BH. Cheshvan
14, 5778 / Nov 3, 2017
Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 5:27 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Fast Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 6:28 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
MAZAL TOV (KUDAN) KAGANS Mazal Tov to MHDS alumna Nechama Dina and Rabbi Yossi Kagan on the birth of a boy.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
ALUMNI MEET-UP AT WEDDING At a wedding of a Shabbos House alumnus in NJ, Rabbi Mendel and Raizy met up with an MHDS alumnus Aryeh Levine (son of Buzzy and Leah, formerly of Albany—now NJ) and his wife Shari, who live now in Stamford CT.
Contact the school office to sponsor this newsletter for $54 in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. AWARD BOOKS FOR LIBRARY
Esther Wolk, herself a librarian, donated these 7 new Jewish children’s books to our school’s Esty Library in memory of her grandparents Joe & Florence Saidel. All these books are selections of the 2017 Sydney Taylor Book Awards by the Association of Jewish Libraries.
For Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Mrs. Gayle Phaff, formerly of Albany and Maimonides, now of Telz-Stone in Jerusalem, visited our school and saw that the old purple Perochet she once made for the Nursery playArk at Maimonides was still in use (even after CLASSROOM PHONE BOOK This week’s Torah portion teaches us the all of our schools’ wandering and travels in Mitzvah of visiting the different rental locations until reaching our sick (as Avraham was own permanent home) but that it was faded recuperating from his and tattered. She made us a new one, this one Bris) and welcoming (pictured above) is multi-layered fabric with guests (as Avraham various textures depicting Mount Sinai. May it and Sarah did for all enjoy many years of beloved use! travelers, including the three angels), so Morah Chani’s HOLOCAUST MUSEUM SWAP Kindergarteners made a class phone A recently opened Holocaust Museum in book so they could call each other if Brooklyn reached out to Rabbi Rubin for someone is sick or to invite each other (with artifacts and documents relating to Jewish parents permission, of course) for a playdate. refugees in Shanghai during the war years for an exhibit they are soon opening there. In exchange they shared with us interesting documents and photos they had in their files, and Rabbi Rubin shared them with our students in Jewish history class.
“AZ YASHIR” POWERPOINTS 7th grade Chumash learned Az-Yashir in Parsha Beshalach with all its many Rashis. Now they are working in the computer lab on powerpoint slides that depict the verses and commentary in an animated visual format.
RAFFLE-AUCTION TO PRINT! The A-Z prize packages for this year’s RaffleAuction (drawings date on Dec 19th, last night of Chanukah) are now lined up and going to print this weekend. Look for it to be posted online: soon. Thanks to our many sponsors: businesses and families. We’ll post more in upcoming MC newsletters, but we’ll mention a few here: A Canon T6i DSLR camera by Pavilion Electronics, $300 at the Silver Breeze store in Saratoga, 10 sets of Lego with 2500+ pieces sponsored by alumni Chananya and Sara Rosenblum, 20+ fun Board Games by Dr. Yehoshua and Chaya Bracha Rubin, a Fit Bit by the Kudans, & so much more! Stay tuned…
CHOOSING TO SEE POSITIVE In Pitgam (Hebrew quote of the week) class with Morah Raizy, 6-8 grade girls wrote poems or short essays on the power of choosing to see positive, even when it appears to be negative.
REVOLUTIONARY FACTORS 7th grade history is learning about the events leading up to the American Revolution, and how the successive acts of the British built up the strong feelings of the Colonists to revolt. Looking back it appears that the British acts weren’t wise moves, but hindsight is 20/20! It is so much harder to have that clarity & wisdom at the time.
THE VARIOUS STAGES OF PUMPKIN ART The pumpkin art by these second graders with Morah Rivi is in varying stages of completion, some are still in outline form (which shows you what they started off with), some have complete pumpkins with two-tone coloring (which creates the dimensional-look), and some even have the backgrounds filled in. Seeing the different stages allows you to see the process.
MISHPACHA—MY FAMILY Morah Devorah’s first graders are learning the Hebrew words for son and daughter, sister and brother, and other family terms. They also drew cute illustrations of all the members of their immediate families—in age order.
QUESTIONS ON THE WALL 5th graders are now reading “Holes” by Louis Sacher, and their ELA teacher Mrs. M. posted these thought-provoking story-related questions on their classroom wall. The “Holes” story may be fictional but this type of questions are real-life issues: “Would you lie to protect someone?” or “Do you have to be big ] to be intimidating” or “Do you believe in bad luck?” They will be discussing these questions as a class as they read the book.
CHOICE OF WORDS Usually emphasized in ELA class, 7th grade Talmud learned this week a fascinating piece of Gemorah (Sukkah 3a) where “language proofs” based on specific word choice and subtle wording nuance are what swings the issue either/both ways.
That’s a strange combination! But since both Hebrew words start with the letter Gimmel, Morah Chani’s Kindergarteners made Gelidah fake ice-cream cups (top) out of layers of rubbed-chalk colored salt, topped with fluffy cotton-balls and a straw. Then they made Garbayim (Hebrew for socks) sock-puppets (left). AVRAHAM AND SARAH’S TENT They also learned Nursery students enjoyed hanging out in this words like Gesher = corner of their classroom which has turned into Avraham and Sarah’s tent for this week. bridge, Geder = fence, Gibor = strong person, Gadol = big, CELL CITIES Gamal = camel, Gal = wave, Galgal = wheel… It so happens that several grades are all learning LIFE-CHANGING DECISIONS about cells this week in This week’s Journal entry (usually about half a science, (each at their page) in 7th grade ELA was to write about lifeown level) so they joined to watch a film on changing decision. It’s an interesting entry how cells can be viewed as little cities (High because it makes you reflect on past decisions School girls recently learned in Tanya how (or decisions others each person is like a “little city”). For example made that affected the cell’s nucleus = city hall, vacuole = waterthem) and brings back tower, mitochondria = power-plant, the memories. It also membrane = city-limits, etc. It’s like a Mashal helps you realize the (Hebrew for parable) that helps us visualize long term effects of and relate to the concepts through something decisions we make. that’s much more familiar. 7th grade boys used a similar technique this week UP TO SAMSON IN NAVI CLASS in comparing Tefillin to the Shimshon is an action-packed story and 5th purchase and use of clothing. grade is excited to learn it!
PYRAMID CONSTRUCTION 5th grade History class learned about a French architect who spent a long time researching how Egypt’s ancient pyramids were built and came up with an inside-out theory. He used a mix of construction experience, engineering, architecture skills and 3D computer software. Interestingly, in THIS week’s news: even newer technology discovered a new hollow chamber above “The Great Gallery”. Current events & ancient history all rolled into one!
MORE MATH WORD PROBLEMS Thanks to the Common Core approach, more textbook and workbook math problems today are word problems (rather than numeric) than ever before. The benefit of this (regardless of Common Core challenges) as it helps integrate math skills into everyday life matters and trains students to blend math and life more readily.
MAMA ROCHEL’S YARTZEIT Cheshvan 11 marks the passing of the biblical matriarch Rachel. This student did this beautiful artwork of Rachel’s tomb in Bethlehem, one of the most iconic of all of Israel’s holy sites. HS students learned of Sir Moses Montefiore involvement and investment in building the Kever Rochel we know today and the very meaningful inscription from Jeremiah on its
YAHADUS CHIDON TRIVIA In memory of Meir Obrien, first Maimonides student at Chidon
BOOK ONE: Which commonly known pasuk teaches us the Mitzvah of “L’Yachdo”? Why should we return a teacher’s lost object before returning our parent’s lost object? There’s a Mitzvah that we shouldn’t even think about _________ or express any interest in it. What would be the punishment for that? But the punishment (for transgressing the above Mitzvah) is only if ______________ because you can’t punish for a Mitzvah without __________. Is there a punishment for not listening to a true prophet of Hashem? What’s the difference between the Rachum and Chanun attributes of Hashem? How do you call Lashon Hora that’s not true? What’s the name for Lashon Hora (even if true) that people repeat from one person to another? Is financial hardship an exception from the Mitzvah of Torah study? What’s the minimum amount of Torah study required for each day?
BOOK TWO: What expenses did the Machtzit HaShekel pay for? At what time of year would they start announcing walls. They also learned the story of Naava to remind about the Half-Shekel contribution? Appelbaum “the eternal bride” from 2003 Which holiday must be in the proper season? A PJ LIBRARY RIDDLE BOOK whose wedding dress adorns Kever Rochel. How many days are in a lunar month? Each week Ms. Amy of PJ Library and Jewish What’s the minimum length of a Shofar? Federation comes to our early childhood and How far can an Eruv extend Techum Shabbos? primary grades to share and discuss a PJ Library Which leaves should have smooth edges? book. This week was a book of riddles, and her Which leaves should be folded over and straight? question was: “What makes this book Jewish?” Name something forbidden on Shabbos but The young students had some interesting permissible on Yom Tov? answers: because it quotes the Talmud, it has Now vice versa, what is forbidden on Yom Tov but Ahavas Yisrael, teaches us about sharing, etc... permissible on Shabbos? Ruling lines on Shabbos, what’s that called? PIZZA NIGHT SNEAK PREVIEW How about Erasing? Grinding? Sewing? Not this weekend, the first pizza night will be What does Winnowing mean? next Saturday Night when we change the “fall What’s the smallest amount of Chametz that’s backward” one hour. New this HAVING FUN WITH SPELLING permitted on Pesach? year? HS Girls plan to make Mrs. Kaufman was substituting in second Is Chametz on Erev Pesach forbidden from the flavorful Garlic-Knots in addition grade this week and the kids really enjoyed the Torah or from the Rabbanan? to handcrafted pizzas with or lively & funny spelling activity pictured here. How many Brachos are in the nighttime Shabbos without toppings, French fries, Kiddush? How many in the daytime Kiddush? and sushi (sushi is by email pre-order only: BETTER TOGETHER/TO LEAD Our 10th graders have been visiting BOOK FOUR seniors at the Massry Residence, and enjoying their conversations Tablets may be a recent invention (there’s one and activities with them. This week in this year’s Raffle-Auction for a $5 ticket) but they played Bananagrams together, the word itself is a very old one: Luchot are and did candle-stick decorating. Last week, called Tablets, Rabbi Akiva and his son learned one lady shared her interesting life-story with to read Hebrew off one tablet, and HS Mishlei them. Thanks Rabbi Yossi! learned a verse about “writing in the tablet of our hearts.” They discussed how the modern ORDER YOUR “TORAH-TIMES” understanding of tablet can enrich the This are the best Parshas for it! Get your copy: meaning and message of this verse. (via Amazon).
When would a different Korban be brought AFTER the daily afternoon Korban Tamid? What’s the name of the Aveira of one who puts out the continuous fire on the Altar? What’s the difference between Terumas HaDeshen and Dishun HaMizbayach? Which day had the most Korbanos in Musaf: Yom Kippur, first day of Sukkos or Shavuos? What grain were the Two Loaves made out of? When were those bread offered in the Temple? What’s the penalty for embezzling Temple funds?
at Maimonides and in the Community 11/4: GREAT JEWISH RIVALRIES
This Shabbat at CBAJ Rabbi Roy Feldman will deliver the first of four lectures on Great Rivalries in Jewish History: on Pharisees vs. Sadducees.
First of the season! 7:15pm start. New for this time will be garlic-knots 50 cents each. Plus handcrafted pizzas with or without toppings and fries. Sushi is by pre-order only:
11/5: TALMUD SANHEDRIN SIYUM BREAKFAST THIS SUNDAY Daf Yomi will finish the long tractate Sanhedrin (the last chapter—end of October and early Nov— has beautiful Aggadah, especially about Moshiach) and will begin Makkot, a shorter tractate (that has one of the most beautiful endings in the Talmud). Special Bagel Brunch after 8:00am Shacharit at Shomray Torah on Sunday morning.
11/5: MIKVAH REFRESHER CLASS 10:30am at CBAJ with visiting Yoetzet Avital Weissman, for women only. “All you wanted to know about Mikvah but hesitated to ask”. Suggested donation $18pp. Brunch served. Sponsored by Albany Bnos Israel Mikvah.
11/5: WILD & WILEY TURKEYS Another community program at the Pine Bush Discovery Center on Route 155. $3pp/$5 family, under 5 are free. 1:00-2:30pm. Online RSVP’s are appreciated. Includes craft, hike and program.
11/5: ALBANY AUTO SHOW Do you like new cars? presents 150 new cars 10am-5pm at Times Union Center. Free parking. Admission: $10ppm, kids under 12 free.
11/12: FAIR TRADE FAIR Bnai Shalom on Whitehall Road is having preholiday fair-trade sale 10am-3pm.
11/12: DOUGLAS BLOOMFIELD This year’s Jack Lauber Memorial Lecture at Beth Israel features Douglas Bloomfield (a syndicated columnist in the local “Jewish World” newspaper) of Washington DC. 7pm at Beth Israel. Free.
11/12: FREE NATIONAL PARKS In honor of Veterans Day and the 100th Year of the National Park Service, all national parks that charge admission fees will be free this Sunday.
3X AREA CHALLAH BAKINGS 10/25: Bethlehem Chabad’s Great Babka Challah Bake, 7-9pm. $5 student, $15 non-member, register and more info at 10/30: Albany Jewish Womens Circle Challah Bake at Shabbos House for Community Women Info? Call Chaya Bracha: 646-545-1228 11/5: Challah Babka Bake with Clifton Park Chabad, 3pm at the Clifton Park Senior Center. $10 suggested donation. Info? 495-0779 or
Keep learning along with us, and keep in touch about Albany Jewish communal events. Email Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf, founder of SpiritGrow—the to be added to Joseph Kryss Center, “Practical Kabbalah” author our weekly email list with this newsletter will speak on “The Kabbalah of Mindfulness” 6pm delivered to your inbox in PDF format.
at Clifton Park Library, 475 Moe Road. This freeadmission communal event commemorates 79th anniversary of Kristallnacht is co-sponsored by the Library, Nigro Companies, Chamber of Southern Saratoga County & Clifton Park Chabad.
LOCAL KOSHER DINING UAlbany’s Kosher Kitchen in the Indian Quad Dining Hall is open for lunch and dinner and is under Vaad Supervision. Visitor parking is located just outside Indian Quad. Call 518-4422668 for more info, menu and cost.
It’s mostly local elections this time, but there are also 3 state propositions on the ballot, including a big one about a state constitutional convention.
First of 3 qualifying tests for the Chidon. These tests are administered by the school but run by the national Chidon office. The tests are not easy, so its 11/29: ISRAEL BONDS BREAKFAST important that students who want to succeed 7:30-9am at Jewish Federation. Contact Israel continually study and review for them. Bonds for more info.
Parents, look for the permission slip. MiSci in Schenectady is having a special Science week and we hope to be take a few classes on a field trip there (likely upper-elementary grades) on Tues or Wed, plus some of our teachers will attend an evening science training workshop there as well.
Look up this film, it’s an amazing Holocaust story. Federation, Holocaust Survivors & Friends and UAlbany Judaic Studies present a one-time free communal screening 7:00pm at UAlbany Page Hall, on the downtown campus. PARENTS NOTE: There are some scenes in this film that may be inappropriate for children. Please check this out for yourself/family before viewing.
12/4: AIPAC EVENT @ BETH EMETH Look for info on this communal event about Israel advocacy by AIPAC at Beth Emeth with a number of area organizational co-sponsors. No charge.
The Raffle-Auction display and prize drawings will be on Tuesday, the 8th night of Chanukah, along 5:30-7:30pm. $3pp, $5 family, educational program with a delicious Hawaiian-themed Chanukah 11/18: SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE on owls with hike at Pine Bush Discovery Center. Rabbi Ron Yitzchak Eisenman of Passiac at CBAJ. dinner prepared by the Kochmans. Look for a cute train/steam theme for the Raffle-Auction this year: 11/9: PARENT-TEACHER CONF. “We think we can!” Tickets can be purchased via 11/18: D.O.S. MUSEUM MYSTERY No School. Parents: Look for schedule of parentmail, in-person at the event or online at: Annual fun fundraiser for Daughters of Sarah, 7:30 teacher meetings at school to review classroom (but it will be -10:30pm at NYS Museum. $100pp, $50 (under 40) learning and individual student progress. another week or so before this year’s auction is up Register online by Nov 8: and ready online).
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”