BH. Iyar
5, 5776 / May 13, 2016
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 7:51 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 8:59 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
This newsletter is dedicated in memory of Dr. Morton Berger - For whom our annual dinner award is named CONDOLENCES ROSENBAUMS
Heartfelt condolences to Larry Rosenbaum & family on the untimely passing of his son Andrew. A memorial service will be held on Monday, May 16th, 7pm at the McLoughlin & Mason Funeral Home in Lansingburgh.
We’re looking for submissions of recipes our students can get from seniors, relatives or family friends. Hopefully we can get enough recipes (with short stories, descriptions or backgrounds) to make a cookbook! Email to: Ask your relatives! Thanks so very much… Rabbi Yossi really wants to get this project underway, but we all need to help out and do our part.
ISRAEL BINGO GAME WITH ESHKOL GUESTS, PRIZES TOO! Eliran, Shachar & Keren could have been spending their special week of Israel celebrations (they never missed being in Israel for it before) but instead flew to the United States to enhance local events. At school they ran a bingo game with Israeli icons and images, from the Kotel to the Knesset, from Israel’s longest suspension bridge Gesher Toluy in the southern Eshkol region to the snowy Mount Chermon in the far north. Our students learned some new Hebrew words like Mangal for BBQ, and several names for flowers grown commercially in the Eshkol region. In the middle picture above, Eliran (who is a HS music teacher in Eshkol) high-fives Mendel from Schenectady for being the first winner to complete all nine squares on his Israel Bingo card. In the end, they had prizes for everyone— from Israeli bompers to light-up toys, all Israelithemed. Thanks to Marci Galinkin and the Jewish Federation for arranging this visit.
8th graders are publishing their bake-sale recipes in an online cookbook for $5. Email them: if interested, give the $5 to Mrs. Backman at the office! This supports their upcoming year-end trip.
The free tickets arrived! Thanks Morah Dini for this arrangement, a gift from Great Escape for students in K-6 who logged six hours of reading on their own time. A few students didn't bring in their logs yet, be sure to bring it into the office ASAP.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
Many thanks to Ms. Ford for buying materials and making jump-ropes for our students! So very thoughtful… Kids please take good care of them.
This blessing is said on blossoming fruit trees in the month of Nissan. 2nd graders did it on one of the last days of the last Hebrew month.
UNIQUE REBBE MAHARASH On Bais Iyar (birthday of the 4th Rebbe of Chabad, known as the Maharash) Rabbi Mendel pointed out 11 things that make this Rebbe unique, and turned that class into an online post, just google this header.
LETTERS TO I.D.F. SOLDIERS For Israel’s Memorial Day, Morah Dini’s 3rd graders wrote and decorated Hebrew letters of support and appreciation to IDF soldiers, thanking them for their dedication & service.
THE SHEEP AND THE FLOWER Morah Rivi taught 6/7 grade girls a Hebrew song for Israel’s Memorial Day that sadly ends with only Hashem can bless him now…
THE YUMMY FELAFEL LUNCH The whole school enjoyed a delicious falafel lunch. Thanks to the 8th graders who helped Morah Rochel prepare and serve it.
“SAY LITTLE, DO A LOT!” On Rosh Chodesh, Rabbi O. a day-school educator from Yardley PA was traveling down the 87 and stopped off to daven with us. Rabbi Rubin asked him to share a few words (pun intended) so he explained a Mishna in FLAG MAKERS & WAVERS Pirkei Avot: “Say little, do a lot.” Most Morah Devorah’s first graders made their own understand this Mishna to mean literally, but Israeli flags which they decorated with things he shared another explanation: Say but a few in Israel that are most precious to them, from words, but if they are well-placed, well-timed, the Kotel to foods and symbols. They had fun thoughtful and said with feeling—they can waving them, too! accomplish a lot!” You can go a long way with just a few words. It was such a nice teaching (and you all know how Rabbi Rubin loved Pirkei Avot commentary) that Rabbi Rubin asked him to come downstairs and share it with the girls as well (see the picture above).
THE UPS AND DOWNS OF SOIL 3rd graders were happy to report that they’ve been learning all about soil, and the effects of weathering and erosion in their science class with Mrs. Maher (with a test on it this week) and then in Mrs. Ballard Hubble’s ScienceEnrichment class they learned about compost MANY (TYPES OF) BOATS AT SEA and decaying plants enriching soul, and the roles that worms play, so they learned both Mrs. Hoffman’s Kindergarteners read a giant how soil can lose its all-important lifebook about different types of boats, each with giving nutrients, and how soil can be its own function and features, and various enriched and get that good stuff back! ways they are powered.
3rd graders are reading this book dating back to the times of the American Revolution, (this English class book ties into their Colonialperiod Social Studies as well) which is filled with both danger and excitement.
We have a nice group of 8th grade and HS graduates this year, stay tuned for details on the graduation, scheduled for Tuesday evening June 21. They will be featured in the Tribute/ Journal Yearbook prepared for the dinner.
Ms. Ford’s 2nd graders assembled this weathervane outside to gather information about the weather as part of a unit in their science class. It measures rainfall, wind speed and direction, of course the temperature and other things.
FROG DISSECTION IN SCIENCE LAB High School biology students with Mrs. Berke dissected frogs in science lab this week and last, getting a hands-on closer look at basic anatomy and the vital organs of life.
MIRIAM’S WELL IN THE DESERT 8th grade Chumash learned this week of Miriam’s passing in Parshas Chukas (Chapter 20) and how the Jewish people only realized and appreciated that the life-giving thirstquenching well that accompanied them in the desert was in her merit. Sometimes we don’t appreciate things until they are gone, and we don’t realize people’s input until they stop doing it. This was a lesson in Hakarot HaTov, to appreciate people and the good they do for us.
PERSPECTIVES ON ZIONISM Rabbi Shmuly shared with his 8th grade and High School Halacha classes a quick overview of a range of perspectives on Zionism, from secular to religious Zionist, the Satmar viewpoint, and the Chabad angle, too.
SIGN UP NOW FOR HUCK FINNS LAG B’OMER REDUCED PRICE $6 all you can ride is a $10 savings per child off the usual $16 price. Limited availability. Register now:
LAG B’OMER “HAKHEL” THEME We’re still in the year of Hakhel, so we’re looking forward to make that our theme for this year’s parade banners at school. The idea is for each banner to demonstrate togetherness and how we need all types to come together— borrowing the “Better Together” slogan. Think of instruments in a band that are different but compliment each other, chess pieces that are part of a set, a Lulav set that’s incomplete and invalid without even one of its parts, or the different types of Jews that make up a Minyan. Any other ideas? We have to start painting the banners this coming week at school.
THE DINNER IS COMING UP, & JOURNAL ADS ARE SOON DUE... Please do not leave for last minute, this is an important annual fundraiser for our school that needs all the support it can get. Plus, the honorees are very worthy of recognition and journal ads can honor our graduates as well (or promote a business or service). Thank you!!!
MATH MYSTERY PICTURES MARCHING BAND DRUMMERS This year our high school boys will be joined by 6th and 7th, and we’re looking for a few extra snares and tops and maybe a set of cymbals either to borrow or (used) to purchase. Speak to Rabbi Rubin if you can help or have a lead on where to go. They don’t have much time to practice, but it creates great energy, vibe and momentum, both at the parade and in the overall school Lag B’Omer spirit.
This just in! Albany City Hall approved our Lag B’Omer parade to Washington Park & event there.
Mrs. Maher’s 3rd graders made these pictures by following instructions (itself a skill!) and working with the color fractions (many squares were divided into different color segments) and the tops and bottoms of the color fractions were important to get right.
KSAV IVRI AND KSAV ASHURI Rabbi Avraham Kellman is now learning with the HS boys the background of Safrus, scribal arts. They discussed the history of the block Hebrew font we know from the Torah and various forms of Hebrew language lettering.
CAN YOU FIND IN THE PARSHA? Kedoshim is chock-full of Mitzvot, nearly 10% of the 613 are right in this Parsha. It may have the most Mitzvot per-capita of verses! This Shabbos at Torah reading, see if you can find: • The pasuk that’s the source for a sticker on every gas-pump in America. BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE • The reason why the symbol (or statute of) Several grades in Science Enrichment had fun for justice has a blindfold. with this experiment today filling huge plastic • A Mitzvah related to “Better Together”. bags with air. Some already knew the trick, so Mrs. Ballard-Hubble asked them to hold tight • A connection to an Upshernish at age 3. and wait while the others experimented. They • Rabbi Akiva and Hillel both made a huge deal out of this half of a pasuk/verse. couldn’t believe how you could possibly do it • The difference between two types of with one breath until Bernoulli’s principle of revenge: actual and emotional. low and high pressure was explained. They also • How is the Mitzvah of treating parents learned applications for this in many areas of written differently here than in the 10 science and life: from weather changes to fireCommandments? fighting to airplane wings. • An expression that’s not only literal.
SNACKS: This got the most feedback from our students! Bissli was a big one, Krembo is a treat, and of course the many types of Israeli chocolates and candy bars. Bamba is a peanut that little kids like, some olders ones, too, and scientists say it explains why Israelis have very low rate of peanut allergy.
STORES & RESTAURANTS: For those who have been to Israel there’s a special thrill to eat in restaurants that are non-Kosher in America but have Kosher versions in Israel. Some students mentioned small corner Felafel or ice-cream shops where they had great experiences and memories on their visit.
DAIRY: Israel is a small country so their dairy is especially fresh. Leben (especially the chocolate flavor) is a very sweet liquidy yogurt treat, and they have types of cheeses that aren’t common in America, like the “Percent” cheeses that are a cross-between cream-cheese and a sour-cream or yogurt. And believe it or not, they have pizza there, too!
PAREVE: Almost all of our students wrote Felafel under the pareve category, maybe it was because we were having Fefafel for lunch that day. Chocolate spread might be like a snack but many eat it on bread as a sandwich, and there are pareve versions.
MEAT: Israel doesn’t eat as much red meat as in America, turkey is more common there, often as a rolled seasoned meat. Shnitzel is very Israeli, and so is Schwarma, which is a roasted shaved turkey or lamb specialty served in a pita or on a laffa bread.
at Maimonides and in the Community 5/14: SHABBOS LECTURES •
Rabbi Rubin will be tying together recent discussions (since Vayikra’s mini-Alef) on the incredible power of a single letter, connecting to the upcoming Daf Yomi Siyum of Kiddushin. Rabbi Lehrfield is speaking on: “Religious Perspectives on the State of Israel”
A parade is in the works! The • overall theme of this year’s colorful parade 5/14: WOMENS SHABBOS SHIUR banners (painted This week given by Rochel Rubin at her home, 122 by each class) will South Main Ave, at 4:45pm. If you’d like to give be “Hakhel— the weekly Shabbos afternoon shiur and/or host it, BetterTogether!” contact shiur organizer Chaya Tal. Stay tuned for info! Parents & friends are very welcome to join 5/15: YITTA HALBERSTAM the parade & follow-up event at Washington Park. The author of the popular “Small Miracles” series (extraordinary coincidences from ordinary life) will 5/26: LAG B’OMER AT HUCK FINNS speak at the Hyatt Place in Malta (just off Exit 12) Huck Finns downtown near the 787 is the new for the Jewish Womens Circle of Clifton Park’s 8th home for the former Hoffman’s Playland, and the annual year-end gala and silent auction. This event warehouse store itself can be fun to visit & browse. co-sponsored by Saratoga Chabad and Clifton Park Chabad, co-sponsored by Albany JCC and Chabad begins at 5pm. Info/RSVP: 495-0779. Federation are arranging a community-wide afterschool Jewnity Lag B’Omer outing there. SPECIAL 5/15: WINTER RAPTOR FEST RATE: only $6 subsidized all-you-can-ride for kids Exhibits, shows and more at the Washington reduced-rate (usually $16!) by prior reservation, County Fairgrounds. $12 for ages 13 and over, $6 limited supply, while supplies last. Register ASAP for ages 12 and under. See for for reduced price at: times, show schedule and more info. jewnity Kosher dinner for sale at the Playland: $5pp, $25 per family.
5/15: BABY ANIMALS @ I.L. FARMS Baby Animal Days at Indian Ladder Farms open for several weeks this May, $5 per child, one adult free per paid child.
5/18: SCHOOL PICS ORDERS DUE Digital and/or print packages are due by this date. Online at:
special effort to bring even the smallest children to the synagogue, since “children are our guarantors” for continuing Torah into the Jewish future.
END OF SCHOOL DATES 6/14-23: Regents Week, HS testing 6/21: Moving-Up Day in the morning, 8th grade and HS graduation that Tuesday evening.
7/11-8/19: CAMP GAN ISRAEL
Registration is now open! A great staff is lined up, and there are exciting plans in the works for this summer. Call Camp Director Devorah Leah Mathless 698-1836 for more info. The day camp is based at Maimonides, but you don’t have to go to Maimonides to attend and have a really fun, 5/27-30: EXTENDED WEEKEND OFF enjoyable and meaningful time. You can sign per No snow days this year! No school Friday 5/27 week or for the whole summer season. Check out thru Mon 5/30. Enjoy the extended Memorial Day the FB page “Camp Gan Israel of Albany” or visit: Weekend. School resumes 8am, Tuesday the 31st. for registration forms.
Maimonides awards dinner on Wed, June 1st, honoring Phyllis Silverman with the Dr. Morton Berger award and paying tribute to 3 sets of parents 5/22: “SONGS AND SWEETS” Our girls choir led by Chaya Bracha will sing songs with long-term dedication, educating their children here from start to finish: Avrami & Sharona from Tehillim (Psalms) in honor of the upcoming holiday Shavuot (yartzeit of King David) and serve Backman, Ruvain & Shayna Kudan and Nachman & Clara Simon. Dinner invite has been mailed, if cheesecakes. The event is open to parents and you didn’t get yours please contact the school office community, and especially welcomes “Better Together” seniors. 1pm at Maimonides. More info: 453-9363 or email: 495-0772
Stay tuned for… • •
5/23: JOURNAL AD DUE DATE Ads honoring the school, honorees, our graduates or to promote a business or service must be submitted to the school office or to by this date to be including in the annual Yearbook/Journal. Ads arriving after this date (may make the Journal, or) will be including in the Journal Supplement.
Our HS Boys at Parkview (Bnai Brith) Apartments. Contact Rabbi Yossi 495-0772 or Rabbi Mathless 522-1872 for more info. Torah reading, brunch, and presentations, just prior to Shavuot.
6/12-13: SHAVUOT HOLIDAY Sunday and Monday. No School on Monday 6/13, school resumes 9:30am on Tuesday 6/14. It’s customary to eat dairy foods, and people make a
Girls-Nite weeknight sleepover at school led by the HS Girls, stay tuned for date and details. Gimmel Tammuz, Rebbe’s Yartzeit, on Shabbos this year. Annual speaker/farbrengen TBA.
PARENTS, FOR THIS SUMMER: Families with a 4th grader: Get free entry to all US National Parks, download your family pass here: Sunset Lanes on Central & Del-Lanes in Delmar both participating in: for 2 free games of bowling for kids, every summer day! Find out more online. Earn free book at Barnes and Nobles for keeping a reading log and answering Reading Olympics questions this summer. Find out more in store.
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”