BH. Elul
20, 5779 / September 20, 2019
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 6:39 Shabbat Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 7:37 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
MAZAL TOV RUBIN/DENBURG Mazal Tov to MHDS alumna (and for a time Morah Mushky at our school) Mushky and Moshe Denburg of Coral Springs FL on the birth of a baby girl named Risha (for Morah Rochel’s mother, the baby’s great-greatgrandmother). This newborn baby makes Rabbi Mendel and Morah Raizy grandparents!
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
MAZAL TOV O’BRIEN BABY Mazal Tov to MHDS alumnus Eli and Hadas O’Brien on the birth of a baby girl in Israel named Shaina Leif. Special Mazal Tov to the grandmother Vicky O’Brien! Much Nachas!
NICHOLAS WINTON AND THIS WEEK’S HAFTORAH High School’s weekly Haftorah class saw a short YouTube clip of Sir Nicholas Winton (who rescued 669 children before the Holocaust) as a heartwarming illustration of the 4th verse of this week’s Haftorah (Isaiah 60:4).
ROSENBLUM BAR-MITZVAH Mazal Tov to MHDS alumna Etti Rosenblum on the Bar-Mitzvah of her son Yehudah Leib this week in Passaic NJ. Special Mazal Tov to the proud grandparents Sandy & Dina Rosenblum. Rabbi Rubin and Morah Rochel went to the celebration.
MHDS alumnus Mendy Yarmove of Chicago is engaged to Rachel Amsallem of Montreal. Mazal Tov to his parents Yaakov and Miriam Leah Yarmove, formerly of Albany.
AND A MAZAL TOV AT SCHOOL Two Thursdays in a row we had special Torah readings arranged at school for Bar-Mitzvah ceremonies. We don’t have pictures of this week’s celebration, but it was so moving and meaningful that all of us there will remember it anyways. See more about it on page 3. We are glad our students had this experience.
Thank You!
Sei Saviv Aynaich is a song by Avraham Fried, Lo Yihiyeh Lach is a song by Mordechai Ben David and the Haftorah’s closing two words B’Itah Achishenah are featured in 8th Day’s new V’Sechezenah song. High School Haftorah has also been noticing how R’ Shlomo Alkabetz “borrowed” and transposed many lines of his THE YESHAYEV BRIS Mazal Tov to Aaron & Dr. Raissa (& big sister celebrated Friday Night Lecha Dodi poemAliya Tzofia) Yeshayev on the Bris and naming prayer from these 7 Haftorahs of comfort of their son Adiel Ephraim yesterday at CBAJ. between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashanah.
This week’s MC Newsletter is dedicated in appreciation and in honor of the students at Maimonides who rejoiced and danced and made our son and nephew’s unexpected Bar-Mitzvah so special!
SHANA TOVA CARDS Kindergarten is practicing their lettering and learning about writing a letter or card. They made these cards to send to someone special before Rosh Hashanah.
ALUMNI AT A WEDDING These MHDS Bnos Chaya High alumni celebrated together at a recent wedding: Soochie (Sabol) Smetana, Chani (Simon) Sandhaus MUSIC MONDAYS IN NURSERY & Sara (Finkelstein) The kids are loving it! Goldberg. Alumna Thanks to Sarah Mushky Rubin was Maddali for coming in there as well. to lead this weekly Wishing each and all of them much Simcha, program with our good news, and all the blessings! Nursery students.
PRESSURE (THE WET VERSION) 3rd grade science with Mrs. Maher is learning about pressure. They saw a picture of a basketball being filled with air. Rochel S. and Esther Miriam R. thought of filling a bag with water and putting pressure on it. It took 5 kids pushing on the bag really hard for it to finally explode - and Esther M. got sopping wet!
THE SHOFTIM CYCLE OF UPS AND DOWNS 4th graders are learning the Book of Shoftim (2nd Book of Prophets) with Morah Chani where there is a recurring cycle of prosperity & adversity, national calm & danger, strong leadership & a leadership void, Jews connected with Hashem, & Jews growing distant. Their rotating Shoftim Cycle tool reflects the cycle that is oft-repeated throughout the book - and that time period.
MORE CHAI ELUL: MAHARAL Chai Elul is also the yartzeit of the famous HANDS-ON SUKKAH LEARNING Maharal of Prague, Rabbi Yehudah Lowe. Rabbi Rubin’s talk about him in classes this Not only do Rabbi Shmuly’s Mishna Sukkah week was “there’s much more to the Maharal classes make visual Powerpoints of each than the Golem!” One of the interesting Mishna they study, but some of the students Maharal teachings that Rabbi Rubin showed in grades 3-5 also made 3-D models of some them was his blend of Talmudic and the Sukkah types they learned Kabbalistic understanding and how he applied about: too small, too tall, not enough walls and double-decker. that to things like the decimal system and where you see patterns of tens in the Torah A CHAI ELUL KIDDUSH TREAT and why ten is considered to be a complete number. Rabbi Rubin also showed them a The boys davening class enjoyed scoops and Rashi about Yitzchak quoting a salsa for a “Kiddush” treat after davening on Medrash that shows our gematria Chai Elul. Why system working in sets of tens. scoops and salsa? The Baal Shem Tov added PILATES CLASSES much zest and flavor Grades 3+ have a very active to Jewish life, and the pilates exercise classes with Ms. Coffey once a Alter Rebbe provided week. It’s energized and exciting with various “scoops” tools, poses, stretches and lots of moves. understanding and processes by which to scoop up that all that Baal Shem Tov zest & flavor to enjoy and internalize it! So, it HIGH SCHOOL TOOK A HIKE was quite appropriate for Chai Elul Speaking of “Maimonides Moves” which celebrates both their birthdays. HS Girls walked to the Madison Market 32 and back this week.
ALSO MATZAH BALL SOUP! Thanks to Rabbi Shmuly for making a big pot of delicious Matzah-Ball soup for the whole school in honor of Chai-Elul. Warmth was a big hallmark of the Baal Shem Tov! And the Alter Rebbe was a great synthesizer, very into healthy balances, like a good Matzah-Ball with just the right amount of fluffy substance! Kids do love soups at lunch, and once the weather gets chilly again we look forward to the Soupof-the-Week made by parents in “Nathan’s Kitchen” for students to enjoy each week.
SHORT STORY: STOLEN DAY Middle School English read this short story by Sherwood Anderson. Each student wrote a one-page essay answering questions (using clues from the story) as to whether the boy was really was sick or not, or what he might have been sick for, and why the title of the story is “Stolen Day”?
MATH CONVERSIONS 6/7 grade math is doing all types of math conversions: percentages, ratios, fractions… from one to another. They have a neat wheel tool to use to help figure it out. And a test on it coming up soon!
BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE 4th graders are reading this book with Mrs. Hammond at snack-time. It’s about a girl who moves to a new town, rescues an abandoned dog and they go on to have interesting adventures together.
HOLIDAY PREPARATIONS 3rd graders are working on their notebooks of learning about the upcoming Tishrei holidays, each one personalized as their own.
CHANA, ELI AND SHMUEL This famous Haftorah story is read on Rosh Hashanah and 4th graders are now learning that in their Navi (Prophets) class right now, so that’s a great connection!
A family from downstate was in our area after the passing of their grandmother. As it turns out their son turned 13 while they were up here & they did not have appropriate current arrangements for his Bar-Mitzvah. So B. and his family came to our school for a special Torah reading on Thursday morning. He was eager to be able to carry the Torah, so a lighter Torah was brought (the school’s Torah is larger and heavier) and his parents and aunts and grandfather came for the celebration. He put on a Tallis and Tefillin and was called to the Torah for the first time. Kaddish was recited for the late grandmother. We threw candies, the boys danced to music and ceremoniously picked him up in a chair. The most emotional part of the Bar-Mitzvah was after the dancing when the Bar-Mitzvah boy sang the words to Josh Nelson’s “L’Dor V’Dor” with its especially poignant (given the circumstances) English lyrics in tribute to his late grandmother and his having a Bar-Mitzvah when it was not thought as easy or possible. Many adults in the room had tears in their eyes, and for our students it was a meaningful and memorable experience to be part of and to witness. Anyone who was there felt it. It’s not easy to teach such important but delicate sensitivity, but we can experience it to discuss and internalize it.
Now open for Tishrei. Answer questions to win prizes of Judaica books. This online program is by the Morrisons in Troy NY.
The L’Dor V’Dor song (by Josh Nelson 2007) that the Bar-Mitzvah boy sang in tribute to his late grandmother & his special Bar-Mitzvah at MHDS
We are gifts and we are blessings, we are history in song We are hope and we are healing, we are learning to be strong We are words and we are stories, we are pictures of the past We are carriers of wisdom, not the first and not the last CHORUS: L'dor vador nagid godlecha (From generation to generation, we will tell of Your greatness) L'dor vador... we protect this chain From generation to generation L'dor vador, these lips will praise Your name Looking back on the journey that we carry in our heart From the shadow of the mountain to the waters that would part We are blessed and we are holy, we are children of Your way And the words that bring us meaning, we will have the strength to say… Some of these words had extra special meaning...
EXPERIMENT PROJECTS Student partners in Ms. Brown’s 6/7 biology science class each presented their process and findings. The team pictured above presented their “oil vs butter” from their Brownie Cookie experiment.
GARDEN & COMPOSTING It’s nearing the end of our garden season, as the weather begins to turn colder, so our students went out to pick tomatoes, scallions, squash and cucumbers. And we’re also working hard to fill up our compost bin with vegetable peels and newspaper so the worms can be warmer as the weather turns colder. Families: bring us your peels and scraps! (But no protein: no meat, no dairy, and no citrus or onions). Shredded or cut up newspaper is good, too! We added another whole bunch of red worms to add to the big families of worms already at work inside… Also, lets make sure the lids stay closed so it won’t get as cold at night.
HS Chemistry did a beautiful experiment involving frozen water balloons, salt and colored dye. They were trying to see the effects of salt on the melting point of ice, but in the process made some very beautiful colorful works of ice art.
BAKE-SALE IS BACK Each week at Wednesday morning recess 10am-10:15. If parents would like to set up a tab, you can send money into Mrs. Backman to be drawn from each week.
Morah Rivi’s art student made beautiful apple 9th graders are learning with Ms. Coffey about still-life drawings that were bordered on the bulletin board with red paper turning all the perpendicular bisectors and the formulas on individual apples into a giant apple shape. how to properly partition a line-segment.
We’re filling it up AGAIN! Veggies peels, shredded newspaper, etc. NO onions, citrus, dairy or meat.
at Maimonides and in the Community 9/21: SHABBAT KI TAVO Rabbi Rubin has another twist to his small town Jewry commentary to Rabbi Yosi Ben Kisma and Rabbi Yishmael b’ Sasriel of Arekes Levaina that he will share this Shabbos before submitting to the Daf Yomi Siyum worldwide book of insights.
9/21: WOMENS SHIUR This week’s Womens Shabbos Shiur will be given by Susannah Levin at the home of Jory Sussman, 38 Kakely Street at 4:45pm. As Rosh Hashanah falls later this year there’s a few more weeks of the Shabbos afternoon women’s shiur!
Friendship Circle’s Sunday Circle 1-3pm also features a Challah Bake. To volunteer or if you know someone who can benefit from Friendship Circle call Chaya: 518-488-8992.
1-5pm at the new Jewish Girls Unite/Retreat property at 5 Mannix Road in East Greenbush to meet the honey bees, see honey 9/20-21: SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE extracting demos, enjoy CBAJ hosts Dr. Elana Stein Hain, director of boating, crafts and more. faculty at Shalom Hartman Institute of N. America. Admission is $5pp and $36 She will speak during Shabbat morning services, per family (BBQ food and after the monthly Simcha Kiddush, & also between Rabbi Avraham Laber’s the concert and Selichot on Saturday night. honey will be sold separately).
The High Holiday season is upon us! CBAJ has a Motzai Shabbos Selichot and live concert beginning with a musical Havdalah at 8:45pm. Shomray Torah’s Midnight Selichot begin at 1:00am with learning and farbrengen leading up to it.
10am-3pm Kids Festival (bounces, crafts, balloons) plus a Book-Sale at the East Greenbush Library at 10 Community Way. If going to the Laber’s Honey Festival, this shouldn’t be too far away.
9/22: LAST CHANCE FOR READ TO 9/22: MENS/WOMENS SWIM AT JCC SUCCEED AT GREAT ESCAPE For those interested in separate swim times, the Albany JCC has these separate Sunday swim times scheduled: Mens Swim Sunday, 10am-10:30am; Womens Swim Sunday, 11am-11:30am. Speak to Rabbi Nachman Simon for more info.
9/22: ADK (HOT) BALLOON FEST Hot air balloon festival Thurs thru Sun, mostly at Floyd Bennet Field in Queensbury. The colorful huge balloons lift off very early in the morning, sometimes as many as 100 or more! weather permitting. Free Admission. Info? 518-222-4593
9/22: MADISON STREET FAIR Annual street fair on “Upper Madison” where it meets Western Ave. 12-5pm. activities, shows etc, right on the (closed) street!
HOLIDAY MONTH OF TISHREI MAIMONIDES SCHOOL SCHEDULE Sept 30-Oct 1—No School Rosh Hashanah Oct 2—Fast of Gedaliah, 9:30am Late Start Oct 8-9—No School Yom Kippur Oct 10—9:30am Late Start Oct 14-22—Sukkot Break, No School Oct 23—9:30am Late Start
Did your child earn “Read to Succeed” tickets to Great Escape (though Morah Dini) this year? Sunday the 22nd is your last chance to use them!
9/26: FALLBANY CRAFT MARKET Last of the Thursdays in Sept for this Arts & Craft artisans market 11:30am-2pm in Tricentennial Park on Broadway in downtown Albany (with the 3D city coat of arms by Hy Rosen and the Mayor Thomas Whalen bench & dog statue).
MAIMONIDES Jewish Family Services of NENY provides counseling and supportive services infused with Jewish values in familiar settings in the Jewish community. Our staff provides support, mostly in group settings, for children at Maimonides. They help students build self-esteem and learn tools needed to communicate with peers and adults. Teachers and parents have immediate access to our skilled, compassionate staff. Families, adults and seniors are encouraged to turn to us for guidance with difficult life transitions. Rabbis seek our counsel, and they refer congregants struggling with depression, anxiety, or loss. If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact JFS at 518-482-8856 or
APPLE PICKING PRIME SEASON Mid-September to early-mid October is the prime apple picking season. Many area orchards have U-Pick opportunities. Most websites list the varieties available depending on the time of the season along with the price per bag, pound or half-bushel. Some popular farms which also have animals or playgrounds for kids include Indian Ladder Farms, Bowman Orchards, or Love Apple Farms, with very good picking at places like Samascott, Altamont, and Goold Orchards, among many more local orchards! At Saratoga Apple you can pick apples in the shadow of the Saratoga (Revolutionary War) Monument. Many farms also have pumpkin picking patches this time of year. Kids love roasted pumpkin seeds! Call ahead to find out what’s available, cost & other questions.
ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S RIDDLE These (and other) acrostics are painted on the walls of the famous historic Altneu Shul in Prague, the Maharal’s synagogue (connected with his Chai Elul yartzeit). We did a whole bunch of Maharal learning and connections in school this week - see inside this newsletter. Answers to the riddle? These acrostics stand for famous phrases relating to davening and serving Hashem:
שייל"ת = שויתי ה' לנגדי תמיד סמו"ט = סור מרע ועשה טוב ימ“ה = (גדול העונה אמן) יותר מן המברך
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”