September 5, 2018
Your Local Community Newspaper FREE
Proudly NZ Owned
What’s inside Dredging up a great future page 3
New buses for Warkworth page 13
Glorious gardens
pages 25 - 35
Librarians and library friends fired children’s enthusiasm for poetry at Snells Beach School last month by having works painted on their bodies. The librarians also wore skirts made of newsprint collages, which were created by the children to further celebrate the printed word. The event was held to mark National Poetry Day on August 24 and included children and local poets reciting their own verse. The Snells Beach stop was part of a travelling roadshow for the librarians, which also included a bookshop, rest home, café, supermarkets and the Warkworth Museum.
Council slammed over tip closure debacle Sally Marden
Auckland Council is facing a barrage of criticism for failing to let anyone know about plans to close waste transfer stations at Snells Beach and Wellsford at the end of the month. It is understood the facilities will be closed for up to two years and no
alternative arrangements are in place. The leases on both sites are due to run out on September 30 and were put out to tender last year. However, last month Council unexpectedly told current leaseholder Northland Waste and other tender hopefuls that the application process had been cancelled and the sites were closing for remediation work. Northland Waste director Ray
Lambert said he was staggered to hear that the Lawrie Road and Rustybrook Road facilities would be shut. “I wasn’t surprised that we were given notice of our lease, but it came as a complete surprise to hear they were closing sites,” he said. “If we’d lost out, fair enough, but you’d think they inevitably have to keep the facilities open for Warkworth. We knew we might be
out of there, but didn’t contemplate that Council would close it.” Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke was also unhappy, saying the issue had been poorly handled by Council. “The whole Local Board should have been consulted with and I have expressed my extreme displeasure we
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2 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Issue 348
Mahurangi Matters
PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 GENERAL MANAGER: Jannette Thompson
425 9068
NEWS: James Addis, editor Ben Donaldson Sally Marden ADVERTISING: Hayley Bills
425 9068 425 9068 425 9068
022 029 1897
Ken Lawson 022 029 1899 ACCOUNTS: Angela Thomas
425 9068
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Heather Arnold Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 14,400 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.
Council slammed over tip closure debacle were not advised of this before reading about it on social media,” she said. Concerns have also been raised by local residents about the likelihood of increased roadside dumping if alternative local facilities are not provided once the sites are shut, and the general lack of information and publicity around the issue. Council’s general manager for waste solutions, Parul Sood, said preliminary site investigations had found that remediation work was needed at both sites and they needed to close them down to manage potential risks or hazards from exposing waste at the former landfills. However, Ray Lambert said this was something Northland Waste had been trying to fix for years. “We wrote to Council over two years ago and said the sites needed a major upgrade, and offered to do it ourselves at no cost under a new lease, or let Council have access to do the work during the remainder of our lease,” he said. “We have a real willingness to work with Council and make sure something is available. There must be a way of solving this with a bit of innovation over the next month. We are there and we’re ready and waiting to help. We don’t want to see Warkworth without a waste transfer site.” Parul Sood said Council was negotiating with Northland Waste about the possibility of extending the lease to the end of November, Council did not respond when Mahurangi Matters asked, even if that should happen,
what alternative facilities would then be available from December onwards. Ms Houlbrooke added that Council would be going back to the previously shortlisted lease applicants at the end of
from page 1
September to invite them to re-tender for a temporary, small-scale trial resource recovery centre on a small part of each site, which could potentially begin in six months’ time, depending on how remediation work progressed.
Warkworth police to open all hours The Warkworth Police Station will more than double its number of frontline officers and operate 24 hours/7days a week by the end of the year. The station is advertising internally to appoint nine new officers, which will allow three shifts of two officers to become five shifts of three. Warkworth Police Sergeant Mark Stallworthy says the new staff will help police become more visible in the community. “We can have a police car on the road at all times, meaning we can arrive quickly at an incident,” he says. “We will also have the resources to
patrol hot spots. Prevention is our preferred option where possible.” Warkworth police will also support Wellsford as required. The recruitment of extra staff is part of a nationwide allocation supported by a $298.8 million increase in the police budget. A total of 1800 extra officers will be located around the country, 107 will go to Waitemata and 87 will go to Northland. The Warkworth station currently has six frontline officers, five traffic officers, one detective, one sergeant, one youth aid officer and an administrator.
RSA calls for families
The Warkworth RSA is asking all descendants of World War I soldiers from the Mahurangi region to attend the Armistice Day Centenary. The event will be held at the band rotunda on November 11, from 10.30am onwards, with anthems, wreath laying and speeches. Around 250 men from Mahurangi fought in World War I and 65 were killed. A lunch will be held after the event for veterans and invited guests. Descendants can also attend for $30 each, but must call the RSA to book ahead on 425 8568.
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 3
High hopes as river dredging starts Council corruption charges upheld
Dredging of the Mahurangi River will start in earnest within the next two months with the aim of reaping a host of aesthetic, recreational and economic benefits for generations to come. The Mahurangi River Restoration Trust will begin dredging after the Rodney Local Board allocated $250,000 toward the $5.1 million cost of the project last month. Trust campaign manager Kathryn Ashworth says the dredging will allow free movement of boats up and downstream over all tides, bringing large numbers of tourists and encouraging dozens of water-based activities and businesses involved in boating and sightseeing. She says at the moment, those coming to Auckland on cruise ships find it tough to visit the Mahurangi area because road traffic is so clogged. However, if they have ferry access to Warkworth it will open up a myriad of hospitality and other business opportunities. “People coming into town via the river will spend money,” she said. She says without the dredging, the river will die. Currently, silt is smothering everything in the river and harbour, upsetting its ecological balance and suffocating the aquaculture industry, including the harvesting of oysters. But Ms Ashworth warns the river will only realise its potential if the community gets behind the project. So far, the trust has raised just over $1 million in addition to the Rodney Local Board money and will seek to secure the remaining cash it requires through a fundraising campaign later this year. Ms Ashworth says the trust has received excellent support and donations from groups such as Lions and Rotary, and she hopes many more community members will be encouraged by the allocation of the Local Board money and lend their weight to the campaign. She adds that it will never be cheaper to dredge the river than now. The trust has secured a resource consent and farmland to allow land-based disposal of the sediment, but this opportunity is available only for the next three years. To dispose of the sediment out at sea would cost about $20 million. Assuming the trust can raise the required cash, it plans to remove 115,000 cubic metres of silt and rubbish from the river over the next three years, creating a 15-metre wide navigable channel and cleaning out the town basin. A ceremonial removal of the first bucket of silt from the river took place on August 24 before a gathering of supporters on board the Jane Gifford.
The first bucket of silt is scooped from Warkworth’s town basin.
Speaking at the gathering, Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke waved aloft the Warkworth Community Aspirations report, finalised late last year, and the latest Rodney Local Board Plan. She said following wide consultation, both documents revealed most people saw the river as the top priority for transforming Warkworth. “It was the river, the river, the river. So, what a nobrainer for us to put money toward the dredging,” she said. Speaking to Mahurangi Matters earlier, she said that once the river became more attractive, shops might want to re-orientate themselves to face it. They will be encouraged to invest because of the additional numbers of people an enhanced river would bring. She added that in the long-term, it was possible Warkworth could acquire a fast ferry service for commuting to Auckland via the Mahurangi River.
The Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia has upheld charges of misconduct against former Rodney District Council chief executive Rodger Kerr-Newell. This follows a two-year investigation into allegations regarding the Shire of Halls Creek, in the state’s far north, where Mr Kerr-Newell was appointed chief executive four years ago. In the commission’s report released on August 30, it says it formed a number of opinions of serious misconduct relating to Mr KerrNewell’s disclosure and management of conflicts of interest and the misuse of entitlements. It also discovered that Mr Kerr-Newell contravened probity and accountability standards in a botched procurement process for the purchase of six Toyota vehicles. The investigation revealed that Mr Kerr-Newell used his position as chief executive to appoint Bronwyn Little, with whom he had a long-term intimate relationship, to the role of strategic planning manager at the shire. In doing so, he corrupted the recruitment process by affording Ms Little the opportunity to write the job description and even appointed her before the application closing date. The commission’s report states that Mr KerrNewell failed to meet his obligations under the Local Government Act in respect to his secondary employment as a director of three wind farm companies in New Zealand. While he did seek consent from the shire president to take on a directorship with NZ Windfarms, he failed to disclose his financial interest in these companies, the amount of time he would spend fulfilling the role, and his appointment as chairman. Mr Kerr-Newell regularly took leave recorded as time-in-lieu to which he was not entitled, and regularly travelled to New Zealand on wind farm business. This equated to 24 days leave per year or about $78,000 of ratepayers’ money. In the wake of the CCC’s investigation, and its public examinations held in April last year, Mr Kerr-Newell’s employment was terminated by the shire. The council has also sought to recover monies he misapplied. Mr Kerr-Newell’s current whereabouts is unknown and he could not be contacted for comment. He did not seek re-election as the chair of NZ Windfarms when the company held its annual meeting last month. During his last 12 months with Rodney, prior to the formation of Auckland Council, Mr Kerr-Newell received in excess of $700,000 as chief executive. He was in the job for only two-and-a-half years and his termination package of $349,000 was the highest of any of the outgoing council chief executives. Read the commission’s full report with this story online.
4 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
This information should have been contained in your article, along with information that LGBTQ orientations do not constitute an issue requiring treatment. It is normal human behaviour. Deborah Pickstone, Port Albert.
Support for Starrenburg See story page 16
We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth
Front page tripe Seriously, Mahurangi Matters? What tripe is this you are putting on our front page (Rodney activists seek gay conversion ban – MM August 15) You’ve got plenty of better news than this in your pages. This petition is plain hypocrisy. Surgeons are allowed to surgically attempt to alter a person’s biology, the Sallys (God bless ’em) are allowed to help alcoholics change their lives around, NZ Corrections are allowed to help thieves change their ways, life coaches are allowed to help people reach their goals of earning more money ... But counsellors and Christians aren’t allowed to support someone, coming to them of their own accord and free choice, wanting to change their sexual behavioural responses to same-sex attraction? Come on and get real. New Zealanders can have “consensual sex” but can’t have “consensual counselling”? This is an issue of human rights – denying therapy to a person even if it is based on their choice. As long as the therapist is willing to counsel, and the client is wanting this, there should be no problem. As for you publishing Ms Amanda Ashley’s comments that conversion therapy in New Zealand involves electric shock therapy where is your journalistic integrity publishing such made-up statements? At least fact-check your sources. Now get out there and cover some real stories, like hidden brothels in
residential areas, or teenagers getting abortions and contraceptive injections by the thousands in NZ schools while parents are fully in the dark. Henoch Kloosterboer, Snells Beach (abridged) To be clear, Ms Ashley did not claim that electric shock therapy was used in NZ, only that some conversion therapies employed this method – Ed.
Freedom under threat The front-page article (MM August 15) features the story of a group of Rodney activists presenting a petition to Parliament seeking to ban “gay conversion therapy”. This is the latest step in an ongoing process by the LGBT community to seek widespread acceptance of the view that their lifestyle is absolutely normal, and should not be challenged by anyone. Advocating the possibility that gay people can be changed from what they are, is clearly a threat to the gay agenda. To seek for legislation banning such conversion therapy is going well beyond the free expression of the LGBT viewpoint. It is an obvious attempt to get practices expressing the opposite viewpoint outlawed altogether. This has a clear connection to the current debate about the extent of free speech in our nation. It is one thing to strongly disagree with the
opposite viewpoint to one’s own. It is an altogether different thing to then seek to get practices expressing the opposite viewpoint outlawed. No freedom loving person would wish to take away this right from others. The next step such activists will take is to seek the passing of legislation which decrees that those who say that gays can or should be changed, will be guilty of so called “hate speech” and liable to prosecution. What is happening to our democracy? Peter Armstrong, Warkworth.
MM appalls I am appalled that you present an answering comment from David Riddell (MM August 15), blaming same-sex attraction on ‘social, emotional or sexual damage in the formative years’. Are we about to reenter 1920, rather than 2020? The Human Rights Commission says: “So-called ‘conversion therapy’, sometimes known as ‘reparative therapy’ is a range of dangerous and discredited practices that falsely claim to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Such practices have been rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization for decades, but due to continuing discrimination and societal bias against LGBTQ people, some practitioners continue to conduct conversion therapy.”
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Precious human life was never conceived by other than man and woman. Unlike some churches these days, who choose to ignore their own workshop manual, I am well versed in and very aware of the teaching of that most enlightening book the Bible on such matters. Although I don’t belong to any church, I welcome the move by John Starrenburg to form a Christian political party (MM August 15) and will contact John to give him my wholehearted support. Should the cunning “hate laws” come to be, then people will be punished by expressing free Christian views and opinion. Unbelievable. Good on you John Starrenburg. Terry Harris, Mangawhai
Limited freedom There are two issues which have been linked in Mahurangi Matters over the past few weeks. They are ‘treatment of gay people’ and ‘freedom of choice’. It began when a local baker named Kath chose not to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple because she did not agree with the concept of gay marriage. Jill Mortlock (MM August 15) writes about us all having freedom. Apparently, that freedom does not extend to Kath having freedom to say ‘no’. In the same issue, there is an article about banning ‘conversion therapies’. Ms Ashley feels that those who are unhappy with their sexual orientation should not be allowed to seek help. Why not? Are they not free to make their own choice? And why should those who offer the help then be labelled as criminals? It seems that freedom in New Zealand is not for all, but only for some. Raewyn Algie, Algies Bay
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 5
Viewpoint Tracey Martin, NZ First MP
A fair go for children Recently I attended the premier screening of “Celia”, about the life and work of Celia Lashlie, which was filmed in part during the last year of her life. Celia was one of those wonderfully passionate women who married and had kids young, then did her degree after her marriage ended. But it was her working life that allowed her to see what was right and wrong in society. She was a probation officer and then a prison officer – the first woman officer in a New Zealand men’s prison. She was later the manager of Christchurch Women’s Prison. After that, she worked in what was then called the Specialist Education Service. The release of this film seems particularly timely in light of current conversations around the effectiveness of our prison system to rehabilitate so that we can all live in a safer society. People like Celia get called ‘social advocates’. I’d describe her as someone who cared about the things that matter in society, people. In particular boys and how they become good men. As a mother of two sons, I read her book “He’ll Be OK” several times. Celia got fame and sometimes notoriety for saying the things that those of us who have been around a few generations see as common sense – that men need to step up and play a constructive part in boys’ lives if they’re going to learn the right lessons and, of course, that mums and women have a huge role to play, but sometimes they need to step back. It’s the sort of film that you need to see from time to time. One that’s real and reminds you of what good people can do. For me, there was a bit of personal reflection, and it also touched on some of the practical things that I’m having to think about in my job as Minister for Children. Here I’m referring to the Child Wellbeing Strategy that I’m working on with the Prime Minister. This is about recognising that not every child in New Zealand gets the support they need to become a good adult. You all know how important family is. You know the effect a family’s circumstances can have on children for good and for bad. And how every child wants to be loved, especially by their family. Most of us are lucky in that our families and some basic government services, like the public education and health systems, provide all the things that children need. But we don’t want to have a society where a child’s wellbeing and future – his or her health and safety and education – is down to luck. New Zealand is a country where every child should have a decent chance and I, with my colleagues, are working hard to make that every child’s reality.
2018/19 Earthworks – Bringing in the Big Kit This month will see the project site gearing up for our biggest earthworks season yet. Next season the project has up to four million cubic meters of earth to move, the equivalent of 2,909 Olympic sized swimming pools. This will require around four times the amount of work compared to last season, and to do this we will be bringing in the big kit. That means there will be larger pieces of plant moving more earth, and a lot more equipment to support these operations. It also means there will be a significant increase in materials being delivered across the site. We will be employing more people to support our highly skilled and capable team. If you are interested in being part of the team and taking on the challenge of next season, please visit the project website for current employment opportunities This is going to be a big season where we will move the bulk of the earth required and the shape of the road will become clearer. You will see us working across the length of the job and activity will build up as the season progresses. In some areas, we will be concentrating on bulk earthworks and in other areas, more ground improvements and some settling. We understand that you will want to see what’s happening and look at the big pieces of plant, but we ask you to please keep your eyes on the road. We will continue to keep you updated and show you all the cool stuff happening on site. If you want to know what is going on, on the project, there are many places to see and hear what is happening. We regularly provide updates on our Project website, bi-monthly newsletter, Facebook, Mahurangi Matters, community network meetings and at presentations to local groups and schools.
The current Te Kiri Marae.
Omaha Marae cold case resurfaces Three men will appear in the North Shore District Court on November 1 charged with arson at the Te Kiri Omaha Marae, in Leigh, in 1987. All three men pleaded not guilty and were granted interim name suppression when they appeared on August 24. The application for name suppression was due to be heard on September 4. The men are currently on bail and cannot
associate with four listed witnesses. Their defence lawyers, who included former high-ranking police officer Clint Rickards, requested that as members of the Ngati Manuhiri Settlement Trust, the men should be allowed to attend meetings and tangi at the marae, where the listed witnesses might be present. Their request was granted. The men have requested trial by jury.
It’s a very exciting time for the project and we are looking forward to getting on with what we are here to do – deliver a world class motorway by late 2021. Ngā mihi Robert For more information, call the NX2 team on: Freephone: 0508 P2WK INFO (0508 7295 4636) Email: Web:
6 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
thinkglobal The $2 million dollar project will include riparian planting like this native Carex grass.
Five-year plan to cut Kaipara sediment A major new scheme aimed at stopping thousands of tonnes of sediment from flowing down the Hoteo River and into the Kaipara Harbour every year has been launched by Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters department. The five-year $2 million Hoteo Sediment Reduction Programme will focus on a 12km stretch of the Kourawhero Stream near Kaipara Flats, which is a hotspot for riverbank erosion and sediment production. Project manager Dylan Clarke told a recent meeting of the Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group (IKHMG) at Kaiwaka that 32,000 tonnes of sediment travelled down the Hoteo every year, more than 70 per cent of which came from erosion of stream banks. The new scheme, which is jointly funded by the Ministry of Environment’s Freshwater Improvement
Fund and Auckland Council, aims to reduce that amount by funding research and support for landowners, including fencing, planting, labour, and Geomorphically Effective Management Solutions – or, making sure the right plants are in the right place. The first step will involve a full assessment of the stream in conjunction with landowners to identify where erosion is happening and options for remediation. The project has a steering group that includes representatives from the Forest Bridge Trust, Beef + Lamb NZ, Million Metres Streams, IKHMG, Te Uri o Hau, Nga Maunga Whakahii and Ngati Manuhiri. A community meeting about the project will be held at the Puatahi Marae at Glorit on Sunday, September 23 at 10am. RSVP dylan.clarke@aucklandcouncil.
Cattle and horses disappear from A&P The 2019 Warkworth A&P Show will be run without two of its biggest traditional sections, cattle and equestrian, when it moves to its new date of March 16 next year. The show committee has joined a string of agricultural societies in dropping dairy and beef classes in a bid to minimise the risk of spreading Mycoplasma bovis. And the equestrian section has also foundered, following the retirement of long-standing chief steward Genette Churches and the death last month of Kevin Cholmondeley-Smith, the chairman of the Northern District of the Royal Agricultural Society, who had been set to run the 300-plus horse and pony classes as a separate event on the A&P show’s traditional Auckland Anniversary weekend. The section was unable to move with the main show to March due to a clash with the national Horse of the Year Show. Warkworth A&P chairman Allan Barber said he hoped both sections might return in future years. He added that there was going to be a significant change of emphasis at the new-look autumn show. “It’s much more about entertainment, to bring people through the gate and to provide lots of activity in the main arena,” he said. The main attraction will be alt-country singer Jamie McDell, who will perform a one-hour set in the main arena. Other drawcards will include the Rodney Districts Miniature Horse Club, Warkworth Dog Training Club and gumboot throwing. Ticket prices are being reduced this year, from $40 to $30 for a family pass, or $15 for adults and children under 14 free. At the A&P Show committee’s recent general meeting, a new committee was elected as follows: Warren Churches, president; Allan Barber, chairman; Grant Henderson, vice chairman; Vanessa Barber, treasurer; Penny Webster, secretary.
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 7
Environment Christine Rose
Plastic PR The recent announcement on the purported ‘plastic bag ban’ revealed both sloppy reporting and a missed opportunity. Contrary to how the issue was mostly reported in the media, it’s not a blanket ban on plastic bags, or even single-use plastic bags, and it won’t deal with the problem of plastic proliferation in the absence of recycling markets. Nor will it help the crisis in the oceans where soon there will be more plastic than fish. It’s entirely appropriate for the Government to target single-use plastics with regulation. But the recent announcement focusing on checkout bags only is a failure of vision in many ways and does more for political PR than it does for the planet. Many checkout bags are used more than once – for bin liners, carrying stuff and picking up dog poo. In fact, of all the plastic that comes into the home, check-out bags are probably the most useful. When you consider the mass of plastic packaging that saturates one’s shopping experience – covering everything from fruit and other food to toilet paper – plastic shopping bags are the least of our worries. Most of the plastic our groceries come in is absolutely single use; useful for nothing once it’s dispensed the goods. It’s not even practical for recycling since there is no way of reconstructing it in New Zealand and no market for it internationally. If managing or banning plastic bags is so pressing (which it is), and a once in a lifetime opportunity, why wouldn’t you make it count and address the bulk of the problem, not just the easy, symbolic target? That is regulate all plastics, not just checkout bags. Given the nature of politics, this may be a rhetorical question. The checkout bag ban is open for consultation, so it’s not a done-anddusted deal and won’t come into force until at least six months after the decision is made, though there seems to be wide support for it – and that’s fair enough, too. The current proposal, however, considers exemptions for small businesses, which means it’s potentially not really a ban at all. Most plastic collected from beaches around New Zealand is of unknown origin (unidentifiable fragments); food wrappers and containers; and then plastic bags (of mixed origin). A high proportion of the massive plastic pollution in the ocean is fishing waste – old nets and bait bins. A recent clean up on some of the most remote beaches in the world, on Rakiura (Stewart Island), collected 16 tonnes of rubbish, mainly from fishing vessels. Submissions on the Government’s proposed ban on plastic shopping bags close on September 14, and you can make a submission online. It’s important that the Government is supported in its proposal. But currently it doesn’t go far enough to make the difference required to address the plastic problem facing us all. To make a submission on plastic shopping bags, visit plasticshoppingbags
NRC biosecurity scoops national awards Northland Regional Council (NRC) staff have secured two of three national awards made by their biosecurity peers – one for achievement in pest plant education and advocacy, and the other for innovation. Pest plant expert Sara Brill won the Peter Ingram award for achievement in pest plant advocacy, education or management, while marine biosecurity colleague Cameron Bunton received the new Dave Galloway award for innovation for NRC’s online Pest Control Hub.
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8 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 9
localfolk Chris Martin
From tracking down the people behind the Rainbow Warrior sinking to catching a petty thief in Warkworth, Chris Martin takes a lot of pride in protecting his community. The owner of the security firm Insite draws on a lifetime of police experience to work his way out of a situation and solve any crime. He spoke to Ben Donaldson …
t was 2am when I got a call to say a ship had exploded in Auckland Harbour. I had only just got back from Australia that night, after bringing back someone who had escaped the country while on bail. I was exhausted, but for the next 36 hours straight I worked on trying to establish how the Rainbow Warrior was sunk. At 22, I had only been a police detective for a year. It became clear very quickly, though, that it was no accident and when a body was found on board it turned in to a homicide investigation. I was tasked with retrieving pubic hair from the French agents, Prieur and Mafart, who were prime suspects. I used their bed sheets to get the samples, and the hair matched. They were both retained and charged. In hindsight, they probably would have escaped the country if they had not hung around to collect a false refund voucher from the rental company where they hired their van. Unfortunately, three likely suspects did get away on a yacht, so I was sent with a team to Norfolk Island to stop them. Under the law, we could only hold the men for 24 hours. The interviews weren’t easy with my schoolboy French and their schoolboy English. We also had just one gun between six of us, so we took turns wearing it during interviews so that they thought we were all armed. To be honest, had they wanted to escape I don’t think we could have stopped them. We were unable to bring them in anyway, as we ran out of time to secure sufficient evidence against them before we had to release them. t was an exciting case to be involved in. Ever since I was at high school I wanted to be out in the force. I grew up in Ponsonby back when nobody wanted to live there, before moving to Balmoral, where I went to Marcellin College. I played some First XV rugby, but our team was always the smallest and one day I got punched out cold by the Auckland school’s shotput champion. I applied for the police at 16 and got told to come back in a year’s time, which broke my heart. I was accepted at 17 and did my training at Trentham. It was still set up with barracks like a World War I camp and things were tough. After graduating, I spent six months at Auckland Central. I made a few
drug-related arrests and they called me in to see if I fancied becoming an undercover cop. I grabbed the opportunity, thinking it would be a James Bond like role. I was wrong. was in the job for two years. By the end of it, things were getting dangerous and I found out that one drug syndicate was planning to put a bullet through my head out in the Waitakere Ranges. One of my best contacts was Graham Brazier, from the band Hello Sailor, because he was heavily involved in the drug scene. He was very personable, but I ended up putting him away for selling me heroin. If you look at the credits on his Inside Out album, it says “no thanks to Christopher Martin”. I also became a regular at the Esplanade Tavern in Devonport, courtesy of the Navy. The Navy had its own mailing system and sailors were using it to send back drugs and firearms from the United States.
I’ve found there is nothing more satisfying than catching bad guys ...
They would then sell the gear at the tavern, so I caught plenty of dealers in there. A lot of my other work involved the Mr Asia drug ring. s well as being a detective and undercover cop, I spent three years in a drug squad. Some of the homes you went into were pretty disturbing and you realised that drugs tear people’s lives apart. We shut down 30 home heroin labs in 18 months, which was really satisfying. After that I moved to Telecom’s security service as Auckland manager. One particularly interesting case occurred involving Coca-Cola. A man threatened to put caustic soda randomly in bottles on the shelves if the company didn’t pay him $100,000 in gold bullion. He was making the blackmail calls from phone boxes in the city and a technician identified that he had just used a box in Ponsonby. When I reached it he was leaving and I knew it was him because
no one wears gloves in summer. I tracked him to an address and the police then kept an eye on him. Coke arranged a spot for him to pick up a sack of gold bars by the motorway. Undercover police grabbed him during the pickup, but forgot to grab the gold which was left by the road. The police were furious as they had instructed Coke to use bricks instead of gold, but luckily the company retrieved the sack anyway. had a change of scene after that and for the next five years, was the operations manager for PMP Communications. After that I picked up a job as revenue protection manager for Power New Zealand, managing King Country Energy, Bay of Plenty Energy and Fresh Start Energy. I was told my office would be somewhere in central North Island so I assumed Taupo and got a shock when I found out it was Taumarunui. My wife Anita, who I met horse riding, our two boys Nick and Tyler, and I all moved to an eight hectare block there. It turned out to be a great rural experience for the kids, who could run through our paddock and jump the fence to get to school. e moved to Omaha 15 years ago, which was still pretty rural and the kids could play tennis on the street. I started Insite Security in Warkworth, which involved mainly installing and monitoring security alarms. The business has changed a lot over the years as technology has improved. I’m lucky to have a young team that picks up on all those advancements so we can do a full security system for places like the Hospice Tui House with the best hardware available. I also enjoy
working with the police, who use our footage to solve crimes. The first public camera we ever put up was on the corner of Queen Street and Kapanui Street. It got dumped in the river by two guys who were brought to justice. I’ve found there is nothing more satisfying than catching bad guys. got a real buzz out of catching someone who was stealing from the Hospice storage facility. We placed a silent alarm system in there to let us know when someone had broken in. When it went off one night, the team and I rushed straight out there and one of my guys tackled the offender and held him down until police arrived. We also caught someone who stole $1000 from the strawberry stand on Omaha Flats Road after using footage to bring information about the offender forward. The Waitemata Area District Commander gave us an award for our efforts in assisting police. Warkworth has a lot of growth on the way and that means more challenges in security. I plan to do my best to keep crime to a minimum in this community with skills I learnt from all those years in the force. It’s what I enjoy doing.
10 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Luke at the helm of Aquijo.
Rounding Cape Horn involved navigating through strong winds and large waves, not to mention an iceberg or two.
A week’s charter of the Aquijo, pictured at anchor off Patagonia, costs a cool NZD$782,000.
The world’s largest high-performance ketch will arrive in Auckland later this month with Matakana’s own Luke Hoskins at the helm. The former Mahurangi College student is currently on a world circumnavigation on board the superyacht Aquijo in his first commission as captain. The 39-year-old is understandably proud of the achievement, but says the icing on the cake will be sailing such a world-class boat through the Hauraki Gulf. He even plans to “honk the horn” off Leigh when he picks up a couple of sail maintenance experts from North Sail. “When we get to Auckland we’ll tie up at Orams Shipyard, in Beaumont Street, for two months, for maintenance,” he says. The 86-metre Aquijo is a Trippdesigned boat built in the Netherlands and launched in 2016. She has a high-tensile steel hull and aluminium superstructure, an 11.6-metre keel and two carbon fibre masts that sit 91 metres above the waterline. Her range under engine at 13 knots is 3200 nautical miles and she has
without a lot of privacy. It is only the fact that I have been able, for a few years now, to work a two month on/two month off roster that has kept me here.” Luke’s sailing history is almost a rags to riches story. After studying philosophy and English literature at Victoria University in Wellington, he did the Kiwi thing and packed his bags to travel overseas. On a return trip to visit his parents, Heron’s Flight owners Mary Evans and David Hoskins, he waited tables at Pizza Construction in Snells Beach and overheard a customer talking about working on superyachts. He went online, found a boat in Mexico looking for crew, applied and was told that if he could get himself to Port Vallarta in a week, he’d have a job. That was in 2002. He bought a oneway ticket and has never looked back. After NZ, the Aquijo will head for Japan. As for Luke, he says he would love to stay on the Aquijo for at least another 10 years. “Particularly because it allows me to return to NZ for six months a year. There’s no place like home.”
Mahurangi skipper sails luxury superyacht home accommodation for 13–30 guests and 17 crew including two chefs. Luke respects the owner’s privacy and is reluctant to say more than they are “a lovely German family” who will join the boat at Christmas for a cruise around New Zealand. The current world tour started in the Mediterranean last November and will end there in 2020 when the boat returns for its five-year survey. “We’ve visited some exotic places so far; it’s been pretty awesome. The family joins us every few months and, in between, we sail the boat between destinations and attend to maintenance.” The longest stretch at sea so far was 14 days, or 4200 nautical miles, across the Atlantic from Cape Verde to Uruguay. But it was Patagonia that captured Luke’s heart. “I had no comprehension of how beautiful that country was – the mountains, glaciers, icebergs, wildlife and history are awesome,” he says. “We spent a couple of months cruising through the area and sailed around Cape Horn, which was pretty special, too.
Mahurangi Matters will let readers know when the Aquijo is off our coast so keep an eye on our Facebook page (Mahurangi Matters) around September 26. “On the way north, off Chile, we stopped at Robinson Crusoe Island, the actual island that the sailor Alexander Selkirk was marooned on, whose story inspired the book. “It was then on to Panama, Costa Rica, the Galapagos Islands and Tahiti.” Luke says he loves the opportunity to travel and see amazing countries, but sometimes something as simple as being at sea, miles from any light pollution, and seeing the night sky ablaze with stars is equally stunning. “I just try not to take anything for granted.” As romantic as it might all seem, the job is demanding and takes its toll on relationships with family and friends. “Being onboard involves long hours
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 11
Mahurangi Oysters After farming oysters for 25 years and selling to restaurants, online and at various markets, Lisa and Andrew Hay, of Mahurangi Oysters, have acquired a new retail outlet. Their food caravan is usually located in the Liquorland carpark at Snells Beach and, after two months, it is doing a roaring trade. Lisa says oysters purchased at the caravan – dubbed Pearl – are shucked as they are ordered, ensuring the freshest, best-tasting oysters around. “We decided it was time to have fresh oysters at Snells Beach. No one else does freshly shucked oysters – not even those bought from roadside stalls,” she says. The caravan also sells oyster soup, oyster fritters and oyster shooters. The shooter comprises an oyster in spiced tomato juice – similar to a Bloody Mary, but minus the vodka. In addition, the caravan offers occasional specials such as steak and oyster hot pot and oyster po’ boys. The po’ boy features fried oysters in a roll with lettuce and mayonnaise. Oysters can also be bought in the shell. Customers can buy a knife and get a free lesson on how to shuck them for themselves – ensuring they still have the freshest possible oysters when they serve them at home. Helping manage the caravan is Amie Hooper, affectionately known as
Lisa Hay and Amie Hooper.
Mother of Pearl, who formerly ran the kitchen at the Leigh Sawmill Cafe. “We really wanted to make good, simple local food as accessible as possible,” she says. Although the Liquorland carpark will be Pearl’s regular home, it’s also expected to make appearances at events such as the Kowhai Festival. “Pearl is movable and a lot of fun,” Lisa says. Pearl’s is currently open from Thursday through to Sunday, at the Snells Beach Liquorland carpark, from 11am to 6pm.
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12 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Your Free Will Supports
Your Local Hospice Just like the beginning of life when preparing for the arrival of a baby, the end of life also requires some careful thought and preparation.
HOW will you protect your loved ones? HOW will you ensure your wishes are met? WHAT legacy will you leave for generations of your family? Warkworth Wellsfordand Advisory Board and a– Nola, a well-known extraordinary local member of the Harbour Hospice Trust. has not only left a Gift in Will to Hospice but has volunteered her time and services as an Honorary “What achieve in this small She says for Solicitor over we 25 years. community will be utilised in the Warkworth Wellsford so encourage please use the thiscommunity opportunity to She says area, “I really do a little bitHibiscus of good for to support their local Hospice on the Hospice and a whole Coast. If you’ve ever been in the position where lot of good for your you needed Hospice help for your own family whanau. then you will know what a truly worthy organisation they are. For“Desmond myself, when TutuDad has was dying, the Hospice was my godsend. I applaud been quoted as saying: For limited time timeyour yourlocal localHospice Hospiceoninthe For aa limited the Hospice, they make such a difference. Now ‘Do your little bit of Warkworth/Wellsford, and Nola solicitor Stephanie Hibiscus Coast and solicitor McGowan of I believe that we as a community need to in turn, good where you are; Paxton-Penman are making easier for you to Vlatkovich and McGowan areitmaking it easier for you support our local Hospice.” it’s those little bits of set upup a new Will. With inclusion of a gift to set a new Will; withanjust an inclusion of atogift to good put together that Hospice in your your Will Will,you youwill canbe have simple Hospice in ableato have Will drawn up, overwhelm the world’.” drawn or anaexisting Will amended freemade of to an free of up charge, simple Will, amendments charge; a Memorandum of Wishes in the existing or one, or a Memorandum of Wishes (in case the case of a Family Trust. of a Family Trust). PAXTON-PENMAN Making or updating updatingyour yourWill Will allows allowsyou youtotomake makeyour Making or your wishes known and gives clear instruction wishes known and gives clear instruction about what about what want to happen you want to you happen when you die.when It canyou be adie. very It can be a veryyet simple exercise, yet having the impact simple exercise the impact of not one can of having onetocan significantly to the addnot significantly the add distress of a bereaved distress a bereaved family. At Hospice, our is family. AtofHospice one of the services we offer free services include grief counselling and helping families to get through their bereavement with support groups to help families through grief counselling and support groups. We their also believe bereavement. We believe good estate planning good estate planning reduces anxiety of those left reduces for those left behind by protecting behind byanxiety protecting the family and avoiding costly the family and avoiding costly legal bills. legal bills.
Stephanie has given her time and talents to Hospice since 2012, currently as chair of the
If you’d like to make sure your wishes are carried out in the event of your death and at the same time help preserve local Hospice services contact Allie Downing, Givingare Coordinator If you then would like to make sure Planned your wishes carried out and at the same time help preserve local Hospice 09 421 9180 or email: services, Lesley Ingham, Planned Giving Coordinator. Phone 09 425 9535 or email Lesley at before 20thcontact September to receive a voucher for your Free Will. before 20th September to receive a voucher for your Free Will.
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 13
New parking in Warkworth The Enviro 200
AT gets new buses for Warkworth services Auckland Transport (AT) has secured four new Enviro 200 buses from England to service its new Warkworth bus routes due to start this month. The 45-seat buses, manufactured by Alexander Dennis, feature drop-down boarding platforms to allow for easy wheelchair access and are known for their comfort and fuel efficiency. AT will hold a public information event on September 18 to outline more details about the new services. From Sunday September 30, new bus route 995 will take Warkworth commuters as far as Hibiscus Coast
AT HOP fares
are as follows (with cash fares in brackets): Within Warkworth zone on buses 996 and 997: $1.90 ($3.50) Warkworth to Silverdale on bus 995: $3.30 ($5.50) Warkworth to Takapuna: $6.20 ($9) Warkworth to Auckland Central: $7.50 ($14.50)
Station in Silverdale. From there they will be able to catch a bus to Hibiscus Coast, North Shore and Auckland City centre. The 995 service will operate every 30 minutes at peak times from Monday to Friday and hourly at other times. Buses will depart from the current bus stop on Baxter Street, near the Masonic Hall. There will also be stops on Whitaker Road, close to SH 1. Meanwhile, new bus routes 996 and 997 will replace the Kowhai Connection, which currently services Warkworth, Matakana and Snells Beach.
Route 996 will operate between Warkworth, Snells Beach and Algies Bay. The service will provide eight trips a day on weekdays and four on Saturdays and Sundays. Route 997 will operate between Warkworth, Matakana, Point Wells and Omaha. It will provide seven trips a day on weekdays and four on Saturdays and Sundays. Commuters will be able to pay fares in cash on the bus or by using a reusable prepay smart card (AT HOP), which offers substantial discounts.
AT HOP cards will be available from Warkworth New World, Matakana Four Square and Mahurangi Four Square in Snells Beach. SuperGold card holders will need to purchase a gold AT HOP card to receive a SuperGold concession. The public information event will be held at the Old Masonic Hall, 3 Baxter Street, Warkworth on Tuesday, September 18, from 9am to 2pm. Gold AT HOP cards for SuperGold card holders will be available for purchase. AT will also be loading SuperGold card concessions onto these cards. Those eligible should bring their SuperGold card and a current photo ID such as a Passport or Driver License. Student concessions are also available with AT HOP cards.
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Warkworth is getting a brand-new town centre carpark this month aimed at businesses and people who work in the CBD. The 34-space facility will be on former bowling club land behind the Bayleys building, at the rear of the Winscombe Mall carpark. The site is being developed by Bayleys, which will lease out spaces for $25 a week, plus GST. Owner and manager Mark Macky said he hoped the new carpark, which would be accessed via a security fob and barrier arm, would free up street parking for shoppers. “A lot of people who work in town park on the edge of town and walk down, or they take up spaces in the CBD, which isn’t good for retailers, so we’re hoping business owners or their staff will lease a carpark instead,” he said. “For the cost of a coffee a day, you’ve got your own specific semi-secure, lit carpark right in the middle of Warkworth that you know you’ll get every day.” He said the block of land had been unused since Bayleys bought it as part of their office building purchase in 2015. “So, we thought rather than it sitting there doing nothing, get it doing something, and, as parking is obviously an issue in Warkworth, we decided on a carpark.” The new carpark is due to be open for business before the end of the month.
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14 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
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By Bevan Woodward,
Warkworth-based transport planner
The case for two lanes A suggestion by Auckland Transport that the proposed Matakana link road be reduced from four to two lanes to cut costs triggered alarm bells from Mahurangi community leaders last month. But Warkworth-based transport planner Bevan Woodward argues two lanes will be sufficient … The discussion in Mahurangi Matters about the Matakana link road (MM August 1), which will connect Matakana Road with SH1, got me thinking about the bigger picture. What do we want for our region and is there an alternative to building more and bigger roads to deal with greater volumes of traffic? Recent research has highlighted that we can’t build our way out of congestion because more roading simply attracts more traffic. Traffic engineers call it induced demand. If you make it easier for more people to drive, then more people will drive. So we need to think carefully about how we develop our roading network. Rather than putting the vast majority of our funding into providing roads for more traffic, how about congestion-free, no carbon, low-cost, healthy transport choices available to everyone of all ages? This seemingly radical idea can be implemented cost-effectively and is happening all across the world. It’s simply about making walking and cycling safe again, providing connections with high-quality public transport, and enabling e-bikes and e-scooters to flourish. On our doorstep, we have the example of the very successful Northern Busway. It provides a convenient high-quality service into Auckland City that allows passengers to spend their time reading or relaxing, and when they arrive there’s no car parking hassle. People who choose to drive into the CBD benefit from the Northern Busway because there is less traffic for them. So it’s a win-win approach. The good news is that Auckland Transport is starting a bus service in late September that will connect our region to the Northern Busway service. Next, we need shared paths for walking and cycling between Warkworth, Matakana and Snells Beach. On an e-bike, the commute between any of these towns becomes an enjoyable, gentle exercise of 20 minutes or so. Queenstown’s walking and cycling network is going from strength to strength. Tourists are drawn to areas that offer healthy active transport options and what better way to experience the delights of our region? So, when we consider whether the Matakana link road should be two lanes or four, I’m thinking that we must not think of this project in isolation but in the context of a balanced network that provides travel choice to deliver the win-win for all users. Hence, I’m recommending that two lanes is sufficient for Matakana link road and the $30 million of savings is used to construct the region’s walking and cycling pathways between Snells Beach, Warkworth, Puhoi, Matakana and beyond. This is what it means to support a plan of balanced investment where people can choose to walk or cycle, use public transport or take the car. It’s the lower-cost win-win approach that is proving its success around the world. And most importantly, it will help keep our region special, popular and liveable. Bevan Woodward is the director of the SkyPath Trust which is developing a walking and cycleway across the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
Donkeys’ tale told on new Highfield sign
15 year warranty
Matakana Link Road
Visitors to the Highfield Garden Reserve in Algies Bay can find out all they need to know about the park and its much-loved resident donkeys from a brand-new information panel at the entrance. The illustrated sign was unveiled by Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke (left) and Jenny van der Mespel, granddaughter of Alison Roberts, who gifted the reserve and its donkeys to the nation in 1985. There are seven donkeys at Highfield at present – Truffle, Tansy, Toby, Tina, Tara, Turvey and Topsy – with another one due in the summer from an expectant Truffle.
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 15
Judy Waters, Warkworth & District Museum
37 Morrison Drive, Warkworth (Opposite Repco)
Matakana School in 1874
Pohuehue School
Tawharanui school
Mahurangi’s first schools An inkwell and pieces of broken slate, brought to the surface by a plough, confirm that an early school once stood on the headland inside Bradley Point near Cowan Bay, on the Mahurangi River. Open from 1858-62, the school is recognised by historians as the first on the mainland, although the children of copper miners on Kawau Island attended classes at Dispute Cove more than a decade earlier. About the time the Cowan Bay school closed, a school opened at McKinney Rd, Warkworth, in the original Presbyterian church buildings. At St Clements (Kaipara Flats), Mahurangi Heads and Matakana there was also activity to establish schools. A series of education acts passed in 1867, 1872 and 1877 gave a framework for school committees to establish and manage local schools. Grants were available but in most cases fell well short of the true cost. In 1878, the Auckland Provincial Gazette published a list of schools and roll numbers. Puhoi was the largest with 77 pupils, Warkworth (58), Dome Valley (42), Mahurangi Heads (34), Little Omaha (33), Mullet Point (28), Big Omaha (19), Lower Matakana (19), Kaipara Flats (14) and Upper Matakana (13). Eventually, there were more than 20 small schools in the area, so that ideally no child had to walk more than three miles to school. A teacher was often in charge of two schools, each open three days a week. Examples of part-time schools were Dacres Claim, Tawharanui, Pohuehue, Mahurangi West, Ahuroa and Woodcocks. There was no guarantee a school would be open on any particular day, as the records of Lower Matakana school show. • June 22, 1879 – Very wet, no school. • August 22, 1879 – School closed. Teacher attending inquest on the body of Miss Young. • October 2, 1879 – School closed all week by request as children required to be at home for the maize planting. As roads improved and the policy of consolidation took hold, the smaller schools closed and the buildings were put to good use elsewhere. Kaipara Hills school was moved to provide another classroom at Ahuroa, Waiwhui became a school for the soldiers’ settlement at Kourawhero, Dome Valley was taken back to Warkworth to serve as the Parish Hall, Ti Point moved to the Leigh church property, and Mahurangi West and Kourawhero are still in use as community halls. Each of the schools has its own unique history and the records kept in the Warkworth Museum archives are a valuable resource for anyone wanting to research their local history or family records.
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16 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Araparera forest scheme finally delivers on Rodney roads A total of 6.3 kilometres on nine roads in north Rodney will be sealed using the $2.8 million secured from the troubled Araparera Forestry joint venture fund. North Rodney ratepayers contributed $1.5 million to the scheme through a targeted rate over 28 years and although the scheme wound up three years ago, this the first time any money has been allocated to fulfil the promise to upgrade dusty, gravel roads. At a Rodney Local Board meeting on August 16, chair Beth Houlbrooke acknowledged the money “had taken a lot of time to get here”. “The fund has not been the cure-all for our road sealing problems in Rodney, but we hope the distribution that we have come up with fairly addresses the geographic area that was rated,” she said. After the meeting, Ms Houlbrooke said the list of unsealed roads that were eligible for funding was ranked
Beth Houlbrooke
according to multiple criteria such as traffic and heavy vehicle use, safety, the proximity of houses and nearby facilities. “We considered how to stretch each dollar as far as possible, keeping in mind an appropriate standard of seal
that will stand up to use. This led to our decision to seal shorter sections of road, which gave the best value for money.” Road sealing is due to start in late November and be completed by the end of June next year. The roads that will receive attention
are: Underwood Road (Port Albert), Whitmore Road (Takatu), School Road (Tomarata), Krippner Road (Puhoi), Smith Road (Matakana), Wharehine Road, Tauhoa Road, Dennis Road (Kourawhero) and Rodney Road (Pakiri).
Araparera failure buried Two Auckland Council representatives, Councillor Greg Sayers and Local Board member Colin Smith, say they have come to the end of the road in their search to uncover why the Araparera forest joint venture failed. The venture raised just $2.6 million plus interest, a return far lower than anticipated when the scheme was set up in 1984. Cr Sayers and Mr Smith say that despite determined efforts over many years, they have been unable to uncover crucial documents vital to exposing how the joint venture was managed. They say they have exhausted every option available to them to seek justice and accountability, and are deeply sorry they could not find any conclusive answers for their constituents. “Thirty years have passed and our communities have little or nothing to show for generations of rate paying,” Mr Smith says. “Ratepayers in the former northern riding are angry, and rightly so.” As part of the investigation, Cr Sayers
Greg Sayers
requested a full independent audit into the joint venture in 2016, but Council only supplied an independent “report”, which failed to satisfy concerns around the management of the scheme. Cr Sayers and Mr Smith enlisted the help of accountants and foresters to determine exactly what documents would be needed to fulfil the requirements of a full and proper audit. “We trawled through thousands of Council archival documents to try to uncover the vital weigh-station log
Colin Smith
sheets from the forest’s harvest, but this proved fruitless,” Mr Smith says. “Without those documents it was impossible to answer the obvious questions ratepayers had over the low return of the scheme. The records were either never kept or were destroyed.” A total of 96,000 tonnes of timber was produced from 200 hectares, with about 70 per cent of revenue earned from exports. The scheme was a joint venture with Ngati Whatua O Kaipara.
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 17
Auckland Council planner Ryan Bradley explains the structure plan to a visitor at the Warkworth Town Hall.
Community updated on Warkworth growth planning Warkworth Town Hall was the venue for two information sessions last month to report back to the community on planning for Warkworth’s future urban growth. A series of display boards summarised community feedback on Warkworth’s Structure Plan at the information sessions. The feedback was gathered during workshops in June, where groups of community members were invited outline a land use and supporting infrastructure plan on maps that were provided. Auckland Council planner Ryan Bradley says by overlaying the maps on top of one another, it was possible to see there was a lot of agreement on land use and infrastructure, even though the ideas came from groups working independently of each other. Key points that emerged were: • A desire to enhance road transport connectivity. In particular, for a western collector (connecting Woodcocks Road to SH1), Matakana link road (connecting Matakana and Sandspit Roads) and a southern interchange (allowing access to the new Puhoi to Warkworth motorway from the south of Warkworth). • Support for a walking and cycling network, separate from main arterials and connected to waterways and green spaces. • A desire to expand existing industrial areas and create new industrial areas close to the new motorway. • A desire to maintain Warkworth Town Centre as the primary centre, but creating two to three additional centres with five to 10 shops in each.
• Support for at least two new primary schools and one new college. • Support for a new hospital. • Creation of parks close to new centres and schools. Auckland Council will incorporate suggestions into a draft structure plan to be released in November, when the public will have a further opportunity to provide feedback. Feedback related to transport has already begun to inform the Supporting Growth Programme – an initiative of Auckland Transport and the New Zealand Transport Agency to develop transport plans to cater for Warkworth’s expansion over the next 30 years. Supporting Growth was also present at the Town Hall sessions with display boards illustrating current transport options being considered and inviting public comment. These offered refinements of transport suggestions made for the structure plan and included further suggestions for improving Warkworth’s eastern connections. Among these was a proposal to link McKinney Road in the south to Matakana Road in the north via a new road that would veer east of the Warkworth Town Centre and require the construction of a new bridge over the Mahurangi River. The public has until September 7 to give feedback on Supporting Growth’s initial suggestions. An online feedback form is available at supportinggrowth. More than 1000ha of land has been identified for future urban growth in Warkworth, with the town’s population expected to grow five-fold over the next three decades.
18 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Debbie Hodder arrives in style in a 1954 Austin Healey 100. Di Humphreys at the wheel of a Ford Model A, with revamped body.
Wellsford Warkworth Vintage Car Club captain Anne Richardson in front of a 1937 Chrysler Coupe. More photos online at
Ian and Jacqui Goldingham wore appropriate headgear for their 1924 Sunbeam 1440.
Carrick Oliver and the White Lady, a 1950 Jaguar 3.5 drophead.
Labour MP Marja Lubeck, exhibited a strong affection for red vehicles.
Classic cars turn out in force Making Dome Valley safer
Drop in and see us COME AND SEE US
We want to make Dome Valley State Highway 1 between Wellsford and Warkworth, safer. Before work gets underway we want to share our plans with you and answer your questions.
Want to know more? Kathy Chinn, Community Engagement Manager 021 064 4777
Tuesday 18 September Wellsford Community Hall 1 Matheson Road Wellsford 3pm to 7pm Thursday 20 September Warkworth Masonic Hall 3 Baxter Street Warkworth 3pm to 7pm Saturday 22 September Countdown Warkworth 20/26 Neville Street Warkworth 11am to 2pm
More than 100 classic cars made their way from Smales Farm in Takapuna to congregate at Warkworth Wharf, giving spectators and participants a glimpse of motoring history. Warkworth’s second Daffodil Rally for Cancer on August 26 raised more than $2600 for cancer research, which was $600 up on last year. Cancer Society fundraising coordinator Sue Beukink, who attended the rally, said she was thrilled
with the support. She said that the society did not get a cent of government money and was dependent on public generosity and events like the rally to continue its fight against cancer. Winner of the people’s choice award for best car was Chris Westlake for his Mini ute. Joint second place was Ben Osborne and Keith and Di Humphries for their respective Model T Fords.
‘Overdue’ upgrade for Warkworth Street Auckland Transport (AT) is preparing to upgrade Warkworth Street and its parking spaces, but one commercial premise owner says an opportunity has been missed. The street connects Neville Street and Percy Street, running parallel to the old BNZ building, and provides access to the New World top level carpark. Owner of the old BNZ building Jan Tipling says the street has been in disrepair for a long time and should have been resurfaced when the Neville Street upgrade took place recently. “The street is used regularly to access the carpark, but appears to have had no maintenance work done on it for a long time,” Jan says. “It would have been convenient to do the necessary work on it while contractors were all present, but now it’s going to cost the ratepayer more to bring all the machinery back on site. It’s a show of real inefficiency from Council.”
Jan Tipling and property manager Richard Parkinson.
An AT spokesperson says Warkworth Street did not require repair when the Neville Street project was planned and, therefore, couldn’t be fitted in with that upgrade. Meanwhile, Jan has already done her own upgrades to compensate for the condition of the street. “The footpath was too broken to use, so I put a new one between the old and new BNZ and also tar sealed my own parking spaces,” she says. AT says the Warkworth Street upgrade will probably take place later this year.
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 19
Pets Vets Corner
Chris Murphy, Chair
Ministerial briefing
Padmai has had a very unfortunate few months. In the event of leaping up onto her Mum’s bed, she sustained a nasty fracture of the lower part of her hind leg. She was presented to Warkworth Vets soon afterwards totally non weight bearing, with the lower part of her leg dangling and able to be moved in a most unnatural way. An xray showed that both the tibia and fibula were fractured just above the hock joint. The fractures were repaired with a variety of pins and wires and felt really stable post operatively. The fracture went onto heal uneventfully, but unfortunately for Padmai, a nasty poke to the eye while she was recuperating at home after surgery led to a deep, non healing corneal ulcer. Various attempts to treat the ulcer were unsuccessful, and Padmai has recently had the eye removed. She’s been a very brave little patient and a real favourite with all the staff. Well done Padmai, we all wish you a speedy recovery. Vets: Roger Dunn BVSc, Jon Makin BVSc, Danny Cash BVSc, Justine Miller BVSc, Chelsea Gill BVSc, Robert Elton BVSc, Tania Govan BVSc
Phone 09 425 8244 (Warkworth) 09 423 7048 (Wellsford) 24 hour 7 day a week emergency cover Now open 8 am until 2pm Saturdays
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One Warkworth Business Association has appointed Rachel Callender to the parttime role of communications and promotions executive. The six-month contract role has been created to support One Warkworth manager Murray Chapman build on the strong growth the association has experienced since his appointment in 2017. Rachel says she is looking forward to helping businesses and the community blossom. “It’s no secret that I’m passionate about Warkworth reaching its potential, but I am also concerned about the risks of not working collaboratively,” she says.
Padmai, an 11 year old Shih Tzu
New executive for One Warkworth
Pet of the Month
On Saturday, August 4, three members of the One Warkworth Business Association, met with the Minister of Housing and Urban Development and Transport Phil Twyford. The One Warkworth presentation stressed the following points: Prioritise budgetary allocations for Warkworth Under the Unitary Plan, the population of Warkworth is to grow from the current 4000 to a number greater than 25,000, and the wider Warkworth area from 24,000 to more than 52,000 people within a relatively short period of time. Warkworth will be one of the fastest growth areas in New Zealand and as such requires immediate investment in infrastructure now to adequately provide for this growth. Government and Auckland Council cannot be reactive. They must prioritise budgets to ensure Warkworth infrastructure can cope with this growth. Southern interchange The Unitary Plan was adopted after the Puhoi to Warkworth State Highway 1 route and single northern off ramp was determined. But now that it’s apparent that the bulk of Warkworth’s new population will be to the south of the single northern interchange, an immediate commitment to a southern interchange is required. Land should be acquired and this work undertaken as part of the current Puhoi to Warkworth road construction project. This will avoid the cost of building then changing an existing structure. In the absence of a southern interchange, the bulk of Warkworth’s Auckland-bound traffic will need to travel north through the Hill Street intersection or try to negotiate the inadequate and troubled western connector route of Falls Road and Hudson Road. Matakana link road The Matakana link road should not be downgraded from the original four lane proposal (two each way) that was the subject of public consultation, to a two lane carriage way (one each way), as is now being considered. The road runs through and is to be the main route of entry and egress for the newly zoned 60 ha light industrial and commercial area. This is at present Warkworth’s largest industrial-zoned area and will be a significant place of employment and business and related traffic movements. At least three roads to the north and two roads to the south from this industrial precinct are to intersect with the Matakana link road, each needing either a light controlled intersection or a slip lane. More land for local employment Council have identified a need for more commercial and industrial-zoned land close to Warkworth. One Warkworth members have expressed a need for a largescale industrial precinct, which will allow for sites of two to five hectares. In the absence of this precinct, existing businesses, who are large local employers, may relocate to other regions. On the other hand, the existence of such a precinct is likely to attract large-scale employers to the Warkworth area.
20 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
what’son Chicken farm protest concert takes flight at Tahi Bar E NT E R TA I NM E NT
Warkworth’s Tahi Bar will host a fundraising concert in opposition to a controversial Tegel chicken farm, which the company wants to locate in Arapohue, near Dargaville. Thousands have objected to the farm, which is expected to produce nine million chickens a year, saying it will create an offensive stench and constitute an environmental hazard. Oppose Mega Farm concert organiser Jed Town says half a dozen acts will perform playing a wide variety of music, including punk, post-punk, David Bowie covers, ambient and pop. “I hear there are quite a few old punk rockers in Warkworth, so it will appeal to them as well as to the melodic people,” he says. Jed says that as a musician it’s nice to be able to get a message across to people through music. “It’s not about ramming it down people’s throats and making people paranoid, but it is about making people aware,” he says. “There’s always a lot of interesting people show up to these things, especially when you are fighting a cause like this.” Acts featuring at the concert are X Features, Goldilocks Zone, Nga Manu, Swamp Brothers, The Ghoulies and Sista matik.
Tahi Bar owner Ian Marriott says he is sympathetic to those campaigning against the chicken farm, saying he does not believe Arapohue is an appropriate location and more thought needs to go into what we are eating and how it is produced. “I know there are more people on the planet and we need to have more food, but I don’t think that is a good enough reason to open big farms like this,” he says. The Oppose Mega Farm concert is on Saturday, September 15 at 7pm. Tickets are $10 at the door with koha.
X Features will perform in Oppose Mega Farm.
New stage for Warkworth Town Hall The Warkworth Town Hall now boasts new units allowing for the reconfiguration of the stage to accommodate a variety of theatrical and other events. Possible uses for the six stage units – known as Flexi Staging – include creating a catwalk, establishing a small separate stage for a compere, or extending the Town Hall’s existing stage further into the auditorium. The Warkworth Town Hall Restoration Trust (WTHRT), The Warkworth Theatre Group and the Sir John Logan Campbell Residuary Estate contributed funding for the new stage units.
WTHRT chair Peter Henderson says a decision by the Rodney Local Board to cover the trust’s $250,000 debt for restoring the hall has allowed it to concentrate its energies on further town hall enhancements. The Warkworth Town Hall was restored at a cost $5.6 million with funding from WTHRT, Auckland Council, the Local Board, a Lotteries Commission grant and Watercare. The Board resolved to meet the WTHRT’s outstanding debt at a meeting in June. The WTHRT is accepting further donations for more stage units. Info: Peter Henderson 0274 776 519
Peter Henderson, bottom left, checks out one of the new stage units along with Warkworth Theatre Group members, from left, Pauline Hirst, Mike Rose, Susan Howard and Richard Hutchinson.
Experience the magic of Matakana, stay at one of our luxurious new Plume Villas and dine at the acclaimed Plume Restaurant. Your fabulous weekend getaway starts right here. A one-hour scenic drive north of Auckland, and 5 minutes from Matakana township, lies Plume Restaurant – an oasis for gourmet travellers in a coastal country setting. It’s recognised for superb cuisine and presents the cellar door for Runner Duck Estate’s wines. Plume Restaurant is now complemented by Plume Villas, an enclave of 12 new luxury villas set within landscaped grounds. These 1-3 bedroom villas share a swimming pool and are a relaxed stroll from the restaurant. This is the perfect place for a weekend break for two, a gathering of friends, a wedding, a conference or any special event when a truly unique venue is required. 49A Sharp Road, Matakana Telephone 09 422 7915 SCL/PLU2018/36
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 21
Jazz bands reunite for gig Following a successful concert last year and numerous requests for a follow up, two of Warkworth’s top jazz bands will perform together at the Matakana Hall this month. The Mahurangi Ramblers will join forces with Jazz Connection. The Ramblers, featuring clarinet, trombone, bass, keyboard and banjo, play traditional, up-tempo jazz, with music emanating from New Orleans and the American South. Meanwhile, Jazz Connection play music from The Great American
Songbook, including a lot of Glen Miller music, such as Tuxedo Junction and In the Mood, together with swing sounds from the 1930s and 40s. “This, coupled with lots of vocal harmonies, produces a great sound,” David Spivey, who plays in both bands, says. “Why do we like this music? Because it swings and gives every member in the band a chance to shine. Apart from that, we are all good friends and laugh a lot.” The concert is on Sunday, September 16 at 2pm. Tickets are $10 at the door.
The Jazz Connection with the Mahurangi Ramblers. From left, Bob Ward (trombone), Dan Ferguson (vocals), David Spivey (banjo), Eric Krey (bass), Val Couling (keyboards), Brian Leigh (drums), Phil Thornton (sax), Mike Nisbet (clarinet).
Music of Eastern Europe at Matakana Mahurangi music lovers have the chance to experience an evening of toe-tapping Eastern European klezmer music when New Zealand ensemble The Kugels perform in Matakana this month. Klezmer is the folk idiom of the Jewish people, typically heard at dance halls and weddings. It features wild dances and heartfelt laments. The concert will include traditional music woven together with original pieces written by Kugel’s accordionist Ross Harris, an award winning composer and New Zealand Arts Laureate. The ensemble also features Debbie Rawson, head of woodwind at Victoria University, who plays soprano
sax, clarinet, bass clarinet and Maui Xaphoon – a single reed woodwind instrument. Other members of the group are former NZ Symphony Orchestra violinist, Robin Perks, and wellknown Wellington freelance musician Jacs Nordon on double bass. In addition to playing, the musicians will also give a commentary providing information about the music and the instruments they play. The concert is presented in association with Chamber Music New Zealand. The Kugels play at the Matakana Village Hall on Saturday, September 8 at 5pm. Tickets $35 at the door, school students free.
We are planning another tour to Rarotonga 1st – 8th June 2019
The Kugels
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22 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Volunteer numbers have plummeted in recent years.
The Johnnys
Highland Games back from the brink Country punk fires up Leigh One of the region’s longest running can still use more people, but if all the Australian country punk (cowpunk) band The Johnnys will finish up a five date New Zealand tour with a concert at the Leigh Sawmill Cafe this month. Kiwi-born Graham Hood (bass and vocals), Slim Doherty (guitar) and Billy Pommer Jr (drums) hope to repeat the barnstorming shows that they performed at NZ venues such as The Gluepot back in the 1980s. It’s The Johnnys’ first tour of New Zealand for three decades and will serve as a tribute to seriously ill bandmate, guitarist Spencer P. Jones, who won’t be crossing the Tasman. Graham says after so long away, it’s great to be back in New Zealand and reconnecting with everyone. “Full-length sets, a whole lot of fun and some very talented local opening acts. See you there,” he says, The Johnnys’ 1986 album Highlights
Of A Dangerous Life was a runaway success in New Zealand, staying in the NZ Album Top 20 charts for 10 weeks, thanks to popular tracks such as Bleeding Heart, Injun Joe, and (There’s Gonna Be A) Showdown. The band formed in Sydney in 1982 and played their first show at Palms Disco in Oxford Street. Subsequently, The Johnnys racked up eight singles and three albums, and played the length and breadth of Australia and New Zealand. A successful show at the Kings Arms Tavern in Auckland, to mark the closing of the long-running music venue, inspired the Johnnys to embark on a New Zealand tour. The Johnnys will be supported at the Leigh Sawmill concert by The Bads. The show takes place on Sunday, September 30, at 4.30pm. Tickets:
New at the Warkworth & District Museum Inspirational Women of our District
Read the stories and achievements of some of our local women from the past to the present. Adult $7 • Child $3 (6-16 years) • Child under 6 FREE Family $15 (2 adults + all Children) Open 7 Days, Monday to Sunday 10am – 3pm Eftpos & Credit Cards accepted.
Warkworth & Districts Museum. Parry Kauri Park, Tudor Collins Drive (Off Wilson Road, Warkworth) Ph: 09 425 7093 | Email:
and most distinctive summer events, the Waipu Highland Games, has been saved from the brink of disaster after a desperate plea for extra volunteers. Numbers of organisers and helpers had dropped to such a low level there were fears that the 148th games, set for their usual date of January 1, would have to be cancelled. Waipu Caledonian Society secretary Jill Mutch posted a heartfelt appeal for help on social media last month, saying the games were “in jeopardy and likely to cease”, and organised a special meeting on Sunday, August 19 to discuss the event’s future. However, society chairman David Moon said the announcement that the games were in danger seemed to have spurred the community into action. “That was a real driver, I think. There were about 30 to 35 people at the meeting and about 17 people came and put their name forward,” he said. “We
people who volunteered front up, there will definitely be a games.” Mr Moon said the drop in volunteers was largely a generational issue, with some people having helped for 40 to 50 years. “They still help out, but they can’t do as much now and we haven’t had younger descendants coming through quite as much, probably because a lot of people have moved on and the interest doesn’t seem to be there quite as much these days,” he said. “We were getting to the stage where there just weren’t enough people. “There are a whole lot of jobs that need to be done between now and the start of the games, but we were down to two or three people. We need to spread the load a bit.” Anyone who would like to support the games should email secretary@
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 23
Cuisine Nicole Wilson
Devilishly good Thank you to those readers who stop me to talk about the recipes and let me know that you are waiting for the next one to come out. A fellow early morning swimmer asked me the other day when the next recipe was due and could this one please be a meat dish. Tricky thing that, as we aren’t a big meat eating family, maybe once or twice a week tops. But then I had a hankering for a creamy mash slathered in gravy – such a delicious combination. This reminded me of one of my favourite ways to have sausages when it’s not really BBQ weather – devilled sausages. This is a great recipe for pork sausages, with the addition of apple to the flavoursome onion gravy. The recipe can also easily be made gluten-free as there are now good gluten-free sausages available. If you do this, make sure that the soy sauce, stock and cornflour are also gluten-free.
Devilled Sausages
Open Wednesday to Sunday From 12pm until 10pm with a full menu all day, 14 taps of beer made on site and takeaway beer available. Every Friday - Beer & Bitterballen
Serves 4
Any jug for $25 and 3 free bitterballen with every jug - from 4pm till 7pm
Heat the oil in a large pan over a medium heat. Add the sausages and brown all over if pre-cooked (see note below) or allow to cook through if raw. Add the onion and garlic and cook until the onion is soft and just starting to brown. Add the apple, soy sauce and stock. Bring to the boil. Mix together the cornflour and water/red wine, then add to the gravy while stirring. Simmer to thicken, add more cornflour/water if needed. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with mashed potato or kumara, to soak up all the lovely gravy, and steamed seasonal vegetables. Note: Pre-cooked sausages are simple to do and it makes BBQ or any subsequent cooking of the sausages much easier. Put the sausages into a large pot and fill with enough cold water to cover the sausages. Put a lid on the pot and bring slowly to the boil. Take off the lid and boil for 10 minutes. Drain and leave to cool. If you have enough freezer space, you can spread the sausages on to oven trays, freeze and then bag up. Doing this will ensure they don’t stick together, making it easy to take out the required number any given meal.
huge DAY OUT in warkworth 27 OCTOBER 2018
Cash/Chq Only Adults $35 Students Free Info. Ph 425 6289
Saturday, September 8th at 5pm Matakana Village Hall
This concert is presented in association with Chamber Music New Zealand
Warkworth Museum Open Day
26 October
Warkworth Music
Folk- Double Bass, Clarinet, Soprano Sax, Accordion Violin Energetic and evocative music from the Klezmer tradition of Eastern Europe.
21 October
Openair Cinema
“A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS” Shoesmith Domain
The Great Debate
Warkworth town hall
1 Tbsp soy sauce 1 cup stock 1 Tbsp maize cornflour 2 Tbsp water or red wine Salt and pepper
1 Tbsp olive oil 8 sausages 1 large onion, sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 Granny Smith apple, cored and sliced
Heritage Walk & Jane Gifford Cruise
24 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Theft prompts call for more cameras Warkworth Police and Stihl Shop owner Mike Bremner are looking to make the town CCTV secure, following break-ins at two commercial premises last month. At about 4am on August 27 both the Stihl Shop and Noel Leeming in Warkworth were broken into. Six chainsaws worth over $8000 were taken from the Stihl Shop, and 20 laptops and two drones were taken from Noel Leeming. All stolen property was recovered and two men from the Waikato were apprehended after they lost control of their getaway vehicle in Albany. Mike says they were lucky a neighbour got a vehicle description quickly for police but wants a camera set up on Whitaker Road in case they are not so fortunate next time. Warkworth Police Sergeant Mark Stallworthy says a camera in this location would help to complete surveillance coverage of Warkworth. “Whitaker Road is a corridor for any offenders looking to escape to the south. Having a camera there would really help, as most break-ins are done by people from outside the area,” he says. “Footage gives us the ability to crack down on criminals quickly. If we can do that, it will deter them from coming here as they know Warkworth is a hard target.” Helping to give police complete coverage of the area is Insite Security. In the last two months, Matakana, Sandspit, Omaha and Warkworth have all had camera installations and upgrades. More cameras are on the way for Snells Beach. One camera in Sandspit, three in Matakana and three in Warkworth have all been upgraded to improve night vision and recognise number plates. Insite Security manages the cameras and owner Chris Martin says the new technology is a big advantage.
Leanne Crean
Bali holiday hair raiser
Warkworth Police Sergeant Mark Stallworthy, right, hands back a $3300 chainsaw to Stihl Shop Warkworth owner Mike Bremner.
“Before we could only see car plates from one lane, but the new cameras have dual lane recognition,” he says. “We’ve been a long-term customer for Atlas Geotech. They came on board and did the $10,000 Warkworth upgrades for free.” Chris says the cameras have been used to solve numerous crimes already and will be even more effective with the changes. “The cameras at Sandspit and Omaha are particularly good as those places are one way in and out. We’re guaranteed to get footage of offenders that come into the area.” There are 16 cameras located around Warkworth that are managed by Insite.
ANZ Networking Event 19 September 2018, 5 - 7pm at ANZ Bank Queen St Warkworth. Complimentary Drinks & Nibbles. •
Brick Bay residents Leanne and Paul Crean were shaken by their recent holiday experience in Bali, after being rocked by an earthquake that killed more than 400 people. The pair were in Seminyak when the magnitude seven earthquake struck the neighbouring island of Lombok on August 5. “We were having dinner in an Indian restaurant at the time. Then there was a sound like a big truck coming down the road,” Leanne says. “I was confused at first as to what was going on. Then I could see the ground was shifting from left to right outside and it was clear it was an earthquake.” Leanne says they remained calm, despite most people screaming and making a bolt for the exit. “In New Zealand, we are trained to take cover during an earthquake, but over there people don’t trust the structural quality of the buildings so they move for open ground. Even though I’ve never faced a natural disaster before, I wasn’t that fazed. We even went back in afterwards and finished our dinner.” Later, they returned to their hotel and had a drink at the bar when an aftershock struck and forced another evacuation. Following that, there were several more aftershocks and the Creans put together a get-away kit and arranged an emergency meeting spot. “It certainly put us on edge for the rest of the holiday.” Your handy pull-out guide
September5,5,2018 2018 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 1 1 September
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22 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters September September5,5,2018 2018 Your handy pull-out guide
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Footings Hole Boring Landscaping
3.5T Digger 5T Truck
Bob Waata Mobile 021 634 484
021 824 700 | 22 Auckland Rd Warkworth 0910
Create . Connect . Control
teamaatnew Wenzeng Engineering have taken helpful you infriendly the near future.approach taken a new friendly helpful approach with their customers, ensuring expert with their customers, ensuring expert cost effective service and advice cost effective service and advice on all your marine and general September5,5,2018 2018 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 3 3 Your handy pull-out guide September onengineering all your marine and general requirements. Weengineering look forwardrequirements. to working with ENGINEERING | FARMING | FENCING | FLOORING | FURNITURE | GARAGE DOORS |to GLAZIERS | HAIR/BEAUTY | HIREAGE | HOUSE MOVERS | INTERIORS | JOINERY We look you forward in the nearworking future. with you in the near future.
We believe in quality work that meets the customer’s needs. Precision Machining, Structural, Fabrication, Maintenance or Welding.
Ph Blair 021 427 590 or visit our workshop: 14D Flexman Place, Silverdale.
• Custom made • Quality material • Quality workmanship
Ph 09 422 5737 • 027 272 7561 Fax 09 422 5800
Timber Furniture Specialists with quality workmanship guaranteed Specialising in antique, new furniture & all other timber surfaces. Furniture Restoration • Re-spraying • Special Finishing • Colour Matching Insurance quotes • Furniture repairs • Custom made – Recycled or new timber • Modifications • Upholstery
Phone Grant or Lesley 23b Foundry Rd, Silverdale | 09 426 2979 09 426 8412 | Domestic and
Glazing arkworth Commercial Glass Showers Splash Backs lass & Mirrors • Cat Doors lazing WindscreenandReplacement Chip Repair
20 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 09 425 8678 • 021 952 077
Alison Wech
C.I.D.E.S.C.O, C.I.B.T.A.C, dip Beauty Therapy, dip Electrolysis, dip Body Therapy, dip Nail Technician
46 McKinney Road, Warkworth Mob 021 051 3661 • Ph 09 425 7776
Also see Lance for your supply of Native and Landscaping plants
for head to toe pampering
New owner Roger Wenzlick and the team at Wenzeng Engineering have PH 09 425 6431 MOBILE 021 353 529 taken a new friendly helpful PH 095/1 425 6431 MOBILE 021approach 353 529 UNIT HAMATANA RD, SNELLS BEACH with5/1 their customers,RD, ensuring UNIT HAMATANA SNELLSexpert BEACH cost effective service and advice on all your marine and general engineering requirements. We look forward to working with you in the near future.
Snells Beach • Warkworth • Orewa
872 Kaipara Flats Road Ph: 425 7627 • Fax 425-7625
Beauty Therapy & Nail Creations
Trellis Guy
Trellis - Panels - Fencing Installations - all shapes and sizes Specialities: Framed Archways – Superior Trellis Pedestrian Gate Frames (mortised) Trellis spray painting / oiling Gazebo's ~ dove cotes ~ pergolas
PH 09 425 6431 MOBILE 021 353 529 UNIT 5/1 HAMATANA RD, SNELLS BEACH
• Facials • Waxing • Tinting • Gel Nails • Acrylic Nails • Manicures • Pedicures • Electrolysis • Make-up • Body Wraps • Massage • Spray Tans
We specialise in: • Vantage Aluminium Joinery • APL | Architectural Series • Metro Series
09 425 7510
New/Used Tractors & Machinery In-house Engineer Mobile Servicing Repairs Comprehensive Parts Range
Come in and see the new range of Massey Fergusons 308 SH1, Te Hana, Wellsford • PH 09 423 8558
FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION Polyurethaning:- Wooden Floors, Particle Board & Cork Cork Tiles:- Natural & Coloured Enviro Friendly Products available
KAE JAE CONTRACTORS (LTD) PHONE KEN 0274 866 923 or A/Hrs 09 422 3716
PH 09 425 6431 MOBILE 021 353 529 UNIT 5/1 HAMATANA RD, SNELLS BEACH
Rodney Garage Doors
repair • supply • automate
29 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 09 425 0258 • 0274 425 025 •
(1998 LTD)
0800 70 40 10
53 Station Road, Wellsford • Phone (09) 423 7358 Email: BICYCLE MECHANIC
Shimano approved Fully equipped workshop Road Bikes Mountain Bikes Full Suspension BMX Bikes Parts & Accessories Matakana Bikes | 09 423 0076 Now located at Matakana Country Park, 1151 Leigh Road, Matakana
For information about our exceptional windows & doors talk to Fairview Rodney on 09 425 7367, or stop by our showroom at 74 Hudson Rd, Warkworth.
WE BUY HOUSES FOR REMOVAL Call Ian on 021 639 562
We relocate houses, we buy houses, we sell houses.
Say No to Leaky Homes
• Robust, Good Looking and Durable • Specify Best Practice, Specify Flashman • The only Flashing System Guaranteed
Northland 0800 55 66 00
44 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters September September5,5,2018 2018
G Your handy pull-out guide
Kitchen Colours
and Wood Finishes
Spraypainters of quality kitchens Lacquers, enamels, urethanes, 2 pacs, clearcoats Resprays and Recolours
Phone / Fax Gary 425 7669 Unit 21/30 Hudson Road, Warkworth
• 4 x 4 Truck & Digger Hire • Excavation • Earthmoving • Tractor & Ride-on Mowing • Lifestyle Property Services • Garden Design
09 422 9514 • 021 831 938
TOTAL LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION for complete quality projects
• Lawns - contouring & seeding • Top soil • Retaining Walls • Driveways • Paths • Digger • Truck • Tractor Phone Bruce 425 7766 a/h 021 055 4226 I take the hard work out of Landscaping
We dig weekends. • Retaining Walls/Decks • Fences • Paving/Concreting • Planting • Irrigation & Instant Lawn Ph Jeff - 021 368 552 |
Ziggy Bruu
DELIVER! •Tirau Gold•Pine Chip•Cambian Bark
183 SANDSPIT RD, WARKWORTH • OPEN 7 DAYS! Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm Sat: 7am-4pm Sun: 9am-3pm
FREE LOAN TRAILERS • HOME DELIVERIES 7 DAYS 09 425 9780 • 25-31 Morrison Drive, Warkworth
VIP Lawns & Gardens, Warkworth
WE CAN •Sand•Metal•Shell•Pebble•Scoria •Mulch•Garden Mix•Topsoil•Compost
Topsoil • Compost & Garden Mix • Lawn Mix Grass Seed • Bark • Pebbles • Stones • Sand Drainage • Metal • Fertilisers and much more!
VIP Lawns & Gardens Warkworth
• • • • • •
Lawn mowing and garden maintenance Fertiliser, Weed Control, & Spraying Pruning, Trimming and Section Clearing Exterior House washing and gutter cleans Decks, Paths and Driveway Cleaning Green Waste Removal and Yard Clean Ups 021 557 923 0800 84 64 84
We are very happy to announce that VIP Home Services is back in Warkworth and surrounding towns including Wellsford, Sandpit, Snells Beach and Algies Bay. Ziggy has recently moved to Warkworth and is working closely with Cam Brooks of VIP Lawns Mangawhai. He is able to provide you lawn mowing and garden maintenance on a regular and reliable schedule all year round. As well as additional services such as
1487A State Highway 17, Dairy Flat Ph: 021 570 505 • em:
Fertiliser, Weed Control, & Spraying Pruning, Trimming and Section Clearing Exterior House washing and gutter cleans. Decks, Paths and Driveway Cleaning Green Waste Removal and Yard Clean Ups And much more! 0800 84 64 84
MAHURANGI Massage Therapy
• Sports/Injury Rehabilitation • Fatigue/Sleeping Problems • Depression / Emotional Tension • Relief from Headaches/Back & Neck Pain/Stress and many other health issues
Christine Berben
Raynor Massage Practitioner
Mahurangi Massage Therapy
(09) 424-8440
The re-tube specialists New boats from 2.1 to 5.5m Full repair service on any inflatable brand. 100% NZ Made
027 477 5594 | 24 Westpark Glen, Warkworth
MASON CONTAINERS LIMITED | Container Sales | Container Hire | Self Storage | Hiab Cartage
Relaxation, Deep-tissue Massage, Reflexology
021 0229 9406 9 Oak River Drive, Warkworth 0985 or 1 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai 0505
Registered Massage Therapist
• Owner Operator • Local and Long Distance • Packing Service • Packing Materials
0800 833 323 Visit to view containers at 76 Hudson Road, Warkworth |
Wakako Abe-Adams
James Taylor 0275 489 104
09 425 9679
Since 1997
• Residential Specialists • Interior | Exterior • Plus Stopping & Skim Plastering
021-858 524 | 09-423 After 8521 Hours Email:
Your Painter/Decorator with over 30 years experience serving all surrounding areas.
Leigh Decorators PaintingPainting Paperhanging Paperhanging Roofs Roofs Airless Spraying Airless Spraying StoppingStopping (small jobs) RepaintsRepaints New Homes New Homes
For your Free Quote and/or Consultation, Phone Gary Home: 09-422-6695 Mobile: 021-024-44941 Email:
Exterior/Interior/Roofs/Staining Husband & Wife team •
Harley 021 0220 8727 or 09 423 9012
Premium Painters Ltd Your solution to quality painting
Painting and Decorating New builds • Re-paints • Re-stains • Roofs • Commercial • Water blasting Ph: Luke 021 507 463
Interiors, Exteriors, Re-paints, Renovation, New Builds, Staining
021 135 7769 |
Lift out
5 September 2018 Your property guide for Hibiscus Coast, Rodney and Kaipara
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 1
Properties from: Bayleys | Evelyn Page | GJ Gardner | Mike Pero | Platinum Homes | Quinovic | Wellsford Country Estate
Affordable | Beautiful beaches, wineries, schools and shops Energetic growing community | To suit all lifestyles Rare and sizable sections | House and land packages available
Steffan Meyer p 021 055 4346 e
Mackys Real Estate Ltd, Bayleys, Licensed under the REA ACT 2008
A Local Matters publication. Distribution - 37,000 copies. Advertising enquiries: Mahurangi 09 425 9068 or Hibiscus 09 427 8188
2 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
09 426 6216
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
PROPERTY TALK WITH LANE SANGER Yay! Spring is upon us. This normally leads to more optimism and confidence in the real estate market. The winter period has shown various signs of uncertainty however this may soon change. The Reserve Bank is quite confident of a longer period of low interest rates. This means it’s still a great time to borrow cheap money. Having said that, banks are being tighter on their lending and are often asking buyers for more information. This has been fantastic for mortgage lenders like Mike Pero Mortgages as they can often cherry pick the best lenders on mortgage rates and lending criteria. A question I was asked the other day by a home owner is, do I renovate my home? Here is my take. If you are staying there for 3 years or more then renovate all you like as long as it is within your budget. That way you get the benefit of enjoying those improvements and if you sell in 3 years’ time it will still be relevant and fresh.
YOU KNOW IT’S TIME TO MOVE WHEN … Humming and hawing about whether or not to make a move? Here are some of the signs that it may be time to consider moving: 1. You’re packed in like sardines - If you’ve got three kids, three tiny bedrooms, a dog, a cat, and a drum kit that’s squished into the corner of your dining room/homework area … it might be time to move. 2. You’re ready for house 2.0 - Maybe you’ve lived in your first home for a few years and you’re starting to feel like it’s time to upgrade. Sometimes it makes sense to stay where you are and renovate, but it may be worth researching what else is available for your money. 3. You’ve got a new job in a new town 4. Your nest is feeling empty - When the kids have flown the coop, that can leave you with a lot of unused space in your home. It’s more to clean, maintain, and pay for, so why not sell, find something smaller and pocket the balance. 5. #relationshipstatusupdate – Whether you’re about to get married and looking for your first home together or parting ways with a partner, a new home is the beginning of a new chapter. 6. You’re done with commuting - If the commute is getting to you, it may be time to find something that will give you hours back.
If your home is tired and you are looking at selling, then it’s important to talk to your agent about what adds value and what doesn’t. Often you simply don’t have the money to renovate and that’s ok. There are certain things you can do without spending a significant amount of money. However you must address anything that is likely to get picked up on a builder’s report such as a leaking shower or well overdue paint job. Conversely, I have seen where people make significant renovations and it doesn’t pay off. For example, spending $80,000 but this may only add $50,000 to the resale value resulting in a net loss of $30,000. I strongly believe that it is important to talk to an experienced real 021 215 9718 estate agent who has your best interests at heart and can provide you with evidence of what does and doesn’t work.
Lane Sanger
Spring – a time for new beginnings If you are planning a move, NOW is the time to act! Get a free home appraisal and real estate advice. Ask us about our spring promotion! Call 09 426 6216
REINZ July 2018 Sales Summary (dwellings only)
7. Your family needs you - Your last visit to your parents, grandparents, or the in-laws was eye-opening. Perhaps mobility or other health issues are making it difficult for a loved one to continue to live alone. While challenging, it also opens up the door for new possibilities in terms of home ownership.
94 $1.395mil
8. Your kids need a school upgrade - We all want to give our children the best that we possibly can, so if school zoning is important, it’s natural to start thinking about a move.
(Stanmore Bay)
Remember that house hunting is free. Contact Lane to get advice about your specific situation and a real estate market overview
(Red Beach)
5 September 2018
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 3
5 September 2018
09 426 6216
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
4 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
MILLWATER PLAN (232sqm) from
*Price indication only and excludes land and land associated costs. Some conditions and regional variations may apply; your Platinum Homes consultant will advise.
CALL US TODAY OR VISIT OUR SHOW HOMES TO DISCUSS YOUR BUILD Millwater: Cnr Bankside & Manuel Roads | Hobsonville Point: 28 Onekiritea Road. Hours and details visit or phone (09) 281 3076 4
5 September 2018
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 5
Two-bedroom apartment
available now!
Apartment Showhome
Open Afternoon
Retire by the beach in this stylish independent apartment.
Sat 8 & Sun 9 September, 1-3pm
With spacious open plan living and two bedrooms it’s perfect for having the grandchildren come to stay.
Come along to our apartment showhome open afternoon.
Evelyn Page Retirement Village is a vibrant and friendly community. With our varied activities and events programme there will always be something to do and friends to meet.
We will be here to show you around, and tea and coffee will be ready if you’d like to sit down for a cuppa and have a chat about your retirement living options.
The village also offers assisted living and the very best of resthome, hospital and dementia care.
For more information please phone Jo or Liz on 09 421 1815
30 Ambassador Glade, Orewa
5 September 2018
Stage one release has 34 sunny elevated sections ranging from 606 - 958 square metres, and they are selling fast! 6 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Quality Affordable Living! Large Sections starting from $279,000 House & Land Packages from $576,000 John Barnett 021 790 393 Bayleys, Mackys Real Estate Limited, Licensed REAA 2008
0800 172 500
17 067 64 DP 18 067 64 DP 19 067 64 DP
10 067 64
8 067 64
By offering cheaper real estate options , the new motorway coming through, and its proximity to established centres (ie Auckland North Shore ) Wellsford is set to boom! Capital gains for those that get in early will be significant.
9 067 64
11 067 64
12 067 64 DP
4 5 Pt 010 3
1 176 29 2 6 7 291 DP 3 6 7 291 P to D ject ation sub c Lot appli te ra a sep
DP 13 067 64 P
36 1.1882Ha
1 DP 146408
1 DP188587 2 DP188587
1 DP 43334
Pt Sec. 9 Blk XVI Otamatea SD Pt 9 DP 23873 6 DP 29176 7 DP 29176 8 DP 29176
65 121m²
Right on your doorstep, Wellsford sits within easy reach of •• beautiful beaches, lakes and bushwalks. This quiet country town •• Kindergartens; Primary schools; Secondary is well served with: schools; Medical & Dental; Golf course; Gym; Parks; Cafes and •• Restaurants; Supermarkets; Many unique homewares shops.
FREE Appraisal Appraisal today today
6 105 30
D Boundary lines are indicative only
Wellsford Country Estate is within easy walking distance to most amenities, and boasts large elevated sections, with level building platforms, and great views across wide open spaces out to the countryside.
Stage one release has 34 sunny elevated sections ranging from 606 - 958 square metres, and they are selling fast! Contact Contact us for a us for a
5 105 30
9 DP 29176
LOT 28 R58930 (future industrial/commercial)
1 DP 108505
Mahurangi Heights Snells Beach 13
With four of these sites under contract in the last week, it le moving fast, so get in quick to secure your slice of beautifu sections with house and land packages available. Only 50 m complete with beautiful beaches, local wineries, lively cafe left to build in Snells Beach and none as convenient or affo investor, there is something here to suit every requirement 725m2. This is your chance to build a home that actually tic haven you desire.
Get it right and you´ll never move again and in a spot like th wonderful little town has to offer!
6 6
For enquiries: WelcomeHome WelcomeHome
5 September 2018 5 September 2018
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 7
I am excited to announce my return to Mike Pero Wellsford. I am excited to announce my return to Mike Pero Wellsford. As the new franchise owner, I would like to take this opportunity: As the new franchise owner, I would like to take this opportunity: ● To thank my wonderful past clients, who have ● To thank my wonderful past clients, who have helped me paint the town red; helped me paint the town red; ● To let my present clients know it is a privilege ● To let my present clients know it is a privilege to be working with you; to be working with you; ● To my future clients, we all know that every ● To my future clients, we all know that every journey has its own story…. and I would like to journey has its own story…. and I would like to accompany you into the next chapter. accompany you into the next chapter.
Let’s get painting the Let’s get painting the town red again! town red again! Denise Pearson Denise Pearson Phone 027 303 6001
Phone 027 303 6001 Proud sponsor of: Wellsford Plunket and Wellsford RSA Proud sponsor of: Wellsford Plunket and Wellsford RSA
5 September 2018
8 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
1 Boundary lines are indicative only Boundary lines are indicative only
Boundary lines are indicative only
Mahurangi Heights Snells Beach Snells Beach Mahurangi Heights Mahurangi Heights
With four of these sites under contract in the last week, it leaves only five sections still available out of the original 18 - these are Snells Beach Grand drinks and nibbles 1 -of2.30pm Sunday 5th August Joinestate us atof the launch the Mahurangi movingOpening! fast, so getFree in quick to secure your slice beautiful Snells Beach. An exclusive great sized,of affordable sections with house and land packages available. Only 50 minutes from Auckland Bridge, Snellswith Beach comesand land Heights showhome and subdivision. An exclusive new estate of the great sized, Harbour affordable sections house complete with beautiful beaches, local wineries, lively cafes, vibrant artistry, fantastic schools andcomes shops. There are very few spots packages 50 minutes from Auckland Bridge, Snells Beach complete with beautiful With four ofavailable. these sitesOnly under contract in the lastthe week, it leavesHarbour only five sections still available out of the original 18 - these are left to build in Snells Beach and none as convenient or affordable as Mahurangi Heights. Whether a young family,left retiree or beaches, local wineries, cafes, vibrant schools and shops. Thereyou´re are very fewaffordable spots to2build moving fast, so get in quicklively to secure your slice ofartistry, beautifulfantastic Snells Beach. An exclusive new estate of great sized, to or investor, there is something here to suit everyor requirement. Sections from $330,000 sizes ranging between approx 600m in Snells Beach and none convenient affordable as Mahurangi Heights.and Whether you´re a young family, retiree sections house and landas packages available. Only 50 minutes from the Auckland Harbour Bridge, Snells Beach comes 2 with 725m . This is your chance to build a home that actually ticks all of your boxes and with sites this large you can create whatever complete there with beautiful beaches, local wineries, lively cafes, vibrantSections artistry, fantastic schools and shops. There are very few spots investor, is something here to suit every requirement. from $340,000 and sizes ranging between haven you desire. left to build in Snells and none or affordable Mahurangi Heights. ticks Whether you´re young and family, retiree orthis approx 600sqm toBeach 725sqm. This as is convenient your chance to build aas home that actually all of youraboxes with sites 2 to investor, there something here to suit every Sections fromyou? $330,000 between approx 600m Get it right andis you´ll never move again and inrequirement. a spot like this, why would Comeand andsizes take aranging look around to discover what our large 2you can create whatever haven you desire. Get it right and you´ll never move again and in a spot like this, why . Thislittle your chance to build a home that actually ticks all of your boxes and with sites this large you can create whatever 725m wonderful town has offer! would you?isAdd this totoyour calendar and take a look around to discover what our wonderful little town has to offer, haven you desire. see you there! Get it right and you´ll never move again and in a spot like this, why would you? Come and take a look around to discover what our wonderful little town has to offer!
For Sale offers invited over $330,000 View by appointment Steffan Meyer 021 055 4346 For Sale $340,000 For Sale offersfrom invited over $330,000 View Sun 1-2.30pm MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008 View by appointment Steffan Meyer 021 055 4346 Steffan Meyer 021 055 4346
Laura Irvine 021 027 60959
5 September 2018 Your handy pull-out guide
September5,5,2018 2018 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 5 5 September
WARKWORTH PICTURE FRAMERS COMPLETE CUSTOM FRAMING SERVICE David and Pat Little P. 09 425 8143 E. 15 Coquette Street,Warkworth 0910 DAVID LITTLE GCF
Helping you with plumbing, drainlaying, jet machine & drain camera
021 102 4561
Have a look on our website to see the huge range of items we can custom brand to suit your needs.
Same great team you trust, with a fresh new look! Ignite Property Management is now Bayleys Property Management in the North! For any queries, please contact us on:
09 424 1262 18A Silverdale Street, Silverdale
021-764-599 | |
Chris Drabble Contracts Manager • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Re-Roofs • Roof Inspections
Specialists in long-run roofing M:021 737 587 P:09 422 2131 Free Phone:0800 649 324
For a fresh approach in Property Management, with proven results. Serving Puhoi to Ruakaka.
0800 171 161 |
ROOFING NZ New • ReRoofs • Cladding Specialists Covering Rodney in Long-Run Iron Local Quality Guaranteed
Matt Tickle Licensed LBP MacJimray Septic Cleaning Services are the Mobile: 021356965 Home: 09 425 6311 septic tank cleaning specialists in your district.
Email: Residential to commercial, fast, reliable, professional service at competitive rates.
Servicing Auckland - Rodney - Kaipara
Metroscaff Limited
For your safety we have: • Experienced Qualified Scaffolders • Full range of Equipment • Including Alloy Mobile & Builder’s Props
PHONE 0800 622 7929
OMAHA - SNELLS BEACH - WARKWORTH - MANGAWHAI Member of Scaffolding and Rigging New Zealand
Don’t let your septic tank become costly - service it now!
• Rural & Urban Subdivision • Boundary Locations • Site Contour Plans • Construction Set-out
Available for weddings, events, special occasions, work appointments & commuting
Septic Tank/Grease Trap Cleaning Septic & Sewerage Treatment Systems
- Residential & Light Commercial - Quick Stage - OSH Standards - Tube & Clip - Qualified Scaffolders - Reliable Service P 09 425 0300 M 021 774 653 F 09 423 0017
Hibiscus Tiling
Rupert Mather 021 425 837 Graeme Smith 021 422 983 23 Bertram Street, Warkworth
Wall & floor tiling • Accredited Waterproofer Underfloorheating • Free consultations and quotations • 23 years experience
09 425 7393
Phone Darcy 021 482 308
Digital Freeview Satellite Installation & Repairs
TV • FM Aerials • Tuning Additional TV Outlets Phone David Redding 09 422 7227 or 0274 585 457
66 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters September September5,5,2018 2018 Your handy pull-out guide TV AERIAL & DIGITAL | WATER
09 423 8061 Tanks: New & Cleaned Pipes: PVC & PE Filter systems Pumps: New & Rebuilt Pipes & Parts Irrigation Supplies
Freeview Sales & Installation TV & FM Aerials GAVIN BROUGH Ph 09 425 5495 Mob 0274 766 115
6 Worker Rd, Wellsford • • • Open Mon-Fri 7am - 5pm
Household Water Deliveries
Pump & Filtration Services (2007) Ltd
0800 747 928 mobile: 027 556 6111
Warkworth: Phone Karl or Kylie Oldham 027 240 7791 email:
Mangawhai: Phil Lathrope 431 4608 | 021 642 668 email:
Rodney Sales & Service 09 422 3245
We Service All Leading Brands!
31 Woodcocks Rd, Warkworth 09 425 9100
CLEANER Honest, hardworking cleaner available for regular work or one offs. Ph Rebecca 021 0825 8242
MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
Villa in Kaipara Flats 3 bedroom house, garaging and plenty of space, with large lawn, mower supplied. $470 per week References essential. Please email
FOR SALE 2005 TOYOTA ECHO Tidy car, no dents or scratches, dark blue, 2 owners. Just run in. Phone 09-425 7462 RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 09 945 0495
HOME MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENT A GARDEN & SECTION SERVICE for home or bach. Trees, hedges, lawns, tidy-ups, water blasting, regular checks. Green waste and rubbish removal. Ph Anton 021 133 8884
Or need your Freeview box tuned for the new channels? TV repairs, microwave oven repairs, Freeview installations. Ph Paul 09 422 0500 or 027 29 222 04 HANDYMAN Carpentry, cabinetmaking, repairs, small jobs, rubbish removal etc Ph/Txt Dave 027 420 5155 QUALITY HOME REPAIRS, Remodeling, Electrical, Plumbing. Medium size jobs please. 42 years experience. Call Richard 022 158 0659.
STUMP GRINDING, Gorse mulching and Section Clearing. Fully qualified and experienced. Ph. James 021 330 212 WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole house, UV & water spotting, Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 094223245 WATER PUMPS - no water? old cast iron pump? Sales Service & Installation. Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 09 422 3245
ALBERTLAND & DISTRICTS MUSEUM INC, AGM Sunday 16 September, 1.30 pm, at the Albertland Museum, 15 Port Albert Road, Wellsford. All Welcome. Agenda Welcome, Apologies, Minutes of Previous AGM, Correspondence, Treasurer’s Report, Election of Officers, General Business
HORSERIDING Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the Warkworth area:
Horse riding WarkWortH
Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses & ponies • Birthday rides Lessons • Suit beginners & experienced riders • Social, Language & School Groups GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE
Book Now 1hr $50 • 2hrs $90 Phone 09 425 8517
Shop hours Mon - Fri 8am-5pm Sat 9am-12pm
APPLIANCE REPAIRS A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.
M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075 E:
Pumps & Filters Water Treatment Spa & Pool Shop Water Testing Valet Service Water Blasters Tanks & Sprayers 24 Hour Mobile & Workshop Service
• Water Filters • UV Sterilisers • Reverse Osmosis • Water Coolers • Whole House • Water Pumps • Tanks • Rain Harvesting • Pre-Tank Filters Call Steve 027 478 7427
• Water treatment & Filtration • Pumps • Pool & Spas • Waterblasters 7days / 24hours Paul Harris
42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth Google: Horse Riding Warkworth
Warkworth Fellowship Monday 07:30pm, Warkworth Primary School Teachers Lounge, 34A Hill Street, Warkworth; Open to Visitors. Wheelchair Access. Snells Beach Big Book Meeting Thursday 7:30pm, Mahurangi Christian School, 410 Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach; Open to Visitors. (Note: the Snells beach meeting is currently 8:00pm, but changing to 7:30pm on 02 Aug 2018) If you want to drink, that is your business, if you want to stop, we can help. Phone/text 0275 773 689 | Supported by Mahurangi Matters Your handy pull-out guide
September5,5,2018 2018 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 7 7 September
STEEL FIXERS for Immediate Start! Our Company is seeking Experienced STEEL FIXERS who can work full-time 40hrs+ / per week Pay: $24-28 per hour What's on offer: • Fixed term contract for the right person • great benefits • long-term projects • potential for career growth. What you will need to be successful: Experience in formwork/steel fixing • Strong health and safety practices • Must be fit as the job is physically demanding • Ability to read plans & drawings is an advantage • Ability to work unsupervised • Strong work ethic and be self-motivated to work hard • Drivers licence and transportation • Prepared to be flexible and willing to work long hours • Able to provide two recent work references • Able to pass a drug test, Site Safe card. Applicants should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Please call Geoff - 021 155 5539 or
If it’s local, let us know!
Mahurangi Matters 425 9068
8 6 9 8 1 4 5 7 5 6 4 5 7 3 1 2 6 2 4 9 5 2 3 7 3 2 8
are seeking carpenters & hammerhands to join our existing Matakana & Omaha teams for highend residential projects. We have several large projects coming up & are looking to grow our stable crew. Please send your CV and contact details via email to TOURISM SKIPPER POSITION Local small company looking for a contract skipper to work at Scotts Landing, Mahurangi West. Must have Restricted Limits Ticket or ring-fenced NZ Inshore Launch Master Current First Aid. Bar managers Cert a bonus but not essential. Would suit retired or semi retired person looking for a day or two work a week. Required over the full year, however hours will increase during summer. Email
Phone 425 8545
Holy Mass Timetable: WARKWORTH
Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am
SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am
"O Comrades!" The gates that open on the Placeless stand wide and the habitation of the loved one is adorned with the lovers’ blood, yet all but a few remain bereft of this celestial city, and even of these few, none but the smallest handful hath been found with a pure heart and sanctified spirit.
1 Hexham Street, Warkworth Parish Office: Ph 425 8660 Sunday Service 10.30am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 8053
5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861
Snell’s Beach Community Church
Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am
Church office - 425 8660
325 Mahurangi East Rd Sunday Service 9am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 5612
Can you spare up to 4hrs a week? If you have a good head for figures and you would like to assist people in the Warkworth/Wellsford/Mangawhai area with budgeting advice, we would like to hear from you. Full training provided and costs reimbursed. Applicants must have own reliable transport.
For more details phone the Warkworth/Wellsford Budget Service 423 7123 The deadline for classified advertising for our September 19 paper is September 12. Send classified advertising enquiries to
the numbers game
1 3
1 3 4 4 6 7 1 3 3 2 8 5 3 7 9 2 8 6 1 6 4 7 3
Bus services are changing for Warkworth and the Hibiscus Coast
Sunday 30 September 2018
• Changes to local services • New connection between Warkworth and Hibiscus Coast Station • More frequent Northen Express services at peak times We are here to help!
CREATIVE MATAKANA (INC) Notice of AGM. Monday 24 September 2018. 5pm. Matakana Hall, Matakana. Contact:
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
SOLUTION Trades Trades page page 67
Come and talk to us on Tuesday 18 September, in the Old Masonic Hall at 3 Baxter St in Warkworth, 9am-2pm Find out more 09 366 6400 or 0800 103 080
8 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Charity shops for community causes blossom in Warkworth Research shows that Kiwis like a bargain so it could be a selling point for Warkworth in future following the opening of the town’s sixth charity shop this month. The Mahu Community Trading Post, in the former Toyota building in Whitaker Road, is a not-forprofit business setup to raise money for community causes by utilising the skills and business experience of retirees and semi-retirees. It is run by volunteers and is selling goods such as secondhand and re-purposed machinery, building materials, outdoor furniture and equipment, household appliances, furniture, clothes and electronic equipment. The opening follows close on the heels of the launch of the Warkworth Community Shop in the Bayleys Building, on Winscombe Mall, and the Warkworth Museum shop in Baxter Street. The other three more established op shops – two in Argyll Angle and one at Tui House – all support Warkworth Wellsford Hospice. Trading Post coordinator Desiree Hoey says the new shop will give volunteers an opportunity to feel they are of value and, in return, feel valued by the community. “Collectively, we’ve got about 150 years fundraising and volunteering experience,” she says. “We are filling a niche not covered by existing community shops in that
Trading Post chair Peter Marwick (left) and volunteer Trevor Hoey have been busy sorting through stock for the new shop, which officially opens on September 5.
we have large premises to cater for items such as furniture, machinery, whiteware and so on. We also have the expertise to restore, recycle and upcycle these items.” Both the Community Shop and the Trading Post have been setup by former hospice volunteers. Warkworth Wellsford advisory board chair Stephanie Paxton-Penman says the recent surge in charity shops, particularly in Warkworth, simply represents one of the great things about this community and its desire to help others. “We know hospice is not the only charity which needs funding and
Important Notice
Regarding David Rolfe Lawyer and David Rolfe Law With effect from 1 August 2018 the Wellsford legal practice of David Rolfe Law has joined with Sellars & Co Lawyers. Prior to establishing David Rolfe Law in 2014, David had practised law in Wellsford since 1996 and was a partner initially in the firm then known as Corboy Wilson Rolfe and Co. The acquisition by Sellars & Co Lawyers of David’s law practice has come about by David’s wish and intention to retire after having practised law for more than 43 years. Established in 1932 by Edward Sellars, Sellars & Co Lawyers has for over 85 years provided a wide range of legal services to Wellsford and the wider Auckland and
we appreciate all the support the community gives us to help us provide care to around 120 local patients and their families each year,” she says. “Income from our Warkworth, Wellsford and Tickled Pink stores, together with the garage sale proceeds, provide well over half the income needed to operate Tui House. This is an extraordinary effort, which is matched by few other hospices. All the funds raised locally are spent on our local service. “Having more retail stores is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, we consider it to be a positive outcome, which will hopefully mean that more
visitors come to our area to experience the treasures in our stores. “That said, we do still need and appreciate the community’s support because without donations we cannot support those we care for and their families.” Stephanie says hospice also supports individuals and groups facing severe hardship, offering them excess stock as appropriate. For example, extra clothing, linens and other items go to Women’s Refuge and books to the Wellsford Lions Club and Matakana Animal Sanctuary. Football boots go to the junior football club and crafts and other materials to schools and preschools. One Warkworth manager Murray Chapman says if all the shops do well, then they are obviously meeting a need. But if they are just dividing the pie into smaller portions, then it’s likely that some won’t last, he says. “It boils down to where we want to position the town,” Murray says. “I haven’t heard anything negative about the new op shops, but I wouldn’t like to see any more open. I believe what most people would like to see is a mix of retail that meets the needs of the whole community.” The new Trading Store welcomes donations and has plenty of parking on site. Items can be dropped at the store in the allocated drop off zone or pick-ups can be arranged by phoning Trevor on 021 201 3295.
Sellars & Co | Lawyers Wellsford Law Office
Northland regions with the practice having established offices in both Wellsford and Helensville. David will continue to work at Sellars & Co’s Wellsford office situated at 221 Rodney Street, Wellsford for a short period of time for the purpose of facilitating the transfer and merger of his practice. Should you have any queries regarding the merger or should you require any legal assistance please do not hesitate to contact Bruce Wyber, the Principal of Sellars & Co Lawyers, or David Rolfe on (09) 423 8022 email
For all your legal services including: • Wills & Trusts • Estate Administration • Property Relationship Matters • Refinancing • Commercial Matters • Land Subdivision • Residential, Rural & Commercial Conveyancing
WELLSFORD OFFICE: 221 Rodney Street, PO Box 8, Wellsford 0940, New Zealand | Ph: 09-423 8022 | Fax: 09-423 7997
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 25
Alick says the special colours on display will be a real attraction for those interested in flowers.
World class clivia on display at Snells Beach An internationally renowned clivia plant collector will have 100 of his favourite plants on display in his Snells Beach home next month. The plants will be on show at 1 Schooner Avenue on September 29 from 9am to 5pm. Collector Alick McLeman says the event should interest anyone keen on flowers or gardening. “I will be showing off the miniata, one of six species of clivia, which should be at its peak in late September,” Alick says.
“The colours are quite unique compared to other plants and some of them are worth thousands of dollars because of their rarity.” Alick has been collecting clivia since the early 1990s, when he lived in their native country, South Africa. “They’re a plant that likes shade and don’t require much attention, which is probably what attracted me to them.” In 2000, Alick moved to New Zealand, bringing 600 plants over on the plane with him, along with seedlings.
“I turned them into a business, selling seedlings around the world to places like Japan, Russia and the United States.” In 2003, he formed the New Zealand Clivia Club, which still operates and has its annual show in Auckland on October 6. When his business was at its peak, he had about 2000 plants and was known by clivia enthusiasts around the world as a top collector. Some plants will also be for sale at the event, starting from $10.
Alick McLeman
Residential and Commercial Landscape Design • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments reports for Council consents Christine Hawthorn 021 407649 • •
26 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Time to get busy for rose show Kaipara Flats teacher Tina Donnell has children mimic snails to remind them they need to be eliminated from their garden.
Kaipara children embrace joy of gardening Among the treats cooked up in the Kaipara Flats kitchen classroom have been beetroot cupcakes, roasted cauliflower and apple crumble. Children prepare the food in different groups and compete to see who can produce the tastiest dish. Kaipara Flats principal Debbie Hamer says gardening informs many aspects of the school curriculum, providing insights into science, health, nutrition and even mathematics – where children might use their six times table, for example, to calculate how many seedlings there are in several punnets. In addition, children learn practical skills like composting, harvesting, preserving and cooking food.
Kaipara Flats school introduced gardening into its curriculum last year and the resulting enthusiasm from teachers and students has seen the programme go from strength to strength. Currently, each class has its own small plot to attend and their produce includes spring onions, carrots, strawberries, kale, broccoli, lettuce, beetroot, radish turnips, and fennel. In addition, fruit trees provide feijoa, apples, oranges, mandarins and passionfruit. The school has been spurred on in its efforts by The Garden to Table Trust, which works with schools to create gardens and encourage children to harvest, cook and eat the produce.
Children also learn to deal with various challenges. Recently, a promising crop of radishes disappeared following an invasion of snails and slugs, prompting a lesson in how to keep the critters at bay. The school is planning to expand its gardens and kitchen facilities next year and perhaps introduce an outside dining area for eating garden produce featuring ovens for creating woodfired pizzas. Ms Hamer says when children have a clear understanding that their food comes from the earth, it teaches them to cherish their environment. “It just feels so natural to get children outside and watch nature do its thing,” she says.
Call: 09 422 3700
Free Trade loan trailers Metal for use
Local gardeners need to get busy with their green thumbs over the next two months in the run up to the annual Warkworth Garden Club Rose and Flower Show, which will take place in mid-November. There are five sections – Roses, open class; Roses, novice class; Decorative (any flowers); All Other Flowers; and Gardens, which features three classes – best garden judged from the street in Warkworth or Matakana, best street in Warkworth or Matakana, and best aesthetic contribution to Warkworth or Matakana. There are more than 15 trophies and prizes to be won, including one for the most fragrant rose voted for by the public and $50 prizes for the winners of the first ever rose and single stem classes. There will also be plant sales and raffles at the show, which runs from noon to 5pm at Warkworth Town Hall on Friday, November 16, admission $2. For more information, entry details and a full show schedule, contact show convenor Annette Sharp on 422 776 or email
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 27
TV presenter wants to see more children in the garden
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Dan Mackay
explained to them. “When they are gardening, children are learning things like volumes and quantities and spacing and maths and science at the same time. It’s getting their brain going, and they don’t even realise it,” he says. Dan’s passion for getting children into the garden has led him to become one of the judges for the Garden to Table Awards for 2018, which promotes gardening in schools. He says when judging, he looks for enthusiasm more than technical knowledge – particularly children who spend every lunchtime doing a little extra in the school garden. “If you have enthusiasm you will have success. They go hand in hand,” he says.
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Perhaps strangely for a television personality, gardening guru Dan Mackay thinks one of the advantages of teaching your children about gardening is getting them away from the “stinking TV” and other electronic devices. A presenter for TVNZ’s HOMEmade, Dan spends much of his spare time in his own garden with children Flynn, 11, Rocco, 5, River, 4, Sailor Grace, 2, and Wolf, 7 months. His children don’t need much persuading to be there. “Kids love getting dirty, and they love to play in the mud,” Dan says. When it comes to his youngest children, Dan loves to see the thrill on their faces when they begin to appreciate some of the wonders of the natural world, which adults have, perhaps, long since taken for granted. For example, River and Sailor Grace could not quite see the point of digging holes to put oddly-shaped brown bulbs into the ground. “But the daffodils have come up now, and it blew their minds to see that they came up exactly where we put the bulbs,” Dan says. Dan also thinks getting children involved in gardening is a great way for them to learn, and makes the point that some children learn better by doing rather than by having concepts
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Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-3, Sun 10-3 • 939 Matakana Road, Matakana • Ph: 422 7338 Fax: 422 7638 •
28 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Fresh ideas to inspire landscape designs for small spaces Jeff Mills has spent his whole career in the landscaping industry and just over two years ago started Warkworth Landscaping. Mahurangi Matters looked at how he developed three small spaces on residential properties to encourage those seeking inspiration.
Rural View Road, Warkworth Like so many of the properties I do, this one was on a steep site, which the owners wanted to make manageable. The first stage was to put in a retaining wall and fill in behind it with top soil to create a flat lawn area. The lawn was instant turf that we rolled out. Over a space of 40 square metres it was affordable and doesn’t require the attention that sowing grass does. The section sits in a natural
Deerness Crescent, Algies Bay channel. Water runs through it from surrounding properties. I put in a dry bed with rocks to keep water off the lawn and concrete area. I put down concrete instead of paving stones because the weeds won’t grow through it. A wooden garden box was a cheap addition in the concreted area. A pathway was installed around the entire house, which is 70mm of pebbles on top of crushed lime stone.
This property was another steep section, which required two levels of retaining wall. This was filled with top soil and grass was sown. Lawn seed takes 10 days to germinate and then about six to eight weeks of growing time before you mow it. Once you mow grass its roots stop getting deeper, so you need to wait before mowing so the grass becomes
firmly embedded in the soil. There were a lot of big volcanic or landscape rocks used in this project. They’re a common option and you can always fit them together to create borders for paths. The paths here are crushed lime stone. The gardens have a top soil base and then either shells or bark placed over the top for the effect.
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 29
Central’s Tips September 2018
Spring has arrived and it’s time to fertilise veges and young seedlings, plant fennel, carrots and celeriac and train climbing plants like grapevines.Watch out for pests like slugs, snails and aphids, they multiply as soon as it starts warming up.
In the Veggie Patch • Crank up the fertilising of vegetables and other plants • Plant Florence fennel, carrot varieties and celeriac • First signs of aphids can be apparent now – spray with an organic remedy or squash them by hand.
• If you lack many bees plant the NZ rock lily,
Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth The pool is obviously the main feature on this section. It’s a fibre glass one with a paving and concrete area around it. I always go with concrete for pool areas, instead of decking, as concrete is not slippery and lasts longer. The concrete here is 150mm thick and was acid-washed, which takes the smooth surface off, so it has more grip for when it’s wet. This pool uses salt
Arthropodium in the vicinity
water; mineral water is better, but both require less maintenance than a pool using chlorine. The plants around the pool are palms and agapanthus. Both are ideal as they don’t shed leaves into the water and create problems. I’ve also got another dry bed here to take care of excess water and moss rocks. These rocks naturally have growth on them, and I like their appearance.
Lawns • Best time to start a new lawn. We recommend a layer of Living Earth Ultra Lawn Mix on top of a good topsoil base. Apply Prolawn Turfmaster Starter at seeding
The rest of the Garden • Stake new trees and shrubs against spring wind. • Train climbing plants, rambling roses and grapevines • Planting clematis – make sure the soil is good quality or
dig through Living Earth organic Compost. Dig a hole and position the rootball a couple of cm below the surface. Mulch well. If it wilts, leave it as it will probably re-shoot. • Slugs and snails need to be kept under control now
We dig... great lawns This is the best time to sow lawns and we have all the expert advice, so whether you’re starting from fresh or repairing your patch, at Central Landscape Supplies Warkworth we have your lawns covered!
Open Hours: Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm, Saturday: 8am - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 2pm • 09 425 9780 25-31 Morrison Drive, Warkworth
30 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Native tree nursery set to occupy prominent roadside site Anyone driving from Matakana to Leigh, Omaha Flats or the Tawharanui Peninsula in the last few months can’t fail to have noticed that there is a major development happening on land at the corner of Leigh and Takatu Roads. Tonnes of earth have been shifted to form large earth bunds and a sizeable pond created on the block, which lies just to the east of Matakana Oysters. It’s not houses or buildings going into this former olive grove, however, but trees and plenty of them, as the 6.5ha site is to be the new home of native tree specialist Takana Trees. The nursery was founded on nearby Omaha Flats Road a decade ago and specialises in growing and supplying mature versions of every single native tree that can be grown in the north of New Zealand. That currently amounts to some 90 different species and 14,000 individual trees, so founder Don Turner says it’s now time to expand, and potentially double their capacity. “We felt that we were restricting the business,” he says. “We don’t really have enough room, and we also like to think we can do things better – improve our systems and irrigation.” Establishing the new site is proving to be quite a drawn-out process, mainly due to delays in consents, but earthworks are due to restart soon to continue levelling the site and establish roading, irrigation systems and frost protection. Extensive drainage and run-off systems are being
The irrigation pond, or ‘Lake Matakana’ as it’s been dubbed, will be lined with native trees – a picturesque method of keeping young trees healthy during dry summers.
installed to counter the site’s clay soils and previous tendency to retain water. “It has been damp in the past because it hasn’t drained properly, so any water has just sat there,” Don says. “We need to drain it correctly and re-centre the slope, so water gradually falls off into the irrigation pond. The whole site will become drier and it will be much more workable.” There will be seven or eight blocks of trees planted, plus a small garden centre for retail customers, just off the main entrance on Takatu Road. “We’re going to have a little shop and it would be nice to have that operating
by the end of next year, but I don’t want to put any pressure on. We’re basically saying 2020 for the retail and wholesale operation,” Don says. Don probably wouldn’t have got into native trees at all if it weren’t for fruit. As one of the Turners of the former Turners and Growers and a produce auctioneer, he was aware of the high quality of produce from the peat soils on Omaha Flats. When he saw the block behind Matakana Fire Station was up for sale in 2008, he bought it and decided to give native trees a try there. Since then, he’s never looked back and Takana is now a significant national tree supplier to projects
ranging from national motorways and new housing developments to individual garden landscapes and private customers. Its mature trees are available in various sizes, from two to five metres high and in carry bags ranging from 45 to 450 litres, with prices from $55 to $500-plus, depending on size and species. “There truly is a native tree for every situation – we no longer need to resort to planting exotics,” Don says. “Kiwis need to understand the story of their native trees better – we deserve and need more than just the best known species if we are to do justice to New Zealand’s rich biodiversity.”
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 31
Plant enthusiast offers top tips for pulling in the birds One of the joys of looking out on to a beautiful garden is spotting the many native birds who come to enjoy it too. Warkworth plant and bird enthusiast Vivienne Paterson offers her thoughts on making a garden attractive to feathered visitors … 1. Consider the bird’s point of view Birds will be attracted into your garden when you provide them with food, shelter and water. Careful choice of plants, plenty of places to perch, a lack of predators and a source of water in summer will encourage a variety of feathered visitors. 2. Pick the right plants Choose plant species that provide food for birds to eat, such as those that produce plenty of nectar, fruit or seeds. Also, those that encourage insects, which birds also like to consume. Tui and kereru like nectar and fruit and fresh spring leaf growth, while fantail can be seen chasing flying insects. Lots of leaf litter will increase insect numbers and other creatures which many birds will enjoy. Some suggestions: nectar-producing plants for a small garden include flax species such as phormium cookianum and kowhai. Meanwhile, coprosma species (such as taupata and karamu) and corokia species are also suitable for a small garden and have attractive red berries for birds to peck. 3. Pick the right trees Cabbage trees with flowers or fruit attract many birds but plant away from a lawn where their dead leaves will be a nuisance. If you have room, medium-
Vivienne Paterson
Tui search for the best nectar sources.
sized native trees with fruit that attract native birds include mahoe, five finger, wharangi, mapou/red matipo, karo, pate, tree fuchsia and pigeonwood. Some native trees are too big for typical suburban gardens but could be grown on larger properties. These include karaka and titoki. Speaking of larger trees, nikau berries are favoured by kereru but be aware these palms are very slow growing, so plant for the future and enjoy their foliage. 4. Take care with exotics Many exotics are attractive to tui, who fight for the best nectar sources. Choose species that don’t easily self-sow such as protea, bottle brush and banksia.
Our nursery will be closing down soon… Thank you toTEXTURES all our wonderful NATIVE customers over the years. FOR YOUR GARDEN Together we have made our piece of paradise a better place.
5. Keep predators at bay Make your garden safe from predators with suitable traps and you will encourage birds to nest in your community. Rats, possums, stoats and hedgehogs all visit suburban gardens and will eat eggs or chicks. As you might expect, birds also prefer a garden free of visiting cats, so try to minimise their impact and keep cats inside at night. 6. Watch out for weeds The downside of a bird-friendly garden is the weeds brought in by visiting birds. Kereru and other fruit eaters will deposit privet seeds, monkey apple, woolly nightshade,
Check out the Department of Conservation website for more information: attract-birds-to-your-garden/what-toplant/
• TRACTORS 90 90 Jones Jones Road, Omaha Omaha Phone 09 422 422 7307 Phone 09 7307 8am-5pm weekdays Sunday 9am to 3pm 9am-3pm Saturdays Monday 9am to 3pm
non-native palm trees and many other invasive pest plants. Kereru love guava but they are a weed in tropical climates and climate change could make them a weed in our native bush too. Be vigilant and remove weeds, particularly anything that has seeds that birds eat and later deposit in native bush. These weed species invade natural habitats and upset the balanced ecosystem, ultimately negatively affecting bird life. 7. Consider your garden Before introducing bird-friendly plants and trees make sure they are also suitable for your garden. Research plants and trees online and check their size and soil requirements.
• Fertilizer SPREADERS
32 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
By Matakana Village Books
Kiwi Backyard: Inspirational landscape design ideas and plans for your own backyard
ACCESS 24/7 09-425-5065
By Andrew Ellis Andy Ellis is probably better known as an All Black but he is also an award-winning landscape designer. He won a supreme Award at the Ellerslie Flower Show and a gold at the prestigious Singapore Garden Festival. Andy’s book features a wide range of Kiwi backyards, many of them the gardens of well-known New Zealanders. There are one or two gardens featured in each chapter and lots of information and pictures to help get the ideas flowing. Themes include the innercity sanctuary, the native haven, the Kiwi kid’s playground and the entertainer’s utopia. There is something for everyone within these pages. Andy includes pointers for garden designs, planting lists for different themes and practical ideas and plans for creating your ideal backyard.
The Secret Gardeners: Britain’s creatives reveal their private
By Victoria Summerley This stunning coffee table book reveals the private gardening passions of 25 notable creatives. Individuals who are not normally known for their gardening skills show how they have put their stamp on the British landscape. Gardens the public never see are revealed here – city and countryside retreats, romantic riversides and grand estates – all lovingly tended by their owners, designers and gardeners. Included are the gardens of Andrew Lloyd Webber, Anish Kapoor, Jeremy Irons, Cath Kidston, Terry Gilliam, Prue Leith, Ozzy Osbourne, Sting, Julian Fellowes and Rupert Everett. Text accompanying the photographs gives fascinating insights and makes this the gardening equivalent of armchair travel.
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 33
Christian Jenkins’ medal-winning garden, with palms and plants from Matakana.
Garden show returns to Auckland Local gardeners and horticulturists are gearing up for the second New Zealand Flower and Garden Show, which will take place at West Auckland’s Trusts Arena from November 28 to December 2. The five-day event will include a substantial number of large and small display gardens, including some from international designers; urban, community and school garden displays; floral art and fashion; sculpture and art displays; a food demonstration zone and more than 200 retail exhibits. Local people taking part include Bruce and Raewyn Whistler of Matakana Palms, who are working with Australian designer Christian Jenkins and supplying trees and plants for his display garden. They are hoping for a repeat of his success of last year, when his garden won a gold medal with plants they had supplied. Mahurangi West artist and permaculture gardener Sarah SmutsKennedy will also be at the show in her capacity as founder and instigator of For The Love of Bees, a “living
social structure” project aimed at making Auckland the safest city in the world for bees and pollinators. Their stand at the show will include teaching tools for communities that encourage businesses, schools, individuals and beekeepers to collaborate in their efforts to promote a sustainable environment for bees. The 2018 show will also have more indoor exhibits this year, in case of bad weather, and there will be a chance to grab last minute bargains at a Plant Sell Off between 5pm and 6pm on the final day of the show. The 2017 New Zealand Flower and Garden Show was Auckland’s first major gardening show since the Ellerslie Flower Show moved to Christchurch in 2008. Originally planned for Okahu Bay in 2016, the launch show was delayed by a year and moved to the Trusts Arena grounds in Henderson, where this year’s event will also be held. Tickets range in price from $28 to $33 plus booking fees and can be booked in advance at Info:
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We provide a full excavation service specialising in Driveway and Metal Construction including: • Driveway Establishment • Watertabling • Maintenance and Refurbishment • Gabion Bang On Bobcats also contract to fill house bases with precision and with the ability to work within minimal tolerances also undertake renovation work like under house excavations using our capacity to provide excavation, loading and cartage of spoil and/or the supply of metal aggregates. We are able to advise or quote on any earthmoving requirements with a professional and accurate result to any earthmoving job including: • Site Preparation • All aspects of metal work • Horse Arenas • Landscaping
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Bang On Bobcats Limited is owned and operated by Brian Nisbet. Brian has 30 years experience in Earthmoving Industry and quality job can be assured. Having previously run large Civil and Earthmoving Companies within the Auckland area Brian brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. An extensive local knowledge of suppliers and sub-contractors also enables most requirements can be met easily and we are open to consult or advise on any issues or queries.
34 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018 More photos online at
Strawberry snowball tree.
Vireya is a favourite exotic.
How to brighten your day After a long, grey winter what could be better than stepping into a spring garden abounding in colour. Mahurangi Matters spoke to Christine Hawthorn of Hawthorn Landscape Architects about creating one in your own backyard.
Try mass planting clivia under the shade of trees.
I love colour in my garden. What plants should I consider? A well-planned spring garden can be a riot of colour. After the gloomy winter months, the first signs of spring are the bulbs popping up. Daffodils, jonquils, anemone, iris and freesia are some of my favourites. The camellias start flowering in late winter and go through into spring. Camellia sasanqua setsugekka or Mine No Yuki both have lovely white flowers and are perfect as a hedge. For a brighter splash of colour, you can’t go past the flamboyant-looking Margaret Davies. If you are wanting a feature tree for your spring garden, try magnolia vulcan, with deep red maroon flowers, or milky way, with pale pink flowers.
If you have lots of room, then you will also love michelia doltsopa silver cloud which is smothered in very fragrant white flowers in August. One of my favourite exotics is the subtropical vireya rhododendrons. They have a huge range of colours and flower on and off all year long, with no distinct flowering season. Some are also very fragrant, like the Dr Herman Sleumer x leucogigas. The key to growing vireya’s successfully is freedraining soil, as they hate to have wet feet. Plant them above the ground by building the soil up to the root ball. They also prefer quite a bit of sun, although not the late afternoon heat of the day. These are perfect for planting
The Protea Patch
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Growers of Palms & Subtropical Plants and Landscape Supplies
Premium Garden Mix $80/cu, $9 p/bag Peat Soil Screened $60/cu, $50/cu 8/cu+ Post Peelings $40/cu • Bark Nuggets $80/cu Forest Floor Mulch $50/cu Wood Chip $40/cu • Black Wood Chip $90/cu
Matakana Palms and land scape supplies. Kentia from $50 Date Palms from $35 Bangalow from $30 Pitt Island Nikau from $30 plus many more varieties of palms. Mexican and Australian Grass trees and Cycads
102 Omaha Flats Road
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 35
architecture interior design urban design sustainability Margaret Davies ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN FOR THE PLACES WE LIVE, WORK, LEARN & PLAY
Orchids do well in shady spots.
Iris appears at the first signs of spring.
Phone Grant Neill 09 425 9200 or 021 903 047
Christine Hawthorn
from previous page
around the edge of some existing native bush. For an unusual spring flowering tree, you will be delighted every year by the dombeya cacuminum or strawberry snowball tree, assuming you have lots of space. The tuis love the nectar-filled flowers, and when they drop to the ground they create a plush carpet of red petals. My garden gets a lot of sun. What are the most appropriate plants? For a special spot in your garden that has free-draining soil, I would plant a waratah or a kowhai. Both attract the birds. As soon as the waratah has finished flowering, cut it back by about 80cm as this is what will ensure lots of flowers for next year. Other plants that love lots of sun include leucospermum, callistemon, hippeastrums and roses. What about shady spots? A shady spot that is also wet can be made more suitable for a wider variety
of plants by building up the soil level with rocks or punga logs. Try mass planting clivia, cymbidium orchids, hosta, hellebores, primulas, begonia, cineraria and impatiens, under the shade of trees and pungas. Another one of my favourites is the ground orchid bletia striata. It is dormant over winter, but in September it puts out fresh new leaves and flower spikes of the most gorgeous fuchsia pink. It continues to flower all month. What if I’m short on time to maintain my garden? I think the best time saver is a wellplanned garden and the second best is a well-planted and mulched garden. A little time and effort spent planning your garden will ensure that the right plants are placed where they will flourish. Mulching the garden areas with a well-composted bark mulch will also minimise the amount of weeding needed, giving you more time to smell the roses!
Come in store for a comprehensive range of fertilisers for general garden, lawns, citrus, roses ... • Seed raising mix, compost and potting mixes • Weed control • Hoses, water tanks and irrigation options We have a vast selection of farm supplies, outdoor tools, garden supplies, hire equipment, pet food, pet supplies, chemicals, sprays/ equipment, clothing/wet weather gear, work boots, gumboots, pool chemicals and so much more.
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Garden Buddy barrow 90ltrs great ONLY to carry firewood, compost, plants ... $195
Garden Art – Wind Sculptures great selection in store
36 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Time to get snapping for annual baby photo competition The annual search for bonny babies and adorable infants is on again with the launch of the 2018 Plunket Baby Photo Competition, run in association with Warkworth’s The Camera Shop. The contest is open to any child aged under five in the Rodney area and entries costs $5 per photo, proceeds of which will go towards furniture and carpark upgrades at the Wellsford Plunket Rooms. Every entrant will receive a free 6 x 8 enlargement of their photo from The Camera Shop and go into a draw for a prize hamper that includes a Fairydown cot duvet and mattress protector, Huggies nappies and wipes, and a bear soft toy. There are five age categories – Newborn to 1 Year; 1-2 Years; 2-3 Years; 3-4 Years; and 4-5 Years – with first, second and third prizes in each donated by local businesses. These include a term of Waterbabies swimming lessons at Northern Arena, a hand-made wooden grader from Unique Creations of Wellsford, a ride-on mini-quad bike and a Milazo 3-wheel glide scooter from The Warehouse, and a fishing rod and reel set from Wellsford Sports & Leisure. The hamper and prizes will be on display at The Camera Shop during September and October. As in previous Plunket baby photo competitions, the winners will be decided by public vote. All the entries are displayed in the foyer of New World, Warkworth from October 2 to 31. There are three ways to enter the competition – photos can be delivered to The Camera Shop on a camera, phone or USB stick; emailed to; or posted online at All entries must include the name, age of child and a contact phone number, and be submitted by September 30.
Ready for their close up – Wellsford sisters Felicity and Eloise Brewer will be doing their bit for Plunket.
First sale proves fruitful for festival funding Bargain hunters were out in force at Warkworth Town Hall last month for a sale, silent auction and sausage sizzle to raise funds for the annual Pasifika Festival. The sale of new and secondhand furniture, sports equipment, clothing, books and bric-a-brac raised $4300 towards hospitality costs for the annual festival, which is organised by the Mahu Vision Community Trust to celebrate and share local migrant groups’ cultural music and dance with the community. One of the organisers, Neville Johnson, said it had been a successful first try at a fundraising sale, thanks to plenty of high quality items, hard work from volunteers and entertainment on stage from
Pasifika singers and dancers. “In the past, we have mostly applied for grants from the Local Board and the Creative Communities Scheme, but we believe in the Mahu Vision Trust that the more we can do our own fundraising and manage our own income, the better,” Neville said. “These days, there’s huge competition for the charity dollar, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to fit the parameters.” He added that a “happy liaison” with local charity shops meant that they took any unsold stock and nothing had to be dumped. This year’s Pasifika Festival will be held on Saturday, November 24 at Mahurangi College.
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 37
Eugene Sims, Warkworth Natural Therapies
Magnesium madness Many things in health seem to develop a ‘trendiness’ when knowledge about them increases to the point where most people are aware of them. Case in point, magnesium. It would now seem that magnesium is better than sliced bread and that we should all be taking it if we want to survive in this busy, modern world. The confusing part is that there is some truth in the virtues of supplementing with magnesium. However this is only part of the picture, and it’s important to have a balanced understanding. In fact, balance is exactly the point when it comes to magnesium. Actually, balance is the key in all nutrition but probably is most critical when we look at minerals and vitamins. More than we need is not better – contrary to popular opinion. Magnesium is a mineral that is essential to human health and wellbeing, deficiency in magnesium is linked to insomnia, muscle cramps, anxiety, irritability, constipation, increased urinary frequency, calcium deposits, PMS, seizures and convulsions. Our demand for magnesium increases with physical and emotional stress and from recurrent infections, alcohol consumption and certain medications. Pregnancy is another time when demand for magnesium is great. But when supplementing with magnesium to address these demands, it’s important not to overdo it. The common sign of having too much magnesium is typically diarrhoea. But the biggest issue with too much magnesium is the effect that it has on the rest of your mineral balance. For example, magnesium aids the absorption of calcium. Too much calcium slows your metabolism, thyroid and adrenal function. The best way to establish levels of magnesium is by Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), which gives a good indicator of magnesium stored in the body. The great thing with HTMA is that it shows levels of all the minerals needed for human function. This means we can clearly see imbalances and take the guess work out of supplementation. It helps us to re-establish balance and avoid throwing money away with unnecessary supplements. More importantly, it stops us from exacerbating imbalances and doing harm. Remember, too much of anything is toxic. When it comes to supplementation, seek advice from someone qualified to give it.
Salon 344 is a boutique salon situated not far from Wellsford and is just off State Highway 1 on the Mangawhai Road with lovely rural views. I offer one on one personalised time specialising in keratin and colour along with cutting.
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Warkworth Birth Centre ALL SERVICES ARE FREE
Neighbourhood support at REBUS
The Light Hear ted Company
Margaret Faed, of Rodney Neighbourhood Support, was the speaker at the August REBUS meeting. Margaret explained one of the objects of Neighborhood Support is for people to get to know their neighbours – to know whether they are sick or infirm, whether they are away and need somebody to keep an eye on their property, or whether an emergency has occurred because of the weather. She said it helps to know your neighbours and their phone numbers in case of an emergency. Meanwhile, crime occurs every week, so keep your property secure. Neighbourhood Support send out a weekly email giving a map of where crimes have been committed during the week, so you can see where problems are occurring in your neighbourhood. Info on REBUS, phone Bob Dye 425 0089
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quality maternity care
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FREE pregnancy tests Prenatal classes, birth venue & post-natal stay Own room in peaceful surroundings Excellent equipment and atmosphere Pools available for labour and/or birth Midwives on call at all times, and as backup for your caregiver (LMC) Full post-natal hospital stay 24 hour Registered Midwives/ Nurses to care for you and your baby You can transfer from your birth hospital within 12 hours of normal birth or 24 - 48 hours following a Caesarean
All welcome no matter where you plan to birth. Prenatal classes are a great way to meet other expectant parents, learn about birthing choices, and gain confidence. Held at the Warkworth Birthing Centre, with a tour of the birthing rooms included. Courses are FREE, both evening (8 week) and weekend (4 week) options are available. Participants receive extensive handouts and a personalised facebook group.
Classes are facilitated by qualified childbirth educators.
For further information talk to your LMC/Midwife or Warkworth Birth Centre
Phone 09 425 8201
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38 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Introducing Harbour Hospice An amalgamation of Warkworth Wellsford and North Shore Hospices with Hibiscus Hospice. This alliance has been formed to enable sharing of scarce professional skills and resources. It means: • Less duplication of roles e.g. senior management, payroll, HR and accounting. • Less spent on administration and more funding for patient care. • Specialist staff developing patient programmes and family support at Tui House, Warkworth. • Additional support for caregivers. What has not changed: • Funds are spent in the community that raises them. • Hospice provides wraparound care, free of charge, to people with a life-limiting condition (not just cancer).
To find out more please call Tui House Phone 09 425 9535
Send your nominations to
Congratulations to Chrissy Rogers, of Mangawhai, who is a recipient of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. Christine was nominated by Victoria Goodall who wrote:
Chrissy has been an in-home “educator for over 20 years – loving,
nurturing, educating, caring and welcoming preschoolers and their families into her home. Chrissy consistently goes beyond the call of duty and is happy if the children are happy. In fact, many families have become part of Chrissy’s personal life and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Chrissy has decided that come October it is time to retire. On behalf of all the families/ whanau, children, and early childhood education providers that Chrissy has been part of over the years, I would like to thank her for the difference she has made in the lives of many. Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 39
Fishing Anthony Roberts, Tackle & Outdoors
Great for gurnard As we head into September, the gurnard season is slowing down and we will have to wait for next year’s winter to come around again. For those of you who have fished for gurnard in the Kaipara and Manukau harbours, you should have done well as these areas are very productive over the winter months. Gurnard are lovely to eat and the skin can be left on as there are no scales. In fact, the skin crisps up nicely when fried with the fatty layer underneath. Interestingly, those of you who have put out a boat longline during the winter months may have landed some surprising results. Catches on these longlines have been above average and some hauls of snapper have had to be put back. September and October will fish slow, but many a fisherman looks forward to the spawning season in November when catching snapper is easy. I know some won’t like what I have to say but here goes: I feel there should be some sort of a closed season on the snapper while they are spawning. I feel it is wrong that so many snapper with roe are removed from the sea at the peak of the breeding season, especially if we want to preserve this species long term. Enough said. Meanwhile, I thought it might be a good idea to explain a few things about fishing line whilst the fishing is in limbo. I find it interesting that most anglers will spend top dollar on a rod and reel without batting an eyelid. Once purchased, they do not seem to worry about what line they get spooled up with. My thinking tells me that if I lose a big fish, in most cases it is because the line has broken. You can catch a fish on a hand line but without line your expensive rod and reel is absolutely useless. Moral of the story: make sure you load up that reel with the best quality co-polymer (mono-filament) or braid that you can find. This will ensure the best chance of landing that prize fish. Over the next couple of articles, I will explain co-polymers, braids and fluorocarbons. Believe it or not, there is lots to learn and the knowledge will improve your ability to fish.
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Steve Haycock, centre, at the awards ceremony at SkyCity with Tom Ingham, left, and Greg Stanford, sales manager for Carters.
Warkworth builder wins gold A Warkworth builder picked up a gold medal and category award winner in the Auckland Registered Master Builders 2018 House of the Year competition. Steve Haycock Construction came top in the new home valued between $1 million and $2 million for a 4-bedroom bach built in Omaha earlier this year. Judges were impressed by the standard of finishing and attention to detail. Steve Haycock says a lot of credit must go to Herbst architects for their extremely detailed drawings. Nevertheless, these presented challenges for the building team to faithfully render the details during construction. He says a lot of concrete blocks,
plywood and cedar was used inside the home and considerable effort was made to ensure materials were evenly spaced and fitted well together. “If it’s not done right the eye is drawn to the wrong detail. It’s amazing what is required to be done to make a job look good,” he says. Steve also paid tribute to site supervisor Tom Ingham, his first build as project foreman. The results of the regional competition were announced at a gala dinner held at SkyCity on August 4. Regional gold winners will now compete against top builds around the country to find national gold winners. These will be announced on November 24.
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40 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
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The Mahurangi College 14th Grade development team was undefeated this season and has produced some future First XI players.
Team strives for top flight footy
DOES MY SEPTIC TANK NEED CLEANING? Yes, every 2-3 years. Why? Because septic tanks are a filter. You clean your car filter and your water filters regularly and yet one of the most important filtersgets forgotten - your septic tank. Keep your environment clean and green.
FUNDING APPLICATIONS OPEN Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) trading as Mangawhai Opportunity Factory (The Factory), a community driven initiative, established to benefit our growing Mangawhai locality is pleased to invite applications from local organisations to apply for funding support to projects that will: "Enhance Mangawhai providing sustainable social, lifestyle and service benefits" The goal of The Factory is to provide independent and sustainable funding for local projects supporting the growth of our treasured community and its people. There are three grant options available:
FUNDING APPLICATIONS OPEN 1. "Mangawhai for Mangawhai"
Enabling the commencement / completion of social and infrastructure projects. 2. "Step Up"
Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) trading as For organisations that may not have a charitable trust or legal entity, but require grant Mangawhai Opportunity Factory (The Factory), a community driven initiative, funding to enable the realisation of a beneficial community project. established to benefit our growing Mangawhai locality is pleased to invite applications 3. "Youth Achievement" from local organisations to apply for funding support to projects that will:
Applicants must be a recognised youth organisation active in Mangawhai, with the benefiting youths being residents of Mangawhai, enabling development or "Enhance Mangawhai providing sustainable social,skill lifestyle and service benefits" infrastructure support. The goal of The Factory is to provide independent and sustainable funding for local projects Applicationsthe close 21 September 2018 community and its people. supporting growth of our treasured To obtain the MCOST (The Factory) grant criteria email There are three grant options available: 1. "Mangawhai for Mangawhai" Enabling the commencement / completion of social and infrastructure projects. 2. "Step Up" For organisations that may not have a charitable trust or legal entity, but require grant funding to enable the realisation of a beneficial community project.
The Mahurangi College First XI Football team will search for tougher competition next season, after finishing undefeated this year. The team was dominant on its way to taking out the Senior B Championship, scoring 34 goals and conceding just 6. Mahurangi First XI Football captain Samuel Telfer says the competition was easier than expected and the team is keen to step things up a level next year. “We cruised through the grading round and then were pretty comfortable for most of the championship,” he says. “We set out to improve on last season and were pleased to achieve that. Now we want to make it to an A-grade competition.” Telfer puts their success down to good skills and communication throughout the squad. “We had a really positive group of guys and some individuals in particular have outstanding technique.” He highlighted striker Jed Blennerhassett as the standout performer, scoring more than 20
Time to enter art awards Rodney artists are reminded that entries in this year’s Rodney Art Awards close on October 5. The theme this year is Dream On, with more than $3000 in prizes to be won. Entries can be one or two dimensional within set size limits. An exhibition of the works will be held in the Warkworth Bridge Rooms, in Alnwick Street on October 27 and 28. Entry forms are available on the North Rodney Community Arts Council Facebook page.
Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) trading as 3. "Youth Achievement" Mangawhai Opportunity Factory (The Factory), a community driven initiative, Applicants must be a recognised youth organisation active in Mangawhai, with the established to benefit our growing Mangawhai locality is pleased to invite applications benefiting youths being residents of Mangawhai, enabling skill development orsupport to projects that will: from local organisations to apply for funding infrastructure support. "Enhance Mangawhai providing sustainable social, lifestyle and service benefits"
Applications close 21 September 2018
goals this season. He also recognised midfielder Robbie Ennis and the team’s youngest player, Taj Oliver. “We had a really young team this year. We’re set to be even stronger in future as long as we can hold our own in the tougher grades.” The Mahurangi College 14th Grade development team was also undefeated this season. This was the first season the school has fielded a development squad. Head coach Alistair Elder says the side was dominant, scoring 67 goals and conceding just eight. “Stiven Lopez was the outstanding performer for us this season playing in the midfield,” Elder says. “His skill, pace and vision have been instrumental in getting us such good results.” Elder also noted midfielder Tom Barnett was a strong player and praised the back four and goalkeeper for their defensive record. “Some of these players will break into the First XI squad next year, so it will be a different side for next season.”
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The goal of The Factory is to provide independent and sustainable funding for local projects supporting the growth of our treasured community and its people.
To obtain the MCOST (The Factory) grant criteria email There are three grant options available: 1. "Mangawhai for Mangawhai"
Enabling the commencement / completion of social and infrastructure projects.
2. "Step Up" For organisations that may not have a charitable trust or legal entity, but require grant funding to enable the realisation of a beneficial community project.
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3. "Youth Achievement" Applicants must be a recognised youth organisation active in Mangawhai, with the benefiting youths being residents of Mangawhai, enabling skill development or infrastructure support.
Applications close 21 September 2018 To obtain the MCOST (The Factory) grant criteria email
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 41
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Marja Lubeck Former Black Cap Brendon Bracewell is looking to upskill local children ahead of their participation in Auckland Cricket Association competitions.
Labour list MP based in Rodney
Cricket chance for juniors The Rodney Cricket Association is looking to formally establish hard ball cricket for juniors living in Mahurangi. An informal Saturday competition was set up last year through Warkworth Cricket Club. This year, the association is looking to field three teams in Auckland Cricket Association competitions under the auspices of the Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club. Rodney Cricket Association junior president Raymond Barnes says it’s about giving local children some quality cricket. “We could have a Rodney competition, but with just three teams it wouldn’t be satisfactory. Going through Hibiscus gives them a great opportunity,” Barnes says. “Once we can establish enough interest in the sport by doing this it should be possible to set up a local competition. That’s the long-term goal.” The idea is being supported by the senior Rodney cricket sides, who see value in
bringing younger players through. “At this stage, we are getting the Year 5 to Year 8 students involved and eventually we will have a structure in place for all young players who can then transition into the senior competition,” Barnes says. Former Black Cap Brendon Bracewell is also back supporting the junior cricket this year, running winter coaching sessions currently at The Range Warkworth. “We have around 30 children participating in coaching at this stage and from here we can work out how many we have to play hard ball cricket and establish some teams,” Barnes says. The coaching sessions are open to any children interested in hard ball cricket and run on a Wednesday between 3.15pm and 5.15pm and on Sunday between 10.30am and noon. To participate, children must register by contacting the Rodney Cricket Association Facebook page facebook. com/RodneyCric/
For information about our exceptional windows and doors talk to Fairview Rodney on 09 425 7367 or stop by our showroom at 74 Hudson Rd, Warkworth.
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42 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
A showcase of strong women’s rugby has prompted the Mahurangi Rugby Football Club to consider pushing for its own female senior side.
Event sparks interest to build women’s game in Mahurangi A three-way clash between North Harbour, Northland and Counties Manukau women’s rugby teams has inspired the Mahurangi Rugby Football Club (MRFC) to think about building a women’s side. The ‘Game of Three Halves’ was hosted at the Warkworth Showgrounds on August 11 with Counties coming out on top. MRFC club representative on Council of Clubs Sam Ryburn says the event brought up discussion about the idea of creating a
senior women’s team. “We haven’t had a women’s side since the early 2000s, but we would definitely be interested in putting a team into the North Harbour competition if the interest was there,” Ryburn says. “Unfortunately, it’s a small grade at the moment with just a couple of clubs playing in it, but hopefully it will grow in time.” Ryburn was also pleased to see the club host another high calibre rugby event, after having Super Rugby
From left, Carlin Dunn, Lloyd Gravatt, Scott Fabricius and John McKittrick.
and Mitre Ten Cup pre-season fixtures there this year. “It’s a big credit to the work of our volunteers that professional sides want to play here.” There are more on the way, with North Harbour U18 women set to play Northland on September 8 while it’s likely the Blues will return to Warkworth in 2020. A North Harbour Sevens competition will also be held at the club over summer. Meanwhile, men’s club rugby stars got their fair share of recognition at the MRFC senior prize giving held on August 18. Puppy Farrell was prominent, picking up three premier awards for Best Forward, Players’ Player of the Year and Most Valuable Player. Haden Kose also featured strongly, taking out Supporters’ Player of the Year and Wharahine Contractors Club Person of the Year. Top Try Scorer and Top Points Scorer both went to Osea Qamasea. Other premier winners were Dillon Hemana, Scott Fabricius and Connor Lawson. In the under 85kg grade, Willy Watts picked up Players’ Player of the Year and Liam Clews Most Valuable Player. Other winners were Sam Warner, Callum Rouse, Dom Scalabrini and Bevan Mather. Lloyd Gravatt received a blazer on the night for playing his 40th match for the Mahurangi premier team this season.
Haden Kose, left, picked up two big awards from North Harbour Rugby Union president John McKittrick.
The Premier team best back Scott Fabricius with team manager Bruce Stubbs.
The Under 85kg best back Sam Warner, left, with coach Bruce Gravatt.
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 43
Tennis clubs set up for summer Mahurangi East Mahurangi East Tennis Club will be offering junior coaching this season on a Monday afternoon from 3.30pm onwards. All junior coaching will begin in school term four. Club days for adults will be held on Wednesday from 9am, Friday from 4.30pm and Saturday from 1pm with new members welcome. Info: Don 425 5555
Warkworth The Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club is having a free open day for all those interested in playing this season on September 8. Juniors aged between 5 and 12 will participate in fun games from 11am to noon with family games between children and parents afterwards. Tennis for those 13 and older will be played from 10am to 11am. An exhibition match and lunch will be held from 1pm onwards. Junior coaching will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3.15pm, Thursdays from 7.15am and Fridays from 8am. Adult coaching is also available. All junior coaching starts in school term four.
and family games at 10.45am. The adult session, for those 13 and older, will start at 11.30am and exhibition matches will start at 1pm. Junior coaching will be held on Tuesdays from 5.30pm and Wednesdays from 3.15pm. Adult coaching will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays. All junior coaching starts in school term four.
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Mangawhai Mangawhai Tennis Club will have junior coaching on Fridays from 3.30pm onwards. Seniors play matches on a Thursday night from 6pm.
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Pakiri Pakiri Tennis Club coaching will be held on Wednesdays with juniors from 4pm to 6pm and adults from 6pm onwards. Coaching starts in school term four. Info: Grant 021 0257 0322
Waipu Waipu Tennis Club will have coaching for juniors on Saturdays from 9am to noon. Coaching starts in school term four.
Info: Hugo 022 311 3216
Info: Grant 021 0257 0322
Matakana Matakana Tennis Club is having a free open day on September 16. Junior tennis games will begin at 10am
Paparoa Paparoa Tennis Club will have coaching sessions by appointment. Info: Grant 021 0257 0322
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44 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
RSA pool competition hinges on final shot Glen Robust and Dennis McCarthy were one shot away from losing the final of the Warkworth RSA Invitational Pool Competition, but still came out on top. A total of 31 pairs competed on August 19 with Robust and McCarthy playing under the name of Westies 1. Warkworth RSA club president John Stephen says it was an exciting finish, well worthy of a final. “Westies 1 raced out to a 2-0 lead before their opponents, Kevin Bates and Geoff Bishop, drew things up at 2-2,” Stephen says. “It’s a best of five frames final and Bishop had an easy black to win the competition, but missed. “Robust capitalised on the opportunity they were gifted by sinking his last three balls and the black to snatch victory.” Meanwhile Birkenhead 1 beat Ollies 2-1 to win the plate final. The competition has been running for seven years and has a prize pool of $1000, with each final winner collecting $250. “We started the competition because people always wanted more competitive pool matches after the Colin Whalen Memorial Trophy, which is played a month earlier,” Stephen says. “Not many pool competitions have a prize pool of that size, so it attracts a lot of players.” This year, competitors came from Birkenhead RSA, Hibiscus Coast RSA, Warkworth RSA and local businesses, with matches going from 9am to 5pm.
A total of 62 players competed at the Warkworth RSA Invitational Pool Competition.
Glen Robust seized his opportunities.
Students selected for top underwater teams A total of five Mahurangi College students have been selected for national underwater hockey teams and will represent NZ in October. Mackenzie Buick, Rowan Buick and Julianna Panui-Leth were picked for the New Zealand U18 Womens underwater hockey sides last year, while Ryan O’Connor and Sam Twhigg made the NZ U18 Mens B team. They made the squads after a strong showing with their school teams at regionals. “We all have the ambition of making the New Zealand Elite one day, which is the underwater hockey equivalent of the All Blacks,” Twhigg says. “It would be a big achievement as both our men’s and women’s elite teams are current world champions,” Mackenzie
New Zealand players, from left back, Rowan Buick, Sam Twhigg, Julianna Panui-Leth. Front, Ryan O’Connor and Mackenzie Buick.
says. The students will first need to prove themselves in the U18 grade with the Age Group Trans Tasmans Championships in Rotorua from October 7 to 10. “After that we will be re-trialling for the teams to represent New Zealand
at the Underwater Hockey World Championships in Sheffield next year,” Twhigg says. All the players started playing at college and have enjoyed a lot of success in recent years, winning multiple national competitions. The school has also produced other NZ players such as Forrest Axford, Sarah Wilson and Elliot Snedden. Rowan Buick is the youngest player in her NZ team and Twhigg was the youngest player to win the secondary schools’ national event in 2015. All five players will represent Mahurangi at the NZ Secondary Schools Championships in Rotorua from September 6 to 9, after the junior girls, senior girls and senior open teams qualified at regionals in June.
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September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 45
ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of
A roundup of activities and events in thedisTRicT district a Roundup ofsports spoRTs acTiviTies in THe
Olivia Platt is shaping up to be a promising ballet star.
Dancing towards her dreams Olivia Platt, of Mangawhai, is fast dancing her way to a European ballet dream after coming up trumps at the Northland Ballet and Dance Competition. Platt competed in the 13 and under category at the Forum North venue in Whangarei from August 10 to 12. She picked up seven placings and five special awards, including the Ackers Aggregate Trophy for highest total points in ballet and the Mayo Cup for most promising ballet dancer. “It was my most successful competition results ever in dance and far exceeded my expectations ahead of the event,” Platt says. “I don’t usually get nervous at competitions, even with lots of people watching, but the impromptu dance where you make it up as you go was certainly nerve-racking.” Northland wasn’t her only success this year. She came first in her age group in ballet and jazz at the Papakura Performing Arts Annual Dance Festival in June. This gives her entry into the Follow
Your Dreams National Finals dance competition in Melbourne next year. “I’m still looking at funding options for the trip, but I would love to compete.” Platt’s dream is to be part of a ballet company in Europe one day, with Russia, England and France high on her list of desired locations. “I really enjoy performing and also would like to be involved with doing choreography.” She currently does choreography for the young dance students she teaches at Dance Energy in Mangawhai. Platt started dancing herself at age three, taking to it with huge enthusiasm. She first competed at five. She now trains over 10 hours each week at Dance Energy and Apollo Dance Studios in Auckland, focussing on ballet, jazz and contemporary. “Ballet training can be quite intense, but it’s not something that bothers me. “I’m going to keep up my jazz and contemporary dance as well as it’s good for my technique and gives me other options if the ballet doesn’t work out.”
Rodney College rugby stars make Northland teams Ten Rodney College students were selected to represent Northland rugby teams last month. Kingi Herewini, Javarne Porter and Sage WaltersHansen all made the U19 squad, after Herewini and Porter played for the Blues development team earlier this year. Ethan Whyte and Patrick Abellera made the Vikings side, while Noah Pride and Jesse Manuell were chosen for the U16 team. Te Hiri Barlow made the U15 team and Xavier Cooper and RJ Joseph made the U13 Open Weight team.
Rodney Rams touch Whangateau Rodney Rams touch junior and senior registrations open. Entries close October 12. Info: Fast five netball module Mixed fast five netball competition, Kaiwaka Sports Complex, Sunday afternoons starting October 7. $150 per team, up to 14 players, teenagers or older. Info: Otamatea Hawks prizegiving Otamatea Hawks rugby prizegiving, Kaiwaka Sports Complex, September 8 at 1pm. Sponsors and supporters welcome. Netball fundraiser Toga party to fundraise for the Ruggals 2 netball team, Kaiwaka Sport Club, September 29, 6pm. Tickets $10, restricted 18 years and older. Info: Brooklyn 021 179 2357 Golf open Warkworth Golf Club is hosting the Mixed Open Spring Pairs competition on October 12. Entry $25 per person. Info: 425 8248 Matakana Table Tennis Matakana Table Tennis at the Matakana Hall, Tuesdays, 7.30pm. Anyone welcome, adults $2, students $1. Info: George 423 0424
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Summer 7’s & 9’s • 2018/2019 This year we are offering a 18 week Tournament Commencing in October 2018 for 9 weeks until December, breaking for Christmas and Summer Holiday Seasons. Returning in January for another 9 weeks with the Tournament concluding in March 2019. 7 aside will be on Tuesday Evenings 6-9pm half field games, ages 12+, no goalie 9 aside will be on Thursday Evenings 6-9pm full field games, ages 14+, Goalie is recommended there is limited spaces so get your teams entry in quick to secure your spot. Contact us at if you don’t have a team and would like to play.
Kingi Herewini
Umpires NEEDED for both nights!! This is a per game paid position. If interested get in touch with Nicola at Registration closes 24th September. Enter at http.//
46 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Vale Craig Julyan The most loyal and committed member of Warkworth Association Football Club (WAFC) was remembered at a funeral service on August 22. Craig Mitchell Julyan, more commonly known as ‘Craigo’, was born on June 8, 1960 and died on August 16. He became involved with the football club when he returned to Warkworth, after living in Auckland, and was quickly involved with every aspect of it, although a number of health issues prevented him playing on the field. WAFC former president Matt Bull fondly recalled him being at the club every Saturday to set up the pitch, support the teams and mix with club members. “One thing I will never forget about Craigo is that he would walk the whole length of the sideline during a game and talk to everyone he could, he was a people person at heart,” Matt said. “He was always up for the tournaments the senior men played in Taupo, and going down on the team bus put a huge smile on his face.” Current president Mike Lewis also spoke about Craig’s dedication to the club. “He was always the guy at the committee meeting who would put his hand up at general business time when everyone was ready to go home and put a couple of ideas forward,” Mike joked. “We found a special role for him as club ambassador, which he took up with great pride.
8 June 1960 - 16 August 2018
He used to give his own ambassador’s trophy out at junior prize giving. He was often getting the medals tangled and shaking the wrong hand, but he always enjoyed it.” The club appreciated all of Craig’s efforts to help, particularly with the health challenges he faced with
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heart problems and diabetes. Craig was set to receive the President’s Award from the club two weeks after he died. Mike placed it with his casket, which was draped with a Manchester United flag. As a child, Craig had to undergo numerous heart operations while attending Matakana School. His brother, Bryce Julyan, described him as a complex and challenging character whom it was pointless to argue with. He has memories of Craig’s passion for trucks and buses and remembers how he would jump aboard vehicles just for the ride. Craig went to Mahurangi College and later moved to Auckland, where he worked at a Catholic School and afterwards as a packer at a supermarket. “I think he knew about every bus route and driver in Auckland at one stage,” Bryce said. His sister, Tania Sinclair, spoke about his enthusiasm to be part of everything and what made him different. “I think one word that sums Craig up is unique,” Tania said. “He could speak Samoan, impersonate a range of accents and recite poems by heart.” He also collected money for the St John annual fundraiser and was a regular Catholic church attendee. In addition to his brother and sister, Craig is survived by his father, Tom, and mother, Connie.
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Sep 9
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Sep 11
Sep 12
Sep 13
Sep 14
Sep 15
Sep 16
Sep 17
Sep 18
Sep 19
Sep 20
Sep 21
2:15am 3.0 3:19am 3.0 4:25am 3.0 5:29am 3.1 12:04am 0.5 1:00am 0.4 1:52am 0.3 2:43am 0.3 3:31am 0.3 4:18am 0.4 5:04am 0.5 5:51am 0.6 12:38am 3.0 1:28am 2.8 2:21am 2.7 3:18am 2.7 4:16am 2.7 8:22am 0.7 9:28am 0.7 10:33am 0.6 11:34am 0.5 6:30am 3.3 7:25am 3.4 8:18am 3.5 9:07am 3.5 9:55am 3.5 10:42am 3.4 11:29am 3.2 12:18pm 3.1 6:39am 0.8 7:32am 0.9 8:30am 1.0 9:31am 1.0 10:29am 1.0
Tide 2:52pm 3.0 3:58pm 3.0 5:02pm 3.2 6:00pm 3.3 12:30pm 0.3 1:23pm 0.2 2:13pm 0.2 3:01pm 0.2 3:49pm 0.3 4:37pm 0.5 5:25pm 0.6 6:16pm 0.8 1:09pm 2.9 2:05pm 2.8 3:04pm 2.8 4:01pm 2.8 4:55pm 2.8 7:10pm 0.9 8:07pm 1.0 9:06pm 1.0 10:02pm 1.0 10:54pm 1.0 6:55pm 3.5 7:48pm 3.5 8:38pm 3.6 9:27pm 3.5 10:15pm 3.4 11:03pm 3.3 11:50pm 3.1 Times 8:59pm 0.9 10:04pm 0.8 11:06pm 0.6 6:37am 6:04pm
Sun Fishing Guide Moon
6:35am 6:05pm
Best At
7:45am 8:15pm
6:34am 6:05pm
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8:45am 9:15pm
6:32am 6:06pm
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9:46am 10:16pm
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10:45am 11:14pm
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12:10am 12:38pm
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1:04am 1:30pm
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1:56am 2:21pm
6:24am 6:11pm
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2:46am 3:10pm
6:22am 6:12pm
Best At
3:35am 3:59pm
6:21am 6:12pm
Best At
4:24am 4:48pm
6:19am 6:13pm
Best At
5:13am 5:37pm
6:18am 6:14pm
Best At
6:02am 6:26pm
6:16am 6:15pm
Best At
6:51am 7:15pm
6:15am 6:16pm
Best At
7:39am 8:03pm
6:13am 6:16pm
Best At
8:27am 8:51pm
Best At
9:14am 9:37pm
New First Moon Quarter Rise 2:38am Rise 3:39am Rise 4:35am Rise 5:26am Rise 6:11am Rise 6:51am Rise 7:28am Rise 8:03am Rise 8:37am Rise 9:12am Rise 9:49am Rise 10:28am Set 12:52am Set 1:45am Set 2:35am Set 3:21am Set 4:02am Set 12:51pm Set 1:53pm Set 3:00pm Set 4:11pm Set 5:22pm Set 6:33pm Set 7:41pm Set 8:48pm Set 9:53pm Set 10:55pm Set 11:55pm Rise 11:10am Rise 11:56am Rise 12:45pm Rise 1:37pm Rise 2:31pm *Not for navigational purposes.
Mick Fay
Good Fishing
Fair Fishing
Not So Good
Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
Licensee Agent Snells Beach 021 544 769 E. W.
What’s on
See for a full list of upcoming events
September 5 8 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 16 16 20 20 23 25 28 29 30 30 30
Warkworth Area Liaison Group meeting, Warkworth RSA, downstairs meeting room, 7pm. Open to anyone interested in Warkworth community issues. Info: Steve 0274 963 711. The Kugels, Matakana Village Hall, 5pm. Tickets $35 at the door, school students free. (see story p21) Don McGlashan at the Leigh Sawmill Cafe, 9pm. Tickets $35 from Free composting workshop, Old Masonic Hall Warkworth, 10am-12noon. To register, talk to a librarian at Warkworth Library or call 427 3920. Oppose Mega Farm concert. Tahi Bar, Warkworth, 7pm. Fundraiser in opposition to proposed Tegel chicken farm in Arapohue. (see story p20) The Mahurangi Ramblers and the Jazz Connection, Matakana Hall, 2pm. Tickets $10 at the door. (see story p21) Kaukapakapa Village Market, SH16, 8.30am-1pm. Great stalls, fresh coffee, food, live music & much more. Info: kaukapakapavillagemarket on Facebook Matakana Women’s Institute 90th birthday celebration, Totara Park, Warkworth, 10.30am. Ex-members warmly invited. To register and more info: 425 0089 Atiu Creek Regional Park volunteer planting day, Run Road Tapora, 10am-3pm. Bring food, water and suitable footwear. Warkworth bus service public information event, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 9am-2pm. Meet journalist Helen Martin, Kaukapakapa Library, 10am-1pm Abertland District Museum AGM, 1.30pm. All welcome. Forest & Bird Winter talk series, cruise ship lecturer Jud Croft on ‘The Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ and discarded nets at sea, Totara Park Retirement Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome. Pete Denahy in concert, Whangateau Hall, 7.30pm. Tickets $16 from Public meeting on the Hoteo River Sediment Reduction Programme, Puatahi Marae, Glorit, 10am. Info and RSVP: (see story p6) The Ladies Rebus Club of Warkworth meeting, Totara Park Hall, Melwood Drive, at 10am. New members welcome. Info: Betty 422 0534 Singer/songwriter Derek Lind performs at Little & Local, Snells Beach, 7.30 pm. Tickets $10 at the door. Clivia flower show and sale, 1 Schooner Ave, Snells Beach, 9am-5pm. Info: Alick 021 1320 206 The Johnnys and The Bads, Leigh Sawmill Cafe, 4.30pm. Tickets from (see story p22) NZ Fairy Tern Trust AGM, Senior Citizens’ Hall, Fagan Place, Mangawhai Heads, 1pm. Guest speaker Matt Bloxham, Auckland Council ecologist. Afternoon tea. All welcome. Launch of new Warkworth bus service, (see story p13)
3 6
Warkworth Area Liaison Group meeting, Warkworth RSA, downstairs meeting room, 7pm. Open to anyone interested in Warkworth community issues. Info: Steve 0274 963 711 Catwalk Arts wearable art awards fundraiser for Warkworth/ Wellsford and Hibiscus Coast Hospices, Orewa Arts and Events Centre, 2pm and 7pm. Tickets: Matinee $30 adult, $20 senior and child; evening show $50 incl. wine and nibbles. Info: 425 9535
List your event by emailing the details to
September 5, 2018 Mahurangimatters 47
Kane Steves Friday 14th September
Kavalliers Friday 21st September
Delta Keys Friday 28th September
Gary Pallett Quiz night every Wednesday from 7pm Not a member - Try us with a no cost 1 month temporary member card, available at the Bar when you call in.
28 Neville Street, Warkworth Phone 425 8568
48 Mahurangimatters September 5, 2018
Despite their best efforts, Westlake players were unable to stop Kade Banks from crashing over the try line.
Co-captains Kade Banks, left, and Toby SwannMcKay finally lift the trophy that eluded them for three years. Photos, Mitchell Sterling
guys had that set us apart from previous years.” Blyth was particularly pleased with performances from Pale Vaotangi, Toby Swann-McKay and Banks. “Kade was just outstanding, running in five tries from first-five and staying completely calm during the whole event.” Swann-McKay also finished his final First XV season as the school’s most capped player ever, with 53 matches under his belt. Blyth says although the final score blew out, Westlake still proved to be a difficult opposition. “We went in at half time with a 24-3 lead, but we didn’t feel comfortable at that stage, knowing we were facing the wind in the second half. “We scored a try just after half time, and that was a
pivotal moment in the match.” Blyth and head coach Terrence Banks have worked with the First XV for two years together and are unsure of their futures with the side. “The school’s rugby management will need to make a decision on whether the First XV should move into the 1A Championship or remain in this competition,” Blyth says. “Eight current players will leave at the end of this year, but there is a lot of talent coming through for future seasons, and I think rugby at the college is in a really good position.” He also noted Charmaine Gravatt and Mike Rodden as important in the team’s success as First XV managers this year.
College overcomes hoodoo in finals thrashing
After three consecutive finals losses to Westlake Boys High School, it was fourth time lucky for the Mahurangi College First XV team in the North Harbour 1B Championship. Mahurangi downed their arch rivals 48-8 at QBE Stadium Oval 2 on August 25 after heading into the final unbeaten this season. Co-captain Kade Banks led the team with a standout performance, scoring five of the team’s six tries. Assistant coach Jon Blyth says there was a confidence in the side this year that carried them to victory. “We had a number of players in this team that had lost two or more finals. They weren’t prepared to let that happen again,” Blyth says. “I think it was the experience that some of the older
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