ph 021-254-6660.
MARKETS MUSEUM SUMMER MARKETS 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth. Enquiries Warkworth 425 8482.
Cancer Support Warkworth & Wellsford group
We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Tui House Hospice, 32 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth at 10am. Friendly support from members Guest speakers Enjoy morning tea or coffee with us Contact: Sue McLeod 425 4994 or 021 649 081 Susan Tomas 423 8424
Hudson, Robert Kendall In loving memory of Robert who left us Sunday 13th March 13 years ago. Those we love are never really lost to us - we feel them in so many special ways - through friends they always cared about and dreams they left behind, in beauty that they added to our days... in words of wisdom we still carry with us and memories that never will be gone... Those we love are never really lost to us - For everywhere their special love lives on.
From your wife Phyl & family, Ian, John & Cindy, Peter & Vicky. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Loves leaves a memory no one can steal.
BINGO, BINGO, BINGO! Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED Mahurangi College is looking for additional host families for its International Student Programme. This will involve German, Chinese and Japanese students who come to the college either short term (four weeks) or longer. A tax free payment is made on a fortnightly basis. Preference will be given to host families in Warkworth town or the Snells Beach/Algies Bay areas. This will apply to the start of Term 3 (23 July) Interested applicants can enquire to the college Homestay Coordinator. SENIOR WARKWORTH HOCKEY CLUB A. G. M. 5th April 2018, 7.30pm at Warkworth Hockey Turf. Members & non members all welcome. The deadline for classified advertising for our April 18 paper is April 9. Send classified advertising enquiries to Your handy pull-out guide
March 2018 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 7 7 March 28,28,2018
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE DESKS A reminder to the public that the JP Service Desks are available as follows: Warkworth – at the Council Offices Monday 10.00 – 2.00 If there is a long weekend, this is replaced by the following Tuesday from 10.00 to 12.00. Snells Beach – at the Library Friday 10.00 – 12.00 Warkworth RSA Fridays 4.00 to 5.00 This is becoming an increasingly popular method of obtaining Justice of the Peace services, and no appointment is needed. There is no cost. At all other times there are plenty of other JP’s available in the Warkworth/Mahurangi Area, either in the Warkworth Community phone book, or on‑line “find a JP”. Supported by Mahurangi Matters
8 Wired Brewing is offering a great opportunity to join our team as a brewery hand. Two entry level positions, one full time and one part time, have come available. The applicant must be enthusiastic, hard working and possess great attitude and initiative. The ability to work as part of a team is crucial. Practical skills and experience in a labour type environment, along with having a forklift license would be beneficial. Among other things, you’ll be cleaning, working the packaging line, receiving/dispatching goods. This is an opportunity to work in one of NZ’s top breweries within an exciting industry. Please email all interest along with CV to
MATURE GENTLEMAN REQUIRES PART TIME WORK. Well presented with a wide range of skill sets. Has own vehicle. Will consider anything within 30km of Warkworth. Phone 021 624 760
20m2 private, ground level, central Warkworth. $500 pm +GST. Phone Bob 09 425 7644
9 6 1 8 8 7 1 6 4 5 1 5 7 4 2 5 5 7 2 9 8 7 3 2 6 7 2 5 4 3 8 3 9 9 2 8 6 3 9 8 4 7 3
CHURCH NOTICES "O Son of Man! My eternity is My creation, I have created it for thee. Make it the garment of thy temple ... clothe thyself therewith, that thou mayest be to all eternity, the revelation of My everlasting being."
Phone 425 8545
Holy Mass Timetable: WARKWORTH
Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am
SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am
1 Hexham Street, Warkworth Parish Office: Ph 425 8660 Sunday Service 10.30am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 8053
Snell’s Beach Community Church 325 Mahurangi East Rd Sunday Service 9am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 5612
Church office - 425 8660
5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am
the numbers game
4 3 6
1 6
Brewery Hand Position
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
SOLUTION SOLUTION Tradespage page41 7
“Trying to do business without advertising is like winking at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles. You may know what you are doing, but no-one else does.” Thomas Macaulay
Wintry weather failed to dampen the spirits of those who attended the Riverside Dinner in Warkworth.
Riverside moves inside ... again! Organisers of Warkworth’s second fundraising Riverside Dinner are beginning to think they have seriously offended the weather gods. Yet again, plans to hold the dinner in the open air on the Warkworth Wharf were abandoned when the area was hit by strong winds and rain on March 17. About 150 diners, many dressed in the St Patrick’s Day theme, were forced to retreat to the undercover carpark at New World. Organisers say that despite the smaller turnout compared to last year, when
220 people attended, “a good time was had by all”. The event is a joint initiative of Warkworth Lions and Warkworth Rotary, with funds raised shared between the Mahurangi River Restoration Trust and the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust. Although the amount raised was still being finalised, organisers thought it would be around $10,000. Lions club president David Little says the future of the dinner will be discussed by the two clubs over coming months.
8 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Justin Cyfert and Michael Nisbet hoped for a winning catch.
There were plenty of snapper passed across the tables at the weigh-in outside the Leigh Hall.
About 600 fishermen took to the waters around Kawau Bay, Leigh and further north in the annual Leigh Fishing Competition held on March 17. Around 800 fish passed over the scales at the weigh-in, with Shane Reynolds’ 10.65kg snapper winning the open category. The heaviest fish overall was an 11.5kg kingfish, caught by Duane Paul. Wet and windy conditions meant fewer competitors this year, but organisers were happy with the end result.
Chynal Prior won the grand prize of a Surtees boat package worth $45,000. Money raised will be shared between the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter and Leigh community causes. Results as follows: Junior category: Snapper – heaviest (2.85), Jackson Stuart; average weight (1.05), Harry Nairn; kahawai – heaviest (2.15), Haruki Kurimasa; average weight (1.78), Harlem Rawhiti; trevally – heaviest (1.49), Sophie Joblin; average weight (1.10), Georgia Barnes and Faith Lima; sprat – heaviest (0.15), Oliver Hogg; most
Eight hundred caught in Leigh fish haul unusual (squid 0.03), Leeroy Harvey. Open: Snapper – heaviest (10.65), Shane Reynolds; 2nd heaviest (8.19), Wade Styler; average weight (1.35), Anthony Lima; kingfish – heaviest (11.5), Duane Paul; average weight (7.90), Michael Nisbet; kahawai – heaviest (2.81), Herb Harrison; average weight (1.83), Stanzo Bird; trevally – heaviest (2.40), Clayton Elsmore; average weight (1.24), Paul Gifford; John Dory – heaviest (2.10), Darrell Goosen; other (Bonito, 3.00), Brent Riggs; female angler (kingfish, 9.25), Joy Munrow.
Support the advertisers who support this newspaper CUSTOMER INSTANT REBATE
Mangawhai Artists’ patron Malcolm Roberts was on hand to guide visitors Jo Roberts and Susan Smith, around the first Sculpture in the Garden weekend last month. The Welsh visitors were among around 500 people who toured the gardens at 69 Moir Street to view, and occasionally buy, a wide range of sculptures on display, as well as enjoy live music and cream teas. The weekend raised just over $5000 for Mangawhai Artists and Te Whai Community Trust projects.
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 25
Windmill gives environmentally sustainable spin to farm Two years ago, Ian and Maggie Hutchinson set out to establish a sustainable farm in Ahuroa and part of realising that goal was the installation of a prized Comet Windmill. The 80-hectare block has been farmed since the late 1800s by Maggie’s family under the Berger name. The couple have been restoring it since they purchased it in July 2016. “While we’re still young enough to take care of the land, we wanted to restore the farm to a more natural state and have a strong element of sustainability,” Ian says. “The windmill provides a unique way of distributing water on the farm using a renewable energy source, and the water in this area is of a pristine quality.” The Comet is placed at one of the highest points on the farm, 70 metres above the proposed new house on the property, and it puts 100psi of pressure in the water supply. The fan has a diameter of seven metres and the tower is 11.5 metres high. All of its components were brought over from Australia and it was assembled over a week. “Maggie and I drove from Brisbane to Sydney in March last year to check out the Comet factory in Macksville,
Comet Windmills have been in operation since 1879 and little has changed in their design and build since then.
where we decided to buy a windmill. “These have been installed all over the world and we believe this is the first one to require a building consent.” The most recent plans Ian could provide to council of the structure were from 1927 and he admires the functionality of the old technology.
“It’s made up of materials such as cast iron and has hardwood bearings but only needs servicing every 75 years.” To reach water, a 15-centimetre hole was drilled 20 metres deep. This was then fitted with a round casing to prevent the hole from naturally collapsing in on itself.
A 10-centimetre hole was then bored a further 200 metres through solid rock to reach the aquifer. Most Comet Windmills are built on flat land and require a header tank that holds water above ground so that it can be gravity fed. But because of the height differential between the windmill and the planned house, the Hutchinsons’ two 30,000 litre water reservoir tanks near the windmill can be sited at ground level. Comet has been building windmills since 1879 and they are found all over the world. Some of their windmills can draw over 750,000 litres per day, half the contents of an Olympic-sized swimming pool. The Hutchinson’s windmill also requires a large capacity as it will be distributing water to all of the surrounding paddocks to fill troughs for farm stock. To encourage wildlife to areas not occupied by stock, the couple planted 20,000 native trees last winter. “It’s amazing how many animal sounds have returned since we started planting.” This winter they will plant a further 150,000 natives.
EXTERIOR CLEANING & WATERBLASTING Eco-Friendly Cleaning Firm of the of the Year - New Zealand In the Innovation and Excellence Awards 2018 Awards Director, Kevin Norden, commented: “We were honoured and overwhelmed by the outstanding response to this year’s Innovation & Excellence awards. After receiving a record number of nominations, the research team and judging panel have worked tirelessly to ensure each nomination was thoroughly researched and only the most worthy winners have now been recognised. All winners have shown an innovative view to pushing business success and ideas. We look forward to seeing how they will continue to demonstrate their commitment in the future”. Covering Warkworth, Matakana, Omaha, Snells Beach, Sandspit, Wellsford, Mangawhai, Leigh, Orewa
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26 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
The Camera Shop owner Colin Stables still sees plenty of value in selling cameras that are over 50 years old.
Tailor Made technician Richard Browning says there are plenty of valuable materials on a computer’s circuit board such as copper and gold.
Bagging tonnes of electronic waste in the digital age where they can be processed and either recycled or fixed and resold. E-waste contains a lot of valuable materials and some of these, such as lead, can currently only be processed overseas. Vernon says all collection centres should be certified before taking e-waste and currently only one in New Zealand is certified to deal with batteries. “Unfortunately, there are a number operating in Auckland that don’t have these certificates, so people need to make sure they check that out when dropping off e-waste.” Vernon believes the absence of certification and a lack of government
As technology progresses, electronic devices become obsolete, which means up to 50 million tonnes of ‘e-waste’ is thrown out worldwide each year. is a charitable trust in Auckland that processes some of this waste, taking upwards of 200 tonnes a year. trustee Vernon Sutton says they take around 350 different types of electronic goods. “We’ve been operating for eight years. Before we used to deal more with desktop computers and cathode ray tube televisions but now it’s tablets and flat screens,” Vernon says. The trust takes the goods and distributes them to appropriate centres
and council support for e-waste solutions is contributing to New Zealand being the worst recycler among OECD countries. “A lot of uncertified collection places are actually sending waste to landfill and council is putting a lot of pressure on community-led initiatives that are good, but they rely on volunteers who aren’t always knowledgeable about e-waste.” A number of products are not straightforward for centres to deal with, including batteries and electrical plastics. Electrical plastics are found in items such as toasters. They contain chemicals to stop the plastic melting,
for use
continued next page
Call: 09 422 3700
Free Trade loan trailers Metal
which makes them hard to process once they are thrown out. “Many people don’t realise there are many types of battery and some can combust by themselves due to the chemicals inside once disposed,” Vernon says. E-waste holds around 30 collection days across Auckland per year, which allow people to dispose of any e-waste for free, bar a few items. “Not only do you reduce waste, but you also allow minerals to be recycled so people in third world conditions don’t have to mine for them,” Vernon says. E-waste is currently looking to hold an
Days A D I V I S I O N O F W YAT T L A N D S C A P E S U P P L I E S
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 27
from previous page
e-day in Warkworth within the next six months and is seeking feedback on the idea. To comment or learn more about e-waste, visit main Warkworth initiatives Tailor Made in Warkworth will take any old computers and accessories, either sending them to the appropriate processing plant or fixing them to be given away. Technician Richard Browning says a big concern with dropping e-waste is exposing personal data. “For $10, we can do a complete override that will erase your data. If you are really cautious, we can do seven overrides to US Department of Defense standards,” he says. Once goods have been collected, those discarding them have two days to reclaim them before they are processed and the valuable materials are taken. “If the item is less than four years old, but not cost effective for someone to get repaired, we will fix it for free and donate the item to a primary school or Hestia Women’s Refuge in Orewa.” Vodafone Warkworth takes part in a nationwide phone disposal initiative RE:MOBILE. This means any phone can be dropped off in a box at the shop in Warkworth. About 10 to 15 are disposed of this way each week. Money raised from recycling the valuable materials from the phones is then given to Sustainable Coastlines.
Since RE:MOBILE started in 2009, over one million phones have been collected and over $2.5 million donated to charities. Meanwhile, The Camera Shop owner Colin Stables has taken up the idea of repairing cameras from as early as the 1950s to sell, rather than throwing them out. “For people who want something different, the older cameras are very cool and still take great photos,” Colin says. He has also started to accept camera batteries of any type that he will be disposing of at a certified processing plant. A government view on e-waste Associate environment minister Eugenie Sage says e-waste disposal is an issue on an international level and believes the problems start when goods are made. “E-waste is a growing problem and is projected to increase from 19kg per person to more than 25kg per person by 2030,” Ms Sage says. “Companies need to design products so their components can be easily recovered and reused at the end of the product’s life.” Ms Sage is looking at the possibility of mandatory product stewardship whereby every party involved in the lifecycle of an electronic item ensures it is recycled. For the government’s 2014 commissioned report on e-waste product stewardship, visit mfe.govt. nz/publications/waste/e-waste-productstewardship-framework-new-zealand
Planners and Resource Management Specialists p: 09 426 7007 e: w:
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Pacific Environments are proud of our recent Waiheke Library project for Auckland Council. Purposely designed with sustainable features, it is known to occasionally generate more power than it uses! Merit Award Resene Green Building, Winner Commercial Excellence NZ Wood Timber Awards, Resene Overall Supreme Award NZ Wood Timber Awards. ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN FOR THE PLACES WE LIVE, WORK, LEARN & PLAY. • • • •
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28 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Children help take kiwis deep into the forest for release.
Ranger Ben Lovell and a captured kiwi.
Mahurangi kiwis return to their Northland habitats A group of Mahurangi kiwis, living a long way from their homelands in Northland, got the chance to return to their ancestral stomping grounds this month, following the successful completion of a kiwi relocation project. The 12 kiwis were living on Motuora Island, a bird sanctuary off the Mahurangi East coast, which is predator-free. The kiwi population on Motuora was
bred from chicks taken to the island from Northland sanctuaries. The idea was that some would return to the mainland when they were big enough to fend for themselves. The 12 birds were collected by volunteers from the Pukenui Western Hills Forest Trust, who scrambled around all night armed with torches and headlamps to locate and capture the birds. Trustee Tanya Cook says kiwis can be surprisingly fast.
“And they can disappear under the undergrowth much faster than we can,” she says. Once captured, the birds were brought by boat to Sandspit Wharf. From there they were taken to Pukenui Forest, west of Whangarei. Kiwi have not been seen in Pukenui for years, despite efforts to locate them by kiwi sniffer dogs and listening devices. Tanya says the aim was to secure six
males and six females. They found it hard to determine the sex of the smaller birds, but she believes they got a relatively even gender balance. The birds are the first the trust has relocated to Pukenui, part of a programme that will ultimately see the transfer of 40 birds to the forest from Motuora and elsewhere, which the trust hopes will create a sustaining population. continued next page
With a large-scale native plant nursery on-site, we specialise in revegetation and wetland planting, helping you to: • protect water quality • enhance biodiversity • add amenity values We also provide ecological consultancy, animal/pest/plant management advice, implementation and land use advice.
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 29
Feeling like a kiwi movie star.
Central’s Tips April 2018
Boxing the birds.
Sow broad beans and cut back globe artichokes. It’s also an ideal month to dig compost into your vege gardens and sow lawns. Plus don’t forget to add colour into your winter garden and start planting spring bulbs!
In the Veggie Patch • Broad beans sown by ANZAC Day. • Save seeds of heirloom tomatoes by rubbing tomato Matua Tu Panapa gives his blessing. from previous page
The relocation came after several years of work by the trust to eliminate predators from Pukenui to ensure that the kiwis would survive. The trust also had to secure permission for the relocation from local Iwi and the Department of Conservation. A Powhiri was held at Maunu Primary School attended by around 400 people, including tangata whenua and
Trustee Tanya Cook and rangers Ben Lovell and Bevan Cramp transport kiwi.
school children, to bless the birds and welcome them back to Northland. The birds were then taken deep into the Pukenui Forest where predator-control efforts have been most vigorous. It is hoped Pukenui could eventually sustain a population of more than 1,000 kiwis. They would then likely spread out to neighbouring farmland and people’s backyards. “Our aim is to have kiwis everywhere,” Tanya says.
flesh through a sieve. Allow the seeds collected to dry, then package and store in a cool dry area.
• Cut back globe artichokes and divide plants. • Dig compost through vegetable beds to condition soil.
Lawns • Autumn is Nature’s time for sowing lawns.
Our range of seed blends from Prolawn, will give you the best lawn strike for your soil.
The rest of the Garden • Garden pretties: Sow cornflower, dianthus, nigella seeds and sweet peas.
• Plant a hedge of sasanqua camellias. • Planting time for all – ideal soil temperatures to dig in and get plants into the ground.
• Spring flowering bulbs: tulips, narcissi and hyacinths in pots and garden beds. Place pots in semi-shaded areas until the bulbs shoot.
Got a landscape Project on? Central Landscape Supplies Warkworth can help - we have a wide range of landscape supplies from pebbles, soils and barks to pavers, sleepers and grass seed. Now’s the time to get that job done!
Open Hours: Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm, Saturday: 8am - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 3pm • 09 425 9780 25-31 Morrison Drive, Warkworth
30 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Sandspit harbour
Fund spruces up waterways A new Rodney Local Board fund is helping improve water quality in Rodney’s streams and harbours. The Rodney Local Board has so far awarded almost $230,000 to 30 applicants in the Makarau, Mahurangi and Upper Kaipara catchments. Through the Rodney Local Board Healthy Harbours and Waterways Fund, nearly 46,000 native plants will be planted along riverbanks and 322 km of new fences will keep stock out of waterways. Fund applicants receive up to 50 per cent of their entire project cost, provided they supply or source the other half of the project’s budget. Board deputy chair Phelan Pirrie says that funding fencing and riparian planting around waterways makes sound environmental and economic sense. “The fresh water issue is very
important and this funding from the local board has opened opportunities to partner with landowners, industry and community organisations to maximise results,” he says. “What started as a goal to plant 10,000 plants will now be realized five-fold.” Mahurangi Catchment landowners and successful applicants Pat and Daphne Schollum, of Mahurangi West, want to continue restoring their wetland and waterways, which they’ve been doing for over 10 years. “Thanks in part to this initiative, we can personally see the farm streams and creeks are cleaner and healthier leading into the Mahurangi River waterway,” Pat says. Partnering with the local board on this initiative are Fonterra, Forest Bridge Trust and Te Uri o Hau, who through the Te Arai Native Nursery are donating nearly 18,000 native plants.
The Oaks On Neville The Oaks On Neville Retirement Village, due to open this June and situated in the centre of Warkworth at 9 Queens Street, has adopted a number of initiatives intended to enhance the central Warkworth environment and to provide quality life options for its residents beyond those generally provide by retirement villages. The first of these initiatives is the provision of complementary electric vehicles for its residents. The Oaks has purchased the first of two e-Golf Volkswagen vehicles that are to be available for resident use. This vehicle is a state of the art 100% electric vehicle with a range of up to 280 kilometres on a full charge. The Oaks is installing two charging stations within its 75 car capacity underground carpark to enable quick onsite charging. The intent is that residents have ready access to a high quality modern vehicle with a minimal carbon footprint on a booking basis without the personal expense of retaining a car. The e-Golf’s are to be in addition to a Village minivan for larger group outings.
To minimise power usage and the difficulty presented by recycling of standard light bulbs and fittings the Oaks has adopted LED lighting throughout its buildings. The Oaks has also adopted a central gas heating system for all apartment and communal water. This, together with the backup generator, will ensure residents have continuous hot water, light, lifts and emergency services in the event of Warkworth suffering a power cut. Something that happens from time to time. Finally the Oaks has water tanks to capture and store rainwater for use around its grounds and gardens. Something that is common to those who live in rural areas but uncommon for a central township property. We at the Oaks plan to enhance to the best of our ability the wonderful environment that is Warkworth and its surrounds and do not see that being located in central Warkworth should exempt us from having an environment conscious.
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 31
The high level of volunteer community involvement helped Tawharanui to secure its fifth Green Flag.
Regional park wins top award Tawharanui Regional Park has won the coveted international Green Flag Award for the fifth year in a row. The Green Flag Award is given to parks exhibiting the highest standards of horticulture, cleanliness, sustainability and community involvement. In addition to New Zealand, the award operates in the UK, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, the United Arab Emirates and Australia. Judge Kate Krawczyk, a parks manager from Nelson, says Tawharanui scored highly across all the judging criteria. In particular, she drew attention to the parks’s excellent record of environmental management, its promotion of biodiversity and its protection of natural features such as the dunes at the beach. She says another point in Tawharanui’s favour was the high level of volunteer community involvement in maintaining the park, notably through the Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society (TOSSI).
TOSSI projects include forest and wetland restoration, re-introduction of threatened species, monitoring of animals and plants, pest control, maintaining a nursery and development of walking tracks. Kate says another key part of the judging involved assessing the park’s management plan. “The management plan is a big part of the assessment. We want to know what kind of plans are in place for looking after the park over time,” she says. The Green Flag programme is administered in New Zealand by the New Zealand Recreation Association. Association programme manager for open spaces Karl Nesbitt says public parks make a significant contribution to healthy lifestyles. “If we want livable cities and thriving communities, then we need to invest in these public spaces and ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has access to quality parks and green spaces,” he says.
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32 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Kurt Salmond sees the effects of overfishing from his charter boat, Kokomo.
Urgent action needed to halt damage to Hauraki Gulf A surge in population, increased development and continued high levels of commercial and recreational fishing are among mounting pressures contributing to the continuing degradation of the Hauraki Gulf. That’s the warning from the Hauraki Gulf Forum’s 2017 State of Our Gulf Report, a three-yearly look at the health of Auckland’s east coast and inland waters. The report found that fish stocks were declining in most species, with snapper and crayfish populations down by up to 80 per cent due to fishing, with
older, larger fish the worst affected. “Snapper growth rates have also slowed,” the report says. “This represents a major reduction in the population, and has contributed to an alteration in the functioning and intrinsic values of reef ecosystems.” There are six marine reserves in the Gulf, including those at Goat Island and Tawharanui, but these only protect around 0.3 per cent of gulf waters, and only one new reserve has been created since the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act came into force in 2000. In addition, cable protection
zones prevent fishing in around 4.9 per cent of the Gulf, but “there is little evidence of ecological recovery” in those areas. Meanwhile, the region’s population increased by 18 per cent between 2006 and 2016, adding nearly a quarter of a million people. Auckland’s population is expected to reach 2.1 million by 2033. This, together with associated developmental pressures, is causing the Gulf waters to struggle, the forum says. “Ongoing pressures continue from population growth and associated
demand for housing, infrastructure and facilities; tourism, shipping, fishing and aquaculture; farming and forestry; and a myriad of other actions and activities that are carried out in the Gulf and its catchment.” The report warns that the rapid pace of change is outstripping the ability of current management frameworks to respond effectively. Reasons include commercial pressures, cost, technical limitations, the slow pace of legislation and tensions between regulations, such as the Resource Management Act continued next page
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EnvironmentFEATURE from previous page
and the Fisheries Act. It says integrated action is needed now more than ever, pointing out there is already a blueprint in place in the form of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan, Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari. This was launched in 2016 after a three-year collaboration between mana whenua, Auckland Council, Waikatao Regional Council, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry of Primary Industries and the Hauraki Gulf Forum. However, it is not legally binding and any progress on implementing its suggestions has been slow or non-existent. “If agencies decide not to implement the plan, or to only implement parts of it, the Hauraki Gulf Forum will need to consider alternative approaches for addressing the challenges identified in its strategic framework for action. This is likely to involve more delays, when the need for urgent action has been clearly signaled.” The report has prompted one local boating tourism operator to drop fishing from its charter offerings. Kurt Salmond, who runs Gulf Eco Adventures out of Sandspit, says fishing had never been a huge aspect of his business, but it was something he offered to private charters. “It didn’t really sit well, even trying to do more sustainable fishing practices, because we’re environmentally conscious and I’m not passionate about it myself, but there is still a big market out there,” Kurt says. “But when I saw the report, it was just
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 33 a no-brainer to just stop it. It was an easy decision for me; my gut feeling was confirmed. It’s one little thing we can do.” He says he’s not pleading for an end to all fishing, but says things have to change to prevent irreparable harm to the Gulf. “We’ve got to think long-term; it’s about the next generation. Everybody can’t keep acting the same way,” he says. “It’s not just the population growth, it’s the number of people fishing, and all the other aspects the Gulf is coming under stress from. It’s all take, take, take. “I’m not trying to say everybody has got to stop catching fish, my 7-yearold loves to fish,” he adds. “It’s just changing that mentality from going out for the biggest ones. They’re the ones that are so successful for breeding; the older they are, the better they are at reproducing. If you take one of those, it’s like you’re taking 20 young adults.” Kurt has witnessed rapid changes in local marine ecosystems even in the two years he has been running his business, which specialises in snorkelling trips out to the islands. “The kina barrens are growing in size,” he says. “And the number of commercial crayfish pots we see out at Little Barrier, it looks like a minefield. Everything’s going further and further out. I’ve almost got to go out to the Mokohinaus for good snorkelling now.” The State of our Gulf 2017 report is available at
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34 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Tree scheme bid to help Power Free Sewage Treatment stop erosion and sediment NZ’S LEADERS IN
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Where’s that garden waste going to go?
A council scheme to grow and supply subsidised trees to help stop land erosion in Northland and sediment draining into the Kaipara Harbour is being expanded to meet increased demand. Northland Regional Council (NRC) added 2.8 hectares to its 6.3 hectare willow and poplar nursery last year and is planning further expansion as part of its upcoming 10 Year Plan. This winter, there are 3500 fullysubsidised poplar poles for the Kaipara Hill Country Erosion Project, a joint NRC and Ministry for Primary Industries project targeting erosionprone hill country properties in the greater Kaipara catchment area. There are also subsidised poplars and willows available to other Northland landowners keen to help control erosion and protect water quality. Councillor Rick Stolwerk is urging landowners to get their pole orders in early, though, as demand for the young trees is increasing all the time and supplies are limited. Although non-native, the fast-growing poplars and willows are used to prevent and control erosion due to their broad and binding root systems. “These trees play a pivotal role in stabilising land and slowing hill slope
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erosion,” Cr Stolwerk says. “Erosion and resulting sedimentation of waterways and receiving harbours is one of Northland’s most problematic waterway contaminants.” Indeed, a recent joint NRC and Auckland Council study found that around 700,000 tonnes of sediment drains into the Kaipara Harbour every year, smothering shellfish beds and reducing water clarity. The study found that coastal tree planting was the best option to reduce erosion and sediment, but that could cost up to $331 million a year to implement. The NRC willow and poplar pole scheme requires landowners to have a council Farm Water Quality Improvement Plan or a specific planting plan in place, and priority is given to applicants in areas identified as having a high erosion risk Anyone interested in obtaining the poles should contact council land management staff as soon as possible to arrange a consultation and site visit. NRC sells 3-metre poles, which usually retail for up to $12 each, for $6, ex-GST, plus a small fee for delivery to the farm gate. Other sizes are also available. Info: Email Phone 425 9068
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 35
Volunteers Roger Williams, Ray Jensen and Merv Bayer construct the prototype hygiene station.
Warkworth leads on dieback A prototype Kauri dieback hygiene station that aims to dramatically improve efforts to stem the disease was installed at Parry Kauri Park in Warkworth this month. It is hoped the prototype will serve as a model for other stations around the country. Volunteers from Forest & Bird and the Kauri & Native Bushman’s Association pushed ahead with the install, believing Auckland Council has been too slow to respond to the threat posed by the disease at the park. Warkworth Forest & Bird committee member Roger Williams says with other major parks in the region, such as Waitakere, becoming closed to the public, more tourists are flooding to the park to see the iconic kauri. The disease is transmitted through soiled footwear. Increasing numbers of tourists heighten the risk of bringing the disease to Parry Kauri Park. Roger says traditional hygiene stations are often ignored and difficult to use, requiring the user to balance on one leg while spraying chemical on to their shoes or boots.
He estimates 50 per cent of people don’t use them at all and the 50 per cent who do, don’t use them effectively. The prototype station forms part of the bush track walkway so cannot be avoided. Users run their feet through two brush boxes to remove debris and moisture. Between the brush boxes they walk over mats doused in disinfectant to kill the fungus-like organism that causes the disease. Because the disinfectant is not sprayed on from a bottle, it must be sheltered from the rain so it does not become diluted. This means the hygiene station is covered by a roof. Water run-off from the roof can be collected and used to dilute the disinfectant to the appropriate strength. This saves carrying litres of water to the station when the nearest water source is some distance away. Roger, who was instrumental in the design of the station, is hopeful that it will serve as a model for other stations around the country. He is also lobbying Council to create a kitset version of the station which can easily be assembled by volunteers in other at-risk parks.
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36 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Environment Christine Rose
Recycling headaches
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For the last 20 years we’ve been learning how to recycle. We’ve developed social norms that have seen recycling become acceptable practice rather than just throwing everything to landfill. Sometimes our desire to do the right thing and recycle hasn’t been matched by service capacity or market demand. It seems remarkable that until relatively recently we didn’t have kerbside recycling in Rodney – and in many other communities outside Auckland, they still don’t. Recycling is still a victim of market forces, locally and globally. Global market limits for recyclables have come to a head recently with China’s decision to stop taking the world’s garbage (half of it, anyway), because of high contamination rates. They no longer want to take developed countries’ waste materials, and they’re generating enough of their own recyclable plastics that they don’t need the millions of metric tonnes per annum that we in the western world currently send their way. Last year, the Chinese government signalled an intention through the World Trade Organisation to apply new, higher standards in respect to waste. This includes an outright ban of 24 types of plastic. The idea is to reduce the economic and environmental costs of disposing of other countries’ unsorted wastes and reduce pollution. It’s expected that this will be a problem for the world’s waste paper recycling in particular, but also those wishing to dispose of mountains of plastic and mixed recyclables like rubber-coated cables. Most developed nations have relied on China for their recycling disposal – some estimates put volumes at 7 million metric tonnes of plastic and 29 million metric tonnes of paper every year. The United States exports 4000 shipping containers of waste products to China every day, but some of those shipments are likely to be returned to be stockpiled or dumped because of the Chinese ban. The problem also affects Japan, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand. Developed countries are said to be desperately searching for new destinations for recycling elsewhere in Asia. Yes, we are trying to do the right thing by recycling. But we need to consider where waste sent for recycling ends up. Have we just exported our problems elsewhere in the world, often to countries with lower environmental and labour standards? Is it a case of out of sight, out of mind? The consequence of sending all that recycling offshore has been to underdevelop our own domestic recycling schemes and also means we have missed out on having locally recycled waste as a resource. All over the developed world now, huge stockpiles of paper and plastics are forming, with no capacity for recycling and a long lead-in time before we have facilities to deal with it. Plastic bag bans and plastic-free grocery aisles are just the start of the solution to this monumental problem, which has filled the oceans and the developing world with waste.
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Donkey day attracts families The Highfield Garden Reserve Donkey Fun Day proved a popular outing for families who flocked to participate in some old-fashioned activities on March 17. More than 100 hundred people were present to ride the donkeys and compete in games such as the egg and spoon race, sack race and pin the tail on the donkey. Meanwhile, the reserve received a boost this month when the Harcourts Foundation donated $4300 towards the sealing of its gravel footpath. The concrete will stretch 61 metres and allow easy access to the reserve in winter and for people in wheel chairs. The park currently attracts around 10,000 visitors each year.
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 37
Nicole Wilson
Moreish muffins Once upon a time I used to bake – a lot. I owned a bakery so I was pretty much baking something every day. Since closing that bakery down, I’ve found I don’t do so much baking. I do make bread each week – seedy wholemeal for hubby and gluten-free for me. Cakes, biscuits and scones I make very rarely, usually for special occasions, with the Chocolate Raspberry Brownie (MM Jan 18, 2017) as my main go-to. One thing I do bake every couple of weeks is muffins for hubby’s work lunchbox. I mix the flavours up depending on what fruit is in season and on hand. And the great thing is that they freeze beautifully. A batch makes enough for two working weeks. They’d be great for the kids’ school lunchbox, too. You could even make them mini. The recipe is for a basic muffin base that you can then personalise. I haven’t tried them as savoury muffins yet, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t work by leaving out the sugar, swapping the mixed spice for savoury spice or herbs, and swapping the fruit for a savoury option. See some flavour combination examples below.
Chocolate Raspberry Brownie for special occasions (MM Jan 18, 2017)
Basic Muffin Recipe ¾ cup wholemeal flour ¼ cup high grade flour 2-4 Tbsp sugar 1 tsp baking powder ¼ tsp baking soda 1 tsp mixed spice
Makes 10-12 muffins ½ cup mixed seeds and/or chopped nuts ½ cup milk ¼ cup cooking oil 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 egg ½ cup chopped fruit
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Say goodbye to endless paperwork! Preheat the oven to 190C. Line muffin tins with paper muffin cases. Add all the The future of accounting is here. dry ingredients in a medium bowl, stir to combine. In a small bowl, combine the milk, oil and vanilla essence. Whisk in the egg. Stir the chopped fruit into Over 100 free business toolkit the wet ingredients. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and carefully We website can help you with resources on our stir until just combined. Spoon the mixture into the muffin tins. Fill to three• Full Accountancy & Bookkeeping Services quarters full. • Xero Training & Implementation Bake at 190C for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown and they pop back when • Rentals, Trusts, Sole Traders, Companies • Exit Planning & Business Sale Advice lightly pressed. Remove from the oven and turn the muffins out of the tins • Business Coaching & Mentoring straight away. Leave to cool on a cake rack. Store in an airtight container for three to four days or pop in the freezer. Variations Let us show you how. Call us today to book a free confidential meeting. • Fruit combination examples: blueberry and banana; pear or rhubarb and chopped crystalised ginger; banana and choc chip; raspberry and white choc chip. 51 Morrison Drive, Warkworth • Savoury combination examples: cheese and chive; bacon and spring onion 09 425 9833 (cook the bacon first); roasted pumpkin, sundried tomato and feta; smoked salmon and pea.
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38 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Social effects of climate change considered Have your say Climate change could have grave social, financial and cultural consequences for residents and communities of the Kaipara Harbour catchment area, according to new research carried out by a US-based academic for the Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group (IKHMG). University of Arizona graduate student Danielle Johnson carried out her research last winter and concluded that people working in agriculture and aquaculture, living in isolation or on limited means, and Kaipara iwi, hapu and whanau would be the most vulnerable to socioeconomic pressures arising from climate change in the region. “Despite the growing body of information about the biophysical impacts of climate change in the Kaipara (such as rising sea levels, increased air and water temperatures, more flood and storm events and pest incursion), very little is known about how these changes will affect Kaipara communities on a socio-economic or cultural level,” she says. “And while climate change adaptation planning in the Kaipara seeks to respond to biophysical impacts, the socioeconomic and cultural implications of climate change are not yet major areas of focus in adaptation planning.” She found a range of potential impacts and challenges, including loss of earnings, increased stress and anxiety, difficulties with accessing adequate fish, shellfish and traditional medicinal plants, and a reduction in opportunities
on sport and rec in Matakana
IKHMG programme manager Willie Wright with researcher Danielle Johnson.
for cultural activities and gatherings. Her research found that people in the Kaipara wanted adaptation strategies that would work to build the resilience of the region and its communities in the short term to lessen the impacts of climate change in the future. These included building and reinforcing physical defences, strengthening the local economy and job market, helping farmers to become more adaptable, restoring the catchment via community-based endeavours and partnerships, and encouraging sustainable best practice in farming,
Join the One Warkworth Business Association today Membership only $240 including GST. email for more information YOUR MEMBERSHIP WILL HELP DELIVER: • • • • • • • •
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forestry, sand mining and fishing. The research project was designed to help the IKHMG understand the social and cultural dimensions of climate change impacts and adaptation in the region. In future, the group hopes to develop climate change vulnerability assessments for Kaipara communities, encourage partnerships between communities and regional and local government to produce appropriate climate change adaptation strategies, and share information with communities to aid climate change adaptation.
Matakana residents are being urged to have their say over the future use of Jubilee Park, the playing field that currently plays host to the local tennis courts and pony club. Auckland Council is looking for views on future sporting and recreational use of the area, with options ranging from handing over the reserve for community use, to a space-sharing setup, or to maintaining the status quo. “We are seeking consultation from the Matakana community on three options that have been identified as possibilities for the future of Matakana Jubilee Park, as well as any further feedback the public may wish to provide on the future use of the park,” Council sport and recreation adviser, Mathew Walsh, says. Three special “engagement events” will be held to garner public opinion during April at Matakana Farmers’ Market, Matakana School and Matakana Village Preschool. The dates of these events had yet to be finalised as Mahurangi Matters went to press. The Jubilee Park proposals will be displayed on the community noticeboard outside Matakana Four Square throughout April, and full details can also be found at The deadline for submissions is Sunday, May 6.
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 39
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From the mid to late 1850s, Mangawhai has known many schools. They have popped up wherever and whenever the population demanded. The first known school was formed to educate children of the 58th Regiment and their families, and other early arrivals, living at Mangawai (now Mangawhai), Hakaru or Te Arai. That first school was named Manga Te Wai School and was situated near the river at Moir’s Point. Another school was held east of where the present police station is on Moir Street today. Both were private schools where children paid one shilling a week for their lessons. Soon after, another school was formed by the Tutin sisters at Hakaru. Sarah and Elizabeth Tutin were daughters of an Anglican preacher. They opened their private school for children of the wider locality in 1861. School was held in St. Michaels Church. Both boys and girls attended this school and were taught the three ‘R’s – reading, writing and arithmetic. Knitting was also on the curriculum and included the boys. But in the 1870s, the Tutin sisters advertised their school as a “Boarding School for Girls”. The reason being that the first Education Department school in the area had been built on Lawrence Road nearby. The Education Department school opened in 1872 and was known by various names – Mangawai School, Hakaru School and Bush School. The greatest attendance seems to have been 25 children from eight families in 1884. It was a problem for families that lived too far away to attend, so folk got together to ask the Education Department to have the building moved to a more central site. The school, much changed in shape, is now sited at the Village Complex next to the Mangawhai Museum and is called Tara Road School. In 1886, the Mangawai Beach School opened. This building also now stands in the Village Complex but is designated a church. In 1916, another Education Department school was dragged by bullock team from Hoteo Valley, Wellsford, to private land on Valley Road, Hakaru. And in 1942, the little school from Pukekaroro was brought over to where the Hakaru RSA buildings are now situated. Children from the northern edge of Mangawai had to attend Breamtail School, situated over the hill, but south of Langs Beach. From 1902 until 1920, it operated from there until Mr Alf Wharfe built a school on his property at Breamtail Farm. This was known as Molesworth School until 1930, after which it was dismantled and moved to Kings Road, where it stood until recent years.
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40 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Girls’ self defence workshop in Warkworth
Udy wasn’t the only person to suffer. Two cars and a motorbike crashed minutes after his accident.
Ironman upset by flying boat mast mayhem
Ironman New Zealand Hall of Fame member James Udy is recovering after being hit by a boat mast while cycling north of Te Hana last month. The Warkworth resident is sixth on the all-time list for most Ironman New Zealand events completed and is chasing the number one spot. Udy says it was a freak accident and he is lucky to be alive. “I was training on my bike on State Highway 1 a month ago when a mast came off a boat as it travelled past at 80kmph, knocking me off
my bike,” Udy says. “I was thrown to the ground, while the bike got dragged 200 metres up the road. Ten minutes later, two cars and a motorbike crashed where my bike had landed.” Udy suffered four broken ribs and a broken shoulder bone. His $7000 bike was written-off. Despite this, he attempted the Ironman race earlier this month with a new $10,500 bike but, for the first time ever, failed to finish. “My specialist advised me not to
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compete, but my GP said I could give it a go, so I did. “I set a great time in the swim, but my riding was slow. With 15km left to go in the run, and just over two hours on the clock, I decided to give up.” He says physically he was able to do the activities, but missing out on four weeks of training prior to the event cost him. Udy has completed 23 Ironman New Zealand races and will compete next year in the chase for the 32-race record. He also plans to compete in Switzerland.
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Clocks go back Daylight saving in New Zealand ends when clocks go back by 1 hour at 3am on April 1. The switch sees New Zealand reverting to New Zealand standard time, which is one hour behind New Zealand daylight time.
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A one-day Self Defence & Personal Safety workshop for girls aged 11 to 13 is being held in Warkworth on Saturday, April 7. The course aims to help girls learn how to resist unwanted approaches; say ‘no’ in unsafe situations; use verbal and physical ways to deal with abuse and assault; and develop strength and confidence by increasing knowledge of their bodies, feelings and rights. The workshop, which is being organised by the Rodney Women’s Centre, will run from 9.30am to 2pm at Totara Park community hall, off Melwood Drive. It costs $35 and the tutor will be Lorraine Moir. Numbers are limited and bookings are essential. Participants need to wear comfortable clothes and bring their own lunch. A second workshop for young women aged 16 and over will be held in May. Info and registration: Phone 425 7261 or 0800 2 DROPIN or email info@
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 41
Tsunami tests
Kayla Wray hopes to compete for New Zealand in future.
College athlete lifts her game Despite a huge weight on her shoulders, Rodney College student Kayla Wray has stamped her mark on the Auckland Weightlifting Championships this month. The 16-year-old placed third in the junior girl’s 75kg section after lifting 44kg in the clean and jerk, and 39kg in the snatch. “I hoped to get a place going into the competition so I was happy with the result,” Wray says. She puts her success down to a strict lifting routine and good positional grip on the bar. “It’s all about having a process you can repeat consistently and I have definitely found my best grip on the bar now, which makes a huge difference.” Her rise in the sport has been fast. She started lifting just eight months ago and had only participated in two events before the Auckland competition. “I started doing cross-fit about 18 months ago, which is a mix of
activities involving strength, cardio and gymnastics. “My coach introduced me to my current trainer Tina Ball, who wanted to work with me on weightlifting after seeing me do a couple of practice lifts.” Her training routine involves up to six sessions of strength work a week and practice lifting at either Fit365 Mangawhai or the Strength HQ facility. “My personal best lifts in training are 50kg in the clean and jerk, and 42.5 kg in the snatch. “I get the opportunity to work with David Liti, the top super heavyweight lifter in New Zealand, so his advice is really valuable”. Wray says that as the only weightlifter at Rodney College, getting started has taken a lot of self-motivation. Two wrist injuries have slowed her progress. “It’s been a lot of hard work over the past eight months, but I have aspirations to compete at the Commonwealth and Olympic Games.”
Tsunami sirens throughout Auckland and Northland will be tested this Easter to coincide with the end of daylight savings. Rodney sirens at Point Wells, Whangateau, Omaha and Waiwera will be tested on Saturday, March 31 at 12 noon, a day earlier than usual. Auckland emergency management director John Dragicevich says the sirens are normally tested on the Sunday of daylight savings weekend. “But because this year it also happens April Fool’s Day, we are holding the test on Saturday,” he says. The test sequence will consists of three sets of tones, which will sound for one minute each, with a 15 second gap between each set. The Mangawhai tsunami sirens will be tested on Easter Sunday, April 1 at noon for 10 minutes and then again at 12.30pm for 30 seconds. All tsunami sirens are tested twiceyearly. The public aren’t required to do anything, it’s a good time to think about what would happen in a real emergency.
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42 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Touch rugby continues to be popular at both junior and senior level, with participants filling the Warkworth Showgrounds this season.
Kacey Williams (left) and Ava Brown are hoping for an invite to represent New Zealand at next year’s Oceania competition.
Fleet-footed compete in tag rugby competition finals Two local primary school girls were in top form when they reached the finals of the New Zealand Junior Oceania Indigenous Invitational Cup this month. Kacey Williams, 9, and Ava Brown, 10, were both selected through their North Harbour team to play in the tag rugby competition between March 9 and 11. Their NZ team played seven matches during the weekend, winding up in second place after losing the final 8-4 to Samoa Blues. Williams, who attends Wellsford School, says despite the loss they did better than anticipated. “We were pretty excited to reach the final and even though we lost, it was not a thrashing so we can take a
positive out of that,” Williams says. The team was beaten by two Samoan sides during the competition, but qualified for the semi-final, where they dominated Niue 8-0. “I think our weaknesses were spreading out too much on attack and defence,” Brown says. The girls said they performed best when ripping tags on defence. “What we enjoyed most was playing with friends we have made through the sport and having family support us throughout the competition,” Williams says. Both girls plan to continue playing tag rugby with North Harbour next season and have ambitions to
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represent NZ at adult level. Meanwhile, both the Mahurangi Junior and Senior Touch competitions wrapped up for the season on March 15. The junior competition boasted a record number of teams, with 600 children taking to the field across 58 sides, up from 44 last season. Mahurangi Junior Touch co-organiser Fleur Leabourn says the tournament ran well over the 15 weeks. “It’s a great social sport for boys and girls of all abilities and we hope to see the growth we’ve had continue into next season,” Leabourn says. First placed in the Year 7 and 8 division were Pink Fluffy Unicorns; in Year 5 and 6, Rubber Duckies; Year
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3 and 4, Fluid Interior Flames; Year 1 and 2, Incrediballs. Participation also stepped up in senior touch, with 25 teams stretching the competition to full capacity. Mahurangi Senior Touch organiser Bernie Kose says the competition was well balanced, making it a huge success. “We had four divisions this year and that meant games were close, with four matches going into drop-off on finals night,” Kose says. Mahurangi College won the Open Mixed Grade while Boomfa took out Social One. Warkworth Fitness won Social Two grade and Puffed and Stuffed were the victors in Social Three.
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 43
Fishing Anthony Roberts, Tackle & Outdoors
Exciting prospects ahead Rain, wind and cyclones have battered us continuously over the summer months. What a rough month February has been. As I write it’s a glorious day of sunshine, and it gives me hope that the days going forward into autumn will be great. Fishing reports have been few and far between as anglers have not had much time out on the water. But one fine weekday, saw more than 20 boats out at Flat Rock. The boys are desperate to get out there it seems. If you couldn’t find your tradie, then you know where he might have been. It’s a good time to be out there. The Kaipara is producing some consistent goodsized snapper, with boaties reporting catching fish of around 50 to 60cm in length. The East Coast has also fished fairly well. Snapper have been a mixed bag of sizes. The odd big snapper has been caught but, from reports, have been put back to fight another day. Meanwhile, there have been lots of smaller kingfish around, which always provide great sport on the lighter, soft bait setups. There are some larger specimen out there too, just harder to catch as the smaller rat kingfish are always first to grab any bait on offer. The trick is to still have bait in the water when the bigger fish feel confident enough to attack. Although always around our waters, kahawai catches have been less prominent over the last month. The big ocean-going specimens in particular have not been around much lately. Also skipjack tuna have been a lot scarcer for this time of year. I can only put it down to the lack of pilchards in our waters. Currently, the bait suppliers have run out of New Zealand pilchards and are having to import them to supply local demand. This could well be part of the reason the tuna are less evident this year. The good news is that autumn does bring better fishing as fish start to fatten up for the winter period. From March through to April, fish feed a lot more aggressively and fishermen can target the reef areas where food is plentiful. There have been several game fishing competitions during February and early March. These have not fished as well as the same time last year. Interestingly though, a Black Marlin of 198.5kg was caught off Kawhia Coast in 55 metres of water. This is the first time ever for a black on the Kawhia Coast. Tight Lines!
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Fisherman of the week: Dylon Bacher with the 21Lb snapper he caught off Leigh.
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44 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
Northern golf tour swings into Mangawhai
A large number of amateur and professional women turned out for the Warkworth Women’s ProAm this month.
The Northern Swing ProAm series got underway earlier this month with a number of big hitters heading to Mangawhai Golf Club on March 15. A total of 36 professionals were each teamed up with three amateurs. They were competing for a $10,000 prize pool. Josh Geary came out on top with a score of 66, one better than the 67 set by Pieter Zwart at last year’s event. Three other pros shot within one of Geary’s score. Geary’s amateur partners – Rowan Clift, Shayne Stuart and Craig Cogan – picked up first place as a team with a score of 96. Afterwards, the Barfoot and Thompson Warkworth Women’s ProAm on March 19 attracted 56 professionals who were playing for an $11,000 prize pool. Both Harry Bateman and Sam An shot a winning score of 63, followed by Brad Shilton on 64. The winning women’s team was a Warkworth side of Sue Cook, Gaye Decker and Jill Ronald. Warkworth Golf Club president Marie Claydon says feedback on the tournament was positive and having professional women compete for the first time was a huge bonus. “This event is definitely one firmly on our calendar now, and we will keep the format the same for next year,” Claydon says.
Josh Geary (right) was the top professional at the Mangawhai ProAm this year, shooting 66 on the day.
Have a Go sports event returns Following the success of The Great Turn On, the Warkworth Showgrounds will host a family sports ‘Have a go Day’ on April 6 from 3.30pm to 7pm. Event coordinator Nicola Jones says the format will be similar to last year without the light display. “Because there are so many new people coming to the area every year, we decided to make the sports day an annual event,” Nicola says. “It’s an opportunity for children to get a taste
of many different sports so they can decide what they want to play.” Over 10 clubs will be present, hosting activities that include netball, scouts, athletics, equestrian and dog agility. Children will receive a stamp card that entitles them to a free item of food once they have participated in every activity. Entry is by gold coin donation and food will be available on site. To volunteer as a helper for the event contact
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March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 45
ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of
A roundup of activities and events in thedisTRicT district a Roundup ofsports spoRTs acTiviTies in THe Squash open day Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club open day, April 7, 11am to 1pm. Free entry and coaching provided, wear non-marking shoes. Info: Kaye Strong winds and rough waters tested surfers in the first race in this year’s Northland Scholastic Series. Photo, Tony Baker.
Wave riders chase nationals Three Rodney College students are looking to make the National Scholastic Surfing Championships after placing at the first event in the Northland series. The Northland Scholastic Series consists of three events, with the first held at Sandy Bay on March 6. Those with the best results across the competition qualify for the Northland team to compete at the championships in Gisborne in October, the top junior surf competition in New Zealand. Joseph Critchfield grabbed third in the U18 boys category and will be looking to repeat last year’s success, after he made the national event in his age group. Also placing third was Trinity Smith,
surfing in the U14 girls competition for the first time. In the U16 boys, Corey Vercoe finished fourth. He also made the national event in that age group last year. Northland Surfing Association vice president Tony Baker says all of the surfers competed well in what were rough conditions, with swells up to one metre. More than 60 students competed from schools across Northland, with Tom Norton, of Bream Bay, winning the U18 boys section and Grace Pevats, of Whangarei Girls High School, the U18 girls. The next event will be held on April 6 with the venue still to be confirmed.
Have a Go Day Warkworth Showgrounds Have a Go Day, April 6, 3.30pm to 7pm. Sporting activities for children, food available, gold coin donation. Info: Kaipara Knights football Kaipara Knights football registration still open to players aged four and over. Season starts April 7, games at Port Albert Domain. Info: Shar 021 439 729 Warkworth tennis fundraiser Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club trivial pursuit and silent auction fundraiser, April 7 from 7pm. Tickets $15 per person. Info: Kaye Matakana table tennis Matakana Table Tennis is held at the Matakana Hall, Tuesdays, 7.30pm. Anyone welcome, adults $2, students $1. Info: George 423 0424
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46 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
The Otamatea Hawks premier side believes it is firmly in the title race.
Hawks on title hunt following derby day win The Otamatea Hawks Rugby Club premier side is chasing the Joe Morgan Memorial title following a local derby victory over Wellsford on March 17. The Hawks dominated, coming away with an 18-10 victory at Centennial Park, despite a defeat to Kerikeri the previous weekend. Otamatea Hawks premier head coach Mike Peeni says the squad hasn’t reached its full potential, but is set on winning the competition. “We still only have about 80 per cent of our full team at this stage, but we put in a good performance against
Wellsford, which is a good sign moving forward,” Peeni says. Wellsford head coach Peter Firth says his team failed to adapt when the game wasn’t going their way. “We need to have a Plan B because Otamatea put us under pressure and we didn’t play our best rugby,” Firth says. Fitness was the main focus in training for Otamatea for eight weeks of preseason. “In the past, we’ve wished the team was fitter half-way through the season. I didn’t want to have that problem
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again, which is why we’ve done a lot of cardio work,” Peeni says. “We have also been working really hard on defence and tactics and that showed in the match against Wellsford.” He says two players in the team to look out for this year are the new halfback from Tasman, Aisea Halo, and local boy Cullen Curtis, who plays on the wing. “We definitely have the players to beat sides like Kerikeri in this competition as it progresses, but we will make sure we just take each game one at a time.”
Don’t Delay call Mick Fay today! 021 544 769
Ray White SeaSea Watch Auckland Area Watch
Apr 1
Apr 2
Apr 3
Apr 4
Apr 5
Apr 6
Apr 7
Apr 8
Apr 9
Apr 10
Apr 11
Apr 12
Apr 13
5:13am 3.2 6:14am 3.3 12:46am 0.6 1:40am 0.5 2:29am 0.5 2:16am 0.5 3:01am 0.5 3:45am 0.6 4:29am 0.7 5:13am 0.8 12:02am 3.1 12:48am 3.0 1:39am 2.9 2:35am 2.8 3:31am 2.8 4:25am 2.9 5:15am 2.9 11:20am 0.8 12:20pm 0.7 7:11am 3.3 8:03am 3.4 7:53am 3.4 8:41am 3.4 9:26am 3.4 10:10am 3.3 10:53am 3.2 11:35am 3.1 5:59am 1.0 6:49am 1.1 7:42am 1.1 8:38am 1.2 9:33am 1.1 10:25am 1.1 11:15am 1.0
Tide 5:43pm 3.1 6:45pm 3.2 1:16pm 0.6 2:08pm 0.5 1:58pm 0.5 2:44pm 0.5 3:28pm 0.5 4:10pm 0.6 4:51pm 0.7 5:33pm 0.8 12:18pm 2.9 1:03pm 2.8 1:53pm 2.8 2:47pm 2.7 3:45pm 2.7 4:42pm 2.8 5:35pm 2.9 6:16pm 0.9 7:05pm 1.0 7:59pm 1.1 8:59pm 1.2 9:58pm 1.1 10:51pm 1.1 11:40pm 1.0 7:42pm 3.3 8:35pm 3.4 8:23pm 3.4 9:09pm 3.4 9:53pm 3.4 10:36pm 3.3 11:18pm 3.2 Times 11:47pm 0.7 7:31am 7:22pm
Sun Fishing Guide Moon
7:31am 7:20pm
Best At
10:30am 10:57pm
7:32am 7:19pm
Best At
11:24am 11:51pm
7:33am 7:17pm
Best At
6:34am 6:16pm
Best At
12:42am 1:07pm
6:35am 6:14pm
Best At
1:31am 12:56pm
6:36am 6:13pm
Best At
1:20am 1:44pm
6:37am 6:11pm
Best At
2:08am 2:31pm
6:37am 6:10pm
Best At
2:55am 3:19pm
6:38am 6:09pm
Best At
3:43am 4:07pm
6:39am 6:07pm
Best At
4:31am 4:55pm
6:40am 6:06pm
Best At
5:19am 5:44pm
6:41am 6:04pm
Best At
6:08am 6:32pm
Best At
Full Last Moon Quarter Set 3:24am Set 4:31am Set 5:38am Set 6:44am Set 6:48am Set 7:51am Set 8:52am Set 9:52am Set 10:50am Set 11:45am Set 12:37pm Set 1:25pm Set Rise 5:30pm Rise 6:11pm Rise 6:48pm Rise 7:23pm Rise 6:57pm Rise 7:31pm Rise 8:06pm Rise 8:43pm Rise 9:22pm Rise 10:05pm Rise 10:51pm Rise 11:40pm *Not for navigational purposes.
Mick Fay
Good Fishing
Fair Fishing
Not So Good
6:42am 6:03pm
6:56am 7:19pm
6:42am 6:02pm
Best At
7:43am 8:07pm
6:43am 6:00pm
Best At
8:30am 8:53pm
6:44am 5:59pm
Best At
9:16am 9:39pm
Best At
10:03am 10:26pm
2:10pm Rise 12:32am Rise 1:27am Rise 2:24am Rise 3:22am Set 2:51pm Set 3:29pm Set 4:04pm Set 4:37pm
Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
Licensee Agent Snells Beach 021 544 769 • 09 425 1634 E. W.
What’s on
See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events
March Creative Northland Arts & Culture consultation meeting, Mangawhai Library Hall, 45 Moir Street, 10am-1pm. Discussing creating a regional strategy for arts and culture in the North. Info: 09 430 0710 or (see brief p17) 31 Tempist Fujit, Mangawhai Tavern, 8.30pm. Tickets $10, available from (see story p20) 30-31 Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade Fishing Tournament, open fishing from 6am Friday, weigh in Wellsford Fire Station 2-4pm Saturday. Cash prizes and fish auction. Tickets $30 from Wellsford Sport & Leisure, Hunting & Fishing Warkworth or Colin Greenwood on 0275 951957 (see story p19) 31-1 Mangawhai Museum Easter Book Fair, 9am-4pm. Hundreds of books priced from $1 31-1 Antique Fair, Matakana School, 10am-5pm. Fundraiser for school audio equipment; gold coin entry (see story p20) 31&Apr 1 Mangawhai Art Trail, 40 artists displaying their talents at 18 studios and galleries. Free entry. Maps from Mangawhai Artists Gallery, Bammas Surf Shop, Pipi Gallery and Mangawhai Books & Gifts (see story p16) 31&Apr 1 Whangarei Heads Easter Arts Trail, 10am-5pm. Free entry to all studios (see ad p18)
March 28, 2018 Mahurangimatters 47
April 1 2 2 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 10 11 11 14 15 15
Daylight saving ends at 2am. Clocks will be put back one hour Annual Village Garage Sale, Point Wells, 8.30am-1pm. If extremely wet, will be held in village hall. Info: Carol 422 7279 Bingo, Old Masonic Hall, 7pm, fundraiser for Warkworth Museum. Warkworth Showgrounds Have a Go Day, 3.30pm to 7pm. Sporting activities for children, gold coin donation. Info: Memphis Blue performing rock and roll, country and jazz original songs at the Matakana Market, 9am-1pm Community Appreciation afternoon for Dr Warwick Palmer, Mahurangi Community Centre, Snells Beach from 2pm Museum Museum Summer Market, Old Masonic Hall, 8am Self Defence & Personal Safety Workshop for girls aged 1113, Totara Park Hall, Melwood Drive, Warkworth. Info: 425 7261 Jubilation A Capella Gospel Choir concert, Leigh Sawmill Cafe, 5pm. Tickets at the door, waged $20, unwaged $10, children U16 free (see story 19) The Nukes, Warkworth RSA, 5pm. Pre-sale show tickets $20 plus booking fee online at eventfinda. Limited door sales $25 (see story p16) Ranfurly Hall Tri-annual General Meeting, 903 Kaipara Flats Rd, Kaipara Flats, 7.30pm. All welcome. Warkworth Theatre Group play reading, Warkworth Town Hall, 7pm. All welcome Snells Beach Garden Circle. Mahurangi Community Centre, 1.15pm. Info: Barbara 425 5371 Genealogy Lock In, Wellsford Library, 1pm- 4pm. A fun afternoon learning about and doing genealogy research. Admission free. Info: 423 7702 Embroiderer Jo Dixey talks techniques and design, Kaukapakapa Library, 10am-1pm (see story p17) Kaukapakapa Village Market, SH16, 8.30am to 1pm. Great stalls, fresh coffee, food, live music & more. Info: Sarah 0274 831542 or
List your event directly on our What’s On calendar at or email the details to
Saturday 7th April
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48 Mahurangimatters March 28, 2018
The Whangateau Rams Cricket Club delivered with the bat when it mattered most in the T20 competition this year.
Rams stump doubters with Rodney season wins The Whangateau Rams Cricket Club has cemented its place in the Rodney Men’s Cricket Competition after winning tournaments in two formats this month. The side was formed just two years ago and has won three of the four titles on offer since then. The team finished the 40-over championship with nine wins in 14 matches and wrapped up the Waitemata Cup T20 competition by beating Kaukapakapa Cricket Club in the final. Rams captain Ray Beamish says his side was stoked to take out both titles. “We played good all-round cricket throughout the season so it’s really pleasing to finish with the
right results,” Beamish says. “Last year we lost the final of the T20 because our batting wasn’t good enough, but this time around we were strong from the crease.” Beamish says that fielding and bowling was a focus in training this season and that paid off. Meanwhile, the side’s top order batsmen were consistent in setting good run scores. Jordan Kose proved a standout for the season. He was the third highest run scorer in the T20 and second highest in the 40-over competition, with 397 runs. Beamish claimed top spot in the 40-over competition with 475 runs. Across both competitions, Jamie Thomas of Pakiri Cricket Club picked up best all-round player, followed
by Kose and Willie Glasson of Kaukapakapa. Rodney Cricket Association chair Kevin Forde says he was impressed by the Rams’ performance. “The challenge they faced was proving that they weren’t one hit wonders after last season’s success, but they stepped up again and have set the standard for this competition,” he says. This season marked the first time the competition had incorporated eight teams, with the addition of the Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club. Forde says he is pleased with the new format and hopes after the post-season review Hibiscus will remain in the competition. “I think we have a competition that
really represents the Rodney region well. Looking forward, it would be great if we could include Mangawhai and Tomarata in the mix. “This competition was once a twohorse race between Kaipara Flats and Pakiri, so it’s great to see about five teams all competing closely for the titles right to the end this season.” He says the focus for the association over winter will be establishing a Saturday hard ball competition for juniors so that the pathway for Rodney cricketers to advance is complete. “We need to find that next crop of young players who can transition to senior level so our men’s competition is sustainable and remains the success it is currently.”
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