COMPLETING LONDON MODERNISM Lawrence Hsu(21052032), Mai Altheeb(21195287), Jiangjing Mao(21136334) | Tutor : Dr. Kostas Grigoriadis, Dr. Ilaria Di Carlo University College London | The Bartlett School of Architecture | Architectural Design MArch | RC 8 2021-2022 Team
"Multi-material refers to the combination of variable materials with signifi- cantly different properties, which is a useful tool to discover new ways on the hidden dimension of material existence."
- Lambros Mala fouris, 2016,Mixed Matters
1.1 | Multi-material Design
1.2 | Vacant Space Completing London Modernism -
2.1 | Material Research 2.2 | Plastic Recycling
3.1 | Concept 3.2 | Space Definition
4.1 | Forming Algorithm
4.2 | Gradation Parameters
5.1 | Toolpath in Voxel 5.2 | Dual Extruder
5.3 | Robot Experiment 5.4 | Gradation Experiment
6.1 | Characteristics of Modernist Architecture
6.2 | Rejection of Modernist Architecture
6.3 | An opportunity within modernist architecture
7.1 | Special Experiences 7.2 | Raumplan 7.3 | Concept Development and Experimentation
8.1 | Test Site-1: Stangate House
8.2 | Test Site-2: Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate
8.3 | Test Site-3: The Barbican Estate
APPENDIX - 02 - 03 - 05 - 26 - 36 - 38 - 50 - 76 - 99 - 102 - 108 - 124 - 138 - 144 - 148 - 152 - 174 - 178 - 196 - 220 - 242
Research cluster 8, is concerned with multi-material design, by fusing multiple materials that transitions from one to an other as a gradient without any mechanical connections. This approach opens an opportunity to move away from the com ponent-based assembly and the standard practices of twentieth century. The method in hand have an enormous impact on the environment when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and a wider impact on architecture and building construction. The project explores recycled sources as construction materials to achieve upcycling. With plastic being a main player in the imbalance of our ecological system, the project aims to recycl plastic and utilize it in construction field.
Plastics have the ability to be 3D printed and fused with other material. The project explored two types of recycled plastic (PET and TPU) that have different properties creating a hybrid that transform from rigid to flexible and from transparent to opaque. The research can contribute to a shift in waste-based materiality in the discipline of architecture.
London is one of the largest cities in Europe, with growing population of approximately .50% per year. It seems impossible to find a vacant space to implement the research in hand as the city is very dense and compact. Therefore, the quest of scouting wasted spaces begin. The fact that most new developments were replacing old ones was worth investigating. In particular modernist estates that were built after World War II. The research aims to contribute an extension to those buildings by developing a wasted space around them. The main intent is to replace the demolishing procedure with preservation and celebration of history.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Material Research
UK plastic pollution
Melting point: 267°C
Density: 1.38g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 0.15-0.24W/m·K
Tensile strength: 70MPa
Melting point: 220°C
Density: 1.05 – 1.34 g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 0.14 – 0.5 W/(m·K)
Tensile strength: 60 MPa
Melting point: 130°C
Density: 0.96 g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 0.42 W/ mk
Tensile strength: 40 MPa
Melting point: 160°C
Density:1.210–1.430 g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 0.13 W/m·K
Tensile strength: 57MPa
Melting point: 1500°C
Density: 2.403 g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 0.5 W/(m·K)
Tensile strength: 4.2 MPa
Melting point: 1600°C
Density: 2.5 g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 1 W/ mk
Tensile strength: 200 MPa
Melting point: 3500°C
Density:1.5 g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 0.12 W/m·K
Tensile strength: 70MPa
Melting point: 1427°C
Density: 45 g/cm³
Thermal conductivity: 0.5 W/(m·K)
Tensile strength: 650 MPa
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Material Research
UK plastic pollution
Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them.
The UK is a major contributor to the world’s plastic crisis, generating 215 g of plastic waste per day per capita.
‘’We are drowning in throwaway plastic’’
Companies are still producing far more plastic than our world can cope with. Only 9% had been recycled; the rest was burned in incinerators or dumped, either in landfill or in the environment. Plastic waste leaches hazardous chem icals into the soil or is blown into rivers and oceans. Most plastic end up in our oceans, and plastic makes up 80% of all marine debris. Plastic is lethal to marine life, killing an estimated one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and turtles every year.6 Plastic bags and flexible packaging are the deadliest plastic items in the sea. The UK is a major contributor to the global plastic crisis. UK companies, especially in the grocery retail sector, are highly dependent on plastic packaging designed to be used once and thrown away.
The UK generates more plastic waste per person than almost any other country in the world, second only to the USA.8 In 2018, the UK generated an estimated 5.2 million tonnes of plastic waste enough plastic to fill Wembley Stadium six times over.
The UK produce 5 million tons of plastic waste per year. Source our world in data
Majority of plastic waste are bottles . Source our world in data
Estimated share of global plastic waste by disposal method. Source our world in data
Material Research
UK plastic pollution
The UK exports plastic waste to other countries. In 2020, 688,000 tones of plastic packaging waste were exported – a daily average of 1.8 million kilos – while only 486,000 tones were recycled in the UK.
Well over half of the plastic waste that the UK government counts as ‘recycled’ is actually sent overseas for other countries to deal with. The Environment Agency’s National Packaging Waste Database shows that in 2020, 688,000 tonnes of plastic packaging waste were exported – a daily average of 1.8 million kilos – while only 486,000 tonnes were recycled in the UK.27 Analysis of official government trade data shows that the top three export countries for the UK’s plastic waste in 2020 were Turkey (209,642 tonnes – 39%), Malaysia (65,000 tonnes – 12%) and Poland (38,000 tonnes – 7%).28 Almost half of the UK’s plastic waste exports are either mixed plastic, styrene or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) – materials that are not easily or widely recycled.
In countries such as Turkey and Malaysia UK plastic waste was burned rather than recycled.
Plastic waste isn’t just causing problems for oceans and wildlife, but people too. Dumping and burning plastic waste poses a serious threat to people’s health. People living near dump sites in Malaysia and other countries say that plastic pollution and burning plastic are causing them respiratory issues such as coughing and difficulty breathing, headaches and itchy, irritated eyes, and are concerned that exposure to these toxic fumes may also be causing problems with menstruation or higher rates of cancer.39 Until the introduction of China’s ‘National Sword’ policy, UK plastic waste was primarily exported to countries in the Global South. Since the ban, the consequences of these imports on human health and the environment are still disproportionately felt by communities of colour. These communities have fewer political, economic, and legal means to mount effective opposition to potentially environmentally hazardous sites .
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Material Research
UK plastic pollution
Research proves that the majority of UK plastic waste is bottles and packaging which are mainly made of PET,PETE and HDPE and they could be safely recycled
Polyethylene terephthalate
Polyethylene terephthalate (or poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, PETE, or the obsolete PETP or PET-P), is the most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in fibers for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, and thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fiber for engineering resins.
High-density polyethylene
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) or poly ethylene high-density (PEHD) is a t hermoplastic polymer produced from the monome r e thylene. It is sometimes called “alkathene” or “polythene” when used for HDPE pipes.[1] With a high strength-to-density ratio, HDPE is used in the production of plastic bottles, corrosion-resistant piping, g eomembranes and plas tic lumber. HDP E is commonly recycled and has the numbe r “2” as its r esin identification code.
Material Research
BMade Experiment
The Food Packaging Experiment
Research proves that the majority of UK plastic waste is bottles and packaging which are mainly made of PET,PETE and HDPE and they could be safely recycled We decided to work with these types as a start in the Bmade lab.
Polyethylene Terephthalate
Polyethylene terephthalate (or poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, PETE, or the obsolete PETP or PET-P), is the most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in fibers for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, and thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fiber for engineering resins.
High-Density Polyethylene
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) or poly ethylene high-density (PEHD) is a thermoplastic polymer produced from the monomer ethylene. It is sometimes called “alkathene” or “polythene” when used for HDPE pipes.[1] With a high strength-to-density ratio, HDPE is used in the production of plastic bottles, corrosion-resistant piping, g eomembranes and plas tic lumber. HDP E is commonly recycled and has the numbe r “2” as its r esin identification code.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Material Research
BMade Experiment
Our first experiment when we started working with plastics was to combine two types and two colours using heat gun and Kiln at Bmade.
We sorted everyday plastic waste and decided to work with the safest which are PET and HDPE. We sorted and cleaned our plastics which were mostly bottles and food packaging. We cut each packed and bottle manually withs scissors for the shreds to fit in the moulds we made from stainless steel at Bmade.
We combined the two types in moulds and used a klin for 30 min. Melting temperature of PET was 280°C and for HDPE 210°C. The result was a chaotic mixture of two colours.
Material Research
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
BMade Experiment 15
Material Research
BMade Experiment
100% HDPE COL.1 0% PETE COL.2 75% HDPE COL.1 25% PETE COL.2 50% HDPE COL.1 50% PETE COL.2 0% HDPE COL.1 100% PETE COL.2 50% HDPE COL.1 50% PETE COL.2 75% HDPE COL.1 25% PETE COL.2 100% HDPE COL.1 0% PETE COL.2
The second experiment was to achieve a gradient of two types and two colours using the same method of melting plastics at the temperature of 220°C in Bmade Kiln.
Material Research
BMade Experiment
The third experiment was to 3D print a gradient of colours using Geeetech Dual extruder 3D printer. We use two colours of PLA black and white to achieve multiple direction of gradient.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
BMade Experiment
The fourth attempt was to explore aesthetics and different porosity using SLS 3D printer. We used single colour of PLA to achieve the result.
Material Research
Material Research
BMade Experiment
The fifth experiment was to use two colour of resin to convey the sphere packing with Boolean subtraction action in a 3D printed cube. We use two colours red and transparent.
TPU is a melt-processable material compatible with traditional processing methods like Injection molding, extrusion, compression, and blow molding. TPU can be easily fabricated into many shapes and sizes to create a variety of products.
Tpu will provide a flexibility aspect to our design.
PET, PETE is the most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in fibres for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, and thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fibre for engineering resins.
Pet will provide a structure and stability to our design.
Material Research Material Choice
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Material Research Material Choice PET TPU Plastic bottles Water, soda, …etc Electrical wires coating Heat and electrical insulation Textiles Clothes, towels, …etc Electronics cover Phones, computers …etc Athletic footwear base Electrical wires coating Heat and electrical insulation 23
Material Research
Material Choice
We printed a 3d Model using Stratasys printer with resin that imitates properties of PET and TPU when it comes to their rigidity and flexibility. We printed colour.1 transparent with harness of 95 shore to prefect on PET and grey resin with hardness of 70 shore to reflect on TPU. Our PET should present structure and TPU presents entry and exist due to the flexibility factor.
Material Research Material Choice 25
Material Research
Material Studies
Most common claim against using plastics in construction is what will happened in case of fire. However, plastic is like any other material used in construction other, properties can be manipulated as well as coating that protect it from catching fire. We did simple tests and documented the findings for PET and TPU reaction towards flame.
As illustrated in timeline on the left, PET catches fire after 30 seconds from being exposed to flame. After the plastic catches fire smoke is released. On second 40 plastic starts dripping, the material selfextinguish.
As illustrated in timeline on the left, TPU catches fire quicker than PET after 15 seconds only. Smoke is released and material start dripping at the same time. After 30 seconds the material starts to self-extinguish.
although plastic self-extinguish during the first minute, dripping could cause a lot of harm to occupants. This should be controlled. The next step we coated the plastic and recoded what happen.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
We coated the PET with a basic fireproof coating. We noticed that the material does not catch fire but turns to ash after 30 seconds from flam exposure. After 40 seconds smoke is released then it catches fire and self-extinguish immediately.
TPU We coated TPU with the same fireproof coating. We noticed that the material does not catch fire but turns to ash after 15 seconds from flam exposure. Then smoke is released, and it self-extinguish immediately without catching frame.
Findings: Coating protects both PET and TPU from dripping and stop the flam from growing. The method of fireproof coating was successful.
Material Research Material Studies
Other common criticism facing plastic is its structural properties. Al though our project is targeting on Storey, but the concept will develop to achieve more levels in the future. PET and TPU have different prop erties when it comes to tensile and compression, so as there rigidity and flexibility. PET shore hardness is 95 and TPU shore hardness is 70.
We did some test at UCL mechanical engineering lab and recorded the findings.
PET is a hard material it broke under the compression of 80 Mpa Yield strength.
TPU TPU is a semi rigid material with hight resistance. It bends but does not break under compression.
Test conducted at UCL mechanical engineering lab
PET under compression TPU under compression
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Material Research Material Studies
3D printed products demonstrate flexibility against bending 29
"If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, designed or removed from production."
- Pe te Seeger, Folk Singer & Social Activist
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Plastic Recycling
The process
Waste sorting and Recycling
After collecting waste trucks deliver waste cardboard, paper, plastic, wood, certain metals, and so forth, from industrial and municipal collection streams to sorting centres. The first step is sorting by weight. Then by density and shape. The flat waste heads up and heavier, hollow waste heads down. A magnetic separator lifts all the waste that contains iron. An optical sorting head then separates waste according to its material. Several optical sorting heads separate the other types of waste different types of plastic. Manual check is done to make sure that material is sorted correctly. Each type of waste get compressed to piles and sent to the right
Source: Veolia Group recycling faciality.
Plastic Recycling
The process
Plastic waste
After sorting waste at the faciality plastics are moved into another one to transform it to reusable granules with properties similar to those of Virgin materials. First, piles are uncompressed upon arrival. The plastic is then fed into large volume shredders. There, it is shredded finely to create flakes. This process produces a homogenous mixture, which makes it easier to separate the different components. Immersed in industrial washing tanks, the flakes are cleaned. Then they are mixed by paddle wheel systems inside a sink float separation tank. Some low-density plastic, such as bottle tops, float and gather on the surface. Other plastics sink by themselves to the bottom, where they can be collected. The wastewater is treated and reused in a closed circuit. After being thoroughly rinsed, the flakes are then dried in a centrifuge, which uses suction to filter out the lightest residues, such as fragments of labels. The remaining impurities are identified by a cascading optical sorting system and blown away. The flakes are then stored in silos by category. This preparation ensures that the Flake's purity is similar to that of Virgin plastic. The flakes that match industrial client specifications are fed into an extruder, where a rotating screw heats the plastic until it softens. The material is then cut into granules. Once dried, these plastic granules are stored in silos or packaged in big bags. The laboratory inspects the product to make sure it complies with technical specifications and regulatory requirements. Once approved, the new raw material is ready for industrial usage.
Source: Veolia Group
Then next stage of our project is to take PET and TPU granules and turn them into filaments for 3D printing.
Trucks deliver compressed packs of different plastics
Plastic fed to large volume shredders
In washing tanks, the flakes are cleaned
Flakes that match industrial client specifications are fed into an extruder
Material cut into granules
Plastic granules are packaged in big bags
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Plastic Recycling
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a highly recyclable plastic, labelled with the #1 code. After the process PET goes to two recycling process.
CHEMICAL RECYCLE to produce bottles again
Only possible when the bottles are clean Expensive
Only 10% could recycled because the PET loses a lot of its properties so it need to be mixed with a new patch.
DOWN CYCLING to produce threads for polyester yarns to make products such as:
Polyester carpet fiber
Fabric for T-shirts
Long underwear
Luggage, upholstery
Sweaters and fibrefill for sleeping bags and winter coats
Outcome can not be recycled again
We conveyed the same process used to recycle PET plastic in Bmade at the Bartlett. First we collected everyday plastic from our personal use. We sorted plastics to distinguish PET. We cleaned the bottles then shredded them using shredding machine. The outcome was similar to flakes. The step after that is to use a filament making machine to produce filaments.
Sorting plastic
Shredding machine
PET flakes
Filament maker
Plastic Recycling
The process
Making TPU filaments is more complex than making PET filaments due to the flexibility factor. First step is to shred copper wires that are covered with TPU insulation. Using a magnet the two material get separated. TPU shred go through similar process as PET to be clean and homogeneous in term of colour and texture. The outcome should granules that can be fed to the filament extruder. Due to complexity of the equipment required we were not able to test TPU filament making at the Bmade.
Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) is a unique tailorable material due to the interactions of hard and soft segments within the block-copolymer chain. As mentioned earlier it’s possible to find TPU in many everyday use products that end up in waste bins. In our research we are focusing on TPU used as wire insulation.
Wires coated with TPU
Shredding wires
Separate TPU from copper
Filament maker
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Material Research Material Studies AVERAGE 500ML EMPTY PET BOTTLE HAS 9.25 GRAMS 7.7 Billion bottles per year are being consumed in UK New patch of PET can allow 10% of recycled PET to be add ed, due to losing many of it’s properties during the recycling process The UK is exporting 90% of its plastic waste to other countries where it’s being burned rather than being recycled Plastics can cause a revolution in waste-based materiality in the discipline of architecture. 36
Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles such as plastic bottles, bags and microbeads in the Earth's environment that adversely affects humans, wildlife, and their habitat. Plastics are inexpensive and durable, making them very adaptable for different uses; as a result, manufacturers choose to use plastic over other materials. However, the chemical structure of most plastics renders them resistant to many natural processes of degradation and as a result they are slow to degrade. Together, these two factors allow large volumes of plastic to enter the environment as mismanaged waste and for it to persist in the ecosystem. As the UK consumed 7.7 billion PET bottles per year. We can turn this waste to beneficial material and utilize in architecture.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 39
Design Methodology
Concept Inspiration Nature is really more of a dialectical formation where we endlessly remake Nature, and Nature remakes us.
Architectural form can be Nature-based, b y proposing that matter can spontaneously act through a new technological platform enabled by assemblage formation.
In the design process, we got inspiration from the natural textures like the continual holes or the random patterns in the real stuff. Based on this, we explore the possible algorithms to achieve these kinds of structure in building design.In order to achieve the organic structure, we will apply the swarm behavior, voronoi, shortest path and game of life algorithm to our design process.
-Gissen, 2011
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Design Methodology Design Process Voronoi Swarm Behavior Shortest Path Game of Life Thickness Density Transparency Flexibility Environment Sphere Packing In-between Space 1. Space Definition 2.Fulfill Inbetween Space by Algorithm 3.Material Gradation Parameters 4.Prototype with Material Gradation 5.Model Voxel 41
Space Definition Packing
Design Concept Space Definition
"In geometry, Circle Packing is the study of the arrangement of circles (of equal or varying sizes) on a given sur- face such that no overlapping occurs and so that no circle can be enlarged without creating an overlap."
In order to define and create a maximum space, the site is packed with spheres and the spheres interact with them- self, boundary and gravity. We can define the sphere volume to create different sizes of the space. And gravity can help us have the most space on ground level.
Gravity Sphere Volume Collision Sphere Packing
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Space Definition Circle Packing Algorithm Boundary Changable boundaries Combination Precise counts and diameters Fill the gap Add smaller sizes Diameter: 4m*1 3m*2 2m*4 1m*18 Diameter: 4m*4 Diameter: 4m*2 2m*8 Diameter: 4m*1 3m*3 2m*4 Diameter: 3m*6 Diameter: 3m*6 1m*13 Diameter: 3m*6 1m*8 0.5m*45 Diameter: 4m*1 3m*2 2m*4 1m*18 8m 8m 44
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Space Definition Circle Packing Algorithm Diameter: 4m*4 Diameter: 4m*2 2m*8 Diameter: 4m*1 3m*3 2m*4 Circles Merging Inside circles merging & Small circles merging 45
Space Definition Circle Packing Algorithm Diameter: 3m*6 Diameter: 3m*6 1m*13 Diameter: 3m*6 1m*8 0.5m*45 Circles Merging Inside circles merging & Small circles merging 46
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Space Definition Circle Packing Algorithm Diameter: 4m*4 Diameter: 3m*6 Diameter: 2m*16 8m 8.5m 1 Size Circle Packing & Circles Merging Inside circles merging & Small circles merging 47
Space Definition Circle Packing Algorithm Diameter: 4m*1 3m*4 Diameter: 3m*3 2m*9 Diameter: 4m*2 2m*9 8m 8.5m 2 Sizes Circle Packing & Circles Merging Inside circles merging & Small circles merging 48
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Space Definition Circle Packing Algorithm Diameter: 4m*1 3m*3 2m*5 Diameter: 4m*2 3m*2 1m*20 Diameter: 4m*1 3m*1 2m*10 8m 8.5m 3 Sizes Circle Packing & Circles Merging Inside circles merging & Small circles merging 49
Space Definition Circle Packing Algorithm Diameter: 4m*2 3m*2 2m*1 0.9m*21 Diameter: 4m*1 3m*2 2m*4 1m*20 Diameter: 4m*1 3m*4 2m*2 1m*8 8m 8.5m 4 Sizes Circle Packing & Circles Merging Inside circles merging & Small circles merging 50
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Space Definition Sphere Packing Algorithm Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 3-1 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 3-2 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 3 -3Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 4-1 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 4-2 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 4-3 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 5-1 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 5-2 Spheres Packing 51
Space Definition Sphere Packing Algorithm Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 5-3 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 6-1 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 6-2 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 6-3 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 7-1 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 7-2 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 7-3 Spheres Packing Parallel View Left View Right View Top View 7-4 Spheres Packing 52
After we defined the space by sphere packing, the next step is to generate geometry in the space between spheres. To create our carved mass, we employed a variety of nature-inspired algorithms such as Swarm Behaviour, Voronoi, Game of Life, and Shortest Path. Because design is no longer a slave to form, morphological computation may make a lifeless material like plastic appear alive.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 54
Forming Algorithm
“Swarm behavior, or swarming, is a collective behavior exhibited by entities, particularly animals, of similar size which aggregate together, perhaps milling about the same spot or perhaps moving in masse or migrating in some” direction.” -Wikipedia
There are three main forces to simulate this behavior, which are Alignment, cohesion, and separation.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Swarm Behaviour
Forming Algorithm Behaviour
Alignment Cohesion Separation
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Test A Gen. 1 Test A Gen. 2 Test A Gen. 3 Test A Gen. 4 Test A Gen. 5
Test B Gen. 1 Test B Gen. 2 Test B Gen. 3 Test B Gen. 4 Test B Gen. 5
Test C Gen. 1 Test C Gen. 2 Test C Gen. 3 Test C Gen. 4 Test C Gen. 5 Behaviour
Forming Algorithm Swarm
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 58
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
2 |
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 59
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 60
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 61
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 62
Completing London Modernism Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
| RC8
2 |
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 63
Forming Algorithm Swarm Behaviour 64
Forming Algorithm Voronoi 66
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Forming Algorithm Voronoi Den. 150 Set A Den. 300 Set A Den. 600 Set A Den. 150 Set B Den. 300 Set B Den. 600 Set B Den. 150 Set C Den. 300 Set C Den. 600 Set C Den. 150 Set D Den. 300 Set D Den. 600 Set D Den. 150 Set E Den. 300 Set E Den. 600 Set E 67
Forming Algorithm Game of Life 68
Forming Algorithm Life
Game of Life
Conway’s Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is deter- mined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial con- figuration and observing how it evolves.
Rules 1
Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation.
Rules 2
Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
Rules 3
Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
Rules 4
Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
Gen.1 Gen.3 Gen.2
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Game of
Gen.4 Gen.5 69
Forming Algorithm Game of Life 70
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Forming Algorithm Game of Life Seeds 100 Rule A Seeds 100 Rule B Seeds 100 Rule C Seeds 200 Rule A Seeds 200 Rule B Seeds 200 Rule C Seeds 300 Rule A Seeds 300 Rule B Seeds 300 Rule C Seeds 600 Rule A Seeds 600 Rule B Seeds 600 Rule C Seeds 1000 Rule A Seeds 1000 Rule B Seeds 1000 Rule C 71
Forming Algorithm Game of Life 72
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Forming Algorithm Shortest Path 74
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Forming Algorithm Shortest Path Den. 750 Rule A Den. 750 Rule B Den. 750 Rule C Den. 1500 Rule A Den. 1500 Rule B Den. 1500 Rule C Den. 3000 Rule A Den. 3000 Rule B Den. 3000 Rule C Den. 6000 Rule A Den. 6000 Rule B Den. 6000 Rule C Den. 9000 Rule A Den. 9000 Rule B Den. 9000 Rule C 75
Forming Algorithm Shortest Path 76
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team 2 Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Path
Forming Algorithm Shortest
Forming Algorithm Experiment 78
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Forming Algorithm Experiment 79
Following the establishment of these paradigms, we were able to investigate differences in thickness, density, transparency, and flexibility. Then, to find solutions, we used research on the created mass such as sunshine analysis, structure analysis, porosity analysis, and circulation.
Gradation Parameters
Thickness Thickness with Structure Analysis
Based on the normal algorithm prototype, we can also dispute material with different thickness and change the basic prototype.
The thickness is effected by different structure analysis. We use karamba plug-in in grasshopper to analysis the structure of the prototype, which we can import the load or tension parameters. By doing this, we get the color gradation which determined the area with more or less thickness.
Following this step, we can apply the color gradation to the basic algorithm like Voronoi, Swarm behavior, Shortest path and Game of life. Then there will be different thickness in the prototype based on the different color. The thickness can be achieved with various radius of the structure and can be distribute in different areas.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Original Prototype Structure Analysis Prototype with Thickness
Model 1
Voronoi-Thickness with differen radius Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Voronoi-Thickness in differen area Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model
Gradation Parameters
10 82
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Model 1
Swarm Behavior-Thickness with differen radius Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model
Swarm Behavior-Thickness in differen area Model Model Model
Parameters Thickness-Swarm Behavior
5 Model 6
Model 7
10 83
Thickness-Shortest Path
Model 1
Shortest Path-Thickness with differen radius Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Model 6
Shortest Path-Thickness in differen area Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10
Gradation Parameters
Gradation Parameters of Life
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Model 1
Game of Life-Thickness with differen radius Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Game of Life-Thickness in differen area Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10
Gradation Parameters Density-Voronoi Model 1 Front:19% Right:18% Back:16% Left:18% Model 2 Front:28% Right:29% Back:34% Left:36% Model 3 Front:35% Right:37% Back:48% Left:47% Model 4 Front:39% Right:43% Back:59% Left:58% Model 5 Front:44% Right:47% Back:77% Left:74% Voronoi Density Gradation Parameters 86
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Gradation Parameters Density-Swarm Behavior Model 1 Front:17% Right:4% Back:19% Left:27% Model 2 Front:16% Right:18% Back:39% Left:35% Model 3 Front:25% Right:26% Back:48% Left:65% Model 4 Front:34% Right:32% Back:70% Left:79% Model 5 Front:32% Right:33% Back:91% Left:60% Swarm Behavior Density Gradation Parameters 87
Gradation Parameters Density-Shortest Path Model 1 Front:17% Right:18% Back:14% Left:27% Model 2 Front:27% Right:28% Back:27% Left:37% Model 3 Front:33% Right:21% Back:34% Left:46% Model 4 Front:36% Right:30% Back:37% Left:49% Model 5 Front:42% Right:33% Back:54% Left:65% Shortest Path Density Gradation Parameters 88
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Gradation Parameters Density-Game of Life Model 1 Front:7% Right:4% Back:12% Left:23% Model 2 Front:12% Right:3% Back:29% Left:42% Model 3 Front:17% Right:11% Back:51% Left:49% Model 4 Front:8% Right:22% Back:48% Left:52% Model 5 Front:20% Right:21% Back:67% Left:45% Game of Life Density Gradation Parameters 89
Gradation Parameters
Density with Privacy
Density of Pattern
Radius of Pattern
Density of Circle
Gradation Parameters
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Density with Privacy
Density of Pattern
Radius of Pattern
Density of Circle
Gradation Parameters
Transparency-Daylight Analysis
Transparency with Incident Radiation
The transpatency gradation is influenced by the incident radiation on the site. By digital analysis, we can get the daylight diagram of the site place using the Lady-bug plug-in in grasshopper. Then we can distribute different material with different tranaparency property based on the daylight parameter.
When there is more daylight on the target place, we can use the material which are more tranasparent to ensure the place can get enough light and create a lighter environment.
So based on the incident radiation gradation diagram, we can get the material transparency gradation in the structure of the prototype. In order to achieve the transparency gradation, we can apply special multi-material. What we choosed in the design are PET and TPU, by stacking the transparent PET sheet we can get different transparency in the material. And by blending the PET and TPU, we can get the gradient between the transparent and opaque stuff.
Higher Radiation
Higher Transparency
Lower Radiation Lower Transparency
Incident Radiation Transparency Gradation
Completing Jiangjing
London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb,
Mao Gradation Parameters Transparency-Daylight Analysis Model 1 Voronoi-DayLight Analysis Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 1 Swarm Behavior- DayLight Analysis Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 1 Shortest Path-DayLight Analysis Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 93
Gradation Parameters Transparency with Sheet Stacking 1 slide 3 mm Scale 1:60 1 slide 3 mm Scale 1:60 1 slide 3 mm Scale 1:60 1 slide 3 mm Scale 1:60 1 slide 3 mm Scale 1:60 1 slide 3 mm Scale 1:60 94
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Voronoi
2 |
Gradation Parameters Transparency -
1 Model 6 Model 2 Model 7 Model 3 Model 8 Model 4 Model 9 Model 5 Model 10 95
Model Model
Gradation Parameters Transparency - Swarm Brhaviour
1 Model 6 Model 2 Model 7
3 Model 8 Model 4 Model 9 Model 5 Model 10 96
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Model Model Model Model Model
2 |
Gradation Parameters Transparency - Game of Life
1 Model 6
2 Model 7
3 Model 8
4 Model 9
5 Model 10 97
Model Model
Gradation Parameters Transparency - Shrtest Path
1 Model 6 Model 2 Model 7
3 Model 8 Model 4 Model 9 Model 5 Model 10 98
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Gradation Parameters Flexibility 0% 50%50% Density Flexibility 0% 0%100% 0% 50%50% Density Flexibility 0% 0%100% PET TPU 99
Prototype with Material Gradation Parameters
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Gradation
2 |
Prototype with Material
Parameters Front Left Back Right 101
Fabrication with Robot
The following stage was to create. In general, additive manufacturing comprises three-axis printing, which necessitates a large amount of time, material, and labour. To boost efficiency, we are printing with a 6-axis robot in our project.
We also worked to improve the lab robotic arm so that it could print with two filaments rather than one. To print with a robot while keeping our form, we apply a robot toolpath into voxels translated from a model to create a lattice structure. For the time being, we have undertaken several trials with PET polymers and adjusted the cooling system, proving the printable nature of such lattice arrangements. Following that, we will print a bigger structure that combines stiffness and flexibility using a multi-material combination.
Completing London Modernism Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Fabrication Model Voxelize
| RC8
2 |
Equally Unequally Complexly 103
Toolpath in Voxel
Completing London Modernism Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Toolpath in Voxel
| RC8
2 |
Front Left Back Right 105
Dual Filament Extruder
Dual force is B-made’s first dual extruder attached to a robotic arm. RC8 Team 2 designed and built the extruder aiming to print two types of material that require different speed and temperature to achieve a gradient from A to material B. In our project we are utilizing a transition from PET plastic to TPU. Preliminary tests were done on two colours of PLA assigned as material A and B.
The extruder consists of holder that was designed by team 2 and printed in studio, main board, two blowers, two titin extruders one for material A and the other for material B, Motor and 2 in 1 Out Dual Colour Metal Extruder with a customized brass hot-end.
A new electrical box had to be created to fill the requirement of the dual motors. The new box have similar box as the existing one. Arduino Duo mother board to control all the part which are a switch of digital output, two stepper motor , two stepper motor driver, heat block and a temperature controller. The team worked with B-made’s specialist to get the job done from assembly to wiring to running the electrical circuit.
Assembled parts are illustrated in the next page
Main Board
3D print with semi flexible material to avoid break during robotic arm movement.
Additional Blower
To be able to speed cooling plastic after melting. work with PET and TPU they have different melting and cooling temperature.
Titan Extruder 1&2
Performance, power, push. Titan brings high performance, lightweight extrusion. All the benefits of geared extrusion in a lightweight, punchy little package.
The Compact But Powerful moto, for driving geared or direct extruders. Also suitable for printer axes, provided they are light-duty. Dual lead screw Z-axis that uses 2 motors.
Dual extruder and hotend 2 in 1 Out Dual Color Metal Hotend Extruder Kit with Cable 0.4mm Brass Nozzle.
3D printed main boardMotor
Brass hotend
Titan Extruder Material 1
Titan Extruder Material 2 Compartment to melt filaments 3d Printed bracket Sanyo Denki Blower
Additional Blower3D printed bracket
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Dual Filament Extruder
phoyo 108
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Dual Filament Extruder
Dual Filament Extruder
After many experiments it was clear that the two blowers were not providing sufficient cooling for the work required. We upgraded the extruder to DUAL FORCE V2, where the main feature was to provide compression air from B-made tank using copper pipes. With this feature we were able to avoid cooling the hot-end during extrusion of the plastic. The new copper pipes allowed angle adjustments and focusing the air on the extruded material rather than the hot-end. This upgrade also made it possible to control air volume in each pipe, specially that we are working with PET and TPU that require two different temperatures to cool.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Dual Filament Extruder
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #1 Program Speed (100%) 6 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) Targets Retraction (secs) Notes Test #2 Program Speed (100%) 6 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) Targets Retraction (secs) Notes Test #3 Program Speed (100%) 6 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) Targets Retraction (secs) Notes 112
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #4 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 1 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) Targets Retraction (secs) Notes Test #5 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Stepper Motor (steps) 1600 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) Targets Retraction (secs) Notes Test #6 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 1 Targets Retraction (secs) Notes 113
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #7 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 2 Targets Retraction (secs) Notes Test #8 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 2 Targets Retraction (secs) Notes Test #9 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 2 Targets Extrudetion (secs) 1 Notes 114
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #10 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 2 Targets Retraction (secs) 2 Notes Test #11 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 2 Targets Retraction (secs) 1 Notes Test #12 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Targets Retraction (secs) 1 Notes 115
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #13 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Targets Retraction (secs) 0.5 Notes Test #14 Program Speed (100%) 3 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Targets Retraction (secs) 0.5 Notes Test #15 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 8 Targets Retraction (secs) 0.5 Notes 116
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #16 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Targets Retraction (secs) 0.5 Notes Scale up Test #17 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Targets Retraction (secs) 0.5 Notes 117
Cooling system with 1 fan
Cooling system with 2 fans Fans Holder
Fabrication Upgrade Cooling System
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #18 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Targets Retraction (secs) Notes 2 Fans Test #19 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Notes Test #20 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Targets Retraction (secs) 0.5 Notes 119
Test #21 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 200 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Notes Test #22 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 190 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Notes Test #23 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 190 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 15 Stepper Motor (steps) 400 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Notes Fabrication Robot Experiment 120
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #24 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 190 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 20 Stepper Motor (steps) 1600 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Notes Print without support Test #25 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 210 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 20 Stepper Motor (steps) 1600 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Material PET Notes Test #26 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 220 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 20 Stepper Motor (steps) 1600 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Material PET + PLA Notes 121
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #27 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 220 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 20 Stepper Motor (steps) 1600 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Material PLA Notes 122
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Robot Experiment
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #28 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 220 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 20 Stepper Motor (steps) 1600 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Material PLA Notes Twisted 124
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Experiment
Fabrication Robot
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #29 Program Speed (100%) 4 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 220 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 20 Stepper Motor (steps) 1600 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Material PET + PLA Notes 126
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Dual Filament Extruder SET DO1 DO2 DO3 EXTRUDER 1 EXDRUDER 2 1 ON OFF OFF 100% 0% 2 ON ON OFF 75% 25% 3 ON ON ON 50% 50% 4 OFF ON ON 25% 75% 5 OFF OFF ON 0% 100% In this experiment the robot was given different sets of commands as illustrated in table below: Set .1 led to Motor.1 , working 100% and Motor.2 0% Set .2 led to Motor.1 , working 75% and Motor.2 25% Set .3 led to Motor.1 , working 50% and Motor.2 50% Set .4 led to Motor.1 , working 25% and Motor.2 75% Set .5 led to Motor.1 , working 0% and Motor.2 100% 127
Gradation Experiment
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Dual Filament Extruder Test #30 In this test percentage of the Blue PLA and the white PLA were equal. Speed was diverse where in blue motor it was 30% and in white motor is was 70%. Program Speed (100%) Nozzle Temperature (°C) 240/350 Fans 0 Material PLA+PLA Gradation 30% Notes Test #31 In this test percentage of the Blue PLA and the white PLA were equal. Speed was started with white moto at 100% then alterninted to 50% blue and 50% white halfway through printing the prototype. # Program Speed (100%) Nozzle Temperature (°C) 240/350 Fans 0 Material PLA+PLA Gradation 0%->50% Notes Blue Motor at 50% speed White Motor at 50% speed Blue Motor at 30% speed White Motor at 70% speed Blue Motor at 50% speed White Motor at 50% speed 129
Test #33 This test alternates between blue and white. Program Speed (100%) Nozzle Temperature (°C) 260/280 Fans 0 Material PLA+PLA Gradation 90% Divide 60 90 150 200 300 Notes Fabrication Dual Filament Extruder Test #32 This test starts with 100% blue and ends with 100% white. area in the middle is a gradient of both. Program Speed (100%) Nozzle Temperature (°C) 260/280 Fans 0 Material PLA+PLA Gradation 0%->100% Notes 100% White PLA 100% Blue PLA 130
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao In this test percentage of the Blue PLA and the white PLA was controlled as per diagram below, also as the number of divisions. Program Speed : 100% Nozzle Temperature (°C) 260/280 Fan Material: PLA+PLA Gradation Notes Test #34 Fabrication Dual Filament Extruder 131
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #35 Program Speed (100%) 0.5 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 215/260 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Motor Interval 8 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 3 Notes Test #36 Program Speed (100%) 1 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 215/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Motor Interval 8 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 5 Notes Test #36 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 215/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Motor Interval 8 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 5 Notes 132
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #37 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 190/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Motor Interval 8 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 3 Notes Test #38 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature (°C) 190/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 10 Motor Interval 8 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 3 Notes Test #39 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 8 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 1 Notes 133
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #37 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 6 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #38 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Motor Interval 9 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #39 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 8 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 1 Notes 134
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #40 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 6 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #41 Program Speed (100%) 1.2 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/280 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Motor Interval 6 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #42 Program Speed (100%) 0.6 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Motor Interval 9 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2 Notes 135
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #43 Program Speed (100%) 0.8 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 6 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #44 Program Speed (100%) 1 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 210/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Motor Interval 6 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #45 Program Speed (100%) 1 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 210/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 2 Motor Interval 6 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Verticals Targets Offset (mm) 3 Fans (level) 2.5 Notes 136
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #46 Program Speed (100%) 1 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 6 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Slash Targets Speed 1.2 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #47 Program Speed (100%) 1 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 210/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 10 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 5 Slash Targets Speed 1.2 Fans (level) 2 Notes Test #48 Program Speed (100%) 1 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 210/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 4 Motor Interval 10 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 4 Slash Targets Speed 1.2 Fans (level) 2.5 Notes 137
Fabrication Robot Experiment Test #49 Program Speed (100%) 1 Nozzle Temperature ( ° C) 220/240 Targets Waiting Time (secs) 5 Motor Interval 10 Diagonals Targets Offset (mm) 4 Slash Targets Speed 1.2 Fans (level) 2.5 Notes 138
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Characteristics of Modernist Architecture
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
London Modernism Characteristics of Modernist Architecture
Vacant Space in London
London population is consistently growing, and the city is expanding. It might be difficult to find vacant land without it being snapped by a developer, but there are many hidden or wasted spaces that could be considered for a better use.
We were able to spot light on one of the 21st century architectural problems in London, which is the rejection of Modernist movement. Many building that were part of that movement were demolished, but some are still standing. A main principle of Modern Architecture as stated by Le Corbusier was the use of “Pilotis” (meaning piers) — Beyond their support function, the pilotis raise the architectur- al volume, lighten it and free a space for circulation under the construction.
Another aspect we are considering is an empty unused space that is a part of modernist development.
Our project is a dedication towards London’s modernism, by adding an extension to an existing building that is methoded by 21st century design procedure.
London Modernism
Characteristics of Modernist Architecture
Modernist Architecture
Modernist architecture, or modernism, is a s tyle tha t emer ged in the early -20th century in response to large-scale chang es in both t echnology and socie ty. It is associated with the function of buildings, appr oached from an analytical viewpoint, a rational use of materials, the elimination of ornament and decoration, and openness to structural innovation. Elements of modern architecture are rationalized and standardize into a set of formal principles as shaped by world leading architects.
“Form Follows Function” Louis Sullivan
“founded the Bauhaus as a new type of art school that combined life, craft and art under one roof. The Bauhaus teaching asserted that architectural form should be simplified to the bare essentials of function, and that a building should not bear any ornamentation that does not follow the structural purpose.”
Walter Groups
“Architectural design should be divorced from historical references and associations he also introduced urban planning theories arguing that residential and commercial amenities should be zoned entirely separate from one another.”
Le Corbusier
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
London Modernism
Characteristics of Modernist Architecture
The Modern design process is an exercise in abstraction. Driven by a functional program the plan, massing, and ultimately the elevations are driven by decisions around functional relationships of use, density, trafficflow, systematically organized along orthogonal spines. These determine aesthetic considerations such as sightlines and hierarchies of building elements and details.
Orthogonal and functional massing Materials expression Reinforced concrete, tempered plate glass, extruded steel and aluminum. Architectural Elements Ribbon windows Sun shades/Brise soleilPillars/Pilotis Flat roofs 144
Orthogonal and functional massing
The slogan of the Modernist movement was "Form follow function". The principle suggested that, rather than buildings being designed in accordance with past precedents or stylistic trends, the purpose of the building would determine its form. Therefore, design started with a concern of function rather than the aesthetics. With this principal created an implication as everything an architect designs had to be justified, I term of practical function. Rectangles tend to be a far more useful shape for structure than any other shape such as that almost all truly modernist buildings took a rectilinear form.
Pilotis are supports that lift a building above the ground or a body of water. They are similar in nature stilts, piers, columns, pillars, posts and so on. They may also be used in hurricane or flood-prone areas, to raise the structure above storm surge levels. They commonly arranged in a regular grid pattern. By providing simple points of support, they ensure that the structure has a minimal impact on the terrain. However, they can also be used in combination with the surrounding landscape, such as trees or rock formations. The pioneer of modern pilotis was the architect Le Corbusier, who used them both functionally as ground-level supporting columns, and philosophically as a tool for freeing the rigidity of traditional plan layouts, enabling efficient, buildings as 'machines for living'. His use of pilotis is best-known in Villa Savoye where the architectural volume is lifted, allowing a space for circulation underneath, and giving the building the appearance of lightness and floating above the landscape. Le Corbusier used a variety of pilotis in his buildings, from slender posts to the massive Brutalist forms of the Marseilles Housing Unit.
Sun shades/Brise soleil
The aspect served efficient. As shading sun enhances human comfort. They are oriented to take advantage of nature’s forces to provide passive solar heating in the winter, while long overhangs and recessed openings provide shading to keep homes cool in the summer.
Flat roofs
Horizontal massing, low, flat roofs, prominence on broad roof protrude and horizontal planes: This is the reason why many modern houses have twisting one-story plans.
Materials expression
The Steel columns are used in exposed applications, concrete block is used as a finished material, concrete floors are stained, and exposed, long-span steel trusses permit open column-free spaces. Those materials were essential after the industrial revolution.
Ribbon windows
The use of heavy construction materials and reinforced concrete covered the structure, which allowed for ribbon windows to allow light into the interior. The modernist movement encouraged magnanimous natural light and glass use: Instead of using windows as potholes to the outside, it gives preference to use of large glass walls introducing the natural light to the inside.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
London Modernism Modernist Architecture in London 146
London Modernism
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Modernist Architecture in London
National Theatre Hayward Gallery Alton Weat Estate
Crescent House
Stangate House Camden Town Hall extension
Chiswick Park Station Brixton Recreation Park Barbican Center
The Alexandra Road Estate
Brunswick Centre
Abbey Road Estate
Cotton Gardens Estate
Southwyck House
Branch Hill Estate
London Modernism
Rejection of Modernist Architecture
“The problem of architecture as i see it,’ he told a journalist who had come to report on the progress of his surprising creation of ferro-concrete and aluminium, ‘is the problem of all art – the elimination of the human element from the consideration of form. The only perfect building must be the factory, because that is built to house machines, not men.”
Evelyn Waugh
Collapse of the Ronan Point Tower in 1968, due to a gas explosionin one flat was blamed on the design
London Modernism
Rejection of Modernist Architecture
A house was a "machine for living in"; a city, a machine for efficiently organizing industrial society
Le Corbusier
“Form follows fiasco” Peter Blake
“Less is a bore” Robert Venturi
“Bold, brash and confrontational, there can hardly be a more controversial – or misunderstood” Owen Hopkins
“Largely lost in the modernist program is the primacy of architecture as a vessel of life, accommodating the needs of human beings to connect with one another and with nature in a complex pattern” Michael Mahaffey
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
London Modernism
Rejection of Modernist Architecture
Heygate Estate
Designed by the architect Tim Tinker Community of 3000 residents
It was a large housing estate in Walworth, Southwark, South London comprising 1,214 homes. it was demolished between 2011 and 2014 as part of the urban regeneration of the Elephant & Castle area.
Aylesbury Estate
Designed by the architect Tim Tinker Contains 2,704 dwellings, with approximately 7,500 residents
it was a large housing estate located in Walworth, South East London. It contains 2,704 dwellings, spread over a number of different blocks and buildings, and was built between 1963 and 1977. There are approximately 7,500 residents. The estate is currently undergoing a major regeneration program.
London Modernism
Rejection of Modernist Architecture
Greater London Council's County Hall HQ
It is just over a year since demolition work began at the infamous Island Block – formerly part of the Greater London Council's County Hall HQ and once voted 11th ugliest building in Britain – at the southern end of Westminster Bridge.
It is to be replaced by the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge hotel.
Robin Hood Gardens
Designed by Alison (1928 –1993) and Peter Smithson (1923 – 2003)
Completed in 1972.
Robin Hood Gardens, located in Poplar, East London, is a nationally important and internationally recognised work of Brutalist architecture. It is now being demolished as part of the redevelopment of the area.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
London Modernism
An opportunity within modernist architecture
Pilotis are supports that lift a building above the ground or a body of water. They are similar in nature stilts, piers, columns, pillars, posts and so on. They commonly arranged in a regular grid pattern. By providing simple points of support, they ensure that the structure has a minimal impact on the terrain. The pioneer of modern pilotis was the architect Le Corbusier, who used them both functionally as ground-level supporting columns, and philosophically as a tool for freeing the rigidity of traditional plan layouts, enabling efficient, buildings as 'machines for living'. As the main design intention to use the land at ground, but in many buildings, it was never put to great use either then, or later. It became a wasted space that caused obscurity and contribute to feeling of not being safe, especially with columns offering a hiding space. not to mention how these spaces are usually neglected and rarely cleaned.
Our project targets a use of a wasted space and the area under the elevated building is an opportunity that we aim to sees. A multi-use space can be created to serve the residence and the surrounding neighbourhoods. Its not within our project aim to create a function rather than utilizing a wated spaces for public benefit. A colourful extension will add an element of interest to a grey concrete post war massive volume. Nevertheless, the message that our project delivers of sustainability and reuse and upcycle of plastic waste
Vacant Space Under an Elevated Ground Floor " Pilotis"
Vacant Space beside a building
Many modernist estates design was based on repetition of a single unit. As this aspect might cause a dull expected outcome other disadvantage are more concerning. Complexes usually have wasted or even dead spaces that is hard to take advantage of, not just that these places might encourage crime because they are disconnected and hidden. We target creating function that serves the community and encourage them to be out, to turn these dead spaces to social spaces.
The proposal aims to create an extension on the empty land beside a modernist building that goes up to the roof, by creating a horizontal and a vertical extension. One of the characteristics of the modernist architecture is the flat roof that is usually wasted an unused. This proposal develops the empty land and the roof as well. This will createan element of interest that distinguish one specific building than the rest of the estate, to invite the residents of this community to be out and benefit from the new amenity that were added to their neighborhood.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 155
Design Concept
Intension of design is to utilizing a vacant space by creating variety of spatial qualities that can be occupied by many functions rather than designing a space that serves a specific program
Design Concept Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Perception Space Privacy Light to Dark Light Color Enclosure Density Transparency
Design Concept Experiences VIEW
Controlled light access from Light to Dark
Design Concept Experiences access Light
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled light
to Dark ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 159
Design Concept Experiences
Controlled light access from Light to Dark
Design Concept Experiences
Controlled light access from Light to Dark
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Design Concept
Special Experiences
Controlled light
Colour ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 162
Design Concept Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled light Colour ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 163
Design Concept
Special Experiences
Controlled light
Colour ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 164
Design Concept Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled light Colour ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 165
Design Concept
Special Experiences
Controlled privacy with variety of enclosure level ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 166
Design Concept Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled privacy with variety of enclosure level ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 167
Design Concept
Special Experiences
Controlled privacy with variety of enclosure level ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 168
Design Concept
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao ISO.3 ISO.4
Special Experiences Controlled privacy with variety of enclosure level ISO.1 ISO.2TOP VIEW 169
Design Concept Experiences
Controlled privacy with structure density
Design Concept Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled privacy with structure density ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 171
Design Concept Experiences
Controlled with
structure density ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 172
Design Concept Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled privacy with structure density ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 173
Design Concept Experiences
Controlled with
material transparency ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 174
Design Concept Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled privacy with material transparency ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 175
Design Concept
Special Experiences
Controlled privacy with material transparency
Design Concept
Special Experiences
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Controlled privacy with material transparency ISO.1 ISO.2 ISO.3 ISO.4 TOP VIEW 177
Design Concept
Villa Müller by Adolf Loos 1930
Raumplan (spatial plan) sequence of stepped areas while differentiating the height of the ceiling in relation to different functions.
The vertical distribution progresses from the public rooms on the ground floor to the more private on the upper floors.
Rooms evolve around the central steps, allows visual connection among the different areas. Between the spaces, pierced walls frame the views on a diagonal direction, giving the interior an almost theatrical quality often described as “voyeuristic“.
Spatial solution based on each rooms, not on an area by the floor. Its trademark is a dramatic gradation of the heights of the individual rooms according to their function and symbolic meaning, composed around the central staircase. It enables both visual interconnections of rooms and plays with spatial illusions, as well as maximum use of the interior space of the house. Rooms located on different horizontal levels are interconnected by several steps of stairs.
“I do not draw plans, facades or sections”
Adolf Loos
Design Concept
Section for Villa Müller
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Photographs of Villa Müller
Design Concept
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
2 |
Design Concept: Boxes Stacking Space Design Concept: Spheres Stacking Design Concept Raumplan 181
Design Concept Concept Development and Experimentation Design Based on Space Requirements 1.Solid cube with core 2.Sphere space 3.Sphere inflation 4.Space Enclosure 182
Completing Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 |
Design Concept Concept Development and Experimentation Algorithm Generation I Algorithm Generation VI Algorithm Generation II Algorithm Generation VII Algorithm Generation III Algorithm Generation VIII Algorithm Generation IV Algorithm Generation IX Algorithm Generation V Algorithm Generation X 183
Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm
Design Concept Concept Development and Experimentation
Generation IV
Generation V Algorithm Generation IX
Generation X 184
Structure Design Based on Sphere Space 1.Solid Cube with Core 2.Sphere Space 3.Main Structure 4.Plastic Enclosure Design Concept Concept Development and Experimentation 188
Design Concept Concept Development and Experimentation 189
Design Concept
Concept Development and Experimentation
Metal Support Structure
Voronoi with Material Shell
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 199
Application on Testing Site House
STANGATE HOUSE London, United Kingdom Lambeth palace Rd Residental building stories with vacant ground floor design place: ground floor under the elevated
This is a typical modernist architecure in London with columns on the ground floor under the elevated building. We choose this site as a test and aim to reuse the wasted ground floor and vitalize the vacant space to improve the current problems of the typical modernsit architecture.
Site LocationSite Photo
Characteristics: 13
Application on Testing Stangate
Recreation Business Hotel Site GreenlandResidenceHospitalBus Stop
House 201
Application on Testing Site Stangate House
Intention Design Space
Ground floor The intention design space is the ground floor under the elevat ed 13-stories buildingof the Stangate house. It is divided into four symmetric corners. There are four irregular columns in each corner, which is a great inspiration and challenge to the design. Besides, the height of the ground floor is less than 3 meters and a main private entrance space is in the middle of the open space. Vacant space design A waiting space for passers-by An new open space for residents A lighter space quality Vitalize the old building Improve the deserted situation 202
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Application on Testing Site Stangate House 8m 5.2m 8m 0.4m 0.4m 2.3m 2.3m 0.3m 0.3m1.1m 0.7m 39m 13 stories 8.2m 6.4m 8.2m Dimension-North Facade Dimension-West Facade 0.1m 2.3m 0.3m 203
Application on Testing Site Site Observation 11:20 North Facade 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 17:40 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 17:40 South Facade 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 17:40 West Facade 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 17:40 East Facade 204
Application on Testing Stangate House
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
After observing concluded sunlight the elevated space. day around the site due to the location.
Stangate house as a residential building is across the St Tomas hospital and a which will ensure the surrounding crowd resources. As our observation, there always some passers-by siting or standing on the ground terrace.
Many people or spend between under the elevated space to have or
the site for a full day we
the following: Limited
hours many people circulate
bus stop,
5-20 min
make phone calls.
intension place to improve is the ground floor under
elevated, which is dark and obscure. Through the recording of the sunlight to the building in a sunny daytime, the ground floor can only get a little sunshine even at noon. There will be a great challenge to change the sunlight situation and create a lighter public space. 205
Application on Testing Site Recycling Centers in London 206
Application on Testing Site Plan
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Veolia Southwark Recycling Centre, is located near our first test site. 15 min Drive Route from recycling center to test site
Truck access location
Trucks should upload the material our workshop that will be set in front of the building where truck can access without disturbing the users or circulation around the building.
Veolia Southwark Recycling Center SE15 1AL
Veolia Southwark Recycling Center SE15 1AL
The centre has many facilities covering almost 50,000 sqm of land. We plan to have a workshop to transform plastic granules to filaments to feed the robot in our site. After producing the filaments in our Southwark location all filament rolls should be uploaded into a truck and sent to the test site Stangate house.
The south facade of Stangate House is an empty land. We plan to utilize it as our workshop on site. We car access from that side we can plan for material delivery without interrupting traffic or cause inconvenience for the occupants.
Application on Testing Site Robot Fabrication 3m 0.5m 1.3m3m Robot Fabrication 1 Robot : Bartlett-IPB1600 Bubble radius: 2m Robot and Bubble Dimension Perspective View In the first proposal we tackle north and south facades. We create a bubble using PET recycled plastics to protect the robot in cause of rain or wind. We plan to dissemble that bubble and recycle again to use the PET for our project. This bubble is placed on a platform with castors that allow movement with the robot. 208
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Robot Fabrication 2 Robot : Bartlett-IPB1600 Bubble radius: 2.8m 0.5m 1.3m 4.8m 3.8m Robot and Bubble Dimension Perspective View In the second proposal we tackle east and west facades. The robot should complete 360 diameters to produce full structure that covers the ground floor of Stangate House. That’s where our research stopped by the end of term two. We are looking forward to completing the work at Stangate House and discover more possibilities in different sites. Application on Testing Site Robot Fabrication 209
8.Algorithm Application7.Transform & Boolean Transform Parameter: 1.1 5.Offset Spheres Offset Parameter: -0.05m 4.Spheres Inflation Cloth Stretch Stiffness: 6*1 Cloth Bend Stiffness: 1*0.1 Pressure Stretch Stiffness: 6*1000000 2.Site Bounding Box1.Testing Site 3.Original Spheres Diameter: 1.5m Counts: 19 6.Spheres Combination Merging spheres Application on Site Design Process 210
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Application on Site Forming the Algorithm Space Design on Site Sphere Count: 19 Column Count: 4 Space Count: 9 Space Separation Density and Transparency Gradation Space 1 Space 2 Space 4 Space 5 Space 6 Space 8 Space 9 Space 3 Space 7 211
Algorithm Generation I Algorithm Generation II Algorithm Generation III Algorithm Generation IV
Application on Testing Site Forming the Algorithm
Application on Testing Site
Design on
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
test site
Application on Testing Site
3D Renders
Application on Testing Site
Front view
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
3D Renders
Application on Testing Site
Interior view
3D Renders
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 221
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 223
Application on Testing Site Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate
The new council of Camden formed in 1965 had the necessary circumstances for creating housing of the highest quality –visionary borough architect, Sydney Cook; a pool of passionate and talented young designers; and a substantial housing budget.
Camden’s enlightened policies, implemented through excellent and innovative housing resulted in an increase in social housing and an improvement in the residents’ quality of life. The Alexandra Road Estate is an extravagant and grandly ambitious comprehensive redevelopment of a 15-acre site in South Hampstead. The development comprises three parallel linear terraces of varying heights, the tallest of which is built as a ziggurat. The stepped section acts as a buffer to sound and vibration from the West Coast Mainline Railway that bounds the north of the site. Built from in-situ concrete – that is, cast on site in wooden form work –the estate is an exemplar of Camden housing and Neave Brown’s principle of low-rise high-density development in contrast to the tower blocks still commonly commissioned by many borough councils of the time. One of the last of Camden’s major housing projects, it was built on a scale that won’t be seen again.
Location: London, United Kingdom 90B Rowley Way
Program: Housing estate Characteristics: modernist
Intention design place: Develop unused areas
Alexandra Road Estate, Abbey Road, Loudon Road and Boundary Road, South Hampstead NW8. Designed by Neave Brown for Camden Architects’ Department. Built 1972–78.
Site Location
Site Photo
Residence Railway Vacant Space Site Building RailwayResidence Application on Testing Site Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate GreenlandHealth Center 225
Application on Testing Site and Ainsworth Estate
Intention Design Space
Roof Garden
Vertical space design
A vertical tower
A roof garden
An assemblage of sphere space
sSquare in the corner
The intention design space of Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate is the square place in the corner and the roof of the building. We aim to create a vertical tower in the corner which is attatched to the main builidng and can be extended to the roof plan.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Application on Testing Site Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate Site Building Dimension-Front Site Building Dimension-Left 16m 4m 8m 7m 5m 4.6m 3m 52.4m 4.2m 19.3m 4.4m 6m 7.8m 227
Application on Testing Site Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate 228
Application on Testing Site Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate
This estate is special for the residence of Camden as it was maintained as heritage and it is not under threat of demolition, although it does face other challenges. We have observed the site on many occasions and different times through out the day. The main issue observed is the lack of interaction of residents with the surroundings. As this estate includes Alexandra Road Park, a playground and a ballcourt we expected more interaction. This factor is important where we find an opportunity for the estate to be more active and inviting to its residents to be outside of their homes.
Another key factor is the concept of high-density low-rise which means that the estate expanded horizontal rather than vertical. This led to amenities being distant from the users. Residences are required to leave the estate (15 min walk) to reach the daily necessities such as grocery store or a café.
The third factor is the dead spaces that give the impression that this place is not safe. So many corners and hidden areas in addition to an unusually large number of entries. Inviting the community to interact in a common space will reflect positively on this observation.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Application on Testing Site and Ainsworth Estate Design Intention
Vertical Sphere Stacking
The intention design space is the vacant square spaca in the corner attach to the main residence building and the vacant roof space. By utilizing the limited vacant square, we intend to build a vertical tower and the boundary of the tower extends to the roof plan.
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 8.Voronoi Algorithm7.Transform & Boolean6.Offset Spheres Offset Parameter: -0.05m Offset Count: 181 5.Spheres Inflation Cloth Stretch Stiffness: 6*1 Cloth Bend Stiffness: 1*0.1 Pressure Stretch Stiffness: 6*1000000 1.Testing Site 3.Bounding Box Height: 43m Length: 72m Application on Site Design Process 4.Original Spheres Diameter: 2.5-3.5m Counts: 181 2.Design Intension Vertical tower Roof garden 231
Application on Testing Site Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate Boundary Dimension-Front Boundary Dimension-Left 40m 12m 60m 17.5m 6m 4.4m 2.5m 3m 16m 4m 20m 23m 3m 232
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Design Process Sphere packing 1.Space Bounding Box Height: 43m Length: 72m Width: 7m 3.Spheres Inflation Cloth Stretch Stiffness: 6*1 Cloth Bend Stiffness: 1*0.1 Pressure Stretch Stiffness: 6*1000000 2.Set Original Spheres Diameter: 2.5m to 3.5m Count: 181 233
6.Sphere Space in Bounding Box5.Transform & Boolean X Transform Parameter: 1.00 Y Transform Parameter: 1.08 Z Transform Parameter: 1.003 4.Offset Spheres Offset Parameter: -0.05m Offset Count: 181 Design Process Sphere packing 234
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Application on Site Forming the Algorithm Spheres in Bounding Box Inside Space Separation Voronoi Enclosure 235
Application on Site Forming the Algorithm Section 1.1 In-Between Enclosure Section 1.2 Inside Sphere spaces 236
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Application on Site Forming the Algorithm Section 1.3 In-Between Voronoi Curve Section 1.4 In-Between Voronoi Texture 237
Application on Site Forming the Algorithm
2.2 Inside Sphere spaces Section 2.3 Voronoi Texture Section 2.1 In-Between Enclosure 238
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team 2 Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Application on Testing Site Recycling Centers in London 240
Application on Testing Site
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Islington recycling center, is located near our first test site. 18 min Drive Route from recycling center to test site
Truck access location
Trucks should upload material our workshop that will be set in the empty space beside the building where truck can access without disturbing the users or circulation around the building.
Veolia Southwark Recycling Center SE15 1AL
Veolia Southwark Recycling Center SE15 1AL
The centre has many facilities covering almost 800 sqm of land. We plan to have a workshop to transform plastic granules to filaments to feed the robot in our site. After producing the filaments in Islington workshop location all filament rolls should be uploaded into a truck and sent to the test site Alexandra & Ainsworth Estate. The loction of our test site is an empty land beside the building. We plan to utilize it as our workshop on site. We car access from that side we can plan for material delivery without interrupting traffic or cause inconvenience for the occupants.
Work Plan
Application on Testing Site Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate 244
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team 2 Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Ainsworth
Application on Testing Site Alexandra and
Estate 245
Blue Color High Density Red Color High Density Light Transparent Transparent
Low Density Dark High Density
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 249
Application on Testing Site
Intention design place: Develop unused areas
The tough, heavily textured and robust finishes are a continuation of the themes initially developed at Crescent House on the Golden Lane Estate. Indeed, the concepts first explored by Chamberlin, Powell and Bon at Golden Lane find full expression at the Barbican – themes of formality and landscape, separation of pedestrians and vehicles, and the demarcation of public and private space.
The length of time which passed between planning and completion of the vast and hugely ambitious Barbican, designed to provide dwellings for 6,500 people, meant that perhaps inevitably it was out of stylistic favour on completion. It was seen as overbearing, isolated by confused walkways and way-finding, and unnervingly empty. The opening of the Arts Centre in 1982 changed this perception and brought new crowds and audiences to this now hugely popular London landmark.
Site Location Site Photo
The Barbican Estate
Location: London, United Kingdom EC2Y Silk Street, Barbican Program: Mix use
Characteristics: modernist estate
Barbican, Silk Street, City of London EC2. Designed by Chamberlin, Powell and Bon for the Corporation of the City of London. Built 1962–82.
Greenland BusinessSchool Recreation Site ResidenceGreenland Barbican Center
Application on Testing Site
Application on Testing Site Barbican Center
Intention Design Space Corridor Roof
The corridor in the second floor and the pitched roof of a small build ing attatched to the corridor are the main design space for Barbican. The new space design will combine the terrace and the roof to make a series of sphere space in the vacant space.
Vitalize Vacant Space Corridor with Arch-roof Waiting Space Recreation Space
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Application on Testing Site Barbican Center Boundary Dimension-Front Boundary Dimension-Right 9m 22m 33m 11m 18m 18m 10m 5.7m 11m 253
Application on Testing Site Barbican Center Design Intention
Sphere Stacking on terrace and roof
The intention design space is the vacant corridor and roof of a build ing attached to the corridor. By utilizing the limited vacant square, we intend to build a continuous space from the terrace in second floor to the roof in third floor.
Intention Design
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao 8.Voronoi Algorithm7.Transform & Boolean6.Offset Spheres Offset Parameter: -0.05m Offset Count: 62 5.Spheres Inflation Cloth Stretch Stiffness: 6*1 Cloth Bend Stiffness: 1*0.1 Pressure Stretch Stiffness: 6*1000000 1.Testing Site 3.Bounding Box Height: 20m Length: 60.7m Application on Site Design Process 4.Original Spheres Diameter: 3-6m Counts: 62 2.Design Intension Corridor Roof 255
Application on Testing Site Barbican Center Boundary Dimension-Front Boundary Dimension-Right 11m 9m 22m 33m 1.4m 5.5m 4.1m 18m 5.5m 14.5m 5.7m 11m 256
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Design Process Sphere packing 1.Space Bounding Box Height: 20m Length: 60.7m Width: 22m 2.Set Original Spheres Diameter: 3m to 6m Count: 62 1.Barbican site 257
6.Bounding Box Mesh5.Transform & Boolean X Transform Parameter: 1.01 Y Transform Parameter: 1.01 Z Transform Parameter: 1.06 3.Spheres Inflation Cloth Stretch Stiffness: 6*1 Cloth Bend Stiffness: 1*0.1 Pressure Stretch Stiffness: 6*1000000 Design Process Sphere packing 258
Completing Modernism Lawrence Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
| RC8 Team 2 |
Application on Site Design on Site Spheres in Bounding Box Inside Space Separation Voronoi Enclosure 259
Application on Site Design on Site Section 1.1 In-Between Enclosure Section 1.2 Inside Sphere spaces 260
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao Application on Site Design on Site Section 1.3 In-Between Voronoi Curve Section 1.4 In-Between Voronoi Texture 261
Application on Site Design on Site Plan 1.1 In-Between Enclosure Plan 1.2 Inside Sphere spaces Plan 1.3 Voronoi Texture 262
Completing London Modernism RC8 Team Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
2 |
Application on Testing
We found an opportunity to celebrate the 40th years of the most brutalist estate in the heart of London. As the birth of the Barbican was in 1982 where the work started 1965 and took 11 years to complete, the estate is prospering as one of the most go to locations in London. The Barbican became a venue to hosting graduation ceremonies of many educational institutes in addition to weddings and private corporate and personal events. We find it as an opportunity to for a contribution to the estate.
The conservatory of the Barbican is the second largest in London. It houses more than 2,000 species of plants and trees, as well as terrapins and koi carp. The conservatory covers 2,100 SQM , and is located on top of the theatre's fly tower. A glass room rapped around concrete tower. A large number of guests are expected every day, where the tour takes around 30 minutes. we found an opportunity to encourage visitors of the theatre and the conservatory to interact more with spaces and attend to our project before or after their event.
The Barbican Estate THE OPPORTUNITIES OF Barbican Estate AS A TESTING SITE
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Application on Testing Site Recycling Centers in London 266
Application on Testing Site
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Veolia Southwark Recycling Centre, is located near our first test site. 23 min Drive Route from recycling center to test site
Truck access location
Trucks should offload the material to closest car access point on Silk Street as marked in red. The route after this point as highlighted in green should to be with a smaller vehicle or trolly.
Veolia Southwark Recycling Center SE15 1AL The Barbican Estate, Conservatory EC2Y 8DS
The centre has many facilities covering almost 50,000 sqm of land. We plan to have a workshop to transform plastic granules to filaments to feed the robot in our site. After producing the filaments in our Southwark location all filament rolls should be uploaded into a truck and sent to the test site Barbican testing site.
Highlighted space on podium level is approx. 600 SQM, which allow for the architect workshop. The Conservatory access from this area is closed so the work hop should not disturbing guest access and circulation.
Work Plan
Completing London Modernism | RC8 Team 2 | Lawrence Hsu, Mai Altheeb, Jiangjing Mao
Dark Multi-Color Low Density Red Color High Density 271
Research Cluster 8, 2022-2023 M.Arch architectural Design UCL, The Bartlett School of Architecture