BH. Iyar
2, 5777 / April 28, 2017
Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 7:34 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 8:40 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
This newsletter is dedicated in honor of
Rabbi Rubin’s Birthday
a different “Happy Birthday Israel”
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
Morah Devorah Leah is working with her students on a new Omer-Counting chart at the entrance of the school—this time trying to use photos with that number of students in the picture! This big blue painted Har-Sinai (with big white Hebrew words “Our Children are Our Guarantors”) is part of the bulletin board.
Mazal Tov to MHDS alumnus Maishie & Malkie Backman on the birth of a son this past Motzai Shabbos. Special Mazal Tov to the Bubbe and Zeide, Sharona & Avremi!
MAZAL TOV SIMMY & CHAYA Early Monday morning Simmy and Chaya Rubin had a baby boy! Mazal Tov to Bubbe and Zeide and family Rubin.
MAIMONIDES FEATURED IN MAZAL TOV CANADA SIMONS ST. ROSE NEWSPAPER Mazal Tov MHDS alumnus Rabbi Yisroel and “The Chronicle” by College of St. Rose students featured our school in their latest edition, as part of their reporting on the neighborhood. Mrs. Mary Maher was very proud, as CSR is her alma-mater for both her undergraduate & graduate degrees.
MAZAL TOV KUDANS! Mazal Tov MHDS alumna Mushkie Kudan on her engagement to Shmueli Rabinowitz of Ottawa CA. Special Mazal Tov to Reb Ruvain & Shayna! Much Nachas…
CONDOLENCES CHANA ISRAEL On the passing of her father Sidney Wilgowicz, Shiva begins in Queens, and then in Albany.
FULL S.T.E.A.M. AHEAD! This year’s Dr. Morton Berger Memorial Award will be presented to Rabbi Mendel and Raizy Rubin, honoring their twenty years of dedication to Maimonides & Shabbos House. Invitations will go out shortly, the dinner date is set for June 6th, the Tuesday after Shavuot, one week after Memorial Day. Save the date!
Esti Simon of Kingston Ontario on the birth of a baby girl named Rivka. Mazal Tov to Zeide WHERE ARE THEY GOING? That’s what Rabbi Mendel was wondering & Bubbe Rabbi Nachman & Clara Simon. when he saw these first graders holding big yellow bags and leaving the parking lot with MAZAL TOV CHANA MALKA the teacher Ms. Ford. They were headed over On her Pesach Bas-Mitzvah! Wishing you to the Bach Library branch on New Scotland, continued growth & your family Nachas! holding permission slips & eager for books…
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
ANOTHER NEW SCOTLAND AVE TRIP On Thursday, Mrs. Kirkley took her 3rd graders on an arts & crafts trip to The Art Room, also on New Scotland Ave. One of the blessings of a neighborhood school is the ability to walk to nearby stores, library, shul...
Mrs. Maher and Mrs. Kirkley’s classes had mobile field trip visit school this week. National Grid has an awareness truck about “Call 811 Before You Dig” No joke. which was an hands-on educational On Yom experience about the various utilities that HaShoah, run in wires and pipes underground. Morah Rivi The big black bucket of dirt pictured on shared with right had colored flags in it (marking the 7/8 various underground utilities) and kids grade girls took turns digging with a shovel around the story of them. But if they poked too close to a “line” the National Grid educator triggered a remote a distant that sent off a big shpritz of water, or a horrible gas or sewer smell. It was fun and games in this relative of hers named Shlomo Adler who demo (students surprise reactions were great!) but in real life could be much more damaging or survived the Holocaust partly because he ran dangerous, which is why people who dig into the ground must call the utilities first so they can home to get his mother’s socks and missed a mark off (with these colored flags) where the underground utilities are. Nazi transport that separated him from his mother but saved his life. The girls recorded a SPORTS BALLS NEEDED AGAIN CONDUCTORS VS INSULATORS video message that Morah Rivi sent to him. One of the 811 exhibits was a shovel with a And they got a beautiful video-response—with It seems like this comes up every year, but perhaps it’s a sign these balls hole in its side. That connected with their the picture of our girls on the computer are getting a lot of use. We science class on conductors behind him. Here’s a screen-shot of the video need more balls for recess (like a metal shovel) vs. wood he sent back where he shares how these girls time! We need large softer (like the handle of a shovel) are “truly living” and the blessings that he rubber balls for games like conductors restrict wishes for them and their families! dodgeball, elimination and the passage of heat, kickball, plus basketballs (we while conductors THE RASHI have that nearby city court), soccer balls and spread the heat. VIDEO footballs. If you’d like to purchase a ball or 5/6 grade two (good quality used balls are fine, too!) so PITGAM ON OMER COUNTING watched the Berel the kids can get a lively workout and positive 7/8 Pitgam class with Morah Raizy learned Wein “Rashi—a team-building & sportsmanship, another meaning to the word Sefirat (to count Light after the Dark Ages” animated video bring it to the school office. the) Omer as it related to the word Sapir or about the life, times, and teachings of Rashi— sapphire: to shine and glow. The message is which they study daily in Chumash and THREE TESTS AFTER PESACH that our day-by-day incremental growth in selfGemorah class. The engaging video gave On the 3rd day back from Pesach vacation the improvement leading up to Shavuot helps our valuable interesting background to 5/6 grade had 3 tests in one day: The Math character shine and glow. Rashi’s life and the times he lived in. test was on converting fractions to decimals & decimal to percent; a vocabulary AVRAHAM “CAME W/HIS DAYS” LEARNING THE SHEMA test in English class; and a Map 3rd graders just learned this Pasuk in We’re so used to “saying the Shema”, our Quiz (locating locations) on Chumash class on Rosh Chodesh HS girls are now learning it in depth in Ancient Greece and its Citywhen it is customary to say this verse Parshat Va’Etchanan with a variety of classic States for their History class. after Hallel. They were excited to commentaries on the Chumash. realize this connection!
RABBI AKIVA & RACHEL In time for the Omer, and leading up to Lag B’Omer, Rabbi Rubin taught his students the classic story of Rabbi Akiva and his wife Rachel, using three Talmudic sources: Kesuvos 62b, Yevamos 61b and Nedarim 50a, also demonstrating the expression: “words of Torah may be rich in one place and poor in another” so texts compliment one another.
ORPAH IN NAVI & MEGILLAH HS students came across Orpah (Ruth’s sister) in both Megillah class as they study Ruth leading up to Shavuot and also in Navi class where the TORAH TOWN IN ART CLASS descendants of Orpah and King In art class this week a student made a detailed David had a confrontation. map of an imaginary TorahTown with places like Achronim Ocean, Sukkos Resort, Rashi CHROMATOGRAPHY River, Sinai Mountain & Brachos Beach. In Biology class, HS separated pigments using colored marker on a coffee filter with only the A ROSH CHODESH TREAT tip of the paper dipped in water, which MY MAP OF ISRAEL On the second day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar Morah Rochel gave all the students a yummy separates the colors in a cool but simple way. (Top) First graders each decorated their own premade map of Israel, as they learned about sweet treat in honor of Rosh Chodesh. May it B.T. ESSAY WINNERS be a wonderful month ahead! Also—hearing different parts of the country, coast to the Last week’s “MC” listed all the mountains, north & south. (Above) 3rd graders students sing Hallel so joyously & energetically middle and HS essay titles and 1st display maps of Israel they drew from scratch is also a great Rosh Chodesh treat! thru 3rd place winners for each. based on their learning of Navi Yehoshua.
In Science Enrichment Mrs. Kirkley gave 4th graders packs of Mrs. Maher’s class toothpicks and big just finished reading bags of Styrofoam “The BFG” by packing peanuts Roald Dahl. It’s a (which parents sent fantastical fiction into school a few about giants and weeks ago) and dreams and a little challenged them to girl named Sophie. build whatever they Besides fantasy, you wanted using only could also consider those two things. It it a fun mystery. wasn’t a race or competition but was interesting to see what systems and styles students used. You had to think about weight and support and balance…
TIPS TO SPEAK OR HEAR LESS LASHON HORA This week’s Parsha of Tazria-Metzorah speaks of the effect of negative speech
CHANGE THE TOPIC: Here’s one example from a 4th grader: Say “Pass the pickles!” & then start talking about pickles so the conversation changes at the table.
THE KIVI & TUKI SONG: Believe it or not, that song from Country Yossi really got stuck in people’s heads and several kids referred to it. Maybe if it could auto-play as in the “Marvelous Middos Machine”?
IGNORE IT: If people won’t get your attention and you won’t add anything to that type of conversation, many people will just move on to something else that others will respond to and be interested in. The more attention you give it, the more they’ll want to talk about it.
THINK POSITIVE ABOUT OTHERS: If we’d focus more on the positive sides of people and think nice things about them, and dwell on what makes them special, we would be much less likely to speak negative about them.
RESPECT PRIVACY & SPACE: A lot of things are simply no one else’s business. If we would train ourselves to respect people’s privacy and give people more “emotional space”, we would be less nosy and intrusive, and avoid a lot of negative speech.
ALEF-BAIS PARTY COMING UP Kindergarten is excited to celebrate their upcoming Alef-Bais party, and have begun to prepare for it. It’s a great learning milestone!
MICROSCOPES They’re not only a tool, but a detailed area of study itself for HS students in Biology class.
Rabbi Yossi discovered that the delivery man from Staples speaks Hebrew (6 languages actually) and he’s not even Jewish. He worked for some years in Israel (in construction and also in hotels) and told our students “Anee lo Yehudi aval anee medaber Ivrit, atem Yehudim, atem Tzrichim l’daber Ivrit” - I’m not Jewish yet I speak Hebrew, you who are Jewish most certainly should speak Hebrew! This man speaks Ukrainian, Russian, Czech, Hebrew, English and Polish; 3 fluent and 3 so-so.
CASE OF THE MISSING SHOVELS 5/6 grade joined 7/8 for this Talmud story!
at Maimonides and in the Community 4/21: SHOLOM ZACHOR
Sholom Zachor welcoming new baby boy Rubin (son of Simmy & Chaya) will be at 122 S. Main Ave, 9:30pm after Shabbos Dinner. Mazal Tov!
The Jewish Federation is hosting “The Shuk” band at The Egg for $5pp ticket prices in honor of Yom Ha’Atzmaut. For more info see, contact The Egg Box Office for tickets and you can find out more about the band at:
This week at Shomray Torah in honor of Beis Iyar and for the Kudan Mazal Tov engagement.
True story of a French Jewish spy in Nazi Germany 7-9pm at Bethlehem Chabad 393 Delaware Ave. $15pp, $20 at the door, $10 NextDor in advance Refreshments served. Books available for sale.
This week’s Shabbos afternoon women’s shiur will be given by Chaya Yehudis Denk at the home of Gittel Laber, 321 South Main Ave, at 4:45pm.
5/4: KEEPING IT HONEST W/JNF 4/30: GREENMARKET @ PROCTORS JNF hosts Joe Hyams, CEO of “Honest Reporting” This Sunday 10-2 is the last of the Greenmarket inside Proctors, next Sunday it moves outdoors around Schenectady City Hall for the summer.
5/1: YOM HAZIKARON Day of Remembrance for fallen Israeli soldiers. There will be a short memorial at school.
to speak on media bias. Program 8-9am, (a breakfast at the Marriot precedes at 7:30am with registration). No cost to attend. Info? Contact Sara Hefez, JNF ExecDirector, New England & Capital Region: or 617.423.0999 x811
There’s a group from Albany going to Great Parade in NY (last year on Sunday for a very long time). 5/4: CHOP, MIX & ROLL AT D.O.S. You can sign up online A fun evening out and dinner with a twist for those go to “Grab a Seat” click on Maimonides to sit with in their mid-20’s to mid-40’s. RSVP $20pp by 4/28 the Albany group. $6pp include t-shirt, concert etc. to or 724-3261.
“A Jewish Response to Global Refugee Crisis,” 7:30 -8:30am at Jewish Federation, 184 Washington Ave. Talk by Riva Silverman, HIAS VP for external 5/7: WOODS AND WATERS Spring festival at Mabee Farm exploring plants and affairs. $5pp. Info/RSVP: 783-7800. animals, streams and ponds, and how they all tie together. 11am-3pm at Mabee Farm, 1080 Main 5/1: BABY RUBIN BRIS Street, Rotterdam Junction NY. Free. Nature walks, Simmy and Chaya Rubin’s son’s Bris will be IYH Kayak demos, Birds of Prey, tours of historic Mabee 4pm at Shabbos House. Note: There is permission House etc. More info? Call 877-5073 or email: for guests to park in the first 3 rows of the UAlbany Dutch Quad lot closest to Shabbos House.
5/1: MACCABI GAMES HOSTS Interested in hosting in early August? Want to volunteer? Find out more at another of the JCC’s Open House events leading up to the games this summer. 6:30pm at the Albany JCC.
5/1: TEKES MA'AVAR AT CBAJ On Monday, May 1, at 7:30 pm (Mincha at 7:15), CBAJ hosts other Albany synagogues for a Tekes Ma'avar (ceremony of transition) beginning with a ceremony for Yom Hazikaron commemorating the fallen soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, and transitioning into a celebration of Yom Haatzmaut. A special festive Yom Haatzmaut Maariv service will follow the ceremony at 8:30 pm.
5/2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISRAEL 69 years young, 3000 years old! There will be a delicious Felafel Lunch at school, but please still send snacks or alternate lunch if your kids prefer.
5/10: PESACH SHEINI The biblical holiday of Second Chances, one month after the first day of Pesach. Look for Matzah and spreads as a special treat at school for this day. It means Lag B’Omer is coming up!
Annual major festival on Mothers Day Weekend (Saturday and) Sunday in Washington Park.
5/29-6/2: MEMORIAL DAY WKND & SHAVUOT SCHOOL SCHEDULE 5/29: Memorial Day Monday—No School 5/30: Erev Shavuot (Tuesday) No School 5/31-6/1: Shavuot Holiday—No School 6/2: Friday, School resumes 9:30am
5/6 graders are going on a field trip to a Federal Courthouse downtown to celebrate their Navi Siyum of the Book of Shoftim (Judges).
Stay tuned for invite, updates and info. This year’s Dr. Morton Berger Memorial Award will be presented to Rabbi Mendel and Raizy Rubin for 20 years of dedication to Maimonides and Shabbos House. Recognition will be made of this year’s Better Together III, a celebration of the Science Lab/STEAM Center campaign and a memorial dedication at school for Salo Steper, obm.
10am-12pm in Tawasentha Park, Guilderland. Another communal Lag B’Omer JEWNITY fun day at Huck Finn’s Playland! 1:30-4:30pm, reduced More info: rate of $8 per child all-you-can-ride (its an amazing deal!) by prior RSVP: STILL OPEN FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Jewnity or call 518-439-3310. This event is sponsored by Capital Chabad, the Jewish Federation, PJ Library (hosting a StoryStroll) THINKING SUMMER? Maimonides, and Hebrew Academy.
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”
Think Gan Israel Day Camp!