el Restaurante magazine, AugSep 2020 edition

Page 42

at the bar

Limón’s to-go cocktails

way to go when developing a

“Our plastic jars are working

cocktails-to-go program.

great for us because they seal

“We are choosing to-go

nicely and are less likely to

cocktails instead of kits be-

be broken or damaged during

cause it ensures consistency

transport,” Castillo reports.

in the quality of our cocktails and makes the customer

THE ALIBI, Palm Springs, California.

experience easier—they just

Fussy drinks and made-to-

have to shake and pour over

order cocktails are out, while

ice,” explains Michael Gaines,

“sentimental classics” are

the company’s food and

in, according to co-owner

beverage director, who says

Melanie Tusquellas. “Cus-

Xperience kept the selection

tomers want to have stabil-

art canning system helps

of to-go cocktails to its top-

streamlined the bar menu for

ity and familiarity in drink

extend that freshness, so the

selling Margaritas and bottled

a cocktails-to-go program.

choices during these chal-

customer’s experience once

them. “Just like we observed

“As long as we have Mar-

lenging times. Our pre-made

they crack open their cocktail

with our dine-in situation,

garitas flowing, our custom-

cocktails were selected with

is as if they’ve had one of

guests are mostly demanding

ers are happy,” says Vega,

historical knowledge of what

our expert bartenders right

classic Margaritas like our

who reports the biggest seller

were simple best-sellers pre-

there, making the fresh drinks

House Margarita and Cadillac

has been the ½-gallon size of

pandemic and what would be

with them all night.”

Margarita, and at some of our

Casa Vega’s Classic Mar-

suitable for an ease of service

brands, true breakout hits like

garitas for $30, which makes

at home without a profes-


the Watermelon Margarita,”

eight individual cocktails.

sional bartender,” Tusquel-

GROUP, Los Angeles. With Sol

he adds.

Cocina, Pink Taco, El Torito,

No changes were made to

“There are no changes to

las explains. “We want the

our recipes. We are still using

take-home cocktail to be as

Chevy’s and Las Brisas in its

its existing cocktail recipes

fresh-squeezed juices and the

reliable and delicious as the

family of restaurants, Xperi-

and glass containers—which

highest quality ingredients,”

same drink you order from

ence Restaurant Group de-

he says are “sturdy, re-sealable

she says. “The only modifica-

your favorite bartender at

cided being straight forward

and recyclable”—are the

tion we made was packaging

The Alibi. Customers seem

and uncomplicated was the

vessels of choice. “To ensure

the to-go cocktail in a 16-oz.

to prefer ease and simplicity,

freshness and efficiency, we

mason jar. For single serv-

so ready-to-serve cocktails

have our bartenders make a

ing margaritas, I prefer glass

are preferable and from a

fresh batch of Margaritas-to-go

mason jars as, in my opinion,

manager perspective they

daily,” he says. “We also added

alcohol does not taste right in

can be more consistent with

a ‘perishable’ label on the


less waste.”

bottle that reminds customers the cocktail needs to be

LIMÓN, San Francisco. Cocktail-

refrigerated and consumed

to-go customers at this


Northern California Peruvian restaurant lean toward pisco


CASA VEGA, Los Angeles. Christy

sours, sangria, maracuya

Vega, owner of this 64-year-

sours and Margaritas, ac-

old LA landmark, found that

cording to owner Antonio

the classics needed to stay

Castillo. Unlike Vega, Castillo

front and center when she

is a fan of plastic containers.

el restaurante | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2020

The Alibi’s Watermelon Daiquiri

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