BH. Kislev
9, 5777 / Dec 9, 2016
Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 4:04 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:09 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
First Responders to the Science Project Appeal we are now past 25% towards our matching goal
A GREAT VISIT TO DAUGHTERS Our students have been to Daughters of Sarah many times before, but many said that their visit this week was one of their more enjoyable ones ever. As part of this month’s “Better Together” them of Shabbat Candles, they made a poster about a meaningful insight about the candles and shared that with the participating residents along with a hands-on candlemaking (wax rolling) activity, where each student in 7-8 and HS was paired up with a senior to do it. While they are unable to light the candles in their own rooms, they were excited to share their handmade candles with children or grand-children who come to visit.
SOUP OF THE WEEK It’s back on again! Morah Devorah’s students made the lentil soup last week, and Morah DL made it this week. Parents: Contact Mrs. Wildman to find out a week that’s available. It’s getting cold out and the kids really enjoy it!
This newsletter is dedicated in appreciation of all the
We still have a long ways to go, but we’re now past 25% towards the $360K goal to expand our science lab and STEAM opportunities, in both physical facility space, materials and program. It will take much dedication and effort on everyone’s part to see it that this can become a reality. The amazing thing is that a national donor believes in our program and will match $150K of this project! We have to demonstrate our communal commitment to this ambitious project in about six week’s time, so the more interest, donations & pledges by the end of January, the better!
If you contribute $360 to the Science & Tech Project at Maimonides, your gift will be matched by the national donor and you will also earn $613 worth of any tickets in the raffle-auction (not including Split the Pot). That’s a lot of tickets!
CHANUKAH PREPARATIONS It’s the 9th of Kislev and Chanukah begins on the 25th, so not too early to start learning about Chanukah! Some of our Gemorah classes are learning the Chanukah piece, and our Nursery students (pictured above) are doing all kinds of Chanukah projects.
It’s all about the measurement! They did javelin throws with straws and disc throwing with stapled plates, and other such activities but the main Science Enrichment class focus was on recording the measurements.
BOOKWORMS GROWING Or maybe caterpillars… Either way, Mrs. Kirkley’s 3rd grader students each have their own one growing on the walls of their classroom, expanding one circle at a time as they read more and more books.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
THE LITTLE RABBIT “HaShafan HaKattan” is a classic kids Hebrew song and a way for Kindergarten to practice words with a Komatz vowel. They’re so good at it now, they’re moving on to Patach now!
INEQUALITES @HIGH SCHOOL High School girls happen to be learning two separate things at the same time that are related to inequality. In Social Studies with Mrs. Ramsay they are learning about the old caste system in India that limited social mobility between castes. And in Math with Mrs. Maher they are learning about inequalities and compound inequalities. True, they are not the same type of inequality, but it is a connection nonetheless!
DEALING WITH BULLYING 4th grade Yahadus class learned the laws of Maysis and Musas and it led into a discussion of how to deal with bullying in other areas of life. And how we ought to be positive, encouraging influences on others, not negative, repressive down-putting of others.
FOOD TYPES ON SHABBOS In Halacha class with Morah Dini, HS Girls learned about these 3 categories, and their place in the laws of cooking on Shabbos: Yavaish = dry solid, like Challah. Lach = liquid, like soup. Gush = moist solid, like a Matzah-Ball
We keep reinforcing this basic principle at school, reminding students not to play with objects in other people’s desks and to treat school property and other people’s property with respect.
DOUBLE NUMBERS! Ms. Ford’s class started learning double numbers in math, and watched this fun video “Double Double Numbers Can’t Be Beat!”
ABRAHAM LINCOLN Second graders in Ms. Ford’s class learned about President Abe Lincoln, and they wrote and illustrated these pieces about his life and presidency.
4th graders presented their NYS county research projects in Mrs. Maher’s class this FIGURATIVE SPEECH week. For next week’s MC newsletter we hope As part of their reading “Tuck Everlasting” to include one fascinating fact from each of Mrs Crawford’s 5/6 graders are doing essays in the counties they reported on. Stay tuned! English class on various types of figurative speech (especially from the lens of the book ANNE FRANK IS NEXT they are reading now) from metaphor and HS girls are now wrapping up their reading, simile to personification and discussions and essays on “The Crucible” (play symbolism. Torah is also filled with by Arthur Miller) and after watching the film, examples of figurative speech! they will begin reading “Diary of Anne Frank.”
PRIDE BEFORE FALL HS Girls are learning in Navi class about the downfall of Avshalom, whose rebellion against his father David was cut short when his long mane of hair (for which he prided himself excessively) got caught in tree branches. For the source of the expression “Pride Before Fall” see Mishlei/Proverbs 16:18.
Morah Devorah’s 2nd graders are learning all types of Chanukah terms Dmai Chanukah = Chanukah Gelt, Giborim = heroes, Hallel = songs of praise etc… stenciling and coloring them in on paper strips to hang up.
TALMUD ON THE PARSHA In addition to studying Hamafkid with Rabbi Mendel, our 8th grade boys also study additional Talmud with Rabbi Rubin. A few weeks back, in connection with the hospitality in Parshat Vayera, they learned the Gemorah in HaSocher es HaPoalim that delves into those verses with greater Midrashic detail, much of which is quoted by Rashi on the Chumash. Daf Yomi’s study cycle should be there soon. But one of the students said: “Hey, we’re now in Vayeitze, a few Parshas later, what about Gemorah on this Parsha?” So Rabbi Rubin started with them a new piece of Gemorah, this time from tractate Chullin page 91b all about Jacob’s Ladder, the angels going up and down, and the rocks around his head. It’s fascinating seeing Rashi commentary sourced in its original Talmud text.
JEAN-PIERRE HOUDIN 5/6 grades Social Studies learned about this French architect who together with his father (a civil engineer) came up with a theory about the construction of Egypt’s ancient pyramids, and how they used 3D computer modeling to discover a construction anomaly within the pyramid that helped prove their theory.
A CLOUD AS BIG AS EVEREST? 5/6 graders learned in science class with Ms. Brennan about Cumulonimbus clouds known as thunderheads, they are huge and dense and produce major storms and even tornadoes. They learned a lot about clouds and are moving on to precipitation next.
BACK OF DOOR STICKY NOTES Have you wondered about the sticky notes along the doorframe behind the door of the 3rd grade (old office) classroom? They earn one note every time the whole class reads the Chumash pasuk (verse) correctly. And it’s already climbing the whole height of the door!
CROCHETING UPDATE 7/8 grade with Mrs. Laber are advancing in their chrocheting. Recently some of them started making Chanukah gift bags using two colors of yarn for it. Some other things they made recently are baby booties, headbands, and mug rugs. They are getting better and better as they continue to practice and move up to doing more challenging patterns. Malka H. showed a lot of sensitivity when noticed a friend was upset by recess time, and went out of her way to include her. When JJ H. and Aharon Meir M. were excited to learn Parsha in the Talmud, they asked Rabbi Rubin to call their missing classmates on the phone to involve them as well! Thoughtful! Noticed someone doing something special? Let’s include it in next week’s MC!
BIG CHANGES IN YEHOSHUAH 3rd grade Navi class is learning some big changes in the Book of Joshua, where the Jewish people crossed the Jordan River into Israel and the Manna stopped after 40 years.
CAN YOU SEE THE FOOTBALL FLYING MID-AIR? We circled it to make it easier. Do you think Eli caught this short pass from JJ? These older boys have been playing very nicely as a team & having a great time doing it!
GAM ZU L’TOVAH 7/8 grade with Morah Raizy learnt the pitgam (saying) “Gam Zu L'tovah” that this too is for the good. Originally it dates back to Nachum Ish Gamzu (named so for this perspective) but SNOWFLAKES! Ms. Ford worked with her second grade they learned it after seeing this noble faithfilled positive response of the Israeli artist who students to create these gorgeous elaborate lost 40 years of artwork in arson terror snowflakes hanging in their classroom. fire. They each wrote poems or drew illustrations to express this saying.
TOTAL DESTRUCTION Yikes! 4th grades are learning about Ir HaNidachas in Yahadus class, the same time that 3rd graders learned about the destruction of Sodom. And 4th grade learned in Navi class about Gideon’s son Avimelech destruction of a place, and compared/contrasted it to Ir HaNidachas. But let’s keep all this theoretical and academic, but in life be as constructive as possible!
TWO MORE CHANGES TO THE CHANKAH SCHEDULE Due to many families traveling schedules we’re now giving off on the Friday before Chanukah as well. Half-days will be on Tues through Thurs of Chanukah. Chanukah performances will be on Monday morning, January 2nd.
SCIENCE CENTER PROJECT This is a major ambitious project to expand the MAIMONIDES S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) program with new, improved facilities, equipment and program. Please speak to Rabbi Rubin (518) 423-4103 if you’d like to get involved in this great effort to raise the funds necessary to receive dollar-for-dollar matching funds (up to $150K) from a respected national organization eager to get us new state-of-the-art hands-on science facilities. Help us make this project a reality for our students and the(ir) future!
5/6 grade will soon be completing the entire book of Shoftim (Judges). They began it last year and kept at it. Morah Rochel is looking into a special trip to mark this milestone.
Morah Devorah’s 1st graders worked on these Mishpacha family projects posted behind them.
Do you know the difference between vinegar pickles (on store shelf) and lacto-acid (in store fridge) pickles? Our davening class learned a little about it, and Rabbi Mendel taught them a nice life message (important for education, too) about whether the desired sourness (good for pickles) comes poured on from above or if it is facilitated in a way that it is cultivated from within.
MITZVOT ON A VISIT Rabbi Yossi brought 5/6 graders on a “Better Together” visit to Parkview Apts (the former Bnai Brith) and helped this man put on Tefillin and another family put up a
at Maimonides and in the Community 12/9-11: YIDDISH SCHOLAR @ B.I. Beth Israel in Schenectady is hosting a Yiddish scholar-in-residence for this weekend. Curt Leviant, a novelist, scholar and translator, and professor emeritus at Rutgers, will present at a Friday Night dinner, Saturday night event and a Sunday brunch, speaking on 100th yartzeit of Sholom Aleichem, the works of Israeli Shai Agnon etc. For costs and more info, contact Beth Israel 377-3700.
playing down in the lunchroom. Shiur begins upstairs 7:45pm, Part II on the controversy and sources for blessings on public Menorahs.
Kochmans (Italian-dairy as determined by our student election process) prize packages on display and last chance to buy tickets before drawings that night. Menorah Lighting and some entertainment as well. Tickets can also be purchased in advance via US Mail, the office, or at the online link:
This Sunday, The Daf Yomi Talmud study group will reach “HaSocher es HaPoalim” pages in the chapter of Bava Metziah recently studied by our 8th CHANUKAH EVENTS: more info and updates as we get closer... graders as it related to hospitality in Vayera. It’s a 12/10: ISRAELI WOMENS THEATER nice piece, even if you don’t usually study with Daf 12/24: Sat Night, first night of Chanukah, NCSY hosts a Chanukah Carnival at CBAJ Sat Night 7:30pm at Schenectady JCC, all women Yomi, it’s a good time to listen in! 12/25: Chinese Chanukah at Beth Tephilah 82 cast, based on Lorca’s play: “La casa de Bernando River St, Troy. Crafts, music, some Chinese food Alba” no charge, donations welcome, for ages 14+. 12/18: EARLY BIRD SPECIAL buffet. $5pp, $2 child, $18 family. 894-3491 Info? call Judy: 377-8803 or speak to Morah Rivi. Any Raffle-Auction ticket purchased by this date 12/25-26: Friendship Circle Camp, contact Chaya gets at free $10 ticket towards any $5 or $10 prize if you’d like to be a part of this or assist in any way 12/10: TEN KISLEV FARBRENGEN package (except for Split the Pot). Even if you 12/26: Bethlehem Chabad Ice-Skating, Delmar Car Melava Malka 7pm at the school. Niggunim, short purchase more tickets later on, get at least one insights, stories.. informal atmosphere, all welcome. ticket in before this date to get the free $10 ticket! -Menorah Parade & Chanukah snacks back at the new Bethlehem Chabad at historic Adams House Being Motzai Shabbos Parshas “Vayeitze” no doubt Rabbi Rubin will heartwarmingly read the Rebbe’s 12/18: NANO TALMUD SIYUM AND 12/26: Menorah Lighting at Monument Square with Troy Mayor Patrick Madden at 5pm. encouraging letter of foresight to Albany, written YUD-TES KISLEV FARBRENGEN 12/27: “Dreidels & Doughnuts” East Greenbush for the 5th year of Chabad in this area. 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv at Maimonides, followed Library 4:30-7pm with Chanukah program by Nano Talmud study group Siyum program (led 12/27: “Glow the Dark Chanukah” at Clifton Park 12/11: CARTOONIST AT J-FED by Dr. Yehoshua Rubin and the daily Talmud study Center (near Boscov’s) 4:30-7pm Dov Smiley is a cartoonist with books on the Jewish group at Nanotech) and the annual communal holidays. He’ll be at the Jewish Federation starting farbrengen for men, women and children. To help 12/28: School Raffle-Auction & Chanukah Dinner (with the voted-on menu!) 5-7pm at MHDS with an interactive presentation for school-age with bringing things for the Yud-Tes Kislev 12/29: Chanukah Bowling in Saratoga children 1:30pm. There’s no charge to attend but farbrengen, please be in touch with Michael Caras. 12/29: Menorah Car Parade around Albany leaves RSVPs are appreciated at See school on Thursday at 3:30pm to see his work and style. 12/23-26: JGR WINTER RETREAT 12/31: Bethlehem Chabad at Delmar’s First Night See or speak to 12/10: CRAFT FAIR AT ALBANY JCC Nechama Laber for registration, cost or more info 1/2: CHANUKAH PERFORMANCES Craft Fair and Open House at the Sidney Albert on this annual winter retreat camp for girls. This 9:30am at school. It’s a legal holiday (New Years Albany JCC on Whitehall Road, 1-4pm. year held at the Holiday Inn in Latham. Nidche) but we're having full school that day and the plays and performances that morning. Parents 12/12: AHARON MEIR’S TEFILLIN 12/23: CBAJ MYSTERY GUEST This coming Monday Aharon Meir joins the ranks A Mystery Guest Shabbat—guests and hosts sign up and friends are very welcome for the program. of his Tefillin-wearing classmates in preparation for secretly via CBAJ (hosts must be Sabbath and his wintertime Bar-Mitzvah. Mazal Tov Morrisons! Kosher observant as per CBAJ standards) and then 1/22: SPA FOR BODY AND SOUL Save the date for this annual gathering of area Come join him at the Shteeble’s 8am Minyan. the guest shows up at host door on Friday Night! Jewish women. Guest speaker is Laurie Lans, a US Naval officer, and wife of US Army Chaplain. 12/15: USHER FOGEL MEMORIAL 12/27-29: CHANUKAH @ MHDS More details soon… There will be an Albany-area memories for friends Parents, please note (slightly changed) school schedule: and colleagues of the late Usher Fogel at the 12/23: Friday, No School 1/29: J-FED’S SUPER SUNDAY Capital Room at Renaissance Albany Hotel (144 12/26: Monday No School This is a major communal fundraiser for the Jewish State Street) on Thursday Dec 15th 11am sharp. 12/27-29: Tues-Thurs, Half-day Hebrew only Federation, and its many local and overseas 11am-11:45am spoken words in Capital Room and 12/30: Friday, No School beneficiary organizations, including Maimonides. 11:45-1pm receiving line with the family Sharon, 1/2/2017: Monday, school resumes at 8am with Parents are requested to please sign up for a shift. Joel, Lisa & Yosefa Fogel in the Hyland Library. Chanukah plays and performances at 9:30am
Pizza Night opens downstairs at 7:15pm, there will be delicious pizzas (with or without toppings) sushi rolls, French fries and more, and a kids video
Wed, 5-7pm on the 5th night of Chanukah. This exciting annual school fundraiser includes the celebrated themed Chanukah dinner by the
PIZZA NIGHTS AHEAD: Pizza Nights planned: 11/19, 12/17, 1/28, 2/25
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”