Adar 12, 5777 / March 10, 2017
Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 5:38 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 6:39 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
This newsletter is sponsored by the Laber Family in honor of their son
Baruch Mordechai’s Upshernish MAD SCIENCE SHOW AT THE MAIMONIDES PURIM PRUNCH In keeping with our Science theme, this year we’re having a Mad Science Show engage and The World Baseball Classic is now underway, entertain at our Purim Prunch. 10am is the Megillah (if you haven’t heard it earlier), after and Israel’s team (mostly American Jewish ballplayers) won 3 back-to-back games that they 11am will be the Mad Science show and the best local Mishloach-Manot Swap! were very unexpected to win. Their mascot “Mentsch on the Bentsch” became a beloved icon, and the New York Times splashed this half-page picture on the cover of its Sports section of the players swapping their baseball hats for Yarmulkas as the Israeli national anthem is played. Continued success!
SCIENCE LAB & STEAM CENTER CAMPAIGN UPDATE There’s been progress on the online end, garnering many hits & some nice donations. At the same time, the school received very nice mailed contributions this week in support of the Science Lab STEAM Center effort—so we’re BH making progress towards the goal! We still have a ways to meet the $3600 matching goal for online gifts by Purim, so (if you haven’t already) please participate with a donation of any size, & share the link: ScienceLab—this Purim weekend! Thanks!
SCHOOL ON SHUSHAN PURIM Shushan Purim is the day after Purim, this year Monday, 3/13, the day that Purim is celebrated in Jerusalem. Maimonides School will begin at 9:30am (in consideration of all the Purim festivities on Sunday). Please have all students daven BEFORE school starts, and please have everyone come in costume for our annual Shushan Purim Costume Parade!
PURIM ON A STAGE NEAR YOU That’s if you have a child in Maimonides first grade (or Kindergarten, too) where they made Megillah character puppets or stick figures and stages (first grade stages rounded-top Shushanstyle shown here, Kindergarteners had a glitzy stage with drawn curtains) to tell you the whole Purim story through a show…
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
SHUSHAN BY NUMBER Here’s what we love about this photo: These Nursery students are working together to piece together a picture of Shushan’s towering palaces, connecting the dots by number.
MOBILE MEGILLAH READERS Do you know someone unable to get to a Megillah Reading who can use Purim spirit? Call/text Rabbi Motti 518-368-7886 to arrange a Purim visit and/or Megillah reading.
ESSAYS, ESSAYS… DEADLINES! Middle & HS are working on several essays this month. Don’t leave to last minute…
Some students need to replenish their stock of PACKING PEANUTS school supplies. Not having basic tools like a But Mrs. Kirkley now has pencil holds back the students themselves and enough! Look for a project others as well. A teacher can only hand out so with them soon. Like Moshe many pencils. It might be time to restock your with the Mishkan, the Jews donated even child’s backpack and also organize more than what was needed! their stuff. Organizations skills are key to student success, especially in upper elementary & middle school.
CAN YOU RECOGNIZE THEM? That’s the whole point! They are masked for Purim, just as Queen Esther’s identity was masked, and just as Hashem’s guiding hand is hidden throughout. But just to give you a clue—they are Morah Devorah’s students…
Rabbi Shmuly’s Mishna & Gemorah classes learned about Purim leading up to the holiday but in these final few days did some very clever humorous fake-Talmud pieces, one titled “HaDonald” (from last year) using current events in Tamudic context and format, the other piece (traveling the Jewish internet, new for this year) defining the differences between “Fake News vs Real News” based on a Mishnai style “Ayn Bayn” that they actually learned!
THE NOODLE JAR 3rd graders finally filled up their Noodle Jar, one noodle at a time going back since the start of the year, earned for good behavior, helping each other out, excellence in learning and good character—so they earned a very special party. Wednesday this week was the big day, a fun party ALL afternoon long! A lot of planning went into it: Students brought in games including Jenga, foosball, Set, Stackobats. They each brought nosh: popcorn, BBQ potato chips, Pringles, juice, brownies—you name it! Mrs. Kirkley and her students played and enjoyed all afternoon (Reflex Math was part of the fun), they made Ninja-Balls, and now they’re eager to earn the next big milestone achievement and award.
MYRRH AND MYRTLE “Myrrh and Myrtle” are two fragrances that appear in the chorus of the Taanis Esther Selichot. Boys Davening class and 7/8 grade girls learned how these are references to Mordechai & Esther (aka Hadassah). And Rabbi Rubin pointed out how the Selichot describes Mordechai “knocking on the school doors” to gather children to learn and pray.
After a Social Studies unit on the tribes who lived in our region of NYS, Mrs. Maher’s 4th grade students made dioramas about Native American life. They’re looking forward to a class trip (on 3/14) to NY State Museum to see the classic exhibit there with the new lens of their extensive learning on this subject.
Second graders finished their very first Parsha, Breishis, which mostly discusses Creation, so Morah Devorah took them out for a nature hike at the Pine Bush Preserve (the weather was so nice out that day!) which they ran through so excitedly and quickly that there was time to go to Kosher Price Chopper in Colonie to buy some refreshing ice-cream!
Using wire-coil, a nail, a source of current and paper-clips, Mrs. Kirkley’s Science Enrichment students (4th grade pictured) tested different numbers of wire coils, amount of paper-clips, how it matched up & recorded their findings.
We used to be on SingleStream Recycling, which makes recycling easier (everything recyclable is sorted at the recycling plant) but as we are now using a paper recycling company (since the vast majority of our recycling is paper) we ask that the BLUE CLASSROOM BINS only have paper products (including cardboard and paper cups) but no plastic, no cans and no aluminum foil. We can have a separate recycling bin for that in the lunchroom where those items are most common, but the blue classroom bins should be reserved for paper only. Thanks!
These 2nd graders built this elaborate structure using PlayStix (which they like to play with) but the top section kept BETTER 2 WRITE ESSAYS falling apart, so they These national essays (about seniors were delighted that or interactions with and lessons from it stayed intact at seniors) are due at the end of this least for the photo coming week so please make an so it could get into the MC Newsletter! Good effort to do a nice job with them as there’s job, grit & determination and great teamwork! opportunity for very valuable prizes!
(1) In connection with the paper-recycling note above: The trash bins on the office/main entrance side of the school are FOR PAPER ONLY. They are picked up by the paper – recycling company and NO TRASH should be put in those bins. Thanks you very much! (2) Classes all need to be more careful about cleaning up after themselves, so the rooms are not left extra messy at the end of the day.
HS girls in biology class with Mrs. Kirkley are learning about gene bases and sets that pair, gene sequences and gene mutations.
REFUAH SHLAYMA Simi is recovering from a burn and won’t be in school for a week—wishing her a speedy recovery. We continue to pray for Shlomo Yaakov ben Henna Chaya, Refuah Shlayma!
FINISHED MEGILLAH, IN TIME! HS Girls have been learning Megillas Esther with Morah Raizy since the start of the year and finished just in time for Purim! One of their last classes highlighted verses that have special life meaning and relevance.
INGREDIENTS FOR GOOD GROUP DYNAMICS Students in grades 5-9 shared top 5 ingredients for a good group or team dynamic. We narrowed the responses down to these 5 categories.
“I SPY” ILLUSTRATED WRITING Ms. Ford’s students proudly showcase their recent “I Spy” writing and illustration that’s hanging on the wall of their classroom.
RESPECT: This might have been the most common response, expressed in different ways, including: respecting differences, valuing other people’s opinions, valuing what people have to offer. Not ridiculing or demeaning any person in the group or dismissing any idea out of hand. Treating other group or team members the way you would want to be treated.
PARTICIPATION: If there’s a group effort or discussion, it is best when everyone participates, at least a little bit. This is especially true when people are being relied upon and without whom the project or experience isn’t complete.
COMMUNICATION: It is so important to be able to communicate your ideas, feelings and concerns with the rest of the group, and all of the group with each other. If things are left unsaid or unclear, or misunderstood a lot of problems can arise. Good discussions and brainstorming can help a team work or play better together.
EASY, NICE: This came in all different forms, but the basic thought was the same: be easy on people, don’t be too strict or harsh or cruel. Being nice to people helps brings out the best in them, being too critical or demeaning can bring out the opposite. A lot more can be accomplished in a friendly, pleasant manner.
FLEXIBLE: Be open and flexible to change or modify things, stubbornness might work well for one person, but it can be very destructive in a group dynamic. Sometimes it can work best when people take different paths to the same goal, but sometimes you have to coordinate and cooperate, and that takes compromise and flexibility.
LITTLE LIBRARY PRESENTATION Rabbi Yossi & the middle school went today to the Royce on the Park (formerly Bnai Brith Apts) to bring a “Jewish Russian Little Library” (pictured empty here just after they painted on the wooden letters yesterday) for the residents’ use & enjoyment. Assemblywoman Pat Fahy was to be there for the official presentation. More on this in next week’s MC Newsletter!
SLOW PAPER RAMP DESIGN Mrs. Maher’s 5/6 graders have been learning about erosion in science, and the flow of water. She asked them to work in teams to design ramps for a ping-pong ball out of paper (even the supports have to be made of paper) and the goal is for the ping-pong ball to reach the bottom, but at the slowest speed!
After Haman was hung, Esther pleaded for the retraction of decrees against the Jews, because anti-Semites were still out there, but the king said he couldn’t retract the decree once it is written and signed, so they wrote up a new one for Jewish defense. This is a life-lesson about how careful we ought to be with written words (emails, chats etc) which can very difficult to take back.
You can check this out when coming for the Purim Prunch, right above the lunchroom WEATHER IS CHANGING AGAIN sinks downstairs. The whole long Megillah expressed via illustrated key verses! More Purim Shabbos is supposed to be cold, and Purim maybe even colder! May be snow next week... bulletin boards in next week’s MC Newsletter! at Maimonides and in the Community 3/10: LAST OF THE SHORT FRIDAYS Clocks spring forward late Saturday Night, so from next week on until November, Shabbat comes in later on Fridays and we have school until 3:30pm.
3/11: SHABBOS ZACHOR This is a very important annual Torah reading, read on the Shabbos before Purim. If you can’t make the morning: Shomray Torah re-reading at Mincha, CBAJ re-reading after Kiddush Luncheon. Miss it? Recommended to hear the Purim-Day reading.
MEGILLAH-TOGO! Mobile Megillah readers with lively Purim spirit, Yeshiva boys from NY are eagerly available. Call or text: 518-368-7886.
9:30am start. Children daven at home that Shomray Torah Kiddush this Shabbos Zachor is sponsored by the Gordon’s for R’ Itche’s birthday. morning–before At CBAJ by the Resnik’s for their baby & birthday. coming to school. Come in costume! Not all kids will see each other on Purim Day so the Shushan Purim Costume 3/11: PURIM NIGHT EVENTS Parade is an opportunity for kids and their CBAJ Bounce Party with Megillah at 7:30pm Shomray Torah Megillah Reading: 7pm followed costumes to be recognized by peers. by Melava-Malka and additional Megillah Reading following Melava Malka if necessary. Saratoga Chabad’s “Purim in the Deli” 7pm “Purimtini” for 20’s & 30’s at Bethlehem Chabad with UHChabad. Open Bar, Improv..
3/24-25: REGIONAL SHABBATON Chabad on Campus Regional Shabbaton to be hosted at Shabbos House:
Jewish Federation & NYS Museum will be hosting a special workshop for 4th grade school children on the Jewish immigrant experience to New York State 3/19: ARTSCENTER TRY-IT DAY on Sunday, March 26, 10-11:30am. Questions? Call Arts Center of the Capital Region (265 River Street Marci Galinkin at the Jewish Federation: 783-7800. 3/12: SPRING FORWARD—CHANGE in Troy) is hosting its 2nd annual open-house day free for everyone to try all kinds of art mediums THE CLOCK AHEAD ONE HOUR! 3/26: “FROM BITTER TO SWEET” they have to offer (usually for a fee) from printThis year we change the clocks late on Purim 9:30am at Beth Israel, Schenectady. $10 Sisterhood Night! So all Megillah Readings or Purim events are making to silk-screening, pastel and chalk, working members, $15 others. Breakfast & film on seniors with clay—all kinds of workshops 12pm-3pm. See on Purim Day are on the new/changed time! and Ladino sponsored by sisterhood, open to men for more info. and women. RSVP/Info: 377-3700.
Shomray Torah Morning Megillah: 8:35am after Shachrit services with Torah Reading Maimonides Megillah: 10am, Purim Prunch and Mad Science Show begin soon after 11am! Rabbi Rubin’s quick Pi-Day (3/14) Mukdam vurt, too! Open-House Purim Meal at CBAJ Rabbi & Mrs. Feldman’s home: 12-6pm. Beth Tephilah Purim Brunch, 10:30am 82 River St. Troy $5, trivia games, crafts. Info? 272- 3182. Rensselaer Purim Party, 1pm Hawthorne Ridge, 32 Community Way, East Greenbush. Info/ RSVP: Rabbi Avraham Laber: 727-6037. Bethlehem Chabad 1960’s Purim with Fab Buffet, Rad Entertainment, 5pm 393 Delaware Ave. $15 at the door, discount in advance. Clifton Park Chabad’s “Tropical Purim” 5pm at 6 Clifton Common Court. 495-0772/9. Communal Purim Party with Chabad 4-6:30pm at Jewish Federation, 184 Washington Ave Ext $10pp/$25 family. RSVP/Info? 518-368-7886. “Purim in the Stadium” is the theme for Purim at Agudat Achim in Kingston NY. Perfect timing for Israel’s Baseball team this year!
Students, get your essays in on time! Prizes await!
3/19: RECORDER MUSIC @NYS-M 1-4pm at the NYS Museum’s Adirondack Hall, hear diverse group of recorder musicians play.
3/25-27??: FARBRENGEN W/GUEST Plans are being developed for a farbrengen with a guest speaker as we enter the month of Nissan. Stay tuned for exact date and other specifics.
3-4pm $20 per adult, kids free (thanks to GE) BRACHOS AT SHABBOS HOUSE Albany Symphony Orchestra plays superhero music Mushky’s Albany Sheva Brachos, 6pm on Tuesday. at the Palace Theater. Come dressed in superhero costume or just to enjoy. “Musical Instrument Petting Zoo” 2pm. Proceeds benefit Jeremy’s Circle 4/6: CHAMETZ-TIME AT SCHOOL Get your last pizza fix before Pesach! Thursday in Israel. You can order tickets online at: afternoon 3:30-5pm at school. Order 2 pies ahead (remember, kids are free!) of time, get free fries. Sushi only by pre-order. Pre3/19: MAPLE AT SUGAR OAK FARM Order at: 12-4pm in Malta. Maple Weekend with sugaring, samples (check for Kosher) and interactive tours.
3/21: WHY? THE HOLOCAUST 8pm at Federation Building with Professor and author Peter Hayes of Northwestern on explaining the Holocaust. This talk is open to the community.
6/11: FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE WALK 10am-12pm in Tawasentha Park, Guilderland. More info:
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”