Maimonides Community

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BH. Tevet

13, 5780 / Jan 10, 2020


Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 4:23 Shabbat Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:28 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

ROSENBERG CONDOLENCES To Margie & Stan Rosenberg & family on the passing of her stepmother, Gerty Rene Graber.

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

FAREWELL AND WELCOME This week we appreciate and bid farewell (our 6th and 7th graders threw a very nice surprise farewell party) to Jessica Barenboim who was our English (ELA) teacher, and we welcome two new teachers: Vicky Tang who will teach Middle School English and Dr. Erika Muse who will teach High School English. Welcome!

You can sponsor an edition of this weekly MC Newsletter in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. Contact the school office 518-453-9363 or email

R’ ROTTENBERG AT S.O.T.S. Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg, Rabbi of the Monsey community where the attack took place on Chanukah (in his home, and his son was among the injured) was invited to give an invocation at Governor Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State this week in Albany.

ENJOY READING THE MC? Do you enjoy reading this MC Newsletter? Our kids do, as do many of our readers, both locally or out-of-town, whether they see it in hard-copy or via email or online. Please think of someone else who might enjoy getting it in their email inbox each week. They can sign up by emailing to be added to friends who get it each week!

YAHADUS/CHIDON TEST II PREP FOR PARSHA FAIR This week we conclude Breishis with Chazak. This is a Chumash that many of our students are learning now. Next Thursday we’re having a Breishis Chazak Parsha Fair, each Parsha presented by a different class/group. These 2nd graders are working on their booth’s sign. Morah Dini asks students to dress up as any character or thing in Chumash Breishis.

LA CASA DE MIS SUENOS “The House of My Dreams” HS Spanish students each made a design for the house of their dreams based off a rubric and did so in creative ways. Pictured above Rivka L. is presenting her Powerpoint presentation of her dream home in Spanish. On left is Bassie R.’s “prospectus” project.

Grades 4-7 took their 2nd of 3 Chidon tests this week. Depending on the MOSQUITOS & MALARIA grade it covered a series of 7th graders are learning about units in Yahadus Books 1 mosquitos in history class and their thru 5. No matter the grade role in spreading diseases like they learned a wealth of a malaria. That tied right into Ms. breadth of Jewish learning, Brown’s twin sister’s visit last week, as she is an subjects that most people aid worker in Africa working against malaria. don’t even know about!

THE MANY COLORS OF FIRE HS Chemistry dipped Q-tips in a variety of different compounds before gently lighting them on fire, and depending on the substance on the Q-tip got to see a wide varieties of colors in the fire! (Don’t try this at home).

WINTER ILLNESS Many kids have sniffles at school, some had strep, so we asked kids to come up with ideas of how to keep healthy in the winter months. Especially this week when Thursday went down to 12 degrees and Shabbos is expected to be near 60! Some student suggestions: Winter clothes! A good coat, warm tights or leggings for girls, waterproof boots for snow. Winter clothes pictured above are from the Kindergarten class learning Hebrew words for coat, hat, scarf, etc. The fresh air is good for us, but only when we’re properly dressed for it. Handwashing! Be sure to wash hands with soap when a lot of germs are flying around. It’s also good to occasionally wipe or spray down surfaces that a lot of people are using. Drink plenty fluids! People enjoy a hot tea with honey, but even plain water helps. Healthy Food! Fruits and veggies have good nutrients and vitamins that help our bodies build stronger immunity. A good night sleep! When you are tired it is harder for your body to fight off illness. So be sure to get enough sleep and be rested! Stay home when sick! If you feel sick, please stay home so we don’t get other kids sick at school. Feel better fast because we want you to come back to school!

BRING A TISSUE BOX Speaking of the sniffles, many of the tissue boxes brought to school at the start of the year have been used up. If your family hasn’t sent in tissues yet, please do so. Even if you have, try to remember to get an extra box while shopping and send it in for the class to use.

GERMS IN SCIENCE CLASS Speaking of winter illness, that ties right into 7th grade science this week about germs. That also ties into an interpretation of this week’s Daf Yomi (Talmud Brachos) “If G-d would let us see the “demons” we would not be able to handle it!” Rabbi Rubin quotes sources that “demons” here can refer to germs, bacteria and other microscopic particles not visible to the naked eye. For if we could see them visibly flying about… we’d go crazy!


One of the most iconic images of this week’s Parsha Vayechi is Jacob’s “switching hands” SEPARATING MIXTURES when blessing Mrs. Maher’s 3rd grade science class did a Menashe & Efraim. bunch of experiments this week: They mixed Almost every year water and salt and boiled the water until it our Nursery and/or evaporated and left - the salt. They mixed sand Kindergarten make with iron filings and then used magnets to try some type of hands-on (that was a pun) project and lift out the iron out of the sand. about this visual. High School discussed the appropriateness of this message (is it again about choosing favorites) for little kids and they also learned a deeper interpretation (one of Rabbi Rubin’s favorite Rebbe talks) about how Menashe and Efraim represent survival and thrival in exile, and how survival may come first, but the emphasis needs to be on how we can thrive even in challenging adverse situations!

IROQUIS AND ALOGONQUINS 4th grade is learning about some of the Native American tribes who lived in this area many years ago, and how they made the most of the natural resources available to them.

TWO LETTERS AND A VOWEL These Kindergarteners are learning how to read both Hebrew and English, slowly but surely - and nothing helps like more practice! Also be sure to point out words to your budding reader anywhere you go: easy words on road-signs, in the supermarket, help them build associations and practice their reading.

COLOR BY NUMBER MATH Ms. Coffey’s 5th grade math students were each tasked to make a color-by-number math sheet using 18 math questions whose solution are the color instructions. Then they’ll swap sheets to figure it out and color it in!

SURVEY RATIOS AND ADS 7th grade math each came up with a choice between two options or products to ask other classes. Would you rather a beach villa or a cozy cottage? Pizza or fries? English or history? And then they had to line up the results and show it using ratios. Then they each designed ads to promote each of the options.

MESSAGE VS THE MESSENGER HS Navi class is learning in Kings II about the siege against the Shomron during the time of King Yehoram who ignored the message wrongly blaming (messenger) prophet Elisha.

LEARNING A NIMUKEI YOSEF 7th grade Talmud learned a seemingly simple short piece of Talmud (Bava Kamma 32b) with 3 cases of inter-property damage that are all deemed responsible. But why do we need all 3 cases? The Talmud uses 2 pieces of logic to answer this, but once they did a chart of this, it was evident that the 3rd case could be a clear source for the other 2 cases! Rabbi Mendel came into class saying that he found the question in the Nimukei Yosef commentary printed in back of the Talmud, but didn’t understand the 5 word answer yet. So he explained the question, and while he did - the answer came to him! The kids thought he saw the answer written on the wall, but he explained how this illustrates the teaching from “Ranat” that explaining to others helps us understand things we couldn’t understand on our own.




HS is now learning the Golden Calf story in their in-depth Chumash class with Morah Leyee. They had a double-period (90 minutes) delving into various commentaries (Keli Yakar, Ohr HaChayim, Ibn Ezra, Baal HaTurim & others) discussing chronology of the story and how Jews stooped so low, so fast. And this commentary quest is just getting started!

The piece on page 1 about mosquitoes and malaria is part of what 7th grade history class learned with Ms. Ramsay about the 10-year construction of the Panama Canal and how tens of thousands of workers died from disease and other causes during the project.

Mrs. Mattice’s first and second graders have both been reading some Aesop’s classic fables including “The Mouse and the Lion”, “The Fox and the Grapes”, “The Crow and the Pitcher”. They are simple, cute & visual but also thought-provoking with life lessons. (Similar style fables are also found in the Talmud, Rabbi Meir especially known for his fables with lessons).

JACOB FIGHTING THE ANGEL Fourth grade Chumash class just learned the famous story of Jacob’s struggle with the angel before he met Eisav. They also learned a life lesson on how we each have to battle and struggle with our negative inclination inside us to make good choices and do the right thing! The student reporter on this story was excited that this story would get the “Maimonides Middos” icon…


START OF DAVID’S REIGN 7th grade Navi class with Morah Rochel are learning Samuel II about David’s lament after the deaths of King Saul and his son (David’s friend) Jonathan, then the start of his reign as king and his Davidic dynasty that followed.


6th and 7th Chumash with Morah Rochel HS learned about the complex balance and were discussing this week about Pharaoh’s juxtaposition of the opposing viewpoints of constant change of mind and how Joseph & his brothers after Jacob's passing in we’d view that with people we know or Vayechi 50:17 vs 50:20 and their profundity work with and how that affects things. CHUMASH BREISHIS IN REVIEW both philosophically & emotionally, especially Morah Devorah’s Kitah Alef & Bet illustrated DRESS UP FOR THURSDAY posters with squares representing key elements as both are valid from their viewpoint. And how it may even be possible to see it both ways Thursday is our Chazak Breishis Carnival and of each Parsha in Chumash Breishit. at the same time even within ourselves! in addition to classes working on their booths Morah Dini is asking that individual students ALGEBRA II MIDTERM come creatively dressed up as a character or Algebra II students had a midterm covering all object from anywhere in Sefer Breishis. You the math units they learned this year. could be a star from Yosef’s dream, Noah or an animal from his ark, you could even dress as Eisav or Pharaoh or what Yaakov sold Eisav.



High School history is now back in 1846.

In connection with the Fast of the Tenth of Tevet this week (which commemorates the siege around of the ancient walls of Jerusalem) Nursery students colored pictures of the Kotel and talking about acts of kindness and love that can rebuild the Temple.

Mrs. Mattice’s first graders wrote a short story about a fox & made the fox drawing above it.

FOURTH FINISHED HAMAFKID The boys and girls of Rabbi Shmuly’s 4th grade finished the whole chapter of Hamafkid in Mishna tractate Bava Metziah including each of them making their own powerpoint slides with Hebrew text, their own translation and creative illustration - sometimes even animation for each Mishna! It’s an important Talmud chapter that discusses various levels of responsibility for entrusted objects or animals and the level of care required. It’s quite the accomplishment!

LAMED IN KINDERGARTEN They’re posing with their chart of Hebrew words that begin with the letter Lamed.

WINTER SCENES & SENTENCES Morah Devorah’s 2nd graders learned a series of Hebrew winter-themed sentences and they drew winter scenes with white on dark blue paper tagged with Hebrew terms.

LOOKING FOR W.O.W. GUESTS We’re always looking for interesting guests to share a hobby, expertise, or experience with our students. WOW stands for Wide Open Windows as we envision our school to be!


at Maimonides and in the Community 1/10-11: VAYECHI - CHAZAK

is super interesting, join the group study when you can!


This week we complete the whole book of Breishis - Rambam’s Yartzeit is (on Friday) Tevet 20. Come Genesis declaring Chazak at the end of the reading. to an informal Sat Nite Melava Malka 7:30pm at the school celebrating our school’s namesake’s teachings. All are welcome! 1/10-12: WOMENS SHABBAT A very nice diverse group of local Jewish women 1/20: ALBANY INSTITUTE FREE will be away this weekend at a Womens Shabbat Retreat at the historic Gideon Putnam Resort in For Martin Luther King Day 10am-5pm. The Joan the heart of Saratoga Spa State Park for an Steiner Look Alike Exhibits (which kids enjoy) are inspiring, relaxing, and invigorating Shabbat back at the museum through Feb 23rd. weekend together with local Jewish women.

1/11: RABBI REISMAN SAT NITE Rabbi Reisman’s Navi Shiur is screened live from Brooklyn now at 7:30pm on Sat Nights at CBAJ.

1/12: SPECIAL SUNDAY STUDY The usual Sunday Chassidus Shiur after Mincha/ Maariv at Shomray Torah is changing up its format for the next few weeks. Instead of a shiur there will be Chavrusa or individual study as part of a global effort to collectively study all of the Rebbe’s printed Torah before the 10th of Shevat. Albany will do 32 units of study from the year of 5715 (or 1954-55) and there will be a studyhall for this (or any other Torah study of your choice) the few Sundays, late afternoon/early evening after Mincha/Maariv.

1/22: KOSHER DINING REOPENS Kosher Dining on UAlbany’s Indian Quad (under Vaad supervision) reopens for the semester and the community is welcome for lunch or dinner. Communal participation is helpful for the continuation of this important service.

1/23: FRIENDSHIP NIGHT OUT An enjoyable night out (with art, auction, dinner, drinks and entertainment) at Glennpeters Jewelers to benefit the Friendship Circle. 5:30-7:30pm. $25pp, drinks sold separately. All of the art pieces sold were made by Friendship Circle participants. There will be a caricature artist, opportunity to make your own perfume, and win amazing prizes! For more info contact Chaya: (518) 488-8992


HAVE YOU SEEN OUR VIDEO “SCHOOL-SHOES” YET? Maimonides entered Charidy’s “Ducks in a Row” fundraising contest. We were a finalist but didn’t win one of the top 3 slots. Part of the requirement was to create a creative video - which we did (thanks Chani Rubin) titled “School Shoes - A Metaphor”. See if you can find all the analogies and puns! You can see and share it on YouTube:

Does your family enjoy watching winter sports? The Empire State Winter Games is held up in the book “The Untold Story of America’s Efforts to Adirondacks. See full info, schedule and costs at: Save Jews of Europe” 6pm at Ohav Shalom at Jewish Federation Joint Society program. All are Info/Cost/RSVP: see 1/12: MONSTER (TRUCK) JAM 1/31-2/9: SARANAC LAKE WINTER welcome. or call the Federation at: 518-783-7800. This may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but some are The Saranac Lake Winter Carnival dating back to into this kind of thing, watching hyped-up pickup 1897! (about 2.5 hours north of Albany) features trucks compete inside the Times-Union Center. winter games & activities & walk-in ice-castle! More 2/10: TU BISHVAT BREAKFAST 1pm. Tickets start at around $20 each. details and info at: Kids look forward to this special breakfast of fruity cereals, fresh and dried fruits every year! Parents: If there are any tree nut allergies, please let the school 1/12: THE HYDE - A FREE SUNDAY 2/1: PIZZA NITE IV know ahead of time. The Hyde Collection (with art dating back to the The first of February will be the 4th Pizza Night of Middle Ages) is free on the 2nd Sunday of the the season. Sat Night at Maimonides. 2/13-17: FEBRUARY BREAK month. Also a 1-3pm Art Lab for kids. No school Thursday through Monday.



Timely for the Siyum HaShas and all the buzz CBAJ is starting a Hava Nagilah womens dancercize around Daf Yomi, CBAJ Book Club is reading this on Tuesdays at 10:30am. Register online or call excellent memoir by Ilana Kurshan which creatively 518-489-5818x3. weaves Talmud tractates and teachings through the events of her own life. The read is on now, they 1/16: BREISHIS CHAZAK FAIR meet on Feb 4th to discuss. It’s back! Classes are working on their activity booths and signs, each relating to a different Torah 2/9: J-FED: HOLOCAUST EFFORT portion. In addition to class booths, Morah Dini Rebecca Erbelding (archivist, curator, and historian asks all students to dress up as a unique character at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, or thing from anywhere in Chumash Breishis. with a PhD in American history) will speak on her

ORDER “THE TORAH-TIMES” This is the best season for it… Breishis & Shmos! (printed, bound and shipped via Amazon).

AT THE KOSHER STORE Stop in to shop at the Colonie Kosher Price Chopper or call 518-456-2970 x8 to make a special order or find out about prepared meals.

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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