Mahurangi Matters_Issue 331_29 November 2017

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November 29, 2017

Your Local Community Newspaper FREE

Proudly NZ Owned

What’s inside NAG wants referendum page 3

Christmas diversions pages 15-23

Thrills on the water

pages 26-31

Auckland Council enforcement officer Noor Doyle takes a second water sample at the cement works.

Water contamination closes top swim spot One of Warkworth’s most popular swimming spots remains closed while Auckland Council tries to identify if current E. coli levels pose any threat to human health. ‘Public health warning’ signs were erected at the Wilson Road cement works swimming hole on November 9, after water there turned a rusty red colour.

Initial results in mid-November revealed that the colour change was due to an algal bloom, but also showed the presence of 540 E. coli cells per 100ml of water. Council health enforcement principal specialist Darryl Thompson says most strains of E. coli are harmless, but when levels reach 550 cells per 100ml, it indicates pathogens such as salmonella

or norovirus are likely to be present. “Council policy is that if E. coli numbers reach 260 cells per 100ml then the water should be avoided and tests taken,” Mr Thompson says. Results from a second test, taken on November 23, were being processed when Mahurangi Matters went to print. “Regardless of whether the E. coli cell

count has dropped to a reasonable level in the second test, the warning signs will remain up until we can get some consistency with results. “We expect to be running one test every week until then.” Mr Thompson says if levels remain high, Council will try to establish the

off the drawing board this month . . .

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2 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017


Issue 331

Mahurangi Matters

PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 GENERAL MANAGER: Jannette Thompson

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NEWS: James Addis, editor Ben Donaldson Sally Marden ADVERTISING: Rob Anderson

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Contamination closes top swim spot source of the E. coli, but due to the costs involved, this will only happen at a later stage if necessary. The most likely cause would be waste from animals or humans. Tests can also be run to identify any pathogens that might be present, but these are also expensive at upwards of $1000 per test. Mr Thompson says Council has not run water tests at the cement works before, so it’s unclear if this is an ongoing issue or an isolated incident. He says the E. coli could be connected to the algal bloom if it’s providing bacteria to feed off, but equally, they could be unrelated. Meanwhile, oyster farmers in the Mahurangi Harbour will stop harvesting for an extended period of two months next year over concerns about contamination from norovirus. Norovirus is spread via human waste, usually from boats. Anyone who eats

an oyster that has contracted the norovirus can suffer from vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach cramp. Jim Dollimore, who owns Biomarine, the largest farm in the harbour, says they have stopped harvesting on dates such as Labour Weekend when they know more boats will enter the harbour. Although norovirus only remains in the oysters for up to a week, oyster farmers have decided to adopt a precautionary approach. “To help make sure our oysters are safe to eat next year, we have decided to stop all harvesting in the Mahurangi Harbour over the busy period of January and February,” Mr Dollimore says. “We can control water quality issues from things like run off, but we can’t monitor every boat that comes into the area.” The challenge with the norovirus is that there are no tests that can identify

from page 1

it, so oyster farmers can’t harvest and monitor the water at the same time to avoid the issue. The norovirus caused the closure of the harbour earlier this year and sparked a full Ministry of Primary Industries investigation. “We can’t be sure, but we believe it came from a boat that was moored in the harbour,” Mr Dollimore says. He says the closure will have an economic impact, as oysters are popular over the summer, but the local industry remains sustainable. “The best oysters are harvested between July and November. “This is the first time we’ve had the norovirus problem since operations started in the 1970s, so I don’t see it as a major issue going forward.” Mr Dollimore would like to see more education for boaties on the subject and increased signage to reduce the risk of further closures in the future. The Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy undid the ribbon to officially announce the $7.5 million Warkworth Wellsford Hospice Tui House open on November 16. The event was attended by around 100 people and opened with speeches from Hospice North Shore Board of Trustees member Ken Noble, Warkworth Wellsford Hospice advisory board chair Stephanie Paxton-Penman and manager Kathryn Ashworth. Dame Patsy spoke about the service hospice provides and how the Tui House will contribute to that service.

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GRAPHIC DESIGN: Heather Arnold Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 14,000 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.

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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 3

NAG pushes for referendum after commission snub The Northern Action Group (NAG) is pinning its hopes for a Rodney Unitary Authority on a commitment from New Zealand First for a binding referendum on the future of the combined Auckland Supercity. NAG chair Bill Townson brought up the issue of the referendum after the Local Government Commission (LGC) declined to consider a new feasibility report prepared by APR Consultants on a separate unitary authority for Rodney. The APR report, which cost $20,000 and was commissioned by NAG, contradicts an earlier report by consultants Morrison Low that predicted that rates in an independent Rodney unitary authority would need to increase by 48 per cent, to cover an estimated first year deficit of $13.5 million. It also predicted that the deficit would continue to rise over the ensuing 10 years. By contrast, the APR report predicts anything from a $5 million surplus to a $5.5 million deficit in the first year, depending on the financial models used to make the predictions. It concludes that a Rodney unitary authority is a “reasonably practical

option” subject to the authority being committed to “financially sustainable business practices”. Mr Townson says the APRs approach to modelling is far more credible and reliable than the narrow approach Morrison Low used with their report, which was based largely on the highly inefficient and wasteful Auckland Council. “The ML approach is akin to preparing a business plan for a new shop in Warkworth using the cost structure of Harrods of London,” he says. NAG submitted the APR report to the LGC for consideration on November 15 but a day later received an email from its chief executive, Dr Suzanne Doig, saying that the report had missed the deadline for submissions and would not be considered. She added that if the process were to be reopened, fairness and due process would require that all parties interested in the reorganisation application be given the opportunity to provide further evidence, and this was not something the LGC was prepared to do. Mr Townson is hopes NZ First will honour its commitment to a referendum to keep the idea of a

Bill Townson

Rodney unitary authority alive. Back in August, NZ First leader Winston Peters said the people of Rodney should be able to decide whether they want their district to remain part of the Supercity and if he was in the next government, he would make sure they got the chance by holding a binding referendum

Mahurangi Matters was unable to confirm with NZ First whether a referendum was still planned. Meanwhile, the LGC will release its decision on the preferred option for local government reorganisation in Rodney at a meeting at the Masonic Hall in Warkworth on November 30. The meeting will be led by commission chair Sir Wira Gardiner and lead commissioner for Auckland Geoff Dangerfield. Also attending will be Suzanne Doig. The Morrison Low report, released in July, identified either the status quo or two Rodney local boards, under the existing Council, as the preferred options for Rodney. The report dismissed the idea of a separate unitary authority. NAG, as the original applicant, has been invited to attend the meeting in Warkworth, along with the other 38 groups and individuals who submitted alternative proposals. If the commissioners opt for the status quo, the process will come to a halt. If they decide on a change option, then a draft proposal will be produced which will involve community consultation.

Warkworth i-SITE looking for volunteers as paid staff depart Warkworth i-SITE seems set for a return to mainly volunteer staffing by the end of the year, following the resignation of its manager and staff, and no immediate plans to employ paid replacements. Penny Webster, the recently appointed executive chair of Matakana Coast Tourism (MCT), is appealing for volunteer helpers to come forward to help staff the i-SITE as it enters its peak summer period. The call comes after former manager and regional tourism coordinator Olivia Austin left MCT to join a tour company in September and the recent resignation of the i-SITES’ two parttime visitor consultants. Mrs Webster says a final decision on

whether any or all will be replaced is yet to be made, and in the meantime, she will be taking on some of the regional tourism work and is looking for volunteers to fill the i-SITE positions. “We’re reviewing the whole situation at the moment, I can’t really say one way or another,” she says. “The regional coordinator, that’s part of what I’m doing as executive chair, so I’m taking on some of that role.” The former Rodney mayor and Auckland councillor has taken the helm at MCT as the promotion group enters its last year of financial assistance from Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED), with a final grant of

$50,000 before the organisation goes fully self-sufficient next financial year. MCT took over the management of the i-SITE in April 2015, in a threeyear $215,000 deal with ATEED. Mrs Webster admits future financing is an issue, but says MCT is looking at pursuing grants from elsewhere and building membership. “These are issues we need to tackle, but I don’t look at problems, I look at challenges,” she says. “It would be nice to get grants from elsewhere, but while you can get grants for individual ventures, it’s difficult to get them for a region. We’re looking at all sorts of things.” She has set up a range of subcommittees in a bid to expedite the

decision-making process and streamlined MCT membership requirements to make it easier for individuals and businesses to join, a process which she says has been ‘clunky’ in the past. “My role is to bring all the different strands together, it’s become a bit fragmented. It needs to be easier for everybody and everyone needs to be treated equally. More members will mean more funding. We’ve got some amazing people and it’s about building that goodwill and bringing people to share the same vision.” Anyone who might like to volunteer at the i-SITE should email chair@ or

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4 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

YOU SAY Email letters to We remember Reading the Mahurangi Matters article about Council corruption ( made me shiver. It said: “Mrs Webster also made it clear that she was not personally responsible for the $42,000 paid to former Rodney chief executive Rodger Kerr-Newell for untaken professional development.” She said, “That was a decision of the whole council, not just me, and it was taken on the best advice at the time.” However, the independent enquiry by the AuditorGeneral clearly states, “The Mayor (Penny Webster) did not seek approval from Council for these payments.” We still remember. It wasn’t that long ago.

See story page 24

Suzanne Penkith, Kaipara Flats

Passion at Pasifika

OFF THE RECORD Off the record contributions welcome. Email to

Dancing with the stars Audiences thrilled to see dance troupes from Tonga, Vanuatu, Samoa, Kiribati and Tuvalu at the Pasifika Christmas celebration at Mahurangi College this month. But few attracted as boisterous a

response as an impromptu performance by local politicians and police. MPs Mark Mitchell and Tracey Martin, Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke and Sergeant Scott Sherer were invited to show off their top Pacific dance moves. They seized the opportunity with enthusiasm and vigour. Mark Mitchell was ranked top performer – based on thunderous applause. Look out Tracey, with fancy footwork this good he might not be in opposition for long.

Oops ... Despite our best efforts to include all the major school prize winners in the last issue, we overlooked the Rodney College Engineering Scholarship, worth $5000, which was awarded to Kenneth Finlayson. Our apologies, and well done Kenneth.

Can I say thank you to all who supported our annual Pasifika Festival. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the performers who sang and danced with skill, enthusiasm and passion. Our key sponsors included Mahurangi College, Creative Communities, New World, Lions Club, Southern Paprika, Gala Berry and the Mahurangi Presbyterian Church. A highlight was the opening of the festival by the Year 3 and 4 Kapa Haka group from Warkworth Primary. Neville Johnson, Matakana

Council gets community plan for urban development A skeleton plan intended to guide Warkworth’s rapid urban development was formally presented to Auckland Council representatives this month. The Warkworth Spatial Plan was put together by a team of volunteers – the Spatial Plan Working Group (SPWG) – concerned by the lack of planning being undertaken by Council for expected growth. In 2012, Council identified Warkworth as a satellite town and its population is expected to increase from 4500 in 2015 to 25,000 by 2030. To cater for this, about 1000 hectares around Warkworth has been zoned

‘Future Urban’. Speaking at the presentation at the Warkworth Town Hall, SPWG member Ian Hutchinson said what spurred the team on was the realisation that a lot of development going on around Warkworth at the moment was “not that flash”. “We have 25,000 people who are going to live here. We, as a community, want a picturesque township that has got development that is tasteful. We want

to make Warkworth look like a place where people want to live,” he said. The spatial plan will be used to inform a more detailed structure plan, which Auckland Council is due to start developing next month. Auckland Council North-West planning manager Warren McLennan said the spatial plan was a “great conversation starter” and the conversation would continue with the community to ensure good development outcomes. He

Spatial plan working group member Burnette O’Connor (centre) presents the spatial plan to Warren McLennan (right). Also at the presentation, from left, were Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke, Rodney MP Mark Mitchell, and working group member Ian Hutchinson.


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thanked the SPWG for the work they had put in. “We have probably never had this much information compiled by a community prior to starting a structure plan process,” he said.

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 5

Viewpoint Mark Mitchell, National MP for Rodney

Working together on local issues Firstly, can I take the opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you for the incredible support I received during the recent election. It was deeply humbling to have you stand with me as strongly and decisively as you did. I would like to restate my commitment to serve you with integrity, compassion and a relentless determination to advance and protect the interests of our electorate, community and individuals. Could I also please acknowledge the retirement of my electoral agent Rita Maud. Rita has provided outstanding support for three MPs over 21 years. Myself, Sir Lockwood Smith and Nikki Kaye. In that time she has dealt with thousands of constituent cases, always with empathy and a desire to have a positive result. Many of you will have had contact with her over the years and any retirement messages would be warmly received at the office. She is going to enjoy her much deserved retirement in beautiful Fairway Bay, Gulf Harbour. So things will be a little different for me during this next term of Parliament as I make the transition from Defence Minister to Opposition defence spokesman. It has been an enormous privilege and honour to have served our defence forces as minister, and I now remain focused on ensuring that the required investment into our defence personnel, property and equipment remains firmly on the new government’s radar. I will work with the new minister where I can to ensure our forces continue to have the support they require at a time when we as a nation are asking them to do more and more. I will act quickly if I see signs of the government weakening or losing resolve in relation to that support and investment. The election also delivered three government list MPs, either living in or near Rodney. One Labour and two NZ First MPs. I believe our communities expect their elected representatives, either at local or central government level, to work collaboratively together to advance local issues, and I remain committed to this approach. Post-election my focus has turned to ensuring that the commitments and promises made during the election are now converted into new assets and opportunities for the electorate. This includes continued support and investment into the Hill Street redesign and rebuild; delivery of a four-lane Penlink; and new local medical services, delivered through the Rodney Surgical Centre, to name a few. I will work with government and help with locally developed solutions to ensure that these important commitments and promises are delivered for us. Something that has always set us apart in Rodney is the way we organise ourselves into highly effective, active and focused groups, whether it be residents’ groups, business associations or single issue groups. This is a real strength for us in the way we engage with local and central government officials and will be important in the coming years with our projected growth. I would encourage groups to look for commonality and opportunities to engage so as to keep building strong cohesion. I will be continuing to ensure I am helping to build and support the strong networks that we have.

Warehouse still on market A commercial property at 270-29 Mahurangi East, which houses The Warehouse retail centre, is on the market for $7.6 million. The property, which is zoned business – local centre, is being marketed by Bayleys. Bayleys in the North director Mark Macky says a tender process, which closed in late October, attracted a good mix of local and national enquiries, and some international interest. “There was also strong interest from the Auckland investor market,” Mr Macky says. The Warehouse is on a 10-year lease until 2022, generating a net rental return of $563,269 plus GST. Mr Macky says it offers a strong investment opportunity, with a good tenancy, and in an area earmarked for significant growth. The property was last sold in August 2012.

Year one complete. One year ago, on 3 November 2016, NX2 and the NZ Transport Agency signed the project agreement and we commenced work on the Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway. We hit the ground running and haven’t stopped.

It has been a successful first year with many milestones achieved: • A sod turning event to mark the start of the project • Project site offices up and running at Wyllie Road and Moir Hill Road • Over 300 project staff now on site • Completed two major site access points on SH1 • Cleared 95% of vegetation and forestry • Rock borrow area established on site • Hosted 12 Community Liaison Group meetings • Constructed over 70 erosion and sediment control ponds and devices • First Project Open Day planned • Started first Earthworks season • Opened the Project Information Centre • Rescued and relocating over 40 geckos The project will be having a short break with the site closing down over Christmas. We are aware of how busy the roads are during the Christmas/New Year holiday period so, the site will close from 3:00pm, Friday 22 December 2017 to 7:00am Wednesday 3 January 2018. I hope you all have a very happy and safe holiday season and we look forward sharing another great year with you in 2018.

Ngā mihi Alan For more information, call the NX2 team on: Freephone: 0508 P2WK INFO (0508 7295 4636) Email: Web:


6 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017



Merv Bayer (right) and Ray Jensen teach children about trees and wildlife at Parry Kauri Park.

Donations needed to preserve Kauri Sandspit Harbour

Group seeks to counter local river pollution Rising concern over the pollution of local rivers has spurred the formation of the Matakana-Sandspit Catchment Group. The Matakana-Sandspit catchment includes the Matakana and Glen Eden Rivers and many smaller tributaries, the surrounding hills and the Matakana Valley. Group chair John Collins says increased human activities, including the construction of the controversial Sandspit Marina last year, have put the catchment waterways under threat. These activities have led to greater accumulation of sediment, including contaminants from septic tanks and farms.

The Matakana River estuary (also known as Sandspit Harbour) is especially subject to degradation because of poor tidal flushing. “We are worried that long-term consequences of not really addressing these issues will result in continued slow degradation of the whole environment,” John says. Among those consequences are likely to be an increased silting of the Matakana River, restricting access to Matakana, and further proliferation of mangroves – nature’s response to contamination and sediment. John says the catchment group will help develop a strategic action plan

to protect the health of the rivers in concert with other interested groups and Council, and promote the enjoyment of the waterways. He says an immediate priority is to make sure there are good plantings all the way up the Matakana and Glen Eden Rivers, which will help prevent sediment run off during storms. Another priority is to prevent animal access to the rivers and adding to water pollution. John is eager to hear from other people interested in joining the MatakanaSandspit Catchment Group. Email:

The Kauri and Native Bushman Association is calling for donations to help implement measures to stop kauri dieback at Parry Kauri Park. There are three entrances to the park’s bushwalk and the group hopes to place shoe cleaning trays at each of them, with a shelter over each. Kauri and Native Bushman Association member Ray Jensen says the park is in great condition, so it’s important to keep it that way. “Auckland Council has already donated one tray, but unless we can place them at all three entrances it’s pointless,” Ray says. “We have busloads of people coming in from all over the place so a lot of them could have fungus on their shoes.” The remaining money required to complete the project is $6000 and donations can be made at the Parry Kauri Park donation box. Info: Ray 422 0598

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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 7

Environment Christine Rose

Shameful food waste Even basic food items seem expensive. The household grocery shop takes up a significant portion of a domestic budget, yet we waste an eighth of the food we buy. We leave food until it’s too old to eat, we don’t eat everything on our plates, and we discard food because we don’t like the taste. And in wasting food, we’re wasting money. But we’re also squandering the raw materials – the energy, the labour, and the water that have gone into the production of that food. In wasting food, we’re showing disdain for everything that’s gone in to get it to our plate, and for those who don’t even have enough to eat. It’s a reflection of our consumer-based, disposable society – we buy too much food, we eat too much, and we throw away too much. Forty-five per cent of household waste in New Zealand is food waste, mostly avoidable. Recent studies show 94 per cent of us admit we waste food, even though 79 per cent of us don’t like to do so. We waste about 29kg of food per person per annum, according to a RaboDirect report. It’s also said we underestimate how much we’re wasting and how much it costs. All that waste leads to big, unnecessary disposal costs, greenhouse gas emissions, and general inefficiency. Some of the costs are expressed on the environment and society at large, but some are felt in our pocket. We pay for food we don’t eat and pay again for the disposal of that food. Economy and sustainability are good reasons to try to manage food waste but another is humanity. Some of that food waste and excess, especially over Christmas, is going to be animal products. Pigs and chickens, in particular, are often trapped in terrible lives, and for those lives to be wasted because we cooked more than we ate seems especially wrong. They live a life of suffering and then go to the landfill. In our climate it’s challenging to keep fruit fresh. The fruit bowl seems to contain goodies that are not quite ripe one day and inedible the next. But at least we have the fridge. The key is using the leftovers that are sitting in the fridge, rather than forgetting about them and then hoping they’ll find their own way out to the compost bin. Compost bins, worm farms and backyard chooks are other ways of dealing with the disposal costs of food waste, even if not dealing with the food waste itself. The best way to deal with lemon and orange peels is to put them under the citrus tree. The focus on food waste in recent media has made me be more careful with what I buy and waste. Broad culture change is required as well, but even starting with me, could make 29kg of difference and save me money, too.

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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 9

localfolk Terry Nuthall

Terry Nuthall started his career as a junior filling ink wells at the Bank of New Zealand in Auckland’s High Street. He went on to oversee the transition to decimal currency in 1967 and represent the BNZ’s interests in Japan. He spoke to James Addis about his unconventional approaches to banking and life ...


grew up in Glendowie. When my father came back from the war our family had no money. Like a lot of people in that situation we lived in a state house. I went to Auckland Grammar School, and I’m still a member of the Old Boys Association. My claim to fame at Grammar, and an early foray into finance, came during the 1956 Springbok tour. I wanted to go to the school ball, but I couldn’t afford a suit. So, I decided to queue up at Eden Park to get some tickets to the test match there. You could buy four tickets, which I was going to sell for a profit to give me the money for the suit. On Friday morning, I took my books and my pup tent and set it up outside Eden Park at 8am. I was the first one there, which is not surprising because the tickets did not come on sale until 10am on Saturday. I got inside the tent trying to be very discreet because I was supposed to be in school. But this ruddy reporter from the Herald came and started talking to me. I said, “I can’t talk to you because if my headmaster found out – Mr Cooper – I would be in serious trouble.” The reporter must have opened the zip to my tent. When I stuck my head out, he took a photo. The next morning the newspaper boys came around. Inside the paper on the main page – to my horror – there was this picture of me. At school assembly on Monday morning, Mr Cooper said, “There is one boy I need to see. He knows who he is.” I was threatened with having to sit the University Entrance exam rather than be accredited, and my father was called in. We had to promise we were not going to scalp all the tickets. As it turned out though, I did sell the tickets to my father and my uncle, and I got the £9 I needed to buy a suit from Hugh Wrights and go to the ball. went to university to study accounting, but it just didn’t work for me. But I had plenty of job offers – I could have been a clerk for the harbour board, gone to work for a pharmacy or even gone into the church and trained to be a minister. Two banks were keen to employ me, Westpac and BNZ. I chose the BNZ because they had just moved into a former restaurant in High Street. There were ballerinas etched into the


glass and big, long velvet curtains. I thought this would be a lovely place to work. started out as the office junior. I had to fill the ink wells, make sure the nibs and pens were working and make sure fresh blotters were on the pads on the writing desks. I also collected the mail, which included gold bars sent up from the branch in Dunedin. The gold was wrapped in brown paper and sometimes you could see through it to the gold inside. I used to carry these bars from the post office, up an alleyway and into our branch. It just shows you the difference in attitudes to safety and security back then. Having said that, banks were stricter in other ways. Our bank tellers would each have a pistol hidden behind the counter while they were serving customers. Every year, they would go to the Colonial Ammunition Company in Mt Eden and get pistol training. he nice thing about banking is you move on to various types of jobs very quickly. I learned to handle import and export documentation and operate a ledger machine, which processed customers’ cheques and updated their accounts. In 1965, I was transferred to the BNZ branch in Melbourne and later to the branch in Sydney. Australia was preparing to switch to decimal currency. The idea was that I would come back to New Zealand and help oversee the BNZ’s switch to decimal, which was due on 10 July 1967. When I returned to New Zealand, I helped write manuals several inches thick that explained how every document in the bank should be converted from pounds, shillings and pence to dollars and cents. I also did a lot of public speaking about the change. One time I was talking to inmates in Mt Crawford prison, explaining the new currency with dummy coins and notes. One prisoner sidled up afterwards very worried because he had a stash of money buried somewhere, and he was not going to get out for another five years. Would the old money be worthless? he minister in charge of decimalisation was Robert Muldoon – the future prime minister. One evening I invited him to come and speak at our local Jaycee meeting.




Muldoon was popularly referred to as “piggy.” We knew a friendly baker who used to bake bread for the meetings from left over dough. That night I got him to bake an enormous pig, which I proudly presented to Muldoon at the end of the evening. Muldoon did not seem to mind. There was more freedom then. Political correctness has since changed the world. was a bit of a rebel in those days. The BNZ head office was a very structured and controlled sort of place. There was a strict dress code. Men wore a brown or blue tie and long trousers. thought that was ridiculous in summer, so I started wearing shorts. I also like colour so I got rid of the brown tie and began wearing brightly coloured silk ties. I had a huge collection and still have some of them. I got a few comments about it, but nothing that I worried about. y approach was often unconventional. During a stint as bank manager in Kawerau I realised I could not sit behind a desk. I would be out in the engineering workshops, the farms and the orchards. That gave me a good understanding of the local economy. If a guy wants to turn his land into a blueberry farm, you have got to go out and see what the land looks like. ater, I was sent to Japan. My job there was to contact Asian banks and persuade them to handle New Zealand export transactions through the BNZ. My territory included Honk Kong, Taiwan, Korea and China. Again, my modus operandi was different from other bankers. I would travel on a Friday and spend the weekend learning about the culture and visiting the local sites.




When I met, say the vice-president of a bank in Seoul, I’d start talking about what I had seen and learned, not so much about the banking side. Other bankers would fly in on Monday and fly straight out again. But I had to make up for a lack of experience in the international side of banking and tackle things in another way. y family has had a bach on Kawau Island for many years and we’ve always liked this area. When I retired, we bought a place in Warkworth. I keep very busy. I’ve been a member of Rotary for 40 years and right now I am chair of the local Food Rescue organisation. It’s a joint Rotary/Lions programme which collects food that would otherwise go to waste and distributes it to organisations helping families in need. We have got 70 volunteers running the programme and are redistributing about two tonnes of food a month. We’re always getting interesting donations. Recently, we were given 50kg of asparagus and 20 cartons of cheese. What appeals to me about Rotary is its ability to improve things in our community and the world and make a difference. You really feel it is worthwhile. Somebody has got to put their hand up and do these things.


10 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

Rodney property values jump in latest Council assessment mean there will be a corresponding increase in rates. “Property valuations are used to help us work out everyone’s share of rates – they don’t mean that we collect any more money. However, we won’t know the impact of this revaluation on rates until we agree our budget next year, so I encourage Aucklanders to view these valuations with that in mind.” Not unexpected Registered valuer Vicki Phillips, of Property Indepth specialising in Rodney and Hibiscus Coast, says the 42 per cent average Capital Value (CV) increase for the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board area is not unexpected, considering the volume of new dwellings being built in the area, which tend to be of a higher value. “These are averages, and they are of little value when it comes to valuing your property, other than for interest’s sake,” she says. “There will be many properties in the region which will have seen a greater increase in their CV, especially those with development potential under the Unitary Plan. Also, the increase is only relative to the last round of CVs, and who is to say they were accurate. “I can recall similar concerns from homeowners about this during the last round of CVs released in 2014. The increase for this area is close to the Auckland average, and it’s not surprising to see areas of cheaper housing see greater increases in values

The Waitoki and Wainui area has recorded some of the highest average valuation increases in Auckland. The three-yearly valuations for the 549,000 properties from Franklin to Rodney were released last month. The average rise across the whole of Auckland was 45 per cent, but in Waitoki and Wainui it averaged 102 per cent. On the Hibiscus Coast the average was 42 per cent and in the whole of Rodney it was 47 per cent. Auckland Council says the largest movements in the outer suburbs appear to be a result of higher demand in areas where property is less expensive. Head of rates Debbie Acott says that generally speaking, the values in Auckland’s outer suburbs appear to be catching up with the 2014 revaluation. “Areas that increased the most in the last revaluation – by and large central Auckland – are now moving roughly along the average,” she says. “Those that didn’t last time – mainly outer Auckland – are the ones with the highest increases this time.” Commercial and industrial properties rose 43 per cent and 47 per cent respectively, while lifestyle properties increased by 57 per cent and rural by 35 per cent. Ms Acott says that Aucklanders should remember that a high increase in property value doesn’t necessarily

Indicative residential average change in capital value since 2014 Area

Increase 42%

Omaha 37%

Point Wells


Pakiri/Tomarata/Whangaripo 52%

Dome Valley


Port Albert/Te Hana


Glorit/Kaipara Flats




Kaukapakapa 62%



Kawau Island


Snells Beach




Tapora/Wharehine 33%

Mahurangi East


Tuhoa/Te Arai/Wellsford


Mahurangi West


Tawharanui Peninsula


due to the demand for these lower value properties.” Ms Phillips says the feedback from many in the Property Indepth team across Auckland is mixed with regards to the CVs being fair. “One homeowner our team has spoken to was already confused – he owned an attached townhouse in the North Shore, the exact mirror image of his neighbour, yet their CVs differed by $30,000!” Ms Phillips says the effect on rates depends somewhat on two factors – the planned increase to the Council budget and how much a property’s CV has changed compared to the Auckland average of 45 per cent.

for use


Warkworth 52%

“If you are well below this average, the likelihood is that your rates could decrease. If you are above, then the likelihood is that your rates will probably increase. “This is rather a simplistic view as Council’s budget is apportioned across all rateable properties in Auckland, both commercial and residential.” Objection process Anyone can object to a property’s ​ valuation, not just the property owner. The objection period for the 2017 revaluation closes on January 16, at 5pm. Info: property-rates-valuations/ourvaluation-of-your-property/Pages/ default

Call: 09 422 3700


Free Trade loan trailers Metal


Algies Bay

Matakana 46%






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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 11

Property hot spots – a look at some properties where the valuation increase has been much higher than the average. Te Arai

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$1,050,000 Te Arai Pt Rd Up 50%


Tomarata $580,000 Pakiri Block Rd Up 66%

$690,000 School Rd Up 151%

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$640,000 Worker Rd Up 73%


$835,000 Matakana Rd Up 96% $1,300,000 Harbour View Rd Up 150% Matakana

$540,000 Kaipara Flats Rd Up 59%

$950,000 Albert Rd Up67%

$800,000 Ahuroa Rd Up 48%


DEVONPORT Omaha Beach $2,100,000 Kewai St Up 90%

$930,000 Sandspit Rd Up 72%



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12 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

it is absurd to divide people into good or bad; people are either charming or tedious. Oscar Wilde

Stephanie Paxton-Penman LLB (Hons) 17 Neville Street, Warkworth DDI: 09 425 0968 | Phone: 09 425 7701 Level 5, 26 Hobson Street, Auckland CBD Phone: 09 912 8500


November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 13



Warkworth Menswear

Matakana Four Square

A tortuous commute to Glenfield to work in an optical lens manufacturing laboratory finally got to Warkworth resident Matt Henderson. One day he phoned his partner Jane Bittman with a simple message: “Get me out of here.” That call got Jane thinking. She knew Warkworth Menswear at 18 Queen Street was up for sale. Could taking on the shop be the couple’s next adventure? They decided to take a look one Saturday afternoon. They spent three hours and were impressed by the regular flow of customers popping in for a chat and the pleasant, relaxed and friendly environment. It reminded Matt of when he worked in a busy music store about 20 years ago. “In the optical lab there was no interaction with the public, and I was suddenly reminded of what I had been missing,” he says. Despite the fact neither Matt nor Jane had any previous retail clothing experience, they were encouraged by the fact that the previous owners, Ken and Kathy Woodcock, were also newbies when they started, but this had not hindered them from running a successful business, with an extremely loyal customer base. Jane says those customers come from as far away as Mangawhai and Whangarei, drawn by the shop’s

Possibly New Zealand’s most passionate Four Square franchisees are bringing their love of food retailing to Matakana, taking over the reins from Damian Langley, who recently moved to Coromandel. Brad and Claire Walker discussed their dream of owning a Four Square on their very first date more than 10 years ago, when he was a banker and she was a nanny. They say their ‘now or never’ decision to take over the store at Ohope Beach, near Whakatane, two years ago was the best thing they ever did. They transformed that store from a basic corner dairy into a thriving grocery store complete with bakery, and they’re now bringing their enthusiasm and ideas to Matakana. “Work is like a hobby for us. We never get up and say, ‘Oh no, we’ve got to work today’,” they say. “We work with each other seven days a week and live with each other, but we just love it. “We’ve got plenty of ideas, but we want to take time to settle in, meet the locals, get through the height of summer, and make sure those ideas will work. What Damian has set up works really well, so we’ll adopt as much of it as possible before we start making any changes. “But we would like to have a bakery at some stage and do more ‘food to go’,

Matt Henderson and Jane Bittman

personal service. “People appreciate it when someone says, ‘Hi, what are you looking for? And can offer advice on the right shirt or pair of shorts.’ It’s not like an impersonal mall,” she says. “Having a good range also attracts customers. Whether you are going to a wedding, out to the beach, throwing a barbecue, attending a formal dinner or informal function, Warkworth Menswear has the right clothes for you.” The shop’s previous success means Matt and Jane have no plans for radical changes and have retained staff Sheree Stables and Pauline Rauner, who are well known to regulars. “We wanted it to be a nice smooth transition. We owe it to our supportive community,” Matt says.



18 Queen Street • Phone 425 8408

Brad and Claire Walker

like hot chickens.” Having originated from Auckland, they are no strangers to the area and both have spent happy holidays at family baches in Omaha. Having lived and worked at Ohope, they are used to the ebb and flow of retailing in a holiday region. Any time away from the shop is spent with their two sons, Joshua, 10, and Tyler, 9, both of whom are keen competitive swimmers. “We’re real family people, we love hanging out with family and friends,” they say. “Our two main loves are our work and our boys.”


“So local so convenient” All your groceries, fresh fruit and vegetables, beer and wine all in one place. Mon to Sun 7.00am to 7.00pm 21 Matakana Valley Road Matakana 0982 09 422 7213

14 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017






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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 15


Around 3000 people are expected to turn up for the Warkworth Santa Parade.

Kiwi summer theme Santa Claus heads towards fire station for annual parade The Warkworth volunteer brigade has a Christmas tree for everyone.

Santa will be parking his sleigh and setting up a grotto at Warkworth fire station during weekends in December as part of the volunteer brigade’s annual Christmas tree sale fundraiser. A professional photographer will be on hand to take family portraits with the man in red for $10 every Saturday and Sunday, between 2pm and 4pm, starting on December 2. In addition, there will be chocolate fire engines made by Chocolate Brown available for just a gold coin donation, and there may be a Crazy Cracker character lurking in the trees, as well. The chocolate fire engines will also be sold at Chocolate Brown’s Mill Lane shop. Christmas trees will be on sale every day from

December 1, between 9am and 6pm, with prices starting at $30 depending on size. Anyone who wants an extra large tree is being urged to get in quick, as numbers are limited. Local delivery can be arranged, if necessary. All the money raised will go towards celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Warkworth brigade and the building of the fire station in 1943. Volunteer firefighter and fundraising coordinator, Gaye Flewellyn, says a whole raft of celebratory activities is being planned for Labour Weekend in 2018, including a special Honours Night dinner and dance.

The Warkworth Santa Parade will take place in town on December 2, starting at 11am. Around 25 groups are set to complete two laps along Neville Street, Queen Street and Mill Lane, with judging to be done in the main street. Those involved include the fire brigade, police and vintage car club. One Warkworth manager Murray Chapman says the ‘kiwi summer’ theme will give the parade a local feel. “However, don’t expect Santa to be wearing speedos!” Murray says. He hopes Carols in the Park, on Friday, December 1, will get people into the spirit for the parade.

At Plume we believe a great meal is not just about the food and wine, we believe it is a complete sensory experience.

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16 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017 Renowned carver Natanahira Te Pona will be at the Sawmill symposium.

Natasha Smyser with her Toi Paikea.

Sculpture and sweet sounds at Sawmill Café festival Some of New Zealand’s top stone and wood carvers will display their skills in the grounds of Leigh’s Sawmill Café this week, creating new works as part of the Labratta Netana Art & Music Festival, which runs until Saturday, December 9. The 11-day festival also features live music from Cornerstone Roots on Saturday, December 2; Whitechapel Jak on Sunday, December 3; and Trinity Roots on Friday and Saturday, December 8 and 9. There is also a local art exhibition in the DOITS Gallery upstairs at the Sawmill Café, and the Little Labratta Lens photography competition for children and teenagers. The festival is the brainchild of

Warkworth-born Deon Nathan, who wants to promote the importance of protecting New Zealand’s natural resources by engaging people via art and music in a region that’s coming under increasing pressure from development. “I was deployed overseas with the NZ military and the job was protecting natural resources, because if you do that, the quality of life and people’s wellbeing is more effective,” he says. “But we’re not doing that here in NZ. I worked with DOC when I came back and we do have a lot going on here, but it’s not always driven well. So it’s about protecting our resources for today and for future generations. “The Aotearoa ecosystem in which we

live is essential to our health, but also to our quality of life and survival.” He says the sculpture symposium will connect people with the importance of protecting native trees (via wood) and rivers and water quality, using stone. Some 15 artists will take part, including ex-Hollywood actor and carver Lawrence Makoare, whose film roles have included the chief orc in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies. There are prizes totalling $6000 to be won. Workshops are also being planned on the importance of natural resources and dangers facing it, including kauri dieback disease. Info: LabrattaNetanaFest or sawmillcafe. for live music details

Actor Lawrence Makoare may have been a movie star but he is happiest when he’s carving.

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 17

Classic carols at Christmas Matakantata Choir is celebrating the season with two concerts of festive favourites and classic carols in December. The Rhythm of Christmas will be performed at the Mahurangi Presbyterian Church, in Pulham Road, Warkworth, on Sunday, December 10 at 2.30pm, and then again at the

Matakana Hall, in Matakana Valley Road, on Friday, December 15, at 7.30pm. Tickets bought in advance from Harts Pharmacy, Warkworth, or the Gull service station in Matakana cost $15, or they will be $20 on the door. Children can get in for a gold coin donation.

Wet weather puts damper on gala Relentless rain hit the Snells Beach School gala hard on November 18 with funds raised falling short of the original target. Last year the event raised $7000 and the school’s PTA hoped to exceed that amount this year, but came up short with just over $6000 in the end. Snells Beach School PTA secretary Tanja Dove says the rain meant a number of activities were unable to operate. “We had a bouncy castle lined up and a skate session, but both these had to pull out and we lost some potential profits there,” Tanja says. The school included a garage sale trail prior to the gala, with nine households taking part. “We didn’t have a lot of people going to the garage sales and then the gala, maybe because they were a couple of hours apart. “We are still going to run the trail again next year though, as we are trying to get as much of the community involved in this event as possible.” Tanja says considering how wet the

Join us for a

New Year’s Eve Party! Join us in celebrating the New Year in the vines. Doors will open at 6pm where you will be greeted by our Host. From there you will be able to soak up the last of the 2017 sun in our beautiful courtyard with our stunning vines as your backdrop. Our rustic buffet will be served as the sun begins to set over the hill. After dinner you will be able to dance the night away with live music and welcome in the New Year. Booking via website

There were plenty of smiles at the Snells Beach School gala despite heavy rainfall.

day was, she is pleased with the overall amount made from the event and the turnout on the day. Funds raised will go towards student resources, including more books for the library.

Sizes 10-22 Or made to measure

Xmas Function Packages!

A great selection of dresses from casual to special occasion. Buy off the rack or have one custom made. 15 Elizabeth Street, Warkworth. Ph 425 0515 Alterations & Repairs. Shop hours: mon-fri 9.30-5 . Sat 9-30-2.30


18 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017


By Matakana Village Books

Classic Planes by Ivor Wilkins New Zealand has long held a passion for its aviation history – the bravado, ingenuity and trailblazing spirit says a lot about who we are. Classic Planes celebrates that legacy, from the first fledgling beginnings to the present day. With eloquence and colour, bestselling author Ivor Wilkins traces the story of planes in New Zealand, beginning with the exploits of Richard Pearse and shining a light on other local pioneers such as Jean Batten and Tim Wallis. He examines the machines from bygone eras, celebrates those who lovingly restore those planes today, and revels in our ongoing love affair with winged wonders. Tiger Moths and Taperwings mingle with Staggerwings, Spitfires, Mosquitoes and Mustangs. Breathtaking new photography is complemented by archival imagery, revealing a truly special and important celebration of planes and people. Wilkins is a widely respected freelance writer and photographer whose most recent book is Classic: The Revival of Classic Boating in New Zealand.

Annie Leibovitz : Portraits 2005-2016

Established NZ 1973





18 Neville Street, Warkworth Phone 09 425 7404

(along from Countdown, opp Mahurangi Matters)

In this new collection, Annie Leibovitz, one of the most important photographers of our time, has selected 150 of her portraits of the most influential and compelling figures of the last decade. Each photograph documents contemporary culture with an artist’s eye, wit, and an uncanny ability to personalise even the most recognisable and distinguished figures – from Meryl Streep to Kim Kardashian to a very pregnant Melania Trump in a gold bikini. Annie Lebovitz’s career spans nearly five decades, starting in the 1970s when she was a widely acclaimed photographer at Rolling Stone. At Vanity Fair, Vogue and in independent projects, Leibovitz expanded her repertoire as a portraitist with a distinctive style. Her many honours include being designated a Living Legend by the Library of Congress. Her work is exhibited in museums around the world.

Farming fun for all the family Hay bale stacking, vintage tractor rides and Billy Black Woolman and his pig Jonah are just some of the attractions on offer at the annual Whangarei A&P Show this Saturday, December 2. Northland’s largest A&P show takes place at the Barge Showgrounds in Maunu Road, just west of Whangarei, from 9am, and admission costs $10 per person. Info:

Enjoy a horse ride to remember on the beautiful white sands of Pakiri surf beach


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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 19

Entries rose at this year’s show.

Shona Pickup, as a decorative rose, added to the flavour of the event.

Boom for blooms as town hall flower show blossoms A big increase in both entries and visitors to this year’s Warkworth Rose and Flower Show has signalled longevity for the event and its location. After being run in the Old Masonic Hall in recent years, the show made its return to the Warkworth Town Hall on November 17. Warkworth Garden Club publicity person Lois New says entries were up by 30 per cent on last year and visitors by 80 per cent. “This show was a spectacular success and the increased interest also helps us to cover the cost of the venue,” Lois says.

Two sections this year that helped boost the entry count were the roadside pickings and decorative, which a number of children entered. “We’ve always wanted to get more young people involved with the show and Warkworth School students responded enthusiastically to an invitation to enter this year.” Lois says the judges were pleased at the standard of entries after strong winds damaged a number of flowers last season. Any funds left over from the event, after expenses are covered, will be donated to a charity.

Prize winners at the show were as follows; Sesquicentennial Cup, best in show, Barbara Bennett; Perpetual Challenge Rose Bowl, most points accumulated in sections A,B,C and D, Di Jensen; Freda Holt Trophy, champion of champions rose, Di Jensen; President’s Cup, president’s choice in sections C and D, Fay Illingworth; Warkworth Garden Club Cup, most fragrant rose, Sally Greenwood; Helen and Henry Phibbs Trophy, Di Jensen; Cruickshank Cup, rose judged on merit in section B, Val Dunn; Campbell D’Arcy Cup, most points in section A, Di Jensen; Flora

Reilly Cup, most points in section B, Ella Canal; Candlesticks, most points in section C, Shirley Shirley; Hamilton Trophy, best garden in Warkworth/Matakana as seen from the street, 7 Oliver Street and 14 Laly Haddon Place; Plaque, best street in Warkworth/Matakana, Jade River Place; Wilkinson Salver, an aesthetic contribution to Warkworth/ Matakana, Totara Park Retirement Village. To become involved with the Warkworth Garden Club or help with next year’s show, visit

One Warkworth Business Association presents

2017 Warkworth Santa Parade

Saturday 2 December 2017

11:00am - Parade starts at Neville St 12:45pm - Prize giving, dance displays and lolly shout (Queen St) 1:30pm - Festivities conclude

This year’s theme is ‘Kiwi Summer’.

To enter a float and be in to win a cash prize, or for more info, contact or call Charlene 021-0291 3792

20 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

The Local Vocals Choir

Vocals on stage for festive fun

The Originals, whose exhibition runs until December 6. Back row, from left, Janine Broughton, Ann Howard and Gordon McGibbon and, in front, from left, Linda Foster, Ailsa Dennis and Jean Fountain.

Janine Broughton, one of The Originals Art Group, with one of her experimental works.

Then, on Friday, December 8, the annual Mangawhai Artists Christmas Show opens, featuring a wide range of images, paintings, prints, collages and abstract pieces, plus dramatic and fun 3D works. The artists group says the aim of the Christmas exhibition is not only to support artists, but also solve locals’ gift buying dilemmas, with prices set to make original works of art as affordable as possible. The maximum price of any artwork will be $150, and the maximum size is a very portable

25.4cm x 25.4cm. Visitors can ‘pay cash and carry’ their chosen artwork at this show, and new works will replace anything bought and taken away throughout the run up to Christmas Eve. The gallery will also open on Boxing Day and Wednesday, December 27, for anyone wanting to splurge any Christmas gift money on a work of art. Both exhibitions are open daily at 45 Moir Street, from 10am to 3pm, and entrance is free.

A variety of songs and festive music old and new will be performed when the Local Vocals Choir holds a Christmas Concert at Wellsford Community Centre on Saturday, December 9, at 7pm. The entertainment will range from traditional carols and Maori songs to children’s storytelling and all new music. The concert will be the second public outing for the Local Vocals Children’s Choir, whose members will be singing four numbers, two with the adult choir and two by themselves. Choir member and songwriter Miriam Chalk says that as well as the full choir singing, there will be several smaller groups, including a group of four singing a capella and a ukulele and kazoo duet. “It’s a real country Christmas concert, something for all ages to enjoy,” she says. Tickets cost $5 for adults, or $10 for a family group that includes two or more adults, and children are free. Supper will be provided by the choir afterwards for a gold coin donation.



Original art on display in Mangawhai Mangawhai Artists are staging two different group exhibitions at their Moir Street gallery during December, with one aimed squarely at Christmas shoppers. The first show, Brushstrokes, is open now and runs until Wednesday, December 6, featuring work by 11 artists from The Originals Art Group. This group consists of artists who meet weekly to explore different methods of making art, and organisers promise some unusual, experimental and even quirky pieces on display at their exhibition.


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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 21

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Contact us today: A colourful display of sweet peas.

Top prize winner, Rosemary Browne.

Colourful display at Mangawhai The sight and scent of hundreds of beautiful blooms filled the Mangawhai Library Hall when the 65th annual Women’s Institute (WI) Floral and Craft Show was held on Friday, November 10. The quality of the entries in the flower, plant, produce, floral art, cooking, craft, art, photography and children’s sections was high throughout, and organisers were delighted with the number and standard of exhibits. Mangawhai WI president Marie Fitt said members and sponsors had pulled

Since 1996, a dedicated team of artists from NZ, Bali, Thailand and India join their talents to produce iconic natural-source and fair trade designs. That’s why we call our Coconut Gallery creations “infused with love”. 4 Boutiques 14 Neville Street, Warkworth 159 Rodney Street, Wellsford 38 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 232B Main Road, Tairua Call in and let our talented stylists help you find your own unique Coconut Gallery flavour. * While stocks last

together to produce “yet another amazing show”. The winner of the top prize, the Ray White Mangawhai Trophy for most points overall, was Rosemary Browne, who was presented with a decorative ceramic bowl from the Pipi Gallery in Molesworth Drive. This year’s show featured new look posters and promotional material commissioned by Ray White Mangawhai and was designed to give the group an image boost and attract new members.

0800 2 MONSTER ph 09 478 2119


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22 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

A good crowd turned out for Mike Hutcheson’s talk.

Branding Warkworth

The Danberrys (above) are touring NZ with Tattletale Saints bassist Vanessa McGowan.

Folk duo draws on Tennessee traditions An acclaimed Nashville-based acoustic trio will be on stage at the Whangateau Hall on Sunday, December 3. Vanessa McGowan, of Tattletale Saints, will join The Danberrys – husband and wife duo, Ben DeBerry and Dorothy Daniel – on a NZ tour that starts in Bethells Beach and finishes at the Te Puka Tavern, in Gisborne. Ben and Dorothy have built an indiefolk vibe around Dorothy’s smoky voice and Ben’s intricate acoustic guitar flatpicking, drawing influences

from bluegrass, country, blues, and the funk/soul traditions. Their songs are said to be rich in pastoral imagery, about overcoming demons, being washed clean and starting anew, and love in its many forms. All three of the duo’s albums have been nominated for a number of Independent Music Awards, including Best EP, two nominations for Best Americana Album, and a win in the Best Bluegrass Song category last year. Auckland-born McGowan on upright

the local vocals choir inc. presents…

Summer’s here! Christmas Cheer! A Community Concert - Led by Helen Diaz A fun evening of singing, followed by supper - gold coin donation

Join us at

7pm Saturday 9th December Wellsford Community Centre Tickets available at the door $5 adults, $10 family, Kids free For more info contact

Sponsored by Kingpost Timber Works

bass did a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Bass before moving to Las Vegas to study for a Masters of Music in Jazz Bass, on scholarship with bass tutor Tom Warrington. She lived in London for four years while working as a freelance upright and electric bassist and music tutor, and now lives in Nashville where she works as a freelance bassist, backing vocalist and session musician. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets are $15 at the door.

AUT lecturer Mike Hutcheson delivered a thought-provoking and entertaining talk on town branding when he spoke at the monthly Warkworth Town Hall Talks event on November 15. His hour-long presentation ranged across many themes, from the benefits of warm showers on a person’s creativity to the Fibonacci sequence, touching on the periodic table of innovation and the multiple intelligence test along the way. Mike’s advice to Warkworth was to enhance the inherent natural beauty of the area. “Be what you are and be genuine, and bring diverse minds together to think deeply about what you like about this place,” he said. “Your brand will be what people say it is, not what you tell them it is. Get someone to write a song about the place or make a movie, but whatever you do, don’t get a slogan!” Mike said once the town had identified its essence, then it should fight to retain that essence, even if it meant taking to the streets to do so. About 80 people attended the talk. The talks will resume in March.

Great Summer Art Exhibition Preview Evening open to public Friday 29 December, 7pm, $10 per person Exhibition open to public Sat 30 Dec, Sun 31 Dec & Mon Jan 1 10am to 4pm each day. Admission Donations gladly accepted. Location Mahurangi East Community Hall, Hamatana Rd, Snells Beach (next to library).


If you’d like to be involved as an exhibitor in this well established event, the entry form can be downloaded at, or collected from the Bayleys office at 41 Queen Street in Warkworth. There are three categories – Professional, Intermediate and Novice.

Bed Linen

Froggy fun for all the family Classic children’s tale The Frog Prince has been adapted for the stage and is being performed at the Otamatea Repertory Theatre in Maungaturoto during the first weekend in December. Written by Peter Flower and directed by Maura Flower, the show is described as a fun-filled family show with all the

excitement of a typical pantomime. There are performances on Friday, December 1 at 7.30pm, then at 2pm on Saturday and Sunday, December 2 and 3. Tickets cost $28 for adults and $12 for students and are available from Tony’s Lotto Shop in Maungaturoto or online at

Tips on surviving grief at Christmas A grief support seminar and discussion will be held Mahurangi Presbyterian Church for those suffering the loss of a friend or relative this Christmas. Organiser Alison Heckler says Christmas can be stressful for those who are grieving. “Grief can affect our emotions, our physical health and our thoughts. Adding Christmas into the mix may stir up all of these feelings,” she says. “There can be times in the midst of a happy or difficult situation, when we

remember that an important someone isn’t there to share the moment, and it hurts.” The seminar will be held at Mahurangi Presbyterian Church, Wilson Centre Hall, 5 Pulham Road, Warkworth on Saturday, December 2, at 7pm. Dessert will be served. The seminar provides an opportunity for anyone who would like some tips and ideas on how to work through a grief at Christmas. Info: 021-234-0885


Village Christmas takes a break There will be no Christmas in the Village festivities in Matakana this year. Amanda Stewart, who looks after marketing for the Matakana Village complex, says staging the event really needs impetus and support from community groups to guarantee numbers and attract food and drink suppliers. In the past, performances by Matakana Primary School students have been central to celebrations, but this year students and staff have been focusing on a major dance show at the school and other activities.

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24 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

Thumbs up from brigade Mahurangi East Volunteer Fire Brigade members gave the thumbs up for community support following the success of their envelope appeal. Members collected envelopes from households in the fire brigade area, which includes Sandspit, Snells Beach, Algies Bay, Martins Bay and Scotts Landing. The effort raised $12,337, up from about $11,000 last year. The money will be used to modify the brigade’s water tanker so a new pump can be installed, which will deliver greater water pressure and volume. Brigade business administration manager Christine Kyle was hugely

appreciative of the community’s support. “To get $12,000 from a community of this size is amazing,” she says. She says the tanker is one of the few available for fire duties in Rodney. It is often called out to rural areas where there is no town water supply and securing quick access to plentiful water is essential. Fire brigade members celebrate a planned upgrade to their water tanker. From left, Dean Harrison, Phil Cooper, Bruce Fleming, Taine Connolly, Jane Wilcock, Paige Jones, Tim Bray, Phil Scott.

No need for crossing, says Auckland Transport – parents disagree Parents fighting for a proper pedestrian crossing in Matakana Road have vowed not to give up, despite Auckland Transport (AT) deciding that the area outside the primary school warrants neither a crossing nor a 40km/h school zone speed limit. Since September, more than 500 people have signed a petition started by Renee and Chris Howe and meetings have been held with AT, police, the school, Matakana Community Group and parents over concerns surrounding pedestrian safety. However, following these meetings and several “pedestrian observations”, AT has advised the school that Matakana Road does not warrant a new crossing and that the speed of traffic and

number of pedestrians around the school are below the criteria needed for a special 40km/h zone. Chris Howe says the decision is disappointing, not least because they had not yet formally presented the petition to AT. He says he is now working with a local transport planner to draw up a formal proposal for a pedestrian crossing further along Matakana Road, towards the village centre, since basic safety concerns over crossing the road have not altered. He says that although the school has been active in teaching students about road safety and implementing Travelwise policies, and the new car park between the school and Riverglade Lane is being surfaced for

permanent use, the amount of traffic still makes crossing the road hazardous for everyone at peak times. “It’s not just the school. Come here on a Saturday morning as well, it’s absolute chaos,” he says. “We don’t want there to be an injury before anything happens. We’re not taking this as ‘no’.” Amanda Stewart, another Matakana parent who has been instrumental in lobbying for a safer crossing, says she is losing faith in Council or AT ever understanding local concerns. “It’s the same old thing, the same old bureaucratic nonsense,” she says. “No one, not one of them seems able to take a step back and look at what’s actually happening. They seem to be

so wound up in data and numbers.” She points out that while the new car park will help those driving to school, it will do nothing for students who live locally and either walk to the primary school or catch buses to Mahurangi College and North Shore schools. Meanwhile, the building of the longawaited footbridge between Matakana Road and Tamahunga Drive has been put back once again, with work not due to start until late January or early February. The project was originally slated to be finished last July. Work on a new footpath planned for below the school courts, across the road from Wharehine and Tumbleweed, is scheduled to start in June next year (see cartoon p4). Your handy pull-out guide

November 2017 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 1 1 November 29,29,2017


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22 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters November November29, 29,2017 2017 Your handy pull-out guide AUTOMOTIVE | CLEANING | COFFEE | CONCRETE | CONSTRUCTION | EARTHWORKS

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IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Your handy pull-out guide

November 29,2017 2017 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters November 33 New29, owner Roger Wenzlick and the

team at Wenzeng Engineering have taken a new friendly helpful approach EARTHWORKS | ELECTRICAL | ENGINEERING | FARMING | FITNESS | FLOORING | FURNITURE | GARAGE DOORS | GLAZIERS | HAIR/BEAUTY with their customers, ensuring expert cost effective service and advice IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT on all your marine and general New engineering owner Rogerrequirements. Wenzlick and the New owner Roger Wenzlick andhave the team at Wenzeng We look forward Engineering to working with team at Wenzeng Engineering have taken ayou newinfriendly helpful the near future.approach taken a new friendly helpful approach with their customers, ensuring expert with their customers, ensuring expert cost effective service and advice Footings cost effective serviceand andgeneral advice on all your marine Hole on Boring 3.5T Diggerand general all your marine engineering requirements. Landscap ing 5T Truck Weengineering look forwardrequirements. to working with We look to working Bob Waata Mobile 021 634with 484 you forward in the near future. you in the near future.



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44 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters November November29, 29,2017 2017 Your handy pull-out guide


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lou t


1 December 2017 Your property guide for Hibiscus Coast, Rodney and Kaipara

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 1

WelcomeHome Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)

Properties from: Bayleys | Harcourts | One Agency | PGG Wrightson | Ray White | Sotheby’s





309A & 309B HIBISCUS COAST HIGHWAY, OREWA Development Opportunity

A rare development opportunity has arisen to secure two sites side by side on Orewa’s Beachfront. Council has zoned this for development as business town centre with business on the ground level and residential above. The possibilities for this site are extensive, with an adjoining park this site might suit boutiques, cafes or restaurants with apartment living above, also ideal location for a boutique hotel (subject to council approval) all enjoying million dollar beachfront views. BY TENDER

KAREN CLARK +64 21 355 284

Tawharanui Peninsula - 382 Whitmore Road 4:00 p.m. Thursday 14 December 2017 Shop D, 159 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna

Make Your Dreams A Reality


JONATHAN DE JONG: +64 20 4144 8777

For Sale

$2,100,000 Stunning & unique lifestyle property on 7.26 hectares in this prestigious location overlooking Kawau Bay, just minutes from Matakana Village. Near new, fully insulated barn accommodation, Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Browns Real Estate Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ. plus removable Go-Home set amongst pasture, fruit trees, grapevines & regenerating native forest, with glorious coastal views, stream boundary & jetty for access to Kawau Bay just 600m downstream!

A rare opportunity to purchase an outstanding property on Tawharanui Peninsula. Call Angela now to view! - Viewing by appointment Web -

Angela Wain 0800 MATAKANA Mike Pero - Matakana Mike Pero - Warkworth

A Local Matters publication. Distribution - 37,000 copies. For advertising enquiries contact or 09 425 9068


2 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL







Attractive Grazing/Bush Block 23.43ha grazing and native bush, sheltered northerly aspect, handy to Kaiwaka township. Impressive home with Macrocarpa ceilings throughout, open plan living areas, cozy wood burner. 5-bay half round barn with adjoining self-contained unit, lean-to woodshed/storage, 3 phase power. Basic existing horse facilities, incl loose boxes, round pen and storage. Retiring vendor is saying goodbye to her beloved ‘ranch’.


Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) 4.00pm, Thursday 14 December Simon Ryburn M 021 819 844

Scott Tapp M 021 418 161


Private Sheltered Grazing Block • Attractive 59.1593ha of clean easy rolling contour • Beautiful three bedroom home plus office on lovely grounds • Centrally raced to 18 well fenced paddocks • Spring fed dam pumped to troughs in all paddocks • Excellent cattle yards with tidy wool shed and sheep yards • Just 13km from Wellsford on a tar sealed road • Handy to boat ramps 4


Wellsford $1.795M

Plus GST (if any)



Scott Tapp M 021 418 161

• 23ha property close to Puhoi's Historic Village with grassed pasture and native bush • Opportunity to subdivide with consent granted, making 3 lots; being 2.7ha, 4.9ha and 15.55ha. • Cattle yards, large implement shed and woolshed with covered yards and deep water bore pump and shed

Puhoi $1.6M

Plus GST (if any) VIEW By Appointment Only

Simon Ryburn M 021 819 844



Impressive Low Input Unit • 122.2858 hectares in five titles • Reliable 18ASHB, good implement and support sheds • Reliable water supply from large dam • Well maintained four bedroom home • Excellent race network throughout 4




Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) 4.00pm, Tuesday 5 December

Scott Tapp M 021 418 161


Highly Profitable Dairy Unit • 319.4066ha of flat to easy contour in four titles, huge harbour aspect with private airstrip and jetty • 50 bail rotary cowshed with auto cup removers, auto teat spray • Adjoining 600+ cow feed pad, flood washed, part rubber matted • Two tidy three bedroom homes, plus one bedroom self-contained unit • Limestone quarry, excellent water supply and raceways • Best production of 240,000kgMS and 3 year average of 230,000kgMS


Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) 4.00pm, Monday 4 December

Scott Tapp M 021 418 161

Large Affordable Dairy/Beef Farm • 356.5635ha in nine titles • Predominantly easy rolling to medium contour • 32 aside cowshed with in-shed feeding • Modern eight-bay calf shed, five-bay implement shed • Feed pad with bins, two loafing/calving pads • Four bedroom main home plus three more homes • Limestone quarry on farm


Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) 4.00pm, Thursday 7 December

Scott Tapp M 021 418 161

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008




1 December 2017

1 December 2017

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 3



4 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017


As scary as it may seem, Christmas and, more importantly for most, the holidays are only a few short weeks away. On the Hibiscus Coast we are lucky we live in a paradise that is like a holiday most of the year, so having a ‘staycation’ and enjoying all that the area has to offer – beaches, walks, golf, restaurants and more - is a simple option. It is also a great time for catching up with friends and family, reflecting on the year gone by and planning for the new year with buyers and sellers alike having time to do this at their leisure. We also have a lot of ‘visitors’ to the area who fall in love and decide they would love to live here. So …. if you are contemplating selling, the holiday period is a great time to sell - I am only away for a couple of short breaks and am anticipating a busy January just like last year when I sold homes from $905,000 to $2,280,000. Alternatively, it is a great time to finish off all the jobs and be ready to hit the market in the new year with your home shining. Here are my current listings and, like always, most are available for private viewings at a time to suit you – no need to rush to an open home, just give me a call to arrange a time that works. A word of caution, if you see something you are interested in, call quickly as a couple of these ‘SOLD’ properties sold before the first open home and two sold under a multiple offer situation – there is certainly a lot of activity in the market but no pattern to it. 5 Onepu Lane, MANLY ON THE FLAT

38 Saltwood Street, RED BEACH

� �

� � � ���� � �

769 Whangaparaoa Road, MANLY

� �

� ��

32 Balboa Drive, MATAKATIA

Top 1% M: 021 779 838 P: 09 428 5635 E: Tandem Realty Limited // Licensed Agent REAA 2008



1 December 2017

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 5

40 Seaview Crescent, HATFIELDS BEACH

5/148 Brightside Road, STANMORE BAY



59 Kauri Road, STANMORE BAY

9 Capitol Road, MATAKATIA



52 Scott Road, STANMORE BAY

26 Durness Place, RED BEACH

4000sqm section



8/4 Stables Lane, MILLWATER

36 The Crescent, TINDALLS BAY



4pm, 6 December 2017 (usp)

16A Brixton Road, MANLY

4 The Grove, RED BEACH

Price By Negotiation

$699,000 M: 021 779 838 P: 09 428 5635 E: Tandem Realty Limited // Licensed Agent REAA 2008

1 December 2017



6 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017


OPEN HOME 3 Kanuka Road, Sandspit Kiwi coastal paradise 3







This beautifully presented home is perched above the Sandspit inlet and estuary, enjoying expansive north facing water views toward the Matakana and Glen Eden Rivers, and is only minutes from the Sandspit Marina and Yacht club.

________________________________ For Sale Viewing Contact

$1,150,000 Saturday 2:00 - 3:00pm Pip Foote 0274 997 990

________________________________ OPEN HOME

A slice of wellsford history

5 Rivendell Place, Warkworth 2 |

1 |


40 Port Albert Road, Wellsford


Privacy and location







With its North facing position and sweeping back lawn, this home will be great for summer living.

Viewing Sunday 2:00 - 2:45pm



For Sale Viewing Contact

This slice of local history started its life as the Wellsford Postmaster´s home. It is now time for a new owner to put their ´stamp´ on it!

Contact Pip Foote 0274 997 990

14 Arohia Place, Snells Beach


Spacious home with sea views 4





21 Belvedere Place, Warkworth

Quality home - quality position



$559,000 Sunday 11:00 - 11:45am Pip Foote 0274 997 990


__________________________________ OPEN HOME


Situated on a private freehold section, this quality home should be a consideration for buyers wanting to purchase in one of Warkworth´s best streets. Quick settlement available if needed. With homes of this standard in this location rarely available, it is sure to be snapped up quickly - do not delay viewing!


Upper level - spacious open plan kitchen, dining & living area with easy access to the north and east facing decks, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and separate laundry.







Lower level - huge family room plus 4th bedroom with ensuite, ideal for extended family living or teenager’s retreat.

A near new quality brick and tile home in prime location overlooking Warkworth Town Centre and within walking distance to Warkworth Primary School and Mahurangi College. Buyers looking to purchase a near new home in a quiet street surrounded by other quality homes look no further.



For Sale Viewing Contact

For Sale Viewing Contact

$865,000 Sunday 2:00 - 3:00pm Rob Hall 021 897 545

________________________________ 26 Seatoun Avenue, Leigh

________________________________ OPEN HOME

Seaside village - quaint cottage 2








By Negotiation Sunday 11:00 - 11:45am Martin Hall 0210 270 2136


128 Ingleton Road, Wellsford

If you view me - you will want me! 4

A delightul sunny character filled home located in quiet sought-after seaside community. Elevated corner section (869m²), two bedrooms plus sunroom, open plan kitchen / dining / living, spacious deck for outdoor entertaining, good garaging and off street parking.







Yes, this is one of those homes you need to view to fully appreciate its absolute charm and appeal. I am sure buyers looking for a property located in a quiet rural setting with expansive views, and all within an easy commute back to town, will give this home very strong consideration after viewing.



For Sale Viewing Contact

For Sale Viewing Contact

$590,000 Viewing by appointment Martin Hall 0210 270 2136


$825,000 Sunday 1:00 - 2:00pm Teresa Hall 027 603 0565

________________________________ TMR Realty Ltd, Licensed REAA 2008




1 December 2017

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 7



49A Coquette Street, Warkworth

153 Hauiti Drive, Warkworth

3 |

1 |

1 |


Privacy with potential

First home buyers should definitely be viewing! If you are looking for property in a top location that is ´move in ready´ but still offers plenty of scope to further enhance both the home and the grounds be sure to view. Great outdoor living with a choice of two private decks.

3 |


Sunny, secure and secluded

For Sale $630,000 Viewing Sunday 11:00 - 11:45am


• • • • • • • •

Well presented brick and tile home Private location at end of cul de sac Open plan kitchen, dining and living Separate second lounge Private paved patio and bbq area Low maintenance, established garden Double garage with internal access Close proximity to Warkworth schools and amenities

Viewing Sunday 1:00 - 1:40pm



Contact Teresa Hall 027 603 0565

Contact Pip Foote 0274 997 990



232 J Tolhopf Road, Puhoi


Puhoi - panoramic vistas 3






34 Southgate Road, Warkworth

Brand new brick & tile











Positioned to capture the everchanging panoramic vistas, this immaculately presented home boasts picturesque sunrises and sunsets with stunning views to the Kaipara and East coasts.

Buyers looking to purchase a new home within easy walking distance from the Warkworth town centre, close to schools, sports club and community services, look no further.

Immaculately presented with a modern clean canvas to suit many.

All the hard work has been done - just move in and enjoy!



For Sale Viewing Contact

For Sale Viewing Contact

$1,175,000 Please phone for viewing times Teresa Hall 027 603 0565

________________________________ OPEN HOME

2 |

75 Mangawhai Heads Road, Mangawhai Heads

________________________________ OPEN HOME

Summer sun - summer fun 3






By Negotiation Wed / Sun 1:00 - 1:45pm David Morley 021 397 870

38 Kedge Drive, Mangawhai

Mangawhai village has it all 3






This easy care, low maintenance property is the perfect lock-up and leave holiday home, an ideal one level retirement home, or a great opportunity for a first home buyer. Conveniently located near Mangawhai estuary beach and the amenities of Wood Street shops and cafes.

This delightful property is located within walking distance to Mangawhai Village where you can enjoy quality restaurants, cafe’s & the local markets. The generous open plan living flows onto sunny decks and paved barbecue area - ideal for outdoor entertaining. Secure, private backyard with established gardens.



For Sale Viewing Contact

For Sale Viewing Contact

$599,000 Sat/Sun 12:00 - 12:45pm Liz Ritchie 0274 882 827


$629,000 Sat/Sun 1:00 - 1:45pm Liz Ritchie 0274 882 827

________________________________ TMR Realty Ltd, Licensed REAA 2008


1 December 2017



8 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

Anthony Shaw

No.1 Salesperson Bayleys Warkworth 2016/17






Registered bidders

*SOLD Under the hammer

Record residential sale for Snells Beach according to REINZ statistics.

“Anthony worked tirelessly to achieve a premium sale price for us. His attention to detail and professionalism is second to none. This is the third time we have worked with Anthony in both purchasing and selling property. His expertise in the local area real estate market is fantastic. We cannot recommend Anthony highly enough.” Rachael & Andrew, 15 Piper Lane, Snells Beach

Anthony Shaw 021 234 9797

I have qualified buyers looking to buy in your area, so if you are thinking of selling please give me a call, I’d love to hear from you.



1 December 2017 Your handy pull-out guide

November 2017 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 5 5 November 29,29,2017


Mark Welch

Call us 09 427 5281



David and Pat Little P. 09 425 8143 E. 15 Coquette Street,Warkworth 0910





Mob: 027 240 8330



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ROOFING NZ New • ReRoofs • Cladding Specialists Covering Rodney in Long-Run Iron Local Quality Guaranteed

Matt Tickle Licensed LBP MacJimray Septic Cleaning Services are the Mobile: 021356965 Home: 09 425 6311 septic tank cleaning specialists in your district.

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For your safety we have: • Experienced Qualified Scaffolders • Full range of Equipment • Including Alloy Mobile & Builder’s Props

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Septic Tank/Grease Trap Cleaning Septic & Sewerage Treatment Systems

- Residential & Light Commercial - Quick Stage - OSH Standards - Tube & Clip - Qualified Scaffolders - Reliable Service P 09 425 0300 M 021 774 653 F 09 423 0017

Hibiscus Tiling

Rupert Mather 021 425 837 Graeme Smith 021 422 983 23 Bertram Street, Warkworth

Wall & floor tiling • Accredited Waterproofer Underfloorheating • Free consultations and quotations • 23 years experience

09 425 7393

Phone Darcy 021 482 308

Digital Freeview Satellite Installation & Repairs

TV • FM Aerials • Tuning Additional TV Outlets Phone David Redding 09 422 7227 or 0274 585 457

66 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters November November29, 29,2017 2017 Your handy pull-out guide TV AERIAL & DIGITAL | WATER


Household Water Deliveries

HOUSEHOLD WATER SUPPLY Chemical Free Artesian Water Optimum PH for Health

Freeview Sales & Installation TV & FM Aerials

0800 747 928

P: 09 425 0086 M: 027 544 4006

GAVIN BROUGH Ph 09 425 5495 Mob 0274 766 115



mobile: 027 556 6111

09 423 8061 Tanks: New & Cleaned Pipes: PVC & PE Filter systems Pumps: New & Rebuilt Pipes & Parts Irrigation Supplies 6 Worker Rd, Wellsford • • • Open Mon-Fri 7am - 5pm


021 771 878 • 09 425 6002

Mangawhai: Phil Lathrope 431 4608 | 021 642 668


Rodney Sales & Service 09 422 3245

We Service All Leading Brands!

A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.

email: email:


FOR SALE RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 09 945 0495

M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075 E:

Pumps & Filters Water Treatment Spa & Pool Shop Water Testing Valet Service Water Blasters Tanks & Sprayers 24 Hour Mobile & Workshop Service 31 Woodcocks Rd, Warkworth 09 425 9100

Shop hours Mon - Fri 8am-5pm Sat 9am-12pm

Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.




GRAZING / LEASEBLOCK WANTED Anything considered. Ph 021 078 2014


DRIVEWAYS MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766

• Water treatment & Filtration • Pumps • Pool & Spas • Waterblasters 7days / 24hours Paul Harris

Warkworth: Phone Karl or Kylie Oldham 027 240 7791


clean. care. repair.

• Water Filters • UV Sterilisers • Reverse Osmosis • Water Coolers • Whole House • Water Pumps • Tanks • Rain Harvesting • Pre-Tank Filters

09 4312211

(2007) Ltd

Water Treatment • Pumping Systems • Filtration • UV Sterilizers HOURS • Softeners & Neutralizers • Iron Removal Owen Ward

Call Steve 027 478 7427


Pump & Filtration Services




12ft Fryan with 15 HP Johnson & x 50 Fish Finder Sonar, with Reid Trailer. Top condition. 1 lady owner. $4,200.00 Phone 0274 932 610


GARDENER Reliable & Experienced . Available for all aspects of garden work. Phone Martin 021 254 6660

COLLINS ELECTRONICS HAVE YOU LOST PRIME? Or need your Freeview box tuned for the new channels? TV repairs, microwave oven repairs, Freeview installations. Ph Paul 09 422 0500 or 027 29 222 04 PLUMBER - Hot Water Cylinders, dripping leaking taps, general plumbing & maintenance. Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 094223245


STUMP GRINDING WARKWORTH Stump Removal, Tree Removal, Chipping. Ph 021 623 330

WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole house, UV & water spotting, Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 094223245 WATER PUMPS - no water? old cast iron pump? Sales Service & Installation. Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 094223245

LAWNMOWING RELIABLE LOCAL CONTRACTOR Quality job guaranteed. Ph 021-254-6660. Your handy pull-out guide

November 2017 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 7 7 November 29,29,2017

Christmas Church Notices




Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses & ponies • Birthday rides Lessons • Suit beginners & experienced riders & people with Disabilities Social, Language & School Groups

Book Now 1hr $50 • 2hrs $90 Phone 09 425 8517 42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth Google: Horse Riding Warkworth

MARKETS MUSEUM SUMMER MARKETS 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth. Enquiries Warkworth 425 8482.

SITUATIONS VACANT CARETAKER (FARM) Looking for a special person/couple to care for picturesque farm/lifestyle property near Warkworth. Would suite fit and active possibly retired person with farming background. Capable & happy to live/work maintaining the property and a few cattle. In lieu of salary self contained accommodation & all outgoings will be provided. Phone 027 281 1504

BEAUTY THERAPIST We are looking for one full time and part time beauty therapist wanting to join our team at Facedoctors , pay will be discussed with the right applicants CV emailed to

PART-TIME COUNSELLOR The successful applicant must have full NZAC registration with an understanding of the dynamics of family violence and in-depth experience working with women. The ability to network within our local communities is also essential to this role. For further information please email the Women’s Centre at


Moxy Operators needed now for long term project in Warkworth. Good hours and Pay rate. Must be reliable and drug free. Need to have Class 2 licence and W endorsement or the ability to get them. Call Michelle on 021 929 963 or email

WANTED TO BUY ECE LEADER Are you a passionate ECE leader looking to work in an environment where children, learning and fun are the focus? We have some exciting vacancies in our northern kindergartens, including: • Head Teacher at Wellsford Kindergarten • Head Teacher at Mangawhai Kindergarten These kindergartens are magical places – both unique – to the children, families and communities they serve. Be part of the magic that is the Auckland Kindergarten Association (AKA), and work with us to build confident and competent learners, equipped to realise their full potential. For more information and to apply, head to now!

MAUNGATUROTO 2NDHAND We may buy your garage sale items. We also do deceased estates and downsize houselots. 09 431 8440

WANTED TO RENT GARAGE WANTED Lockable garage needed to store a car for 6-12 months. Preferably with light and power within 10kms of Snells Beach. Only limited access needed to give the car occasional runs. Please call or text Warren on 09-425 6655 or 021-445 189

Warkworth Anglican Parish Christmas Services Carol Service 7.00 pm

Thursday 14 December at St Michael and All Angels, Leigh

Christmas Eve 7.00 pm 11.00 pm


Holy Name Catholic Church 6 Alnwick Street, Warkworth Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church, Puhoi 425 8545 •

SUNDAY MASS TIMES 2017 Saturday 23rd – Warkworth 6pm Sunday 24th Dec Puhoi 8.30am - Warkworth 10.30am

CHRISTMAS CAROLS 2017 Sunday 24th Dec – Christmas Eve Warkworth 6.30pm – Puhoi 8.30pm

CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES 2017 Sunday 24th Dec – Christmas Eve Warkworth 7pm – Puhoi 9pm Monday 25th Dec – Christmas Day Warkworth 9.30am NO MIDNIGHT MASS at EITHER CHURCH There is NO MASS at Puhoi on Christmas Day.

Carol Service at Kaipara Flats Church ‘Midnight Mass’ at St Leonard’s Matakana and Christ Church Warkworth

Christmas Day

Christ Church, Warkworth

8 & 9.30am Christmas Communion Service

St.Leonard’s, Matakana 9.30 am

Christmas Communion Service

St Michael and All Angels, Leigh 9.30 am

Christmas Communion Service Phone 09 425 8054 "O Son of Man! Sorrow not save that thou art far from us. Rejoice not, save that thou art drawing near and returning unto Us."


Phone 425 8545

Holy Mass Timetable: WARKWORTH

Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am


5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am

Warkworth Anglican Parish Church Services Christ Church, Church Hill, Warkworth

Every Sunday 8am and 9.30am St. Leonard's, Matakana

Every Sunday at 9.30am

Snells Beach Community Church

2nd Sunday at 9am

St.Alban's, Kaipara Flats

1st Sunday at 11.15am

St.Michael and All Angels, Leigh


SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am

DIGGER WORK WANTED. Parker Contracting 3.5 ton digger. Hire available. Footings, driveways, landscaping. 021 492 939.


Phone 425 8054 or

PUBLIC NOTICE Lindesay Construction are seeking carpenters & hammerhands to join our existing Mangawhai & Omaha teams for high-end residential projects. Our well-established team of builders offer an unparalleled depth of knowledge to learn from. We have several large projects coming up & are looking to grow our stable crew. Please send your CV and contact details via email to

SNELLS BEACH BAPTIST CHURCH 2017 Christmas Services Christmas Eve Sunday 24th December - 9.30am Christmas Focus. - 7.30pm Children’s Choir, John Wells - Organist Christmas Day Monday 25th December - No Service All welcome


Fish bins are a large cost to our business each year, ultimately costing the fishermen. There are bins all over our community and we would like them bins back please. Please deliver to Leigh Fisheries yard. They will be gratefully received, no questions asked. Or call 09 4226424 to arrange collection.

3rd Sunday at 11.00am

Warkworth Methodist

1 Hexham Street, Warkworth Parish Office: Ph 425 8660 Sunday Service 10.30am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 8053

Snell’s Beach Community Church 325 Mahurangi East Rd Sunday Service 9am HALL BOOKINGS PH 425 5612

Church office - 425 8660


$20 each. Available at Mahurangi Matters, 17 Neville Street, Warkworth. Supported by Mahurangi Matters

88 Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters November November29, 29,2017 2017 Your handy pull-out guide


HOST FAMILIES Mahurangi College is expanding its Homestay Programme and interested host families can contact the College’s Homestay Coordinator (Heather Smith) on 021 720342 or email h.smith@ This will be for the start of Term 1 2018. A tax free remuneration is paid to host families. The international student nationalities are mostly Chinese and Japanese, ages 14-16. The students come for varying lengths of stay from 4 weeks to a term or longer. Information on the programme is also available from the Main Office.

Warkworth and District

Rose and Flower Show Thanks to our sponsors Tumbleweed Garden Centre, Matakana Morris and James Pottery, Matakana Life Pharmacy Franklin’s, Warkworth Not Just Hats, Warkworth Mitre 10 Mega, Warkworth Withers and Co Accountants, Warkworth Paxton-Penman et al, lawyers, Warkworth Whangateau Roses, Matakana Heritage Roses Northland Jason Morrison Funeral Services SUPPORTED BY MAHURANGI MATTERS

Warkworth District High School


Classes of 1958, Celebrating 60yrs Feb 3rd & 4th 2018 Expressions of Interest to: 09 425 5006 or 0274 849 935 Supported by Mahurangi Matters

Jumping off the new wharf.

Grace Fordyce, 10, in a kayak.

Strong community and business support allowed Camp Bentzon to officially open a swag of new and upgraded facilities this month. The outdoor education centre on Kawau Island now boasts a new wharf, upgraded tracks, a Polaris Ranger offroad vehicle and even an observatory for budding astronomers. At the opening, Camp Bentzon Trust board chair Richard Boyle thanked supporters for the numerous ways they had helped the camp become what it is today. This included building bridges, clearing tracks, technical support, donation of materials, financial

support and donation of time. He said the goal of the camp was to inspire young people to reach their full potential. “It’s where youths from all over New Zealand can experience challenges to enable them to grow and become valuable members of society,” he said. He added that reading the heartwarming letters from children who wrote telling of their experiences at the camp made his job as chair worthwhile. Richard also paid tribute to camp managers Peter and Erin Hyde. He said being based on an island,

Peter Hyde with the Polaris Ranger.

Camp Bentzon celebrates upgraded facilities Peter and Erin were obliged to be selfsufficient in a huge range of roles, such as bookkeepers, instructors, cleaners, painters, builders, glaziers, gardeners, landscapers, tree fellers, duck vets, plumbers, electricians, drainlayers, firemen and ‘shoulders to cry on’. Among the guests at the event was David Little, president of Warkworth Lions. He said the Lions had been organising working bees at the camp every year for the last 30 years. “It’s a nice thing to be involved with. Everybody works hard all day and has a few laughs,” he said. The camp has 120 beds and hosts about 6 000 young people each year.




KitchenWorks provides high quality kitchens and cabinetry with superior service. With your essential input, we can design a kitchen that suits your needs and space, is aesthetically pleasing and is highly functional. A kitchen that works! We’ll come to you or you can visit us in our showroom, open Monday to Friday, or Saturday morning by appointment.

Contact details: Peter or Tony 09 422 2001 Tony 021 681 140 Peter 021 681150

Showroom and Factory

12 Morrison Drive Warkworth

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 25

Pensioner’s disappearance subject of investigation The disappearance of a rest home resident from Leigh Road Cottage early last month will be the subject of an internal investigation, which will be reviewed by the Waitemata District Health Board (DHB). Despite an intensive land and sea search by police in the Whangateau area, no trace had been found of 85-year-old Maree Wilkins as Mahurangi Matters went to press. She was last seen around 5.30pm on November 7. DHB director of funding and planning Debbie Holdsworth says it is expected that when a resident goes missing, it is thoroughly investigated by the facility with a focus on identifying why and how the events occurred, and also any underlying system failures. The DHB has requested the investigation findings be made available as soon as possible. “The report will be reviewed to ensure that it is robust and all issues are identified and addressed,” Ms Holdsworth says. “We will monitor the facility to ensure all corrective actions are implemented.” Leigh Road Cottage, which is one of the only specialist dementia units in the Warkworth area, was last audited against the Health & Disability Services Standards and the national Age Related Residential Care Agreement in February this year. “The report shows a high level of compliance, with only one low risk corrective action relating to documentation.” Ms Holdsworth says there is no evidence that any patient has gone missing from the home before. “The facility has been audited and the physical environment meets requirements for a safe environment for residents with dementia. The facility investigation will try to ascertain how Mrs Wilkins was able to exit the dementia unit, and provide improvement opportunities.” Leigh Cottage director Dennie Chiew was preparing the investigation report last week and hoped to have it to the DHB this week. “I’d like to thank the public for their help in searching for Maree,” Dennie said. “This is a small community and a lot of care was shown around

PA S S E N G E R S E RV I C E Providing a wide range of passenger transport solutions for your team, tour group or function.

Phone: 09 423 7416 • Email:

FISHER & PAYKEL APPLIANCE SERVICES Missing pensioner and long-time Baddeleys Beach resident, Maree Wilkins.

Maree being found.” Warkworth officer-in-charge Sgt Scott Sherer told a public meeting, convened by the community in Whangateau on November 16, that there was no evidence to support the idea that Mrs Wilkins had left the area and although police couldn’t rule out foul play, they felt this was unlikely. About 35 residents attended the meeting and expressed concern at the way the search had been conducted, particularly the lack of publicity when Mrs Wilkins was first discovered missing. Several people felt that had the missing person been a child, “it would have been all over the media”. As it was, even people in Warkworth were unaware of Mrs Wilkins’ disappearance. Sgt Sherer agreed that there were lessons to be learned, particularly in terms of how messages were communicated to the immediate community. Although a community search was suggested, police advised against it. However, the community did post flyers around the district in the hope that someone might come forward with information. Aged residential care facility audit reports are publicly available on the Ministry of Health website at health. aged-care/leigh-road-cottage.

Wet weather slows sealing The sealing of the third and final stage of Takatu Road will now be completed in early December, due to poor weather in September delaying works. The road, which runs along Tawharanui Peninsula, was originally scheduled to be completely sealed in March this year. However, multiple delays have pushed that date back to November and now December.

Your locally dedicated Fisher & Paykel technician is ready to service all your Fisher & Paykel, Haier, DCS, Elba & Aspira branded appliances no matter how old your appliance we can help. Best parts price guarantee fixed labour fee, no travel fee and mobile Eftpos available.

Book Online at Or call our 24/7 helpline on 0800 372 273

Taxi Coach & Bus Hire TMV Private Hire Save time heading to and from the Airport and use our Shuttle Service which has access to the Northern Busway. Do you have a Xmas Function coming up? We have a wide range of vehicles to help get everyone safely to and from any event. Sorry for the inconvenience but we are CLOSED XMAS DAY we would like to thank you all for the past year and wish you all a very merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

Phone 09 425 0000

on the waterfeature

26 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

on thewater


Mahurangi provides excellent conditions for surfers.

Expert reveals top tips for riding east coast waves What better way to get out on the water than on a surfboard. According to Che Burnett, of Aotearoa Surf School, surfing is becoming ever more popular. Children as young as four to oldies in their eighties are eagerly taking up the sport. Mahurangi’s relatively safe eastern beaches provide the perfect spot for the beginner to start. All the same, there are a few things the novice surfer should keep

in mind to stay safe and have a great day riding their first waves. Che offers his top 10 surf tips for those about to ride the surf for the first time: 1. Get the right board On the East Coast we tend to have smaller, three-foot waves, and to ride these waves you need a longer board, say seven, eight or nine feet long. A longer board will also be more stable and easier to clamber on

to. Furthermore, get a soft board. If you jump off and the board hits you in the head, it’s going to be much less painful. Too often people try to start surfing with a 6-foot fibreglass, highperformance surf board that they are just going to struggle on and have a poor experience in the water. 2. Cover up You need to stay warm and keep the sun off. There are many wetsuits out

STUCK WITHOUT ONE OF THESE? JUMP ON BOARD Become a Coastguard member today for only $115. Head to or call 0800 BOATIE (262 843).

there, but the one I recommend is known as a “steamer”, which has long arms and legs. Find one with three millimetres of material around your vital organs and 2mm along the length of your arms and legs. This will allow good flexibility for your limbs, while keeping your torso warm. It also offers a lot of protection from the sun. On this point, wearing a hat in the water continued next page

on the waterfeature from previous page

is not a silly idea. There are great surf caps available, but even a cheap baseball cap will work, and they nearly always float. Use a high quality waterresistant sunscreen on any uncovered areas of skin. Put it on 20 minutes before you go into the water to allow it to soak in. Otherwise, it will wash off and into your eyes. 3. Check the forecast Ideal surfing conditions occur when there are low winds. When there are higher winds you end up with a messier, washing-machine effect in the water that can easily get you flustered. 4. Look before you leap When you arrive at the beach, don’t just jump in the water. It’s essential to look at the ocean for at least 10 minutes. Ask yourself what looks like the best surfing spot? What wave patterns can you see? Are waves breaking in shallow areas? Are there any rocks? Are there kids and body boarders swimming in a particular area that you will need to avoid? 5. Test for rips Most people say that you can spot a rip by looking for a flat spot on the water, but it’s actually very difficult to spot a rip this way. The best way to detect a rip is by walking into the water. If there is a rip you will be able feel a feeder current flowing to the left or to the right. The feeder current is looking for a deep channel to head back out into the sea. If the feeder current is going left, head right. If it is going right, head left. Also, set yourself a marker, such as a car park or a tree. Check regularly to see if you have moved in relation to your mark. If you have, head back to the beach and walk back to where you started. Don’t try to swim back.

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 27 6. Warm up The most common injuries in surfing are due to cramp. You should do warm up exercises before any vigorous sport and surfing is no exception. You will be twisting around on a board, bending your knees and paddling using your shoulders. Warm those muscles up to avoid the sprains and strains. 7. Never surf alone Don’t go 100 metres down the beach away from everyone else to surf alone. There’s safety in numbers and probably a good reason why surfers have congregated around a certain spot. Talk to them about surfing conditions and talk to people on the beach. If possible, take an experienced surfing buddy with you. The way to fast- track your surfing skills is learn from someone who has done it before. 8. Stay hydrated Drowning is rare in surfing but dehydration is common. Take plenty of drinking water and be sure to drink it. 9. Start small It’s important to be able to surf in the white water before trying to surf unbroken waves. You can have a lot of fun while mastering surf fundamentals in white water. Practice your timing, moving from a paddling position to a surfing stance (popping up), and steering straight for the beach. Do this before heading into trickier, deeper waters where waves might end up breaking on you. 10. Get a lesson Most surf schools will provide everything the beginner needs for a lesson – board, wetsuit, sunscreen, qualified coaches. You can try out surfing and see if it’s right for you before spending a cent on equipment.

Merry Christmas to all Outdoor & Marine and C & J Motors customers We will be open most weekdays during Christmas, but will be closed for the statutory holidays.

OUTDOOR & MARINE SMALL ENGINE SPECIALISTS 126 Rodney Street • Wellsford • Ph: 09 423 8182

Freemasons fund Caulfield The Rodney Lodge of Freemasons and its parenting body have donated $1500 to Mahurangi College student Julia Caulfield. The money will help fund Julia’s trip on the UN Youth Global Tour through the United States and Europe. She has so far raised over $500 via her givealittle web page.

Visit us on Facebook for daily notices MahurangiMatters

DOC to authorised boat d an gi tan Ma Tiritiri Little Barrier for walking groups

Landing at Little Barrier

on the waterfeature

28 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017 CHANGING PLACES n

Tackle & Outdoor

Laura Puckett (left) embraces all areas of surf life saving from rescues to surf sports.

Life saver to get top training Omaha Surf Life Saving Club vicecaptain Laura Puckett will head to Taranaki next month to gain the top surf life saving training in New Zealand. The 19-year-old was the only member from Omaha this year to be selected for the Advance Lifeguard Award training at Fitzroy Beach from December 8 to 10. “I’m really excited to be participating in this camp as I’m only the second person from Omaha to do so,” Laura says. The training includes advanced inflatable rescue boat (IRB) driving, first aid, search and rescue, and leadership work. Laura has an extensive list of achievements already with a Surf Lifeguard Award, IRB Driver Senior Lifeguard Award, Instructors Award and first aid levels one and two. She started surf life saving aged five and participates in all areas of the sport. “I love that there’s so much variety

with surf life saving, from lifeguarding to first aid to surf sports and more. “It’s my passion to educate people on beach safety and prevent injury for swimmers, so it’s special for me to provide this service to the community.” Her role as vice-captain of the club sees her liaise with Surf Life Saving Northern Region and she also acts as patrol captain where she upskills the lifeguards through scenario training. Outside of training she has made a number of rescues while on duty. “My most memorable one was my first when I was newly qualified as a lifeguard. My heart was racing. It was a rough day at Omaha and I spotted two hands up at the back of a rip outside the flagged area. It was two exhausted women trying to swim back to shore, so I got the IRB to pick them up and I swam back.” Laura has secured a job as a paid lifeguard at various beaches across the region this season.

Regular customers searching for Tackle & Outdoor, formerly on Baxter Street, will be relieved to find that it has not moved far. Tackle & Outdoor can now be found at 12 Elizabeth Street. Owner Anthony Roberts is delighted with the new location, which is easier to access, has more parking outside and has double the space available to display everything the passionate outdoors man or woman needs. This includes a spectacular range of fishing equipment, pig hunting supplies, air guns, diving, chandlery, camping and outdoor clothing – all now attractively laid out for easy perusal. “The Baxter Street premises were simply getting too cramped to show off everything the store has to offer,” Anthony says. And while shoppers browse, they can also call on Anthony for helpful tips and advice on the right gear for them. Among his pearls of wisdom for fishermen is to ensure that they are using good line. He says a common mistake is to spend a lot of money on a rod and reel, but then compromise with a cheap line. He says investing in good line is just as, if not more, important. He is especially pleased to offer the Tecni-Perline range of fishing lines

Anthony Roberts

produced by his family’s business in his native South Africa. Four New Zealand fishing records have been broken using Tecni-Perline lines, including a women’s kingfish catch that was just 250 grams shy of the world record. Anthony first developed his passion for hunting and fishing in South Africa, but considers New Zealand’s East Coast a wonderful place for outdoor pursuits. “The conditions in South Africa are very rugged and dangerous. If something goes wrong on a boat at sea, you could end up in the Antarctic,” he says. “New Zealand waters are much safer, making it easier to go out and fish and get food for the family.”

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on the waterfeature

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 29

Water Safety New Zealand is hoping to reduce deaths by drowning through an increase in education funding.

More cash for water safety Water Safety New Zealand (WSNZ) has thrown $1.66 million at its 2017/18 drowning prevention investment funding round, in an attempt to lower the death toll. Last year, there were 78 preventable fatalities from drowning and related hospitalisations are on the rise. The funding is up 8 per cent from last year’s round and WSNZ chief executive Jonty Mills sees huge value in this. “The water safety sector is predominantly non-government funded and supported by volunteers,” Mr Mills says. “Any additional funding is a lifeline

providing vital education to the most vulnerable.” The funds are distributed across 38 recipients, including Plunket, Surf Life Saving New Zealand and Sport Northland. $1.19 million will be spent specifically on delivering the ‘water skills for life’ programme for those aged 5 to 13. New Zealand is currently at the upper end of the scale for deaths by drowning out of OECD countries, with 86 per cent of those fatalities being males. Mr Mills says with a growing population and many unpatrolled coastal areas, water safety education has become increasingly important.

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on the waterfeature

30 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

Café Sandspit Good Food, Good Times, Good Friends

Fishing Anthony Roberts, Tackle & Outdoors

We cater for Groups, Functions and Christmas bookings, Please call to discuss details.

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Sandspit Wharf and try our fabulous Sandspit Snapper burger.

Mahurangi Marine

BOAT SHOW HUTCHWILCO NZ BOAT SHOW SPLASHBACK SPECIAL Effective 15th May - 30th June 2014 New Zealand's largest and most popular Boat Show is on at the Auckland ASB showground’s Thursday 15th - Sunday 18th May. Honda Marine will have a stand displaying the full range of outboard motors and will be offering a SPLASH BACK promotion. The SPLASH BACK promotion is a Nationwide offer on retail sales of any new Honda outboard purchased from 15th May until 30th June 2014. Refer table on page 2 for SPLASH BACK amounts per individual unit. 2.3HP = $200 SPLASH BACK

30HP - 60HP = $500 SPLASH BACK


80HP - 150HP = $1,000 SPLASH BACK


8HP - 15HP = $300 SPLASH BACK

175HP - 200HP = $2,000 SPLASH BACK


225HP – 250HP = $2,500 SPLASH BACK

Terms & Conditions: SPLASH BACK offer applies to all new retail outboard sales from 2.3HP - 250HP . Offer applies to floor stock, consignment stock and new unit purchases. This SPLASH BACK offer overrides all other promotions ie: Units purchased between the period 15th May - 30th June do not count towards the quarterly unit rebate scheme. How does the SPLASH BACK promo work? Every outboard purchased during this period will be invoiced to Dealers at normal dealer buy excl GST LESS the SPLASH BACK amount Incl GST. Dealers discount for the customer the RRP excl GST by the SPLASH BACK amount off the outboard. Dealers need to supply Honda Marine with a copy of customer invoice to receive a Dealer SPLASH BACK rebate on sales of existing floor stock and consignment stock. Dealers must also order a replacement engine of similar HP. This replacement unit will also receive the SPLASHBACK rebate. (Not applicable to new units sales as SPLASH BACK amount will automatically be deducted). Advertising and Promotional material: Each Dealer will receive SPLASH BACK point of sale to display on showroom stock.

Mahurangi Marine Holiday Hours 2017

Closed 24-27 December. Normal Business hours resume 28 December. Emergency Phone Number 0800 733 830.

Mahurangi Marine Ltd - Phone Wayne 425 5806 330 Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach

Be in quick for snapper Frustration must be on every angler’s mind at this stage. We are all asking the question, “When will the weather finally give us a break?” Nevertheless, many a hardy fisher has braved going out and reaped the benefits by landing some handsome catches. From reports, it appears that the average size of snapper caught is bigger than last year. This is largely due to the increase in the legal minimum size for snapper, which has gone up from 270mm to 300mm in our waters. I am impressed at how many anglers only take fish between 350mm to 500mm, letting go of specimens either side of those measurements. During November, snapper have been coming together in large schools to spawn in deeper waters. This will soon change as they move back to the reefs and estuaries during summer, making them a little more difficult to catch. But right now catches are still very good in the deeper waters, say 40 metres deep, as the spawning process is not fully over. Female snapper are currently full of eggs. During spawning, females and males release their eggs and sperm together. This happens nearer the water surface and at night. The whole school does this together at the same time. Meanwhile, summer holidays are just around the corner, and I strongly suggest that skippers go through their safety gear. Sadly, we often only think about safety when we are in trouble and then it’s too late. Here is a short checklist for your perusal. You can never be over cautious. • Lifejackets. See that inflatable ones have a fully-charged CO2 cartridge. If in doubt, bring it to Tackle & Outdoors for a free check. • Flare kit. Flares have a limited life of about three years. Check the dates and replace them if needed. • Medical kit. Do you have an adequate medical emergency kit on board your boat? Check and replace anything missing. • EPIRB. Do you have an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon? If so, check the battery expiry date as these have a limited life in sealed units. • Anchor. Do you have a spare anchor and rope? Check shackles and splicing for rust and wear. • Toolkit. Keep a basic set of tools on board. You never know what you might need to fix in an emergency. • Water. Take extra water for each person on board. You need at least 5 litres of emergency water per person. • Miscellaneous. Make sure you are carrying the following: Hand-held mirror, compass, GPS, whistle, sunscreen and hat. Tight Lines! BC6007

OPEN 7 DAYS over Summer.

Fantastic facilities, beachfront caravans, tourist flats, cabins and powered sites. It’s incredible value. Safe swimming, fishing, great walks, picnic spots and attractions nearby. 50 minutes north from central Auckland. 287 Martins Bay Road, RD2, Warkworth. Book now visit phone 0800 624 7275 or 09 425 5655 or email

on the waterfeature

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 31

We specialise in the sale of Quality Fishing rods, reels and tackle. BAIT AND ICE We provide the service of air fills and Dive bottle Visual and Hydrostatic testing. Sale and hire-age of full dive gear Shop 17 Mahurangi Shopping Centre, Mahurangi East Road. Website: Email: Phone: 09 425 5324 Opening Hours: Open 7 days a week • Mon-Tue 8-5.30 • Wed & Fri 7.30-5.30 • Sat 7.00-4pm • Sun 7.30-2pm

The Mangawhai Heads Surf Life Saving Club is looking at ways to keep boaties and swimmers safe in its waters this summer.

Pressure piles on for surf club The Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Surf Life Saving Club (MHVSLSC) is looking for an increase in members and funds to meet the growth in beachgoers. The club has seen an increase in juniors this season, with 100 signing up for the summer programme, but numbers have remained static for seniors at 40 life guards. MHVSLSC executive Tony Baker says while they haven’t seen a drop in membership, an increase in the local population means greater demand for lifeguards. “The growth of our service hasn’t met that of the population and neither has the funding we receive,” Tony says. Surf Life Saving Northern Region chief executive Matt Williams has outlined this problem a number of times. He says the funding model is on a year by year basis with no secure financial backing available for clubs in the Northern Region, which are coming under constant pressure. In Mangawhai’s case, the club is also required to deal with boating-related

Got a story to tell? Let us know.

incidents many times each year “Every year, we get boats that flip on the bar at the heads. I’ve seen over 100 near misses in the last decade. “I would say a third of boaties have no idea what they’re doing when they come into these waters.” Because of this, MHVSLSC has joined forces with the Mangawhai Boating and Fishing Club and the Northland Regional Harbour Master this summer. “We are looking at ways to educate people about this coastline and how they can navigate it safely in a boat,” Matt says. Tony is pleased with the quality of the club’s facilities following a $200,000 upgrade over the past five years, including a full kitchen renovation for $50,000. “The clubhouse was built in 1967, so it was in need of some attention. It’s great to have a space that can be used by the lifeguards and community.” The club has two main events coming up this summer – the Jackman Waterman Classic on December 2 and the Lifeguard Longboard Nationals in late February. Email Phone 425 9068

Kawau Island Super Cruise

Also known as the ‘Royal Mail Run’ & the largest NZ mail cruise by water. This cruise combines onboard BBQ lunch & 1.5 hour stopover with bush walks and museum.

Adult: $68 (Optional onboard BBQ lunch $27) Senior/Student: $63 Family: (2+2): $190 Child: $34 (BBQ lunch $16) Children 5-15 years Departs: Daily from Sandspit wharf at 10.30am Reporting time 30 min prior to departure. Returns back to Sandspit: 2.30pm, or 5pm Highlights: Calm water cruising - 1.5hr or optional 4 hour island stopover - BBQ lunch with choice of NZ Salmon or Sirloin - Visit Mansion House Museum - Explore Sit George Grey’s ‘Garden of Eden’ - Search for Wallabies, Wekas and Peacocks - More than 5 excellent DOC bush walks from 15 to 1.5hrs - Free walking maps when boarding - Learn the history and legends of this unique area - Swim, fish off the rocks, snorkel. This is a great way for locals & travellers alike to combine a cruise & island visit with nature, history & a fun day out. Cruise the beautiful bays of Kawau Island, dropping mail off to the locals as we gain a rare glimpse into life on an island that has no roads. Watch Gannets diving for food & keep a look out for Penguins & Dolphins! Enjoy your island stop where you can visit Mansion House Museum, Sir Governor Grey’s Garden of Eden, or take one of many walks to historic sites whilst watching Kawau’s wildlife. A delicious traditional Kiwi BBQ lunch onboard is an optional extra. Family Pass $190 Under 5 years Free*

* Please note: DOC admission fee for the Mansion House of $4 Adult and $2 Child (Cash only)

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32 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017



Activist urges government action on depressed mums As the government gears up to launch its promised mental health inquiry to stem climbing numbers of suicides, a Maungaturoto health activist is urging more attention be paid to depressed mothers. Spokesperson for Maternal Care Action Group Kristina Paterson says women suffering untreated depression and anxiety during pregnancy and in the first three years of their child’s life are more likely to raise a child who will suffer mental and behavioural problems later in life, and who is more likely to become suicidal. Although still taking care of their baby’s physical needs, depressed mothers can struggle to respond to their child’s emotional needs, for example, by having unhappy facial expressions or exhibiting anxiety when their child is distressed. “Those formative years are incredibly important and usually set a child up for the rest of their life,” Kristina says. She says early intervention through the successful treatment of maternal depression is far easier than dealing with more complex mental problems later when their children grow up. Despite this, successive governments have neglected maternal mental health, leading to a dramatic increase

Maungaturoto mum Kristina Paterson (right) with her own mother Diana Strom and son Nathan.

in mental health problems overall and putting enormous strain on mental health services. “We can prevent being in such a

crisis and having such a high demand on services if we can address things earlier,” Kristina says. Specifically, Maternal Care Action will

be pressing the government for more training for midwives around the issue of perinatal depression and training to enhance midwives’ ability to screen mothers for such depression. They will seek more spending on early intervention services for depressed mothers and more spending on counselling services for mothers who may be suffering depression,but whose symptoms do not currently meet the criteria for state support. Kristina says one in eight mothers in New Zealand experience antenatal depression and one in five postnatal depression – about 11,000 mums each year. “Even though suicide is the leading cause of maternal deaths in New Zealand, we have a low rate of screening for depression,” Kristina says. Health Minister David Clark has begun discussions regarding setting up its mental health inquiry, which is on the government’s agenda for its first 100 days in office. During the election, Labour vowed to resolve New Zealand’s “mental health crisis,” a policy that survived coalition talks. Kristina hopes Maternal Care Action will form part of an inquiry advisory panel particularly in relation to suicide prevention.

Kawau Bay Health | Introducing our Associate GPs Kawau Bay Health would like to introduce our Associate GPs who are welcoming new patients. Our GPs all enjoy a variety of ACC and medical work, Dr Amy MacBeth is an experienced family GP with a special interest in women’s and child health. Dr Andrew Duffin enjoys seeing a broad range of conditions but is particularly interested in men’s health and ophthalmology. Dr Isabel Titlow enjoys being a family GP, and Jing He has an interest in travel immunisations, and women’s health, running regular women’s health screening clinics. Jing also speaks fluent Chinese and Mandarin and can consult in these languages on request. In 2018 we will be introducing our Practice/patient portal to enable you to book appointments and order repeat scripts online. For more information, an appointment or to enrol with the Practice contact Kawau Bay Health on 09 425 1199. Warkworth or Snells Beach 09 425 5055.


November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 33

Centre to progress on Hill Street A new childcare centre, Millie’s House, will open in January 2019 at 63-65 Hill Street in Warkworth after being granted resource consent in August. The centre will cater for up to 70 children and 10 staff. It will open from 7am to 6pm weekdays. Developer Robert Shannon says the consent process took longer than anticipated, but he is happy with the result. “There are no conditions in the consent that concern us so we will proceed with construction mid next year,” Mr Shannon says. The resource consent faced some opposition. Jon Waters, who lives next to the development, had a number of concerns including traffic management and sewerage. Prior to the hearing, he collected 156 signatures in a petition against the development. “At the hearing, it felt like the experts were paid to get this consent through and we were ignored,” Mr Waters says. His primary concern was about vehicles leaving the centre carpark and the visibility they would have of traffic

coming over the hill crest next to View Road. Auckland Transport has acknowledged this issue and is planning to erect a traffic island and ‘slow pads’ on the Falls Road side of the hill. “I’m happy that any potential issues will be solved by requirements in the resource consent,” Mr Shannon says. Mr Waters says the sewerage pipe from the Hill Street property runs through his property and will need to be widened to meet commercial standards. However, Mr Shannon says there are alternatives to running the pipe through Mr Waters property. The existing house will be extended and 19 car parking spaces will be provided. “We chose Warkworth for the centre because of the forecasted growth, but we predict it will take a while for it to reach full capacity once open.” According to the Millie’s House website, Mr Shannon first became involved with childcare centres as an investor in 1992 before developing three in New Zealand. He sold those in 2004 and moved to the UK, where he ran 15 childcare centres.

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Rebus keeps wheels rolling Members of the Warkworth Rebus Club have been on the move. In the past few months they have visited a Coatesville garden, toured Auckland Zoo and attended the Auckland night trots. The club meets at the Totara Park Hall on the fourth Tuesday of each month, from February to December, starting at 10am. New members are very welcome. Betty Brayshaw recently took over the role of president from Iris Mee. Betty is also membership secretary and can be contacted on 422 0534 by anyone interested in joining.

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34 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017


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Got issues with Auckland Council? For personal assistance book an appointment. Council Service Centre, 1 Baxter Street, Warkworth. Between 10am and 12pm. Next session: Friday December 8

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Pitfalls of frequent eating There are many ideas about what is best when it comes to frequency of eating. Smaller more frequent meals and ‘grazing’ have become trendy in recent years. The theory is that if we eat less but more frequently it reduces the load on our digestive systems. However, this theory is flawed. In fact, eating this way can actually put your digestive tract under more stress. Of course, when it comes to digestion we are all different. Also things are different across a person’s lifespan. The digestion of a baby will be different to an elderly person. What follows will be most relevant to adults. To understand the importance of eating frequency, it is a good idea to understand the basics of our digestive tract. The first, and often overlooked, part of digestion is the visual aspect. This begins the preparatory phase – getting the body ready for digestion. If you watch food ads on TV and your stomach begins to rumble, you will know what I mean. Smelling food comes next and helps to stimulate the digestive enzymes. Again, you are probably aware of what the smell of delicious food cooking does to your stomach. The next part happens when you get the food in to your mouth. Saliva production really kicks into gear when the chewing begins. If your grandparents told you to chew each mouthful 32 times then they were speaking words of wisdom. Not everything needs this level of chomping, but it gets you thinking about really chewing the food. This is much better than just inhaling food, as we can tend to do. Next stop is the stomach. This is where the food meets hydrochloric acid and is broken down further. Food is typically in the stomach for two hours, but this can be longer during illness or after overeating. When the stomach has done its thing, the food passes into the small intestine. The small intestine is about 20 feet long and food takes about four hours to travel through it. The food then goes through the large intestine, which is about five feet long. This is the slowest stage of digestion and may take up to 40 hours, depending on what you have eaten. The point of describing the time for digestion is so we can understand what happens if you eat too frequently. It is ideal to give the digestive tract a rest from digesting – at least with respect to the stomach and most of the small intestine. So five to six hours between meals is ideal. Nevertheless, if you are diabetic or have hypoglycaemia (low blood sugars) this may not be appropriate. Of course, to be able to do this you will need to eat a balanced meal. This should include protein and real whole grains to give you the energy needed to keep going.

Warkworth Birth Centre

quality maternity care

New Mums Group 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 10am-12pm

ALL MOTHERS WELCOME FREE pregnancy tests Prenatal classes, birth venue & post-natal stay Own room in peaceful rural surroundings Excellent equipment and atmosphere Water birth a speciality Midwives on call at all times, and as backup for your caregiver (LMC)  Full post-natal hospital stay  24 hour Registered Midwives/Nurses to care for you and your baby  You can transfer from your birth hospital within 12 hours of normal birth or 24 - 48 hours following a Caesarian

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Sudoku Solution For further information talk to your LMC/Midwife or Warkworth Birth Centre

Phone 09 425 8201 56 View Road, Warkworth


November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 35

Cuisine Nicola Bolton

Saundarya Spa

Dinner for a good lunch


The gradual rise in temperature seems to have boosted my efficiency. Over the past month, I have turned the soil and replanted the vegetable garden, fibreglass patched a few cracks in the boat, scrubbed the caravan, spring-cleaned the house, and chopped three months’ worth of firewood for winter. How’s that for productivity? Alongside all this I have been experimenting with pastry fillings. I love pastries because the hard part comes in a packet. They’re simple, they’re tasty, and what you don’t eat for dinner can be taken for lunch the next day. This last part is actually my favourite. There’s nothing like a piece of leftover homemade pie. This latest dish is one I have been making for a Sunday lunch. My small family only eat half of it, so the other half gets turned in to what I call the ‘Dinner for Lunch’. The remaining pie gets neatly cut in to smaller pieces, parcelled, and packed in Monday’s lunchboxes, with some cherry tomatoes on the side. Delish!

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Summer Spinach and Feta Pie 2 bunches (approx 750g) of fresh spinach 2 Tb olive oil 1 onion, chopped 8 sheets filo pastry (thawed) 50g melted butter 250g feta, roughly crumbled

4 fresh eggs 1 cup sour cream ¼ tsp ground nutmeg Lashings of freshly ground salt and pepper 1 Tb roughly chopped parsley or dill

Preheat your oven by switching it to bake at 180 degrees. Start by washing all your spinach in cold water. Wilt the spinach quickly in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Remove spinach from pan and press out any excess liquid using a colander and/or paper towel. Roughly chop and place in a large bowl. Put your two tablespoons of oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Throw in your chopped onion and cook for approximately four minutes or until the onion is soft. Pop the cooked onions in to the bowl with the prepared spinach. Now you can start playing with the pastry. In a 22cm square, rectangle or similar ovenproof dish (lined with baking paper), place one of your sheets of filo. Let some of the pastry overhang the edges of the dish and trim any excess. Brush your first sheet of filo with the melted butter, then top with another sheet. Repeat the process until all eight layers have been brushed and stacked. Add the feta, parsley, eggs, sour cream, nutmeg, salt and pepper to the spinach and onions and mix. Pour the contents evenly over the pastry base. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes or until golden. This dish is delectable whether served warm or cold.

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36 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

Grieving? Know someone who is? Christmas and the holidays can be stressful, and even more so if you have gone through the loss of having a close relative or friend die. Depending on your loss, your personality and a myriad of other factors; grief can affect our emotions, our physical health and our thoughts. Adding Christmas into the mix may stir up all of these feelings and so it might be helpful to have some strategies in place to support you through the “silly season”. Sometimes all we need is someone to talk to about our loved one, or someone who understands what it is like or maybe share some practical guidance. It is ok to grieve. There can be times in the midst of a happy (or difficult) situation, we remember that an important someone isn’t there to share the moment, and it hurts. Talking about these things, or even just quietly listening to others, helps and the GriefShare – Grief Recovery Support programmes create a safe place for you to explore your own journey.


Grant Clifton, Countrywise Financial

Good news for first home buyers

About 12 months ago when the Reserve Bank introduced the loan-to-value ratio (LVR) restrictions, I wrote about how hard it would become for first-time buyers who did not have 20 per cent deposit or KiwiSaver funds to purchase their first home. The changes to both the LVR and debt servicing calculations did catch many bank borrowers by surprise when their loans were declined. Alternatively, they found out the bank would lend them far less than they are used to borrowing. Although nothing has been formally announced by the Reserve Bank, there are plenty of whispers around to suggest that a review is underway, and we may see an easing of at least the LVR restrictions in the near future. My prediction is that by February or March next year, we will see an announcement in this regard. Housing statistics company CoreLogic and real estate agencies are certainly On Saturday 2nd December, 7pm at Mahurangi Presbyterian Church, reporting that the market has slowed in both sales numbers and price rises. In fact, in some parts of Auckland we are seeing prices drop slightly. Days on the Wilson Centre Hall, 5 Pulham Rd, Warkworth, there will be Dessert market have increased and auction clearance rates have dropped. Are we about and Surviving the Holidays Grief Support DVD Seminar & Discussion. to enter the buyer’s market phase? This is an opportunity for anyone within the community who would like some tips and ideas on The new government, under their KiwiBuild scheme, has pledged to build 100,000 how to work through a grief in the midst of Christmas and holiday celebrations. Learn ahead of new houses over the next 10 yrs. Half of these will be built in Auckland. This is a tentime about the possibilities of being ambushed by grief and what strategies you can have for your fold increase in the number of affordable houses being built in Auckland each year, For more information or to register your interest, please contact from 500 to 5,000. The stand-alone KiwiBuild homes in Auckland will be priced Alison Heckler via email: or 021-234-0885 at $500,000-$600,000, with apartments and terraced houses under $500,000. or Register at the church on 425-8861 (9am – 1pm Tuesday to Friday) Outside of Auckland, prices are likely to range from $300,000-$500,000. KiwiBuild homes will only be sold to first home buyers. To avoid buyers reaping windfall gains, a condition of sale will require them to hand back any capital gain if sold on within five years. The government is allocating a $2 billion fund to enable these homes to be built. These funds will be recycled to build more homes as they are sold to first home buyers. So, if you are an aspiring first home buyer, its looks as though there are changes on the horizon to help make it easier to get into your first home. If you Give th are such a buyer, I would suggest that you start getting your own finances in order e gift o f healthnow so that you are ready to apply. You can do this by having your own financial situation looking as good as possible for a mortgage approval. Experience over 29 years in the finance industry has shown me that dealing with any government Traditional Acupuncture for sports scheme has fish hooks. The current HomeStart program using KiwiSaver is injuries/pain/specific dis-ease complex and requires you to meet a number of criteria before you will get approval. Our acupuncturists are ACC treatment providers If buying your first home is in your plans for 2018, act now and seek out advice on what you need to do to ensure you get approved first time around.

Want tips on Surviving Grief during Christmas?





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High school reunion Foundation pupils who attended Warkworth District High School in 1958 will gather for a reunion next February, on Waitangi Weekend. It will be 60 years since the “new” secondary school opened and all students who attended in that year are invited to a get-together. Warkworth District High School was re-named Mahurangi College in 1962. Reunion organiser Dave Parker says contacting former pupils is proving difficult. “I am encouraging those who have expressed interest to make every effort to either pass on the information or forward class member names and contacts of that year to me,” Mr Parker says. The reunion programme will feature an assembly and meet & greet at Mahurangi College on Saturday February 3 followed by a social gathering at The Bridgehouse. Info:

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 37


Bev Ross, Mangawhai Museum


Steve Shields, Secretary Manager, Mangawhai Club Incorporated

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The picture (above left) shows where the McInnes shipyards were situated in Mangawhai from the mid 1850s until the late 19th century. Work shavings were still to be seen there in the 1940s and stub remnants from the slipway were photographed in the 1990s. I don’t know what our folk at that time called the little cove, but I call it ‘Shipyard Bay’ for easy reference. It is situated between the Heather Street steps and Bullet Point. Experienced shipbuilders from the Nova Scotian settlement at Waipu came to Mangawhai estuary and set up shipbuilding yards at Shipyard Bay. They built several cutters and schooners. There were other smaller craft created for river use, but their main orders were for cutters, which ranged in sizes up to 32 tons. Schooners could be as big as 92 tons. Donald McInnes and Donald Hugh McKenzie designed and built the shipyards. They chose Mangawhai due to the ready availability of labour from retired members of the 58th Regiment. The men were living near the river on land they had received as gratuity for their services, prior to the disbandment of their regiment in 1858. All ships built were registered by Donald McInnes. Another shipyard at Freemans Bay, Auckland, was also in Donald’s name. Ships built for local and overseas customers were: 1862 - ‘Three Brothers’ – cutter – 18.9 tons – built for Capt. Robert Seymour, coastal trader 1862 – ‘Abeona’ – schooner – 44.57 tons – built for Messrs Rattray and Matheson 1863 – ‘Daring’ – schooner – 31,14 tons – built for Master Phipps of the Kaipara 1864 – ‘Stag’ – cutter – (built at Freemans Bay) – Master E. Beaver 1865 – ‘Maid of Erin’ – schooner – 72.97 tons (built Freemans Bay) – Capt. Robert Seymour 1867– ‘Alarm’ – cutter – 30.2 tons – built for Capt. Robert Seymour 1872 – ‘Dolly Varden’ – cutter – 20.48 tons – built for Capt. Williamson of Bluff 1872 – ‘Columbia’ – schooner – 46.42 tons – built for Master Roderick McLeod 1874 – ’Jessie Henderson’ – schooner – 92.06 tons – built for Mr Williams and Capt. Robinson 1875 – ‘Leo’ – cutter – 32.34 tons – built by Donald McInnes at Mahurangi 1877 – ‘Tangihua’ – cutter – 31.05 tons – the last ship ordered by Capt. Robert Seymour and the last registered by McInnes as being built at Mangawai. A pencil drawing of the schooner ‘Daring’ is the only known depiction of a boat that was built at Mangawhai during those early years. It was sketched by Edwin Brookes in 1863 (the sketch above is courtesy of the Edward Halfpenny family).


The schooner ‘Daring’.

The Mangawhai Club prides itself on being a vital part of this great community. Every year The Club generously grants and donates thousands of dollars to enhance the facilities, and well being of the Community and it’s people. The Mangawhai Club has a membership of 1700 mainly local people, with many others owners of holiday homes in the area. On top of this, The Club runs various sporting tournaments and events throughout the year, and due to this success, we are proud and able to offer Community groups the opportunity to apply for funding for worthwhile projects. Applications will close the first week of December 2017, with the successful applicants being contacted in early February 2018. If you feel we can help with your goals, please email the Secretary Manager, on


‘Shipyard Bay’, Mangawhai

Mangawhai Club Applications for Funding


19th century ships at Mangawhai












38 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

From left, Holly Paddison, Jackson Douglas and Brady Johnson.

PTA board chair Donna Wech got dunked for her troubles.

Eden Healy won the Champion Lamb trophy with Snowflake.

Jake Capitao with his lamb Tornado tried his hand at animal leading.

Kaipara Flats School country show goes back to rural roots Speed shearing, gumboot throwing and cow pat bingo were just a few of several new events at the Kaipara Flats School Country Show Day, which helped to raise $29,000 on Saturday, November 4. Principal Gary O’Brien said the results were fantastic and well up on last year, when torrential rain hampered the event. “The great thing is that we’ve got a

brand new PTA executive committee who ran the whole thing, brought in new activities like shearing, and took it back to its rural roots,” he said. “For them to raise that sort of money at their first show is fabulous.” He said a real highlight was the animal leading, with 40 lambs and 10 calves and their student handlers taking part, which was well up on previous years. A speed shearing competition and two rounds of cow pat bingo



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also proved popular. Year 6 students set up and ran their own stalls and managed to raise $45 each towards their school camp fees at Tangihua Lions Lodge, but the bulk of the money made at the event will go towards buying a new pool cover and improving play equipment. “This will go a long way to redeveloping our playground,” Mr O’Brien said. “We’ll be upgrading and

replacing bits of adventure playground and putting some new things in.” The new speed shearing contest was a hit and was dominated by brothers Toa and Whetu Henderson, who picked up the lion’s share of the $500 prize pot provided by Rabobank. Shearing results: 1, Toa Henderson 43.1 seconds, $250; 2, Dan Donaghue, 49.3s, $150; 3, Whetu Henderson, 49.5s, $100.

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 39


37 Morrison Drive, Warkworth The Warkworth Scout Group was delighted to receive a check for $4000.

Disbanded brigade donates The Warkworth Boys’ Brigade has given away $20,000 to five local community groups after going into recess three years ago. The brigade disbanded due to a leadership shortage and the executive decided this month to off load its assets to like-minded groups. The sum was split equally between

ICONZ Snells Beach, Springboard Community Works, The Jane Gifford Trust, Warkworth Scout Group and Mahurangi Vision Trust. The brigade ran for 57 years with almost 200 members in Warkworth at its peak. ICONZ in Snells Beach is a rebranded branch of Boy’s Brigade that runs similar activities for boys.

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Book reveals tales of Kawau Island Around 100 stories from different writers on the history of Kawau Island were released in a book, True Tales of Kawau Island, on November 9. The book was put together by Don Armitage of Whangarei, who has been working on the project with around 60 writers since April. This marks Don’s fifth book in the True Tales series. He has produced three on Great Barrier Island and one on the Chatham Islands. “True Tales is a great format for creating a book that provides both a

historical resource and a coffee table read,” Don says. “With such a great range of writers who wouldn’t necessarily produce a book themselves, it puts stories in print that may otherwise have been lost.” Don, a maritime historian, contributes a small number of stories to each book. The book can be purchased from Kawau Cruises at the Sandspit Wharf ticket office for $40. Thirty books were picked up within the first week of sales.

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40 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017


Chris Gaskin, Northern NZ Seabird Charitable Trust

Flying goats in the gulf Here in Rodney, the natural world provides signals that tell us that summer is on its way – for example, cabbage trees in full flower abuzz with bees, pohutukawa in bud (in some places already breaking out in flower), garden and bush birds actively into their breeding season, and shining cuckoos getting quieter after their spring flush of calls. But these are common through much of New Zealand. But in Rodney there’s one summer signal that’s unique to our region. This is heard as a rapid-fire ‘kek kek kek kek kek’ coming from the night sky. Megan Young, a student studying storm petrels on an island in the Hauraki Gulf, likened them to ‘flying goats’. They also modulate their staccato calls with strange ducklike calls, and sometimes you hear an intimate purring call. These calls are made by Cook’s petrels. Ninety-five per cent of the world’s population of these petrels breed on Te Hauturu-o-Toi (Little Barrier Island), almost 2 million birds. Their population is steadily increasing since cats and rats were eradicated in the 1970s and 2004 respectively. Cook’s petrels are a small petrel, smaller than a red-billed gull, and weigh about 180grams. They arrive back in New Zealand waters in

September, following their migration to the North Pacific over a period of four to five months. They lay their eggs in November. After that we start to get this nightly audio show, which continues right through summer. It’s heard across Rodney; from Titirangi to the Kaipara in the west, and from East Coast Bays to Mangawhai in the east. What’s going on? Cook’s petrels find food well offshore during breeding, initially for themselves, then to raise their chicks once they’ve hatched. Each pair raises one chick. They can cover hundreds of kilometres on foraging trips over several days. They depart Hauturu and either fly past East Cape and down towards the Chathams, or they fly up around North Cape and the Three Kings, and out into the Tasman Sea. They feed mostly on squid, which they catch at night. Like most petrels (and related shearwaters, prions, diving petrels and storm petrels) they are nocturnal over land. After the foraging trips to the Tasman Sea they take a ‘short cut’ back to the Hauraki Gulf and Hauturu. They hit Auckland’s West Coast at dusk and start making their way across the narrow stretch of mainland, an area seabird folk have dubbed the ‘North Auckland Flyway’. They appear to navigate by landmarks,

Cook’s petrel. Photo, Edin Whitehead

ridges and valleys. It is possible they now recognise towns and strings of street lights. On misty nights, we see them flying along our road (Leigh Road), just above the lights or further up, ghosting through the mist and calling to each other. On some clear nights, they fly through silently – well almost. No calling, but it’s possible to hear the thrum of their wing beats as the pass over. It’s then that you realise their flight over land is very different from at sea. Over land their wings flutter rapidly; however, at sea they are extremely dynamic, using the wind to fly in easy fluent arcs with very little perceptible wing movement. There are two million birds on Hauturu, and up to one third of these are non-breeding birds (that is, birds too young to breed or failed breeders). Without the need to raise a chick they have time on their hands (wings). If you are out in the outer Gulf through

the summer months you can see many of them during the day, sometimes in rafts, often in flight. But as night approaches, they appear restless – some indulging in display flights, chasing each other in pairs or groups, their calls echoing across the water. At nightfall, they start making their way to Hauturu. If you have the privilege of working on this very special island at night, or just anchored close by, it’s an extraordinary event to witness. The sound of their calling can be deafening. Breeding birds, those with a purpose at the end of their long foraging flights, will make their way unerringly to their burrows deep within the forest on this spectacularly rugged island. Young birds will also make their way to land, some prospecting for a suitable place for a burrow. For a while, this remarkable small seabird becomes a forest bird – sharing the Hauturu night with kakapo, kiwi, kaka and morepork.






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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 41

Send your nominations to

Congratulations to Pat Steinkamp, of Warkworth, who is a recipient of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. She was nominated by Margaret Olsen, who wrote:

Pat was so kind during the final weeks of my husband’s illness. Many visitors dropped by during this challenging time. She was constantly offering help and brought a stream of tasty soups and treats. Especially delicious were her ginger cakes and leek soup. Her husband Paul would also devise tasty meals to suit my husband’s restrictive diet. When reserves were low, help and kindness from friends and family were such a comfort.

Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.


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Confusion may be barrier to asset improvements Community assets that require funds for renewal may not be receiving all of the money they could due to confusion between Auckland Council and the Rodney Local Board. Since the amalgamation of Council during the Supercity transition, depreciation has been built into the cost of all assets, so funds are always available when renewal of those assets is required. Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke says depreciation funds cannot be reallocated to other assets. “Two years ago, when we decided to renew Kowhai Park, a number of people wanted us to spend the money elsewhere, but we were informed we couldn’t spend the park’s depreciation fund on any other assets,” Ms Houlbrooke says. Because of this the board looked at implementing more flexibility into the way it can manage funds during its governance structure process this year. However, Council general manager of corporate finance and property Kevin Ramsay says that depreciation funds

Playground delayed to next year A playground to be built at Lucy Moore Park, as a joint effort between Warkworth Lions and the Rodney Local Board, will not be completed until early next year. The project was originally set to be finished in June, but Warkworth Lions president David Little says an extensive consultation process has caused the big delay. “We’ve done everything from on-site open days to speaking with college students to make sure we have a facility the community is really going to enjoy,” David says. As it stands, Lions is waiting for Auckland Council to accept its landowner consent application,

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can be moved between assets. “The depreciation funds are not held on individual assets and can be used where they are most needed,” he maintains. Ms Houlbrooke says a number of council financial systems are difficult to understand and interpretation can vary between staff. “I meet with all of the other local board chairs and often we have different understandings around what can and can’t be done,” she says. Ms Houlbrooke would also like to see money saved during asset renewal work to go back into local facilities. Currently, any money saved on asset renewal is fed back into the fund for the whole Auckland region, not just Rodney. “This means we have no incentive to cut costs or employ community help because we won’t necessarily save any money for Rodney itself,” she says. Mr Ramsay confirmed that money saved is put back into a wider Auckland depreciation fund.


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submitted a fortnight ago, before it proceeds. The park’s design features climbing platforms, in-ground trampolines, flying foxes and a high swing – all aimed at children aged from 11 to 14. However, only the two flying foxes and trampolines will be ready for use early next year. “We don’t have any funding past the $100,000 grant given by the local board. We will have to see what funding is available next year to complete the whole design. “After all of the hard work we’ve put in we’re looking to forward to opening this facility for the public to use.”

Warkworth Foodlink Christmas Foodlink boxes are now available from the Mahurangi Matters office, 17 Neville Street, Warkworth. The Christmas Box appeal is organised by Warkworth Christian Foodlink, which is encouraging individuals, groups and businesses to fill the boxes with food to support families in need. Info:


November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 43

Love the ambience of an Outdoor Fire Despite a very wet winter, the Mangawhai Golf Club greens are in great condition ahead of the Toro Men’s Interprovincials.

Mangawhai to host golf comp The Mangawhai Golf Club will have its first shot at hosting the Toro Men’s Interprovincials tournament from December 4 to 9. The annual amateur competition is played between the 15 provinces across New Zealand with six players in each team. Its location rotates between the 15 provinces each year, with Mangawhai part of Northland. Mangawhai Golf Club operations person Nick Launder says selection to host this competition is a credit to the club’s greens and ability to run big competitions. “We held the ProAm at the start of this year and that was a big deal, but this will be our biggest event in terms

of numbers and time,” Nick says. Five players represent each provincial team in a match. Each team plays seven rounds. The top four make the semi-finals and then finals. “There is no prize money up for grabs. Players are competing for the pride of their province as a team, unlike most competitions that are individual-based.” Nick expects Scott Wightman of Mangawhai club, to bring out a number of local supporters. “Scott was on the pro circuit a few years ago. He is a top player who is the defending champion for the Northland Champ of Champs.” Television coverage will take place on the final day of the competition.

Kids pitch at big park Two Warkworth Primary School teams took to the crease at Eden Park on November 14 at the Champion of Champions cricket tournament. The Boys A team took out third place equal for the Auckland Region, while the Girls A team finished fifth. The two sides qualified for the competition after winning the Hibiscus Coast Cricket Tournament earlier this month.

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44 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017


Laurie Atkins (left) with second placed Alistair Robinson, who he beat by a massive five minutes.

Gold for Waka Ama master Waka Ama master Laurie Atkins, 67, grabbed his fifth gold medal at the Te Wananga o Aotearoa Long Distance Nationals in Napier on October 16. Atkins is a member of the Tapara L Trust waka club and trains at both Omaha Beach and Pakiri Beach. He competed in the 60-plus division against two other paddlers, including ex-All Black Alistair Robinson. “Conditions on the day were great, but my strength is in rough waters because of where I train so I thought the race was going to be close,” Atkins says. “I got caught up in a bunch at the start, but got clear and just kept passing people from there.” Atkins won the 16km paddle five minutes ahead of second place. “I’m very proud that I was still competitive against other people from the age group below mine. Based on my time, I would have been second in the 50-

plus division. “Because I was so far in front of my competition it was quite an enjoyable event.” He puts his dominant victory down to fitness and a refined training programme. “I train for at least five hours per week and my sponsors got me a watch that allows me to see my heart-rate and other stats. “I also learnt how to change my stroke depending on the current, and I think that gave me an advantage in this race.” Next month he hopes to qualify for the short distance sprints event to be held in January at Lake Karapiro and his major goal is to win the world masters event when he turns 70. Previously, Atkins has won two silvers in the long distance nationals.

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November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 45

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Twilight Netball has attracted plenty of competition in its first season.

Netball night gets underway Twilight Netball took off from centre court on October 18 with 16 teams battling for the title in the competition’s debut season. The tournament is being played at the Warkworth Showgrounds following the recent installation of its LED lighting system. The Warkworth Netball Club initially aimed to have 12 teams competing, but demand has seen that number exceeded. Warkworth Netball Club secretary Sarah Dodds says the competition is popular so far.

“The feedback is that people are enjoying the matches and we have a real mix of social and competitive players,” Sarah says. “We have players from college age up to adults and increasing that age bracket is a goal for the future.” Sarah says the showgrounds facility is great, offering plenty of parking, with the Mahurangi Rugby Football Club rooms offering a space for socialising after games. She says ‘Fish and Dive’ and ‘Put Together Team’ are looking like the strongest competitors currently.

Bowlers battle over two days Bowls Warkworth ran its 34th Kowhai Warkworth Mitre 10 Mega Two Day Bowls Tournament on November 15 and 16. Both greens were full, with the grass green back in action for this season after much remedial work. Winners of the main event were Francois Loubser, Stu Charity and Lanie McGrath of a combined club team. Second place were Ted Jackett, Irene Donaldson and Roy Lomas of Orewa; and third were Geoff Mawdsley, Harry Williams and Linda Mawdsley of Warkworth. Winners of the plate event were Elaine Herd, John Herd and Ross Ruddle of Mahurangi East.


ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of


A roundup of activities and events in thedisTRicT district a Roundup ofsports spoRTs acTiviTies in THe Warkworth Croquet Club New members welcome, golf croquet played opposite the Point Wells Reserve on Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 12.45pm. Association croquet Monday 12.45pm, Wednesday and Saturday 9.30am. All equipment supplied. Info: Marion 422 9555 Horse archery Introduction to horse archery with internationally renowned trainer Katrina Kruse. Warkworth Showgrounds, December 2 and 3, 8.30am to 4pm. All equipment provided. Info: search ‘NZ Horse Archers’ on Facebook. Kaiwaka touch module Kaiwaka summer touch module starts January 17. Played on Wednesdays from 6.30pm, entry $100 per team. Register and info: Omaha half marathon Mike Pero Omaha Half Marathon, meet at Rahui Te Kiri Reserve, December 10 from 8am. Race options from 2km kids dash to half marathon. Prices range from $15 up to $85 for a family of 5 pass. Info: Mangawhai fun run & walk HotPrintz Mangawhai Fun Run & Walk, Mangawhai Heads Holiday Park, March 24. Distances 4.5km and 8.5km. Info:

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46 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

The Rodney Premiers players batted well in the Dargaville Shield and will hope to continue that form with the Kaipara Flats Premiers.

Rodney retain Dargaville Shield to kick start cricket season The Rodney Premiers have retained the Dargaville Shield this year after beating the Mid Western Premiers by 57 runs at the Kaipara Flats Sports Club. The home side batted first, notching up 199/5 before bowling out Mid Western for 142. Rodney Cricket senior player Kevin Forde says it marks one of their better starts to a season. “We won the competition last year after being assisted by the weather a bit, but this time we were more clinical and comprehensive with our

wins,” Forde says. The team dominated in all three of its matches prior to the final, losing no more than six wickets in any game. It opened up with a win over City Premiers before bowling out Whangarei Premiers for just 75 runs and then beating final opponents Mid Western by 76 runs. Forde says it’s hard to gauge yet exactly how the players will fair this season for the Kaipara Flats Premiers. “We’re on a grass surface now, that is a different ball game and makes it tougher for the batters.”

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However, the team’s goal of winning the titles across all three formats of the game remains despite a struggle last season. “I think taking all of the silverware always has to be a goal for us and we have the ability to do that.” Two big names have returned to the squad this year, with Rory Christopherson and Matthew Taylor. “Rory brings a lot of experience to the game after playing first class cricket and Matthew has done well with the bat, hitting a century for Rodney.” Kevin says as well as winning, it’s also

important to develop players and get them to the next level of cricket. “We will be hampered in the season when we lose players to Northland teams, but we have to embrace that as a side.” He noted this gives younger players a chance to step up in their absence with the likes of Liam Jones, Liam Wewege and Daniel Blunden. “Jones can bowl well, Wewege came in for one match and performed as keeper and Blunden has the ability to set up a good platform for other batsmen.”

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Dec 3

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Dec 14

Dec 15

3:42am 2.7 4:42am 2.8 5:43am 2.9 12:15am 0.6 1:08am 0.4 2:01am 0.3 2:53am 0.1 3:44am 0.1 4:35am 0.1 5:27am 0.2 12:25am 3.3 1:20am 3.2 2:16am 3.1 3:15am 3.0 4:15am 2.9 5:14am 2.9 6:10am 2.9 9:50am 1.0 10:50am 0.9 11:47am 0.8 6:41am 3.1 7:36am 3.3 8:28am 3.4 9:20am 3.6 10:12am 3.6 11:04am 3.6 11:57am 3.5 6:20am 0.3 7:15am 0.5 8:14am 0.7 9:15am 0.8 10:17am 0.9 11:15am 0.9 12:08pm 0.9

Tide 4:16pm 2.9 5:11pm 3.0 6:07pm 3.1 12:42pm 0.6 1:35pm 0.5 2:27pm 0.4 3:20pm 0.3 4:13pm 0.3 5:07pm 0.3 6:02pm 0.4 12:51pm 3.4 1:47pm 3.3 2:43pm 3.2 3:40pm 3.1 4:37pm 3.0 5:31pm 3.0 6:23pm 2.9 6:59pm 0.5 7:56pm 0.6 8:55pm 0.7 9:53pm 0.7 10:50pm 0.8 11:44pm 0.8 7:02pm 3.2 7:56pm 3.3 8:51pm 3.4 9:45pm 3.5 10:38pm 3.5 11:32pm 3.4 Times 10:24pm 0.8 11:19pm 0.7 5:57am 8:22pm

Sun Fishing Guide Moon

5:57am 8:23pm

Best At


9:02am 9:26pm

5:57am 8:24pm

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9:51am 10:16pm

5:56am 8:25pm

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5:11am 5:39pm

5:56am 8:32pm

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6:06am 6:33pm

5:56am 8:32pm

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6:58am 7:23pm

5:56am 8:33pm

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7:46am 8:10pm

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8:33am 8:55pm

5:57am 8:35pm

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9:18am 9:40pm

5:57am 8:35pm

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10:47am 11:09pm

Full Last Moon Quarter Set 3:01am Set 3:35am Set 4:10am Set 4:49am Set 5:32am Set 6:22am Set 7:18am Set 8:20am Set 9:26am Set 10:33am Rise 12:39am Rise 1:19am Rise 1:55am Rise 2:28am Rise 2:59am Rise 3:31am Rise 4:03am Rise 3:11pm Rise 4:15pm Rise 5:23pm Rise 6:32pm Rise 7:44pm Rise 8:54pm Rise 10:01pm Rise 11:01pm Rise 11:54pm Set 11:40am Set 12:44pm Set 1:46pm Set 2:46pm Set 3:44pm Set 4:41pm Set 5:38pm *Not for navigational purposes.

Mick Fay


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good

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What’s on

See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events

December Nov 27-Dec 9 Labratta Netana Art & Music Festival, Leigh Sawmill Cafe, daily. Sculpture and carving symposium, art exhibition and live music. Info: LabrattaNetanaFest on Facebook (see story p16) 1 Carols in the Park, Lucy Moore Park, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 6.30pm. Performers and choirs from Mahurangi College, Warkworth Primary, Snells Beach and Horizon Schools with Warkworth Brass Band 1-3 The Frog Prince, Otamatea Repertory Theatre, Bickerstaffe Road, Maungaturoto. Friday, 7.30pm; Saturday and Sunday, 2pm. Info and tickets: (see story p23) 2 Warkworth Santa Parade, town centre, 11am onwards (see story p15) 2 Warkworth Museum Summer Markets, Old Masonic Hall in Baxter Street, 8am-1pm 2 Wellsford basic composting workshop, Te Hana Hall, 10am12 noon 2 Warkworth Rotary Ball, Warkworth Town Hall 2 Carols by Candlelight, Tara Lodge, 631 Tara Road, Mangawhai, at 7.30pm. Entry by gold coin donation. No pets or alcohol 2 Christmas Food Drive, Mangawhai Chiropractic & Vitality Centre, 10am-1pm. Info: 09 431 5282 or 021 980 852 2-3 Bows and Bells Christmas Tour, Mangawhai Museum, 10am to 4pm; seven locations decorated for Christmas. Tickets $20 from museum or book online 3 The Danberrys acoustic folk duo with Vanessa McGowan, Whangateau Hall, 7pm (see story p22) 5-9 Treemendous Christmas Tree display, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter St, Warkworth 6 Warkworth Liaison Group meeting, Warkworth RSA downstairs meeting room, 7.30pm. All welcome 7 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Lodge, Warkworth RSA, Lower meeting Room 7pm 8-27 Mangawhai Artists Christmas Exhibition, 45 Moir Street, 10am-3pm daily. Free entry. Info: (see story p20) 9 Garage Sale, Warkworth Methodist Church, Cnr Hexham St and Church Hill. Bargains, sausage sizzle, baking, 8am12.30pm. Info: Val Shepherd 09 425 9092 10 Matakantata Choir Rhythm of Christmas concert, Mahurangi Presbyterian Church, Warkworth, 2.30pm. Adult tickets $15 in advance from Harts Pharmacy, Warkworth and Gull Matakana, $20 on the door, children gold coin 10 Wellsford Country Music Club, Wellsford Community Centre, 1.30pm. Visitors welcome. Info: Iris Moraghan 439 4347 or 027 884 8280 15 Matakantata Choir Rhythm of Christmas concert, Matakana Community Hall, 7.30pm. Adult tickets $15 in advance from Harts Pharmacy, Warkworth and Gull Matakana, $20 on the door, children gold coin 16-17 Matakana Weekend Market. A little bit of vintage and so much more, including produce, collectables, handcrafts, 10am2pm. Info: Jacky 09 422 9221 17 Santa Cave, Kaukapakapa Library, run in conjunction with Kaukapakapa Village Market. Info: Megan 021 959 017 or 30-31 Matakana Weekend Market. A little bit of vintage and so much more, including produce, collectables, handcrafts, 10am2pm. Info: Jacky 09 422 9221 List your event directly on our What’s On calendar at or email the details to

November 29, 2017 Mahurangimatters 47



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48 Mahurangimatters November 29, 2017

Students raised the bar in the high jump.

Competition was strong in this year’s sprints with six records set.

All eyes were on the sprinters at this year’s Inter-School Athletics event, where every 60-metre running record was broken at Shoesmith Domain on November 14. Students, from Year 4 to Year 6 competed from Warkworth, Matakana, Snells Beach, Kaipara Flats, Ahuroa, Leigh and Horizon Schools. Snells Beach led the charge in the 60m event, with Annika Bayer breaking the Year 5 girls record, Conor Gallagher the Year 4 boys and Juliet Crause the Year 4 girls. Warkworth students Matthew Hay and Rawiri Haua broke the Year 5 boys and Year 6 boys records, while Ahuroa’s Mahana DeMeulemeester set a new top time in the Year 6 girls race.

Zoe Peacock was the other recordsetter with the Kaipara Flats student conquering the Year 6 girls high jump event and 400m race. The top competitors on the day were Bayer and Hay, who both snapped up first place in four of the events. Bayer proved strong on the track, taking out the 60m, 80m and 400m races, as well as the long jump event. Hay won the 60m and 80m sprints and was top jumper, with firsts in both high jump and long jump. Three competitors, Haua, Gallagher and Sophie Townsend, bagged first place in three events. Haua proved too strong on the track, taking out the 60m, 80m and 400m

Flying high in the long jump.

Top runners chase down records at athletics

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events, while Gallagher did the same for his age group. Warkworth student Townsend took out the Year 4 girls 80m race, high jump and long jump. Winners of two events were Noah Penetana, DeMeulemeester and Louis Guest. Penetana, of Warkworth School, won the Year 6 boys shotput and discus, while DeMeulemeester took out the 60m and 80m sprints. Guest, of Matakana School, was successful in the Year 4 boys high jump and long jump. Other winners were: Tommy D’Urban Burgess, Kaipara Flats (Year 6 boys high jump); Kauri Morrison, Snells Beach

(Year 6 boys long jump); Elizabeth Tereroa, Snells Beach, (Year 6 girls discuss); Alex Murphy, Warkworth, (Year 6 girls long jump); Emma Munro, Matakana (Year 6 girls shotput); James Elder, Snells Beach (Year 5 boys 400m) Olivier Witberg, Warkworth (Year 5 boys discus); Daniel Paea, Matakana (Year 5 boys shotput); Jorja Heyns, Warkworth (Year 5 girls discus); Cleo Carmichael, Warkworth (Year 5 girls high jump); Jahlia Epiha, Snells Beach (Year 5 girls shotput); Otis Neely, Matakana (Year 4 boys discus); Alex Holland, Warkworth (Year 4 boys shotput); Chilli Jamieson, Matakana, (Year 4 girls 400m); Maiya Johns, Warkworth (Year 4 girls discus); Phebe Duffy, Warkworth (Year 4 girls shotput).


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