Maimonides Community

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BH. Tevet

6, 5776 / Dec 18, 2015

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 4:05 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:11 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

This newsletter is sponsored in memory of

Shaul ben Moshe Chaim Yartzeit 4th of Tevet by his son Dr. Yehoshua and Chaya Bracha Rubin THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thanks to everyone who participated, this year’s Raffle-Auction was a success, raising over $14,000 for Maimonides! See page 4 for the list of winners. Thanks to all who helped make this important annual fundraiser a success:  Sharona Backman for keeping track of all the orders, tickets and everything organized.  Michoel Caras for the online sales site (over $2,400 came through PayPal).  Shmuel and Rivka Kochman for the deliciously filling dinner of Beef Wellington (with sides and salads, and soup).  Moishy Kudan for the most outgoing and ambitious student ticket sales.  Chani Rubin for designing the brochure with the “Keep the Lights Shining” theme.  All who donated or solicited prize packages. Some new prizes this year were a big hit!  Raizy and Mendel Rubin for coordinating and getting it all together!  and many others who pitched in, each in their own way. Thank you! See list of winners on page 4 on back >


SECURITY MEETING THIS TUES Given recent events and especially in response to concerns expressed within our community, a gathering to address security and safety concerns for ourselves, our organizations and institutions is scheduled for Tuesday evening December 22 at 7:45pm. A liaison from Albany Police will participate, both to present and discuss. This gathering is not open to the general public. If interested in attending, please contact Rabbi Israel Rubin or Rabbi Y. Kellman for more details. Seating is limited.

A FEAST FOR EYES AND FEET Grades 2 and 3 went for a Siyum trip down to the Empire State Plaza with Morah Devorah Leah, Morah Dini and Mrs. Gurock to enjoy some ice-skating and a great birds-eye view from Albany’s tallest building, the top of the Corning Tower. It was so warm out that it was hard for the ice to stay frozen, so it was a little bit sloppy and wet. 3rd grade was celebrating finishing Parshat Lech Lecha, and 2nd graders for finishing Perek Gimmel of Breishis.

ZEBRA ZAMER COOKIES Speaking of cookies, Kindergarten shaped and baked their own tasty Zebra “Zamer” cookies as they learned the Hebrew letter “Zayin”.

TERUMOT U’MAASROT Also food related, HS Girls in Rabbi Avraham

BAKE SALE WILL BE NEXT WED Kelman’s class learned the laws of separating

on the engagement of MHDS alumnus Baruch Why the change from Tuesday next week? It’s (Terumah and Maaser) tithes in Israel today, Simon to Sara Greenberg of Morristown NJ. because of Fast of the 10th of Tevet. Even if and shared his memories and experiences, as Mazal Tov to Rabbi Nachman and Clara and kids don’t fast, it’s not a good day for cookies. they set aside portions of trail mix as a sample. all the Simon siblings. Our HS boys were excited that they just saw him the other day! MAIMONIDES

TORAHTIMES NOW IN PRINT! “The Torah Times” creative Parsha newspaper began years ago when Rabbi Rubin was a Yeshiva student and camp learning director, revised and improved over the years with students at Maimonides. Now, for the first time, “The Torah Times” is available in print, you can order a 30-page book of Sefer Breishis at Amazon for delivery to your home! Go to: to order.

404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

KINDERGARTEN KINORS In the Medrash on this week’s Parsha Vayigash we learn how Serach, daughter of Asher, gently and sweetly broke the good news to Yaakov that his long lost son Yosef was still alive, by playing it on a song on her harp. They had a great time making (and playing) their rubberband harps!

MATH FACTS & TIMED TESTS Four 3rd grade students got 100’s on their (addition and subtraction) timed tests, and Chaiki was the first one to get 100% on her multiplication test, and is now moving on to division facts. Mrs. Maher is quite proud!

YAHADUS CURRICULUM TESTS SAUL VS DAVID NAVI PROJECTS 4 grades took the Yahadus curriculum test this Morah Rochel’s Navi class did diorama-type projects on the drama of Saul vs. David, and the all the associated characters, including

Thursday. It’s quite challenging and they have to score above a certain average on multiple tests throughout the year to attend the international “Chidon” at the end of the year.

FOG PAINTING IN ART CLASS Mrs. Levin’s 6/7th grade art students learned that in fog things look clearest and brightest up close, but get fainter and blurrier the further up or away you look. They divided their paintings into 3 sections, each layer one further than the next, with the levels of clarity and brightness differentiating them.

Saul’s son and David’s friend Jonathan, and Saul’s daughter and David’s wife Michal. Leah (above left) is showing a working pulley system of her project demonstrating how Michal helped her husband David escape by lowering him out of an upper floor window. Rivka’s project (above right) describes a secret arrow notification system between Yonatan and David. JJ’s project (below left) had a harp that could be “played” by a mechanical lever, and (below right) is a big white question mark above David’s empty seat.

TEN APPLES UP ON TOP Kindergarteners read this fun counting and competition book by Dr. Seuss (writing as Theo LeSieg and illustrated by Roy McKie) and then drew their own colorful illustrations, including this one pictured on left. On a deeper level, this book may also be about balance and dexterity, and getting through life’s challenges and pressures while keeping all of our “apples” stacked on top!

A FITTING(S) MENORAH! Mr. Samuel Russakoff (maternal grandfather of Maxine Morgenbesser) was a machinist at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during WWII. He made this Menorah pictured above out of brass fittings. It has been passed down to his great-grandson and namesake Shmuel and Pessi Morgenbesser, whose son Chaim lit this Menorah this Chanukah. Fitting Fittings!

COLORED CANDLES IN ART Mrs. Levin’s younger art students made these gorgeous colored candles that are on display in the big room upstairs. You might have seen them there during the Raffle-Auction event.


Mrs. Maher’s 3rd graders have book reports that are due in 20 days. She had them divide the page size of their chosen book (Jacob was happy to report that he chose “Treasure Island”) by 19 to know how to best pace their LOST IN CHUMASH & TALMUD reading and preparations. (It was also a clever 6/7 grade isn’t lost, but happen to be learning way to introduce them to the practical uses of about responsibility for lost objects in both division, which they will soon start learning). their Chumash & Talmud classes this week.

MACCABEE SHIELDS (AND MENORAHS) Nursery students are pictured here wearing Maccabee shields, they also had shining colorful menorahs which they held high while they sang the Menorah blessings beautifully.

HIDDEN TREASURES KINDERGARTEN DREIDELS OR SEVIVONS OUT FOR A SPIN Morah Mushky’s Kindergarteners sang a number of Chanukah songs while decked out as giant Dreidels, all with Gimmel-side showing, for they are all proud winners!

Morah Dini’s 3rd graders’ Chanukah play dated back to the Spanish Inquisition when Jewish religious observance had to take place in secret. Note the sign for the Secret Shul. The kids very much enjoyed working on it.

FIRST GRADE FIERY FLAMES First graders each represented a different day, each shining in their own way.


TAGGING CITIES IN HEBREW Morah Rivi’s 4/5 built or drew city elements and tagged them with their Hebrew titles.

A tidbit from Rabbi Rubin’s Pirkei Avot commentary: How can Rabbi Tarphon call "Laborer's Lazy?" What would an honest hard worker think of this Mishna? What about the powerful Labor Union? And Is it proper for a "master to oppress" when the Rambam (Hilchos Avadim) specifically forbids a master to push or oppress his workers? Perhaps this Mishna has a message about different forms of Torah study. A person who considers Torah Mitzvos as his own project, shows ownership and feels personally invested, is far more personally motivated and thus productive, rather then "clocking in" the right hours,' and "just getting over it" without developing any real personal interest. Local note: This quote by Rabbi Tarphon is prominently inscribed in Hebrew letters at the very top of Union College's Nott Memorial off Seward Street in Schenectady!

PROFESSOR PELLA’S PLACE 4/5 Chanukah play was based on the popular video about Pirsumei Nissah (spreading the light & publicizing its miracle) on Chanukah. The airplane backdrop was really special!

NINE SPOONS 6/7 did their play on “Nine Spoons” a story of resourcefulness and determination during the Holocaust to find nine spoons (rare to have any extra in the concentration camps) to fashion a working Menorah to kindle flames of hope despite the harsh conditions there.

at Maimonides and in the Community 12/19: YARTZEIT KIDDUSH


This Shabbos at Shomray Torah there will be a yartzeit Kiddush for Shaul ben Moshe Chaim z”l, Dr. Yehoshua Rubin’s father. His father collected over 10,000 books, and in that spirit (as well as the Chabad Hey Teves holiday of books) Morah Rivi’s students are baking and designing a Sefer cake at school for this Kiddush. As every year, Rabbi Rubin will also share the story of Mr. Joe Saidel (attorney for Chabad & Maimonides, avid cyclist & founder of the local Daf Yomi) dogged determination to find a file in NYS archives that was needed for the Chabad Seforim case.

Winter session! Contact Nechama Laber for details on this richly filled overnight experience with energy and warmth even in winter!


A) LAPTOP: Miriam Kudan B) SHOPPING SPREE: Levin Family C) JEWELRY COLLECTION: Vicky O’Brien D) LOOK & FEEL GREAT: M. Morgenbesser 12/27: HUDSON RIVER FISH E) IPAD AIR + JEM: Itkin Family 1-4pm at the NYS Museum. Join Environmental F) BETTER HOME: Caras Family Educator Fran Martino of River Haggie Outdoors to explore unusual fish found in the Hudson River. G) NYC TRAVEL: Nissim & DL Kaufman Learn about the watershed we live in and the ways H) SARATOGA SHABBAT: Soochie Kievman I) SUPER SHABBAT: Maxine Morgenbesser we can keep it healthy and clean. J) MINKOFF PURSE: Rochel Rubin 12/28-31: HALF-DAYS AT MHDS K) LINENS & THINGS: Gurock Family On the half days at school during the last week of L) JUDAICA: Rachel Mathless 12/19: RABBI REISMAN SAT @7:30 December, plans are in the works for an especially M) 2-WAY PORTRAITS: Fraidy Rubashkin Rabbi Y. Reisman’s live Navi class (his Navi class is exciting and meaningful time. One-day winter N) SOLID TOYS: Zalman Simon a springboard for many topics) from Brooklyn are camp, and a Breishis Carnival. Stay tuned! O) KITCHEN TALK: Soochie Kievman screened 7:30pm at the CBAJ Media Center. P) GAMES GALORE: Yochanon Samson 1/1/2016: HALF-DAYS AT MHDS 12/19: PASTA, POPCORN AND No School on New Years Friday, another extended Q) FISH & CHIPS: Vicky O’Brien R) MAKING BREAD: Rachel Horan MOVIE NIGHT AT MAIMONIDES weekend to enjoy with family. S) AMERICAN GIRLS: Mendy Wilenkin For a change of pace and taste, the Pizza Night will serve a pasta bar, salad and popcorn instead, T) SUPER-CLEAN: Nachman Simon 12/29: HUDSON RIVER TRADING starting at 7:30pm. There will be a children’s movie A 34-foot board game with miniature sloops and U) GET CRAFTY: Larry Teitelman playing downstairs, and an adult documentary film cargo, for kids to learn about Historic Cherry Hill V) BREAKFAST PACKAGE: Moshe Rubin playing upstairs. $10pp or $40 max per family. and Hudson River Trade 1-4pm at NYS Museum. W) ALL SET WITH LEGO: Salo Steper X) MAGANTILES: Sue Joki 12/20: JERUSALEM OF LEGO 12/30: ONE-DAY “TEAM-UP” CAMP Y) ACTIVE FAMILY: Gordon Family Using 60,000 Lego blocks, architect Steven Camp Gan Israel & Friendship Circle are teaming Z) GIZMOS & GADGETS: Gloria Krimmer Schwartz will lead area students grades 3-6 in a up for a one-day “Team-Up” winter camp for kids MYSTERY (Go Pro Camera): Joanna Steper Jerusalem re-creation. Our students are invited too. ages 3-10 of all ability levels, joining in friendship Begins 9:45am at Beth Emeth. Please be prompt. and fun! This is a unique arrangement modeled on SPLIT THE POT ($480 to Winner): Gordons Jewish High Schools around the country are learning Mishna tractates in memory of Ezra Schwartz, with a joint online Siyum on the day of his Shloshim. Rabbi Rubin is learning “Challah” with our HS and Mincha/Maariv Minyan goers.

the Camp Kaylie vision which can be a huge benefit and growth experience for all involved. Contact Friendship Circle Director Chaya 4888992 or CGI Director Devorah Leah 698-1836. NOTE: Camp will start that morning at 9am, davening will be at 9am, pickup at 3:30pm. Cost is $15 per child which includes the trip and all fees.

12/22: FAST OF TENTH OF TEVET Please register so they can be best prepared.


This daytime fast recalls the siege of Jerusalem. There’s Torah reading and Haftorah at Mincha, the fast ends locally at: 4:57pm.




8th grade morning bake-sale will be on Wednesday instead of Tuesday this week because of the fast.

12/23: ALBANY JEWISH WOMENS A Microcalligraphy workshop and discussion led by Chaya Bracha Rubin, 7:30pm at 122 South Main,

12/24-25: NO SCHOOL Enjoy a big weekend! No school Thurs & Friday.

New Sunday hours, 1-5pm. Let’s support it!

The 11th year! Stay tuned for info. Save the date!

In next week’s “MC” Newsletter, look for:  Pictures from the Raffle-Auction event  More pictures of tagged Hebrew cities  More about the Breishit Carnival and the Half-Days at School

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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