Maimonides Community

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BH. Adar

I 24, 5776 / March 4, 2016

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 5:31 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends:

produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY


This newsletter is dedicated in honor of the birth of

Elroi Tzur Solomon ‫אלרואי צור‬ by his great-grandparents Michael & Sylvia Solomon ADAR EMOJI PILLOWS These 8th grade students finished all of Samuel I with their Navi teacher Morah Tzivie. For a siyum they made these emoji pillows, first of all because their Siyum celebration happened in Adar, the happy month, and also because of the range of emotions you find in this book of Prophets. It’s interesting that they finished Shmuel I in Adar I!

NOTE DISMISSAL CHANGES The teaching staff had to make changes to the daily dismissal procedures for improved safety & behavior. Parents & students, please note:  All Nursery, Kindergarten, first and second grade students will stay in the downstairs lunchroom until their family name is called.  Grades 3-5 remain in their classrooms and wait for their family name to be called.  6/7 graders remain with Mrs. Crawford.  8th graders remain with Mrs. Ramsay.  HS Boys remain with Mrs. Roland.  No dismissal will be allowed prior to 3:30pm. Any earlier pickups need to be arranged at the school office.  Parents should not enter the building to pick up their children. If they do need to come inside, it should only be to the office. We find parents entering at dismissal can be disturbing and disruptive to other children. Parents and students: Thank you for noting these changes and for following these new procedures. This will allow for a much smoother and more relaxed dismissal each day.

SHLOCK ROCK Lenny Solomon and Shlock Rock came back to town this week at the JCC sponsored by Israel’s Nefesh b’Nefesh and 16 local Jewish organizations, including Maimonides. After 30 years of music, live shows in all 50 states, and 36 CDs released with more than 400 creative songs Lenny is still so vibrant, lively and very invested! He’s pictured here with Moishy K. our HS student who cherishes communal events, especially music and Simcha!

AS THE PALACE (INTRIGUE) UNFOLDS Morah Devorah’s first graders made these Armon palaces which unfold to tell of the Purim story and its famous characters.

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

SUNLIGHT & MARK ON WALL 7th grade Chumash was waiting for a sunny day. They learned about Moshe’s mark on the wall, telling Pharaoh, this time (when the sun hits here) tomorrow… so they made a mark on the wall and waited to see it hit the same point on the next day at that time. Alas, the next day or two was cloudy, but finally the sun came out again. You might not be able to see the mark in this picture, it was slightly off from where the light shown a few nights earlier, that’s because the sun moves a little bit each day as well. It was a nice opportunity for a hands-on learning of both Chumash & science!

RABBI SPEAKS ON ELECTIONS CBAJ hosts Rabbi Marc Angel to speak on Election Ethics this Sunday. There’s a Chinese Dinner, too! See page 4 for more details.


NEW CROCHETING WORKSHOP Mrs. Gittel “Bubby” Laber came in to do a crocheting workshop with our 8th graders. It connects with some of what they learned in the laws of Shabbos, and also has nice life lessons about bringing individual yarn strands of different colors together, not to mention making something pretty and useful.

On the same day 3rd graders happened to learn two texts that were in stark contrast with each other. In Chumash class they learned how Hashem told Avraham to always listen to Sara’s voice. Then, that same morning, they read in the Megillah that Memuchan (Haman) advised King Achashvairosh to write a decree after Vashti’s fall that each man should rule his own house. What a different perspective on how to view a woman’s role in a family! This is a contrast and lesson that is relevant and important to this very day.

AND A MISHNA CONNECTION Also that day in Mishna class, 3rd graders learned about Ikar and Tafel, two types of foods that go well together, but since Tafel supports and is there for the Ikar, we make the Bracha only on the Ikar—main food. This doesn’t apply to people, since every single person is an Ikar (Kova’iah Bracha L’Atzmo!) but it was neat that 3rd graders thought of this in connection to the contrast above between Haman’s perspective and Hashem’s guidance to Avraham: Who is the Ikar that establishes a Jewish home? The Akeret HaBayit!

100TH DAY OF SCHOOL Our youngest grades had special activities and 100–themed celebrations for the 100th day of school this week, that fell on Dr. Seuss’s birthday! Ms. Ford’s class had special hats and certificates celebrating “100 Days Smarter” and a room full of centers for students to do their own 100-themed learning projects.



AYINS WITH EYNAYIM These Hebrew letter Ayins, decorated by the Kindergarteners, have 2 Aynayim (eyes) on each. They also learned the Ugah Song, which is a lot of fun and teaches a lot of basic Hebrew words (not necessarily Ayin-related) like: LaShevet = sit, LaKum = stand or get up, Nistovev = to go around, Kol HaYom = all day..

Mrs. Maher’s 3rd graders made these volcano books after learning all about it. The book folds up to a volcano shape. They each illustrated the fiery inside of an active volcano and wrote volcano facts on either side.

ANIMAL SKULLS Mrs. Dubarry’s 4/5 grade class visited Mrs. Berke’s HS science class to see 3 animal skulls: a bear, white-tailed deer & muskrat. Actually, first they had to try and guess which animals they were from. They made observations and discussed them, including differences in their head size and in their types of teeth.

PUZZLE MAKERS These nursery students are making their own puzzle! They first colored a sheet of paper and now they are working to cut it into unusual shapes that will have to be put back together.

select quotes from student in TNT/MC


"Working on the newsletter is a lot of fun. It helps improve my typing on the computer, and is a real enjoyment to read every time. From Monday to Friday, I always look forward to it. It is a different sort of class, but it's great because there are no tests and things of that sort.” J.J. (Grade 6)


"I really enjoy reading the newsletter and i look forward to it every week. I really like reporting about stuff and to inform the community on what we are learning. It is really fun to take pictures and see all the kids smile and say "cheese!" Rivkah (Grade 6)


"I like the Maimonides newsletter because there's a lot of interesting information summed up into a few sentences. Also there are pictures of kids in putting fun into their learning." Nechama (Grade 8)


"I like working on the newsletter because it helps me explain to my parents what I did in school this week. I also enjoy reading the newsletter, like looking for what I wrote in it and learning new stuff about other classes." Jacob (Grade 3)


"The reason I like the MC is because everyone in the school is a part of it. You also get a glimpse into what goes on in everyone else's classes." Goldie (Grade 8)

HOLOCAUST READINGS In English class with Mrs. Crawford, 6/7th are now reading Anne Frank’s diary, along with selections from two other Holocaust texts that provide background or support. They will also read a memoir of a local survivor, Mr. Oshins, who will be coming in the beginning of March to share his story with our students, as part of the school’s Better-Together program. The poster above depicts some of what they’ve been learning about tolerance.


BIKUR CHOLIM = BOKER? Rabbi Yossi shared with some of our “Better Together” students a beautiful insight from Rabbi Simeon Schreiber, author of “A Caring Presence” and an expert on eldercare: Bikur Cholim means visiting the sick. But Bikur THE GETTYSURG ADDRESS (which means visit) can also be interpreted as This project has been some time in the Boker which means morning. When you visit making. Mrs. Dubarry’s 4/5th grade students someone (at any time of day or night) you learned about President Lincoln and the times bring them a little Boker, a bright morning, a of the Civil War around Presidents Day. Then new beginning, a ray of sunshine. One older they each translated this famous speech into lady we visited was so delighted & ordinary everyday modern English that they appreciative that she called one of students can understand (and did several drafts and grandmother’s several times to thank her!! revisions of that). They created old-fashioned paper using coffee and distressed inks, and after letting it absorb and dry, they wrote their modernized version out using fountain pens! They are pictured on top each holding their work, and their very old looking documents are now hanging outside their classroom. It was a great learning experience.


No rush on the recipes, but the essays from middle and HS students are due this coming week. And re: the recipes, its open to everyone: share a recipe from a senior (family or friend) along with a short background story or description to: We hope to get a “Better Together” cookbook together by years end!

JUDGES LIKE TREES Morah Rochel’s Navi class learned about Avimelech, and how various Jewish judges were compared to different trees. Morah Rochel asked them if they knew this or that type of tree and indeed they did, because they just recently learned that in science class!

STORYTELLER IN NURSERY The Blocks grandmother, Mrs. Debbie Block is in town, and she’s a storyteller, so she came into Nursery to share an Erev Shabbos story today. She acted out “The Squeaky Door” by Margaret Read MacDonald.


6th Chumash class with Morah Leyee is now THE MINYAN studying Parsha Vayera, about the hail during BH all is well! No the Ten Plagues. Rashi gave several reason for alarm… The explanations for something, and quoted an ROGERS PARK CONCERT WITH visitor who led the Onkelos translation from a different Parsha. services at the Shomray THE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE Since they had some extra time they decided to Torah Minyan this This was an interesting angle picture from last look it up, and guess what: It happened to be morning was wearing night’s RogerParkBand concert at the Ramada the Parsha of the week, and even the Chitas his Hatzalah volunteer with the Friendship Circle: You see the kids in (the daily Chumash reading) of that very day! ambulance jacket while the fore, and the musicians via a mirror in the he prayed. back. Friendship Circle volunteers were also recognized and appreciated. And there was so much delicious food prepared by the Reb IS YEAST GOOD FOR THE JEWS? Shmuel Kochman, including a sushi cake! A visitor to school recognized that we have a major focus on intercurricular integration so he asked Yochanan and JJ what Jewish HARMONY IN MUSIC & LIFE Morah Chaya Bracha is introducing her choir connection they could think of for the yeast experiment? They quickly answered about students to harmony. If it’s done right, it can A YEAST EXPERIMENT add so much beauty to a song! 8th grade girls Matzah and Chametz on Passover. But then, 6/7 did this science experiment with Mrs. also wrote that it’s a life lesson, too: Learning they took it a step further, to explain how Ballard in Science Enrichment. Each bottle although yeast is totally forbidden on Pesach, to harmonize with people around you can has yeast and water inside, and a balloon on but is actually very welcomed and cherished on make all your relationships so much better. top. The one on the far right is the control. Shabbos in our Challah—this teaches us that You don’t have to be the same, but if your Some bottles have added sugar, salt, baking differences complement and are appreciated by humility is a Jewish value (we learn that from soda and/or vinegar. They have to predict Matzah), but so pride also has its place (as we each other that makes it extra special! Rabbi which balloon will fill up most from the gas in Mendel also shared a similar message in his see from Challah). The blend of both is a the bottle. Our newsletter is going to print as healthy self-confidence. davening class about “The Last Halelukah” this experiment began, stay tuned! Psalm 150 which speaks of instruments…

at Maimonides and in the Community topic is “Ethics in Presidential Elections” $15pp, $6 kids under 10, $50 max per family. Includes a Chinese dinner 4:30pm, lecture at 5:15pm. Register online: Note that CBAJ Mincha/ Maariv schedule will be adjusted to accommodate the event: Mincha at 4:15 and Maariv at 6:15pm.

Party with giant indoor inflatables. Purim Arcade & Masquerade at Shabbos House for students.


This Mitzvot of Purim are primarily fulfilled during the day: Mishloach Manot, Matanot L’Evyonim, 3/6: WITTY BRIDAL SHOWER and Mishteh—the Purim feast. Plus we hear Many of us remember our teacher Mrs. Sanda, her Megillah again during the daytime: sister Stephanie Witty (who some of us know) is  “Purim in Japan” with Saratoga Chabad & getting married and there’s a bridal shower at 2pm Clifton Park Chabad at the Hyatt Place in Malta, 3/3-5: ROGERS PARK BAND at Beth Israel in Schenectady. RSVP: 377-3700. Exit 12. Japanese Dinner Buffet & Sushi Bar, Look them up: out of Martial Arts Demo, Chopstick Competition, Chicago - and this weekend in Albany! 3/7: SENIOR HAMANTASCH BAKE Origami crafts… etc. $10pp, $5 kids (ages 4-12) Info: 495-0772/9 Thurs 3/3: Friendship Circle Concert honoring FC Our students will be doing a “Better Together” Hamantasch Bake at Ohav Shalom Apartments at  “Purim at the Circus” 5pm at the Normanside in volunteers at the Ramada Plaza, 3 Watervliet Ave Delmar with Bethlehem Chabad will feature 6:30pm. $10pp covers concert, light appetizers and 10:15am on Monday. All area seniors are welcome! circus acts, face-painting, arts and crafts. Adults drinks. Open to the community. $10pp in advance, $15 at the door. $5 per child. Shabbos 3/4-5: The duo from RogersParkBand will 3/10: JCC PRE-PURIM CARNIVAL RSVP at / 866-7658 5:30-8pm at the Albany JCC on Whitehall Road. lead services, a warm oneg-farbrengen, a spirited  Late day Megillah and evening Purim Pinot Meal No admission charge, call for full details: 438-6651 Shabbat & musical Havdalah at Shabbos House. at Shabbos House for students Saturday Night 3/5: Cozy & intimate Musical  Purim Seudah at Beth Israel hosted by Rabbi 3/10: B.T. ESSAY DUE DATE Kumzitz, for grad students and young adults at and Rabinessa Kelman, 6:30pm. Call 377-3700 University Heights Chabad, 147 South Lake, 8pm This is for middle and high school students and to reserve. there’s opportunities for very valuable prizes. Some students are working on some very nice writing and 3/4: J-FED SCHOLARSHIPS DUE PURIM MITZVAH MEN! perspectives. Looking forward to all of your work! Federation scholarship applications for financial MEGILLAH-TO-GO… assistance with summer camps or Israel programs Motti and friends will be back to help share the 3/12: LAST WINTER PIZZA NITE are due TODAY! 7:30pm downstairs at Maimonides. In addition to Purim spirit. If you know of people who can’t or fresh hot pizzas and sushi rolled on the spot, there won’t get to synagogue but would like to hear the 3/5: R’ REISMAN CLASS CHANGE Megillah read, please contact Motti so they can will be a pre-Purim surprise, too! That night we Rabbi Y. Reisman is now sitting shiva for his make their Purim schedule: change the clocks, springing forward, so it will be mother. His son will be giving this week’s Sat Night or call: 518-368-7886. class as a tribute to his grandmother, and instead of the last Pizza Nite of the winter season… the usual 7:30pm this time of year it will be at 8:30pm, viewable at CBAJ Luchins Media Center.

3/13: ASIAN VIEW ON MIDEAST 7pm at Beth Emeth, dinner & dessert reception. Richard Fontaine, President of Center for a new American Security will speak on Asian view of the Middle East: China, India and Japan. $30pp, $15 for young adults. Info/RSVP: 783-7800.


PURIM CARDS Have out of town friends that you’d like to think of on Purim? Get Purim Cards, a virtual Mishloach Manot for a small contribution to Maimonides. Call the school office 463-9363.

Stay tuned for more communal Purim events to be listed in next week’s “MC” newsletter!

Pre-Purim Hamantasch baking and gathering for women, location and hostess TBA soon. 7:30pm.

3/18: FIRST OF LONG FRIDAYS 3/6: RABBI MARC ANGEL AT CBAJ Rabbi Angel is Rabbi emeritus of the historic Shearith Israel Sephardic synagogue in NYC, and author of 30+ books, including the commentary in the Koren Avoth edition studied in Torah365. He will be Scholar in Residence at CBAJ, his timely

We change the clocks early Sunday morning the 13th, so Friday the 18th will be our first full-day Friday schedule. It’s also Shabbos Zachor that week, so that’s another way to “remember!”


Mordechai and Esther knew the future was in Jewish community and Jewish education. Support Maimonides Today: Any amount goes a long way to provide a wonderful education for our children and a bright future for our people!

Purim is Wednesday night into Thursday this year.  Evening Megillah Reading at Shomray Torah.  CBAJ Megillah 7:30pm followed by a Bounce

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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