Maimonides Community

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BH. Tevet

8, 5777 / Jan 6, 2017

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 4:19 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:25 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY



This newsletter is sponsored In honor of our very dedicated

Sharona Backman and the Backman Family on occasion of her son’s Yisroel’s marriage — Mazal Tov! AWAITING THE COMING BAVA METZIAH DAF YOMI EXPRESS Pictured above Rabbi Rubin describes the “train-station” metaphor to students now learning Talmud Bava Metziah. 3rd thru 8th grade students are learning various chapters of this tractate currently studied by Daf-Yomi. The Daf-Yomi “Express” (who study a full double-sided page each day) pulls into our “station” is Sunday, Tevet 24, January 22nd ending the last chapter “HaBayis vha’Aliyah”. Stay tuned!

SCIENCE CENTER UPDATE Thanks to a very generous anonymous (!) recent gift, and donations coming in, WHAT’S UNDER A GRAIN BAG? we’re soon reaching the A silver goblet, of course! These Nursery 50% mark in contribution and pledges. students are learning about Yosef’s silver WOW! The matching national donor goblet that was found hidden (planted!) inside organization expects us to get more pledges in Binyamin’s sack of grain. In this week’s place by mid-February, so we continue to Parsha, Judah stands up to confront Yosef (he reach out to prospective supporters to make didn’t know yet that it was his own brother this dream a reality! If you, or someone you Yosef) to stick up for Binyamin. know, may be interested in expanding our science horizons with this major ambitious project, please contact Rabbi Rubin 423-4103 or at: THANKS!



As part of their Social Studies on India, HS MHDS alumnus Yisroli got married last night Girls watched and discussed “Gandhi” with to Bayla Bennish in Detroit. Mazal Tov! This Mrs. Ramsay; and the way he effected change. picture is of MHDS alumni (among others) at MEALWORMS IN SCI-ENRICH the wedding L-R: Mendy Yarmove, Eli A HOUSE FULL OF BOOKS Ugh! Most students weren’t so enamored with O’Brien, Motti Rubin, Mr. Backman, Efraim This month’s “Better Together” theme is these meal-worms, Backman, Tzemach Simon, & Elimelech about Bayis Moleh Seforim, the great pictured here in a pan of Backman. Sorry the Chassan & Kallah are not value of books in a home. They food on left. They love pictured. Mazal Tov to Sharona and Avremi hope to make “Little Libraries” to veggies & grains. But Mrs. and the whole Backman clan! share with seniors they visit. Kirkley explained how they are a good protein MAIMONIDES food source for birds, fish 404 Partridge Street & reptiles, and also have a Albany NY 12208 strange and unique ability to break down inorganic things like Styrofoam! In fact, in some cultures mealworms are a delicacy, not only for birds and fish but for humans in restaurants (though our students explained that its not Kosher for us). But one reason (still a surprise…) why Mrs. Kirkley brought in these mealworms is that they have several stages in their lives, and it’s a good opportunity to observe what comes next!

THE FAT OF THE LAND Fourth graders read this verse and wondered along with Rabbi Mathless if that’s a good thing or not? (In this verse it is certainly intended to be a good thing, as one of Jacob’s blessings). It started a class discussion about the pros and cons of fat, different types of fat, and its historical meaning, & times of hunger.

KEEP IT GOING! These third graders are having a great time hoola-hooping outside at recess, the trick is to keep the momentum going!

ANGER MANAGEMENT It came up in Megillah class about Haman’s anger, and his temporary control of it, and it also came up again in the same week in Chaya Bracha’s Creative Parsha class.

Rabbi Shmuly and the third graders made their own pizza in “Nathan’s Kitchen” and enjoyed celebrating a study completion.

Kindergarten students with Morah Dini made rubberband and popsicle-stick colorful harps in connection with Serach daughter of Asher’s music that she played (in this week’s Parsha Vayigash) to gently break the news to her grandfather Yaakov that Yosef was alive and well in Egypt. Sometimes how you say it is as important as what you say!



A friend of Maimonides asked that we keep this name in our prayers for a special blessing: ‫הינדא מרים בת נעמי דבורה פעסע‬

Ms. Brennan assigned her 7/8 students to each prepare a math lesson using a different 3D shape and the math formulas necessary to get its measurements, in a creative format.



In preparation for the Asara B’Teves fast this Sunday, Rabbi Rubin’s class learned the Gemorah background to the “Translation of the Seventy” Torah sages of the Torah for King Ptolemy. They also checked for it online.

MORE STUDENT TEACHERS Last week on a Chanukah half-day, Leah G. was the only one in her grade and Bassie R. in hers, so they teamed up (under Morah Rochel’s guidance) to teach third grade that day. Mrs. Block had an art project for them, watercolors over crayon, and Mr. DovBear came to lead the Go! game lesson.

MORE & MORE RUBIKS CUBES More kids at Maimonides are getting into Rubiks cubes, thanks to Max, Jacob & Leah, and now there’s more types of puzzles, too: See HERSHY’S BAR-MITZVAH the picture above (L-R) for a triangular Hershey’s friends pictured above at his Barversion, a multi-tiered puzzle, the traditional 3x3 square & a far more complex 5x5 square. Mitzvah celebration this past Sunday at the Great Neck Chabad House on Long Island. Mazal Tov to the Voloviks! The surprise guest is Mendel Andrusier on left, who was visiting NY from Florida as he put on Tefillin for the first time! He was a fellow classmate of these boys until his family moved to Florida. On the right side GRAPE-BALLS FROM ISRAEL of the picture on left, Hershy is reading the Morah Mushky brought back these “grapeTorah at the Shteeble Minyan yesterday. balls” from Israel for her 4th graders. They are balls inside a mesh bag, when you squeeze the 3RD GRADE STICKER CHART ball it pops out of the mesh bag as a bunch of All it takes is 5 stickers to get a prize, but tiny balls like a cluster of grapes! If you put in they’re not such easy stickers to earn. You get a little effort it comes bursting out on all sides! stickers for exceptional cooperation, acts of kindness, helping fellow YAHADUS TESTS students and things like Students in the Yahadus curriculum took their that. But they’re second Chidon test in the series this week. almost there now!

MORE PIZZA SIYUM These kids sure are enjoying this pizza siyum! After all, they made their own pizza with Rabbi Shmuly and then got to enjoy it (yum!) to celebrate their Gemorah accomplishments. 4th grade had Trio-Siyums (3!!!) this week because they’re getting so much learning done!

ADVERBS Mrs. Maher’s 4th grade is learning “Parts of Speech” this week focusing on adjectives & adverbs.

STICK SHAPES Ms. Lisa Brennan’s 7/8 girls made these elaborate geometric math structures using toothpicks, chopsticks and mini-marshmallows!

NURSERY SANG TWICE AT THE CHANUKAH PERFORMANCES These Nursery students opened and closed this year’s Chanukah performances on Monday morning, January 2nd, New Years Day (legal holiday). They sang first (so they wouldn’t have to wait around) but not all parents were on time to hear them, so they sang again at the end!

FLAMING PURPLE BOWTIES Kindergarteners wore big red flames on their glittery silver hats and looked great with their silver sashes and giant purple bowties. They sang several songs, including: Banu Choshech L’Garesh and “Shine a Little Light”.

CHANUKAH WITH SENIORS Our students also visited seniors over Chanukah in “Better Together”.

LESSONS FROM YOSEF AND HIS BROTHERS based on Chumash studies & current Torah portions

FIRST GRADE CHANUKAH MACCABEE SHIELDS But it wasn’t only shields! They also did the “Chan-Nu-Kah” song with giant Hebrew letters, and all the songs they sang with clarity and unison and energy. They did a great job!

THIRD GRADE’S HERSHEL AND THE CHANUKAH GOBLINS Third graders did a play on the book “Hershel and the Chanukah Goblins”. The Rabbi on left is Tziporah, Hershel in the middle photo is Nachman, and Bluma on right is one of several colorful goblins who unsuccessfully (!) attempted to stop Hershel from lighting the Menorah.


FAVORITES: The Talmud teaches us that a parent shouldn’t favor one child over another because it fosters jealousy. It’s also important that we treat friends fairly and not leave people out.


STICK UP FOR EACH OTHER: They got into so much trouble because they didn’t stick up for one another, and it was only when Judah stuck up for Benjamin did Joseph reveal himself to his brothers.


SEE THE BIG PICTURE: It’s really hard to see it at the time, but once you know the whole story you see how it all makes sense and all turned out for the best. Hindsight is 20/20 (you see things better when you’re looking back afterwards). Sometimes when we get very upset it’s helpful to keep that big picture vision in mind.


DON’T HOLD A GRUDGE, BE FORGIVING: When Yaakov passed away (in next week’s Parsha) the brothers were worried that Yosef would take revenge, but he was very forgiving and reassuring. Even though they did him great harm, he realized the big picture and didn’t hold it against them, which is a major emotional strength.


DREAMS & INTERPRETATIONS: This is a big theme throughout Yosef’s story: his own dreams, the dreams of the butler and baker, and then Pharaoh’s dreams. The Talmud says: how we interpret a dream matters, it determines which way it will play out. Dreams can be like big ideas or goals, and interpretation is how we see ourselves doing it and actualizing it in real life…

FOURTH GRADE’S “LONG-CANDLES” VIDEO-PLAY The last performance was on screen! 4th graders & Morah Mushky produced this play, filmed and edited for screening at the performances. They used the Teacher’s Lounge, Nurse’s Room, & outside in Woodlawn Park for different scene settings. The bloopers were fun to watch, too!

THE THREAD OF KINDNESS Second grade with Morah DL did a great performance of “Thread of Kindness”, they painted beautiful scenery with Morah Rivi & knew all of their lines (& each others’ lines, too!) Excellent job!

at Maimonides and in the Community 1/7: CHASSAN TORAH KIDDUSH


Yitzchak Krimmer is sponsoring Kiddush this week at Shomray Torah in honor of his receiving Chassan Torah on Simchas Torah.

The Jewish Federation’s Super Sunday fundraiser supports both local and overseas beneficiary organizations, from Maimonides to Sderot, from PJ Library to summer camp scholarships. Parents: please sign up for a shift to call, or for one of the follow-up calling nights. It benefits the greater community as well as our school, and overseas Jewish needs as well.

1/8: ASARA B’TEVET FAST DAY THIS SUNDAY This important (daytime-only) fast commemorates the start of the siege around Jerusalem. We add Avinu Malkeinu & Torah reading in both Shacharit (there’s also Selichot at Shacharis) and at Mincha, with Haftorah at Mincha.

1/8: A FREE TASTE OF CURLING ON ICE Curling is actually an Olympic sport. Find out more about it at this special free admission event, with brooms on ice, 10am-4pm at 117 West McKown Road. Wear warm, loose-fitting clothing and sneakers. Trainers on hand.


2/3: UALBANY’S SHABBAT 360 #ualbanyShabbat360 co-sponsored by Hillel, Shabbos House, Lchaim, Aish and other campus orgs, largest unified Shabbat dinner of the year, held in the Campus Center Ballroom. Open to students from nearby campuses as well.

2/16-20: FEBRUARY BREAK - NO SCHOOL No school Friday Feb 17th thru Monday Feb 20th. School resumes the 21st. PLEASE NOTE: There will be a regular day of school on Thursday Feb 16th.

with Sephardic song and foods, communal Shabbat dinner and a lunch for middle-schoolers, with special guest Rabbi Yosef Albo, director of Sephardic programming at Ramaz Upper School in NYC. RSVP at or call: 489-5819.

1/14: MELAVA MALKA AT MAIMONIDES Informal Sat Night get-together with light foods & refreshments at 7pm, inspiration, stories & songs for all men, women & kids, it honors Rambam Yartzeit on Tevet 20 (the following Wed).

1/14: “FREEDOM SUMMER” MISSISSIPPI ’64 Documentary film screening at Schenectady JCC, 7pm.

1/16: MLK DAY FREE ADMISSION @ ALB INST Free admission at Albany Institute of History & Art. We have school that day, but you can go from dismissal until it 5pm close.

1/22: WELCOMING THE DAF YOMI EXPRESS TO LAST CHAPTER OF BAVA METZIAH The Daf Yomi Talmud Express will be reaching the last chapter of Bava Metziah on this day, and our middle-school students are waiting at the “station” to welcome them - at Daf Yomi Sunday. This will be on the yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe, and of Joe Saidel obm, founder of the local Daf Yomi.

1/22: LT. COMMANDER LAURIE LANS TO SPEAK AT WOMENS SPA FOR BODY & SOUL Lt. Commander Laurie Lans of the US Navy (and wife of US Army chaplain Rabbi Moshe Lans) will be the guest speaker at this year’s spa for the body and soul. She has a unique story, both of her career and personal journey. Save the date and stay tuned!

1/23: UALBANY KOSHER DINING RESUMES UAlbany Kosher Dining (under Vaad HaKashruth) to resume after winter break on Indian Quad at UAlbany. https://

1/28: PIZZA NITE III All at “Nathan’s Kitchen” at Maimonides, run by the HS Girls.

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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