Iyar 9, 5773 / April 19, 2013
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 7:23
produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
Shabbos Ends:
This newsletter is dedicated to the victims and families of the terrible terror tragedy at the
Boston Marathon
and in solidarity with the great City of Boston and terror victims everywhere. We also pay tribute to the first responders, emergency services, law enforcement as well as ordinary citizens for all their heroic efforts.
DIGESTING TASTY FELAFEL PHILOSOPHY At Tuesday’s Israel Birthday (delicious) Felafel Lunch, Rabbi Mendel shared two tidbits of the “Felafel Philosophy” (thanks to Leah in HS for the cute title) that he shared with students on campus: (1) Even a good Felafel can sometimes fall apart. The pita tears, develops a Techina leak and the whole thing becomes a mess. What do you do? You take a fork and pick up the pieces! That’s a great message about life: If your plans don’t work out, keep at it, pick up the pieces and make it work some other way… (2) Did you know that Chumus and Techina are made of basically the same ingredients? Yet Chumus is a spread/dip while a Felafel Ball is a unit of distinctive flavor that stands out on its own! This is a model of the benefits of both the unity of a team or group (the spreading Chumus) and also emphasizing individual uniqueness (stand-out flavorful Felafel Ball).
FELAFEL LUNCH THANK YOU’S 5th graders cut up the delicious Israeli salad, mixed up the Techina sauce, and prepared the blue and white tables with Morah Rochel.
CHESS GAME UNDERWAY Our roving TNT photographer took this photo just as these two boys made their first moves!
TRIBUTE/YEARBOOK JOURNAL GOES TO PRINT THIS MONDAY Having the dinner moved up this year to Eva Kneznek’s yartzeit (April 29) gives us a shorter window for the journal, so we thank all those for their timely ad submissions. This year we reflect on 25 years since Dr. Morton Berger’s passing. The award established in his memory in 1989 was the start of Maimonides’ annual tribute event and communal celebration.
ASSEMBLY, VIDEO & PROJECTS Thanks to YouTube, we watched the “Israel You Have It All!” video with lively spectrum of Israeli places and times in history, Rabbi Rubin spoke about the terror tragedy at the Boston Marathon, and Morah Clara’s 6th graders presented their Navi projects about a war with the neighboring Plishtim (see page 2).
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
If you would like to submit an ad in the journal there is still time! Email your text or materials, along with desired size: or to Anything arriving after Monday will be included in the Journal Supplement. Ad sizes & costs are listed below: Diamond Page $1,800 Scholarship Page $1,080 Full Page $540 1/2 Page $252 1/4 Page $126 1/8 Page $72 1/10 Page $54 2-line Greeting $36
CONDOLENCES ON THE PASSING OF IRVING MENNEN The funeral was Thurs morning at Temple Mrs. Carroll’s 1st graders used bright, cheerful Israel. Shiva at 494 West Lawrence Street. colors to decorate bird-houses as a welcome to Shacharit prayers 7:30am, Mincha/Maariv spring. They’re displayed on main entrance services 7pm. Many of us remember Mr. Irv bulletin board outside the Computer Lab. Mennen from Shomray Torah, where he prayed for many years (he originally went there NYS ELA TESTING THIS WEEK ISRAEL WALL MAPS & FLAGS 4th, 6th and 8th graders took the state test in once his hearing got more difficult and he wanted closer access to the Bima). Some of Morah Devorah’s students made their own English Language Arts, given in 3 parts over our alumni will remember their “Partridge flags (complete with accessories, like a map of three days this week. 6th graders say that the Street Oral History Project” with him, when Israel or camels), and worked together as a new “Common Core” testing has harder they visited his home on W. Lawrence Street group to decorate a colorful huge wall map of multiple choice options - in some instances for a video interview. (This photo was taken Israel with Hebrew tags for countries, places & more than one answer seemed possible to be during that interview in 2005). He was born in bodies of water. Some of the students already correct. There was also some concern about learned enough Chumash and/or Jewish use of (dated) popular culture icons “Tweetie Albany, in the former Brady Womens Hospital on North Main Ave. He grew up in history to recognize certain cities/places. Bird” and “Nike” that may not be as familiar to all kids. NYS Math tests will be next week. Troy, where his father sold fruits & vegetables, and Irv helped his father out at work, as young as age 8. He worked summers to afford RPI TYPOGRAPHY IN ART CLASS tuition and served in the US Army in WWII. 5, 7&8 are now learning about typography in After his return from the war, he said Kaddish art class with Mrs. Levin. Interestingly, one day at the Woodlawn Ave shul that was a this week a sign-maker stopped by school to predecessor to the Partridge Street Shul (where take some measurements and placement for a our school is now). Thanks to the GI Bill he sign and he asked the kids about the history of was able to train at RPI to be an architect. His TODAH RABA TZAHAL (IDF) the English alphabet. Turns out that while Kindergarten kids made these flags with the career was designing hospitals and health most of the alphabet dates back to Roman Hebrew words “Torah Raba” to be sent to facilities, and as a good listener, he always times, the letters “J” “U” and “W” are more Israeli soldiers with thanks and appreciation insisted on input from doctors and patients. recent (but still old) additions. for their service in defense of Israel’s people. This past Passover, even as he was quite ill, he didn’t complain, instead sang a personalized “Dayenu” in appreciation for all the blessings he was thankful for. Condolences to his family, May his memory be a blessing.
The Mystery of the Library File Part 6… to be continued in next MC…
6TH GRADE NAVI PROJECTS PRESENTATIONS Morah Clara’s Navi students prepared multi-media presentations about some recent chapters they studied, including several pictured here as presented to other classes following the Israel video on Tuesday. L-R above: (L) Noah and Mendel present their homemade Stratego game board with playing pieces. The teams and numbers correspond to the Plishtim and Jewish sides of a great battle, and the various important characters who play roles in the story (like Shmuel, Shaul, Yonason etc). (M) Shmuel Dovid shares a newspaper-like report of what happened, includes a relevant advertisement. (R) Moshe made an edible diorama made of sweets (chocolate, fruit roll-up, marshmallows) to depict Yonason’s fateful eating honey on the day of the battle. (<) The “Help!” on left is one screen of a pretty cool multi-screen website prepared by Chaya on behalf of the Plishtim side, showing their desperation and concern when the tide of war, unexpectedly, turned against them…
… Tzvi thought this way and that, and finally realized that his best choice might be to muster up the courage and go speak to the principal directly before matters got much worse. He slowly and cautiously walked to the principal's door, and knocked softly. "Come in," called Rabbi W, and Yoel took in the messy office, piles of papers flying all over the floor and the secretary looking more harried than ever. Rabbi W smiled warmly, and said, "Hello, Tzvi, please come in, take a seat, and explain why you're here." Tzvi and down and took a deep breath, unsure if he was ready for the task he needed to do. Suddenly, the phone rang, and Rabbi W jumped up, grabbing the phone. "Hi, Rabbi W speaking, how may I help you?"… Can you continue this story next week? All students are welcome to help this story BE CONTINUED…
HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SHABBATON AT SHABBOS HOUSE High School students enjoyed a Shabbaton (that extended into Saturday night and early Sunday) last week at Shabbos House, along with Maimonides alumni Molly and Riva.
HOW TO FIT IN OR ADD UP? 1st graders with Mrs. Carroll are learning about various ways that different coins can add up to a specific sum. 2nd graders with Ms. Livingston are learning about how different shapes can be put together (or taken apart) to make other flat or 3-D shapes.
Morah Rochel realized that many students don’t have proper typing skills, and most are unfamiliar with the Hebrew keyboard. So she 3/4 wrote about is doing a series of typing classes with middle what they are very and high school students. She tries to use grateful for. See practice words that actually mean something, the bulletin board in the old entranceway. so they learn a little Hebrew as they work, plus they print out their results to check their accuracy and results and work on improving.
PONTIAC Most people associate Pontiac with the car company (established in 1926, and as of 2010 is a discontinued GM brand). Mrs. Maher’s 5th graders are learning about “Pontiac’s War” between the Indian tribe, led by Chief Pontiac against the British.
A STORMY ANCHOR CHART Ms. Livingston’s 2nd graders wrote post-it notes for an anchor-chart they’re doing on 3 forms of story weather (Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Lightning), and preparation/safety tips.
KNEZNEK DISCOVERIES As we prepare for the “Nizkor” dinner event on Eve Kneznek’s yartzeit, Monday, April 29, we found some of Eve’s (also known as Eva) writings of which excerpts will be published in RAINBOWS this year’s Tribute Journal/Yearbook. Thanks Nursery (above) and to Rabbi Yossi for the amazing research! Kindergarten (right) both made rainbows in (Above: her Simmons College Yearbook 1933 connection with Lag B’Omer (April 28).
at Maimonides and in the Community 4/20: WOMENS SHABBOS SHIUR
This year reflects on 25 years of annual dinners, the 4:45pm by Dini Gordon at her home 29 Glenwood Dr. Morton Berger Memorial Award and associated awards. It also recognizes (on her yartzeit) the bequest of Eva Kneznek which allowed the school 4/21: SUNDAY CHASSIDUS to purchase its own home. mini-study of a Chassidic Maamar for 10-15 min. after Mincha/Maariv Sundays at Shomray Torah.
Linda Hooper of the “Paper-Clips Project” will speak for Federation Womens Philanthropy event, 10:30am-2:30pm at SAAJCC (Albany) Info booths, 6pm at HACD, 54 Sandcreek Rd. Open to those screenings, and more… 438-6651 x112. who contribute minimum $180 to Federation. $25pp, $18 for ages 12-21. Call 783-7800 x234.
11-4 open & free to community. Exhibitors & vendors w/ presentations, water & soil testing & kids activities. Call Schen JCC: 377-8803 ext 235.
5/2: ISRAEL BONDS COCKTAILS Capital District Israel Bonds hosts gala cocktail honoring Rodney & Carol Ann Margolis at CNSE Nanotech, 257 Fuller Rd. Guest speaker Shahar Azani, Israeli consul for media affairs. $36pp. Info/ RSVP w/ Israel Bonds: (800) 724-0748.
1-4pm at University Hall (admin building at Washington Ave entrance) free parking at State Gold. CBS-6’s Nick Johnston will speak at family5/5: WALK 4 FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE friendly event w/atmospheric science demos, cloud This year’s “Walk 4 Friendship” will be in art, nitrogen game, bean planting and trash sorting. Guilderland’s Tawasentha Park on Rt 146. Find Pre-registering preferred at: out more at:
Ads arriving after this date for this year’s Tribute Beth Israel’s dinner honors Debbie Gatoff, past Journal/Yearbook will be included in supplement. president & current VP of the congregation & Call school office 453-9363/3434 ext 1 with any Rabbi Rami Strosberg, HACD head of school, questions or email: soon headed to Westchester. They’re also honoring past sisterhood presidents. Call 377-3700 for info.
Matzah & Shmears served at Lunch at school, in honor of “Pesach Sheini” the 2nd Passover.
4/23: MORGENBESSER SHLOSHIM “Shloshim” (30 days since the passing) of Dr. Lenny Morgenbesser will be held at “Jerusalem Pizza” on Route 59 in Monsey NY, 6:30pm. If you plan to attend, please call 281-1471 or leave a message at 482-5108 by Sunday evening.
4/24: THE RETURN OF THE KIDS Jewish Family Services Miriam Adler lecture: “Adult Kids filling Empty Nest” 7-9pm seminar at the Federation Golub Center led by Dr. Susan Klim. Contact JFS 482-8856 or
Chabad joins JCC at their scenic Camp Olam Ce-de-Ca in Grafton NY site for “Lag B’Omer at the Lake” festivities (campfire, archery, gaga, Israeli dancing, nature hikes, etc) Kosher food (organized by M. Caras) available for sale. Call Rabbi Simon 439-8280 for questions/info. Birthday & BBQ at Clifton Park Chabad 6pm. Some families are headed down to “The Great Parade” in Brooklyn. Thanks for representing!
4/29: MHDS ANNUAL TRIBUTE 6pm at Maimonides with an elegant buffet dinner, program, ending with a dessert buffet/tea room.
5/11: CANSTRUCTION END @NYSM CANstruction is back at the NY State Museum, a fundraiser for the Food Pantries. Vote for favorite designs by giving a can. Exhibits up until 4/11.
5/22: JERNY’S “UCJ” UNITY CELEBRATION OF JERUSALEM 5-10pm at Proctor’s in Schenectady. Visit: Look for info on this year’s live concert, Israeli food court, Israeli vendors and many local organization booths and activities.
6/2: CBAJ DINNER/INSTALLATION This dinner will be the formal installation of Rabbi Binyamin Lehrfield, and also honor the long-time dedication and leadership of Mrs. Bev Shor for the Beth Abraham-Jacob synagogue.
6/6: J.F.S. ANNUAL CELEBRATION Jewish Family Services annual celebration, this year at Shabbos House, honoring Jerry and Ilene Sykes.
Annual Maimonides Scholarship Tribute Monday, April 29th, 2013 6pm at the Maimonides School 404 Partridge Street, Albany NY 12208 Elegant Buffet Dinner & Desserts Couvert: $72pp/$126 couple Tribute Journal/Info/RSVP: (518) 453-9363 /
EVA KNEZNEK Yartzeit Memorial Recognizing Eva’s generous bequest that enabled the purchase of the Maimonides School Building
25 YEARS OF DR. MORTON BERGER MEMORIAL AWARDS & associated individual Maimonides Dinner Honorees Dr. David Axelrod* Sharona Backman Wendy Barnet Yefim & Galina Baskin Rabbi Mordechai Besser Milton* & Anne* Bindell Carl Bloomberg Hirshel & Debbie Ellenbogen Sharon Fogel Robin Freyer Hon. Ronald Goldman Col. Jacob Goldstein Lewis & Beth Gray Dr. Ed & Laura Jacobs Gloria Krimmer Ruvain Kudan Dr. Norman Lamm Bruce Lorence Avi Losice Moshe & Rivka* Losice Noah Losice* Hon. Jack McEneny Benjamin & Ruth Mendel Dr. Leonard Morgenbesser* Eli Nash Hope Berger-Nathan
Dr. Jonathan O’Brien* Leo & Ruth Phaff Dr. Richard & Vera* Propp Jack Rosenblum Sandy & Dina Rosenblum Harry Rosenfeld Marcia Rosenfield Nathan Rosenstein* Rabbi Yisroel & Rochel Rubin Seymour* & Marjorie* Saslow Norman Schimelman Faye Silton Hon. Sheldon Silver Rabbi Nachman & Clara Simon General Nolan Sklute Linda Berger-Spivack Debbie Stark Salo & Johanna Steper Ilene Sykes Dr. Bernard* & Joyce Teitelman Ira & Sheri Woren Gordon Zuckerman * of blessed memory
We apologize for inadvertent omissions. We also appreciate and recognize all the Maimonides Dinner Group Awardees (Rashi 900 Educators, Israel@60, Zahir!, Hudson 400 Explorers etc.)
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”