Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2019 Maiken Stromgren Skogstad (978409) Sean Guy + 16
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols?
Zeara-Polo argues that there has been a shift within architectural debate from representation and language, towards methodology and instrumentality. This shift was the mere result of globalisation and the increasing overlap of multiple cultures, languages and codes, and consequently, architecture required new types of practices. According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram was a great tool in this case, due to its abilities to describe relationships and prescribe the performance of spaces. It differs from signs and symbols mainly because their performance depends on how they are developed and they do not play a representational role for their dynamic object.
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Left: Serpentine Galleries. Serpentine Pavilion, 2001, London, United Kingdom. publishing/serpentine-gallery/ Top: Traced the plan of the unrolled model and extruded Right: Process of rotating the different planes with Rotate3D Bottom: Final 3D-model Libeskind’s Serpentine Pavilion is essentially a long string of several planes varying in size and angles, who, consequently, are wrapped around and around to create an intricate and impressive pavilion. The most accurate way to design the pavilion in Rhinoceros was to begin with tracing the provided unrolled model which is also functioning as a plan. The next step in the process was to, as accurately as possible, rotate the various planes with the Rotate3D-command. Finally, the planes were extruded and given volume to resemble the actual pavilion.
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use.
The 2001 Serpentine Pavilion by Libeskind is characterised by its angled planes, sharp corners and openings of various sizes. According to Herzberger, the purpose of an entrance was to make the person approaching it feel welcome and one of the iconic features about Libeskind’s pavilion is its many entrances and exits. There is no clear separation between the inside and the outside, and this intricate structure allows people to wander freely around in a pavilion which provides both enclosure as well as gives a connection to its natural surroundings. Also, the podium floor provides stairs and informal seating areas.
Week Two
Final isometric of Libeskind Serpentine Pavilion My isometric is taken from an angle that shows some of the most intricate corners of the pavilion and the rotations of the different planes. It shows both a piece of the flooring with the texture as well as the tiling-like detailing on the panels. This pavilion has been very educative regarding the complexity of a serpentine pavilion due to the way it is wrapped around itself multiple times and consequently forms a structure for occupiable space. The circulation and threshold diagrams assisted me in the understanding of the natural flow both inside and outside the structure, when it comes to occupiable and unoccupiable space. The roofing planes vary greatly in height and therefore, accessibility varies as a consequence. Certain areas may have a decent height where one can move around freely in a natural pattern versus other areas where one might have to bend down slightly to access it properly.
Week Two Diagrams
Circulation diagram
Threshold diagram
The circulation diagram shows the isometric divided into three layers. The top layer shows the panels and their shape, the middle layer shows the structure of the pavilion and how it is built, while the bottom layer shows the plan/base with circulation paths in various colours. The circulation paths, shown by the
The threshold diagram is also divided into three layers and the purpose with this diagram is to demonstrate how the angles of the planes affect what space is occupiable or not. The top layer shows the panels, while the middle layer shows the panels, functioning as walls, that because of their angles, create unoccupi-
use of arrows, demonstrate the circulation which is affected by the height of the structure. Green symbolising easy accessibility, orange symbolising medium accessibility and lastly, red showing low accessibility.
able space. The bottom layer displays those particular unoccupiable spaces as figures.
1. Had a first attempt of rising the planes from the plan provided and to design the model from the elevations and picture given. I found this to be quite challenging and therefore changed my procedure moving forward.
2. Placed the given picture in Rhino and arranged layers to be able to trace the plan accurately. All the lines were traced so that all the planes, with their various shapes and angles, were individual objects before finally extruding.
3. The process progressed with the rotation of the many different planes. The ‘Rotate3D’-command was used and the planes were carefully rotated and tweeked to become the intricate pavilion Libeskind designed.
4. Finally, the planes were designed, extruded and rotated, as well as having been given volume.
Appendix Process
5. Structure was built to demonstrate a possible way the pavilion can be supported.
6. By carefully manoeuvering around the 3D-model in Rhino and assessing the angled planes, figures were created to repesent the unoccupiable space of the pavilion.
7. Figures showing unoccupiable space.
8. Separated the panels and the structure to start making the circulation diagram and to make sure the two individually repesent each other perfectly.
9. The elevation of the
10. Perspective of modelled pavilion in Rhinoceros.
pavilion has been checked with the given documentation to assess and make sure they complement each other.
11. Plan of modelled
12. Dividing the model into three separate layers to start developing diagrams. The Make2D-comman was used to turn the model into
pavilion in Rhinoceros.
appropriate lineweights.
Appendix Process
13. Illustrator was used to adjust the lineweights of the design according to their importance and towards the goal of the final
14. Adjusting lineweights and colours of the diagrams, for instance adding hatched lines to represent spaces.
15. Adding texture and detailed panels onto the planes in Photoshop.
16. Additionally, adding texture to the flooring of the pavilion to complete the representation.