Tammuz 11, 5773 / June 19, 2013
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 8:19
produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
Shabbos Ends:
GRADUATION NIGHT & MOVING-UP DAY “Learning Never Ends!” but the 5773 / 2012-2013 School Year is now officially complete! 8th grade & HS graduation ceremonies (see page 3 for selections of the meaningful speeches) was on Monday Night, and the Moving-Up Day (see pictures below and on page 2) was on Tuesday morning, ending at 11am. Moving Up Day Photos included here are by Rabbi Mendel Rubin and Chana Laber of Maimonides TNT and by Michoel Caras of Carasmatic Design. Best wishes for a healthy and enjoyable summer!
Mazal Tov to our Graduates! And in appreciation to our teachers, parents, supporters and all who make this communal Nachas possible... Yasher Koach!
FOR HELPING US GROW Flower bouquets were presented to (L) Mrs. Leah Hecht for spearheaded the Esty Library campaign and getting hundreds of new books which were eagerly borrowed and read by students this year. (M) Mrs. Susannah Levin, for another wonderful year of hands-on art class instruction, our kids learn so much and it is a beautiful (literally and figuratively) expression for them! (R) Mrs. D.L. Kaufman for this year’s new Hebrew reading enrichment and support program in all grade levels. Other enrichment teachers recognized: Mrs. Deloria Ballard-Hubble for this year’s tripleplay Science/Math/Writing enrichment programs. Jill, our new SMART teacher who helps individuals and pairs with reading support. And see page 2 for appreciation presented to our dance teacher Eve Cameron (who is leaving for Brooklyn) and our Kung Fu teacher Lucas Geller, and to Morah Leah Lynn Gross for music!
NURSERY’S PERFORMANCE TOP: Nursery sings a song about each Mitzvah being a brick in the Beis-HaMikdash, and came along with Nursery bricks as props. They sang a number of songs before… MIDDLE: receiving their colorful Nursery diplomas (whether they are moving up to Kindergarten, or to Nursery age 4). ABOVE LEFT: Other classes look on and enjoy the Nursery songs. ABOVE RIGHT: Among their graduation goodies, each Nursery student received a special hard-plastic Shema foldable, for the bedtime Shema at home. Thank you Morah Rivka, Morah Elisheva and Morah Stephanie for a great year in the Maimonides Preschool!
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
THE LAST DANCE w/ EVE As Morah Eve is moving to Brooklyn, this was our girls last dance performance with her. She taught them so much and the energy was great! They will miss her!
THE KUNG-FU DEMO Kung Fu was another enrichment program this year for boys on the same alternate Wednesdays when girls had dance class. Lucas and the boys demonstrated some of the stances and moves they learned this year. Above they’re presenting a gift to Lucas.
KINDERGARTEN MOVES UP They sang two Hebrew songs, “You are my Sunshine!” and a summary of what they learned. Two happy graduates are pictured above with their teachers Morah Dini (Judaic) & Mrs. Hoffman (General Studies)
MAKING MOVIE ON THE SPOT MUSIC CHOIR Kindergarteners “grew” like trees as they sang “Hashkeidiah Porachat”...
Older boys planned to film a song for the end of the year, (a parody on 8th Day’s “Didan Notzach”) but instead they decided to “film” it live on the spot! Everyone had a job, there was a lights crew, and a sound guy, stage hands, mic guy and a director… Great show!
MELODY OF SONG Morah Lynn has been practicing with K-2 and performing for seniors at the Massry and Daughters of Sara, Beverwyck etc. At Moving-Up Day they sang a melody of Hebrew, Yiddish and English holiday songs that they sang all year. Then they presented Morah Leah with roses!
CERTIFICATES Each student got a personalized certificate highlighting special achievements, behavior, improvement etc.
While this may have been one of our smallest graduating classes, the Monday night Graduation ceremony was packed with meaning and thoughtful expression. Thanks to the students and parents who spoke so warmly and beautifully about our school, we tried to capture some of it below. It’s not an exact transcript of the many things said, but hopefully it conveys the essence and spirit of what was shared.
ELI KOCHMAN The Jews in the Desert enjoyed the benefits of the Clouds of Glory, the Well of Miriam and Manna. The Rebbe says these 3 things provided a conducive environment for the beginnings of the Jewish people & Torah living, and the same can be said of Maimonides: The surrounding protective “Clouds of Glory” can be compared to our building which creates a special atmosphere within. Teachers can be likened to the Well of Miriam, for they take lofty or deep Torah teachings and bring them to the fore, making them accessible to us. The Manna was different for everyone, so it can be likened to the learning at Maimonides which everyone takes from it what they can get, and like the ideal Manna presentation, in a way that’s easiest to digest & readily availability. R’ SHMUEL KOCHMAN While my son is busy learning Torah, I spend much of my time in a grocery. Sports is always a big conversation item among my co-workers, especially on Mondays when they like to discuss weekend games. Monday-morning quarterbacking. In hindsight it’s always easy to say this or that should have been done differently. It’s easy (and means nothing) to talk a big talk when you didn’t put in the work, didn’t have the pressure, didn’t put your whole life & energy into it. Especially since my wife became a teacher here, I see what goes into school. Late hours, major pressures, lots of effort, talent and dedication, sweat & tears. We ought to really appreciate what we’ve got, and recognize that “this” (the graduates) doesn't happen by itself. Think of this as a big game, amazing to think what went into getting to this point, arriving at this major milestone, how these kids turned out. CHANA RIVKA MORRISON Yitzchak Perlman is a world famous violinist who suffered from polio but didn’t let that stop him. At an early important concert his violin string popped, but he was resourceful and played on and gave it his best. Our school is like that, we don’t always have everything deluxe or ideal, but we make the most of what we have. There’s another story of a man who didn’t believe much in a Tzadik but came to him begrudgingly for a blessing with his blind daughter. The way the story turned out, the father was spiritually blind, because he didn’t appreciate the good done for him. We should not be blind, we must appreciate! R’ LEIBEL MORRISON Getting water to plants is important to farmers and gardeners everywhere, especially in dry parts of the world like Israel. One of the greatest areas of Israeli innovation is to figure out precisely how much water each plant type needs to thrive. It’s not like America with an abundance of greens and water, so if a row or two don’t grow it’s no big deal. I’m not saying that Albany is a spiritual desert because BH we have lots to be thankful for, but obviously, it is harder to keep a school going here than in Brooklyn or Monsey. Like Israel, Maimonides has a way to get each student the education he/she needs, and doesn't forget about any student. ESTY BACKMAN The HaYom Yom entry for my graduation (9th of Tammuz) reads: “The greatest guaranteed assurance (of Divine assistance) for all Jewish parents in need of special help and deliverance for their children is through their support of those who study Torah.” How appropriate, especially given the dedication of my parents to the school for all my brothers education, and being the youngest, my own as well. My graduation also falls a few days before Yud-Bais (12th of) Tammuz, which is the yartzeit of my grandfather, named Yosef Baruch, which literally means “added blessing.” MRS. SHARONA BACKMAN Why do we graduate in the 8th grade? Perhaps it can be connected with the #8 in Judaism considered miraculous and supernatural. Birth is a miracle, raising children is a miracle, dealing with teenagers is a miracle! What changes now? It marks the tradition between Israusa D’liayla (awakening from above) and Isarusa D’lisatah (awakening from below). Until now, the initiative came mostly from parents, but at this point it has to come from the student. It is their turn to make the right choices and do it on their own. RAIZEL NEMTZOV It’s hard to believe how the years flew by, four years of High School in Albany. I remember when I first came wondering why these families kept so much milk in their freezers, but I’ve come to know and love and feel close with so many of you, who have become like family and treated me like family. Itche and Dini were my dorm/home for the past 2 years, its hard to deal with teenagers in the house, especially when she’s not your own. Morah Leyee was always there for me to talk to her, and discuss things and encourage me along, more than a principal and teacher - she’s my friend and always will be. Rabbi Rubin and Morah Rochel taught me a lot (along with many teachers) I’ll just share two things. Once in class Morah Rochel said, “Sometimes life stinks and you just have to shpritz a little perfume on it!” She didn’t mean to make that a major quote but it became that for me! The perfume is the positive attitude and good cheer you bring to life even when things are not perfect. One day I was sitting in the teachers chair when Rabbi Rubin walked in. Instead of being critical, he turned the situation around and said with a smile: “Hey Raizel, why don’t you teach the Gemorah class today?” Guess what? I did! Rabbi Rubin sat down at my desk, and I reviewed what we learned recently in tractate Taanis and led the class in discussing it. It was one of my most memorable classes of my four years! We even have a long-time running class joke about it, called “Pirush Raizel”. And it was a nice lesson about turning around situation with a positive twist! R’ YECHEZKEL NEMTZOV This school was the best thing for my daughter. There’s a story told of the Rambam (or another Halachist?) sharing many profound insights at the family Seder, late into the night. His son asked, “Why didn’t you include this depth in your book? Your book just has the basics!” The Rabbi explained: Of course, we can always increase in depth & richness of Torah, but the baseline Halacha has to be as accessible and within reach to all. This school shares that vision of reaching every kid at their level, without unrealistic and overly demanding expectations, at the same time as encouraging healthy growth.
at Maimonides and in the Community 6/19: TAMMUZ 12 FARBRENGEN
Note change from Thursday! Wednesday 7:15pm at Shomray Torah for a 1-hour Farbrengen for men, women & children (who can appreciate or be taken care of by parents) including a welcome to a new couple moving to Albany! 8:20 Mincha/Maariv. Farbrengen after Maariv for those who can stay on.
Price Chopper sponsors the area’s largest fireworks display at the Empire State Plaza. View it there, or across Hudson, elsewhere downtown.. Check for other local celebrations, including waterfront fireworks at Shepherd’s Park in Lake George.
6/22: WOMENS SHABBOS SHIUR 4:45pm given by Ellen Kaplowitz at her home 44 Oakwood Street, 2 blocks south of New Scotland.
8am Shachris, 8:45am Daf-Yomi, and 9:15 Siyum breakfast celebration at Shomray Torah, featuring a new film by Akiva Bomzer about the background of the Albany Eruv. Regardless of how much you depend on the Eruv, or even if you don’t go by it, this should interesting and informative - and local! Eruvin was a tough tractate, now onto Pesachim much easier and more accessible. Now that its summer consider joining Daf Yomi for this new tractate of Pesachim (or part of it)!
DVD OF MOVING-UP DAY Carasmatic Design filmed Moving-Up Day and the video along with some pictures he took are available for parents for $18 each. Email to order yours.
6pm at 109 Elsmere Ave. Rabbi Simon 439-8280.
There’s been a request to make a DVD available of school pics taken by TNT over the year. Some selecting work has to be done first, but we hope to make this available as well on DVD for interested parents. Email mhdsnews to indicate your interest. Stay tuned for availability, price etc.
7/7: SHMALTZ BREWERY OPENS Open since 1996 in San Francisco, crafting beers like He-Brew, and now re-opening in Clifton Park.
5:30pm with Rabbi Lehrfield at Buckingham Pond.
6pm at Saratoga Chabad, 130 Circular Street. Suggested $5pp or $25 family for meat/Pareve dinner. Call 526-0773 for more info.
7/14: TASTE OF YESHIVA BRUNCH Sunday morning 9:30am-11am at Shomray Torah, w/breakfast, for men and women, over Torah texts with study-partners, with several short classes - all on the topic of Hilchos Beis HaBechirah (Laws of the Temple) just two days before Tisha B’Av. Stay tuned for exact texts & topics. Come out and learn!
The Nine-Days (and 3 weeks) ends following day. Lively music, local musicians… 5pm at Saratoga Chabad, 130 Circular Street followed by a BBQ ($5 7/24: FARBRENGEN VIEWING suggested). Just in time before the 3 weeks begin! 9pm at the Shabbos House, full video of fabrengen Call 526-0773 for more info. of Lubavitcher Rebbe with subtitles, Niggunim etc, in honor of “Chaf-Av” Yartzeit of Rebbe’s father. 6/23: CBAJ MEMBERSHIP BBQ Call 438-4227 for details. 5pm Shul’s annual meeting w/election of officers, followed by 5:45pm membership BBQ with 7/25: RABBI SIMON’S BIRTHDAY bouncey bounce. $5pp for non-members. Rabbi Nachman Simon’s turning 29! Not quite, but it is a big birthday. 6pm at 109 Elsmere Ave.
New program this summer: Any students who reads Hebrew aloud 500 minutes (or just over 6 minutes a day, or however you want to divide it up) will receive a prize when they come back to school in the Fall! Bonuses for those who exceed 500 minutes! Davening doesn't count, it has to be new, different material each day.
REGISTRATION FORMS SOON Planning has already begun for next year! Look soon for registration forms, school calendar & other important notices. Parents, please submit their completed forms & payment as soon as possible so classes can be configured and proper arrangements made in a timely fashion. Please note: Rabbi Rubin’s new email address is:
Ends 9:12pm. Start of “The Three Weeks.”
Rabbi Lehrfield’s weekly 10:30am class is suspended for 2 weeks and will resume at in July.
Tibor Spitz of Kingston, a Holocaust survivor and artist will share his story and fascinating life experiences (that continued after the war under Communism) at Saratoga Chabad. $5 suggested.
This year’s day-camp season opens July 1st, Mon thru Friday until Aug 9th. Based at Maimonides, great new staff, nurturing fun atmosphere, new and old activities planned. For more info call the new camp director Mrs. Rivka Kochman/email: or see the new website:
Sam Glazer performing at summertime Jewish music festival, contact
PUT YARTZEIT DATES IN JEWISH ART CALENDAR It costs just $18 to put a yartzeit date on the “Jewish Art Calendar” published annually by Chabad. Call 495-0772 or email: to list the yartzeits dates & names of your loved ones to be remembered locally by the community.
8/19-22: F.C. END OF SUMMER CAMP 8/25: SHALOM FESTIVAL Friendship Circle 4-day end-of-summer day camp for children with special needs and looking for volunteers to staff it. /438-4220.
Stay tuned for details, annual tradition in Saratoga’s historic and beautiful Congress Park! Vendors and for more info: Call 526-0773.
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”