Maimonides Community

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Adar 8, 5778 / February 23, 2018


Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 5:19 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbat Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 6:21 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

ALL SEASONS IN ONE WEEK! This week is rained and snowed, we had temps in the 70’s and the 30’s, it was cloudy and it was sunny… it felt like we had a taste of all the seasons in one week!

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

CAMP SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE Federation’s camp scholarship (or funding for similar immersive Jewish enrichment programs) applications are due Friday, Feb 23rd. Applications are available online at: scholarships Don’t miss out!

This MC is dedicated in memory of

Yosef Yankulin

PURIM PRUNCH OPEN TO ALL No school on Purim Day but Maimonides hosts a Purim Prunch for school families and broader community. 10am Megillah Reading, light Israeli food, Mad-Science Show (an all-new show titled “Big Top”) and the start of our “70 Wonders of Modern Israel” art display. It’s also a great opportunity for Mishloach Manot exchanges. There is no charge but donations to SHUSHAN IN NURSERY defray food and show costs are welcome. Nursery is very excited about the Shushan corner they’ve created in their classroom. They are learning all about Purim in many hands-on ways. They love the Purim story!

a Maimonides Parent, dedicated to Jewish education and circumcision as a recent émigré from Russia Yartzeit Today—8th of Adar

COL. GOLDENBERG AT J.W.V. Col. Rich Goldenberg of the Capital District Jewish War Veterans and New York National Guard (pictured above center) was on a national panel at a VFW Shabbaton in Washington discussing challenges and opportunities for Jews in the military and the Jewish War Veterans organization.


MAZAL TOV RUBINS Mazal Tov Rabbi Abba and Morah Raizel Rubin on the birth of a baby daughter named Risha Devorah this week! Mazal Tov to Rubin grandparents, the whole Mishpoche, and newborn Risha Devorah’s siblings at Maimonides. Much Nachas!

HAPPY HAT DAY IN NURSERY More Happy Adar fun! One day this week Morah Rivka asked each of the Nursery kids to bring in silly funny hats and they had a great time with them at school. There was such an interesting and varied assortment of hats!

Purim is definitely in the air in school. In addition to classroom learning, you can smell those delicious Hamantaschen baking wafting through the halls. They started from scratch, making dough, filling the jam, pinching corners…



Mrs. Maher assigned 18 different biomes for a Mrs. Maher’s science students learned that science research project to her 4/5 science these are two fancy words for plants and students, divided in two categories between animals that live in each biome. land and sea. Some of the 18 biomes include coral reef, desert, salt marsh, tundra, savanna, estuary, bog, etc. They will each be researching their assigned biome and creating a visual presentation on it. We look forward to reporting on their results when they are ready.

SPEAKING OF CORAL REEFS… Coral Reefs are one of the biomes 4/5 students are researching and its also the unit that 7th grade science just completed. Each GETTING MODEL TO WORK THE HEBREW LETTER “AYIN” Rabbi Yossi in STEAM class brought in a new student worked on a different aspect: the types These Kindergarteners are flanking their big of coral reef, the variety of marine life it young-student-friendly put-together model chart of Hebrew “Ayin” words, including: circuit to the third grade and had the students supports, and the challenges of bleaching. Ugah = cake, Aleh = leaf, Aygel = calf, Atzuv = work as a team to try and put it together and sad, Iparon = pencil, Iton = newspaper, Olam = get it to work. The goal was to create a circuit world, Ayin = eye, Eitz = tree, Anan = cloud, that would allow the user to vary the light etc… great words! output using a switch.

A SUMMERY WEDNESDAY It may have snowed at the end of the week but Wednesday was in the low 70’s and sunny at recess-time. Everyone was so happy to be outside in the sun! Mrs. M. and a lot of students played two games of Capture the Flag on the field across the park, there were two games of basketball down by the courts and the middle school girls enjoyed a quiet pleasant getaway lunch in Ridgefield Park. No doubt, we try to enjoy the outdoors in the wintertime, too, but the surprise Wednesday weather really brought everyone out!

WAS THIS TEST WAS A REDWOOD OR A VINE? Mrs. Maher gave such a long test on plants that it felt like a neverending redwood tree or long twisty vine!

MASKS FOR PURIM AND SOCIAL STUDIES First graders did a unit on Polynesia, learned how to find that area of the world on a globe, learned about the type of areas where they live, and made the type of masks that those people would make—just in time for Purim prep! It was a nice blend of different types of study and hands-on fun.

ANIMATED GRASS HEADS Second graders planted grass seeds inside these dirt-stuffed stockings and decorated the “faces” - combining art and science. They did such a good job! They will care for these unusual plants on their classroom windowsill and look forward to sharing pictures of the grass KNOW THY NEIGHBORHOOD sprouting in a future MC Newsletter edition. Morah Rivka had her Nursery students draw their homes, and then place their “homes” on the cards placed on their activity table, with roads and cars placed in between.

PROS/CONS OF INVENTIONS 7th grade Social Studies with Mrs. Ramsay discussed the pros and cons of the cotton gin and the same issue has ramifications today about robotics or other innovations that make life easier, faster or cheaper but can have a human toll. True, Whitney’s cotton gin mechanically separated the seeds from cotton did the work much faster and less painfully (it could take a slave a full day of work to painstakingly de-seed one MASKED FIRST GRADERS pound of cotton) but it also had the side effect Morah Devorah’s students colored these of increasing the sale of cotton which into masks and are getting into the Purim spirit. turn increased the slave trade tremendously and was a key factor that led to the war SAME DATA DIFFERENT WAYS between the states. We usually can’t or 7th graders math class worked on school surveys this week. shouldn’t hold back progress, but we should First they had to be aware of and doing something about the human toll at the same time. come up with a survey concept, then collect the data from fellow students, and once they had all the data NEAR PEAK OF “PEAK” 5th grade is nearing the end of this book, and they created visual graphs and then analyzed the survey data to find out the mean, median were inspired by a selfless, thoughtful and generous Maimonides Middos near the end! and mode based on the student replies.

PURIM CARDS AVAILABLE Yes, they are still available! Maimonides Purim Cards ($4 each) are great for out-of-town friends & family in lieu of Mishloach Manot. To order yours, contact school office: 518-4539363 or email: FYI: This does not exempt one from the Mitzvah obligation to give two foods to at least one other person on Purim Day.

LOCAL KOSHER DINING Back from break & can use the communal support!


For students and families to submit a nice picture of a student (any class: Nursery thru In Jewish history class with Rabbi A. Kelman HS) doing something (reading, a craft, taking a the 7th graders took a closer look at some of walk, doing a Mitzvah, etc) with a senior (this the historical facts about the life of founding could be a grandparent, a neighbor, a family father Alexander Hamilton that may imply friend etc) for a photo-book with meaningful that indeed he may have been Jewish! intergenerational messages that our High School girls in the “Better 2 Lead” program LIPA’S TALMUD SONG will be making for the seniors they visit. More Rabbi Shmuly’s Gemorah class had a different info or to submit your picture: speak to Rabbi type of class this week. They had a music day Yossi or: this week when he played for them Lipa’s song There will be prizes for photos in each age category. This need to be in before Pesach. called “Yomam v’Laylah” that was filled with Gemorah terms and references. Rabbi Shmuly printed the lyrics for them and they enjoyed (along with listening to the music itself, of course) finding all the terms that they recognized and learning some new ones.




Instead of “Torah Times News” on the weekly Parsha, Rabbi Caras has been working with the boys on a Purim video. So, no TTN video for this week’s Parsha, but stay tuned for a Purim one. In the meantime you can still watch past episodes using this link:

Everyday this week Nursery had a special fun activity learning about Purim. One day they had dress-up and make-up day (with parents heads-up, of course). These kids are really getting into the Purim spirit!

In Ivrit class with Morah Rivi, HS Girls have been writing two Hebrew paragraphs on different topics each week. Topics included one piece on flower and another on sandwiches. She guides and critiques their work and helps them better express themselves and describe things in Hebrew language.

FORESHADOWING Usually this is something students learn about in English class but this week HS learned a unit on it in Chumash class based on the theme “Maaseh Avos Siman L’Banim” that which our forefathers experienced is in some way a later sign for their future descendants.

TALMUD PROJECTS Talmud poster projects are now in progress in some of our Talmud classes to be ready for Salo’s first yartzeit on the Wednesday after Purim, 20th of Adar. We will have a special lunch at school on that day in his memory.

Weather patterns! HS Earth Science started the unit on weather this week, just in time to experience all four seasons in one week...

Parents: Haven’t had a chance yet? Don’t let the little taste of summer this week fool you, it is still very much the season! Contact Mrs. Wildman to choose an available week to make soup at school. The students really enjoy it.

There are 4 main Mitzvot on Purim Day, Nursery can tell you that all 4 begin with a letter Mem: (1) Megillah (to hear it twice, by night and by day), (2) Mishteh (festive Purim feast), (3) Mishloach Manot (sending food packages) and (4) Matanot L’Evyonim (charity for the poor). While the first 3 are often celebrated with much fanfare and excitement, the last one can often be forgotten! In fact, Maimonides says we should put even more focus and resources on this Purim Mitzvah than on the others! There are many ways you can do this Mitzvah nowadays (online, via your synagogue, etc) among them: Rabbi Rubin accepts donations before or on Purim to distribute on Purim to those in need.





UAlbany’s Kosher Kitchen in the Indian Quad (not Dutch anymore!) Dining Hall is open for lunch & dinner under Vaad Supervision. Visitor parking is just outside Indian Quad (which is the south-eastern of the four towers, the closest one towards the Jewish community area). Call 518-442-2668 for info, menu & cost.

WELCOME “MARVIN!” HAPPY ADAR JUGGLING GUEST This was last week at start of Adar, but we didn’t have the picture until now. MHDS alumnus Josh Phaff was back in Albany for a family visit and as always stopped into school and gave our kids a fun juggling show. There were nice character lessons, too, for example about clapping even louder every time a ball fell. When Josh came around to the classrooms, 7th grade Gemorah asked him about his shop in Jerusalem, because they were learning about the private and public sides of a pottery hut and how that relates to the laws of Sukkah and Mezuzah. Indeed, he said that his kiosk “World of Fun” in a Jerusalem mall has parts he wants customers to touch and parts he doesn’t want them to go into.

Who is Marvin? The Mishna “Mishenichnas Adar, Marbin b’Simcha!” teaches us to increase in joy as Adar comes in. So we welcomed Marv(b)in right into Maimonides!

MORE ON THE BIOME PROJECT As reported on earlier (page 2) other student reporters added some project requirements for each biome: average rainfall and temperature, 5 flora and 5 fauna, its landforms or unique characteristics, its location(s) on a map, its current status (is it endangered, protected, is it flourishing or struggling) and a bibliography of all sources used.

GIDEON’S WAR PREPARATIONS 4th grade Navi now learning about the losing of troops as part of the strange preparations…

at Maimonides and in the Community 2/23: CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS DUE


DEADLINE TODAY! Federation’s camp Fast begins 5:04am at dawn, and ends 6:13pm scholarship (or other Jewish enrichment programs) (or after Megillah reading). Mincha (5:20 at applications are due. Applications are available on Shomray Torah) has Torah reading and Haftorah. Federation’s website: or this direct link: 2/28: PURIM NIGHT (WED) Hard to believe but Purim is in February this year! 2/23: UALBANY It falls Wednesday night into Thursday, here’s what we have listed for communal celebrations: SHABBAT 360 Now in its 3rd year, this mega  Two Shomray Torah (Shteeble) Megillah Readings on Purim Night: 6:15pm and 7:30pm Shabbat dinner will be 7pm in with a Break-Fast in-between at 7pm. the Campus Center Ballroom, sponsored by Jewish UAlbany  Purim under the Sea 6pm at Saratoga Chabad  CBAJ Purim Bounce Party. Mincha 5pm, 6pm organizations, and open to area college students. Megillah followed by bounces and fun.  Purim Carnival for college students in 2/24: SHABBOS ZACHOR UAlbany’s Campus Center Ballroom This week’s Torah reading is Tetzaveh (about  University Heights Chabad and Federation’s Kohain Gadol clothing), but the Maftir is Zachor NextDor are having a grad student/young (about Amalek) is an especially important reading professionals Purim Party 7pm at the Regency for all to hear. Those who can’t make it on Shabbos Park Clubhouse 2120 Western. 518-522-1872 are encouraged to try to hear it read Purim morning at the Shacharit Minyan.



 8am Shacharit at Shomray Torah/Shteeble with

 At Shomray Torah Rabbi Rubin will discuss 5

commentaries on “Shir HaMaalos… Hayinu Smachin” (that is familiar from Birkas HaMazon) in connection with Adar’s added joy.  At CBAJ Rabbi Feldman will speak on “The Mystery of George Washington’s Hair”

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2/25: GEM & MINERAL SHOW Even if you aren’t in the market for stone and mineral purchases, there’s lots to see and learn at the 25th year of this annual show, and you might even find something cool and affordable! $5 per adult entrance fee, kids 12 and under are free. There are many knowledgably passionate vendors and collectors with a huge variety of stones and rocks and minerals for sale on display.


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Megillah Reading at 8:35pm. Torah Reading that morning may be of special interest to those who can’t make the Shabbos Zachor reading. 6:15am Shachris and Megillah with Bagel Breakfast at CBAJ on Purim Morning. Purim morning “Israeli Startup Prunch” at Maimonides. 10am Megillah, light Israeli foods, Mishloach Manot swap with school and community families. And a “Mad Science” Big Top Show! No charge, donations appreciated to help defray food and show costs. Albany Medical Center Megillah Reading at the hospital Chapel, 12:30pm. Chabad of S. Renssalaer County has a Family Purim at Hawthorne Ridge, 30 Community Way in East Greenbush, 1pm. Purim Day Mincha at Shomray Torah 2:15pm. Emoji Purim Clifton Park, 4:30, Megillah 5:15 at 6 Clifton Common Court. 58-495-0772/9 Black & White Purim Bethlehem Chabad, 5pm at 393 Delaware Ave. 518-439-3310. Albany JCC Purim Carnival 5:30-8pm

Morah Rochel’s Monday night women’s class is studying and discussing Tanya this year. 8:30pm at her home, 122 South Main.



8/9 grade will be going to the Met in NYC this coming Monday with Mrs. Ramsay.

3/1: No School on Purim Day. Purim Prunch event with fun Mad Science show at school. 3/2: 9:30am late start for Shushan Purim. Daven 2/26: NO MISHMAR THIS MONDAY before school. Please come dressed in costume for our annual costume parade especially for those Despite it being advertised as a Mishmar Monday, there will be NO boys or girls Mishmar this coming students who do not see each other on Purim Day. week as 8/9 grades will be away on their NYC Museum fieldtrip. 3/4: GREAT UPSTATE BOAT SHOW Are boats your thing? Sunday is the last day of the

boat show at the Adirondack Sports Complex in Queensbury NY. Look up for more info.

3/4: SARATOGA HOME & LIFE Sunday is also the last day of the Home & Lifestyle Show in Saratoga Springs City Center. So if you are headed north you can visit both these shows.

3/4: BETH ISRAEL SOUP-R-BOWL 11am-4pm variety of soups for sale. Admission $5. enjoy soup and play some games, too. For more info call: Tobi Applebaum at 518-399-8476 or Sandy Miller at 518-374-3335.

3/7: SALO YARTZEIT OBSERVED Talmud Project Presentations and a Luncheon program at school at noon commemorating the first yartzeit of Salo Steper, who loved and promoted Talmud study and was a dear friend and supporter of Maimonides.

3/10: PIZZA NIGHT AT MHDS Is this the last Sat Night Pizza Night of the season? Be sure to come out and enjoy eat-in or take-out and support our High School’s extra-curricular programming while you are at it!

3/11: ISRAEL’S SECRET SERVICE A Federation Joint Society event with Dr. Michael Bar-Zohar, former paratrooper and intelligence officer, best-selling author, professor and former member of Knesset to speak about “Greatest Missions of the Israeli Secret Service” at CBAJ. $18pp ahead of time, $20 at the door.

3/18: GIANT TRY IT @ARTSCENTER 12-3pm at the Arts Center, 265 River Street, Troy. Mush clay, hammer metal, and break glass to your hearts content, no charge, for this one afternoon try any of their many art studios and programs.

7/9-8/17: CAMP GAN ISRAEL DATES Gan Israel Day Camp announces its dates for the Summer 2018 season. For more information call Morah Devorah Leah: 518-698-1836.

PURIM CARDS AVAILABLE Maimonides Purim Cards ($4 each) great for out-of-town friends & family in lieu of Mishloach Manot. To order, contact office: 518-453-9363/

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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