BH. Shvat
10, 5778 / January 26, 2018
Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 4:43 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbat Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:47 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
MAZAL TOV YESHAYEVS Mazal Tov to (new in town) Dr. Raisa and Aron Yeshayev on the birth of a baby girl! Much Nachas to Tzvaygenbaum grandparents.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
MAZAL TOV AUERBACHS Two years to the minute—on the day of the yartzeit—of the late Mrs. Edith Auerbach obm, her son (MHDS alumnus) Adam & Jillian Auerbach had a baby girl whom they named Noa (Esther) Edith. How auspicious!!! Much Nachas to grandfather Dr. Alan Auerbach.
This MC is dedicated in memory of
Edie Auerbach
MAZAL TOV BERMANS Mazal Tov to (new in town) Harvey & Lynn Berman on the engagement of their son Shmuli to Mushkie Schtroks. Much Nachas!
Yartzeit—6 Shvat Also the birthday of her granddaughter Noa Esther Edith.
WHY A PAPER-CLOTHESLINE? Why is there a colored paper clotheslines streaming across the 4th grade classroom? That’s because they learned 100 new Hebrew words with Morah Rivi, all displayed above their heads on colored papers.
“SUPERSUNDAY” THIS SUNDAY With one gift to the Jewish Federation you can support 150+ beneficiaries locally and abroad, one of which is Maimonides. This Sunday volunteers will be calling for your pledge to Federation’s annual campaign, answer the call for the good of our greater community.
DOUBLE-PENDULUM CHAOS In STEAM class with Rabbi Yossi, students had fun experimenting with swinging a mini double-pendulum carrying a UV light which highlighted the randomness of its movement. They learned about the chaos theory, and how a Tilt-AWheel ride is (scientifically) more chaotic than the wildest roller-coaster because it has more uncontrolled variables that foster randomness.
ABSORPTION AND TRANSFER This was a fun hands-on STEAM lesson in first grade this week: Mrs. Mattice put six cups in a circle (see top photo) 3 of them were filled with primary-colored water, the alternating cups between them were (initially) empty. Then they dipped and draped folded papertowels—heads in a full cup and tails in an empty cup—and eagerly watched as the water (and color!) slowly transferred not only into the connecting papertowel but into the next cup, too! Thanks to all this absorption and transferring of color they also made colorful tie-dye (above) paper towels, learned art techniques, new vocabulary words and scientific terms along the way.
WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? “To get the New York Times! Do you get it?” “No, I get The Torah Times!” Actually, if you’d like to get Torah Times for Breishis & Shmos delivered to your home you can order it (via Amazon) at: Thanks Sara H. for the joke.
SLIME! More hands-on science activity: 3rd graders had loads of fun making slime!
RECESS & WEATHER CHANGES It has been so cold for so long that for many days we were unable to take classes outdoor for recess. Once the weather improved midweek we want all children to spend time outdoors, even if its cold (as long as it isn’t exceptionally cold, icy or rainy) so please dress students accordingly with proper winter gear. For those days that we have to be indoors we try to have limited low-impact ball-playing inside. Some students prefer games on those days, thanks to parents who sent in card and board games, we can still use a few more!
“SETTLERS OF DIRAH” GAME Speaking of board games, this week, boys in the Pre-Bar-Mitzvah program played a fun game (based on Settlers & Risk) with Rabbi Motti trying to establish Shuls and Jewish community institutions all over the world!
KITAH ALEF (FIRST GRADE) SIDDUR PARTY This is a big highlight of first grade with Morah Devorah! Parents (and some grandparents) came in to hear them take turns leading the morning prayers, adorned with crowns that spelled their favorite parts. They also made Alef-Bet cookies that spelled that part of the prayer, and they were delicious! Rabbi Rubin contrasted the gloomy, wet and dreary day out that morning with the sparkles in their eyes and their gleaming shining crowns and spoke to them about the significance of this huge milestone, in some ways even more formative than a graduation! They did a great job! May they continue to daven so beautifully for many years to come!
MORE VAN GOGH ARTWORK This time Morah Ruvi did Van Gogh with younger students in 2nd and 3rd grade. Each student colored one piece of this puzzle, which comes together beautifully (above) as the artist Vincent Van Gogh quote posted on the older grades’ “Wheatfields” art (top) expresses: “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Indeed, they are!
CHONI THE CIRCLE-MAKER 3rd and 4th grade Gemorah learned this story and made powerpoints on it, just in time for Tu Bishvat when this story is often quoted for its famous line: “Just as my ancestors planted for me, I plant for my descendants.”
This week 7th grade Talmud learned a Tosefos commentary on Sukkah 8b that worked as a Social Studies DBQ would: asking questions based on three separate Talmud sources (Sukkah 8b, Menachos 33b & Yoma 11b) and working to interpret and reconcile them.
7th grade history class is learning about how monopolies began, how some got very rich by slashing prices (at first), stifling competition and how that led to big trusts, less consumer choice, fun games like Monopoly and new anti -trust laws, ways that governments deal with monopolies & healthy competition.
CENTER OF A TRIANGLE? HS math learned how to measure the center of (different types of) triangles using either the Orthocenter method or the Circumcenter method—which end up being very different centers. There are different ways to look at being at the center or middle of something.
GEOCITIES IN MATH 7th grade is nearing the end of their book, and in celebration of that Ms. Coffey assigned them each to do a creative project making a themed city out of required geometric shapes that are calculated & labeled in various ways.
YAHADUS CHIDON TRIVIA In memory of Meir Obrien, first MHDS student at Chidon
PAPER BAG TREES IN ART FOR TU BISHVAT This gorgeous little trees adorned with colorful paper-fruit are made out of brown paper bags, the kind that kids bring for lunch. These students made them in art class with Morah Rivi.
KETER CROWNS AND A BIG BLUE YAM-SUF Nursery made these crowns as they learn the letter Kaf, the first letter of Keter = crown. They also learned many other Kaf words (some of them thought of by the kids themselves!) including: Kochavim = stars, Kotel = (the Western) Wall, Kovah = hat, Kadur = ball, Kosher, Kos = cup, Kifafot = mittens, and Kachol = color blue, which is the reason for the big blue wall they painted behind them, which is also the sea walls of the Yam Suf for Parsha Beshalach!
CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES 7th grade Parsha with Morah Chana learned the difference between the confrontations at the Sea and with Amalek, why for the former G-d told the Jews not to fight the Egyptians, but by Amalek G-d did tell them to go and fight. And how this is a lesson to choose your battles, and know when it is appropriate and when it is not. She brought an example from her work in a special-needs school where there was a “response scale” ranging from 1-10: lower numbers are things we ought to ignore or manage easily, higher numbers are things we have to deal with and may be a greater struggle or challenge.
BOOK ONE: (According to Rambam) is there a biblically required frequency or time to pray? When was the formula of the “Shmona-Esray” established? Who added the 19th blessing? Name one prayer that is not in connection with a Korban at all? How many times do we bow in the Amidah? How often was the biblical Mitzvah for Birchat Kohanim? How often does a non-Kohain say the Birchas Kohanim? What are the six requirements for a Kohain to say Birchas Kohanim? How many Mitzvos are Tefillin? How many “V’Haya” portions are inside the Tefillin? What are the 10 Halachos Moshe M’Sinai about Tefillin? What are ways that writing a Mezuzah is stricter than a Torah scroll? Does a doorway without a top need a Mezuzah? Are the laws of Mezuzah different in America and Israel? Are Mezuzah laws the same for Shul doorways and home doorways? What law of Torah scroll reminds you of lined paper? Explain “Pesucha” & “Stumah” of a Sefer Torah? Can you fulfill the Mitzvah of writing a Torah just by buying a complete ready-to-use Torah scroll? What’s the Gematria of 39? Where do we see it? BOOK TWO: Name a mitzvah that you specifically should not do with your feet. How many Mitzvos are associated with sending away the mother bird? Would it apply to eagles? Does the nest have to be in a tree or natural space? Does it apply to another bird (not the mother)? Whats the difference between swearing falsely and swearing in vain? When does a korban fit in? Which is mentioned in the 10 commandments? Give an example of a court oath thats from the Torah and one from the Rabbis? What is a specific mitzvah that is just to get out of a commitment? Are only men obligated in Kisuy HAdam? Give two examples where Kisuy HaDam isn’t necessary or required.
BOOK FOUR: When would you be exempt from the effects of a fire that spread from your property to another? If something falls off your roof and causes damage, under what conditions would you be responsible or exempt? What are the 4 key conditions for a kidnapper to be put to death? Why was no punishment established for inaccurate measures? How is the amount of the “Kofer” fine set? Who pays the “Kofer” fine? Name a Mitzvah(s) that only applies when the Sanhedrin presides in the FINGER-KNITTING HISTORY UNIT ON CHINA These two pictures were taken just 45 minutes Temple’s Lishkas HaGazis? What measurement is 5th grade Social Studies is now learning about apart. In that short time Mrs. Gittel Laber 1/33 of a Lug? What type of object is forbidden to China, how its early physical isolation from taught these second graders the technique (top) own or have in your possession solely based on its the world’s major powers shaped their history. weight or markings? Suppose you step on an and by the end of the period many of them already had more than a foot-long knit (above)! expensive object left in the street and break it, do you have to pay? And what happens if you get hurt NEW TORAH TIMES NEWS!!!!! in the process, is the owner of the object liable? Look for Torah Times Beshalach on YouTube
at Maimonides and in the Community 1/27: SHABBOS BESHALACH SHIRA 2/3: GREAT JEWISH This Shabbos we read of the Splitting of the Sea & RIVALRIES III
Song at the Sea. That’s why it is “Shabbos Shira” “Reform vs Orthodox” a talk Shabbos of Song. The Maharal had a custom to put by Rabbi Roy Feldman out food for birds for this Shabbos, in appreciation Shabbat at CBAJ. for their chirping accompanying us at the Yam Suf.
1/27: SHABBOS KIDDUSH Shabbos Kiddush at Shomray Torah—Shteeble is sponsored this week by Esther Miriam Vinisky in honor her son Nesanel’s putting on Tefillin for the first time this coming Monday morning.
Please note the two parts of the evening: (1) HS Pizza Night will sell and serve pizza, fries, sushi etc. 7:15-8:40pm downstairs at Maimonides. (2) At 8:45pm Chava LeVine will share her fascinating story "From Papua New Guineau to Israel" about her personal journey in discovering Judaism. Children ages 10 and over who can sit respectfully are welcome upstairs to the talk, there will be a children’s program downstairs as well for younger children. This annual Esty Lecture is in memory of Esty (Rubin) Cohen, who was a great listener and loved hearing people’s stories!
Free in the State Museum’s Adirondack Hall, 14pm by the Albany Musicians Association.
1/27: MELAVA MALKA AT SCHOOL Motzai Shabbos Shira (Parsha Beshalach and PreTu Bishvat) and Yud-Shvat Melava Malka farbrengen. 7:30pm at Maimonides. All welcome!
1/28: J-FED’S SUPER-SUNDAY Thanks to Maimonides parents volunteering on this Federation campaign. Friends, answer the call!
1/28: HOW-TO BEER & SYRUP 1pm at Riverside Maple Farm for tour of how maple syrup is made. 2:15 at Wolf Hollow Brewing Company to see how they brew beer. Both are on Amsterdam Road in Schenectady/Glenville.
1-3pm, $5pp includes snow-show rental. Call ahead to reserve and to ascertain snow conditions: (518) 658-2055 or
Search on YouTube for “Torah Times News
2/5: BREAKFAST WITH JOHN FASO Beshalach” for this week’s Parsha episode! Jewish Federation hosts Congressman Faso for a communal breakfast, 8-10am. $5pp. 518-783-7800.
Short Chassidus Shiur Sunday night, after Mincha/ 2/5: THIRD YAHADUS TEST Maariv (this week 4:50pm) at Shomray Torah. The third and final Chidon qualifying Yahadus test (covering the last chapters in each class’ respective books) will be on Monday morning, Feb 5th. 1/29: DOUBLE FIRST-TEFILLIN 2 7th graders will begin putting on Tefillin for the first time (in preparation for their Bar-Mitzvahs) on 2/9-2/12: EXTENDED WEEKEND the same morning: Menachem S. & Nesanel S. at Parents please note this school schedule: No School on Shteeble’s 8am Minyan with their classmates. Friday 2/9. 9:30am late start on Monday 2/12.
Morah Rochel’s Monday night women’s class has resumed, this time around they are studying and discussing Tanya. 8:30pm at her home.
10am-5pm at Times Union Center. $10pp, kids under 14 free. Vendors & exhibits all about home.
1/30: AFTER-SCHOOL MISHMAR 3:30-4:15pm for grades 2-7. Younger children can be supervised for $2. Mishmar costs $2 per child to cover supplies and expenses.
1/31: TU BISHVAT BREAKFAST Annual eagerly anticipated Maimonides tradition, fruity breakfast for Jewish New Year for Trees.
2/11: GIL TAMARY, ISRAEL TALK Jewish Federation Joint Society event at Ohav Shalom. Gil is Washington DC bureau chief for Israel's Channel 10 News.
2/15: JEWS AND THE MOB You wouldn’t expect this at Chabad. But Myron Sugarman will tell his own story about Jewish mob connections, 7pm at Bethlehem Chabad.
2/16: CBAJ COMEDY SHABBAT CBAJ hosts comedian Jessica Schechter at a 6:15pm Shabbat Dinner (prayers 5:15pm). Register online at:
2/19: PRESIDENTS DAY No School. Enjoy the extended weekend.
2/28: PURIM NIGHT (WED) Hard to believe but Purim is in February this year! It falls Wednesday night into Thursday, stay tuned for a listing of communal events and celebrations. Purim under the Sea 6pm at Saratoga Chabad Purim Carnival for college students in UAlbany’s Campus Center Ballroom
3/1: PURIM DAY (THURS) Purim morning Prunch at Maimonides. Stay
tuned for theme & more details. Emoji Purim Clifton Park, 4:30, Megillah 5:15 Black & White Purim Bethlehem Chabad, 5pm Albany JCC Purim Carnival 5:30-8pm
More Purim listings to be updated next week!
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”