Maimonides Community

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BH. THURS Cheshvan


20, 5778 / Nov 9, 2017

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 4:19 (!) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbat Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:20 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

RIVKA LOSICE YARTZEIT This Friday, 21st of Cheshvan, is the yartzeit of Mrs. Rivka Losice. Tomorrow, Rabbi Rubin will study these Mishnayot (whose initials spell her Hebrew name and whose ideals were reflected in her life) with students at school. Interestingly, her yartzeit falls on Erev Shabbos before we read the Torah portion of Chayei Sara about Eliezer & Rivka. Our “Maimonides Middos” program at school is in her memory. Look for the Maimonides Middos symbol at articles in the MC Newsletter each week.

This MC Newsletter is dedicated in memory of

Rivka Losice Rivka basMoshe Yartzeit—21 Cheshvan PIZZA DOUGHS ARE READY HS Girls got together to prepare these pizza doughs from scratch to be ready to be sauced, topped and baked at “Nathan’s Kitchen” this Motzai Shabbos 11/11 at Pizza Night (which begins 7:15pm). Pre-Ordering helps them out: and Sushi is only available by pre-order.


Several teachers at Maimonides attended a “STEM DAY” faculty training workshop at Schenectady’s MiSci (Museum of Innovation and Science) on Wednesday evening. We hope to bring a lot of what we learned to our classrooms & STEAM intercurricular activities at school. Rabbi Rubin was excited to take this picture with Charles P. Steinmetz (18651923) known as HAND-MADE GAMAL CAMELS the wizard of Nursery students made these Gamal-Camels Schenectady. He out of painted handprints with their fingers in WHY SO MUCH “AZ YASHIR”? was a Union certain positions. Gamal starts with Gimmel Why is Rabbi Mathless spending so much time College professor which they have been learning this week and with his 7th grade Chumash class on Az Yashir and inventor who camels are also featured in this week’s Torah (the Song at the Sea) with all the Rashi made major portion with Rivka and Eliezer at the well. commentary and making Powerpoints? That’s contributions (like alternating current) to because Az-Yashir is in our daily prayers and if electrical engineering and mathematics. MAZAL TOV LIEBERMANS we learn it well now, some of the commentary And to grandparents Linda and Feivel and meaning will hopefully stick with us longMINCHA AT MAIMONIDES Chandler, on the birth of a baby girl to MHDS term and pop into our minds when we say it As Rabbi Volovik is saying Kaddish and needs alumna Michelle and Shmuly Lieberman. each and every day. to travel, Mincha on Monday-Thurs 3:15pm. Mazal Tov and much Nachas!

REVOLUTIONARY WAR IS ON After studying the Colonial period and the acts and conditions that were factors leading up to the Revolutionary War, 7th grade history is now getting into the war itself. Their teacher Mrs. Ramsay is very into these battles, and the stories of that period, but they would spend all year on it, were they to do in indepth! The interesting thing they just learned is that most of the colonists weren’t gearing for full independence originally, but King George wouldn't even consider any of their petitions. John Hancock’s extra-large signature signature (that’s not a mistake) was because he wanted “King George to be able to see it without his spectacles (eye-glasses)!”

“B’ASHER HU SHAM” PITGAM Morah Raizy’s Pitgam class with 6-8th grade explored this verse from last week’s Parsha: “listened to the voice of the child where he was at.” They discussed and later each wrote poetry or short pieces on what it means to understand where another person is coming from, and to recognize the place (emotional and circumstantial, not only geographic) where they are at.

CELL-CITY CELL MODELS Students studying components and structures of cells made “city-cell” models, each with their own creativity and style. This concept was reported in the newsletter last week (with examples of what cell components would correspond to what parts of a city) but this week we have some of their finished projects.

CHAVRUSA CHAMPS Rabbi Motti teaches 5th grade Yahadus & was so impressed with how nicely these students worked in pairs & groups to study and review. Joyous lively learning is always an inspiration!


A CHALLENGING GEMORAH Rabbi Mendel is proud of his hard-working 7th grade Talmud class who have been spending a lot of time on a knotty piece of Talmud, their most difficult piece yet! It has two versions of the same conversation, the whole thing is an argument about an argument, with proofs drawn by contrasting conflicting texts, and has proofs based on language insinuations… After numerous reviews, worksheets, repeated Chavruta learning (home-review as well) they are finally getting it! Even better: they’re enjoying the Gemorah arguments and proofs.

Kindergarteners made jewelry like Eliezer gave Rivka, by beading cheerios onto a string. Why Honey-Nut? Because this week they are learned letter Daled, and Devash = honey starts with Daled.


Nursery students practiced their pre-writing skills by drawing lines of rain (“Geshem” was THE FIRST CHIDON TEST one of their Hebrew words this week) coming This Tuesday (Nov 14) will be the first of three down the page. It’s getting used to pencils, Yahadus tests to qualify for Chidon Mitzvos in tracing dotted lines, keeping lines straight, Brooklyn. An excellent curriculum overall, the keeping some type of symmetry & pattern. tests (prepared by the national office) tend to be much more technical than our school’s FIXED YET FLEXIBLE style. We wish our students success on this HS Girls are learning about the first test. In recent MC Newsletters we’ve been Constitution, its amendments, and role in putting random review questions, see page 3. American life. It can also be a lesson for life!

DEALING WITH CONFORMITY Mrs. M.’s middle and HS English classes are all reading books with a similar theme: dystopian societies, and the stifling of and struggle for individuality: “The Giver” (7th grade), “Lord of the Flies” (8th and 9th) and “Fahrenheit 451” (10th grade) each in its own style. They have been writings short reader responses at intervals throughout the read and will begin writing essays once they finish.

DEVEK DALED LEMON-BATTERY EXPERIMENT YAHADUS CHIDON TRIVIA In memory of Meir Obrien, first Maimonides student at Chidon WATERCOLORS Rabbi Yossi tried it with several classes in Kindergarteners are learning the letter Daled this week. They used Devek (glue) to hiddenly outline and highlight a Daled (and/or Daled words/ objects) in their watercolor paintings.

STEAM program, and it worked!

PRE-B.M. BOYS FARBRENGEN No School today because of Parent-Teacher Conferences? It was a perfect day for Rabbi Motti’s “Pre-BM” 7th grade boys class to get together at a home for a earned-farbrengen…

BOOK ONE: In what time periods and to whom does the Mitzvah to listen to a true prophet apply? What does Mashal and Nimshal have to do with prophecy? Is it sometimes one and not the other? Hashem’s repeated acceptance of Teshuvah: Is that part of Rachum or is it from Erech Apayim? How can eating with a certain type of person and watching what they do be considered a Mitzvah? Is helping a bride a separate Mitzvah or is it part of another Mitzvah? How about welcoming guests? Is it Ok to embarrass someone if it will help them return to the path of Torah and Mitzvos? Is it possible to correct a teacher? If yes, how so?


BOOK TWO: How can extra Reviyis of wine help our Kiddush? THE HORNED TOAD PRINCE How is the law of carrying different than any of the 4th graders read this story this week. The other 39 Melachos of Shabbos? message? A Promise is a promise. Words have Chametz vs. Chametz mixtures on Pesach? LATTICE MULTIPLICATION weight and can’t be easily retracted. The story itself is a modern fairytale but the 4th grade is doing multi-digit Feeding Chametz to pets on Pesach is an example message is important to consider. multiplication now and they of which Halachic prohibition? What does Hefker mean? A Chametz connection? learned a new to them but very old math method called Minimum amount of Matzah required to be eaten on the Seder Night? Minimum for rest of Pesach? “lattice multiplication” another way to figure out the same problems. Is the Mitzvah to retell the Exodus only on Pesach? If not, what makes the Seder night different? Why no Bracha on Mitzvah to tell Exodus story? SCIENCE ON BODY SYSTEMS 1=3=9: This formula measures what length? Mrs. Maher’s science class is now learning Why are some Tekios called sitting or standing? about the various body systems that work When does Machtzis HaShekel apply? To Whom? inside us all the time: muscular and skeletal, How did money-changers help that Mitzvah? digestive and respiratory, and more. They Was the Parah Aduma & Shtei HaLechem also started with the basics about the important purchased with Machtzit HaShekel funds or was roles each of these systems play in our lives, that only used for regular daily Korbanot? and the organs that are involved in each… How many days are there in a lunar month? Which months always have one day Rosh Chodesh? WHERE IS NEW YORK STATE? DRIP, DROP—WATER SCIENCE Which always have two days? And which months Don’t worry, our state isn’t getting lost. But This week for Terrific Tuesdays Science, sometimes have one or two days Rosh Chodesh? Nursery experimented with food-coloring drops 4th grade social-studies are learning about its Which holiday MUST be in its proper season? seeping through shaving-cream clouds coloring geography: nearby states, rivers & mountains, What head of the Sanhedrin say when the Rosh some its natural wonders and resources. They Chodesh was declared? What was the response? water underneath. Perfect for Gimmel week, have a test on this unit this Friday. Geshem = Rain, and starts with… Gimmel! Which is the only (part of a) holiday that we light YomTov candles without a Shehechiyanu? This trip was a few weeks back, but now we have the picture of these students with their pumpkins standing in a field of pumpkins.


4th graders learned about Ehud in Navi class and enjoyed their Siyum party with Morah Raizel, where they enjoyed food & nosh, saw a video about Ehud and played a fun game.


GIMMEL YOGA STANCE Nursery spread their legs apart, put one foot forward, and stuck their arms out, just as the Hebrew letter Gimmel does. The Talmud learns a life-lesson from the Gimmel’s stance.

Some families sent in tissues at the start of the year, which were shared with classmates. Its time for others to send in tissue boxes for classmates use, especially as it is getting cold!


BOOK FOUR How did sun’s position affect the Korban Tamid? How many fire arrangements were there on the Altar? And which wasn’t allowed to go out? Original Musaf only applied to _____ and only in time of _____. Define: Musaf, Mincha, Nesech? The scouting mission for ripened Omer grain began on which side of Jerusalem? “Has the sun set?” When was this asked? How many times? By whom? Why did the Omer roasting pan have little holes? Can we count Omer in English? Does Omer Count apply even w/o Beit HaMikdash? What’s the difference between “Pigul” & “Nosar”? How many times on Yom Kippur did the Kohain Gadol wash his hands & feet? Go to the Mikvah?


at Maimonides and in the Community 11/9: PARENT-TEACHER CONF.


School for Parents & Teachers, day off for kids.

Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf, founder of SpiritGrow—the Joseph Kryss Center, “Practical Kabbalah” author will speak on “The Kabbalah of Mindfulness” 6pm at Clifton Park Library, 475 Moe Road. This freeadmission communal event commemorates 79th anniversary of Kristallnacht is co-sponsored by the Library, Nigro Companies, Chamber of Southern Saratoga County & Clifton Park Chabad.

11/9: NEW YORKER CARTOONISTS “New Yorker” cartoonists Roz Chast and Robert Mankoff will be in town for a 4:15pm seminar at UAlbany’s Standish Room in the Science Library, and then a reading & talk in the NYS Museum Huxley Theater at 8pm. For more info, contact NYS Writers Institute: 518-442-5620 or online at:

Keep learning along with us, and keep in touch about Albany Jewish communal events. Email to be added to our weekly email list with this newsletter delivered to your inbox in PDF.

LOCAL KOSHER DINING UAlbany’s Kosher Kitchen in the Indian Quad Dining Hall is open for lunch and dinner and is under Vaad Supervision. Visitor parking is located just outside Indian Quad. Call 518-442-2668 for info, menu and cost.


8pm Maariv tonight (and most Monday-Thursdays during this winter schedule) at Shomray Torah followed by a “Chaf-Cheshvan” farbrengen.

First of 3 qualifying tests for the Chidon. These tests are administered by the school but run by the national Chidon office. The tests are not easy, so its 12/2: GREAT JEWISH RIVALRIES important that students who want to succeed “Chassidim vs. Mitnagdim: How should study and continually study and review for them. prayer look?” lecture by Rabbi Feldman at CBAJ.




This Shabbos 25,000 guests from throughout Israel are expected to converge on the small Jewish community of Chevron, to visit the Cave of Machpela and Avraham Avinu synagogue, Beit Romano and other historic sites for Parshat Chayei Sarah—where it described in detail how Avraham purchased this plot of land to bury Sarah.


Look up this film, it’s an amazing Holocaust story. Federation, Holocaust Survivors & Friends and UAlbany Judaic Studies present a one-time free communal screening 7:00pm at UAlbany’s Page Hall, on the downtown campus. PARENTS NOTE: There are brief scenes in this film that may be inappropriate for children. Please check this out for yourself/family before viewing.

12/4: SYRIA, LEBANON... & ISRAEL This communal event by AIPAC is at Beth Emeth, 7pm program, 8pm desserts, features Tony Badran of Foundation for Defense of Democracies in DC. No charge. RSVP/Info?


The Raffle-Auction display and prize drawings will be on Tuesday, the 8th night of Chanukah, along The scholar-in-residence program planned for this with a delicious Hawaiian-themed Chanukah dinner prepared by the Kochmans. Look for a cute Shabbat will be rescheduled due to illness. train/steam theme for the Raffle-Auction this year: “We think we can!” Tickets can be purchased via 11/18: D.O.S. MUSEUM MYSTERY mail, in-person at the event or online at: Annual fun fundraiser for Daughters of Sarah, 7:30 -10:30pm at NYS Museum. $100pp, $50 (under 40) Register online by Nov 8:

First of the season! 7:15pm start. New for this time 11/18: COMMUNAL LUNCHEON will be garlic-knots 50 cents each. Plus handcrafted pizzas with or without toppings, and fries. Sushi is by pre-order only:

11/11: ARE BIRTHDAYS JEWISH? Rabbi Rubin’s Pizza-Night Shiur will go through rabbinic research on this interesting subject. This Sat Night!



Broadcast live from Brooklyn on Sat Nights at CBAJ. It’s an in-depth far-reaching Navi class that touches many areas of Jewish learning.

If you’re not interested in running around on Black Friday and want something to do with the kids, Albany Institute for History and Art has free admission this Thanksgiving Friday, 10am-5pm.



Bnai Shalom on Whitehall Road is having preholiday fair-trade sale 10am-3pm.

11/12: DOUGLAS BLOOMFIELD This year’s Jack Lauber Memorial Lecture at Beth Israel features Douglas Bloomfield (a syndicated columnist in the local “Jewish World” newspaper) of Washington DC. 7pm at Beth Israel. Free.

11/12: FREE NATIONAL PARKS In honor of Veterans Day and the 100th Year of the National Park Service, all national parks that charge admission fees will be free this Sunday.

This is a fun game night for adults, Sat Night 711pm, at 44 Carstead Drive in Slingerlands. Info?

11/26: ALBANY OLD BOOKS SHOW 40+ old book vendors will showcase collections of old books and collectibles at Polish Community Center on Washington Ave Extension. 10am-4pm.

11/29: ISRAEL BONDS BREAKFAST 7:30-9am at Jewish Federation. Contact Israel Bonds for more info.

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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