Adar II, 5776 / March 11, 2016
Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 5:40 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends:
produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
MR OSHINS SHARES HIS STORY Mr. Lenny Oshins of Clifton Park shared his father Harry Oshin’s memoir manuscript with our school. It describes his pre-WWI youth and his escapes and ordeals and experiences. Mrs. Crawford’s English classes read it earlier this week. On Wednesday, Mr. Lenny Oshins came to school as part of the “Better Together” program and shared his own story which began where his father left off. What does he remember most from his Bar-Mitzvah? The soda chilling in ice in the bathtub. Toys? They had no money for toys but were creative and made the most of what they had. They played stickball with their mother’s brooms, and used boxes and wood and old skates to make a working scooter. People played in the streets. He remembers growing up in Williamsburg with many Jewish neighbors, as well as Irish and Italian friends, and everyone got along. Some of the food his mother made are things that doctors would never let you eat today, like “Griven” (fried chicken skins and fat) shmeared on rye bread. He worked for years for a corrugated box company which went belly up when he was in his 50’s. What to do then? He became a mailman for the Brooklyn
post office. There was a certain route that no mail carriers wanted because it was full of Jewish homes that didn’t tip at Christmastime. He was glad to take it, and made that route like his very own business: He made sure to get to know each family along the route, give them extra care and sure enough he got more tips at Chanukah than any other mail carrier at Christmas! He shared the story behind how his family name dropped “ky” turning Oshinsky to Oshins, and by the way shared something very insightful how no one did anything back then without their parents permission and blessing. Today? Many young people don’t even ask! Perhaps the thing our students loved most was when he started to say Mah Nishtana in Hebrew and then in Yiddish, using the same words many of our students know! The older boys helped him put on Tefillin. Special thanks to Ilene Sykes and Rabbi Yossi for helping arrange this wonderful “Better Together” interview and experience.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
This newsletter is dedicated in honor of the recent wedding of
Fruma (Morrison) and Yeshaya Spilman Mazal Tov! RAY TOMLINSON’S LITTLE @ Mr. Tomlinson, an RPI graduate, added the underused @ key to create email as we know it today. Ray passed away this week. Rabbi Rubin has made a big fuss of the little @ (known as “strudel” in Hebrew) in the past, and this year @ will be the Spir@l Purim Prunch theme!
NURSERY GRAGGER MAKING Recycle, reuse: a fun Sharvit (scepter)-Gragger!
MISHNA WAFFLE SIYUM What’s the connection between Mishna and Waffles & Ice Cream? We’re not sure, but one thing is certain, it was a most memorable Siyum party that both of Rabbi Shmuly’s Mishna classes (3rd & 4/5) remember well. They were both so eager to report on it, as well as the various types of toppings (chocolate syrup, regular syrup, whipped topping etc) and PURIM’S MEM-MITZVAH BOOKS they reviewed their Mishna learning as they Kindergarten is now learning letters Pey & Fey waited for this very delicious treat. but made this Mem-books for the 4 Mitzvot of Purim that start with the letter Mem: Megillah NURSERY KINGS & QUEENS HOTTEST, COLDEST, of course, Mishloach Manot (gifts of food), and Nursery teachers printed grayscale pictures of HIGHEST, DEEPEST Matanot L’Evyonim (charity for the poor) and each student, adorned them with shiny crowns 3rd grade with Mrs. Maher is Mishteh or Purim Meal. The kids cut out the and had them each color or decorate their reading this story by Steve book’s shape, colored or decorated each page own picture. The royal gallery is displayed in Jenkins about nature’s plus the covers and put it all together. their classroom. incredible grandeur, the sense of scale and perspective at nature’s great extremes.
END OF MARKING PERIOD Last grades are going in and report cards are being prepared, look for them soon.
SLIDING A PENNY INTO PEY Letters Pey and Fey are identical aside for the dot in middle. Kindergarteners made these Morah Dini drew a random scribble on a purple letter Feys that have a sliding Perutah or piece of paper, copied one for each 3rd grade GUMBALL MACHINES penny going in and out of it to make it a Pey student and then asked them each to use their Some of the stickers may have since fallen off, or Fey. Perfect (which also starts with a Pey imagination to turn it into a work of art. Their but each of these “gumball machines” hanging sound) because Pushka starts with Pey! results are pictured above on a bulletin board. in Ms. Ford’s classroom started off with 100 little stickers (or “gumballs”) for the 100th day PARADED ON of school last week.
THEIR VERY LAST PIZZA NIGHT It’s the end of an era! Our current girls HS students (pictured here prepping doughs in advance) have been running pizza night since ninth grade, the proceeds of which has taken them on extra-curricular trips and outings. As this is the last pizza night of the year (the clock springs forward late this Sat Night) it’s the end of Pizza Night for this class who will be graduating this June. Come out this Sat Night to support their last one, for either take-out or eat-in. There may be a special Happy Adar surprise treat. Regarding next year? Have no fear, our 8th grade students are waiting in the wings and eager to step in and fill this role!
It’s not Tu Bishvat now, but our HS Boys Gemorah class is now learning about exercising ownership rights and proper tree spacing in a cared for orchard or wooded lot. If it’s too crowded with trees the Talmud says, it can be considered a wild lot and not a cared for one. Now, there are pluses and minuses to small vs large class sizes, but Rabbi Rubin used this piece of Talmud to point out how people, like trees, are often most productive and efficient when they have enough (physical and emotional) personal and growing space.
ABC’S OF CLASSTIME ROUTINE Mrs. Hoffman practicing ABC with Nursery.
Fold a paper-plate in half, add a few legs, and a head off to one side and you have a horse for Mordechai to ride on in the Megillah. First graders made this Purim project as part of their Purim preparations.
DISCRIMINATE AGAINST... 8th graders are learning about various forms of discrimination, and different types of groups that might be discriminated against. In their recent read of the late Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” they were each assigned to show examples of discrimination against blacks (an easy one in that book) and also find another example of discrimination against a different group as well (which may be harder to find but is definitely found in that book, as well). As Jews we are unfortunately no strangers to discrimination or biases.
HS Boys needed some pond water to examine for a science unit, so Mrs. Berkey took them on a field trip to Five Rivers where they drew water from Beaver Pond at various depths. That itself was an adventure! They’ll be taking a closer look at the collected water (and the hidden microcosms inside) next week.
This Nursery student built an elaborate box, with compartments, out of Magnatiles, and filled up each section with toys. 4/5 grade began learning all about cells, and each cell has a membrane (there’s a nuclear membrane, too, around the nucleus) because things need to stay and thrive where they belong and not go beyond the boundaries set up to protect and support them.
Like Rosh Chodesh Adar spirit?You should Ms. Ford did these very pretty winter paintings have heard the boys davening class this Friday! that are hanging outside her classroom. Everyone got into it, singing many Hallel songs so beautifully. They also learned a new song “Ashira La’Hashem” in the last 3 verses of Barchi Nafshi (said on Rosh Chodesh) and also the story of Beruriah’s people insight to her husband Rabbi Meir from the last verse “Yitamu” which is the high part of the song.
YAHADUS TEST COMING UP This is the 3rd test. Students need to reach a certain average threshold to participate in the intl Chidon. Review the best you can!
STRUDEL WAFTING IN SCHOOL Morah Rivi’s students are baking strudel today for the Purim Prunch & to share with seniors.
SPELLING WORD SCRAMBLE Ms. Ford split in her first graders into two teams. They had to first find and then scramble index cards to make spell words.
RUBBER-BAND POWERED CARS In recent weeks these 4/5 grade science-enrich students built their own balloon-powered cars from scratch. They’re now building cars using K’nex and powering them by rubberbands, as they learn about potential and kinetic energy.
6/7 graders in SciEnrichment did an NOTE DISMISSAL CHANGES animation project The teaching staff had to make changes to the using a twirling daily dismissal procedures for improved safety stick, tiny mirror panels set up in a & behavior. Parents & students, please note: circle and strips of All Nursery, Kindergarten, first and second grade students will stay in the downstairs repeated images. It lunchroom until their family name is called. was a pretty cool Grades 3-5 remain in their classrooms and effect, they wait for their family name to be called. enjoyed trying it 6/7 graders remain with Mrs. Crawford. with different 8th graders remain with Mrs. Ramsay. image strips. HS Boys remain with Mrs. Roland. No dismissal will be allowed prior to 3:30pm. Any earlier pickups need to be A mother texted her son: “What does IDK, arranged at the school office. TTYL & LY stand for?” The son replied, “I don’t Parents should not enter the building to know, talk to you later, love you.” The mother pick up their children. If they do need to wrote back, “OK, I’ll have to ask your sister.” come inside, it should only be to the office. We find parents entering at dismissal can be TORAH365: Rabbi Rubin views the 3 Crowns, disturbing and disruptive to other children. and the Crown above them, as the two stages in Parents and students: Thank you for following Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s life. In the second these new procedures. This allows for a much stage he learned to appreciate quality in ordinary people, in contrast to the three fancier crowns… smoother and more relaxed dismissal each day.
MEGILLA PSYCHOLOGY from 8th grade Talmud Aggadah class and other classes learning the Megillah
Was Achaishvairosh a clever or foolish king? This Talmudic question persists throughout the story, starting with the 180-day feast and Vashti, his choice of Esther, dealing with Haman, and the decree against the Jews. How you view the King changes a lot of things.
Mordechai and Esther’s names and titles. Why was Mordechai called both Yemini and Yehudi? Was Esther really Hadassah, or was Hadassah really Esther? The Talmud ascribes meaning to these names and titles and what they represent and teach us.
Why did Esther invite Haman to her private party with the King? The Talmud gives a number of different answers: strategic, inspiring and psychological.
The Parable of the Hill & Ditch. You won’t find it in the Megillah itself, but the Talmud uses it to describe the relationship between Achashvairosh and Haman (according to one perspective). Often friendships and relationships can be the Hill & Ditch type.
“Mordechai was beloved to most of his brothers” Most!? What wasn't there to like? This difference of perspective on Jewish communal priorities exists to this day!
at Maimonides and in the Community 3/11: PEKUDEI AND CHAZAK! This Shabbos we read Pekudei and conclude Sefer Shmos. Chazak, Chazak, VnisChazek!
The performances are Tuesday morning at Ohav Shalom, and parents will be helping with transportation. No cost to school/students families.
5th grade Eli has been learning “Chitas” the daily Chumash with Rashi for all of Chumash Shmos! Think of all the Rashis in those Parshas… There will be a Kiddush at Shomray Torah to celebrate.
This is the 6th year of Canstruction at the NYS Museum, see what talented teams have built out of cans this year, and vote with your own can. All cans are donated to the Food Pantry.
7:30pm downstairs at Maimonides. In addition to fresh hot pizzas and sushi rolled on the spot, there will be a pre-Purim surprise, too! Later that night we change the clocks, springing forward, so it will be the last Pizza Nite of the winter season… and the very last one for this HS girls class who have been doing pizza night for four years now!
3/13: GITTIN SIYUM & FULLLENGTH SHANGHAI SCREENING Sunday breakfast Siyum at Shomray Torah of Daf Yomi studying tractate Gittin. As part of the celebration there will be a pre-screening of the Shanghai documentary, you can stay for a part or all of it (the full pre-screening is 2 hours) to get a very rich picture. 8am Shacharit, on the new time!
3/13: ASIAN VIEW ON MIDEAST 7pm at Beth Emeth, dinner & dessert reception. Richard Fontaine, President of Center for a new American Security will speak on Asian view of the Middle East: China, India and Japan. $30pp, $15 for young adults. Info/RSVP: 783-7800.
We change the clocks early Sunday morning the 13th, so Friday the 18th will be our first full-day Friday schedule. It’s also Shabbos Zachor that week, so that’s another way to “remember!”
3/19: PEOPLE OF THE JOKE That’s Rabbi Lehrfield’s Lunch & Learn topic at CBAJ for Shabbos Zachor, weekend before Purim
“Purim in Japan” with Saratoga Chabad & Clifton Park Chabad at the Hyatt Place in Malta, Exit 12. Japanese Dinner Buffet & Sushi Bar, Martial Arts Demo, Chopstick Competition, Origami crafts… etc. $10pp, $5 kids (ages 4-12) Info: 495-0772/9 “Purim at the Circus” 5pm at the Normanside in Delmar with Bethlehem Chabad will feature circus acts, face-painting, arts and crafts. Adults $10pp in advance, $15 at the door. $5 per child. RSVP at / 866-7658 Megillah and visiting seniors, 1:30pm at the Evergreen Commons (near East Greenbush Library) with Rabbi Avraham Laber. Festive Purim Seudah at Beth Israel hosted by Rabbi and Rabinessa Kelman, 6:30pm. Call 3773700 to reserve.
Motti and friends will be back to help share the Purim spirit. If you know of people who can’t or Interested in maple sugaring? Feel like getting out won’t get to synagogue but would like to hear the and seeing a working farm? Check out the listing of Megillah read, please contact Motti so they can farms and events at: make their Purim schedule: or call: 518-368-7886.
3:30-4:30pm special afterschool program for boys and girls in grades 4 and up. Stay tuned!
3/23: PURIM NIGHT CELEBATIONS Purim is Wednesday night into Thursday this year. Evening Megillah Reading at Shomray Torah after Mincha/Maariv evening service. CBAJ Megillah 7:30pm followed by a Bounce Party with giant indoor inflatables. “Purim>Play” Megillah, Arcade & Masquerade at Shabbos House for students. “Purimtini” for grad students and young professionals, open-bar, hors d’ouvres, Megillah, etc. with Bethlehem Chabad and University Heights Chabad, cosponsored by Jewish Federations NextDor: 7:45pm at the Holroyd Mansion, 182 Washington Ave.
Out of town friends & family: PURIM CARDS Have out of town friends that you’d like to think of on Purim? Get Purim Cards, a virtual Mishloach Manot for a small contribution to Maimonides. Call the school office 463-9363.
Are you interested? DATE T.B.D. CROWN HEIGHTS BUS TRIP
An attorney from Hudson NY (with support of the Jewish Federation) is trying to arrange a full-day bus If you stop by NYS Museum 2-4pm this Sunday trip with touring and shopping in Crown Heights, listen for the group of recorder (flute) players. Brooklyn. Shopping would include Kosher food stores and Judaica shops. The tour would include a 3/14: ALBANY WOMENS CIRCLE scribe, handmade Shmurah Matzah bakery, the Pre-Purim Hamantasch baking and gathering for Rebbe’s synagogue and library, a delicious lunch women, hosted by Devorah Leah Rubin at her and more. Bus would make stops in both Albany home 147 South Lake, 7:30pm. NY and Hudson NY. Cost including bus, lunch and tour would be $70pp. For more info contact 3/24: PURIM DAY CELEBRATIONS Rabbi Rubin 423-4103 / or 3/14: JERUSALEM SYMPHONY The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra will be playing This Mitzvot of Purim are primarily fulfilled during see in the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall ($45/$55) as Purim day: Mishloach Manot, Matanot L’Evyonim, and Mishteh—the Purim feast. Plus we hear the part of an 18-city US tour. Tchaikovsky - The Looking ahead! Megillah once again during the daytime: Khojaly Requiem; Saint-Saëns - Cello 7/11-8/19: CAMP GAN ISRAEL The Spir@l Purim Prunch @ M@imonides! Concerto and Rachmaninoff - Symphony No. 2. Registration is opening soon, a great staff is now Celebrating the little @ with strudel and other lined up, and there are exciting plans in the works spiral foods. The annual Purim Prunch is a 3/15: MYSTERY BEAR PERFORMS for this summer. The Gan Israel day camp is based midday Purim event and an ideal time to see A PJ Library outing to a theatrical performance of at Maimonides, but you don’t have to go to other kids costumes and exchange Mishloach “The Mystery Bear - a Purim story” that Amy Maimonides to attend and have a blast! Manot with families who may go to different Drucker of PJ Library read to our younger children. Shuls or Purim celebrations. Megillah, too!
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”